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Methane emissions from the Orinoco River floodplain, Venezuela   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Methane emissions were measured over a 17-monthinterval at 21 locations on the Orinoco fringingfloodplain and upper delta (total area,14,000 km2). Emissions totaled 0.17 Tgyr–1, or 7.1 mmol d–1 (114 mg d–1;standard deviation, ±18%) per m2 of watersurface. Ebullition accounted for 65% of emissions. Emission rates were about five times as high forfloodplain forest as for open water or macrophytemats. Emission rates were positively correlated withcarbon content of sediment and amount of methane inthe water column, and negatively correlated withdissolved oxygen, but the correlations were weak. Emission from floodplain soils occurred only when thewater content of soil exceeded 25%, which occurredwithin 20 m of standing water during floodplaindrainage (3 months/yr). Bare soils emitted 60mmol/day per m of shoreline length; soils covered bystranded macrophyte beds emitted five times thisamount. Total emissions were accounted for primarilyby flooded forest (94%); macrophyte mats, open water,and exposed soils made only small contributions. Theflux-weighted mean 13C for the floodplainwas –62 ± 8; for D the mean was –271 ± 27. The 13C and D were negativelycorrelated. Overall emission rates were notably lowerthan for the Amazon. The depth and duration offlooding are considerably less for the Orinoco thanfor the Amazon floodplain; oxygen over sediments isthe rule for the Orinoco but not for the Amazon. TheOrinoco data illustrate the difficulty of generalizingemission rates. Current information for tropicalAmerica, including revised estimates for inundatedarea along the Amazon, indicate that methane emissionsfrom tropical floodplains have been overestimated.  相似文献   

Baseline entomological surveys were conducted in four sentinel sites along the Thailand‐Myanmar border to address vector bionomics and malaria transmission in the context of a study on malaria elimination. Adult Anopheles mosquitoes were collected using human‐landing catch and cow‐bait collection in four villages during the rainy season from May‐June, 2013. Mosquitoes were identified to species level by morphological characters and by AS‐PCR. Sporozoite indexes were determined on head/thoraces of primary and secondary malaria vectors using real‐time PCR. A total of 4,301 anopheles belonging to 12 anopheline taxa were identified. Anopheles minimus represented >98% of the Minimus Complex members (n=1,683), whereas the An. maculatus group was composed of two dominant species, An. sawadwongporni and An. maculatus. Overall, 25 Plasmodium‐positive mosquitoes (of 2,323) were found, representing a sporozoite index of 1.1% [95%CI 0.66–1.50]. The transmission intensity as measured by the EIR strongly varied according to the village (ANOVA, F=17.67, df=3, P<0.0001). Our findings highlight the diversity and complexity of the biting pattern of malaria vectors along the Thailand‐Myanmar border that represent a formidable challenge for malaria control and elimination.  相似文献   

The Orinoco River Delta is a complex of relatively unknown ecosystems made up of aquatic and semiaquatic habitats. The region includes a Mariusa National Park and the Orinoco Delta River Biosphere Reserve. The 23 sites studied included lentic habitats (lagoons and creeks) and lotic habitats (streams of variable breadth and current) which varied range from black to white waters. A collection of aquatic vascular plants was made and the physical and chemical variables were measured. A total of 100 species were identified, 48% of which are new records for the Delta territory. A Canonical Correspondence Analysis divided the species and communities into two groups: The lentic habitats of lakes and lagoons, which show a greater species richness and the lotic habitats of the main river courses. This study forms part of an ongoing research project on the floristic and abiotic characteristics of the aquatic communities in the Orinoco River Delta.  相似文献   

Six cases of sporotrichosis from the Orinoco river basin of Venezuela and Colombia are described; two are of the localized cutaneous type and four are lymphocutaneous. Diagnosis was based on the patient's clinical history and mycological culture. Epidemiology and distinctive cultural habits of the patients are discussed in connection with disease etiology.Abbreviations CAICET Amazonas Center for Investigation and Control of Tropical Diseases - TFA Amazonas Federal Territory  相似文献   

Dezzeo  Nelda  Worbes  Martin  Ishii  Iria  Herrera  Rafael 《Plant Ecology》2003,168(1):165-175
The occurrence of seasonal growth rings in the wood of Campsiandra laurifolia, Acosmiun nitens, Pouteria orinocoensis and Psidium ovatifolium, common species growing in the flooding forest of the Mapire river, was analyzed using wood anatomy and ring- width analysis. The test of the annual ring formation was performed using radiocarbon analysis based on the nuclear weapon effect. All species showed growth rings visible to the naked eye. The ring boundaries in all cases were marked by bands of marginal parenchyma. The index ring-width curves of the four studied species showed a strong relationship with the fluctuation of the water river level during the non flooded months, suggesting that an increase in the water level during these months positively influenced the growth indicating that the rings were formed on an annual basis. The content of radiocarbon in the wood of anatomically predated rings of Campsiandra laurifolia and Pouteria orinocoensis confirm these results. All studied trees are slow growing with less than 2.5 mm annual increment.  相似文献   

Total suspended solids (TSS), particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate nitrogen (PN) were measured over a two year period, 1983–1985, in the Orinoco River at Ciudad Bolívar, 450 km from its mouth. Additionally, samples of the main stem at other localities and main tributaries were included in the present study.The suspended sediment concentrations showed a peculiar pattern of temporal variations: two maxima (May–June and November) and two minima (March–April and August–September).The POC and PN concentrations fluctuated with the water discharge, and higher values were observed during the rising limb than during the falling limb of the hydrograph. As dry weight percent of solids, the values ranged between 0.84 and 9.06% for organic carbon and between 0.08 and 1.45% for total nitrogen. The carbon-nitrogen ratio in the sediment averaged 9.1. The major contribution of organic carbon and nitrogen in particulate form to the Orinoco main stem comes from the left margin tributaries, which have their headwater in the mountainous regions of the Andes.  相似文献   

The occurrence of 23 cyanobacterial species, belonging to 9 different genera and 5 cyanobacterial lichen species of 5 different genera on exposed, open rock surfaces of inselbergs and on soil in savannas of the Orinoco lowlands and the Guayana uplands is described. Their distribution patterns and frequency within the different habitats are given. The filamentous procaryotic blue-green algae/cyanobacteria Stigonema ocellatum and Scytonema crassum, together with the unicellular cyanobacterium Gloeocapsa sanguinea were the most frequent species on rocks, whereas the filamentous cyanobacterium, Schizothrix telephoroides, dominated in cyanobacterial mats on the savanna soil. All species showed intensively coloured sheaths, either brown or yellow in the case of Stigonema ocellatum and Scytonema crassum, or red in Gloeocapsa sanguinea and Schizothrix telephoroides. In addition, a number of cyanobacterial lichens occurred.  相似文献   

Samples of bulk precipitation were collected in the Trachypogon savanna, Calabozo, Venezuela, during three consecutive years. In the first year, rain samples were taken daily; in the following years the samples were grouped on a monthly basis. In addition, samples of dry deposition were collected during the dry seasons. All samples were analyzed for the following water soluble cations and anions: P04-P, S04-S, N03-N, NH4-N, Ca+2, Mg+2, K+, Na+ and H+. The mean annual input rate of chemical constituents (Kg ha-1 year-1) was: PO4-P (0.42); SO4-S (2.62); NO3-N (0.21); NH4-N (2.03); Ca+2 (3.50); Mg+2 (11.31); K+ (3.60); Na+ (5.93) and H+ (0.03). The total mean input of particulate material to the savanna during the dry season was 2.06 Kg ha-1 year-1, with a soluble fraction of 30%. Possible sources of nutrients input were analyzed.  相似文献   

A new species of Hyalinobatrachium of the fleischmanni group, H. mondolfii, is described from the Orinoco delta floodplains in Venezuela. This new species can be distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of characters: parietal peritoneum clear, pericardium white, visceral and hepatic peritoneum white, color in life pale green with diminute yellow spots and, in preservative, cream with small dark melanophores (visible only under magnification), bones white in life, extense webbing, snout round in dorsal view and inclinate in lateral view, dorsal skin granulate and a advertisement call with a fundamental frequency greater than 5000 Hz.  相似文献   

Relationships among soil phosphorus distribution, soil organic carbon and biogeochemistry of iron and aluminum were studied along a flooded forest gradient of the Mapire river, Venezuela. Soil samples were collected during the dry season in three zones subjected to different flooding intensity: MAX inundated 8 months per year, MED inundated 5 months per year, and MIN inundated 2 months per year. Total labile phosphorus (resin + bicarbonate extractable fractions) was significantly higher in MIN than in MAX. The longer non-flooding period in MIN probably allowed a higher accumulation of microbial biomass in soils of this zone and consequently a greater release of the bicarbonate organic fraction. The moderately labile phosphorus fraction associated with the chemisorbed phosphorus on amorphous and some crystalline aluminum and iron was significantly lower in MAX than in MIN following the same tendency observed for crystalline iron oxides. This result allowed us to hypothesize that the combined effect of a long flood period and a high soil organic carbon content in the MAX, could be appropriate conditions for microbial reduction of stable forms of iron. The ratio of soil organic carbon to total organic phosphorus decreased from MAX to MIN, indicating higher mineralization of organic phosphorus in MIN. Our results suggests two distinct flood-dependent mechanisms operating for phosphorus release along the gradient. In MAX mineralization process appears to be limited, while microbial mineral dissolution appears to be an important source of phosphorus. In MIN supply of phosphorus is associated with the stability of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Bauxite explotation of the Orinoco River in recent years is an important source of heavy metals discharge in the ecosystem, changing the natural biochemical flow of these elements and their concentrations in water, sediment and organisms. Iron and copper concentrations were measured in the fish Plagioscion squamosissimus in the Orinoco river, by sampling the fish population for three months (September-November 1998) in the main channel of the middle Orinoco (07 degrees 38' 21.2" N; 66 degrees 19' 10.9" W) and in Castillero lagoon (7 degrees 39' 09" N; 66 degrees 09' 00" W) with 2 and 4 cm mesh sizes. The internal organs of 30 fishes per month and site were stove-dried at 80 degrees C, pulverized and dried in disecator for 30 min to use as indicators with the acid digestion method for predicting the effect of heavy metals. We found relatively high values of iron and copper concentrations in fishes of the lagoon, and high seasonal variations in the iron concentration.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in three villages in western Venezuela between February 1988 and October 1989 to determine the biting and resting activity of anophelines in relation to human habits, rainfall and fenitrothion spraying of houses. Mosquitoes were collected landing on humans inside and outside experimental huts throughout the night. Only three mosquitoes were found resting in the huts in the morning, but 2470 were collected resting on vegetation in the early morning. The collections yielded eleven species of anopheline, the most abundant being Anopheles nuneztovari, comprising over 75% of the total anophelines collected, followed by An.triannulatus, An.albitarsis s.l. and An.oswaldoi. The four most abundant species showed different diel patterns of biting. For An.nuneztovari the peak of activity was close to midnight indoors and outdoors, for An.triannulatus between 19.00 and 20.00 hours outdoors, for An.albitarsis mainly before midnight indoors and outdoors and for An.oswaldoi outdoors at 19.00 hours, with an additional smaller peak indoors at midnight. Most of the human population use bednets, go to bed before 22.00 hours and are therefore most exposed to mosquitoes that bite outdoors early in the night. Fenitrothion house-spraying failed to prevent large mosquito populations developing in the wet season, presumably because of their exophilic resting habits. The possible advantages of impregnation of existing bednets with pyrethroids, and provision of nets for people who do not have them, are discussed.  相似文献   

Deposition of suspended sediments andtheir associated nutrients were estimated during theflood event of 1995 in the seasonally flooded forestsof the Mapire and Caura Rivers, two black-watertributaries of lower Orinoco, and on two islands ofthis white-water river. The deposition spanned a widerange from 0.07 kg m–2 in the depositional barforests of the Mapire River to 73.60 kg m–2 onthe flooded forests of the Orinoco Island site calledJarizo. This variation is associated with the dynamicnature of sediment mobilization, transport anddeposition, as well as with the different geomorphicenvironments and erosion processes upstream from thestudy sites. The deposited sediment in all the studyareas was highly quartzitic with a relatively highcontent of kaolinite and goethite. Only in thesediment of the Orinoco Islands was mica (illite)identified in a relatively high proportion. Thesemineralogical results reflect the intense weatheringprocesses in the catchment areas of the study rivers.The chemical composition of the deposited sedimentsshowed a great variability among the different studyareas, which is in part related to the mineralcomposition of the sediments and their particle sizedistribution. The highest concentrations of K, Caand Mg were found on the clay sediments of the Orinocoagricultural island. The total amount of depositednutrients varied over a wide range, which isinfluenced by the amount of deposited sediments. Inthe Jarizo Island site of lower Orinoco were depositedthe largest amount of nutrients. In the floodedforests of the Mapire River, the nutrient contributionby the deposited sediments to the nutrient cycling isrelatively low in the depositional-bar forests andpractically nonexistent in the forests sites onterraces.  相似文献   

CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and soil algal crusts of the Trachypogon savannas of the Orinoco Llanos has been analyzed using an open gas exchange system. These savannas encompass a wide range of physiognomic types, from herbaceous communities to savanna woodlands. A maximum CO2 flux of 0.207 mg m-2 s-1 was measured in the crusts of the Guanipa savannas, while in the other examined crusts (0.035–0.105 mg m-2 s-1) the flux was similar to values reported for terrestrial algae. The CO2 flux data were statistically fitted to the photosynthetically active radiation by a logarithmic relationship, and the photosynthetic efficiencies of the crusts were compared. The activation energy calculated for the CO2 fixation indicates that limitations by diffusion and photochemical processes were excluded in the Guanipa crusts (above 12 kcal mole-1), whereas they were evident in the other crust studied. An optimum CO2 incorporation as a function of the crust water potential was established and carbon gain strategies were proposed on the basis of the results and characteristics of the habitats.  相似文献   

A longitudinal entomological study was carried out from 1999 to 2001 in Lena, a humid savannah village in the western region of Burkina Faso in order to establish malaria vector bionomics and the dynamics of malaria transmission. In the first year, malaria transmission was mainly due to An. gambiae s.s., but during the two later years was due to An. funestus, which were observed in high frequency towards the end of the rainy season. PCR identification of samples of An. gambiae s.1. showed 93% to be An. gambiae s.s. and 7% An. arabiensis. An. funestus constituting more than 60% of the vectors were identified in PCR as An. funestus s.s. The persistence of intense vectorial activity in this village was probably due to the road building in a swampy area creating a semi-permanent swamp that provided large sites for larval mosquitoes. These swampy sites seemed to be more favorable for An. funestus than for An. gambiae s.s. Thus, land development must be monitored and subjected to planning to minimize vector proliferation. Such a system of planning could lead to the restriction or even elimination of the swamp that is the source of larvae developing in the heart of the village.  相似文献   

For the Makiritare (Ye'Kuana) native people of the Alto Orinoco (Venezuela), earthworms (Anellida: Glossoscolecidae) are an important component of the diet. Two species in particular are widely consumed: 'kuru' (Andiorrhinus kuru n. sp.) and 'motto' (Andiorrhinus motto). We analysed eviscerated kuru body proper, and whole and smoked preparations of motto for their content of protein and amino acids, fatty acids and 20 minerals and trace elements. The samples contained large amounts of protein (64.5-72.9% of dry weight), essential amino acids, calcium and iron together with notable quantities of other important elements, indicating that these earthworms contain potentially useful quantities of many nutrients that are critical to the health of the humans who consume them.  相似文献   

The Orinoco River, which is hydrologically unregulated and has a minimally disturbed watershed, was sampled quantitatively over a four-year interval. In conjunction with the sampling, a method was developed for quantifying statistical uncertainty in the estimates of annual transport. The discharge-weighted mean concentration of total suspended solids in the Orinoco River is 80 mg/l, which corresponds to total annual transport of 90 × 106 t/y, or, expressed per unit of watershed area, 960 kg/ha/y, of which 96% is inorganic. The mean for dissolved solids is 34 mg/l, of which 25 mg/l is inorganic. The total transport of inorganic material, with a small allowance for bedload, is 128 × 106 t/y, which corresponds to an erosion rate of 4 cm/1000 y. Concentrations of dissolved and suspended constituents derived from rock weathering are very low because of dilution from high runoff (1190 mm/y), coverage of the southern part of the drainage by shield rock, and minimal watershed disturbance. Seasonal patterns in dissolved and suspended constituents are repeated with a high degree of consistency from one year to the next. For most variables, relationships between transport and discharge are described adequately by a power function. There are three categories of response to changing discharge: purging (exponent > 1: soluble organic fractions and all particulate fractions), dilution (exponent 0–1: major ionic solids and silicon), and conservation (exponent < 0: nitrate, interannual). Variability across seasons and across years is highest for the particulate constituents, but within this group variability is lower for the organic than for the inorganic components. Major ions that originate primarily from the atmosphere have a higher seasonal variability than major ions that originate primarily from weathering. Potassium and soluble silicon have the lowest variabilities. Variability is much lower across years than across seasons for most constituents. Because of high runoff per unit area, the Orinoco drainage has a high specific transport of organic carbon (72 kg/ha/y, 6.8 × 106 t/y, 1.6% of global river transport), even though the concentrations of organic carbon in the river are not exceptionally high (mean, 4.4 mg/l dissolved, 1.4 mg/l particulate). Concentrations of ammonium (35 μg/l as N) and of nitrate (80 μg/l as N) are high given the undisturbed nature of the watershed and the high amount of runoff. The high transport rate for total nitrogen (5.7 kg/ha/y, 0.54 × 106 t/y, l.5% of global river transport) can be sustained only by high rates of nitrogen fixation within the watershed. Concentrations of soluble phosphorus are within the range expected for undisturbed river systems (20 μg/l), but concentrations of particulate phosphorus are low because the amounts of particulate matter are small and the phosphorus per unit weight of suspended matter is low. Phosphorus transport (0.75 kg/ha/y) can be accounted for easily by weathering of the parent material, even within the Guayana Shield, where weathering rates are lowest. Biological modification of nutrient and carbon fractions during transit along the main stem are minimal.  相似文献   

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