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The changes in serum gonadotrophins in male hamsters following one injection of 15 μg luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) (Group A) were compared with those following the last injection of LHRH in animals receiving an injection approximately every 12 hr for 4 days (Group B) or 12 days (Group C). Peak follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels (ng/ml) were 1776±218 (Group A), 2904±346 (Group B), and 4336±449 (Group C). Peak luteinizing hormone (LH) values (ng/ml) were 1352±80 (Group A), 410±12 (Group B), and 498±53 (Group C). Serum FSH:LH ratios, calculated from the concentrations measured 16 hr after the last LHRH injections, were higher in Groups B and C than in Group A. Similar injections of LHRH (100 ng or 15 μg/injection) for 6 days elevated the serum FSH:LH ratio in intact males. Five such LHRH injections (100 ng/injection) blunted the rise in serum LH in orchidectomized hamsters. Direct effects of LHRH on gonadotrophin secretory dynamics or altered brain-pituitary-testicular interactions may alter the ratio of FSH to LH in the hamster.  相似文献   

Degradation of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH) by purified plasma membranes from rat pituitaries was investigated. Synthetic LH-RH (0.5 mg/ml) was incubated (20 min, 37°C) with pituitary plasma membranes (750 μg protein/ml). The reaction was stopped by centrifugation at 4°C. The degradation products were isolated by high pressure liquid chromatography using a reversed-phase column. Amino acid analysis of the degradation products indicated that the N-terminal tripeptide (pGlu-His-Trp) and the N-terminal hexapeptide (pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-Gly) sequence of LH-RH are the main degradation products. These results suggest that the main cleavage sites of LH-RH by the pituitary plasma membrane-bound enzymes are the Gly6-Leu7 and the Trp3-Ser4 bonds of the neurohormone.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of androgens in suppressing gonadotropin secretion declines with time following orchidectomy; however, the mechanism for this acquired resistance to androgen action is unknown. The role of the pituitary was studied by use of perifused rat pituitary cells and cells in monolayer culture. Pituitary cells from 7-wk-old intact male rats and rats that had been castrated 2 wk previously were treated with 10 nM testosterone (T) for 24 h; cells were then packed into perifusion chambers and stimulated with 2.5 nM GnRH for 2 min every hour for 8 h during which time T treatment was continued. T suppressed GnRH-stimulated LH secretion and LH pulse amplitude equally in both groups to approximately 60% of control values. Interpulse LH secretion was unchanged by T in either group. GnRH-stimulated FSH release was suppressed more (p less than 0.05) by T with cells from castrated rats than with cells from intact rats (76 +/- 4% vs. 90 +/- 2% of control; mean +/- SEM). By contrast, the action of T to increase interpulse basal FSH secretion was less (p less than 0.05) with cells from castrated rats (115 +/- 10% of control) than with cells from intact rats (146 +/- 6% of control). T treatment for 72 h also increased basal FSH secretion by pituitary cells in monolayer culture to a lesser extent with cells from castrated rats than with cells from intact rats (151 +/- 14% vs. 191 +/- 16% of control, p less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

N Fujihara  M Shiino 《Life sciences》1980,26(10):777-781
Corticosterone alone was not able to stimulate release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from anterior pituitary cells invitro, but corticosterone in combination with luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) augmented the release of LH into the culture media. These results may indicate that corticosterone may have the capacity to activate membrane receptors for LHRH in the gonadotrophs.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothalamic hormones arginine-vasopressin (AVP), oxytocin (OXT), somatostatin (SOM), and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) were localized in the rat neurohypophysis by the use of semithin serial sections and the unlabeled antibody enzyme method. Clusters of AVP fibres are present within the central region of the neural lobe, clusters of OXT fibres mainly in the peripheral part. The AVP fibres enter bilaterally into the neural lobe.The results call into question previous reports on the presence of AVP on receptors in the pars intermedia cells, since incubation with anti-AVP resulted in similar staining in the pars intermedia of the Wistar and homozygous Brattleboro rat, a mutant strain deficient in AVP. The same intermediate lobe cells are stained after incubation of serial sections with anti-AVP and anti--melanocyte-stimulating hormone (-MSH). This staining of anti-AVP could be removed by solid phase absorption to -MSH and is thus most probably due to cross reaction with -MSH. SOM fibres appear to be present in the peripheral parts of the proximal neurohypophysial stalk and mainly lateral in its more distal parts. In the neural lobe they rapidly decrease in number, although some fibres continue into the distal part of the neural lobe, running bilaterally and situated adjacent to the pars intermedia. The SOM staining within magnocellular elements, which has been reported in the literature, can most probably be explained by cross reaction of anti-SOM with neurophysins. LHRH fibres are very scarce in the neurohypophysial stalk and absent in the neural lobe.Supported by the Foundation for Medical Research FUNGOThe authors wish to thank Drs. J. De Mey (Beerse, Belgium), A. Arimura (New Orleans, U.S.A.), M.P. Dubois (Nouzilly, France), B.L. Baker (Ann Arbor, U.S.A.) and A.G.E. Pearse (London, U.K.) for their gifts of anti-somatostatin serum, Dr. B. Kerdelhué (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) for anti-LHRH serum, and Dr. F. Vandesande (Ghent, Belgium) for anti-neurophysin I and II serum and bovine neurophysin I and II. Dr. J.G. Streefkerk (Free University, Amsterdam) is acknowledged for critical comments and Mr. A.T. Potjer and Miss J. van der Velden for their skilled assistance  相似文献   

Ten two-year-old intact (IN) and unilaterally castrated (UC) Targhee rams were exposed to an estrogenized ewe each week from June to October. Each week the rams were subjectively evaluated for libido (10 for high interest and 1 for no interest). Semen was collected from all cooperating rams and evaluated for volume, concentration, and motility. Every 2 wk, blood samples were obtained at -30 and 0 min before and 30 and 60 min after ewe access. Serum was harvested; follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone concentrations were quantified by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Week 5 of ewe access was assigned as Week 1. Libido scores rose from a low on Week 1, with eight rams ejaculating, to a high on Week 12, with all rams ejaculating (Week 1, 5.0 +/- 1.0; Week 12, 10.0 +/- 0.0). The product of testis length and width was significantly greater in UC compared with IN rams (88.4 +/- 1.4 versus 73.2 +/- 1.0 cm(2), respectively). Serum FSH concentrations (ng/ml) were greater (P < 0.05) in UC than IN rams and dropped over the experimental period. Serum LH concentrations (ng/ml) were significantly greater in UC compared with IN rams. This difference was more pronounced in Weeks 1 and 3 compared with Weeks 11 and 13. Serum testosterone concentrations (ng/ml) were similar in UC and IN rams throughout the experiment. In conclusion, serum testosterone was not altered in UC rams; however, serum FSH and LH concentrations were increased in UC rams. Unilateral castration did not enhance the normal changes in semen quantity and quality in the rams from July to October.  相似文献   

We have shown that 4 ng luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) pulses induced significantly greater luteinizing hormone (LH) release from proestrous rat superfused anterior pituitary cells with no cycle related differences in follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Current studies gave 8 ng LHRH in various pulse regimens to study amplitude, duration and frequency effects on LH and FSH secretion from estrous 0800, proestrous 1500 and proestrous 1900 cells. Regimen 1 gave 8 ng LHRH as a single bolus once/h; regimen 2 divided the 8 ng into 3 equal 'minipulses' given at 4 min intervals to extend duration; regimen 3 gave the 3 'minipulses' at 10 min intervals, thereby further extending duration: regimen 4 was the same as regimen 2, except that the 3 'minipulses' were given at a pulse frequency of 2 h rather than 1 h. In experiment 1, all four regimens were employed at proestrus 1900. FSH was significantly elevated by all 8 ng regimens as compared to 4 ng pulses; further, 8 ng divided into 3 equal 'minipulses' separated by 4 min at 1 and 3 h frequencies (regimens 2 and 4) resulted in FSH secretion that was significantly greater than with either a single 8 ng bolus (regimen 1) or when the 'minipulses' were separated by 10 min (regimen 3). In experiment 2, at proestrus 1500, FSH response to the second pulse of regimen 4 was significantly greater than in regimen 2; LH release was significantly suppressed at pulse 2 compared to regimen 2 accentuating divergent FSH secretion. At estrus 0800, FSH response to the second pulse of regimen 4 was significantly stimulated FSH at proestrus 1900, 1500 and estrus 0800, FSH divergence was most marked at proestrus 1500. These data indicate a potential role for hypothalamic LHRH secretory pattern in inducing divergent gonadotropin secretion in the rat.  相似文献   

K Kato  M R Sairam 《Life sciences》1983,32(3):263-270
The effect of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) and its analogs on the release of FSH and LH by 20 day old whole mouse pituitary incubated in vitro for 3-4 hrs was investigated. Three agonistic analogs (AY 25650, 25205 and Buserelin) all of which are reported to be superactive in vivo showed approximately the same potency in this in vitro test system. Preincubation of the pituitaries for 1 h with the antagonistic analogs [Ac Dp Cl Phe1,2, D Trp3, D Phe6, D Ala10] LHRH and [Ac Dp Cl Phe1,2, D Trp3, D Arg6, D Ala10] LHRH inhibited the secretion of LH and FSH induced by 2.5 x 10(-9)M LHRH. The inhibitory response was dose dependent. The continued presence of the antagonists was not required for effective suppression of the LHRH effect. Experiments designed to find out the minimum time required for eliciting suppression of LHRH revealed that preincubation of the pituitary with the second antagonist for 5 mins followed by removal was adequate to produce effective inhibition of gonadotropin release. At lower doses of the antagonist, LH release was more effectively inhibited than FSH release. The results suggest that antagonistic analogs can effectively bind to LHRH receptors in the whole pituitary incubation preventing the subsequent action of LHRH. With the present incubation system assessment of bioactive LH and FSH release is possible within 24 hrs.  相似文献   

Rams were treated with melatonin implants in 2 experiments designed to examine the control of reproductive seasonality. In Exp. 1, rams (n = 12) were allocated to 3 treatment groups: 2 groups were treated with 2 melatonin implants per ram for 4 months from 11 November (N) and 9 December (D) and the remaining group was untreated (C). The seasonal increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse frequency and testes size was advanced in Groups N and D. A second seasonal cycle in LH secretion and testes size occurred in Groups N and D after melatonin implants became exhausted. In Exp. 2, rams (n = 20) were allocated to 4 treatment groups: 10 rams were castrated on 6 October and 1 group of entire rams (EM) and one group of castrated rams (CM) were treated with 2 melatonin implants per ram each month from 3 November until 8 January. The other group of entire rams (EC) and castrated rams (CC) was untreated. An increase in LH pulse frequency occurred after castration. Melatonin treatment increased LH pulse frequency in entire rams and reduced LH pulse frequency in castrated rams. The results demonstrated that the advanced reproductive development as a result of treatment with melatonin implants was due to an effect of melatonin on the hypothalamic pulse generator to increase LH pulse frequency. The ability of melatonin to influence LH pulse frequency in entire and castrated rams indicated that an effect of melatonin on the hypothalamic pulse generator is independent of testicular steroids.  相似文献   

In continuing studies on cyclic nucleotide involvement in the regulation of gonadotropin release, we have measured the cyclic nucleotide content and rate of LH and FSH release during stimulation by LHRH of dispersed overnight cultured cells from the pituitaries of adult female rats. The minimal effective concentration of LHRH was 0.1 nM and half maximal stimulation of gonadotropin release was observed in the presence of 1.0 nM LHRH. Significant release of both LH and FSH was detectable after only 10 min in the presence of 5 nM LHRH. The presence of fetal calf serum (FCS) in the overnight culture medium increased basal cGMP levels significantly, whereas horse serum (HS) had no effect, therefore all experiments were conducted on cells cultured in the presence of HS. Treatment of the cultured cells with the phosphodiesterase inhibitors theophylline (TH) or isobutyl-methyl-xanthine (MIX) revealed a preferential stimulatory effect of TH on basal cAMP levels and of MIX on cGMP levels. Throughout these experiments, LHRH had no effect on cAMP levels. In the presence of MIX, concentrations of the releasing hormone as low as 1 nM induced a significant rise in the level of cGMP whereas in its absence, cGMP levels appeared to be unchanged by LHRH. The increase was detectable after 10 min of incubation. MIX alone slightly increased LH and FSH release and significantly potentiated the response of the cells to increasing doses of LHRH up to, but not beyond, 10 nM. The data support the possibility that cGMP may be involved in the mechanism of action of LHRH.  相似文献   

We have recently purified a novel pituitary polypeptide designated 7B2. By raising polyclonal antibodies to a synthetic 7B2 fragment in rabbits, we have developed a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay for this novel polypeptide, and it has been used for the study of the release of immunoreactive 7B2 from rat anterior pituitary cells in vitro. In addition, immunocytochemical study shows that 7B2 is present in the gonadotropin cells of rat anterior pituitary. The aim of the present studies is to investigate the effect of human beta-inhibin, testosterone, and combined testosterone plus human beta-inhibin on the induced release of immunoreactive 7B2, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) in rat anterior pituitary cell culture in vitro. Our results show that both human beta-inhibin and testosterone effectively suppress the stimulatory effect of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) on immunoreactive 7B2, FSH, and LH release. The present data indicate that the regulation of secretion of 7B2 and pituitary gonadotropins may be under a similar type of feedback mechanism.  相似文献   

The activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was found to increase in the testis of immature rats following intratesticular injection with luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH). Maximal stimulation of ODC activity occurred with 1 μg of the hormone at 2 h. The enzyme activity returned to control levels at 4 h. The minimal effective dose was found to be 0.1 μg per testis. The stimulating effect of LHRH was confined to Leydig cells alone. The seminiferous tubules did not show any change in ODC activity following LHRH treatment. These results show that LHRH acts directly on the testis and influences the levels of ODC in the Leydig cells of rat.  相似文献   

GH3 cells were synchronized by growing them in a low serum concentration (1%). They were thereafter put back in normal medium (17.5% serum) (time 0 of synchronization). Four parameters were then examined every two hours for up to 40 hours : rate of [3H] thymidine incorporation, cell number, binding of [3H] Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) after a 30 min exposure, and prolactin (PRL) content of culture medium and cell extract.The rate of thymidine incorporation presented a 10–20 fold increase in S phase, beginning on 12–16 hours and lasting at 26 hours. The cell population was doubled at 28 hours. [3H] TRH binding to attached cells was observed throughout the cell cycle, but presented a significant increase (40–80%) during the S phase. In contrast, the % increase of PRL release in response to TRH was optimum (300% of control) in G1 phase. Variations of the PRL cell content as well as of the PRL spontaneous release ability of the cell do not account for the variations of TRH responsiveness. The discrepancy between the two parameters of the TRH-GH3 cells interaction strongly suggest a morphological or functional heterogeneity of the TRH-binding sites.  相似文献   

Basal serum LH and FSH values were found to be within normal limits in 9 homosexual men. The mean LH and FSH responses following the intravenous administration of 100 microgram of LRH were not significantly different from that of heterosexual controls. In addition, the mean basal plasma serum testosterone was similar in the two groups. There is thus no definite implication of endocrine factors in the genesis of male homosexuality.  相似文献   

Copper stimulated LH release from cultured rat pituitary cells in a dose-and time-dependent manner. After 4 h of incubation with 10 mu M Cu2+, LH release was stimulated by 3-fold. The release of LH stimulated by Cu2+ was Ca2+ dependent, thus excluding the possibility that the releasing activity of this divalent cation was due to a toxic effect on pituitary cells. The stimulatory action of Cu2+ is substantially mediated via the GnRH-receptors since Cu2+ inhibited 125I-Buserelin binding and since GnRH-antagonist blocked most of the Cu2+-stimulated LH release (80%). Both GnRH (1 microM) and Cu2+ (10 microM) induced desensitization of pituitary cells to a subsequent stimulation of either GnRH (0.5 nM) or Cu2+ (10 microM). However, in contrast to GnRH, Cu2+ did not induce down regulation of GnRH receptors. These findings suggest that the Cu2+ effects are mainly mediated through the GnRH receptors.  相似文献   

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