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L Eron 《Journal of virology》1975,15(5):1256-1261
Infection of the continuous simian cell lines CV-1 and BSC-1 with human adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) is abortive. However, the restriction of Ad2 reproduction in these cells can be overcome by increasing the Ad2 infectious dose or by coinfection with simian virus 40. Vero, another established simian cell line free of detectable endogenous simian virus 40 DNA, is not restricted in its ability to promote Ad2 growth even at low input multiplicities of Ad2 and in the absence of SV40 helper. The amount of structural Ad2 proteins in total cell extracts of enhanced BSC-1 cells is at least two orders of magnitude higher than that of unenhanced cells. In contrast, comparable quantities of Ad2 mRNA specifying these proteins are found in both the enhanced and the unenhanced cell. Both sets of mRNA can be translated in a cell-free system with equal efficiency.  相似文献   

cDNA library was obtained from mRNA isolated from human leukocytes induced by Newcastle disease virus. Clones containing cDNA for alpha 2-interferons were identified by colony hybridization with two synthetic hexadecanucleotides. One of the positive clones contained a NH2-terminal part of cDNA of human interferon identical to cDNA for IFN-alpha 2. The only difference between these two clones was the Ser-8 leads to Asn-8 substitution in deduced sequenced of mature interferons. This mutant interferon, named alpha 2, was expressed in E. coli and its properties were compared with those of interferon alpha 2.  相似文献   

The PiZ mutation of the gene coding for alpha 1-antitrypsin results in a serum deficiency of this protein leading to early onset emphysema and liver disease. The PiZ gene has a Z-specific point mutation in exon V together with a point mutation in exon III which is also present in some normal (PiM) individuals. There has thus far been no system to study the effects of PiZ point mutations in tissue culture. We constructed plasmids containing alpha 1-antitrypsin cDNA synthetically altered at either exon III or exon V mutation sites and linked to simian virus 40 promoter sequences. Such constructs with the exon V mutation were transfected into monkey COS1 cells followed by analysis of expression of alpha 1-antitrypsin gene products. COS1 cells normally synthesize virtually no alpha 1-antitrypsin mRNA or protein. alpha 1-Antitrypsin mRNA is transcribed at high levels in cells transfected with either M or Z plasmids. Immunologic staining of COS1 cells within 48 h of transfection localizes alpha 1-antitrypsin protein to specific regions of the cytoplasm. This extranuclear localization is also observed with human HepG2 hepatoma cells, which synthesize alpha 1-antitrypsin at high levels, and with human SK-Hep1 hepatoma cells transfected with an M plasmid. The cloned synthetically altered alpha 1-antitrypsin genes provide a system for dissecting contributions of distinct point mutations to the pathological effects of the PiZ protein.  相似文献   

J W Wilks 《Prostaglandins》1977,13(1):161-170
The naturally-occurring metabolite of prostaglandin F2alpha, 15-keto prostaglandin F2alpha (15-keto PGF2alpha), elicited rapid and sustained declines in serum progesterone concentrations when administered to rhesus monkeys beginning on day 22 of normal menstrual cycles. Evidence for luteolysis of a more convincing nature was obtained in studies where a single dose of 15-keto PGF2alpha was given on day 20 of ovulatory menstrual cycles in which intramuscular injections of hCG were also given on days 18-20; serum progesterone concentrations fell precipitously in monkeys within 24 hours following intramuscular administration of 15-keto PGF2alpha. However, corpus luteum function was impaired in only 4 of 11 early pregnant monkeys when 15-keto PGF2alpha was administered on days 30 and 31 from the last menses, a time when the ovary is essential for the maintenance of pregnancy. Gestation failed in 2 additional monkeys 32 and 60 days after treatment with 15-keto PGF2alpha, but progressed in an apparently normal manner in the remaining 5 animals. Two pregnant monkeys treated with 15-keto PGF2alpha on day 42 from the last menstrual period, a time when the ovary is no longer required for gestation, continued their pregnancies uneventfully. Corpus luteum function was not impaired in 9 control monkeys which received injections of vehicle or hCG at appropriate times during the menstrual cycle or pregnancy.  相似文献   

Cell-cycle-dependent repair of damage in alpha and bulk DNA of monkey cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Excision repair of bulky chemical adducts in alpha DNA of confluent cultures of African green monkey cells has previously been shown to be deficient relative to that in the overall genome. We have compared the removal of adducts produced by treatment with aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and N-acetoxy-2-acetylamino-fluorene (NA-AAF) from alpha DNA sequences in synchronized and exponentially growing cultures of monkey cells. Proficient removal of AFB1 adducts in alpha DNA was observed in exponentially growing cultures. However, as the cultures approached confluence, adduct removal from alpha DNA became deficient. Cells synchronized by subculturing confluent cultures exhibited proficient removal of adducts from both alpha and bulk DNA when treated in early G1 or late S/G2 while those cells treated in early S phase did not remove adducts from either alpha or bulk DNA. We conclude that the accessibility of chemical adducts to repair in alpha chromatin is influenced by the growth state and the cell cycle stage.  相似文献   

A variant of adenovirus serotype 2 (Ad2) that overcomes the block to multiplication of the wild-type Ad2 on monkey cells is described. The variant was selected, after nitrous acid mutagenesis, by sequential passage on monkey cells. This variant forms plaques with similar efficiency on human and monkey cells cells. The kinetics of its growth and its burst size on human and monkey cells are similar. These growth properties are similar to those found for wild-type Ad2 on monkey cells when the block is overcome by coinfection with simian virus 40.  相似文献   

Block to multiplication of adenovirus serotype 2 in monkey cells.   总被引:46,自引:38,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The block to adenovirus 2 (Ad2) multiplication in monkey cells can be overcome by coinfection with simian virus 40 (SV40). To identify this block we have compared the synthesis of Ad2 proteins in monkey cells infected with Ad2 alone (unenhanced) or with Ad2 plus SV40 (enhanced). Synthesis of viral proteins in enhanced cells was virtually identical to that found for permissive infection of human cells by Ad2 alone. In contrast, the unenhanced cells were strikingly deficient in the production of the IV (fiber) and 11.5K proteins whereas the synthesis of 100K and IVa2 was normal. Synthesis of a number of other proteins such as II, V, and P-VII was partially reduced. A similar specific reduction in synthesis of these proteins was found when their messages were assayed by cell-free translation. This result suggests that the block to Ad2 protein synthesis is at the RNA level rather than with the translational machinery of monkey cells. Analysis of the complexity and the concentration of Ak2-specific RNAs, using hybridization of restriction endonuclease fragments of the Ad2 genome to increasing concentrations of RNA, shows that although all species of late Ad2 mRNA are present, the concentration of several species is reduced sevenfold or more in unenhanced monkey cells as compared with enhanced cells. These species come from regions of the genome known to encode the deficient proteins. A model for the failure of adenovirus to multiply in monkey cells, based on abnormal processing of specific adenovirus messages, is presented.  相似文献   

Affinity-chromatographic purification of human alpha 2-antiplasmin.   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A new simple and efficient purification method for alpha 2-antiplasmin is described that is based on the interaction between alpha 2-antiplasmin and a fragment from elastase-digested plasminogen constituting the three N-terminal triple-loop structures in the plasmin A-chain (LBSI). After a single-step adsorption of the alpha 2-antiplasmin from plasminogen-depleted plasma to LBSI-Sepharose and elution with 6-aminohexanoic acid, an 80-90% pure preparation with a yield of 50-60% is obtained. The major impurity is fibrinogen, which can easily be removed by gel filtration, and, as a result, a homogeneous fully active alpha 2-antiplasmin preparation is obtained that has the same properties as previously described for alpha 2-antiplasmin. Evidence is put forward that a form of alpha 2-antiplasmin with less affinity for the lysine-binding sites in plasminogen may exist, even in unfractionated plasma.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that human plasma alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2 M) possesses a single subunit chain (Mr approximately 185,000) when incubated with dodecyl sulfate and dithiothreitol at 37 degrees C and analyzed by dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. The present study details the observation that heating alpha 2 M to 90 degrees C under identical conditions produces at least two additional polypeptide chains, termed bands II and III, with apparent molecular weights of 125,00 and 62,000. The generation of these fragments is enhanced by increasing the time of incubation. The appearance of band II composition of the buffer, dodecyl sulfate concentrations, or alpha 2 M protein concentration in the incubation mixture. The electrophoretic bands II and III of alpha 2 M have dissimilar 125I-labeled tryptic peptide digests and also differ in their amino acid composition. The heat-induced fragmentation of alpha 2M is not affected by the inclusion of a variety of low molecular weight protease inhibitors, suggesting that the appearance of bands II and III is not due to enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis. When the subunit chain of alpha 2M is first cleaved by trypsin into the previously described Mr = 85,000 derivative, neither band II nor III material, nor other lower molecular weight products are generated by heat treatment. Furthermore, preincubation of alpha 2M with methylamine prevents fragmentation of the subunit chain. These results indicate that these fragments are neither pre-existing subunits of alpha 2M nor derivatives formed prior to treatment for gel analysis. These data provide evidence that a covalent bond in the alpha 2M molecule is unusually susceptible to heat-induced cleavage.  相似文献   

To determine the possible role of DNA polymerase alpha, beta and gamma during the repair period following ultraviolet (lambda max : 254 nm) irradiation of monkey CV-1 cells, we measured the three enzymatic activities by using specific tests, either in crude extracts or after fractionation by sucrose gradient (5--20%) centrifugation at high salt concentration. When compared to the unirradiated control, we could not detect any significant variation in the levels of activity of DNA polymerases alpha, beta and gamma at any time (0, 12 to 48 h) after ultraviolet irradiation of the cells with doses ranging from 9 to 52.5 J.m-2.  相似文献   

Transfected DNA is mutated in monkey, mouse, and human cells.   总被引:45,自引:17,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
Papovavirus-based shuttle vectors containing the bacterial lacI gene were used to show that a mutation frequency in the range of 1% occurs in lacI when such vectors are transfected into COS7 and CV-1 simian cells, NIH 3T3, 3T6, L, and C127 mouse cells, and human 293 and HeLa cells. This frequency is approximately four orders of magnitude higher than the spontaneous mutation frequency in either mammalian or bacterial cells. The mutations are predominantly base substitutions and deletions and also include insertions from the mammalian genome. Time course experiments argue that mutagenesis occurs soon after arrival of the DNA into the nucleus. However, replication of the vector is not required since mutations occur even when the vector lacks all viral sequences. The high mutation frequency appears to be the characteristic outcome of transfection of DNA into mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Uptake of rat and human alpha 2-macroglobulin-trypsin complexes was measured in rat hepatocytes, rat and human adipocytes and human fibroblasts. Uptake and degradation of 125I-labelled rat complex were about one-third of that of the human complex in the various isolated cell types. In rat hepatocytes, the apparent Km for cell association of the rat complex was about 16 nM as compared to about 6 nM for the human complex. The Vmax values were similar, about 1 X 10(4) molecules X cell-1 X min-1. Thus, rat alpha 2-macroglobulin (an acute-phase protein) complexed with trypsin follows the same pathways of uptake as the human homologue, although with a somewhat lower affinity for the uptake system.  相似文献   

We developed a two-step purification system to characterize alpha fetoprotein (AFP) in early gestation amniotic fluid and late gestation fetal serum or cord blood from monkey and human. It involves only two chromatographic steps, allows preparative purification using up to 12 ml of starting sample, can purify up to 350 micrograms of AFP at one time, and can be used to purify both fetal serum or amniotic fluid AFP from two different species. This procedure will allow detailed biochemical analysis of purified AFP from different stages of fetal development.  相似文献   

K Gréen 《Prostaglandins》1978,15(5):813-821
This isomer of PGF2alpha is relatively resistant to metabolic degradation in the Cynomolgus monkey. Thus, 16-20 per cent of the amount injected was excreted unchanged in the urine. Five metabolites with 20, 18, 16 and 14 carbon atoms in the skeleton were identified. The data are similar to those earlier seen in the rat and further support the idea that this analogue of PGF2alpha could have a long half-life time in the mammalian body and thus a long duration of its pharmacological actions.  相似文献   

alpha1-Acid glycoprotein, a major human serum glycoprotein was detected and localized in human liver parenchymal cells of a biopsy specimen. A heavy metal salt containing fixative was required to retain sufficient antigen determinants of alpha1-acid glycoprotein in order to visualize this protein by the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase unlabeled antibody enzyme method.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the regulation of alpha2-adrenoceptors (alpha2-ARs) in human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMs). Saphenous veins and dermal arterioles or VSMs cultured from them expressed high levels of alpha2-ARs (alpha2C > alpha2A, via RNase protection assay) and responded to alpha2-AR stimulation [5-bromo-N-(4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)-6-quinoxalinamine (UK-14,304, 1 microM)] with constriction or calcium mobilization. In contrast, VSMs cultured from aorta did not express alpha2-ARs and neither cultured cells nor intact aorta responded to UK-14,304. Although alpha2-ARs (alpha2C > alpha2A) were detected in aortas, alpha2C-ARs were localized by immunohistochemistry to VSMs of adventitial arterioles and not aortic media. In contrast with aortas, aortic arterioles constricted in response to alpha2-AR stimulation. Reporter constructs demonstrated higher activities for alpha2A- and alpha2C-AR gene promoters in arteriolar compared with aortic VSMs. In arteriolar VSMs, serum increased expression of alpha2C-AR mRNA and protein but decreased expression of alpha2A-ARs. Serum induction of alpha2C-ARs was reduced by inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) with 2 microM SB-202190 or dominant-negative p38 MAPK. UK-14,304 (1 microM) caused calcium mobilization in control and serum-stimulated cells: in control VSMs, the response was inhibited by the alpha2A-AR antagonist BRL-44408 (100 nM) but not by the alpha2C-AR antagonist MK-912 (1 nM), whereas after serum stimulation, MK-912 (1 nM) but not BRL-44408 (100 nM) inhibited the response. These results demonstrate site-specific expression of alpha2-ARs in human VSMs that reflects differential activity of alpha2-AR gene promoters; namely, high expression and function in venous and arteriolar VSMs but no detectable expression or function in aortic VSMs. We found that alpha2C-ARs can be dramatically and selectively induced via a p38 MAPK-dependent pathway. Therefore, altered expression of alpha2C-ARs may contribute to pathological changes in vascular function.  相似文献   

We have investigated the processing of adducts formed by covalent binding of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) to DNA in confluent cultures of African green monkey cells. Repair synthesis elicited by AFB1 adducts was deficient in alpha DNA sequences compared to that in bulk DNA, although the initial levels of modification were the same for these DNAs. The removal of the primary initial adduct, AFB1-N7-Guanine, was deficient in alpha DNA and the kinetics of its loss resembled those previously reported for removal from total DNA in xeroderma pigmentosum cells of complementation group A. Spontaneous loss of the AFB1 moiety or the concomitant loss of the guanine to yield an apurinic site account for these results. The formation of the more chemically stable secondary product, AFB1-triamino-Pyrimidine, occurred more rapidly and to a greater extent in alpha DNA than in bulk DNA, probably because of slower removal of the primary product. The excision repair patch size for AFB1 adducts in alpha DNA was only 10 nucleotides compared to 20 nucleotides for repair of AFB1 adducts in bulk DNA. Irradiation of cells with low doses of UV prior to or immediately after treatment with AFB1 increased the rate and extent of removal of AFB1 adducts from alpha DNA to the levels found in the bulk DNA, indicating that the formation of pyrimidine dimers or their repair may alter the chromatin structure of alpha DNA sufficiently to facilitate its repair.  相似文献   

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