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We identified conserved molecules (enzymes, peptides, cytokines) that might play a role in invertebrate innate immunity. We found these molecules by immunoserological and immunohistochemical methods in association with coelomocytes, leukocytes located in the coelomic cavity of the earthworm Eisenia foetida. We detected the enzyme Cu-Zn-superoxide-dismutase (SOD), cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-alpha, TNFalpha; transforming growth factor-alpha, TGFalpha; and alpha peptide hormone, thyreotrope stimulating hormone, TSH) in earthworm coelomocytes with monoclonal antibodies developed originally against human and/or mouse antigens. Three coelomocyte subpopulations were identified according to their form, size and granularity by microscopic and flow cytometric analysis. These cell populations showed different reactivity with antibodies against mammalian cell surface (CD) markers and different intracellular antigens. Two coelomocyte types showed cell surface positivity with anti-Thy-1 (CD90), CD24 and TNF-alpha antibodies. Strong cytoplasmic reaction was shown with anti-TNF-alpha and anti-SOD mAbs and a weaker but unambiguous reaction with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in two cell populations. The third population was negative for all of the monoclonal antibodies. Our flow cytometric results were confirmed by confocal microscopy both on the cell surfaces and intracellularly.  相似文献   

Background  Acute leukemia with 11q23 aberrations is associated with a poor outcome with therapy. The lack of efficacy of conventional therapy has stimulated interest in developing novel strategies. Recent studies have shown that 11q23-positive acute leukemia cells express the high molecular weight-melanoma associated antigen (HMW-MAA). This tumor antigen represents a useful target to control growth of human melanoma tumors in patients and in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice, utilizing antibody-based immunotherapy. This effect appears to be mediated by inhibition of the HMW-MAA function such as triggering of the focal adhesion kinase/proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) pathways. Therefore, in this study we tested whether HMW-MAA-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) could inhibit growth of 11q23-positive leukemia cells in SCID mice. Methods  HMW-MAA-specific mAb were tested for their ability to inhibit the in vitro proliferation of an 11q23-positive acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell line and blasts from four patients with 11q23 aberrations and their in vivo growth in subcutaneous and disseminated xenograft models. Results  The HMW-MAA-specific mAb did not affect in vitro proliferation although they down-regulated phosphorylated (P) Pyk2 expression. Furthermore, the mAb enhanced the in vitro anti-proliferative effect of cytarabine. In vivo the mAb inhibited the growth of leukemic cells in a dose-dependent fashion. However, the difference did not reach statistical significance. No effect was detected on P-Pyk2 expression. Furthermore, HMW-MAA-specific mAb in combination with cytarabine did not improve tumor inhibition. Lastly, the combination of two mAb which recognize distinct HMW-MAA determinants had no detectable effect on survival in a disseminated xenograft model. Conclusions  HMW-MAA-specific mAb down-regulated P-Pyk2 expression and enhanced the anti-proliferative effect of cytarabine in vitro, but had no detectable effect on survival or growth of leukemia cells in vivo. Whether the HMW-MAA-specific mAb can be used as carriers of toxins or chemotherapeutic agents against 11q23-acute leukemia remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The inhibition of diphtheria toxoid and varidase-specific T cell clones from a single DR 6/7 donor by eight distinct monoclonal anti-HLA-DR antibodies was tested in proliferative assays. These moAb were selected because they had been previously defined for their ability: 1) to react with Ia molecules; 2) to recognize similar or different epitopes; 3) to share or not share idiotypic specificities. Our results show a distinct inhibition pattern for each clone tested. Furthermore, the various moAb could be classified into three groups according to their inhibitory effect on T cell proliferation. These data suggest: a) an epitopic restriction by class II antigens of antigen-specific human T cell clone proliferation; and b) the recognition of functional epitopes on the human Ia-like antigens by some but not all moAb studied.  相似文献   

The human high m.w.-melanoma-associated Ag (HMW-MAA) is an attractive target for the immunotherapy of melanoma, due to its relatively high expression in a high percentage of melanoma lesions and its restricted distribution in normal tissues. Active immunization with HMW-MAA mimics has been previously shown to induce a HMW-MAA-specific, T cell-dependent Ab response associated with an apparent clinically beneficial effect in advanced melanoma patients. Although T cells play an important role in controlling tumor growth, only limited information is available to date about the induction of HMW-MAA-specific CTL. In this report, we show that immunization of HLA-A2/K(b) transgenic mice with HMW-MAA cDNA-transfected syngeneic dendritic cells elicited a CD8(+) CTL response specific for HMW-MAA peptides with HLA-A2 Ag-binding motifs. The elicited CTL lysed HLA-A2(+)HMW-MAA(+) melanoma cells in vitro, and mouse HLA-A2/K(b) cells pulsed with HMW-MAA-derived peptides in vitro and in vivo. Although this CTL response could be generated in the absence of CD4(+) T cell help, harnessing CD4(+) T cell help in a noncognate Ag-specific manner with the polyclonal activator staphylococcal enterotoxin A augmented the CTL response. These results imply that dendritic cell-based immunization, in combination with CD4(+) T cell help, represents an effective strategy to implement T cell-based immunotherapy targeting HMW-MAA in patients with HMW-MAA-bearing tumors.  相似文献   

Hybridization with murine myeloma cells P3-X63-Ag8.653 of splenocytes from BALB/c mice immunized with syngeneic anti-human high molecular weight melanoma-associated Ag (HMW-MAA) mAb 149.53, 225.28, 763.74, and TP41.2 has resulted in the formation of antiidiotypic antibody-secreting hybridomas with a frequency ranging between 1.2% and 5.2%. No marked difference was detected in the frequency of antibody secreting hybridomas in the fusions generated from mice immunized with the four anti-HMW-MAA mAb, suggesting that the idiotopes expressed by each of them display similar immunogenicity in a syngeneic combination. The number of antiidiotypic mAb that did not inhibit the binding of immunizing mAb to melanoma cells was higher than that of those that died, suggesting that idiotopes not associated with the Ag-combining site are more immunogenic than those that are. The idiotopes recognized by mAb were not detected on a large panel of anti-HLA Class I mAb, anti-HLA Class II mAb, and anti-human melanoma-associated Ag mAb. The latter included also mAb that cross-inhibit the immunizing anti-HMW-MAA mAb. The idiotopes recognized by mAb were not detected on the isolated H and L chain of the immunizing anti-HMW-MAA mAb. Cross-blocking experiments with a selected number of antiidiotypic mAb identified three distinct idiotopes on mAb 149.53, 225.28, and TP41.2 and two on mAb 763.74. Three, 5, 2, and 5 antiidiotypic mAb to idiotopes within the Ag-combining site of mAb 149.53, 225.28, 763.74, and TP41.2, respectively, were tested for their ability to induce anti-HMW-MAA antibodies. Serological and immunochemical assays detected anti-HMW-MAA antibodies only in sera from BALB/c mice immunized with mAb MK2-23. Therefore, mAb MK2-23 can be classified as beta, while the remaining 14 can be classified as gamma.  相似文献   

Calcineurin (calcium- and calmodulin-stimulated phosphatase) alpha subunit purified from bovine brain was found to be composed of two polypeptides, 61 KDa (alpha 1) and 59 KDa (alpha 2). The two peptides were separated and extracted from polyacrylamide gel. The immuno-peptide mapping of the purified peptides by partial proteolysis showed that the 59-KDa polypeptide was not a degradative product of the 61-KDa polypeptide. The interaction of the enzyme with two monoclonal antibodies, Vj6 and Vd3, raised against bovine brain calcineurin revealed that the 61-KDa polypeptide was recognized by both Vj6 and Vd3, whereas the 59-KDa one was recognized only by Vj6. These results indicate that there are at least two isoforms of calcineurin alpha subunits in bovine brain.  相似文献   

A mAb of the IgG1/kappa isotype was raised against human myelin basic protein (MBP) peptide acetyl 1-9. This mAb, termed F23, reacted with human MBP and human MBP peptides acetyl 1-9, 1-14, and 1-44, but not with MBP peptides 10-19, 80-89, or 45-89. According to the guidelines of the molecular recognition theory, a complementary peptide to human MBP peptide 1-9 was synthesized and used to raise murine mAb with anti-Id activity. Two mAb anti-Id, F25F7 and F25C8, both of the IgM/kappa isotype, were selected for further study. These anti-Id reacted with F23, the mAb for which they were selected, and also reacted with another mAb, which was of the IgG1/kappa isotype and was raised to human MBP peptide 80-89. There was no reaction with another control mAb of the IgG1/kappa isotype or murine myeloma IgG1. By immunoblotting techniques, it was demonstrated that the Id on each of the mAbs to MBP peptides was located on the kappa L chain but also could be recognized in nonreduced IgG. The cross-reactive anti-Id suppressed antibody secretion of Id-producing hybridoma cells in an Id-specific manner, and kinetic studies suggest an intracellular mechanism for the suppression. These cross-reactive Id among antibodies to different MBP peptides imply that the same V region genes of kappa L chains are involved in the selection of antibodies to an autoantigen, like MBP, and may play a role in the modulation of immune responses against MBP in certain inflammatory demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   

Human high molecular weight-melanoma associated Ag (HMW-MAA) mimics have been shown to elicit HMW-MAA-specific humoral immune responses that appear to be clinically beneficial. This finding has stimulated interest in characterizing the mechanism(s) underlying the ability of the elicited Abs to exert an anti-tumor effect. To address this question, in the present study, we have generated HMW-MAA-specific Abs by sequentially immunizing rabbits with the peptide P763.74, which mimics the HMW-MAA determinant recognized by mAb 763.74, and with HMW-MAA(+) melanoma cells. HMW-MAA-specific Abs isolated from immunized rabbits mediated cell-dependent cytotoxicity but did not mediate complement-dependent cytotoxicity of HMW-MAA(+) melanoma cells. These Abs also effectively inhibited spreading, migration and Matrigel invasion of HMW-MAA(+) melanoma cells. Besides contributing to our understanding of the role of HMW-MAA in the biology of melanoma cells, these results suggest that both immunological and nonimmunological mechanisms underlie the beneficial clinical effects associated with the induction of HMW-MAA-specific Abs in melanoma patients immunized with a HMW-MAA mimic.  相似文献   

By immune chromatography fractions with various reaction rates of antigen precipitation and neutralization of toxin "in vivo" have been isolated from a common pool of antibodies. Antibodies of higher pI possessed an elevated relation of basis amino acid residues to unsubstituted dicarboxylic residues as well as greater affinity. The data suggest an important role of ion interaction and a general scheme of antigen and antibody molecules structure for immune reactions.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan-binding peptides were designed based on consensus sequences in heparin-binding proteins: XBBXBX and XBBBXXBX, where X and B are hydropathic and basic residues, respectively. Initial peptide constructs included (AKKARA)(n) and (ARKKAAKA)(n) (n = 1-6). Affinity coelectrophoresis revealed that low M(r) peptides (600-1,300) had no affinities for low M(r) heparin, but higher M(r) peptides (2,000-3,500) exhibited significant affinities (K(d) congruent with 50-150 nM), which increased with peptide M(r). Affinity was strongest when sequence arrays were contiguous and alanines and arginines occupied hydropathic and basic positions, but inclusion of prolines was disruptive. A peptide including a single consensus sequence of the serglycin proteoglycan core protein bound heparin strongly (K(d) congruent with 200 nM), likely owing to dimerization through cysteine-cysteine linkages. Circular dichroism showed that high affinity heparin-binding peptides converted from a charged coil to an alpha-helix upon heparin addition, whereas weak heparin-binding peptides did not. Higher M(r) peptides exhibited high affinities for total endothelial cell proteoglycans (K(d) congruent with 300 nM), and approximately 4-fold weaker affinities for their free glycosaminoglycan chains. Thus, peptides including concatamers of heparin-binding consensus sequences may exhibit strong affinities for heparin and proteoglycans. Such peptides may be applicable in promoting cell-substratum adhesion or in the design of drugs targeted to proteoglycan-containing cell surfaces and extracellular matrices.  相似文献   

Successful immunotherapy of cocaine addiction and overdoses requires cocaine-binding antibodies with specific properties, such as high affinity and selectivity for cocaine. We have determined the affinities of two cocaine-binding murine monoclonal antibodies (mAb: clones 3P1A6 and MM0240PA) for cocaine and its metabolites by [3H]-radioligand binding assays. mAb 3P1A6 (K(d) = 0.22 nM) displayed a 50-fold higher affinity for cocaine than mAb MM0240PA (K(d) = 11 nM) and also had a greater specificity for cocaine. For the systematic exploration of both antibodies' binding specificities, we used a set of approximately 35 cocaine analogues as structural probes by determining their relative binding affinities (RBAs) using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent competition assay. Three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) models on the basis of comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) techniques correlated the binding data with structural features of the ligands. The analysis indicated that despite the mAbs' differing specificities for cocaine, the relative contributions of the steric (approximately 80%) and electrostatic (approximately 20%) field interactions to ligand-binding were similar. Generated three-dimensional CoMFA contour plots then located the specific regions about cocaine where the ligand/receptor interactions occurred. While the overall binding patterns of the two mAbs had many features in common, distinct differences were observed about the phenyl ring and the methylester group of cocaine. Furthermore, using previously published data, a 3D-QSAR model was developed for cocaine binding to the dopamine reuptake transporter (DAT) that was compared to the mAb models. Although the relative steric and electrostatic field contributions were similar to those of the mAbs, the DAT cocaine-binding site showed a preference for negatively charged ligands. Besides establishing molecular level insight into the interactions that govern cocaine binding specificity by biopolymers, the three-dimensional images obtained reflect the properties of the mAbs binding pockets and provide the initial information needed for the possible design of novel antibodies with properties optimized for immunotherapy.  相似文献   

To understand the structure of apolipoprotein A-I, we have used an immunochemical approach and identified specific regions of apoA-I that may be exposed on the apoprotein as it exists on high density lipoprotein (HDL). Twelve mouse monoclonal antibodies specific for human apoA-I were generated from six fusions. Thirteen synthetic peptides of between 5 and 16 amino acid residues in length, which span the amino-terminal two-thirds of apoA-I, were tested for their ability to react with each of the 12 antibodies. In a competitive solid-phase radioimmunoassay, a synthetic peptide, which represented residues 1-15 of mature apoA-I, inhibited the binding of antibody AI-16 to immobilized HDL. Similarly, a synthetic peptide, which represented residues 90-105 of apoA-I, inhibited the binding of antibody AI-18 to immobilized HDL. Using systematic changes in the size and sequence of the oligopeptides, the limits and essential amino acid residues of these epitopes were defined. Comparisons of the slopes of the competition curves obtained with immunoreactive peptides, isolated apoA-I, and HDL verified that these two regions of apoA-I are exposed on the surface of apoA-I as it exists on native HDL.  相似文献   

Five monoclonal antibodies specific towards Schistosoma mansoni antigens were prepared by fusion of spleen cells of infected and immunized mouse with the murine myeloma NS-1 cells. Three of the five antibodies belonged to the IgG1 class, one was an IgM and the fifth one was an IgE. The IgE monoclonal antibody designated 54.10, induced antigen-specific degranulation of rat basophilic cell line, a property which served as the basis for the screening assay. Its biological function was demonstrated by a specific macrophage activation that led to killing of schistosomula; no such killing was obtained with anti-schistosome antibodies of other classes or with IgE of different antigenic specificity. The second monoclonal antibody of biological significance was an IgG1, designated 27.21 which is reactive in the immunofluorescence staining of surface antigens on intact schistosomula. All three monoclonal antibodies that belonged to the IgG1 class were effective in mediating killing of schistosomula by complement, with the highest effect exerted by 27.21. It is thus apparent that the 27.21 monoclonal antibody is directed against a densely distributed surface antigen on the schistosomula membrane which is possibly involved in the protective immunity. Preliminary data showed that immunoprecipitation with the 27.21 antibodies results in the isolation of three major protein bands, of 60 kd, 50 kd, 19 kd, respectively.  相似文献   

We have developed culture conditions for human lymphocytes that support primary in vitro immune responses to protein Ag of either human or nonhuman origin. We now show that these primed B cells can be efficiently immortalized by fusion with a heterohybrid fusion partner to generate human, Ag-specific IgM or IgG antibody-producing heterohybridomas at a rate of 17 to 50 hybrids/10(6) lymphocytes fused. Approximately 50% of the Ig-secreting clones were stable with respect to Ig secretion. Levels of secretion attained with terminal cultures ranged from less than 1 to 100 micrograms/ml. Fusions of cells between 2 and 5 days after initiation of in vitro exposure to Ag produced more Ag-reactive and Ag-specific antibodies than fusions at 1 day or fusions performed after 5 days. Ag-reactive hybrids could be isolated at frequencies of 3 to 10%, depending on antigenicity of the immunogen. Foreign proteins, horse spleen ferritin, and a murine monoclonal Ig, induced higher percentages of Ag-reactive mAb than immunization with the human-derived ferritin. Ag-reactive IgG mAb were produced at relatively high frequency, depending on immunization conditions and the nature of the Ag. The strategy for identification of the best hybrids included early elimination of unstable hybridomas and of hybridomas producing broadly cross-reactive antibody, followed by evaluation of units of Ag reactivity/micrograms Ig. Ferritin-specific mAb selected according to these criteria showed immunocytochemical reactivity with ferritin-containing tissues and apparent affinities in the range of 10(7) to 10(8)/mol.  相似文献   

The immunoreactivities of LDL (low density lipoprotein) samples obtained from a variety of subjects were analyzed by comparing their capacities to compete with 125I-labeled LDL for binding to various monoclonal anti-LDL antibodies in competitive binding assays. A marked variation in epitope expression was observed. In comparison to an LDL standard, different preparations exhibited immunoreactivities (expressed as apparent apoB content) ranging from 30 to 400% of the LDL standard. Some epitopes were much more uniformly expressed than others. The number of epitopes expressed in different LDL preparations appeared to be related to the percentage composition of various lipid constituents in LDL. The results support the hypothesis that the epitope expression of apoB is modulated by the composition of the lipids associated with it.  相似文献   

The energy landscape of the uranyl (UO2) chelate dissociated from a monoclonal antibody U08S was investigated using dynamic force spectroscopy (DFS). The uranyl ion (UO2(2+)) is chelated with the ligand dicarboxy-phenanthroline (DCP). The monoclonal antibody U08S was raised against UO2-DCP and does not cross-react with DCP alone. The results of plotting the most probable force against the logarithm of the loading rate show two distinguished values of slopes of multiple fitting lines, as observed in our previous study on that system with monoclonal antibody U04S (Odorico et al., 2007a. Biophys. J. 93: 645-654.). It indicates an unbinding process undergoing at least two activation states. We have generated the histogram of unbinding events with respect to the composite stiffness of the complex between the protein and the uranyl compound. Combining the model of Bell and Evans with that of Williams, we have estimated the number of parallel bonds involved in the unbinding process and determined the value of stiffness for individual bonds. We propose that the uranyl compound binds to the two antibodies U04S and U0c at structurally equivalent locations and forms the interaction with similar coordination modes. In addition, the unbinding process goes through two steps; the first weakens the bonding of the central metal with AspL50 of the antibody and the second breaks other non-bonded interactions of the compound with the antibody.  相似文献   

Anti-I-A mAb were used as probes of functional epitopes for both the presentation of hen egg lysozyme (HEL) peptides to I-Ak-restricted T cell hybridomas and the direct binding of the HEL (46-61) peptide. When mAb directed to polymorphic regions of I-Ak were used as inhibitors of Ag presentation, several different patterns of inhibition were observed among T cells specific for the same HEL peptide as well as among T cells specific for different fragments of HEL. Although there appears to be a conserved usage of some TCR V beta gene segments among the T cell hybrids specific for the same HEL peptide, no correlation is evident between a single V gene usage and susceptibility to blocking of Ag presentation by a particular anti-I-Ak mAb. Several of the mAb demonstrated T cell "clonotypic blocking" of Ag presentation, whereas others blocked presentation to every T cell hybrid tested, regardless of the peptide specificity. When mAb directed to nonpolymorphic regions of the I-A molecule were tested for their ability to block Ag presentation, little or no inhibition was observed. In addition, Fab' fragments of inhibitory mAb functioned identically to their intact homologous counterparts in their ability to block Ag presentation indicating that "nonspecific" steric hindrance was not playing a major role in the inhibitions observed. When the polymorphic region-directed anti-I-A mAb were tested for their ability to block the direct binding of the lysozyme peptide HEL(46-61) to I-Ak, those mAb that block HEL presentation to all T cell hybrids were found to block the binding of this peptide. However, anti-I-A mAb that demonstrate selective inhibition of T cell hybrid stimulation during Ag presentation, i.e., those directed to polymorphic serologic specificities Ia.15 and Ia.19, do not block the binding of HEL(46-61) to I-Ak. These data indicate that functionally independent epitopes exist on the I-Ak molecule for the binding of antigenic peptides and for interaction with the TCR.  相似文献   

Chromosome pairing at meiosis is an essential feature in cell biology, which determines trait inheritance and species evolution. Complex polyploids may display diverse pairing affinities and offer favorable situations for studying meiosis. The genus Saccharum encompasses diverse forms of polyploids with predominantly bivalent pairing. We have focused on a modern cultivar of sugarcane, R570, and taken advantage of a particular single copy probe (BNL 12.06) revealing 11 alleles by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). As for other cultivars, R570 is highly polyploid (2n=ca. 115) and indirectly derived from interspecific hybridization between Saccharum officinarum (2n=80, x=10) and S. spontaneum (2n=40-128, x=8). Here we determined the doses of the various BNL12.06 RFLP alleles among 282 progeny of R570 and estimated the mutual pairing frequencies among the corresponding homo- or homoeologous chromosomes using a maximum likelihood method. The result is an atypical picture, with pairing frequencies ranging from 0 to 40% and differential affinities leading to the identification of several chromosome subsets. This example illustrates the unsystematic meiotic behavior in a complex polyploid. It highlights a continuous range of pairing affinities between chromosomes and pinpoints a strong role of individual chromosome features, partly related to their ancestral origin, in the determination of these affinities.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread clinical use of CD34 antibodies for the purification of human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, all the current anti-human CD34 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are murine, which have the potential to elicit human antimouse antibody (HAMA) immune response. In the present study, we developed three new mouse anti-human CD34 mAbs which, respectively, belonged to class I, class II and class III CD34 epitope antibodies. In an attempt to reduce the immunogenicity of these three murine mAbs, their chimeric antibodies, which consisted of mouse antibody variable regions fused genetically to human antibody constant regions, were constructed and characterized. The anti-CD34 chimeric antibodies were shown to possess affinity and specificity similar to that of their respective parental murine antibodies. Due to the potentially better safety profiles, these chimeric antibodies might become alternatives to mouse anti-CD34 antibodies routinely used for clinical application.  相似文献   

Structure-function studies of antibody-antigen systems include the identification of amino acid residues in the antigen that interact with an antibody and elucidation of their individual contributions to binding affinity. We used fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and alanine-scanning mutagenesis to characterize the interactions of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) with two monoclonal antibodies. Human BNP is a 32 amino acid residue long cyclic polypeptide with the ring structure confined between cysteines in positions 10 and 26. It is an important cardiovascular hormone and a valuable diagnostic cardiac marker. We compare the binding strength of the N-terminus Alexa488-labeled BNP, native cyclic BNP, BNP alanine-substituted mutants, linear BNP, and its short fragments to determine the individual contributions of amino acid residues included in the continuous antigenic epitopes that are recognized by two different monoclonal antibodies raised toward BNP. Implementation of FCS for these studies offers all of the advantages of solution phase measurements, including high sensitivity, simplicity of manipulation with reagents, and elimination of solid phase interferences or separation steps. Significant differences in the molecular masses of the free and antibody bound BNP results in a substantial ( approximately 2.5-times) increase in the diffusion rates. Determination of the binding constants and inhibition effects by measuring the diffusion rates of the ligand at the single molecule level introduces the ultimate opportunity for researching systems where the fluorescence intensity and/or fluorescence anisotropy do not change upon interaction of the ligand with the protein. Monoclonal antibodies 106.3 and BC203 demonstrate high affinities to BNP and bind two distant epitopes forming robust antibody sandwiches. Both antibodies are used in Abbott diagnostic assays on AxSYM, IMx, and Architect platforms.  相似文献   

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