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Extrahepatic sites of metabolism of carbon tetrachloride in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rats were injected i.v. and i.p. with [14C]carbon tetrachloride and the localization and binding of metabolites in the tissues were studied by autoradiography. Based on the autoradiographic findings, various tissues were tested for their capacity to form 14CO2 from [14C]carbon tetrachloride in vitro. Autoradiography in vitro was used to localize the sites of [14C]carbon tetrachloride metabolism under in vitro conditions. The results showed that several tissues accumulating metabolites in vivo had an ability to form 14CO2 in vitro, and accumulation of metabolites was observed also under the in vitro conditions. These results indicate that carbon tetrachloride is metabolized in many extrahepatic tissues in vivo. The structures identified to have a marked carbon tetrachloride-metabolizing capacity were, besides the liver, the mucosa of the bronchial tree, the tracheal mucosa, the olfactory and respiratory nasal mucosa, the oesophageal mucosa, the mucosa of the larynx, the tongue and the cheeks, the lateral nasal gland and the kidney cortex. It is well established that the degradation of carbon tetrachloride involves the cytochrome P-450 system, and the metabolism of the substance in the mentioned tissues is probably correlated to high concentrations of cytochrome P-450. The nasal olfactory mucosa was found to be the tissue with the highest capacity to form 14CO2 from the [14C]carbon tetrachloride and microautoradiography indicated that in this tissue the cells of the subepithelial glands of the lamina propria mucosae are most actively engaged in the metabolism. It was also shown that cytochrome P-450 is present in the nasal olfactory mucosa.  相似文献   

The effect of diet on carbon tetrachloride metabolism   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1. Blood and liver concentrations of carbon tetrachloride were measured, at intervals after an oral dose, in rats given stock and protein-free diets. The values did not correlate with the resistance to poisoning found in the rats on protein-free diets. 2. The metabolism of carbon tetrachloride to carbon dioxide in vivo and in liver microsomal preparations was depressed in animals given protein-free diets. 3. Rats given a single dose of DDT [1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)ethane] were highly sensitive to carbon tetrachloride poisoning. The livers of such animals had an increased microsomal protein content and greatly increased microsomal activity in the demethylation of Pyramidon (aminopyrine) and in the conversion of 14CCl4 into 14CO2. 4. The incorporation of [14C]leucine into protein by liver slices was depressed by carbon tetrachloride. This effect was decreased by addition of SKF525A (2-diethylaminoethyl 2,2-diphenyl-2-propylacetate) and in slices from rats given protein-free diets. It is suggested that the toxicity of carbon tetrachloride is closely linked to its metabolism.  相似文献   

Carbon tetrachloride metabolism was examined in hepatic microsomes isolated from control and phenobarbital-treated Sprague-Dawley rats to determine the mechanism of pyridine nucleotide synergism. An NADPH generator increased metabolism two fold as determined by lipid peroxidation. Addition of NADP to the reaction system did not alter the maximum velocity, but did decrease the Km for NADPH from 61 μM to 7.6 μM in control and from 21 μM to 6.3 mM PB microsomes. Addition of NAD+ produced an increase in metabolism similar to NADH. Substrates and competitive inhibitors of nucleotide pyrophosphatase also enhanced CCl4 metabolism. A high correlation (r=0.947) was indicated between the percent inhibition of nucleotide pyrophosphatase and the percent synergism of NADPH-catalyzed CCl4 metabolism. Thus, pyridine nucleotiode synergism in CCl4 metabolism appears to result from the increased availability of NADPH produced by a decreased degradation of the NADPH by the nucleotide pyrophosphatase.  相似文献   

Administration of hepatotoxic doses of carbon tetrachloride to mice produced a 25-fold increase in spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase activity within 6 h, but did not significantly change the activity of polyamine oxidase. The content of acetylated polyamines in the mouse liver was increased more than 100-fold from levels below the limit of detection to 0.6 μmol of N1-acetylspermidine and 0.045 μmol of N1-acetylspermine per gram of tissue. Putrescine levels also rose by 7-fold within 6 h and by 21-fold within 24 h. These results are in contrast to changes in hepatic polyamines brought about in the rat by carbon tetrachloride. Although the hepatotoxin produced a similar increase in spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase in this species, the rise in acetylated polyamines was much smaller and more transient. The content of N1-acetylspermidine was increased only to 0.066 μmol/g and N1-acetylspermine was not detected. However, in the rat putrescine increased 35-fold within 6 h and 64-fold by 16 h. These differences appear to be due to the much higher polyamine oxidase activity which was 20 times greater in the rat than in the mouse liver. This oxidase converts N1-acetylspermine to spermidine and degrades N1-acetylspermidine to putrescine. Spermine content was significantly reduced in both species after exposure to carbon tetrachloride, but only part of this decline could be attributed to the increased acetylation.  相似文献   

Sialic acid metabolism was investigated in the livers of control rats and of rats treated with a single oral dose (1.5 ml/kg body weight) of carbon tetrachloride. The main change observed during the necrotic stage of CCl4 poisoning (18 h after treatment) was a highly significant reduction in sialyltransferase activity. Slight reciprocal changes in neuraminidase activities, i.e., a small decrease in cytosolic neuraminidase and a small increase in the membrane bound enzyme were also observed. At 72 h after CCl4 treatment, during the stage of liver regeneration, the main change was a marked elevation in membrane-bound neuraminidase (two fold above control values). Moderate increases in the specific activities of CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase and sialyltransferase were also observed. A considerable decrease in the sialic acid content of the isolated smooth endoplasmic reticulum (one half of control values) was detected at 72 h after CCl4 administration. The sialic acid content of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, on the other hand, remained at control levels.  相似文献   

Free radical reactions involved in the metabolism of carbon tetrachloride by rat liver have been considered to be a cause of at least part of the injury resulting from exposure to this halocarbon. In an earlier study employing electron spin resonance and spin-trapping techniques, we demonstrated that trichloromethyl (13.CCl3) radicals are readily observed in rat liver microsomes metabolizing 13CCl4, and that the same radical could be shown to form in vivo in the liver of intact rats given a single dose of 13CCl4. This report describes the production of lipid dienyl (L.) and oxygen-centered lipid radicals (LO. or LOO., or both) in in vitro systems metabolizing 13CCl4, and also the formation of lipid dienyl radicals (L.) in liver of intact animals exposed to CCl4. The radicals appear to be produced in a sequence of reactions governed among other things by the oxygen tension in the system. The lipid radicals (L.) which form in intact liver of CCl4-treated rats are apparently the result of an attack on lipids of the endoplasmic reticulum by 13.CCl3 radicals formed by reductive cleavage to CCl4 and are the initial intermediates in the process of lipid peroxidation. These investigations demonstrate that while the events occurring in liver microsomes in vitro appear to parallel those which take place in intact liver in vivo, the conditions in vivo make the spin-trapping studies of radicals in intact animals much more selective than it is in vitro for a given spin trap, and requires the use of more than one type of spin-trapping agent to detect different radical species in vivo.  相似文献   

The role of pyridine nucleotide synergism in CCl4 metabolism was evaluated for its potential contribution to enhanced lipid peroxidation. Male Sprague-Dawley rats receiving either no treatment (control) or treatment with phenobarbital (PB) were used to prepare hepatic microsomes. Metabolism was evaluated in the presence and absence of an NADPH generator system and in the presence and absence of NADH. The generator system produced a greater extent of metabolism for both control and PB microsomes. NADH-catalyzed CCl4 metabolism occurred to a similar extent in control and PB microsomes, amounting to 9-10% and 5-6% of the NADPH rate in control and PB microsomes, respectively. Synergism by NADH occurred at the lowest concentrations of NADPH, apparently decreasing the Km for NADPH and having little effect on the Vmax. Addition of NAD+ produced synergism, as did the addition of 5' AMP, an inhibitor of nucleotide pyrophosphatase. Thus, the synergistic increase in CCl4 metabolism produced by NADH may occur in part from an increased availability of NADPH, as a result of decreased degradation, rather than by electron donation from NADH.  相似文献   

Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) has been found to induce cellular damage by generating oxygen free radicals. A study was carried out to investigate the effects of taurine (extracted from Pegasus laternarius Cuvier) on CCl4 intoxicated cultured neurons. CCl4 application (0.4 mmol x l(-1), 0.8 mmol x l( -1), 1.2 mmol x l (-1) and 1.6 mmol x l(-1 )) increased the lipid peroxidation product and decreased glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity significantly in a concentration dependent manner. Pretreatment of cultures with taurine (10 micromol x l(-1), 30 micromol x l(-1) and 60 micromol x l(-1)) prevented the loss of GPx activity and lipid peroxidation. The effects of three different dosages of taurine (10 mg/kg body wt., 20 mg/kg body wt. and 40 mg/ kg body wt.) for 45 days on the activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase were examined in the cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla of normal and CCl4 treated mice. Treatment of mice with taurine provided protection against CCl4 toxicity as was evident by lipid peroxide status. Taurine was not so successful at inducing the activity of SOD in normal animals except in the medulla where it could increase the activity of SOD (p < 0.05). Taurine induces the GPx activity in a dose dependent manner in all regions of the brain studied. Also in the CCl4 poisoned mice taurine could augment the status of GPx activity in a dose dependent manner. Hence it is concluded that taurine can protects neurons from the oxidative stress induced by CCl4.  相似文献   

To achieve biologic potency, vitamin D must undergo two successive hydroxylations, first, in the liver and then, in the kidney. Carbon tetrachloride is known to cause extensive damage to the liver, but its effect on vitamin D metabolism has not been studied thoroughly. The effect of carbon tetrachloride on renal hydroxylation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 has not been studied. To evaluate the acute effect of carbon tetrachloride on vitamin D metabolism in the liver, vitamin D depleted rats received a single intraperitoneal injection of carbon tetrachloride (2.0 mL/kg body weight). After 24 h, they were given 55, 550, or 5050 pmol [3H]vitamin D3 intravenously. Twenty-four hours after injection of [3H]vitamin D3, aliquots of serum and liver were analyzed for [3H]vitamin D3 and its metabolites by high performance liquid chromatography. Sera of carbon tetrachloride treated rats had higher [3H]vitamin D3 and [3H]25-hydroxyvitamin D and lower [3H]1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 concentrations than did control sera. Livers of carbon tetrachloride treated rats contained more [3H]vitamin D3, [3H]25-hydroxyvitamin D3, and more fat. Liver histology showed massive centrilobular necrosis in the treated rats. Thus, our experiment in rats given an acute dose of carbon tetrachloride provided no evidence of impairment of vitamin D metabolism by the liver, but offered a suggestion that 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 metabolism by the kidney might be impaired. To determine the acute effect of carbon tetrachloride on metabolism of vitamin D3 by the kidney, we studied hydroxylation of [3H]25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in isolated perfused kidney. Kidneys from the treated rats showed a 66% reduction in [3H]1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 production.  相似文献   

The combination of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and 1,2-dibromoethane (DBE) in isolated rat hepatocytes led to a significant potentiation of both lipid peroxidation and of plasma membrane damage observed after a single treatment with CCl4. Such a synergistic effect appeared to be related to the CCl4-induced shift of DBE metabolism from the cytosolic conjugation with glutathione towards the microsomal transformation into toxic intermediates. In fact, CCl4 significantly inactivated hepatocyte total GSH-transferase, i.e. the DBE detoxification pathway. Furthermore, while the microsomal metabolism of CCl4 was not affected by the simultaneous presence of DBE, the amount of DBE reactive metabolities covalently bound to hepatocyte protein was significantly enhanced in the presence of CCl4.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) presents a health risk as a potential carcinogen and pollutant that is capable of depleting the ozone layer. Although use of poplar trees in a phytoremediation capacity has proven to be cost effective for cleaning contaminated sites, minimizing leaf emission of volatile contaminants remains a pressing issue. We hypothesized that recently fixed carbon plays a key role in CCl4 metabolism in planta yielding nonvolatile trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and that the extent of this metabolism can be altered by heightening plant defenses. Labeling intact leaves with (11)CO2 (t 1/2 20.4 m) can test this hypothesis, because the extremely short half-life of the tracer reflects only those processes involving recently fixed carbon. Using radio-HPLC analysis, we observed [(11)C]TCA from leaf extract from poplar clones (OP-367) whose roots were exposed to a saturated solution of CCl4 (520 ppm). Autoradiography of [(11)C]photosynthate showed increased leaf export and partitioning to the apex within 24 h of CCl4 exposure, suggesting that changes in plant metabolism and partitioning of recently fixed carbon occur rapidly. Additionally, leaf CCl4 emissions were highest in the morning, when carbon pools are low, suggesting a link between contaminant metabolism and leaf carbon utilization. Further, treatment with methyljasmonate, a plant hormone implicated in defense signal transduction, reduced leaf CCl4 emissions two-fold due to the increased formation of TCA.  相似文献   

Chlordecone greatly potentiates carbon tetrachloride (CC14) hepatotoxicity. In order to quantitate the degree of this potentiation, the effects of a range of doses of CC14 on two microsomal enzymatic functions and liver enzyme release were examined in chlordecone-treated and control rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were pretreated with 15 mg chlordecone per kilogram body weight (BW) intragastrically or with vehicle. After 48 hours, 0 to 250 μ1 CC14 per 100 g body weight were given intraperitoneally (IP), and the rats were killed 24 hours later. Chlordecone treatment produced approximately a 17-fold potentiation of the CC14 dependent loss of cytochrome P-450 and glucose-6-phosphatase activity, so that a dose of 6 μ1 CC14 per 100 g body weight in the chlordecone-treated animals resulted in a similar amount of damage as observed with 100 μ1 CC14 per 100 g body weight in controls. A similar potentiation by chlordecone was seen with CC14- induced increases in serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) levels. Chlordecone treatment also increased hepatic cytochrome P-450 levels by 67% and resulted in an increase in the covalent binding of [14-C]-CC14-derived metabolites to microsomal protein and lipid in vivo.  相似文献   

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