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Summary This investigation was conducted to obtain information about the fluctuations in composition and amount of needle monoterpenes during the development of spruce needles. Studies conducted with two Norway spruce clones clearly revealed the existence of fluctuations. In juvenile needles, the amounts of the oxygenated terpenes increase constantly with age during the first 2 months of needle growth. The hydrocarbon terpenes dominate within the first weeks, some of them even showing a very distinct first maximum within the first 3 weeks after bud burst. All terpenes, including the oxygenated ones, have a maximum in June/July, which favours the hypothesis of a substitution of the hydrocarbons later on. There are significant changes even in mature needles of Norway spruce. The terpene level of 1-year-old needles of the clonal trees increased from spring to early summer and then dropped again towards winter. In addition, fluctuations in mature needles were shown for a set of ten wild trees. Needles of the same age class, which emerged in 1986, were sampled 4 times from 1986 to 1988. The needle terpene concentrations of the 1 -year-old needles were considerably lower in spring at the time of bud burst than in autumn. The terpene level of older needles thus seems to be influenced by biosynthetic and catabolic activities.  相似文献   

Summary As genetic diversity is an important cause of variation in needle monoterpenes of conifers, the tree-to-tree variation was studied for Picea abies (L.) Karst. at eight different locations in three mountainous regions of southern Germany (Bavaria). The tree-to-tree variation, expressed by the coefficients of variation, is high, ranging between 50% and 70%. The maximum concentrations per tree are up to 10 times higher than the minimum ones. The trees from all locations show similar patterns of variation, which is significant when investigating the influence of external parameters like air pollution or infestation by pathogens. By means of cluster analysis five types of terpene patterns were clearly revealed. Two main groups were distinguished by their proportion of myrcene, and they are further divided into subgroups. The patterns are stable throughout different needle ages and dates of sampling. Apart from one location, there is no obvious geographical arrangement of the five patterns. The fact that no relationship exists between the genotypical classification and the total concentrations agrees well with the hypothesis that most of the variability based on the relative amounts is due to genetic variation, whereas the variation based on the absolute amounts reflects environmental factors.  相似文献   

Summary Monoterpenes in needles of Picea abies (L.) Karst. were studied to reveal whether or not the symptoms of forest decline observed in three mountain regions of South Germany (Bavaria) — needle loss and needle yellowing — are related to changes in the amounts of all or individual terpenes. The nutrient supply of the needles was examined in addition to the terpene concentrations, since the disease symptom montane yellowing is often associated with mineral deficiency. At two of the eight locations, trees exhibited Mg-deficiency, at one location K-deficiency was observed, and at another location the S-content of the needles indicated SO2-pollution. Using various statistical methods of analysis, no correlation was observed between the mineral element content of the needles, the percentage of needle loss and either the absolute or percentile terpene amounts stored within the needles. This finding is independent of needle age, date of sampling and terpene pattern. Concerning needle yellowing, the data show a tendency towards a reduction of the terpene concentrations in needles originating from branches with partly yellow needles compared to needles from exclusively green-needled branches. In spite of the fact that only 2-year-old and older needles show the disease symptom of yellowing, the terpene level is reduced even in still green, juvenile and 1-year-old needles. No terpene was found to be an indicator for early recognition of injury.  相似文献   

Summary Dew droplets collected with pipettes from coniferous needles were analysed for their ionic composition. Almost all samples of dew taken from Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris) showed significantly higher ion concentrations than those taken from Norway spruce trees (Picea abies). This can be explained by the micromorphology of the needle surface. The higher microscale roughness of the wax layer of a pine needle causes a more efficient flux of atmospheric aerosol particles compared to the spruce needle surface. Dew on coniferous needles is shown to be capable of maintaining pH values below 3 for several hours.  相似文献   

Summary The water and potassium content and the relative vacuolar volume ( = Vvacuole/Vcell) of mesophyll cells of the needles of healthy 21-yearold spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] were determined. In 5-year-old needles was 0.626 ± 0.178 (ovx ± SD). Potassium concentrations in the bulk tissue water ranged from about 65 to 105 mM. Simulations were made using this information and a simple two-compartmental model of the cell with the bulk cytoplasm and the vacuole and assuming that the minimum cytoplasmic and vacuolar K+ concentrations are 100–150 mM and 10–15 mM respectively. It is shown that a K+ content of needles below 50 mmol/1 tissue water would be precarious for maintenance of normal physiological and metabolic performance.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrate reductase (EC activity (NRA), as measured by an in vivo assay, is present in needle leaves and mycorrhizal fine root tips of adult Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] in at least equal amounts on a fresh weight basis, in both adult and 5-year-old trees. NRA could also be demonstrated in trunk wood of deroted trees after fertilization with 5 mM , exhibiting a longitudinal profile in the trunk. Inducibility in needles can more efficiently be achieved by NO2 (100 g·m-3) than by 5 mM nitrate, which is effective only in root-amputated trees. A remarkably high level of needle-NRA in unfertilized trees, which are characterized by a very low level of nitrate in the xylem sap, suggests that NRA in spruce needles may in part be constitutive. Organic-N is a major nitrogen source for the needles even in root-amputated trees, indicating pronounced exchange processes between ray parenchyma and trunk xylem, which in turn are modified by the nitrogen source fed to the trunk stump. Intact trees exhibit a very similar amino acid composition of the xylem sap, regardless of whether or has been fed. The amino acid pattern of the needles is not thrown out of balance by flooding with and , which occurs in fertilized derooted trees. This indicates a distinct potential for homoeostasis of nitrogen entrance-metabolism (i.e. NRA and glutamine synthetase activity) in the needles. In the ectomycorrhiza/fine root-system (EMC), marked differences in NRA were observed depending on root-tip diameter and along the longitudinal profile of the fine roots. EMC-nitrate reductase is strongly enhanced by . Needle-NRA exhibits a circannual rhythm. An early summer maximum is followed by a December minimum. This activity pattern matches well the transitory increase of soluble nitrogen in spring and the total protein maximum in winter. In an indirect way assimilatory NRA may well contribute to nitrogen overfertilization (by consumption of NOX) as one possible cause of the contemporary decline of spruce populations.  相似文献   

Summary A declining Picea abies (L.) Karst. stand produced as much foliage and branches as a healthy stand but less stemwood at a similar leaf area index and climate. Nutrient analyses revealed that most biomass components at the declining site had lower concentrations of calcium and magnesium, but similar nitrogen and potassium (except for lower potassium in younger needles) and higher phosphorus, manganese and aluminum than the respective components at the healthy site. Comparison of these data with the results from studies on the nutrition and growth of P. abies seedlings (Ingestad 1959) led to the conclusion that the healthy stand is in a balanced nutritional state, while trees at the declining stand have only 56% of the foliar magnesium concentration required to permit growth at a rate which could be achieved at their nitrogen status. It appears that acidic deposition, which involves an input of nitrogen and a leaching of cations from the soil, causes an imbalance in the availability of nitrogen and magnesium. Growth is eventually reduced as magnesium becomes limiting.  相似文献   

Summary Translocation of 14C assimilates was studied on four different transport systems of Picea abies branches after induced activation in January. 14CO2 assimilation of terminal shoots for 48 h at 25° C resulted in phloem loading and basipetal transport of 14C photosynthate into the following, older shoot generations. 14C import was enhanced, when these older shoot generations were kept in the dark. Microautoradiographs of the labelled terminal shoots showed that 14C assimilates were exported from needles via sieve elements of the leaf traces and loaded into the latest increment of the axial secondary phloem. No 14C label appeared in the obliterated sieve cells or in the tracheids. In addition, 14C photosynthate accumulated densely in the chlorophyllous cells of the cortex and in cells of the resin ducts, indicating certain sink activity. In the darkened 2-year-old shoot, imported 14C photosynthate was concentrated in the functional secondary phloem, while some 14C label was unloaded into the latest xylem increment. When 6-year-old shoots were exposed to 14CO2 for 48 h in the light, 14C assimilates accumulated in the phloem of the leaf trace and in the latest increment of the axial secondary phloem. However, a substantial amount of radioactivity was unloaded into ray cells and phloem parenchyma cells. Thus, the presence of functioning phloem in needles and twigs of P. abies during winter allows long-distance translocation and radial distribution of assimilates according to existing source-sink relations.  相似文献   

In Europe, spruce grows in two main regions which meet in Poland, one to the north and east, the other to the south and west. The northeastern area ranges from the northern treeline extending from Norway to Siberia, to southern Sweden, north-eastern Poland and the southern Ural mountains. The southwestern spruce region reaches the mountainous areas of the Alps and the Balkans, the mountains and uplands of the Sudety Mountains, the Carpathians and neighbouring lowlands. Opinions about the distribution of Norway spruce have changed over the years, and its scarcity in the centre of Poland has been strongly debated. The favoured current theory is that Norway spruce once had a continuous distribution in Poland. It is assumed that the rare occurrence in the central Polish lowland is due to a combination of unfavourable soil conditions and previous management activity. The main aim of this work was to analyse climate–growth relationships of Norway spruce in eastern Poland and distinguish regions with similar increment patterns with regards to spruce range. Spruce growth in northern Polish sites is positively correlated with rainfall from May to July. Tree-ring widths in southern sites are more correlated with March temperature. Selected homogenous regions are the same as range types. Trees from the so-called “spruceless area” seem to have similar climate–growth relationships to trees from the southern region. This finding does not settle the question of the origin of the trees, but it does indicate that similar environmental conditions exist in these two areas and proves that the climate was not a limiting factor there.
Marcin KoprowskiEmail:

Summary The development of root tips and apparent ectomycorrhizas was compared in the Fichtelgebirge (FRG) over one growing season in two 30-year-old Picea abies stands, both on soils derived from phyllite but showing varying symptoms of decline. Visual symptoms of tree decline reflected a lower relative and absolute mycorrhizal frequency, a lower number of ectomycorrhizas per m2 leaf area and an uneven vertical distribution of root tips and ectomycorrhizas. The number of apparent ectomycorrhizas per ground area was correlated with the amount of magnesium, calcium, and ammonium, and the pH in the free-drainage soil solution, and with the molar calcium to aluminium ratio in mineral soil extracts. The foliage concentrations of magnesium and calcium were correlated with the numbers of apparent ectomycorrhizas per m2 leaf or ground area. These observations were used to formulate testable hypotheses concerning the role of the root system and the soil environment in forest decline.  相似文献   

Summary The concentration of 20 elements (including eight nutritional elements) in spruce needles was monitored by taking samples at nine different dates in a single year. On each date the youngest and the 1-year-old needles were collected at four different sites. The needles were washed with an organic solvent to remove surface contamination before analysis by instrumental neutron activation. Although the sites showed widely different concentrations for the same element, they could be treated as a uniform population using normalized concentration values. Taking the time dependence of the concentration and the ratio of the concentrations in new and old needles as criteria, the following three groups of elements could be distinguished: 9 group I —Ca, Sr, Ba, and Mn; group II — Al, Br, Co, Fe, Hg, La, Sc, Sb, and Zn; group III — K, Rb, Cs, P, and Cl. Mg and Na did not fit into any of these groups. Within group I and III elements the strongest variations occur during the growing season (late spring and early summer) and the weakest during the dormant season; the variation is greater in the younger needles. Group II elements show an approximately linear increase throughout the year in both the younger and older needles. The concentrations of elements of groups I and II increase with time, while those of group III decrease. Na is unique insofar as its concentration is influenced by foliar uptake of road de-icing salt. The concentration of elements belonging to the same group shows strong inter-element correlations. The grouping of elements deduced here shows similarities with the chemical nature of the elements and with their transportability within the plant.  相似文献   

Summary Proton-induced X-ray microanalysis (micro-PIXE) permits the simultaneous determination of the content and the distribution of elements with atomic numbers higher than Z = 13 in biological samples. This method was used to investigate element content and localization in cross-sections of 6-month-old spruce needles. It was possible to detect the elements silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron and zinc in semithin (10 m) sections of the needles. The localization of the cationic elements like potassium, calcium and manganese was determined in the one-dimensional line scan mode and in the two-dimensional raster scan mode. To demonstrate the usefulness of this method for forest decline research, element content and localization were compared in needles from two trees, which differed in their degree of damage. We were able to detect differences in the amount of cations and in their distribution inside the needles.  相似文献   

Summary Dark respiration and photosynthetic carbon dioxide refixation in purple and green Picea abies cones were investigated from budbreak to cone maturity. The rate of dark respiration per unit dry weight and CO2 refixation capacity decreased during cone maturation. At the beginning of the growing season, photosynthetic CO2 refixation could reduce the amount of CO2 released by respiration in green and purple cones by 50% and 40%, respectively. The seasonal performance of the components of the cone carbon balance was calculated using information on the seasonal course of respiration, refixation capacity and the light response curves of cone photosynthesis, as well as the actual light and temperature regime in the field. The daily gain of CO2 refixation reached 28%–34% of respiration in green and 22%–26% in purple cones during the first month of their growth, but decreased later in the season. Over the entire growth period refixation reduced carbon costs of cone production in both cone colour polymorphs by 16%–17%.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic variation of susceptibility to Agrobacterium within a Picea abies population. Tumor formation was studied in 16 open-pollinated families belonging to a central Swedish population of Picea abies. Strain A281 of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was used to infect 3-monthold seedlings in a five-block greenhouse experiment. The analysis of variance showed strong significance for the between-family variation of tumor-formation percentages, varying from 28% to 73%. The most susceptible material will be suitable for experiments on the production of transgenic plants in vitro using disarmed Agrobacterium strains.  相似文献   

Summary Photosynthetic rates and nutrient contents of spruce needles were measured in a region with high levels of air pollution in NE Bavaria, Germany (FRG), and compared to spruce grown under clean air conditions at Craigieburn, in the South Island of New Zealand (NZ). The absolute rates of CO2 uptake, the slope of the CO2 response curve at 240 l l–1 internal CO2 concentration, and the change of photosynthetic rates with needle age at ambient and saturated CO2 concentrations were virtually identical at both measuring sites. These results confirm an earlier conclusion, that there is no long-term effect of atmospheric pollutants directly on photosynthetic CO2 uptake rates with persistent exposure at the FRG site to high levels of anthropogenic air pollution. Photosynthetic capacity at saturating CO2 concentration was three times higher in the NZ spruce. Needles with high photosynthetic capacity in NZ had lower nitrogen and higher calcium concentrations per unit dry weight but higher concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium per unit leaf area, and twice the specific leaf weight.  相似文献   

In situ water relations of a large subalpine Norway spruce (Picea abies) were analyzed by simultaneous measurements of sap flow at different crown positions. In the diurnal scale, transpiration varied greatly, both spatially and temporally. Over longer periods, however, different parts of the crown transpired in fairly constant proportions. The average estimated transpiration was about 3.5 times greater in the upper than in the lower half and decreased 1.6-fold from south to north. Water intercepted from rain, fog and dew buffered and significantly decreased the transpiration. The effect was strongest in those parts which were least coupled to the free atmosphere. The top of the crown seemed to experience a regular shortage of water shortly after starting transpiration, when it was forced to switch from internal reserves to sources in the soil. Further, lower branches then started transpiring, which may have led them to compete for the water. An enhanced nocturnal sap flow during warm and dry winds (Foehn) indicated that the tree also transpired at night. Shaded twigs had more capacity to intercept water externally than twigs in the sun. The significance of the crown structure for interaction with water in both liquid and vapour phases is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The water relations of Picea abies in a healthy stand with green trees only and a declining stand with trees showing different stages of needle yellowing were investigated in northern Bavaria. The present study is based on observations of trees differing in their nutritional status but apparently green on both sites in order to identify changes in the response pattern which might be caused by atmospheric concentrations of air pollutants and could lead to the phenomenon of decline. Transpiration was measured as water flow through the hydroactive xylem using an equilibrium mass-flow measurement system. Total tree transpiration was monitored diurnally, from July 1985 until October 1985 at both sites. The relationship between transpiration and meteorological measurements indicated that transpiration was a linear function of the vapor pressure deficit. No differences in transpiration of green trees were observed between the two sites. Canopy transpiration was 57%–68% of total throughfall and 41%–54% of total rainfall. Due to this positive water balance, soil water potential at 10 and 20 cm depths remained close to-0.02 MPa (max.-0.09 MPa) for most of the summer. Soil water potential was correlated with the difference between the weekly precipitation and transpiration. No differences in the water relations of apparently healthy trees in the two P. abies stands were observed. It is concluded that differences between green trees at the two sites in terms of nutrient relations or growth rate cannot be explained by changes in whole-tree transpiration or soil water status.  相似文献   

Summary Uptake of water and magnesium chloride solution was investigated through the outer surface of twigs of Picea abies (L.) Karst. Water uptake was determined by using pressure/volume (P/V) curves of the twigs as a basis for calculation to avoid problems of superficial extraneous water. When water was sprayed on bark and needles of 3- to 7-year-old twigs at a xylem water potential of -1.00 MPa, they absorbed as much as 80 mm3 water in 200 min/g twig dry weight as the twig water potential recovered to -0.15 MPa. With fluorescent dyes, pathways for absorption of water and solutes through the twig bark were found, particularly through the radially orientated ray tissue. In addition to uptake by mass flow, magnesium could also diffuse along a concentration gradient from the twig surface into the xylem. In the field, the magnitude of these uptake processes would depend on the concentration of elements deposited by atmospheric precipitation, the concentration gradient between the plant surface and the xylem sap, the xylem water potential and the intensity and duration of each precipitation event.  相似文献   

Summary Microautoradiography was used to show that chlorophyllous cells of young Picea abies stem slices are able to fix 14CO2, in the dark as well as in the light. The amount of 14CO2 fixed in the dark is much lower than that in the light. In the dark the concentration of radioactive label is equally high in all chlorophyllous cells of the stem. In the light, however, a gradient of radioactive assimilates extends from the stem surface to its centre, with the highest concentration being located in the phelloderm and the outer one-third of the cortex. This is in spite of even illumination and CO2 supply across the whole stem slice. In the dark, stem slices with and without bark show the same amount of radioactive label in the chlorophyllous cells of xylem, perimedullary region and pith. In the light, however, the concentration of radioactive assimilates in these cells is much higher in stem slices with bark than in stem slices without bark. It is assumed therefore that light fixation products of phelloderm and cortex are transported radially into the tissue inside the cambium.  相似文献   

Inhibition of photosynthesis was followed during autumn and early winter in current-year sun and shade needles of unfertilized and fertilized Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] by simultaneous measurements of photosynthetic O2 evolution and chlorophyll a fluorescence at 20 °C. The CO2-saturated rate of O2 evolution was generally higher in sun needles of fertilized trees than in those of unfertilized trees over a wide range of incident photon flux densities (PFDs). Furthermore, the maximum photo-chemical efficiency of photosystem (PS) II, as indicated by the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (FV/FM) was generally higher for sun needles of fertilized trees. The depression of fv/fm during frost periods was more pronounced in sun needles than in shade needles, indicating that winter inhibition in Norway spruce is strongly light-dependent. However, the inhibition of the rate of O2 evolution at high PFDs in needles of fertilized trees during early winter was partly independent of the light regime experienced by those needles in the field, which appeared to result in a pronounced decrease in the proportion of oxidized PS II reaction centres in shade needles. A nearly identical linear relationship between the quantum yield of PS II electron transport determined by chlorophyll fluorescence and the quantum yield of O2 evolution (gross rate of O2 evolution/PFD) was obtained for the investigated types of needles during autumn and early winter. Except for shade needles of fertilized trees, this appeared to be largely achieved by adjustments in thermal energy dissipation within PS II.  相似文献   

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