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Chronic inflammation induced by liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini) infection is the major risk factor for cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) in Northeastern Thailand. Increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines and nuclear factor kappa B that control cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide activities, disturb the homeostasis of oxidants/anti-oxidants and DNA repair enzymes, all of which appear to be involved in O. viverrini-associated inflammatory processes and CCA. Consequently oxidative and nitrative stress-related cellular damage occurs due to the over production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in inflamed target cells. This is supported by the detection of high levels of oxidized DNA and DNA bases modified by lipid peroxidation products in both animal and human tissues affected by O. viverrini-infection. Treatment of opisthorchiasis patients with praziquantel, an anti- trematode drug was shown to reduce inflammation-mediated tissue damage and carcinogenesis. The principal mechanisms that govern the effects of inflammation and immunity in liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinogenesis are reviewed. The validity of inflammation-related biomolecules and DNA damage products to serve as predictive biomarkers for disease risk evaluation and intervention is discussed.  相似文献   

Oxidative mechanism of arsenic toxicity and carcinogenesis   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Arsenic is a known toxin and carcinogen that is present in industrial settings and in the environment. The mechanisms of disease initiation and progression are not fully understood. In the last a few years, there has been increasing evidence of the correlation between the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA damage, tumor promotion, and arsenic exposure. This article summarizes the current literature on the arsenic mediated generation of ROS and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) in various biological systems. This article also discusses the role of ROS and RNS in arsenic-induced DNA damage and activation of oxidative sensitive gene expression.  相似文献   

Modification of cellular DNA upon exposure to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species is the likely initial event involved in the induction of the mutagenic and lethal effects of various oxidative stress agents. Evidence has been accumulated for the significant implication of singlet oxygen (1O(2)), generated as the result of UVA activation of endogenous photosensitizers as porphyrins and flavins. 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) has been shown to be the exclusive product of the reaction of 1O(2) with the guanine moiety of cellular DNA, in contrast to the hydroxyl radical, which reacts almost indifferently with all the nucleobases and the sugar moiety of DNA. Furthermore 8-oxodGuo is also produced by other oxidants and can be used as an ubiquitous biomarker of DNA oxidation but can not be a specific marker of any particular species. The role of DNA etheno adducts in mutagenic and carcinogenic processes triggered by known occupational and environmental carcinogens has also been studied. Much interest in etheno adducts resulted from the detection of increased levels of 1,N(6)-etheno-2'-deoxyadenosine and 3,N(4)-etheno-2'-deoxycytidine in DNA from human, rat and mouse tissues under pathophysiological conditions associated with oxidative stress. A method involving on-line HPLC with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry detection has been developed for the analysis of 1,N(2)-etheno-2'-deoxyguanosine (1,N(2)-epsilondGuo) in DNA. This methodology permits direct quantification of 20 fmol (7.4 adducts/10(8) dGuo) of the etheno adduct from approximately 350 microg of crude DNA hydrolysates. This method provides the first evidence of the occurrence of 1,N(2)-epsilondGuo as a basal endogenous lesion and may be utilized to better assess the biological consequences of etheno DNA damage under normal and pathological conditions. This work addresses the importance of isotope labeling associated with mass spectrometry technique for biomolecule damage studies.  相似文献   

Toluene is widely used as an organic solvent in various industries and commercial products. Recent investigations have shown that toluene may induce male reproductive dysfunctions and carcinogenicity. To clarify whether the toxicity results from the interference of endocrine systems or direct damage to reproductive organs, we examined the effects of toluene on the male reproductive system in rats, comparing to those of diethylstilbestrol (DES), a potent synthetic estrogen. Toluene (50, 500 mg/kg) or DES (2 mg/kg) injected subcutaneously to male Sprague-Dawley rats once a day for 10 days decreased the epididymal sperm counts and the serum concentrations of testosterone. The mRNA level for gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor in the pituitary was decreased by DES, but not by toluene. On the contrary, 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) formation in testes, the biological marker for oxidative DNA damage, was increased by toluene but not by DES. These results suggest that toluene induces reproductive toxicity via direct oxidative damage of spermatozoa, whereas DES affects endocrine systems via the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis. Morphological findings supported the idea. To determine the mechanism of 8-oxodG formation in vivo , we examined DNA damage induced by toluene metabolic products in vitro . Minor toluene metabolites, methylhydroquinone and methylcatechols, induced oxidative DNA damage, and the methylcatechols induced NADH-mediated 8-oxodG formation more efficiently than methylhydroquinone did. We propose that oxidative DNA damage in the testis plays a role in reproductive toxicity induced by toluene.  相似文献   

Infection and chronic inflammation are proposed to contribute to carcinogenesis through inflammation-related mechanisms. Infection with hepatitis C virus, Helicobacter pylori and the liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini (OV), are important risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), gastric cancer and cholangiocarcinoma, respectively. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) and oral diseases, such as oral lichen planus (OLP) and leukoplakia, are associated with colon carcinogenesis and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), respectively. We performed a double immunofluorescence labeling study and found that nitrative and oxidative DNA lesion products, 8-nitroguanine and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), were formed and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) was expressed in epithelial cells and inflammatory cells at the site of carcinogenesis in humans and animal models. Antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic drugs dramatically diminished the formation of these DNA lesion markers and iNOS expression. These results suggest that oxidative and nitrative DNA damage occurs at the sites of carcinogenesis, regardless of etiology. Therefore, it is considered that excessive amounts of reactive nitrogen species produced via iNOS during chronic inflammation may play a key role in carcinogenesis by causing DNA damage. On the basis of our results, we propose that 8-nitroguanine is a promising biomarker to evaluate the potential risk of inflammation-mediated carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Oxidative DNA damage processing in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bohr VA  Dianov GL 《Biochimie》1999,81(1-2):155-160
Living organisms are constantly exposed to oxidative stress from environmental agents and from endogenous metabolic processes. The resulting oxidative modifications occur in proteins, lipids and DNA. Since proteins and lipids are readily degraded and resynthesized, the most significant consequence of the oxidative stress is thought to be the DNA modifications, which can become permanent via the formation of mutations and other types of genomic instability. Many different DNA base changes have been seen following some form of oxidative stress, and these lesions are widely considered as instigators for the development of cancer and are also implicated in the process of aging. Several studies have documented that oxidative DNA lesions accumulate with aging, and it appears that the major site of this accumulation is mitochondrial DNA rather than nuclear DNA. The DNA repair mechanisms involved in the removal of oxidative DNA lesions are much more complex than previously considered. They involve base excision repair (BER) pathways and nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathways, and there is currently a great deal of interest in clarification of the pathways and their interactions. We have used a number of different approaches to explore the mechanism of the repair processes, to examine the repair of different types of oxidative lesions and to measure different steps of the repair processes. Furthermore, we can measure the DNA damage processing in the nuclear DNA and separately, in the mitochondrial DNA. Contrary to widely held notions, mitochondria have efficient DNA repair of oxidative DNA damage.  相似文献   

Free radical attack upon DNA generates a multiplicity of DNA damage, including modified bases. Some of these modifications have considerable potential to damage the integrity of the genome. This article reviews recent data that suggest the involvement of oxidative DNA damage in carcinogenesis, atherosclerosis, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). There is evidence that oxidative DNA damage may play a causative role in atherosclerosis. Oxidative DNA damage may lead to apoptotic cell death of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and may influence the progression of AIDS. While many details regarding the role of reactive oxygen species-induced DNA damage in the etiology of complex multifactorial diseases like cancer are yet to be discovered, evidence suggests that oxidants act at several stages in the malignant transformation of cells. However, the quantitative relationship between the measured DNA damage and the development of cancer is still lacking.  相似文献   

Recently, the concern that toluene might have carcinogenic and reproductive toxic potential has been raised. We investigated the ability of DNA damage by minor metabolites of toluene, methylhydroquinone, and methylbenzoquinone, using (32)P-5'-end-labeled DNA fragments obtained from the human genes. Methylhydroquinone caused Cu(II)-mediated DNA damage, whereas methylbenzoquinone did only in the presence of NADH. DNA damage by methylbenzoquinone was weaker than that by benzoquinone, a metabolite of carcinogenic benzene. Formation of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine by metabolites of toluene increased with its concentration in the presence of Cu(II) and NADH. Generation of O(*-)(2) and semiquinone radicals was detected by UV-visible and ESR spectroscopies, respectively. These results suggest that these metabolites may play some roles in expression of carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity of toluene. We have discussed the differences of carcinogenic potency between toluene and benzene in relation to the amount of metabolites and their ability to damage DNA.  相似文献   

The First joint meeting of the German DGDR (German Society for Research on DNA Repair) and the French SFTG (French Society of Genotoxicology) on DNA Repair was held in Toulouse, France, from September 15 to 19, 2007. It was organized by Lisa Wiesmüller and Bernard Salles together with the scientific committee consisting of Gilbert de Murcia, Jean-Marc Egly, Frank Grosse, Karl-Peter Hopfner, Georges Iliakis, Bernd Kaina, Markus Löbrich, Bernard Lopez, Daniel Marzin and Alain Sarasin. This report summarizes information presented by the speakers (invited lectures and oral communications) during the seven plenary sessions, which include (1) excision repair, (2) DNA repair and carcinogenesis, (3) double-strand break repair, (4) replication in repair and lesion bypass, (5) cellular responses to genotoxic stress, (6) DNA repair machinery within the chromatin context and (7) genotoxicology and testing. A total of 23 plenary lectures, 32 oral communications and 66 posters were presented in this rather intense 4 days meeting, which stimulated extensive discussions and highly interdisciplinary scientific exchanges among the ∼250 participants.  相似文献   

S. Grimm  A. H?hn  T. Grune 《Amino acids》2012,42(1):23-38
Protein damage, caused by radicals, is involved in many diseases and in the aging process. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how protein damage can be limited, repaired or removed. To degrade damaged proteins, several intracellular proteolytic systems exist. One of the most important contributors in intracellular protein degradation of oxidized, aggregated and misfolded proteins is the proteasomal system. The proteasome is not a simple, unregulated structure. It is a more complex proteolytic composition that undergoes diverse regulation in situations of oxidative stress, aging and pathology. In addition to that, numerous studies revealed that the proteasome activity is altered during life time, contributing to the aging process. In addition, in the nervous system, the proteasome plays an important role in maintaining neuronal protein homeostasis. However, alterations in the activity may have an impact on the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. In this review, we discuss what is presently known about protein damage, the role of the proteasome in the degradation of damaged proteins and how the proteasome is regulated. Special emphasis was laid on the role of the proteasome in neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Role of cellular antioxidants in metal-induced damage   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

Evidence for the association of DNA damage with cardiovascular disease has been obtained from in vitro cell culture models, experimental cardiovascular disease and analysis of samples obtained from humans with disease. There is general acceptance that several factors associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease cause oxidative damage to DNA in cell culture models with both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA as targets. Moreover, evidence obtained over the past 10 years points to a possible mechanistic role for DNA damage in experimental atherosclerosis culminating in recent studies challenging the assumption that DNA damage is merely a biomarker of the disease process. This kind of mechanistic insight provides a renewed impetus for further studies in this area.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4):554-564

Evidence for the association of DNA damage with cardiovascular disease has been obtained from in vitro cell culture models, experimental cardiovascular disease and analysis of samples obtained from humans with disease. There is general acceptance that several factors associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease cause oxidative damage to DNA in cell culture models with both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA as targets. Moreover, evidence obtained over the past 10 years points to a possible mechanistic role for DNA damage in experimental atherosclerosis culminating in recent studies challenging the assumption that DNA damage is merely a biomarker of the disease process. This kind of mechanistic insight provides a renewed impetus for further studies in this area.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate oxidative DNA damage during 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO)-induced rat tongue carcinogenesis. For this purpose, male Wistar rats were distributed into three groups of 10 animals each and treated with 50 ppm 4NQO solution through their drinking water for 4, 12, and 20 weeks. Ten animals were used as negative control. The alkaline Comet assay modified with lesion-specific enzymes was used to detect single and double strand breaks, labile sites (SBs), and oxidised purines and pyrimidines. Although no histopathological abnormalities were induced in the epithelium after 4 weeks of carcinogen exposure, oxidative DNA damage was detected in the ‘normal’ oral epithelium. In pre-neoplastic lesions and squamous cell carcinomas induced after 12 and 20 weeks following carcinogen exposure, respectively, oxidative DNA damage was also increased (P < 0.05) when compared to negative control. In conclusion, our results suggest that oxidative DNA damage is an early event during multistep carcinogenesis assay induced by 4NQO. This kind of approach should be considered to persons with high risk of oral cancer, such as in smokers or alcohol consumers.  相似文献   

Cells in tissues and organs are continuously subjected to oxidative stress and free radicals on a daily basis. This free radical attack has exogenous or endogenous (intracellular) origin. The cells withstand and counteract this occurrence by the use of several and different defense mechanisms ranging from free radical scavengers like glutathione (GSH), vitamins C and E and antioxidant enzymes like catalase, superoxide dismutase and various peroxidases to sophisticated and elaborate DNA repair mechanisms. The outcome of this dynamic equilibrium is usually the induction of oxidatively induced DNA damage and a variety of lesions of small to high importance and dangerous for the cell i.e. isolated base lesions or single strand breaks (SSBs) to complex lesions like double strand breaks (DSBs) and other non-DSB oxidatively generated clustered DNA lesions (OCDLs). The accumulation of DNA damage through misrepair or incomplete repair may lead to mutagenesis and consequently transformation particularly if combined with a deficient apoptotic pathway. In this review, we present the current status of knowledge and evidence on the mechanisms and involvement of intracellular oxidative stress and DNA damage in human malignancy evolution and possible use of these parameters as cancer biomarkers. At the same time, we discuss controversies related to potential artifacts inherent to specific methodologies used for the measurement of oxidatively induced DNA lesions in human cells or tissues.  相似文献   

Oxidative damage to 5-methylcytosine in DNA.   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Exposure of pyrimidines of DNA to ionizing radiation under aerobic conditions or oxidizing agents results in attack on the 5,6 double bond of the pyrimidine ring or on the exocyclic 5-methyl group. The primary product of oxidation of the 5,6 double bond of thymine is thymine glycol, while oxidation of the 5-methyl group yields 5-hydroxymethyluracil. Oxidation of the 5,6 double bond of cytosine yields cytosine glycol, which decomposes to 5-hydroxycytosine, 5-hydroxyuracil and uracil glycol, all of which are repaired in DNA by Escherichia coli endonuclease III. We now describe the products of oxidation of 5-methylcytosine in DNA. Poly(dG-[3H]dmC) was gamma-irradiated or oxidized with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of Fe3+ and ascorbic acid. The oxidized co-polymer was incubated with endonuclease III or 5-hydroxymethyluracil-DNA glycosylase, to determine whether repairable products were formed, or digested to 2'-deoxyribonucleosides, to determine the total complement of oxidative products. Oxidative attack on 5-methylcytosine resulted primarily in formation of thymine glycol. The radiogenic yield of thymine glycol in poly(dG-dmC) was the same as that in poly(dA-dT), demonstrating that 5-methylcytosine residues in DNA were equally susceptible to radiation-induced oxidation as were thymine residues.  相似文献   

Oxidised bases, such as 8-oxo-guanine, occur in cellular DNA as a result of attack by oxygen free radicals. The cancer-protective effect of vegetables and fruit is attributed to the ability of antioxidants in them to scavenge free radicals, preventing DNA damage and subsequent mutation. Antioxidant supplements (e.g., β-carotene, vitamin C) increase the resistance of lymphocytes to oxidative damage, and a negative correlation is seen between antioxidant concentrations in tissues and oxidised bases in DNA. Large-scale intervention trials with β-carotene have, however, led to increases in cancer. Recent measurements of the frequency of oxidised DNA bases indicate that earlier estimates were greatly exaggerated; there may be only a few thousand 8-oxo-guanines per cell. Convincing evidence for mutations resulting from oxidative damage, in tumours or cultured cells, is lacking. It seems that efficient antioxidant defences together with DNA repair maintain a steady-state level of damage representing minimal risk to cell or organism. BioEssays 21:238–246, 1999. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Oxidative damage to DNA in mammalian chromatin.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
M Dizdaroglu 《Mutation research》1992,275(3-6):331-342
Efforts have been made to characterize and measure DNA modifications produced in mammalian chromatin in vitro and in vivo by a variety of free radical-producing systems. Methodologies incorporating the technique of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry have been used for this purpose. A number of products from all four DNA bases and several DNA-protein cross-links in isolated chromatin have been identified and quantitated. Product formation has been shown to depend on the free radical-producing system and the presence or absence of oxygen. A similar pattern of DNA modifications has also been observed in chromatin of cultured mammalian cells treated with ionizing radiation or H2O2 and in chromatin of organs of animals treated with carcinogenic metal salts.  相似文献   

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