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The rates of tritiated thymidine accumulation in each of the chromosome types in Chinese hamster line Don and strain Don-C have been assayed by quantitative tritium autoradiography. The late-replicating nature of the X and Y chromosomes is readily apparent. Many chromosomes exhibit three separate steps of synthesis, with reduced rates of thymidine incorporation between 3 and 4 hours and again between 5 and 6 hours. The same three-step pattern can be seen in scintillation data from FUdR synchronized cells, with 40% of the DNA made in each of the first two steps and 20% in the final step.This research was supported in part by Grant GB-7248 from the National Science Foundation and by Grant E-286 from The American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative receptor autoradiography on sections of the human brain raises methodical problems of which some are relevant also for studies in animal tissue, but others are unique in studies of human brain tissue. Procedures for the following methodical aspects are discussed image analysis for quantitation of the regional distribution of receptor densities, saturation analysis on autoradiographs, influence of age and post-mortem delay and quenching of -radiation in brain tissue. The solutions proposed to these problems make receptor autoradiography in the human brain to a reliable method for studies of chemical neuroanatomy.  相似文献   

Quantitative autoradiography of dot blots using a microwell densitometer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have established conditions for the quantitation of DNA hybridization by "reading" dot blot autoradiographs with a microwell plate densitometer. This method is more convenient, as accurate, and more sensitive than counting the spots in a liquid scintillation counter.  相似文献   

The distribution of 3H-nomifensine binding sites in the rat brain has been studied by quantitative autoradiography. The binding of 3H-nomifensine to caudate putamen sections was saturable, specific, of a high affinity (Kd = 56 nM) and sodium-dependent. The dopamine uptake inhibitors benztropine, nomifensine, cocaine, bupropion and amfonelic acid were the most potent competitors of 3H-nomifensine binding to striatal sections. The highest levels of (benztropine-displaceable) 3H-nomifensine binding sites were found in the caudate-putamen, the olfactory tubercle and the nucleus accumbens. 6-Hydroxydopamine-induced lesion of the ascending dopaminergic bundle resulted in a marked decrease in the 3H-ligand binding in these areas. Moderately high concentrations of the 3H-ligand were observed in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the anteroventral thalamic nucleus, the cingulate cortex, the lateral septum, the hippocampus, the amygdala, the zona incerta and some hypothalamic nuclei. There were low levels of the binding sites in the habenula, the dorsolateral geniculate body, the substantia nigra, the ventral tegmental area and the periaqueductal gray matter. These autoradiographic data are consistent with the hypothesis that 3H-nomifensine binds primarily to the presynaptic uptake site for dopamine but also labels the norepinephrine uptake site.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate brain angiotensin II is associated with the elevation of blood pressure seen in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). These include an increased pressor response to intracerebroventricularly administered angiotensin II and a reduction of blood pressure in response to centrally administered angiotensin II receptor antagonists. Using quantitative receptor autoradiography, we have detected greater angiotensin II receptor binding in a number of discrete brain nuclei of the 6-week-old SHR when compared to age-matched Wistar-Kyoto controls. Tissue sections from various brain regions were labeled with [125I]-angiotensin II according to a previously described method. Autoradiograms were generated by apposing the labeled tissue sections to LKB Ultrofilm along with brain paste standards which contained known amounts of [125I]. Quantitation of the binding, utilizing computer-assisted microdensitometry, indicated greater [125I]-angiotensin II binding in several brain areas implicated in cardiovascular control including the subfornical organ, nucleus of the solitary tract, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, locus coeruleus, supraoptic nucleus and the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis. Scatchard analysis of the binding in the nucleus of the solitary tract indicated an increased receptor number (Bmax) was responsible for the change while binding in two forebrain structures, the subfornical organ and supraoptic nucleus, showed alterations in receptor number and affinity (Kd). Several other brain regions, unrelated to cardiovascular control, exhibited no change in [125I]-angiotensin II binding. Since the increased receptor binding was present primarily in brain regions related to cardiovascular control, we conclude that an increased angiotensin II receptor affinity and density is indicated as a factor in the etiology of the high blood pressure seen in the SHR.  相似文献   

Quantitative receptor autoradiography on sections of the human brain raises methodical problems of which some are relevant also for studies in animal tissue, but others are unique in studies of human brain tissue. Procedures for the following methodical aspects are discussed: image analysis for quantitation of the regional distribution of receptor densities, saturation analysis on autoradiographs, influence of age and post-mortem delay and quenching of beta-radiation in brain tissue. The solutions proposed to these problems make receptor autoradiography in the human brain to a reliable method for studies of chemical neuroanatomy.  相似文献   

Photoresponsiveness by Gymnodinium splendens Lebour was monitored quantitatively by a microscope-television system. Exposure to the catecholamines DOPA and Dopamine caused a decrease in light sensitivity, while 0.01 mM norepinephine, or isoproterenol did not affect photoresponsiveness. Classical catecholamine blocking agents, dichloroisoproterenol, propranolol, and dibenzyline, and an inhibitor of DOPA synthesis, alpha-methyl-rho-tyrosine, caused an increase in sensitivity. In addition, acetylcholine and an inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase activity, eserine, caused an increase in sensitivity, while an inhibitor of acetylcholine action atropine, had the opposite effect. These experiments suggest that G. splendens may have an antagonistic catecholamine-cholinergic system which participates in regulating photosensitivity.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution of (3H)GABA in the rat neural lobe was investigated 5 min after intracarotid administration using quantitative electron-microscopic autoradiography. Specificity of (3H)GABA-uptake was tested by pretreatment of control animals with nipecotic acid. It was concluded that, apart from a small fraction in the perivascular spaces, radioactivity was present exclusively in pituicytes. The results confirm and quantify earlier in-vitro observations; they are compared with recent immunocytochemical findings that reveal the presence of glutamate-decarboxylase-containing axons in the neural lobe. It is concluded that there may be GABAergic terminals that lack an uptake mechanism for exogenous transmitter. Nevertheless, (3H)GABA autoradiography is useful in demonstrating other functional components of GABAergic systems, i.e., glial cells.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II binding sites were localized and quantified in individual brain nuclei from single rats by incubation of tissue sections with 1 nM 125I-[Sar1]-angiotensin II, [3H]-Ultrofilm autoradiography, computerized microdensitometry and comparison with 125I-standards. High angiotensin II binding was present in the circumventricular organs (organon vasculosum laminae terminalis, organon subfornicalis and area postrema), in selected hypothalamic nuclei (nuclei suprachiasmatis, periventricularis and paraventricularis) and in the nucleus tractus olfactorii lateralis, the nucleus preopticus medianus, the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus and the nucleus tractus solitarii. High affinity (KA from 0.3 to 1.5 X 10(9) M-1) angiotensin II binding sites were demonstrated in the organon subfornicalis, the nucleus tractus solitarii and the area postrema after incubation of consecutive sections from single rat brains with 125I-[Sar1]-angiotensin II in concentrations from 100 pM to 5 nM. These results demonstrate and characterize brain binding sites for angiotensin II of variable high affinity binding both inside and outside the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

The regional developmental appearance of mu binding sites in rat brain was examined by quantitative autoradiography of 3H-dihydromorphine binding in rats 2, 14, 21, and 28 days old. Labeling with 3H-dihydromorphine was heterogeneous in adult rat brains, as previously reported by other laboratories. Levels of 3H-dihydromorphine binding ranged from approximately 250 nCi/g tissue in the interpeduncular nucleus and 100 nCi/g tissue in the habenula to 40 nCi/g tissue in the hypothalamus and periaqueductal gray. Some areas, particularly white matter regions, had no detectable specific binding. The density of 3H-dihydromorphine binding increased in all regions between 2 and 28 days of age. The increases in 3H-dihydromorphine binding in various regions of rat brain developed at different rates. Maximal densities were seen by 14 days of age in most regions examined, including the caudate, hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus. Binding in the medial thalamus and quadrigeminal plate, however, did not reach maximal levels until 21 days. Although quantitative autoradiography offers major advantages in the examination of the regional distribution of opiate binding sites, variability both between sections from the same brain and between sections from different brains demonstrate some of the difficulties associated with this type of experimental approach.  相似文献   

Emulsion sensitivity, latent image fading, and the effects of temperature, humidity, radiation dose and chemography on them were measured for NTB2 autoradiographic emulsion using quantitative methods. Sensitivity of NTB2 emulsion increased as the temperature during exposure increased, with the greatest increase per degree occurring between -20 degrees C. At 4 degrees C, emulsion sensitivity remained constant with time and radiation dose. Direct measurement of latent image fading showed no latent image fading for 60 weeks on slides exposed at 4 degrees C with Drierite. Slides exposed at 27 degrees C showed significant latent image fading and great variation between samples. High humidity decreased emulsion sensitivity and increased latent image fading. No evidence of either positive or negative chemography was found. The practical use of autoradiography requires an internal standard on each slide to correct for fluctuations in temperature and humidity during exposure time.  相似文献   

Summary The cellular and subcellular distribution of radioactivity in the mouse thyroid gland different times (20 min — 8 hours) after intravenous administration of 3H-L-DOPA was studied by means of quantitative electron microscopic autoradiography.High concentrations of autoradiographic silver grains occur over parafollicular cells and adrenergic nerves while the labelling of follicular cells and lumina is low or absent and similar to the labelling of connective tissue cells at all observation times.Over the parafollicular cells high levels of radioactivity can be recorded already 20 min after administration of the labelled amino acid. The grain counts are highest at 1 hour and decrease then at 2.5 and 8 hours.The intracellular distribution of label is similar at all observation times; thus, the concentration of silver grains over the typical cytoplasmic granules of the parafollicular cells is 4–5 times higher compared to the concentration over the remainder of the cytoplasm and the nucleus.Treatment with a decarboxylase inhibitor prior to the injection of 3H-L-DOPA results in a low and uniform labelling of all thyroid cells. This finding, taken together with the observation that also pretreatment with reserpine abolishes the autoradiographic reaction over the cytoplasmic granules, gives strong support to the idea that the great majority of silver grains observed over parafollicular cells represents dopamine formed by decarboxylation of the labelled precursor.This study was supported by grant K71-12X-3352-01 from the Swedish Medical Research Council. The author wishes to express his gratitude to Mrs. Gunnel Bokhede and Miss Dala Sjögren for expert technical assistance.  相似文献   

PurposeBoron neutron capture therapy is a cellular-scale particle therapy exploiting boron neutron capture reactions in boron compounds distributed in tumour cells. Its therapeutic effect depends on both the accumulation of boron in tumour cells and the neutron fluence. Autoradiography is used to visualise the micro-distribution of boron compounds.MethodsHere, we present an equation for the relationship between boron concentration and pit density on the solid-state nuclear track detector, taking into consideration the particle ranges in the samples. This equation is validated using liver-tissue sections and boron standard solutions. Moreover, we present a simple co-localisation system for pit and tissue-section images that requires no special equipment.ResultsThe equation reproduces the experimentally observed trends between boron concentration and pit density. This equation provides a theoretical explanation for the widely used calibration curve between pit density and boron concentration; it also provides a method to correct for differences of tissue-section thickness in quantitative autoradiography.ConclusionsUsing the equation together with this co-localisation system could improve micro-scale quantitative estimation in tissue sections.  相似文献   

Chemical signalling underlies every function of the nervous system, from those of which we are unaware, for example, control of the heart, to higher cognitive functions, such as emotions, learning and memory. Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators mediate communication between neurons and between neurons and non-neural cells such as glia and muscle. In the past, the means for studying the production and release of these signalling agents directly has been limited in its temporal and spatial resolution relative to the dynamics of chemical signalling and the structures of interest in the brain. Now microelectrode biosensors are becoming available that give unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution, enabling, for the first time, direct measurement in real time of the chemical conversations between cells in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary Ehrlich ascites tumour cells and epithelial cells of intestinal crypts were labelled in vitro and in vivo with the pulse of either tritium or carbon-14-thymidine. Fixed cells were washed in either distilled or tap running water for 1/6–24 hr and autoradiographed. Quantitation of autoradiographs showed that the washing of cells labelled with tritiated thymidine caused remarkable diminution of grain count. The cells labelled with carbon-14-thymidine were not affected by washing. The strict control of washing in water of tritium-labelled specimens is recommended.  相似文献   

[3H]H-D-Phe-Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Orn-Thr-Pen-Thr-NH2 ([3H]CTOP), a potent and highly selective mu opioid antagonist, was used to localize the mu receptors in rat brain by light microscopic autoradiography. Radioligand binding studies with [3H]CTOP using slide-mounted tissue sections of rat brain produced a Kd value of 1.1 nM with a Bmax value of 79.1 fmol/mg protein. Mu opioid agonists and antagonists inhibited [3H]CTOP binding with high affinity (IC50 values of 0.2-2.4 nM), while the delta agonist DPDPE, delta antagonist ICI 174,864, and kappa agonist U 69, 593 were very weak inhibitors of [3H]CTOP binding (IC50 values of 234-3631 nM). Light microscopic autoradiography of [3H]CTOP binding sites revealed regions of high density (nucleus of the solitary tract, clusters in the caudate-putamen, interpeduncular nucleus, superior and inferior colliculus, subiculum, substantia nigra zona reticulata, medial geniculate, locus coeruleus and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus) and regions of moderate labeling (areas outside of clusters in the caudate-putamen, cingulate cortex, claustrum and nucleus accumbens). The cerebral cortex (parietal) showed a low density of [3H]CTOP binding.  相似文献   

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