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The distribution of radioactivity in Chlorella during dark 14CO2fixation was investigated either (a) in normal cells with andwithout added ammonium chloride, or (b) in nitrogen-starvedcells supplied with intermediates of the Krebs-Henseleit ureacycle. In the control experiments almost all the activity was presentin compounds of or associated with, the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The amino-acids citrulline and arginine became radioactive onlyin the presence of ammonia or ornithine where initially theycomprised 40–60 per cent. of the total activity, reactionsof the Krebs–Henseleit urea cycle being implicated intheir formation. No evidence could be found for a complete ureacycle. Unidentified compounds deriving their radioactivity fromthe C4 carbon of citrulline and/or arginine were detected andformed up to 40 per cent. of the total 14CO2 incorporated after25 min.  相似文献   

Citrulline has been isolated and identified from extracts ofNostoc muscorum. All members of the Cyanophyceae hitherto investigatedshow a relatively large amount of the CO2 fixed during photosynthesisin citrulline (ranging as high as 20 per cent. in Nostoc) whencompared to the trace amounts found in the Chlorophyceae. Nostocalso has the ability to fix C14 in citrulline during dark fixation,but at a rate slower than in light. As no free urea or arginine was found in Nostoc, it is likelythat citrulline is functioning in reactions other than thoseleading to arginine and urea synthesis. Other possible functions for citrulline are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The paralytic shellfish poison prducing dinoflagellate Gymnodiniuncatemrum was subjected to changes in salinity, phosphate, ammoniumand nitrate using continuous culture and batch culture methods.In contrast with other algae, this species showed very slowchanges in the concentration of intracellular amino acids, inthe Gln:Glu ratio, and, in contrast with Alrsandnum spp., onlyslow changes in toxin content, during such events as N-feedingof Ndeprived cells or during nutrient deprivation. This organismwas found to be very susceptible to disturbance; maximum growthrates around 0.25–0.3 day–1 with a minimum C:N massratio of 5.5, were attained when cultures were only disturbedby sampling once a day. P-deprived cells were larger (twicethe usual C content of 4 ng C cell–1 and volume of 20pl). The content of free amino acids was always low (5% of cell-N),with low contributions made by arginine (the precursor for paralyticshellfish toxins). Cells growing using ammonium had the lowestC:N ratios and the highest proportion of intracellular aminoacids as arginine. The toxin profile (equal mole ratios of dcSTX,GTX5, dcGT2/3 C1 and C2, and half those values for C3 and C4)was stable and the toxin concentration varied between 0.2 and1 mM STX equivalents (highest when ammonium was not limiting,lowest in P-deprived cells, though as the latter were largertoxin per cell was not so variable). Decreased salinity didnot result in increases in toxin content. Significant amountsof amino acids (mainly serine and glycine, with a total oftenexceeding 4 µM) accumulated in the growth medium duringbatch growth even though the cultures were not bacteria free. 4Present address: Instituto Español de Oceanografia,Apdo 1552, 36280, Vigo, Spain  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide enhanced chloroplast regeneration in glucose-bleachedcells of Chlorella protothecoides in the presence of CMU inthe light. Both the formation of chlorophyll and the synthesesof RNA and protein were considerably enhanced. The CO2 metabolism of algal cells during greening was investigatedusing 14C-bicarbonate as the tracer. Radiocarbon was largelyincorporated into purine and pyrimidine bases in nucleic acidand the arginine in protein, specifically at the crabon atomsderived from carbamylphosphate. 1Part of this investigation was reported at the conference onthe "Autonomy and biogenesis of mitochondria and chloroplasts"held at Canberra in 1969 (4). (Received August 19, 1975; )  相似文献   

Incorporation of L-arginine-U-14C, fed to leaf disks of tobaccoplants, into putrescine decreased about 70% in the presenceof agmatine, but that of L-ornithine-U-14C decreased only slightly.These results indicate that putrescine is synthesized from argininevia agmatine, but is also synthesized from ornithine withoutpassing through arginine and agmatine. (Received April 23, 1969; )  相似文献   

In Dunaliella tertiolecta, D. bioculata and D. viridis the activitiesof phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and carbonic anhydrase werehigher in the cells grown in ordinary air (low-CO2 cells) thanin those grown in air enriched with 1–5% CO2 (high-CO2cells), whereas in Porphyridium cruentum R-1 there was no differencein phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity between these twotypes of cells. Apparent Km(NaHCO3) values for photosynthesisin low-CO2 cells of all species tested were smaller than thosein high-CO2 cells. Most of the 14C was incorporated into 3-phosphoglycerate,sugar mono- and di-phosphates during the initial periods ofphotosynthetic NaH14CO3 indicating that both types of cellsin D. tertiolecta are C3 plants. (Received May 27, 1985; Accepted June 25, 1985)  相似文献   

To test thehypothesis that intracellular Ca2+activation of large-conductanceCa2+-activatedK+ (BK) channels involves thecytosolic form of phospholipase A2 (cPLA2), we first inhibited theexpression of cPLA2 by treating GH3 cells with antisenseoligonucleotides directed at the two possible translation start siteson cPLA2. Western blot analysis and a biochemical assay of cPLA2activity showed marked inhibition of the expression ofcPLA2 in antisense-treated cells.We then examined the effects of intracellularCa2+ concentration([Ca2+]i)on single BK channels from these cells. Open channel probability (Po) for thecells exposed to cPLA2 antisenseoligonucleotides in 0.1 µM intracellularCa2+ was significantly lower thanin untreated or sense oligonucleotide-treated cells, but the voltagesensitivity did not change (measured as the slope of thePo-voltagerelationship). In fact, a 1,000-fold increase in[Ca2+]ifrom 0.1 to 100 µM did not significantly increasePoin these cells, whereas BK channels from cells in the other treatmentgroups showed a normalPo-[Ca2+]iresponse. Finally, we examined the effect of exogenous arachidonic acidon thePoof BK channels from antisense-treated cells. Although arachidonic aciddid significantly increasePo,it did so without restoring the[Ca2+]isensitivity observed in untreated cells. We conclude that although [Ca2+]idoes impart some basal activity to BK channels inGH3 cells, the steepPo-[Ca2+]irelationship that is characteristic of these channels involves cPLA2.


Decrease in extracellular osmolarity ([Os]e) results in stimulation of hormone secretion from pituitary cells. Different mechanisms can account for this stimulation of hormone secretion. In this study we examined the possibility that hyposmolarity directly modulates voltage-gated calcium influx in pituitary cells. The effects of hyposmolarity on L-type (IL) and T-type (IT) calcium currents in pituitary cells were investigated by using two hyposmotic stimuli, moderate (18-22% decrease in [Os]e) and strong (31-32% decrease in [Os]e). Exposure to moderate hyposmotic stimuli resulted in three response types in IL (a decrease, a biphasic effect, and an increase in IL) and in increase in IT. Exposure to strong hyposmotic stimuli resulted only in increases in both IL and IT. Similarly, in intact pituitary cells (perforated patch method), exposure to either moderate or strong hyposmotic stimuli resulted only in increases in both IL and IT. Thus it appears that the main effect of decrease in [Os]e is increase in calcium channel currents. This increase was differential (IL were more sensitive than IT) and voltage independent. In addition, we show that these hyposmotic effects cannot be explained by activation of an anionic conductance or by an increase in cell membrane surface area. In conclusion, this study shows that hyposmotic swelling of pituitary cells can directly modulate voltage-gated calcium influx. This hyposmotic modulation of IL and IT may contribute to the previously reported hyposmotic stimulation of hormone secretion. The mechanisms underlying these hyposmotic effects and their possible physiological relevance are discussed. L-type channels; mechanosensitivity; somatotrophs; lactotrophs  相似文献   

Cytochrome composition of the cyanobacterial photosyntheticsystem was studied with Anacystis nidulans (Tx 20) in relationto the chromatic regulation of photosystem composition. Comparisonof cytochrome compositions in cells with a high PS I/II ratio(3.0, grown under weak orange light) and with a low ratio (1.6,grown under weak red light) indicated that cytochrome compositionwas also changed in the chromatic regulation of photosystemcomposition. Two types of cytochrome change were observed: 1)contents of cytochromes C553 and c548 were changed in parallelwith the changes in PS I content, and 2) cytochrome b553 andcytochrome b6-f complex were held at a constant molar ratioto PS II. The molar ratio, PS II : cytochrome b559 : cytochromeb6-f complex : cytochrome c553 : PS I : cytochrome C548, inthe red-grown cells was 1 : 2.5 : 1.3 : 0.17 : 1.6 : 0.67, andthe ratio in the orange-grown cells, 1:2.4:0.9:0.32:3.0:1.2.In both types of cells, almost all cytochrome f in the cytochromeb6-f complex was rapidly oxidized after multiple flash activation,indicating that all cytochrome b6-f complexes in cells of bothtypes are functionally connected to PS I, even when the molarratio to PS I is largely changed. The content of cytochromeC553 was at most 0.14 of PS I, suggesting that the cytochrometurns over several times per one turnover of PS I. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University, Fukazawa 2-1-1, Setagaya, Tokyo158, Japan. (Received January 20, 1986; Accepted March 17, 1986)  相似文献   

Levels of the activities of glutamine-dependent carbamylphosphatesynthetase, ornithine-and aspartate-transcabamylase and phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase were followed in greening cells of Chlorella prolothecoides.Among the enzymes examined the activity of carbamylphosphatesynthetase was extremely low, especially at the early phaseof greening. Arginine (but not ornithine or aspartate), when administeredto algal cells at the 24th hour of greening, stimulated thesyntheses of RNA, protein and chlorophyll in the subsequentperiod. It also affected the metabolic pathway of the 14CO2supplied simultaneously with arginine in the presence of CMU.Arginine produced a decreased incorporation of 14C into proteinand an increased incorporation into nucleic acid. The mechanismof the action of CO2 on chloroplast regeneration is discussed.We concluded that chloroplast regeneration in glucose-bleachedcells is limited by the synthesis of carbamylphosphate, especiallyin the early phase of greening. (Received August 19, 1975; )  相似文献   

Transfer of algal cells of Chlorella regularis from 3% CO2 inair into ordinary air in the light increased external carbonicanhydrase (CA) activity as well as photosynthetic affinity forCO2 by several-fold within 2 h. Since no noticeable differencewas observed in CA activity between intact cells and cell homogenates,CA seemed to be mainly localized on the cell surface. Changesin CA activity and K?(CO2) of photosynthesis were not observedin the dark. CA induction was 50%-inhibited by incubation with10 µM DCMU during adaptation of high-CO2 cells to air,whereas it was considerably suppressed when high-CO2 cells preincubatedwith DCMU in the light for 6 h or without DCMU in the dark for24 h were used. The change in K?(CO2) of photosynthesis wasonly slightly affected by DCMU. Uncoupler like carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenyl-hydrazone(CCCP) and inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration (KCN plussalicylhydroxamic acid) suppressed CA induction during adaptationof high-CO2 cells to low CO2 conditions. These results suggest that photosynthesis is not essential forCA induction in Chlorella regularis when some amounts of photosyntheticproducts are previously stored in the cells and respirationis active. A decrease in K?(CO2) of photosynthesis during adaptationfrom high to low CO2 was mostly independent on photosynthesis.However, light is essential for both phenomena. (Received July 16, 1990; Accepted January 21, 1991)  相似文献   

When air-grown cells of Chlorococcum littorale was enrichedwith CO2, growth was enhanced after a lag period of one to twodays at 20% CO2, and 3 to 6 days at 40% CO2. Changes in therate of photosynthesis measured as oxygen evolution and CO2fixation, were similar to those observed for growth. Duringthe initial inhibition of photosynthesis in 40% CO2, the activityof PSII was suppressed. In contrast, PSI activity was greatlyenhanced. Air-grown cells of C. littorale possessed comparatively highcarbonic anhydrase (CA) activity which was localized insidethe cells and on the cell surface. Under high CO2 concentrationsextracellular CA activity was greatly suppressed and intracellularactivity almost completely abolished. Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylaseactivity was also suppressed in high CO2-grown cells. Ribulose-l,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase activity was higher in high-CO2 grown cells thanin air-grown cells. The above results indicated that the lagphase induced by 40% CO2 was due to suppression of PSII activity. 1Part of this work was reported in the International PhotosynthesisCongress, Nagoya, 1992.  相似文献   

The ratio of the extracellular to the intracellular activityof carbonic anhydrase (CA) in cells of Chlorella ellipsoideaC-27, adapted to low levels of CO2 for 24 h (low-CO2 cells),was about one to one. Treatment of intact cells with PronaseP inactivated about one-half of the extracellular CA activitywithout affecting photosynthetic activity. The CA activity incell homogenates and in cell-wall ghosts liberated during celldivision was completely inactivated by the same treatment. Pretreatmentwith Glycosidase mix, Chitosanase and Macerozyme enhanced theinactivation of the CA activity in intact cells. These resultssuggest that extracellular CA is evenly distributed throughoutthe whole cell-wall region. The apparent K1/2 for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in low-CO2cells doubled when extracellular CA was inactivated by treatmentwith Pronase P, but the K1/2 obtained was still one-half ofthat in high-CO2 cells. Photosynthetic 14CO2-fixation in low-CO2cells was enhanced by acetazolamide, whereas H14CO3-fixationwas suppressed. The results suggest that CO2 is a dominant substrateutilized by cells and that HCO3 is utilized after conversionto CO2. The present results show that both intracellular andextracellular CA contribute to the increase in affinity forDIC during photosynthesis in low-CO2 cells of Chlorella ellipsoideaC-27. (Received May 7, 1990; Accepted July 18, 1990)  相似文献   

The Transport of Potassium to the Xylem Exudate of Ryegrass: II. EXUDATION   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The membrane potentials of ryegrass root cells (Ev0) were foundto be linearly related to the logarithm of the external KClconcentration ([KCl]o), over the range 0.1 to 20.0 mM. Exudationwas studied over the same concentration range. The concentrationof potassium in the exudate did not vary significantly with[KCl]0 but the rates of movement of water and potassium to theexudate (fH2O and fK respectively) and the electrical potentialand electrochemical potential for potassium in the exudate (Exoand x0,K respectively) all tended to decreaseas [KCl]0 increased. There was a very highly significant correlationbetween fK and fH2O. By rapidly increasing [KCl]E0 and following the depolarization,two components of Ex0 were observed. The first of these wasinstantaneous and was attributed to Ev0 of the epidermal cells.The second component, a gradual repolarisation which commencedabout 9 min later, was attributed to Ev0 of the stelar cells.With an additional contribution from electro-osmosis, thesetwo components quantitatively account for Ex0. The implications of these data for the mechanism of radial iontransport in roots are discussed and it is concluded that thestelar cells are not exclusively specialized for transportingpotassium into the xylem vessels.  相似文献   

Salsola arbusculiformis is identified as a C3–C4intermediatespecies based on anatomical, biochemical and physiological characteristics.This is the first report of a naturally occurring intermediatespecies in the Chenopodiaceae, the family with the largest numberof C4species amongst the dicots. In the genus Salsola, mostspecies have Salsoloid anatomy with Kranz type bundle sheathcells and C4photosynthesis, while a few species have Sympegmoidanatomy and were found to have non-Kranz type bundle sheathcells and C3photosynthesis. In the cylindrical leaves of C4Salsolawith Salsoloid type anatomy, there is a continuous layer ofdistinct, chlorenchymatous Kranz type bundle sheath cells surroundedby a single layer of mesophyll cells; whereas species with Sympegmoidtype anatomy have an indistinct bundle sheath with few chloroplastsand multiple layers of chlorenchymatous mesophyll cells. However,S. arbusculiformis has intermediate anatomical features. Whileit has two-to-three layers of mesophyll cells, characteristicof Sympegmoid anatomy, it has distinctive, Kranz-like bundlesheath cells with numerous chloroplasts and mitochondria. Measurementsof its CO2compensation point and CO2response of photosynthesisshow S. arbusculiformis functions as an intermediate specieswith reduced levels of photorespiration. The primary means ofreducing photorespiration is suggested to be by refixing photorespiredCO2in bundle sheath cells, since analysis of photosyntheticenzymes (activity and immunolocalization) and14CO2labellingof initial fixation products suggests minimal operation of aC4cycle. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Immunolocalization, photosynthetic enzymes, C3–C4intermediate, C4-plants, leaf anatomy, Chenopodiaceae, Salsola arbusculiformis  相似文献   

NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase(PCK) are specifically expressed in bundle sheath cells (BSCs)in NADP-ME-type and PCK-type C4 plants, respectively. Unlikethe high activities of these enzymes in the green leaves ofC4 plants, their low activities have been detected in the leavesof C3 plants. In order to elucidate the differences in the geneexpression system between C3 and C4 plants, we have producedchimeric constructs with the ß-glucuronidase (GUS)reporter gene under the control of the maize NADP-Me (ZmMe)or Zoysia japonica Pck (ZjPck) promoter and introduced theseconstructs into rice. In leaves of transgenic rice, the ZmMepromoter directed GUS expression not only in mesophyll cells(MCs) but also in BSCs and vascular cells, whereas the ZjPckpromoter directed GUS expression only in BSCs and vascular cells.Neither the ZjPck nor ZmMe promoters induced GUS expressiondue to light. In rice leaves, the endogenous NADP-Me (OsMe1)was expressed in MCs, BSCs and vascular cells, whereas the ricePck (OsPck1) was expressed only in BSCs and vascular cells.Taken together, the results obtained from transgenic rice demonstratethat the expression pattern of ZmMe or ZjPck in transgenic ricewas reflected by that of its counterpart gene in rice. (Received August 8, 2004; Accepted February 20, 2005 )  相似文献   

The metabolism of GA12 and its precursors was investigated incultured cells of seven cell lines of Nicotiana tabacum andthree cell lines of Catharanthus roseus using l4C-labeled substrates.The presence of a metabolic pathway from ent-7-hydroxykaurenoicacid to GA53 via GA12-aldehyde and GA12 was demonstrated inthe cultured cells. GA12 was effectively converted to GA53 incells of BY-2, 2b-4, 2b-13 and CG from N. tabacum. By contrast,GA53 was not converted to any other GAs in all of the linesof cells examined. The metabolism of C19-GAs was also examinedusing 3H-labeled substrates. The conversion of GA20 to GA29and GA, and of GA4 to GA34 occurred more efficiently in cellsfrom C. roseus than in cells from N. tabacum. However, 13-hydroxylationof GA4 and GA9 was not observed in any of the cell culturesexamined. Among the various metabolites, GA53, GA29 and GA34were identified by full-scan GC/MS. (Received December 20, 1990; Accepted May 27, 1991)  相似文献   

Resistance of Photosynthesis to Hydrogen Peroxide in Algae   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The effects of H2O2 on the photosynthetic fixation of CO2 andon thiol-modulated enzymes involved in the photosynthetic reductionof carbon in algae were studied in a comparison with those inchloroplasts isolated from spinach leaves. In both systems,H2O2-scavenging enzymes were inhibited by addition of 0.1 mMNaN3 1 h prior to the addition of H2O2. A concentration (10-4M) of H2O2 caused strong inhibition of the CO2 fixation by intactspinach chloroplasts, as observed by Kaiser [(1976) Biochim.Biophys. Acta 440: 476], but not that by Euglena and Chlamydomonascells. The same results were also obtained with cells of thecyanobacteria Synechococcus PCC 7942 and Synechocystis PCC 6803in the presence of 1 mM hydroxylamine. These results indicatethat algal photosynthesis is rather resistant to H2O2. The insusceptibilityto H2O2 of thiolmodulated enzymes, namely, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase,NADP-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and ribulose-5-phosphatekinase, was also observed in the chloroplasts of Euglena andChlamydomonas and in cyanobacterial cells. It seems likely thatthe resistance of photosynthesis to H2O2 is due in part to theinsusceptibility of the algal thiol-modulated enzymes to H2O2. (Received April 22, 1995; Accepted June 29, 1995)  相似文献   

We created a single-compartment computer model of a CO2 chemosensory neuron using differential equations adapted from the Hodgkin-Huxley model and measurements of currents in CO2 chemosensory neurons from Helix aspersa. We incorporated into the model two inward currents, a sodium current and a calcium current, three outward potassium currents, an A-type current (IKA), a delayed rectifier current (IKDR), a calcium-activated potassium current (IKCa), and a proton conductance found in invertebrate cells. All of the potassium channels were inhibited by reduced pH. We also included the pH regulatory process to mimic the effect of the sodium-hydrogen exchanger (NHE) described in these cells during hypercapnic stimulation. The model displayed chemosensory behavior (increased spike frequency during acid stimulation), and all three potassium channels participated in the chemosensory response and shaped the temporal characteristics of the response to acid stimulation. pH-dependent inhibition of IKA initiated the response to CO2, but hypercapnic inhibition of IKDR and IKCa affected the duration of the excitatory response to hypercapnia. The presence or absence of NHE activity altered the chemosensory response over time and demonstrated the inadvisability of effective intracellular pH (pHi) regulation in cells designed to act as chemostats for acid-base regulation. The results of the model indicate that multiple channels contribute to CO2 chemosensitivity, but the primary sensor is probably IKA. pHi may be a sufficient chemosensory stimulus, but it may not be a necessary stimulus: either pHi or extracellular pH can be an effective stimuli if chemosensory neurons express appropriate pH-sensitive channels. The lack of pHi regulation is a key feature determining the neuronal activity of chemosensory cells over time, and the balanced lack of pHi regulation during hypercapnia probably depends on intracellular activation of pHi regulation but extracellular inhibition of pHi regulation. These general principles are applicable to all CO2 chemosensory cells in vertebrate and invertebrate neurons. hypercapnia; potassium channels; computer modeling; central chemoreceptors  相似文献   

The affinity for NaHCO3 (CO2) in photosynthesis of Anabaenavariabilis ATCC 29413 was much higher in the cells grown underordinary air (low-CO2 cells) than in those grown in air enrichedwith 2–4% CO2 (high-CO2 cells) (pH 8.0, 25?C). Ethoxyzolamide(50 µM) increased the Km(NaHCO3 in low-CO2 cells aboutnine times (from 14.3 to 125), while the maximum rate of photosynthesisdecreased about 20%. When high-CO2 cells were transferred tolow-CO2 conditions, carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity increased,while Km(NaHCO3) in photosynthesis decreased from 140 to 30µM within about 5 h. The addition of CA to the suspensionof both high- and low-CO2 cells enhanced the rates of photosyntheticO2 evolution under CO2-limiting conditions. The rate of 14CO2fixation was much faster than that of H14CO3 fixation.The former reaction was greatly suppressed, while the latterwas enhanced by the addition of CA. These results indicate thatthe active species of inorganic carbon utilized for photosynthesiswas free CO2 irrespective of the CO2 concentration given duringgrowth. It is suggested that CA plays an active role in increasingthe affinity for CO2 in photosynthesis of low-CO2 cells of thisblue-green alga. (Received January 24, 1984; Accepted October 22, 1984)  相似文献   

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