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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is one of the three main biogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) and agriculture represents close to 30 % of the total N2O net emissions. In agricultural soils, N2O is emitted by two main microbial processes, nitrification and denitrification, both of which can convert synthetic nitrogen fertilizer into N2O. Legume-rhizobia symbiosis could be an effective and environmental-friendly alternative to nitrogen fertilization and hence, to mitigate soil N2O emissions. However, legume crops also contribute to N2O emissions. A better understanding of the environmental factors involved in the emission of N2O from nodules would be instrumental for mitigating the release of this GHG gas. In this work, in vivo N2O emissions from nodulated soybean roots in response to nitrate (0, 1, 2 and 4 mM) and flooding have been measured. To investigate the contribution of rhizobial denitrification in N2O emission from nodules, plants were inoculated with B. japonicum USDA110 and napA and nosZ denitrification mutants. The results showed that nitrate was essential for N2O emissions and its concentration enhanced N2O fluxes showing a statistical linear correlation, being the highest N2O fluxes obtained with 4 mM nitrate. When inoculated plants grown with 4 mM nitrate were subjected to flooding, a 150- and 830-fold induction of N2O emission rates from USDA110 and nosZ nodulated roots, respectively, was observed compared to non-flooded plants, especially during long-term flooding. Under these conditions, N2O emissions from detached nodules produced by the napA mutant were significantly lower (p?<?0.05) than those produced by the wild-type strain (382 versus 1120 nmol N2O h?1 g?1 NFW, respectively). In contrast, nodules from plants inoculated with the nosZ mutant accumulated statistically higher levels of N2O compared to wild-type nodules (2522 versus nmol 1120 N2O h?1 g?1 NFW, p?<?0.05). These results demonstrate that flooding is an important environmental factor for N2O emissions from soybean nodules and that B. japonicum denitrification is involved in such emission.  相似文献   

Tropical rainforest soils harbor a considerable diversity of soil fauna that contributes to emissions of N2O. Despite their ecological dominance, there is limited information available about the contribution of epigeal ant mounds to N2O emissions in these tropical soils. This study aimed to determine whether ant mounds contribute to local soil N emissions in the tropical humid rainforest. N2O emission was determined in vitro from individual live ants, ant-processed mound soils, and surrounding reference soils for two trophically distinct and abundant ant species: the leaf-cutting Atta mexicana and omnivorous Solenopsis geminata. The abundance of total bacteria, nitrifiers (AOA and AOB), and denitrifiers (nirK, nirS, and nosZ) was estimated in these soils using quantitative PCR, and their respective mineral N contents determined. There was negligible N2O emission detected from live ant individuals. However, the mound soils of both species emitted significantly greater (3-fold) amount of N2O than their respective surrounding reference soils. This emission increased significantly up to 6-fold in the presence of acetylene, indicating that, in addition to N2O, dinitrogen (N2) is also produced from these mound soils at an equivalent rate (N2O/N2?=?0.57). Functional gene abundance (nitrifiers and denitrifiers) and mineral N pools (ammonium and nitrate) were significantly greater in mound soils than in their respective reference soils. Furthermore, in the light of the measured parameters and their correlation trends, nitrification and denitrification appeared to represent the major N2O-producing microbial processes in ant mound soils. The ant mounds were estimated to contribute from 0.1 to 3.7% of the total N2O emissions of tropical rainforest soils.  相似文献   

Forest clear-cutting followed by soil preparation means disturbance for soil microorganisms and disruption of N and C cycles. We measured fluxes of N2O and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in upland soil (podzol) and adjacent peat within a clear-cut forest catchment. Both soil types behaved in a similar way, showing net uptake of N2O in the first year after the clear-cutting, and turning to net release in the second. The N2O flux dynamics were similar to those of N content in logging residues, as reported from a nearby site. As organic matter is used in the food web of the decomposers, we attempted to explain the dynamics of N2O uptake and release by measuring the concurrent dynamics of the low molecular weight (LMW) fraction and the aromaticity of DOC in a soil solution. The labile and most readily available LMW fractions of DOC were nearly absent in the year following the clear-cutting, but rose after two years. The more refractory high molecular weight (HMW) fraction of DOC decreased two years after the clear-cutting. The first year’s net uptake of N2O could be accounted for by the growth of decomposer biomass in the logging residues and detritus from the degenerating ground vegetation, resulting in immobilization of nitrogen. Simultaneously, the labile, LMW fraction of DOC became almost completely exhausted. The low availability of the LMW fraction could retard the growth and cause the accumulated decomposer biomass to collapse. During the following winter and summer the fraction of LMW clearly increased, followed by increased N2O emissions. The presence of LMW DOC fractions, not the concentration of DOC, seems to be an important controller for N2O liberation after a major disturbance such as clear-cutting and site preparation. The complex connection between DOC characteristics, nitrification or denitrification merits further studies.  相似文献   

Gross rates of N mineralization and nitrification, and soil–atmosphere fluxes of N2O, NO and NO2 were measured at differently grazed and ungrazed steppe grassland sites in the Xilin river catchment, Inner Mongolia, P. R. China, during the 2004 and 2005 growing season. The experimental sites were a plot ungrazed since 1979 (UG79), a plot ungrazed since 1999 (UG99), a plot moderately grazed in winter (WG), and an overgrazed plot (OG), all in close vicinity to each other. Gross rates of N mineralization and nitrification determined at in situ soil moisture and soil temperature conditions were in a range of 0.5–4.1 mg N kg−1 soil dry weight day−1. In 2005, gross N turnover rates were significantly higher at the UG79 plot than at the UG99 plot, which in turn had significantly higher gross N turnover rates than the WG and OG plots. The WG and the OG plot were not significantly different in gross ammonification and in gross nitrification rates. Site differences in SOC content, bulk density and texture could explain only less than 15% of the observed site differences in gross N turnover rates. N2O and NO x flux rates were very low during both growing seasons. No significant differences in N trace gas fluxes were found between plots. Mean values of N2O fluxes varied between 0.39 and 1.60 μg N2O-N m−2 h−1, equivalent to 0.03–0.14 kg N2O-N ha−1 y−1, and were considerably lower than previously reported for the same region. NO x flux rates ranged between 0.16 and 0.48 μg NO x -N m−2 h−1, equivalent to 0.01–0.04 kg NO x -N ha−1 y−1, respectively. N2O fluxes were significantly correlated with soil temperature and soil moisture. The correlations, however, explained only less than 20% of the flux variance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate emissions of greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O, and the effects of drainage and peat extraction on these processes, in Estonian transitional fens and ombrotrophic bogs. Closed-chamber-based sampling lasted from January to December 2009 in nine peatlands in Estonia, covering areas with different land-use practices: natural (four study sites), drained (six sites), abandoned peat mining (five sites) and active peat mining areas (five sites). Median values of soil CO2 efflux were 1,509, 1,921, 2,845 and 1,741 kg CO2-C ha?1 year?1 from natural, drained, abandoned and active mining areas, respectively. Emission of CH4-C (median values) was 85.2, 23.7, 0.07 and 0.12 kg ha?1 year?1, and N2O-N ?0.05, ?0.01, 0.18 and 0.19 kg ha?1 year?1, respectively. There were significantly higher emissions of CO2 and N2O from abandoned and active peat mining areas, whereas CH4 emissions were significantly higher in natural and drained areas. Significant Spearman rank correlation was found between soil temperature and CO2 flux at all sites, and CH4 flux with high water level at natural and drained areas. Significant increase in CH4 flux was detected for groundwater levels above 30 cm.  相似文献   

The chemistry induced by atmospheric pressure DC discharges above a water surface in CO(2)/N(2)/H(2)O mixtures was investigated. The gaseous mixtures studied represent a model prebiotic atmosphere of the Earth. The most remarkable changes in the chemical composition of the treated gas were the decomposition of CO(2) and the production of CO. The concentration of CO increased logarithmically with the increasing input energy density and an increasing initial concentration of CO(2) in the gas. The highest achieved concentration of CO was 4.0 +/- 0.6 vol. %. The production of CO was crucial for the synthesis of organic species, since reactions of CO with some reactive species generated in the plasma, e. g. H* or N* radicals, were probably the starting point in this synthesis. The presence of organic species (including the tentative identification of some amino acids) was demonstrated by the analysis of solid and liquid samples by high-performance liquid chromatography, infrared absorption spectroscopy and proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry. Formation of organic species in a completely inorganic CO(2)/N(2)/H(2)O atmosphere is a significant finding for the theory of the origins of life.  相似文献   

An experimental study has been carried out on the stability of adenine (one of the five nucleic acid bases) under hydrothermal conditions. The experiments were performed in sealed autoclaves at 300 degrees C under fugacities of CO(2), N(2) and H(2) supposedly representative of those in marine hydrothermal systems on the early Earth. The composition of the gas phase was obtained from the degradation of oxalic acid, sodium nitrite and ammonium chloride, and the oxidation of metallic iron. The results of the experiments indicate that after 200 h, adenine is still present in detectable concentration in the aqueous phase. In fact, the concentration of adenine does not seem to be decreasing after approximately 24 h, which suggests that an equilibrium state may have been established with the inorganic constituents of the hydrothermal fluid. Such a conclusion is corroborated by independent thermodynamic calculations.  相似文献   

Wastewater treatment plants are known to be important point sources for nitrous oxide (N2O) in the anthropogenic N cycle. Biofilm based treatment systems have gained increasing popularity in the treatment of wastewater, but the mechanisms and controls of N2O formation are not fully understood. Here, we review functional groups of microorganism involved in nitrogen (N) transformations during wastewater treatment, with emphasis on potential mechanism of N2O production in biofilms. Biofilms used in wastewater treatment typically harbour aerobic and anaerobic zones, mediating close interactions between different groups of N transforming organisms. Current models of mass transfer and biomass interactions in biofilms are discussed to illustrate the complex regulation of N2O production. Ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) are the prime source for N2O in aerobic zones, while heterotrophic denitrifiers dominate N2O production in anoxic zones. Nitrosative stress ensuing from accumulation of NO2 ? during partial nitrification or denitrification seems to be one of the most critical factors for enhanced N2O formation. In AOB, N2O production is coupled to nitrifier denitrification triggered by nitrosative stress, low O2 tension or low pH. Chemical N2O production from AOB intermediates (NH2OH, HNO, NO) released during high NH3 turnover seems to be limited to surface-near AOB clusters, since diffusive mass transport resistance for O2 slows down NH3 oxidation rates in deeper biofilm layers. The proportion of N2O among gaseous intermediates (NO, N2O, N2) in heterotrophic denitrification increases when NO or nitrous acid (HNO2) accumulates because of increasing NO2 ?, or when transient oxygen intrusion impairs complete denitrification. Limited electron donor availability due to mass transport limitation of organic substrates into anoxic biofilm zones is another important factor supporting high N2O/N2 ratios in heterotrophic denitrifiers. Biofilms accommodating Anammox bacteria release less N2O, because Anammox bacteria have no known N2O producing metabolism and reduce NO2 ? to N2, thereby lowering nitrosative stress to AOB and heterotrophs.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of ecosystem processes constitute significant sources of uncertainty in greenhouse gas flux estimations partly because the patterns are temporally dynamic. The aim of this study was to describe temporal variability in the spatial patterns of grassland CO2 and N2O flux under varying environmental conditions and to assess effects of the grassland management (grazing and mowing) on flux patterns. We made spatially explicit measurements of variables including soil respiration, aboveground biomass, N2O flux, soil water content, and soil temperature during a 4-year study in the vegetation periods at grazed and mowed grasslands. Sampling was conducted in 80 × 60 m grids of 10 m resolution with 78 sampling points in both study plots. Soil respiration was monitored nine times, and N2O flux was monitored twice during the study period. Altitude, soil organic carbon, and total soil nitrogen were used as background factors at each sampling position, while aboveground biomass, soil water content, and soil temperature were considered as covariates in the spatial analysis. Data were analyzed using variography and kriging. Altitude was autocorrelated over distances of 40–50 m in both plots and influenced spatial patterns of soil organic carbon, total soil nitrogen, and the covariates. Altitude was inversely related to soil water content and aboveground biomass and positively related to soil temperature. Autocorrelation lengths for soil respiration were similar on both plots (about 30 m), whereas autocorrelation lengths of N2O flux differed between plots (39 m in the grazed plot vs. 18 m in the mowed plot). Grazing appeared to increase heterogeneity and linkage of the spatial patterns, whereas mowing had a homogenizing effect. Spatial patterns of soil water content, soil respiration, and aboveground biomass were temporally variable especially in the first 2 years of the experiment, whereas spatial patterns were more persistent (mostly significant correlation at p < 0.05 between location ranks) in the second 2 years, following a wet year. Increased persistence of spatial patterns after a wet year indicated the recovery potential of grasslands following drought and suggested that adequate water supply could have a homogenizing effect on CO2 and N2O fluxes.  相似文献   

The spatial variation of soil greenhouse gas fluxes (GHG; carbon dioxide—CO2, methane—CH4 and nitrous oxide—N2O) remains poorly understood in highly complex ecosystems such as tropical forests. We used 240 individual flux measurements of these three GHGs from different soil types, at three topographical positions and in two extreme hydric conditions in the tropical forests of the Guiana Shield (French Guiana, South America) to (1) test the effect of topographical positions on GHG fluxes and (2) identify the soil characteristics driving flux variation in these nutrient-poor tropical soils. Surprisingly, none of the three GHG flux rates differed with topographical position. CO2 effluxes covaried with soil pH, soil water content (SWC), available nitrogen and total phosphorus. The CH4 fluxes were best explained by variation in SWC, with soils acting as a sink under drier conditions and as a source under wetter conditions. Unexpectedly, our study areas were generally sinks for N2O and N2O fluxes were partly explained by total phosphorus and available nitrogen concentrations. This first study describing the spatial variation of soil fluxes of the three main GHGs measured simultaneously in forests of the Guiana Shield lays the foundation for specific studies of the processes underlying the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Restored forested wetlands reduce N loads in surface discharge through plant uptake and denitrification. While removal of reactive N reduces impact on receiving waters, it is unclear whether enhanced denitrification also enhances emissions of the greenhouse gas N2O, thus compromising the water-quality benefits of restoration. This study compares denitrification rates and N2O:N2 emission ratios from Sharkey clay soil in a mature bottomland forest to those from an adjacent cultivated site in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Potential denitrification of forested soil was 2.4 times of cultivated soil. Using intact soil cores, denitrification rates of forested soil were 5.2, 6.6 and 2.0 times those of cultivated soil at 70, 85 and 100% water-filled pore space (WFPS), respectively. When NO3 was added, N2O emissions from forested soil were 2.2 times those of cultivated soil at 70% WFPS. At 85 and 100% WFPS, N2O emissions were not significantly different despite much greater denitrification rates in the forested soil because N2O:N2 emission ratios declined more rapidly in forested soil as WFPS increased. These findings suggest that restoration of forested wetlands to reduce NO3 in surface discharge will not contribute significantly to the atmospheric burden of N2O.  相似文献   

Increasing demand for food and fibre by the growing human population is driving significant land use (LU) change from forest into intensively managed land systems in tropical areas. But empirical evidence on the extent to which such changes affect the soil-atmosphere exchange of trace gases is still scarce, especially in Africa. We investigated the effect of LU on soil trace gas production in the Mau Forest Complex region, Kenya. Intact soil cores were taken from natural forest, commercial and smallholder tea plantations, eucalyptus plantations and grazing lands, and were incubated in the lab under different soil moisture conditions. Soil fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were quantified, and we approximated annual estimates of soil N2O and NO fluxes using soil moisture values measured in situ. Forest and eucalyptus plantations yielded annual fluxes of 0.3–1.3 kg N2O–N ha?1 a?1 and 1.5–5.2 kg NO–N ha?1 a?1. Soils of commercial tea plantations, which are highly fertilized, showed higher fluxes (0.9 kg N2O–N ha?1 a?1 and 4.3 kg NO–N ha?1 a?1) than smallholder tea plantations (0.1 kg N2O–N ha?1 a?1 and 2.1 kg NO–N ha?1 a?1) or grazing land (0.1 kg N2O–N ha?1 a?1 and 1.1 kg NO–N ha?1 a?1). High soil NO fluxes were probably the consequence of long-term N fertilization and associated soil acidification, likely promoting chemodenitrification. Our experimental approach can be implemented in understudied regions, with the potential to increase the amount of information on production and consumption of trace gases from soils.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional numerical simulations of a dc discharge in a CH4/H2/N2 mixture in the regime of deposition of nanostructured carbon films are carried out with account of the cathode electron beam effects. The distributions of the gas temperature and species number densities are calculated, and the main plasmachemical kinetic processes governing the distribution of methyl radicals above the substrate are analyzed. It is shown that the number density of methyl radicals above the substrate is several orders of magnitude higher than the number densities of other hydrocarbon radicals, which indicates that the former play a dominant role in the growth of nanostructured carbon films. The model is verified by comparing the measured optical emission profiles of the H(n ≡ 3), C 2 * , CH*, and CN* species and the calculated number densities of excited species, as well as the measured and calculated values of the discharge voltage and heat fluxes onto the electrodes and reactor walls. The key role of ion–electron recombination and dissociative excitation of H2, C2H2, CH4, and HCN molecules in the generation of emitting species (first of all, in the cold regions adjacent to the electrodes) is revealed.  相似文献   

N2O production from denitrification in soils contributes to the enhanced greenhouse effect and the destruction of the stratospheric ozone. Ungulate grazing affects denitrification and the production of N2O. The short-term effect of grazing on denitrification and N2O production has been examined in several grassland ecosystems. However, the effects of long-term grazing have rarely been studied. We measured denitrification and N2O production during the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons in a long-term (17 years) experiment that had five grazing intensities (GI; 0.00, 1.33, 2.67, 4.00 and 5.33 sheep ha−1). We found that denitrification and N2O production rates were seasonally variable during the measurement period, with higher values observed in summer and lower values found in spring and autumn. The grazed treatments resulted in decreased denitrification and N2O production, primarily due to the reduced soil nitrate concentration and organic N content under the long-term grazing. This supported our hypothesis that long-term over-grazing suppresses denitrification and N2O production. Although significant differences in denitrification and N2O production were not found between the four GI, there was a general trend that cumulative denitrification and N2O production decreased as grazing intensity increased, especially in 2006. Lower N losses via denitrification and N2O production in the grazed plots, to some extent, may contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emission and help to preserve soil N and ameliorate the negative impacts of grazing on plant growth, productivity, and ecological restoration processes in the temperate steppe in northern China.  相似文献   

N-nitrosamine is a class of carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic compounds, which can be produced from N-nitrosation of amine by nitrosating agents. N-nitrosation of 19 amines (eight acyclic amines, five heterocyclic amines, and six amines with unsaturated groups) by N2O3 was investigated at the CBS-QB3 level of theory. The results indicate that generally the heterocyclic amines have the highest reactivities among the three kinds of amines, whereas the reactivities of the amines with unsaturated and electron-withdrawing groups are relatively low. Frontier molecular orbital analysis indicates that the energy gap between the HOMO of an amine and the LUMO of N2O3 has a close connection with the reactivity of an amine. A structure-reactivity relationship of amines in the N-nitrosation reactions by N2O3 was established using the stepwise multivariate linear regression. The results indicate that the reactivity of an amine has a definite relationship (Radj2 = 0.947) with the heterolytic bond dissociation energy of R1R2N-H bond, energy of HOMO, NBO occupancy of the natural lone pair orbital of N atom, the NBO charge of the N atom, and the pyramidalization angle of an amine. This work will be helpful to gain more insight into the N-nitrosation reactions.  相似文献   

Adsorption behavior of nitrous oxide (N2O) on pristine graphene (PG) and tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) modified PG surfaces is investigated using density functional theory. A number of initial adsorbate geometries are considered on both surfaces and the most stable ones are chosen upon calculation of the adsorption energies (Eads). N2O is found to adsorb in a weakly exoergic process (Eads?~??3.18 kJ mol?1) at the equilibrium distance of 3.52 Å on the PG surface. N2O adsorption can be greatly enhanced with the presence of a TCNE molecule (Eads?=??87.00 kJ mol?1). Mulliken charge analysis confirms that adsorption of N2O is not accompanied by distinct charge transfer from the surfaces to the molecule (? 0.001 │e│ for each case). Moreover, on the basis of calculated changes in the HOMO/LUMO energy gap, it is found that electronic properties of PG and TCNE modified PG are not sensitive toward adsorption of N2O, indicating that both surfaces are not good enough to introduce as an N2O detector. However, the considerable amount of Eads in TCNE modified PG can be a guide to the design of graphene-based adsorbents for N2O capture.  相似文献   

We present a new soil respiration model, describe a formal model testing procedure, and compare our model with five alternative models using an extensive data set of observed soil respiration. Gas flux data from rangeland soils that included a large number of measurements at low temperatures were used to model soil CO2 emissions as a function of soil temperature and water content. Our arctangent temperature function predicts that Q10 values vary inversely with temperature and that CO2 fluxes are significant below 0 °C. Independent data representing a broad range of ecosystems and temperature values were used for model testing. The effects of plant phenology, differences in substrate availability among sites, and water limitation were accounted for so that the temperature equations could be fairly evaluated. Four of the six tested models did equally well at simulating the observed soil CO2 respiration rates. However, the arctangent variable Q10 model agreed closely with observed Q10 values over a wide range of temperatures (r2 = 0.94) and was superior to published variable Q10 equations using the Akaike information criterion (AIC). The arctangent temperature equation explained 16–85% of the observed intra-site variability in CO2 flux rates. Including a water stress factor yielded a stronger correlation than temperature alone only in the dryland soils. The observed change in Q10 with increasing temperature was the same for data sets that included only heterotrophic respiration and data sets that included both heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of land use change from a natural broadleaf evergreen forest to Moso bamboo plantations and their management practices on soil N2O efflux in a subtropical region of China, N2O efflux was measured during June 2008 and May 2009 using static closed chamber method. The observed mean N2O fluxes were 0.230, 0.102 and 0.093 mg N2O/m2/h from the intensively managed bamboo forest (IM), conventionally managed bamboo forest (CM), and broadleaf evergreen forest (BL), respectively, and calculated annual cumulative N2O were 15.8, 8.7 and 7.2 kg N2O/ha, respectively. Soil temperature had significant influence on N2O flux. Whereas there was no correlation between N2O flux and soil water content. Conversion of the natural subtropical broadleaf evergreen forest to Moso bamboo did not increase soil N2O efflux, but intensive management practices such as regular tillage and fertiliser application, significantly increased soil N2O emission from bamboo soil.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas with a high contribution from agricultural soils and emissions that depend on soil type, climate, crops and management practices. The N2O emissions therefore need to be included as an integral part of environmental assessments of agricultural production systems. An algorithm for N2O production and emission from agricultural soils was developed and included in the FASSET whole-farm model. The model simulated carbon and nitrogen (N) turnover on a daily basis. Both nitrification and denitrification was included in the model as sources for N2O production, and the N2O emissions depended on soil microbial and physical conditions. The model was tested on experimental data of N2O emissions from grasslands in UK, Finland and Denmark, differing in climatic conditions, soil properties and management. The model simulated the general time course of N2O emissions and captured the observed effects of fertiliser and manure management on emissions. Scenario analyses for grazed and cut grasslands were conducted to evaluate the effects of soil texture, climatic conditions, grassland management and N fertilisation on N2O emissions. The soils varied from coarse sand to sandy loam and the climatic variation was taken to represent the climatic variation within Denmark. N fertiliser rates were varied from 0 to 500 kg N ha−1. The simulated N2O emissions showed a non-linear response to increasing N rates with increasing emission factors at higher N rates. The simulated emissions increased with increasing soil clay contents. N2O emissions were slightly increased at higher temperatures, whereas increasing annual rainfall generally lead to decreasing emissions. Emissions were slightly higher from grazed grasslands compared with cut grasslands at similar rates of total N input (fertiliser and animal excreta). The results indicate higher emission factors and thus higher potentials for reducing N2O emissions for intensively grazed grasslands on fine textured soils than for extensive cut-based grasslands on sandy soils.  相似文献   

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