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Enterobacter sakazakii is associated with neonatal infections and is occasionally present at low levels (<1 CFU/g) in powdered infant formula milk (IFM). It has been previously reported that some E. sakazakii strains do not grow in standard media for Enterobacteriaceae and coliform bacteria; therefore, a reliable method is needed for recovery of the organism. Three E. sakazakii enrichment broths-Enterobacteriaceae enrichment broth (EE), E. sakazakii selective broth (ESSB), and modified lauryl sulfate broth (mLST)-were compared with a novel broth designed for maximum recovery of E. sakazakii, E. sakazakii enrichment broth (ESE). One hundred seventy-seven strains (100%) grew in ESE, whereas between 2 and 6% of strains did not grow in EE, mLST, or ESSB. E. sakazakii possesses alpha-glucosidase activity, and a number of selective, chromogenic agars for E. sakazakii isolation based on this enzyme have been developed. E. sakazakii isolation agar produced fewer false-positive colonies than did Druggan-Forsythe-Iversen agar. However, the latter supported the growth of more E. sakazakii strains. It was also determined that 2% of E. sakazakii strains did not produce yellow pigmentation on tryptone soya agar at 25 degrees C, a characteristic frequently cited in the identification of E. sakazakii. The recovery of desiccated E. sakazakii (0.2 to 2000 CFU/25 g) from powdered IFM in the presence of a competing flora was determined with various enrichment broths and differential selective media. Current media designed for the isolation and presumptive identification of E. sakazakii do not support the growth of all currently known E. sakazakii phenotypes; therefore, improvements in the proposed methods are desirable.  相似文献   

A study was done to determine the performance of differential, selective media for supporting resuscitation and colony development by stressed cells of Enterobacter sakazakii. Cells of four strains of E. sakazakii isolated from powdered infant formula were exposed to five stress conditions: heat (55°C for 5 min), freezing (−20°C for 24 h, thawed, frozen again at −20°C for 2 h, thawed), acidic pH (3.54), alkaline pH (11.25), and desiccation in powdered infant formula (water activity, 0.25; 21°C for 31 days). Control and stressed cells were spiral plated on tryptic soy agar supplemented with 0.1% pyruvate (TSAP, a nonselective control medium); Leuschner, Baird, Donald, and Cox (LBDC) agar (a differential, nonselective medium); Oh and Kang agar (OK); fecal coliform agar (FCA); Druggan-Forsythe-Iversen (DFI) medium; violet red bile glucose (VRBG) agar; and Enterobacteriaceae enrichment (EE) agar. With the exception of desiccation-stressed cells, suspensions of stressed cells were also plated on these media and on R&F Enterobacter sakazakii chromogenic plating (RF) medium using the ecometric technique. The order of performance of media for recovering control and heat-, freeze-, acid-, and alkaline-stressed cells by spiral plating was TSAP > LBDC > FCA > OK, VRBG > DFI > EE; the general order for recovering desiccated cells was TSAP, LBDC, FCA, OK > DFI, VRBG, EE. Using the ecometric technique, the general order of growth indices of stressed cells was TSAP, LBDC > FCA > RF, VRBG, OK > DFI, EE. The results indicate that differential, selective media vary greatly in their abilities to support resuscitation and colony formation by stressed cells of E. sakazakii. The orders of performance of media for recovering stressed cells were similar using spiral plating and ecometric techniques, but results from spiral plating should be considered more conclusive.  相似文献   



Enterobacter sakazakii is a foodborne pathogen that has been associated with sporadic cases and outbreaks causing meningitis, necrotizing enterocolitis and sepsis especially in neonates. The current FDA detection method includes two enrichment steps, the subculturing of the second enrichment broth on a selective agar (VRBG), a further subculturing of selected grown colonies on TSA and the subsequent biochemical identification of yellow-pigmented colonies by API20E. However, there is a strong need for simplified methods for isolation and identification of E. sakazakii. In this study, two chromogenic media, which allow to indicate presumptive E. sakazakii colonies by the alpha glucosidase activity, as well as a newly developed 1,6-alpha-glucosidase based conventional PCR assay and a rRNA oligonucleotide probe based commercial test system for identification of presumptive E. sakazakii were evaluated on 98 target and non-target strains. The methods were compared with respect to specifiCity aspects.  相似文献   

4-Methylumbelliferyl-alpha-D-glucoside, the fluorogenic substrate of alpha-glucosidase, was used as a selective marker to develop a differential medium for Enterobacter sakazakii. This bacterium showed strong fluorogenic characteristics clearly distinguishable from other microorganisms. On the basis of reducing background noise, an optimum basal medium and nitrogen source were selected. Incubation conditions were optimized.  相似文献   

阪崎肠杆菌是一种食源性致病菌,目前越来越多的分子检测技术用于该菌的检测,以取代传统的检测技术。针对分子检测技术相应的核酸标准物质的研制势在必行。核酸的提取和纯化是核酸标准物质的研制过程中的重要环节之一,快速高效高质量,低毒低成本已成为核酸提取的重要目标。就现有方法进行分析比较,重点对常用的三种提取微生物基因组DNA的试剂盒进行了全方位比较,获得了阪崎肠杆菌较优的基因组DNA提取方法,并对提取的DNA进行PCR特异性扩增检测,获得较清晰的谱带。为阪崎肠杆菌核酸标准物质的研制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Enterobacter sakazakii is an emerging, infant formula-borne pathogen that causes severe meningitis, meningoencephalitis, sepsis, and necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates and infants, with a high fatality rate. Traditional detection methods take up to 7 days to identify E. sakazakii. The outer membrane protein A gene (ompA), along with its flanking sequences from E. sakazakii (ATCC 51329), was cloned in the pGEM-T Easy vector and sequenced. Comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the ompA gene with other sequences available in the GenBank database revealed a high degree of homology with ompA genes of other gram-negative bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae. Based on regions of the ompA gene unique to E. sakazakii, two primers were synthesized to develop and optimize an E. sakazakii-specific PCR. The PCR amplified a 469-bp DNA product from all E. sakazakii strains tested but not from other bacteria. Experiments to determine the sensitivity of the PCR indicated that it could detect as few as 103 CFU/ml of E. sakazakii bacteria in infant formula directly and 10−1 CFU/ml after an 8-h enrichment step. We conclude that this PCR, combined with enrichment culturing, has the potential to be used as a rapid tool for detecting the presence of E. sakazakii in infant formula.  相似文献   

Enterobacter sakazakii is an emerging, infant formula-borne pathogen that causes severe meningitis, meningoencephalitis, sepsis, and necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates and infants, with a high fatality rate. Traditional detection methods take up to 7 days to identify E. sakazakii. The outer membrane protein A gene (ompA), along with its flanking sequences from E. sakazakii (ATCC 51329), was cloned in the pGEM-T Easy vector and sequenced. Comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the ompA gene with other sequences available in the GenBank database revealed a high degree of homology with ompA genes of other gram-negative bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae. Based on regions of the ompA gene unique to E. sakazakii, two primers were synthesized to develop and optimize an E. sakazakii-specific PCR. The PCR amplified a 469-bp DNA product from all E. sakazakii strains tested but not from other bacteria. Experiments to determine the sensitivity of the PCR indicated that it could detect as few as 10(3) CFU/ml of E. sakazakii bacteria in infant formula directly and 10(-1) CFU/ml after an 8-h enrichment step. We conclude that this PCR, combined with enrichment culturing, has the potential to be used as a rapid tool for detecting the presence of E. sakazakii in infant formula.  相似文献   

Enterobacter sakazakii is an emerging pathogen that causes meningitis, bacteremia, sepsis, and necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates and children. Powdered milk-based infant formulas have been associated with the E. sakazakii-related outbreaks in premature or other immunocompromised infants. In this study, we developed two real time PCR assays using TaqMan and SYBR Green to identify the pathogen after selective enrichment in mLST and BHI. The accuracy of two detections was tested by 35 strains of E. sakazakii and 88 non-E. sakazakii bacterial strains. The results showed that all of these E. sakazakii strains were positive reaction to the detections and all of the non-E. sakazakii strains were negative. The newly developed assays enable us to detect 1.1 CFU/100 g infant formula. And both of the assays can be accomplished within 2 business days. Compared to the traditional detection, the real time PCR procedures are quicker and simpler. In this study, we also developed a new method to design the primers, which can support multiple real time PCR with one pair of primers in SYBR Green detection. The detection methods are more sensitive and effective based on Two-Tm-Value of PCR.  相似文献   

通过设计特异性的引物,采用SYBR Green I实时荧光PCR,经引物的优化筛选、特异性和重现性试验,以及模拟污染样品检验,建立了食品中阪崎肠杆菌的快速检测和鉴定方法。  相似文献   

Mesophyll cells of strawberry were isolated mechanically by a hand homogenizer, One g healthy, fully-expanded leaves yielded 107 cells. The agar culture method was the only culture technique found suitable to obtain any quantitative data.  相似文献   

Abstract After the introduction of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii into a loamy sand and a silt loam, high recovery percentages were determined using quantitative immunofluorescence. Soil type, but not inoculum density between 104 and 108 cells per gram of soil, significantly influenced the recovery percentage of the immunofluorescence technique. Recovery percentages determined using selective plating were independent of either soil type or inoculum density and exceeded those determined by immunofluorescence.
The serological and genetic markers used for detection were stable during 55 days of incubation in phosphate-buffered saline and soil extract solution. After the introduction of R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii into both sterilized soil types, the population increased to 0.5–1×109 cells per gram of soil, but a decline was demonstrated in non-sterile loamy sand and silt loam during incubation of 90 days at 15°C. Starvation of rhizobial cells in the phosphate-buffered saline and soil extract solution, as well as incubation in both soil types, resulted in a significant decrease in mean cell size.  相似文献   

The bacterial enzyme histidine decarboxylase (Hdc) catalyses the conversion of histidine into histamine. This amine is essential for the biosynthesis of iron chelators (siderophores) and is an important cause of food poisoning after consumption of fish contaminated with histamine-producing bacteria. In this work we compared different methods for detecting histamine secreted by different bacterial strains. The presence of histamine in the culture supernatant of Vibrio anguillarum, which produces Hdc and secretes the histamine-containing siderophore anguibactin, was detected by thin-layer chromatography. Similar results were obtained using the culture supernatant of the Acinetobacter baumannii 19606 prototype strain that secretes the histamine-containing siderophore acinetobactin. Conversely, histamine was not detected in the culture supernatant of an isogenic V. anguillarum Hdc mutant and the A. baumannii 8399 strain that secretes a catechol siderophore different from anguibactin and acinetobactin. These results were confirmed by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. However, all these strains tested positive for histamine secretion when cultured on differential plating media containing histidine and a pH indicator, which were specifically designed for the detection of histamine-producing bacteria. The pH increase of the medium surrounding the bacterial colonies was however drastically reduced when the histidine-containing medium was supplemented with peptone, beef extract, and glucose. The histidine-containing culture supernatants of the A. baumannii and V. anguillarum strains showed an increase of about two units of pH, turned purple upon the addition of cresol red, and contained high amounts of ammonia. Escherichia coli strains, which are Hdc negative and do not use histidine as a carbon, nitrogen, and energy source, gave negative results with the differential solid medium and produced only moderate amounts of ammonia when cultured in the presence of excess histidine. This study demonstrates that, although more laborious and requiring some expensive equipment, thin-layer and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry are more accurate than differential media for detecting bacterial histamine secretion. The results obtained with these analytical methods are not affected by byproducts such as ammonia, which are generated during the degradation of histidine and produce false positive results with the differential plating media.  相似文献   

ERIC (Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus)-PCR was employed to generate stable and reproductive ERIC-PCR fingerprints of Ent. sakazakii ATCC51329. Moreover, this study also cloned and sequenced a major band of Ent. sakazakii (ATCC51329) ERIC-PCR fingerprints. The major band was amplified with primer ERIC2 and sequences extending primer ERIC 2 showed poor similarity with ERIC elements. A comparison of the nucleotide acid with other sequences available in the GenBank revealed 90% of identity with Ent. sakazakii ATCC BAA-894, and 73%-74% of identity with oligopeptiase gene or protease gene of some species from the Enterobacteriaceae family. Two primers were synthesized to develop and optimize an Enterobacter sakazakii-specific PCR based on regions of major band unique to Ent. sakazakii. The expected fragment was amplified from all of Ent. sakazkaii but not from the negative controls. As few as 10(2) CFU/ml of Ent. sakazakii of PCR were directly detected in the infant formulas. This was the case even in the presence of other bacteria. A comparison of traditional methods and new developed PCR in commercial foods suggested that without using API20-E test, the DFI chromogenic medium and FDA method showed 46.15% and 50% false positive respectively. Moreover, one false negative was observed with FDA method. In contrast, PCR was highly sensitive and specific to Ent. sakazakii. A high heterogeneity between Ent. sakazakii and the other microorganisms was found on expected fragment sequence. In addition, Ent. sakazakii ATCC51329 formed a separate branch with >5% divergence from the type strain ATCC BAA-894 and major strains.  相似文献   

Rosa Paul's Scarlet'cell suspension cultures were used as a test system for working out a method of viability and drug-sensitivity determination based on plating efficiency. High plating efficiencies (80–95%) were obtained on a simple synthetic medium when aggregates of a mean size of c . 100 cells/unit from exponential phase cultures were plated at a density of 1500 units/plate in the middle layer (5 ml) of three layers of the agar-solidified medium (total = 30 ml). This 3-layer plating technique produces homogeneous colony growth and simplifies the microscopical evaluation of plating efficiencies. The reduction of plating efficiencies seen when the smaller aggregates of stationary phase cultures were plated was mainly due to low cell density and could be overcome by enriching the medium with various supplements. Reconstitution experiments using mixtures of inactivated and non-inactivated aggregates demonstrated that plating efficiency can be taken as a goodmeasure of viability. The described plating technique was found to be more sensitive and reliable compared to two other methods for determining p -fluorophenylalanine-sensitivity of Rosa cells.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the effect of lactic acid (LA), copper (II), and monolaurin as natural antimicrobials against Cronobacter in infant formula. Methods and Results: The effect of LA (0·1, 0·2 and 0·3% v/v), copper (II) (10, 50 and 100 μg ml?1) and monolaurin (1000, 2000, and 3000 μg ml?1) suspended into tween‐80? or dissolved in ethanol against Cronobacter in infant formula was investigated. Reconstituted infant formula and powdered infant formula were inoculated with five strains of Cronobacter spp. at the levels of c. 1 × 106 CFU ml?1 and 1 × 103 CFU g?1, respectively. LA at 0·2% v/v had a bacteriostatic effect on Cronobacter growth, whereas 0·3% v/v LA resulted in c. 3 log10 reduction. Copper (II) at the levels of 50 μg ml?1 and 100 μg ml?1 elicited c. 1 and 2 log10 reductions, respectively. The combination of 0·2% LA and 50 μg ml?1 copper (II) resulted in a complete elimination of the organism. Monolaurin exhibited a slight inhibitory activity against Cronobacter (c. 1·5 log10 difference) compared to the control when ethanol was used to deliver monolaurin. Conclusions: A complete elimination of Cronobacter was obtained when a combination of sublethal concentrations of LA (0·2%) and copper (II) (50 μg ml?1) was used. Significance and Impact of the Study: The use of the synergistic interactive combination of LA and copper (II) could be beneficial to control Cronobacter in the infant formula industry.  相似文献   

ERIC (Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus)-PCR was employed to generate stable and reproductive ERIC-PCR fingerprints of Ent. sakazakii ATCC51329. Moreover, this study also cloned and sequenced a major band of Ent. sakazakii (ATCC51329) ERIC-PCR fingerprints. The major band was amplified with primer ERIC2 and sequences extending primer ERIC 2 showed poor similarity with ERIC elements. A comparison of the nucleotide acid with other sequences available in the GenBank revealed 90% of identity with Ent. sakazakii ATCC BAA-894, and 73%–74% of identity with oligopeptiase gene or proteaseⅡgene of some species from the Enterobacteriaceae family. Two primers were synthesized to develop and optimize an Enterobacter sakazakii-specific PCR based on regions of major band unique to Ent. sakazakii. The expected fragment was amplified from all of Ent. sakazkaii but not from the negative controls. As few as 102 CFU/ml of Ent. sakazakii of PCR were directly detected in the infant formulas. This was the case even in the presence of other bacteria. A comparison of traditional methods and new developed PCR in commercial foods suggested that without using API20-E test, the DFI chromogenic medium and FDA method showed 46.15% and 50% false positive respectively. Moreover, one false negative was observed with FDA method. In contrast, PCR was highly sensitive and specific to Ent. sakazakii. A high heterogeneity between Ent. sakazakii and the other microorganisms was found on expected fragment sequence. In addition, Ent. sakazakii ATCC51329 formed a separate branch with > 5% divergence from the type strain ATCC BAA-894 and major strains.  相似文献   

Enterobacter sakazakii causes a severe form of neonatal meningitis that occurs as sporadic cases as well as outbreaks. The disease has been epidemiologically associated with consumption of reconstituted, dried infant formulas. Very little information is available regarding pathogenicity of the organism and production of virulence factors. Clinical and environmental strains were screened for production of factors which have activity against Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in tissue culture. Polymyxin B lysate and sonicate preparations but not culture supernatants from the strains caused "rounding" of CHO cells. Subsequent studies showed that the CHO cell-rounding factor is a proteolytic enzyme that has activity against azocasein. The cell-bound protease was isolated by using a combination of polymyxin B lysis, followed by sonication of cells harvested from tryptone broth. The protease was purified to homogeneity by sequential ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration chromatography with Sephadex G-100, hydrophobic interaction chromatography with phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B, and a second gel filtration with Sephadex G-100. In addition to activity against azocasein, the purified protease also exhibits activity against azocoll and insoluble casein but not elastin. The protease has a molecular weight of 38,000 and an isoelectric point of 4.4. It is heat labile and for maximal activity against azocasein has an optimum temperature of 37 degrees C and a pH range of 5 to 7. Proteolytic activity is inhibited by ortho-phenanthroline and Zincov but is not affected by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, N-ethylmaleimide, and trypsin inhibitors, which demonstrates that the protease is a zinc-containing metalloprotease. The metalloprotease does not hemagglutinate chicken or sheep erythrocytes. Twenty-three to 27 of the first 42 N-terminal amino acid residues of the metalloprotease are identical to proteases produced by Serratia proteamaculans, Pectobacterium carotovorum, and Anabaena sp. PCR analysis using primers designed from a consensus nucleotide sequence showed that 135 E. sakazakii strains possessed the metalloprotease gene, zpx, and 25 non-E. sakazakii strains did not. The cloned zpx gene of strain 29544 consists of 1,026 nucleotides, and the deduced amino acid sequence of the metalloprotease has 341 amino acid residues, which corresponds to a theoretical protein size of 37,782 with a theoretical pI of 5.23. The sequence possesses three well-characterized zinc-binding and active-site motifs present in other bacterial zinc metalloproteases.  相似文献   

Enterobacter sakazakii causes a severe form of neonatal meningitis that occurs as sporadic cases as well as outbreaks. The disease has been epidemiologically associated with consumption of reconstituted, dried infant formulas. Very little information is available regarding pathogenicity of the organism and production of virulence factors. Clinical and environmental strains were screened for production of factors which have activity against Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in tissue culture. Polymyxin B lysate and sonicate preparations but not culture supernatants from the strains caused “rounding” of CHO cells. Subsequent studies showed that the CHO cell-rounding factor is a proteolytic enzyme that has activity against azocasein. The cell-bound protease was isolated by using a combination of polymyxin B lysis, followed by sonication of cells harvested from tryptone broth. The protease was purified to homogeneity by sequential ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration chromatography with Sephadex G-100, hydrophobic interaction chromatography with phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B, and a second gel filtration with Sephadex G-100. In addition to activity against azocasein, the purified protease also exhibits activity against azocoll and insoluble casein but not elastin. The protease has a molecular weight of 38,000 and an isoelectric point of 4.4. It is heat labile and for maximal activity against azocasein has an optimum temperature of 37°C and a pH range of 5 to 7. Proteolytic activity is inhibited by ortho-phenanthroline and Zincov but is not affected by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, N-ethylmaleimide, and trypsin inhibitors, which demonstrates that the protease is a zinc-containing metalloprotease. The metalloprotease does not hemagglutinate chicken or sheep erythrocytes. Twenty-three to 27 of the first 42 N-terminal amino acid residues of the metalloprotease are identical to proteases produced by Serratia proteamaculans, Pectobacterium carotovorum, and Anabaena sp. PCR analysis using primers designed from a consensus nucleotide sequence showed that 135 E. sakazakii strains possessed the metalloprotease gene, zpx, and 25 non-E. sakazakii strains did not. The cloned zpx gene of strain 29544 consists of 1,026 nucleotides, and the deduced amino acid sequence of the metalloprotease has 341 amino acid residues, which corresponds to a theoretical protein size of 37,782 with a theoretical pI of 5.23. The sequence possesses three well-characterized zinc-binding and active-site motifs present in other bacterial zinc metalloproteases.  相似文献   



Enterobacter sakazakii is the causative agent of rare but severe food-borne infections associated with meningitis, necrotizing enterocolitis and sepsis in infants. Rehydrated powdered infant formulae have been implicated as the source of infection in several outbreaks and sporadic cases. In this work, a real time fluorescence resonance energy transfer PCR assay incorporating an internal amplification control (IAC) was developed for the specific detection of E. sakazakii in foods. Performance of the assay, coupled to an automated DNA extraction system and the E. sakazakii ISO-IDF (TS 22964/RM 210) enrichment procedure, was evaluated on infant formulae and samples from production environment.  相似文献   

The efficacy of tryptic soy agar (TSA), modified sorbitol MacConkey agar (MSMA), modified eosin methylene blue (MEMB) agar, and modified SD-39 (MSD) agar in recovering a five-strain mixture of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 and five non-O157 strains of E. coli heated in tryptic soy broth at 52, 54, or 56 degrees C for 10, 20, and 30 min was determined. Nonselective TSA supported the highest recovery of heated cells. Significantly (P < or = 0.05) lower recovery of heat-stressed cells was observed on MSMA than on TSA, MEMB agar, or MSD agar. The suitability of MEMB agar or MSD agar for recovery of E. coli O157:H7 from heated or frozen (-20 degrees C) low- or high-fat ground beef was determined. Recovery of E. coli O157:H7 from heated ground beef was significantly (P < or = 0.05) higher on TSA than on MEMB agar, which in turn supported higher recovery than MSD agar did; MSMA was inferior. Recovery from frozen ground beef was also higher on MEMB and MSD agars than on MSMA. Higher populations were generally recovered from high-fat beef than from low-fat beef, but the relative performance of the recovery media was the same. The inability of MSMA to recover stressed cells of E. coli O157:H7 underscores the need to develop a better selective medium for enumerating E. coli O157:H7.  相似文献   

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