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华北蜜粉源植物的研究*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在调查、收集、整理的基础上,初步筛选出蜜粉源植物 1 176 种及变种,隶属于 106 科 426 属,以刺槐、枣树、荆条、油菜等植物组成主要蜜源。华北是我国重要商品蜜生产基地。最后对华北地区蜜粉源植物的开发利用与保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

寄生性和捕食性天敌昆虫成虫普遍存在通过取食蜜粉源植物补充营养的行为,这可不同程度地促进天敌昆虫性成熟、延长其寿命、提高其生殖力或寄生率,以及搜寻寄主效率和子代雌性比率,从而显著提高天敌昆虫在生物防治中的控害能力和效果。蜜粉源植物花的结构及植物对天敌昆虫产生的嗅觉、视觉信号和花蜜花粉对天敌昆虫产生的味觉信号又显著影响天敌昆虫选择蜜粉源植物的行为和结果。但是,蜜粉源植物也可成为害虫的补充营养植物,从而提高害虫的为害能力。因此,需深入研究不同蜜粉源植物对天敌昆虫及害虫的作用,趋利避害,才可能应用蜜粉源植物成功调控天敌与害虫的益害比,实现害虫的可持续控制。  相似文献   

在动植物的相互关系中,盗蜜行为被认为是一种不同于普通传粉者的非正常访花行为。动物之所以要采取这种特殊的觅食策略,有假说认为是由访花者的口器和植物的花部形态不匹配造成的,也有认为是盗蜜行为提高了觅食效率从而使盗蜜者受益。在盗蜜现象中,盗蜜者和宿主植物之间的关系是复杂的。盗蜜对宿主植物的影响尤其是对其繁殖适合度的影响归纳起来有正面、负面以及中性3类。与此同时,盗蜜者的种类, 性别及其掠食行为差异不仅与生境因素密切相关,而且会对宿主植物的繁殖成功产生直接或间接的影响。另外,盗蜜者的存在无疑对其它正常传粉者的访花行为也产生一定的影响,从而间接地影响宿主植物的繁殖成功, 而植物在花部形态上也出现了对盗蜜现象的适应性进化。作者认为, 盗蜜是短嘴蜂对长管型花最有效的一种掠食策略, 它不仅增加了盗蜜者对资源的利用能力, 而且由于盗蜜对宿主植物繁殖成功的不同的影响使其具有调节盗蜜者和宿主之间种群动态的作用, 两者的彼此适应是一种协同进化的结果。  相似文献   

安徽省蜜蜂种群消长及其分布与自然环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002~2004年,对淮北平原、江淮丘陵、沿江平原及皖西和皖南山区四大类型生态区域的蜜蜂种群数量动态与环境因子进行了调查.结果表明,复杂的自然环境与蜜蜂种群特性密切相关.皖南山区和皖西大别山区蜜粉源植物分别为46和37种,中华蜜蜂群体数量多,分布密度分别为2.01和1.95群·km-2;江淮地区和淮北平原蜜粉源植物分别为17和12种,花期短而集中,且面积大,适宜于意大利蜜蜂采集与生产,中华蜜蜂群体数量少,分布密度分别为0.06和0.02群·km-2.胡蜂捕食影响蜜蜂种群消长与分布.皖南山区、皖西大别山区、江淮地区和淮北平原,中华蜜蜂分别占本地区蜂群的41.5%、36.8%、3.1%和1.1%,意大利蜜蜂分别占本地区蜂群的58.5%、63.2%、96.9%和98.9%.  相似文献   

该书由著名养蜂专家陈盛禄教授主编,主要内容包括:蜜蜂生物学、生态学、种质资源、遗传育种、营养与饲料配合、蜜粉源植物、蜂机具、蜂群的不同管理模式、蜂场设计、蜂产品高产及加工技术、授粉增产及配套技术、蜜蜂病、敌害及防治、蜂产品的成分及医疗作用。定价98元,邮购价108元。以上两书《植物杂志》编辑部有售,欢迎选购。《中国蜜蜂学》  相似文献   

功能植物在农田景观中发挥着重要的生态服务功能,可为果园提供蜜粉源、作为天敌避难所、作为栖境植物、驱避害虫、提高土壤肥力等多种服务。近年来,功能植物种植已成为果园病虫害生态调控的手段之一,并被国内外众多科学家所验证。但大多数都仅仅针对一两种植物进行研究,而对于果园功能植物的应用、筛选及配置等分析较少。本文基于国内外果园功能植物研究进展,结合作者3年来在胶东半岛果园内外功能植物的调查,提出了果园功能植物的筛选及配置原则,并以此用于指导烟台苹果园害虫生态调控的实践中,由此进一步展望了未来果园功能植物的发展方向,旨在为果园利用功能植物开展害虫生态调控提供参考。  相似文献   

蜜蜂等传粉昆虫是生物多样性的重要组成部分,关系植物繁殖和农业生产.为探讨城市园林在土著蜂种中华蜜蜂保护中的作用,对川南地区冬季中华蜜蜂的活动格局、访花行为和蜜粉源植物等进行观测.结果表明:工蜂在冬季适宜天气积极外出采集,活动持续时间长,出巢、回巢和未带粉采集蜂数量在14:00—15:00最多,呈双峰格局,而采粉蜂数量在11:00达到峰值,呈单峰格局,时间对蜜蜂活跃程度影响显著;蜂群对花蜜和花粉采集投入存在差异,只有近20%的采集蜂携带花粉;温湿度对蜜蜂活动具有一定影响;不同日期蜂群活动格局大体相似,但个别时段体现出差异.冬季园林生境中开花植物较少,但多种类群皆为可采集的蜜粉资源,中华蜜蜂通过调节其行为策略可实现有效采集;山茶等主要园林植物花上蜜蜂的拜访表现出较强规律性.可通过科学的园林管理增加冬季蜜粉资源,以利于营造中华蜜蜂的适宜生境和维持野外种群.  相似文献   

中华蜜蜂气味受体基因AcerOR113的克隆与时空表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】鉴定中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana气味受体基因并分析其结构特征,明确其在外界蜜粉源充足和缺乏时期不同发育阶段各组织中的表达差异,以期为该基因的功能研究提供理论依据。【方法】利用RT-PCR技术从中华蜜蜂采集蜂触角中扩增获得气味受体基因的cDNA序列;利用生物信息学软件预测分析其编码蛋白的结构特性;采用MEGA6.0邻接法(neighbor-joining)构建系统进化树;利用实时荧光定量PCR技术分析该基因在不同蜜粉源条件下在中华蜜蜂不同日龄(1,5,10,15,20,25和30日龄)工蜂的不同组织(触角、头(去除触角)、胸(去除翅)、腹、足和翅)中的表达差异。【结果】从中华蜜蜂采集蜂触角中克隆获得了中华蜜蜂气味受体基因Acer OR113的cDNA序列(Gen Bank登录号:KT252877.1)。该基因的开放阅读框(ORF)长1 035 bp,编码344个氨基酸,成熟蛋白分子量为40.13 kD,理论等电点(pI)7.05,无信号肽,含有6个跨膜结构且N端位于胞内,在第59-343位氨基酸之间存在一个昆虫气味受体家族7tm-6 superfamily保守结构域。Acer OR113与西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera的Amel OR113亲缘关系最近,氨基酸序列一致性高达94%。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,无论外界环境中蜜粉源是否充足,Acer OR113在不同日龄工蜂触角中的表达量均极显著高于其他组织(P0.01),腹部中的表达量最低;外界蜜粉源充足时各日龄工蜂触角中Acer OR113的表达量均极显著低于蜜粉源缺乏时相应日龄工蜂触角中的表达量(P0.01)。【结论】Acer OR113具有昆虫气味受体的典型特征,其基因特异性高表达于中华蜜蜂成虫触角中,且表达量在外界蜜粉源缺乏时期高于在蜜粉源充足时期,推测其主要与识别外界蜜粉源的花香气味有关。  相似文献   

正封面图片由内江师范学院四川省高等学校特色农业资源研究与利用重点实验室陈发军老师2015年1月摄于四川省内江城区,展示了中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)对开花园林植物的采集行为.蜜蜂是极为重要的传粉昆虫,其数量的多少关系到自然生态系统的稳定和作物生产.目前,蜜蜂等传粉昆虫数量的下降趋势引起了世界各国的广泛关注.中华蜜蜂为我国土著蜂种,分布广泛,拜访的植物种类繁多.由于栖息地破坏、蜜粉源植物减少和西方蜜蜂引入等原因,中华蜜蜂种群受到  相似文献   

广西蜜源植物概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴策刚  谭文澄   《广西植物》1984,(2):157-170
本文扼要介绍了广西的地理位置与气候特点,简述了广西富饶的蜜源植物对养蜂生产的意义,将分属于100余科内的360余种蜜源植物,整理成表格形式。内容包括科名、种名、花期、蜜粉量和该植物在广西的分布等,主要蜜源植物27种,注以“*”号,有毒蜜源植物4种,以文字注明。  相似文献   

Resource supply and pollen delivery are often thought to equally limit seed production in animal-pollinated plants. At equilibrium, plants should show no response to experimental pollen supplementation because resources limit seed set above the current level of pollen attraction, while experimental reduction in pollen deposition below the equilibrium level would reduce seed set. The predicted equilibrium may be disrupted, however, if plants expend additional energy to replenish removed nectar. We investigated the combined effects of nectar removal and pollen delivery on female reproductive success of Penstemon roseus (Plantaginaceae), a hummingbird-pollinated plant that replenishes removed nectar. We first documented that the frequency of experimental nectar removal was correlated with total nectar secretion; and increased frequency of nectar removal resulted in increased female reproductive costs to the plant. Trade-offs between investing resources in nectar and investing resources in seeds were then investigated in two contrasting natural populations by removing nectar from flowers at increasing frequencies while simultaneously hand-pollinating flowers with increasing amounts of pollen. Seed set was lowest at low levels of pollen deposition, highest at medium-sized pollen loads, and intermediate when pollen loads were highest. At both sites, the frequency of nectar removal and pollen deposition had an interactive effect on seed production, in that intermediate levels of nectar removal result in the absolute highest seed set, but only at intermediate pollen loads. At high pollen loads, seed set was higher following little to no nectar removal, and at low pollen loads, all rates of nectar removal affected fecundity equally. Seed mass responded to nectar removal and pollination differently than did seed set. High levels of nectar removal and pollen delivery both lowered seed mass, with little interaction between main effects. Our findings are among the first to demonstrate that nectar replenishment costs and pollination intensity jointly affect seed production. This conflict between nectar replenishment costs and pollen-limiting factors results in trade-offs between pollinator attraction and seed provisioning. Thus, resource allocation towards nectar production should more often be considered in future studies of pollen limitation.  相似文献   

有花植物为繁殖成功,进化出各种各样的花部特征来吸引传粉者,如为传粉者提供花蜜、花粉、栖息地等,然而在33科146属的被子植物中也存在着不提供任何报酬而欺骗昆虫为其传粉的现象。这种欺骗性传粉模式主要出现在高度进化的具有多样化传粉模式的兰科植物中。报道了在姜科植物中首次发现的食源性欺骗传粉模式。对姜科山柰属海南三七进行连续2年的传粉生物学观察和研究发现,海南三七的花在早上5:30~6:00之间开放,下午17:00~18:00左右闭合萎蔫,持续大约11~12h。开花过程中花粉活性与柱头可受性均保持较高水平(>90%)。花粉/胚珠比率(P/O)为82.20±47.89(n=20)。木蜂是其主要的访花和传粉昆虫,访花目的是吸取花蜜。海南三七虽有细长线形的蜜腺,但并不分泌花蜜作为传粉昆虫访花的报酬,采用食源性欺骗的方式欺骗木蜂为其传粉。繁育系统的研究表明广西弄化的海南三七居群主要是通过根茎进行无性繁殖。  相似文献   

The pollen of hermaphrodite plants is often utilised by flower-visiting animals. While pollen production has obvious benefits for plant male fitness, its consequences for plant female fitness, especially in self-incompatible hermaphrodite species, are less certain. Pollen production could either enhance seed production though increased pollinator attraction, or reduce it if ovules are discounted by deposition of self pollen, as can occur in species with late-acting self-incompatibility. To test the effects of pollen reward provision on female fitness, we artificially emasculated flowers in two populations of the succulent Aloe maculata (Asphodelaceae), which has a late-acting self-incompatibility system, over the course of its flowering period. Flowers of this species are visited by sunbirds (for nectar) and native bees (for pollen and nectar). We measured floral visitation rates, floral rejection rates, pollen deposition on stigmas and fruit and seed set in both emasculated and non-emasculated plants. We found that flowers of emasculated plants suffered reduced visitation and increased rejection (arrival without visitation) by bees, but not by sunbirds; had fewer pollen grains deposited on stigmas and showed an overall decrease in fruit set and seed set. Rates of seed abortion were, however, greatly reduced in emasculated flowers. This study shows that pollen rewards can be important for seed set, even in self-incompatible plants, which have been assumed to rely on nectar rewards for pollinator attraction. Seed abortion was, however, increased by pollen production, a result that highlights the complexity of selection on pollen production in hermaphrodite flowers.  相似文献   

Adler LS  Irwin RE 《Oecologia》2012,168(4):1033-1041
The evolution of floral traits may be shaped by a community of floral visitors that affect plant fitness, including pollinators and floral antagonists. The role of nectar in attracting pollinators has been extensively studied, but its effects on floral antagonists are less understood. Furthermore, the composition of non-sugar nectar components, such as secondary compounds, may affect plant reproduction via changes in both pollinator and floral antagonist behavior. We manipulated the nectar alkaloid gelsemine in wild plants of the native perennial vine Gelsemium sempervirens. We crossed nectar gelsemine manipulations with a hand-pollination treatment, allowing us to determine the effect of both the trait and the interaction on plant female reproduction. We measured pollen deposition, pollen removal, and nectar robbing to assess whether gelsemine altered the behavior of mutualists and antagonists. High nectar gelsemine reduced conspecific pollen receipt by nearly half and also reduced the proportion of conspecific pollen grains received, but had no effect on nectar robbing. Although high nectar gelsemine reduced pollen removal, an estimate of male reproduction, by one-third, this effect was not statistically significant. Fruit set was limited by pollen receipt. However, this effect varied across sites such that the sites that were most pollen-limited were also the sites where nectar alkaloids had the least effect on pollen receipt, resulting in no significant effect of nectar alkaloids on fruit set. Finally, high nectar gelsemine significantly reduced seed weight; however, this effect was mediated by a mechanism other than pollen limitation. Taken together, our work suggests that nectar alkaloids are more costly than beneficial in our system, and that relatively small-scale spatial variation in trait effects and interactions could determine the selective impacts of traits such as nectar composition.  相似文献   

太行菊属植物花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以采自河北、河南、山西太行菊属2种植物17个种群的花粉为实验材料,利用扫描电镜对其形态进行系统观察和比较,并进行聚类分析,探讨太行菊属植物的演化进程路线.结果显示:(1)太行菊属花粉为单粒花粉,球形或近球形,极面观三裂圆形,具3孔沟.(2)扫描电子显微镜下花粉外壁纹饰以刺-颗粒状复合纹饰为主,刺基部膨大,体积较小属小型...  相似文献   

Many zoophilous plants attract their pollinators by offering nectar as a reward. In gynodioecious plants (i.e. populations are composed of female and hermaphrodite individuals) nectar production has been repeatedly reported to be larger in hermaphrodite compared to female flowers even though nectar production across the different floral phases in dichogamous plants (i.e. plants with time separation of pollen dispersal and stigma receptivity) has rarely been examined. In this study, sugar production in nectar standing crop and secretion rate were investigated in Geranium sylvaticum, a gynodioecious plant species with protandry (i.e. with hermaphrodite flowers releasing their pollen before the stigma is receptive). We found that flowers from hermaphrodites produced more nectar than female flowers in terms of total nectar sugar content. In addition, differences in nectar production among floral phases were found in hermaphrodite flowers but not in female flowers. In hermaphrodite flowers, maximum sugar content coincided with pollen presentation and declined slightly towards the female phase, indicating nectar reabsorption, whereas in female flowers sugar content did not differ between the floral phases. These differences in floral reward are discussed in relation to visitation patterns by pollinators and seed production in this species.  相似文献   

The outcomes of interactions among plants and the insects that use their flowers are likely to vary among the physical environments and the communities in which they grow. In this study we quantified floral damage of Aconitum lycoctonum in high (>2000 m) and low (c. 500 m) elevation populations in Switzerland. At high elevation, floral damage was frequent and was caused by nectar-robbing short-tongued bumblebees. Nectar robbers make a hole in the flower when they collect nectar. A nectar robber exclusion experiment showed that nectar robbery by short-tongued bumblebees had no effect on the female reproductive success of plants; robbing bees rarely damaged the nectaries, and damage to the petals probably does not decrease flower longevity. In addition, nectar robbers tended to collect pollen during about 10% of their visits. Thus, these bees may act as low-efficiency pollinators and may, at times, be mutualistic associates. At low elevation, the holes in the flowers were caused by beetles (Meligethes viridescens) and not by short-tongued bumblebees. The beetles eat pollen and might also consume nectar. Since the beetles gain access to pollen and nectar by entering the flower through its opening, and later chew holes while foraging on floral tissue, the beetles are pollen eaters rather than nectar robbers. Overall, our results show that not all floral damage is caused by nectar robbers and that there can be strong altitudinal variation in the causes and consequences of floral damage.  相似文献   

The evolution of floral traits has been thought to be influenced by local, effective pollinators. However, little attention has been paid to the possibility that altitudinal variation in floral traits could be mediated by local pollinator functional groups, particularly a shift from bees to birds. Plant size, floral traits, pollinators and their pollination roles were investigated in the spring-flowering shrub Elaeagnus umbellata (Elaeagnaceae) at three altitudes (1160, 1676, and 2050 m) in Minshan, Sichuan Province, on the northern rim of the Hengduan Mountains, southwest China. Compared to lower altitudes, higher-altitude plants were smaller but the floral tubes were longer, with a larger volume of nectar of lower sugar concentration but with a greater proportion of sucrose. The visitation frequency of bees decreased with altitude, whereas the sunbirds did the opposite. Birds and bees foraged for nectar but not pollen, and birds deposited more pollen grains per visit relative to bees and least were syrphid flies. Excluding birds decreased seed set at high but not at mid- or low altitude. Our study of E. umbellata revealed an association between altitudinal variation in floral traits and a change in the relative abundance of the major pollinators with altitude from majority bees to majority sunbirds. Although abiotic factors also tend to vary with altitude and can affect floral traits, nectar properties of “pro-bird” pollination were observed at high altitude.  相似文献   

Stephen's lory, Vini stepheni , is one of four landbirds which are endemic to Henderson Island and until recently, its habits and ecology were unknown. I studied the diet and feeding ecology of Stephen's lory with particular reference to nectar variation in dominant food plants. Stephen's lory feeds on nectar, pollen and fruits from a variety of plants with lepidopteran larvae also forming a large component of the diet. The two plants which were dominant nectar sources for Stephen's lory produced flowers with very different nectar yields. Scaevola sericea flowers contained larger maximum volumes of more concentrated nectar than Timonius polygamus flowers. However, Scaevola flowers were a less predictable nectar resource, and grew at much lower densities, than Timonius flowers. Lories fed on the two flower types at different frequencies and it was hypothesized that the net rate of energy gained from feeding from a similar sized patch of the two plant species was comparable. Although nectar volumes of Timonius polygamus flowers decreased from the early mornings up until late afternoons, the lories did not show a corresponding daily pattern of foraging behaviour. Nectar yields also increased with the age of Timonius flowers. Stephen's lory has probably been the least affected of its genus by adverse changes to its habitat, and any information gained on the species may be useful when conservation measures of other Vini species are addressed.  相似文献   

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