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Proteinase production byLactobacillus murinus was influenced by temperature, glucose concentration, initial pH and nitrogen sources. Maximum proteinase production occurred at 45°C, pH 6.6 and with 0.5 % (W/V) glucose. Tryptone, peptone and gelatin inhibited it. Member of theScientific Researcher’s Career of theConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (Conicet), Argentina.  相似文献   

The serine proteinase from B. licheniformis was purified by affinity chromatography on the sorbent obtained by attachment of p-(omega-aminomethyl)-phenylboronic acid via an amino group to CH-Sepharose. The use of this sorbent specific to the serine proteinases active sites resulted in a 35-fold purification of the enzyme with an apparent activity yield of 288%. Such a high activity yield is due to a removal of the enzyme inhibitors. The N-terminal sequence of B. licheniformis extracellular serine proteinase traced for 35 amino acid residues coincides with that of subtilisin Carlberg, a serine proteinase presumed to be secreted by a B. subtilis strain. Since the amino acid composition as well as the functional properties of these two enzymes did not reveal any noticeable differences, it was assumed that both proteinases are very similar, if not identical. This conclusion leads to reconsideration of the existing concept on an extremely fast rate of subtilisin evolution. Three multiple forms of B. licheniformis extracellular serine proteinase were found to differ only in their net charges, presumably as a result of partial deamidation of Asn or Gln residues within their structure.  相似文献   

The main proteinase of the filamentous fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnoses and serious problems for production and storage of agricultural products has molecular mass of 57 kD and was purified more than 200-fold to homogeneity with the yield of 5%. Maximal activity of the proteinase is at pH 9.0-10.0, and the enzyme is stable at pH 6.0-11.5 (residual activity not less than 70%). The studied enzyme completely kept its activity to 55 degrees C, with a temperature optimum of 45 degrees C. The purified C. gloeosporioides proteinase is stable at alkaline pH values, but rapidly loses its activity at pH values lower than 5.0. Addition of bovine serum albumin stabilizes the enzyme under acidic conditions. Data on inhibitor analysis and substrate specificity of the enzyme allow its classification as a serine proteinase of subtilisin family. It is demonstrated that the extracellular proteinase of C. gloeosporioides specifically effects plant cell wall proteins. It is proposed that the studied proteinase--via hydrolysis of cell wall--provides for penetration of the fungus into the tissues of the host plant.  相似文献   

An extracellular proteinase from Enterococcus faecalis subsp. liquefaciens has been purified 780-fold by a method including gel filtration on Sephadex G-50 and affinity chromatography with gramicidin J as ligand. Approximately 15% of the original enzyme activity was recovered. A purification of 14,800-fold, with 11.4% yield, may be reached using chromatofocusing as final step in the purification procedure. The molar mass of the enzyme has been estimated to be approximately 30 kDa by Sephadex gel filtration and approximately 26 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The isoelectric point has been found to be 4.6. Maximum enzyme activity of the proteinase has been observed at pH 7.5 and 45 degrees C. The enzyme hydrolyzed bovine serum albumin, alpha-lactoalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, casein and pork myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins. The extracellular proteinase was very stable; the enzyme maintained its activity in cell-free extracts over a very wide range of temperatures (-25 to 37 degrees C) for at least 2 months. At 12 degrees C, it was stable in the pH range of 5.5 to 8.0.  相似文献   

Growth and extracellular proteinase production byEnterococcus faecalis subsp.liquefaciens was studied on several culture media and under different incubation conditions. The organisms grew well and developed extracellular proteinase activity on proteinaceous media, but when it grew on Collins basal medium (lacking of protein), growth was poor and proteinase activity was not detected. The activation energy for growth was estimated to be 116 kJ/mol, the optimum being at 37°C. Proteinase production was not affected by temperature in the range studied (7–45°C). Growth rate was not affected by aeration although a higher amount of microorganisms was observed on shaking the culture during incubation. Likewise, extracellular proteolytic activity was about twice higher in cultures shaken at 2.3 or 3.3 Hz than in those shaken at 0 or 1.3 Hz.  相似文献   

Chronic inflammatory diseases are characterized by the persistent presence of macrophages and other mononuclear cells, tissue destruction, cell proliferation, and the deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM). The tissue degradation is mediated, in part, by enhanced proteinase expression by macrophages. It has been demonstrated recently that macrophage proteinase expression can be stimulated or inhibited by purified ECM components. However, in an intact ECM the biologically active domains of matrix components may be masked either by tertiary conformation or by complex association with other matrix molecules. In an effort to determine whether a complex ECM produced by vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) regulates macrophage degradative phenotype, we prepared insoluble SMC matrices and examined their ability to regulate proteinase expression by RAW264.7 and thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages. Here we demonstrate that macrophage engagement of SMC-ECM triggers PKC-dependent activation of MAPK(erk1/2) leading to increased expression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 and prostaglandin (PG) E(2) synthesis. The addition of PGE(2) to macrophage cultures stimulates their expression of both urokinase-type plasminogen activator and MMP-9, and the selective COX-2 inhibitor NS-398 blocks ECM-induced proteinase expression. Moreover, ECM-induced PGE(2) and MMP-9 expression by elicited COX-2(-/-) macrophages is markedly reduced when compared with the response of either COX-2(+/-) or COX-2(+/+) macrophages. These data clearly demonstrate that SMC-ECM exerts a regulatory role on the degradative phenotype of macrophages via enhanced urokinase-type plasminogen activator and MMP-9 expression, and identify COX-2 as a targetable component of the signaling pathway leading to increased proteinase expression.  相似文献   

The level of proteinase activity and the ratio of proteinases I and II, secreted byAspergillus terreus, a cellulase producer, was followed during its growth on media containing various carbon sources. Correlation was found between the level of proteinase secretion and the rate of change of the cellulase complex spectrum. The extracellular proteolytic system ofA. terreus was presented mainly by proteinase II (metalloproteinase) during cultivation under conditions favoring fast accumulation of low-molar mass cellulases. The results indicate that proteinase II could be responsible for the limited proteolysis of high-molar mass cellulases ofA. terreus into smaller enzymes of the cellulolytic complex, thus changing their substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTCase) (E.C. was partially purified fromLactobacillus buchneri NCDO110. It was stabilized by the presence of glycerol. The optimal pH for enzyme activity is 8.5. The positive cooperativeness was observed among ornithine molecules at pH values different from the optimum. The Mr of the enzyme was calculated to be 162,000 by gel filtration on Ultrogel ACA-34. Maximum activity occurred at 35°C. G* of the reaction was calculated from Arrhenius plot. The values were 9100 cal mol–1 below 35°C, and 4300 cal mol–1 above 35°C. The Km value for carbamylphosphate was 7.1×10–4 M, and the Km for ornithine was 1.6×10–3 M, under the conditions described here. Dead-end inhibition analysis was performed with norvaline, which is a structural analogue of ornithine. Norvaline acted as a noncompetitive inhibitor when carbamylphosphate was the variable substrate, and as a competitive inhibitor when ornithine was the variable substrate. The results are consistent with a ping-pong mechanism.  相似文献   

Extracellular enzymes—a chitinase and a proteinase with molecular weights 22 and 32 kDa, respectively—were isolated fromStreptomyces kurssanovii cells. After purification on modified regenerated chitin, the enzymes were virtually homogeneous according to denaturing PAGE. Both enzymes were found to degrade chitosan.  相似文献   

The intracellular bacteriocin caseicin 80 was purified from cell extracts ofLactobacillus casei strain B80. It is a thermolabile protein with an apparent molar mass of 42 kDa. As no plasmids were observed in the bacteriocinogenic strain it is assumed that caseicin is encoded by the bacterial chromosome. Using14C-labelled precursors it was found that biosynthesis of DNA and proteins was influenced by caseicin but this inhibition is probably not the primary effect. The incorporation of fructose but not of glucose into cellular material was inhibited by caseicin.  相似文献   

Lactic dehydrogenase fromLactobacillus casei ATCC 7469 has been purified to homogeneity by a two-step affinity chromatography procedure which gave an yield of 35%. The enzyme specifically catalysed the conversion of pyruvate to lactate. The enzyme was maximally active at pH 4.6, which was shifted to 5.4 in the presence of fructose 1,6-biphosphate. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 70,800 with two identical subunits, unlike the lactic dehydrogenase from other sources. Histidine and primary amino groups appeared to be involved in catalysis.  相似文献   

Properties of proteinase(s) and phospholipase A in dialyzed culture filtrate of Basidiobolus haptosporus were studied. Lysolecithin, one of the hydrolytic products of phosphatidyl choline by phospholipase A was prepared and found able to hemolyse human red blood cells and clear rat skin and muscle homogenates. The proteinase was able to digest human serum proteins. The pathogenic mechanism employed by this fungus may involve hydrolysis of lecithin to yield lysolecithin, which destroys cell membranes thereby liberating intracellular contents. The protein components of these contents are then digested by the proteinase(s) yielding amino acids which along with other metabolites serve as nutrients for the growth of the pathogen.  相似文献   

l-Serine dehydratase fromLactobacillus fermentum was purified 100-fold. It was stabilized by the presence of 1 mM l-cysteine in 50 mM phosphate buffer. Mr=150,000 was determined by gel filtration. The enzyme consists of four apparently identical subunits (Mr=40,000) that were observed after treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate. The apparent Km forl-serine was 65 mM. Fe++ was required for the enzymatic activity, and the apparent Km value for this reaction was 0.55 mM. Maximum enzymatic activity was observed at 45°C and pH 8.0 in 50 mM phosphate buffer. At pH values different from the optimum, a positive cooperativity between substrate molecules was observed. The activation energy of the reaction was 11,400 and 22,800 cal × mol–1 for temperature values more than and less than 35°C respectively. The purified enzyme showed a maximum absorption between 400 and 420 nm, indicating the presence of pyridoxal-5-phosphate (PLP) as a prosthetic group. The PLP concentration was 0.027 µmoles per milligram of protein. The data suggest that there is 1 mol of PLP for each protein subunit.  相似文献   

The expression of extracellular proteinase inhibitor (Expi) gene was induced during the involution of mammary gland, when apoptosis occurs in this tissue. Transient transfection of Expi gene partially induced apoptosis of mammary epithelial HC11 cells. We developed the stable cell lines overexpressing Expi gene and found that overexpression of Expi accelerated apoptosis of mammary epithelial cells under serum starvation. To understand apoptosis pathway involved in the Expi overexpression, we examined the gene expression profile by using apoptosis gene array containing 243 genes. The subsequent confirmation of the altered gene expression by northern analysis demonstrated that overexpression of the Expi gene induced expression of several genes, which included B cell activating factor (BAFF), Bax, cytochrome c, caspase-9, caspase-3, caspase-6, and CIDE-A. From this study, we first demonstrate that BAFF is involved in mammary apoptosis. Furthermore, we have found that the Expi-accelerated apoptosis is mediated via BAFF receptor among three known BAFF receptors: BAFF receptor, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor homologue TACI (transmembrane activator and CAML-interactor), and BCMA (another TNFR homologue, B cell maturation antigen). Our studies also demonstrate that the use of apoptosis array provides an efficient tool to identify apoptosis pathway involved in gene transfection.  相似文献   

Aspartate aminotransferase from Lactobacillus murinus is thermostable, its activity being not changed for two months at temperatures between 4 and -70 degrees C. Maximum activity was observed at 40 degrees C and pH 7.3 in phosphate buffer (30 mmol/L). delta G* Value of 26.3 kJ/mol was calculated from the Arrhenius plot. The Km values for L-aspartate and 2-oxoglutarate at pH 7.3 were 25 and 100 mmol/L, respectively. Sodium maleate and glutamate acted as inhibitors of the enzyme activity. The Ki values for sodium maleate with L-aspartate of 2-oxoglutarate as variable substrates were 1.1 and 0.5 mmol/L, respectively. The Ki values for glutamate with L-aspartate or 2-oxoglutarate were 8.0 and 4.0 mmol/L, respectively. An inhibitory effect was observed with 1 mM Hg2+ ions (1 mmol/L). The activity of the enzyme was diminished by only 12% in the absence of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate.  相似文献   

ALactobacillus plantarum of vegetable origin produced a bacteriocin inhibitory toListeria monocytogenes. The antimicrobial agent was inactivated by proteolytic enzymes, was resistant to heat (100°C for 30 min) and stable over a wide pH range (pH 2–10), and displayed a bactericidal mode of action. Growth inhibition ofL. monocytogenes depend on bacteriocin concentration. The antilisterial efficiency depended on the strain ofL. monocytogenes used but was not influenced by the growth phase of this strain. A decrease in absorbance overtime, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. The significance of the results is discussed in relation to the potential of the bacteriocin in controllingListeria-associated food-borne hazards in foods.  相似文献   

Microcebus murinus, a small nocturnal lemur from Madagascar, has retained features of ancient primates. Based on these ancestral traits, its social organization has often been used as a model for early primate social systems. In captivity it breeds polygynously, i.e., one male mates with several females, while females usually copulate only with the dominant male. The present project tested whether or not sexual size dimorphism, spatial distribution, and relative testis size of M. murinus correspond with predictions of the sexual selection theory concerning polygynous mating systems. The study was combined with a mark‐recapture study and radio tracking of 12 animals in 1993 in a dry deciduous forest of western Madagascar at the end of the dry season. Large overlapping home ranges in males, lack of sexual size dimorphism, and relatively large testes suggest a multi‐male mating system, i.e., one that is promiscuous rather than polygynous. Am. J. Primatol. 48:127–133, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Strains of a human pathogenic yeast, Candida albicans, have (A) intronless, (B) intron-containing, and (C) a mixture of intron-containing and intronless 26S rRNA genes. To elucidate the significance of these three genotypes in pathogenesis, we measured two major virulence factors, extracellular proteinase and phospholipase activity, in 56 clinical isolates of C. albicans, and investigated the relationship between genotype and enzymatic activity. The genotype B strains had significantly higher proteinase and phospholipase activities than genotypes A or C. These results suggest that to understand the pathogenesis of C. albicans, the genotypes should be considered.  相似文献   

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