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A morphological and anatomical study of the root systems of the palm species Brahea armata S. Watson, Chamaerops humilis L., Phoenix canariensis Chabaud and Phoenix dactylifera L. has been carried out to determine possible mycorrhizal colonization sites. Furthermore, the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) anatomical types formed by the four palm species in association with Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerdemann & Trappe have been examined. The presence of a continuous sclerenchymatic ring in the outer cortex and aerenchyma in the inner cortex that are anatomical indicators of mycorrhizal nonsusceptibility in all four palm species is observed. The root systems of B. armata and C. humilis present only one group of third-order roots, while the third-order roots of P. canariensis and P. dactylifera may be divided into five different groups: short thick roots, mycorrhizal thickened roots, fine short roots, fine long roots, and pneumatorhizas. Third-order and some second-order roots of B. armata and C. humilis are susceptible to colonization by AM fungi, while only the mycorrhizal thickened roots form mycorrhizas with arbuscules in the Phoenix species. The root system of the Phoenix species also presents AM colonization in fine roots with only intraradical hyphae and spores, but without arbuscules, and pseudomantles of spores anchored in the pneumatorings of the second-order roots, which are described for the first time. The mycorrhizas formed by the four palm species are of an intermediate type, between the Arum and the Paris types, and are characterized by intercalary arbusculate coils and not only by intracellular but also by intercellular fungal growth. Our study suggests that a different degree of adaptation may exist among palm mycorrhizas toward the slow growth of palms and low spore numbers in the soil where they grow.  相似文献   

Gut microbiota of four economically important Asian carp species(silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix; bighead carp,Hypophthalmichthys nobilis; grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella; common carp, Cyprinus carpio) were compared using 16 S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. Analysis of more than 590,000 quality-filtered sequences obtained from the foregut, midgut and hindgut of these four carp species revealed high microbial diversity among the samples. The foregut samples of grass carp exhibited more than 1,600 operational taxonomy units(OTUs) and the highest alpha-diversity index, followed by the silver carp foregut and midgut. Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Fusobacteria were the predominant phyla regardless of fish species or gut type. Pairwise(weighted) UniFrac distance-based permutational multivariate analysis of variance with fish species as a factor produced significant association(P0.01). The gut microbiotas of all four carp species harbored saccharolytic or proteolytic microbes, likely in response to the differences in their feeding habits. In addition, extensive variations were also observed even within the same fish species. Our results indicate that the gut microbiotas of Asian carp depend on the exact species, even when the different species were cohabiting in the same environment. This study provides some new insights into developing commercial fish feeds and improving existing aquaculture strategies.  相似文献   

Summary Observations on the ecology of four ant species in the Solomon Islands are described. The ants are the native speciesOecophylla smaragdina, andIridomyrmex cordatus, andAnoplolepis longipes andPheidole megacephala which are introduced. Brief accounts are given of each species' colony structure, nest sites, habitats and enemies. All species have a wide food range but the main sources are honeydew obtained from Homoptera and prey. Honeydew is most important as a component of the diet of the native ant species which show close relationships with endemic and native Homoptera. The two introduced ants depend to a greater extent on predation and this situation is contrasted with that in their source region, Africa. The topics covered in an investigation of the four species' water and temperature relations were resistance to desiccation, the relation between temperature and speed of movement of foraging workers and temperature and humidity preferences.Oecophylla smaragdina is tolerant of variation in both factors,P. megacephala is best suited to a relatively low temperature range andA. longipes to a high one, although susceptible to desiccation. These differences are realised in the species daily foraging times;O. smaragdina is diurnal,P. megacephala andI. cordatus are nocturnal andA. longipes is crepuscular with activity usually limited in the day by low humidity and at night by low temperature. It is concluded that the native species are best adapted to Solomon Islands conditions in terms of food supply and the physical, climatic environment.
Résumé On décrit des observations sur l'écologie de quatre espéces de fourmis aux îles Salomon. Il s'agit des fourmis des espèces indigènes d'Oecophylla smaragdina etIridomyrmex cordatus, et des espèces introduites d'Anoplolepis longipes etPheidole megacephala. L'auteur donne de brefs exposés sur la structure de colonie, sur le terrain de nid, sur l'habitat et sur les ennemis de chaque espèce. Toutes les espèces disposent d'une vaste étendue de nourriture, mais les sources principales en sont les miellats, retirés des Homoptera, et la proie. Le miellat est très important comme partie constituante de la nourriture des espèces de fourmis indigènes, qui montrent des rapports très proches avec les Homoptera endémiques et indigènes. Les deux espèces de fourmis introduites dépendent plutôt de la prédation, tandis qu'en Afrique, leur région d'origine, c'est le contraire. Dans un examen des quatre espèces, on a traité des sujets suivants: la résistance au dessèchement, la relation entre la température et la vitesse de mouvement des butineuses, et les préférences de température et d'humidité.Oecophylla smaragdina supporte bien la variation des deux facteurs,P. megacephala est adaptée le mieux aux températures relativement basses, tandis queA. longipes s'adapte le mieux à une température élevée, bien qu'elle soit prédisposée au dessèchement. C'est en observant les heures de la journée où les espèces butinent qu'on se rend compte de ces différence:O. smaragdina est diurne,P. megacephala etI. cordatus sont nocturnes.A. longipes est crépusculaire, et habituellement limite son activité diurne pendant les périodes de basse humidité, et son activité nocturne pendant les périodes de basse température. L'auteur a conclu que les espèces indigènes s'adaptent mieux aux conditions des îles Salomon en ce qui concerne la distribution de nourriture et l'entourage physique et climatique.

The mandibular glands of the two species of ant, Myrmica ruginodis and Myrmica sabuleti contain a similar mixture of compounds, but the proportions are different. M. sabuleti produces ethanol, propanone, methylpropanal, 3-hexanone, 3-hexanol, 3-heptanone, 3-heptanol, 3-octanone, 3-octanol, 6-methyl-3-octanone, 6-methyl-3-octanol and 3-decanone. With the exception of 3-decanone these compounds were also found in M. ruginodis. These compounds were also found in M. rubra and M. scabrinodis.In both species now studied, the mandibular gland contents attract the workers and cause a large increase in their linear speed. In M. sabuleti these behavioural activities are due to 3-octanone and 3-octanol: the attraction of these two compounds in a synthetic mixture is exactly like that of an isolated mandibular gland; the compounds act in synergy to cause an increase in the ants' linear speed. Workers of M. ruginodis specifically respond to a mixture of ethanol, 3-octanone and 3-octanol: the alcohol only moderates the ethological action of the ketone, which is a true attractant and causes a very large increase in the ants' velocity; ethanol also attracts workers, acting in this respect in synergy with 3-octanone.These chemical and behavioural results are combined with those previously reported (Cammaerts-Tricot, 1973; Morganet al., 1978) to explain the responses of M. rubra, M. ruginodis, M. sabuleti and M. scabrinodis workers to isolated mandibular glands from each of these four species.  相似文献   

Four Mexican Nymphaea species, N. ampla, N. pulchella, N. gracilis and N. elegans belonging to subgenera Brachyceras were analyzed. In this work two 5-glycosyl isoflavones, 7,3',4'-trihydroxy-5-O-beta-D-(2'-acetyl)-xylopyranosylisoflavone (1) and 7,3',4'-trihydroxy-5-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosylisoflavone (2), were isolated from N. ampla and N. pulchella, respectively, together with other known 3-glycosyl flavones and triterpene saponins from the same four species. The structures were elucidated by 1D and 2D NMR, FABMS, and other spectroscopic analyses. These results confirmed that the four species were different from each other and established that N. pulchella represents a different taxa than N. ampla. In addition, the 5-glycosyl isoflavones could be considered as a taxonomic character of this group of plants.  相似文献   

Acherar  M.  Rambal  S. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):177-184
The water relations and responses of two evergreen (Quercus ilex L. and Q. suber L.) and two deciduous (S. afares Pomel. and Q. faginea Will.) Quercus species were studied under experimental conditions. Two-year old seedlings grown in 30 l. pots were subjected to a drying period during which stomatal conductance, pre-dawn potential and minimum foliar potential were measured.The results shows that, for all species, the daily course of stomatal conductance agrees with the patterns proposed by Hinckley et al. (1978 & 1983). Concurrent with the species responses to short-term variation in water availability, it was found that pre-dawn leaf water potential controlled the maximum daily leaf conductance. There was a strong correlation between pre-dawn leaf potential and maximum daily conductance as described by the reciprocal function gsrmax for=(-0.47+2.61.p)-1 the evergreen oaks and gsrmax for=(-1.94+7.39.p)-1 for the deciduous species. These differences between the two groups may partialy explain their geograhic distributions, and suggest general questions concerning the mechanisms which optimize water-use efficiency in Mediterranean oak species.  相似文献   

Using both light and transmission electron microscopy, we examined the retinal anatomy of four elasmobranch species with differing ecologies: the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas, Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjacksoni, epaulette shark Hemiscyllium ocellatum and pink whipray Himantura fai. Their retinas are typical of other vertebrates, having three nuclear and two synaptic layers, but are characterised by very large horizontal cells, low densities of ganglion cells (many of which are displaced to the inner nuclear and inner plexiform layers) and the presence of numerous myelinated axons within the nerve fibre layer. Carcharhinus leucas, H. fai and H. ocellatum have duplex retinas containing both rods and single cones. The peak ratio of rods to cones is much lower in C. leucas (4:1) and H. fai (3:1) compared to H. ocellatum (19:1), reflecting differences in diel activity patterns. No cones were observed in the retina of H. portusjacksoni, which is strongly nocturnal. The cones of H. fai lack a distinct myoid and their nuclei are located in a discrete layer sclerad to the external limiting membrane (ELM), whereas those of C. leucas and H. ocellatum have an obvious myoid, and their nuclei are located vitread to the ELM. No double/twin cones were observed in any species. Incorporating data from other studies, there is a clear correlation between rod outer segment volume and visual ecology in elasmobranchs, with smaller volumes found in partly diurnal pelagic species and larger volumes in benthic nocturnal species. This trend may reflect fundamental differences in visual temporal resolution between active and more sedentary species. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

蚯蚓肠道是微生物多样性的一个潜在存储库。砷对蚯蚓肠道微生物群落的影响已被证实,但砷在不同蚯蚓肠道菌群中生物转化的差异仍不清楚。为了进一步阐述土壤中广泛存在的低浓度砷(浓度为5,15,25 mg/kg)对不同种类蚯蚓肠道微生物影响的差异,将4种典型蚯蚓暴露于砷污染土壤后,测定其肠道微生物组成变化,并分析砷对不同蚯蚓肠道内砷富集、形态和砷生物转化基因的影响。结果显示,所有蚯蚓组织内均存在明显的砷富集,其富集系数由高到低依次为:安德爱胜蚓(1.93)>加州腔蚓(0.80)>通俗腔蚓(0.78)>湖北远盲蚓(0.52),蚯蚓组织和肠道内砷形态主要以无机砷为主,其中As(III)含量比例> 80%,部分蚯蚓组织内还发现少量有机砷。4种蚯蚓肠道微生物群落在门水平上主要以变形菌、厚壁菌和放线菌为主,并与周围土壤细菌群落组成存在显著差异。同时,在土壤和肠道内共检测到17个砷转化基因,其中蚯蚓肠道内As(V)还原和砷转运相关基因相对丰度较高,而砷(去)甲基化基因丰度较低。此外,低浓度砷污染对蚯蚓生长无显著影响,却能引起蚯蚓肠道微生物群落的紊乱。蚯蚓种类和砷污染是引起蚯蚓肠道微生物...  相似文献   

Comparative activity pattern during foraging of four albatross species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activity patterns of foraging Yellow‐nosed Diomedea chlororhynchos, Sooty Phoebetria fusca, Black‐browed D. melanophris impavida and Grey‐headed Albatross D. chrysostoma were compared using loggers recording the timing of landing and take‐offs, as well as the duration of bouts in flight or on the water, and the overall time spent in flight. The four species spent a similar proportion of their foraging time in flight (56–65%). During the day they were mostly flying (77–85% of the daylight period) whereas at night they were mainly (61–71%) sitting on the water. The amount of time spent in flight during the daytime foraging period was related to the amount of time spent sitting on the water at night. Differences between species occurred in the duration of bouts in flight and on the water as well as in the frequency of landings and in the time elapsed between successive landings. Yellow‐nosed Albatrosses were more active than the other species, with more frequent short bouts in flight and more frequent successive landings at short intervals. Sooty Albatrosses landed or took‐off less often than the other species and were more active just before dusk. Black‐browed and Grey‐headed Albatrosses were more active at night, especially the first part of the night and far from the colonies. Their trips consisted of a commuting part and a foraging part. Black‐browed Albatrosses landed more often during the foraging than the commuting part, suggesting that they were not searching when travelling. The study suggests that there is no fundamental difference between the overall activity budgets of the four species although they show distinctive diet, morphology and life history traits. The differences observed between the four species were related mainly to differences in foraging technique. Comparison with the Wandering Albatross, the only species for which data were available previously, suggest that this larger species might differ completely in foraging technique from the smaller albatrosses.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic reconstructions of codistributed taxa can help reveal the interplay between abiotic factors, such as altitude and climate, and species‐specific attributes, in shaping patterns of population genetic structure. Recent studies also demonstrate the value of both rangewide sampling and species distribution modelling (SDM) in comparative phylogeography. Here, we combine these approaches to study the population histories of four phylogenetically related forest‐dependent bat species. All are endemic to the mountainous island of Taiwan but show differences in their tolerance to altitude, with Murina gracilis considered to be a high‐altitude specialist, M. recondita and Kerivoula sp. low‐altitude specialists, and M. puta an altitudinal generalist. We tested the prediction that contrasting habitat preferences would impact on patterns of past and contemporary gene flow and found broad concordance between the results of population genetic analyses and species distribution models based on the Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate. Both lowland species showed evidence of genetic divergence between the east and west of the island, consistent with SDMs that indicated the Central Mountain Range (CMR) has presented a long‐term and continuous barrier to gene flow since before the Last Glacial Maximum. In contrast, Murina gracilis and M. puta showed lower degrees of historical isolation and genetic differentiation associated with the CMR, reflecting greater gene flow, possibly coupled with past population growth in M. puta. Together our results highlight the usefulness of combining distribution models with phylogeographic analyses to understand the drivers of genetic structure.  相似文献   

The Dufour gland secretions of myrmica rubra, M. ruginodis, M. sabuleti and M. scabrinodis have been studied. The most volatile portions of the secretion of workers of all four species were found to be similar, containing C2C4 oxygenated compounds. The less volatile portion consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons. In M. ruginodis this is chiefly a mixture of linear saturated and mono-unsaturated hydrocarbons, similar in composition to that of M. rubra, while in M. sabuleti it consists of (Z,E)-α-farnesene and its homologues, homofarnesene, bishomofarnesene and trishomofarnesene, similar in composition to that of M. scabrinodis. Workers of each species studied were attracted to the Dufour gland volatiles of all four species, these substances chiefly causing an increase in running speed, with the workers not distinguishing between conspecific and allospecific secretions, though small quantitative differences could be demonstrated between the speed and orientation reaction of workers of each species. The less volatile fraction of the Dufour gland secretion is used for territorial marking by foraging workers. This marking is specific for each species except between M. rubra and M. ruginodis.  相似文献   

The fatty acid and lipid compositions of four dominating species of plants and algae of the Shulgan river--Alliaria petiolata, Rhynchostegium riparioides, Sphaeroplea annulina, and Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum--were studied. The composition of phospho-, glyco-, and neutral lipids was investigated. A betaine lipid 1(3), 2-diacylglyceryl-(3)-O-4-(N,N,N-trimethyl)homoserine was detected in the polar lipid fraction of the Rhynchostegium riparioides bryophyte. Characteristic distribution of lipids and fatty acids of freshwater plants and algae is discussed in term of various species specificity.  相似文献   

The miracidia of four human blood flukes, Schistosoma haematobium, S. intercalatum, S. mansoni and S. japonicum, have been studied by means of the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Differences have been observed in their respective dimensions, in the configuration of their terebratoria (apical papillae), in the shape of the epidermal plates, and in the distribution of the sensory receptors. The most evident differences have been noticed on the terebratoria where two main patterns of organization of the anastomosing membrane foldings have been described: (1) a ‘rosette’ pattern observed in S. haematobium and S. intercalatum and (2) a ‘honeycomb’ pattern in S. mansoni and S. japonicum. The structure and the taxonomic importance of these morphological features are analysed.  相似文献   

Helichrysum sanguineum, Helichrysum pamphylicum, Helichrysum orientale, Helichrysum noeanum (Asteraceae) are medicinal plants. For centuries, they have been used as tea in Turkey because of their medicinal properties. So far no scientific evidence has been found in a literature survey regarding the genotoxic effects of these plants. This work evaluated the genotoxic effects on human lymphocyte cultures induced by methanol extracts of these plants, assayed in different concentrations (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mg/mL). According to the results, Helichrysum noeanum, Helichrysum pamphylicum and Helichrysum sanguineum induced the formation of micronuclei and decreased the mitotic and replication indexes. Helichrysum orientale did not affect these parameters, whereas Helichrysum noeanum, Helichrysum pamphylicum and Helichrysum sanguineum were clearly genotoxic. They should therefore not be used freely in alternative medicine, although their antiproliferative activity may suggest antimitotic and anticarcinogenic properties. Helichrysum orientale could be used in alternative medicine.  相似文献   

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