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The Aspergillus NIMA serine/threonine kinase plays a pivotal role in controlling entrance into mitosis. A major function attributed to NIMA is the induction of chromatin condensation. We show here that the founder murine NIMA-related kinase, Nek1, is larger than previously reported, and that the full-length protein conserves the structural hallmarks of NIMA. Even though Nek1 bears two classical nuclear localization signals (NLS), the endogenous protein localizes to the cytoplasm. Ectopic overexpression of various Nek1 constructs suggests that the C-terminus of Nek1 bears cytoplasmic localization signal(s). Overexpression of nuclear constructs of Nek1 resulted in abnormal chromatin condensation, with the DNA mainly confined to the periphery of the nucleus. Advanced condensation phenotype was associated with nuclear pore complex dispersal. The condensation was not accompanied by up-regulation of mitotic or apoptotic markers. A similar phenotype has been described following NIMA overexpression, strengthening the notion that the mammalian Nek1 kinase has functional similarity to NIMA.  相似文献   

The family of conserved colicin DNases E2, E7, E8, and E9 are microbial toxins that kill bacteria through random degradation of the chromosomal DNA. In the present work, we compare side by side the conformational stabilities of these four highly homologous colicin DNases. Our results indicate that the apo-forms of these colicins are at room temperature and neutral pH in a dynamic conformational equilibrium between at least two quite distinct conformers. We show that the thermal stabilities of the apo-proteins differ by up to 20 degrees C. The observed differences correlate with the observed conformational behavior, that is, the tendency of the protein to form either an open, less stable or closed, more stable conformation in solution, as deduced by both tryptophan accessibility studies and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Given these surprising structural differences, we next probed the catalytic activity of the four DNases and also observed a significant variation in relative activities. However, no unequivocal link between the activity of the protein and its thermal and structural stability could easily be made. The observed differences in conformational and functional properties of the four colicin DNases are surprising given that they are a closely related (> or =65% identity) family of enzymes containing a highly conserved (betabetaalpha-Me) active site motif. The different behavior of the apo-enzymes must therefore most likely depend on more subtle changes in amino acid sequences, most likely in the exosite region (residues 72-98) that is required for specific high-affinity binding of the cognate immunity protein.  相似文献   

Colicin E9 is a microbial toxin that kills bacteria through random degradation of chromosomal DNA. Within the active site of the cytotoxic endonuclease domain of colicin E9 (the E9 DNase) is a 32 amino acid motif found in the H-N-H group of homing endonucleases. Crystal structures of the E9 DNase have implicated several conserved residues of the H-N-H motif in the mechanism of DNA hydrolysis. We have used mutagenesis to test the involvement of these key residues in colicin toxicity, metal ion binding and catalysis. Our data show, for the first time, that the H-N-H motif is the site of DNA binding and that Mg2+-dependent cleavage of double-stranded DNA is responsible for bacterial cell death. We demonstrate that more active site residues are required for catalysis in the presence of Mg2+ ions than transition metals, consistent with the recent hypothesis that the E9 DNase hydrolyses DNA by two distinct, cation-dependent catalytic mechanisms. The roles of individual amino acids within the H-N-H motif are discussed in the context of the available structural information on this and related DNases and we address the possible mechanistic similarities between caspase-activated DNases, responsible for the degradation of chromatin in eukaryotic apoptosis, and H-N-H DNases.  相似文献   

Homing endonucleases typically contain one of four conserved catalytic motifs, and other elements that confer tight DNA binding. I-CreII, which catalyzes homing of the Cr.psbA4 intron, is unusual in containing two potential catalytic motifs, H-N-H and GIY-YIG. Previously, we showed that cleavage by I-CreII leaves ends (2-nt 3′ overhangs) that are characteristic of GIY-YIG endonucleases, yet it has a relaxed metal requirement like H-N-H enzymes. Here we show that I-CreII can bind DNA without an added metal ion, and that it binds as a monomer, akin to GIY-YIG enzymes. Moreover, cleavage of supercoiled DNA, and estimates of strand-specific cleavage rates, suggest that I-CreII uses a sequential cleavage mechanism. Alanine substitution of a number of residues in the GIY-YIG motif, however, did not block cleavage activity, although DNA binding was substantially reduced in several variants. Substitution of conserved histidines in the H-N-H motif resulted in variants that did not promote DNA cleavage, but retained high-affinity DNA binding—thus identifying it as the catalytic motif. Unlike the non-specific H-N-H colicins, however; substitution of the conserved asparagine substantially reduced DNA binding (though not the ability to promote cleavage). These results indicate that, in I-CreII, two catalytic motifs have evolved to play important roles in specific DNA binding. The data also indicate that only the H-N-H motif has retained catalytic ability.  相似文献   

The major mechanism by which bacteria acquire free or haemoglobin-bound haem involves direct binding to specific outer membrane receptors. Serratia marcescens also secretes a haem-binding protein, HasA, which functions as a haemophore that catches haem and shuttles it to a cell surface specific outer membrane receptor, HasR. We report the isolation and characterization of hasAp , a gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. HasAp is an iron-regulated extracellular haem-binding protein that shares about 50% identity with HasA. HasAp is required for P. aeruginosa utilization of haemoglobin iron. It can replace HasA for HasR-dependent haemoblobin acquisition in a system reconstituted in Escherichia coli. HasAp, like HasA, lacks a signal peptide and is secreted by an ABC transporter. These findings show that haemophore-dependent haem acquisition is not unique to S. marcescens .  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the cytotoxic endonuclease domain from the bacterial toxin colicin E9 in complex with its cognate immunity protein Im9 reveals that the inhibitor does not bind at the active site, the core of which comprises the HNH motif found in intron-encoded homing endonucleases, but rather at an adjacent position leaving the active site exposed yet unable to bind DNA because of steric and electrostatic clashes with incoming substrate. Although its mode of action is unorthodox, Im9 is a remarkably effective inhibitor since it folds within milliseconds and then associates with its target endonuclease at the rate of diffusion to form an inactive complex with sub-femtomolar binding affinity. This hyperefficient mechanism of inhibition could be well suited to other toxic enzyme systems, particularly where the substrate is a polymer extending beyond the boundaries of the active site.  相似文献   

Small G proteins of the Rab family are regulators of intracellular vesicle traffic. Their intrinsic rate of GTP hydrolysis is very low but is enhanced by specific GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) that switch G proteins to their inactive form. We have characterized the activity of recombinant Rab3-GAP on Rab3A in solution. The K(m) and K(d) values (75 microm) indicate a low affinity of Rab3-GAP for its substrate. The affinity is higher for the transition state analog Rab3A:GDP:AlF(x) (15 microm). The k(cat) (1 s(-)(1)) is within the range of values reported for other GAPs. A mutation in the switch I region of Rab3A disrupted the interaction with Rab3-GAP. Furthermore, Rabphilin, a putative target of Rab3, inhibited the activity of Rab3-GAP on Rab3. Therefore, the Rab3-GAP-binding site involves the switch I region of Rab3 and overlaps with the Rabphilin-binding domain. Substitution of a single arginine residue (Arg-728) of Rab3-GAP disrupted its catalytic activity but not its interaction with Rab3A. We propose that Rab3-GAP, like Ras- and Rho-GAPs, stabilizes the transition state of Rab3 and provides a critical arginine residue to accelerate the GTPase reaction.  相似文献   

Homing endonucleases are highly specific DNA endonucleases, encoded within mobile introns or inteins, that induce targeted recombination, double-strand repair and gene conversion of their cognate target sites. Due to their biological function and high level of target specificity, these enzymes are under intense investigation as tools for gene targeting. These studies require that naturally occurring enzymes be redesigned to recognize novel target sites. Here, we report studies in which the homodimeric LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease I-CreI is altered at individual side-chains corresponding to contact points to distinct base-pairs in its target site. The resulting enzyme constructs drive specific elimination of selected DNA targets in vivo and display shifted specificities of DNA binding and cleavage in vitro. Crystal structures of two of these constructs demonstrate that substitution of individual side-chain/DNA contact patterns can occur with almost no structural deformation or rearrangement of the surrounding complex, facilitating an isolated, modular redesign strategy for homing endonuclease activity and specificity.  相似文献   

Schistosome helminths constitute a major health risk for the human population in many tropical areas. We demonstrate for the first time that several developmental stages of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni express arginase, which is responsible for the hydrolysis of l-arginine to l-ornithine and urea. Arginase activity by alternatively activated macrophages is an essential component of the mammalian host response in schistosomiasis. However, it has not been previously shown that the parasite also expresses arginase when it is in contact with the mammalian host. After cloning and sequencing the cDNA encoding the parasite enzyme, we found that many structural features of human arginase are well conserved in the parasite ortholog. Subsequently, we discovered that S. mansoni arginase shares many similar molecular, biochemical and functional properties with both human arginase isoforms. Nevertheless, our data also reveal striking differences between human and schistosome arginase. Particularly, we found evidence that schistosome arginase activity depends upon disulphide bonds by cysteines, in contrast to human arginase. In conclusion, we report that S. mansoni arginase is well adapted to the physiological conditions that exist in the human host.  相似文献   

Dephosphorylation of SpoIIAA-P by SpoIIE is strictly dependent on the presence of the bivalent metal ions Mn2+ or Mg2+. Replacement by Ala of one of the four Asp residues, invariant in all representatives of protein phosphatase 2C, completely abolished the SpoIIE phosphatase activity in vitro, whilst replacement of the Asp residues by another acidic amino acid, Glu, had varying effects on the activities of the resulting mutated proteins. D610E and D795E exhibited some residual activity while D628E and D745E were without enzymatic activity. The results suggest that the functional model in which metal-associated water molecules are involved in the dephosphorylation reaction catalyzed by human protein phosphatase 2C alpha can also be applied to the bacterial protein phosphatase 2C-like protein.  相似文献   

The human Werner syndrome protein (hWRN-p) possessing DNA helicase and exonuclease activities is essential for genome stability. Plants have no homologue of this bifunctional protein, but surprisingly the Arabidopsis genome contains a small open reading frame (ORF) (AtWRNexo) with homology to the exonuclease domain of hWRN-p. Expression of this ORF in Escherichia coli revealed an exonuclease activity for AtWRN-exo-p with similarities but also some significant differences to hWRN-p. The protein digests recessed strands of DNA duplexes in the 3' --> 5' direction but hardly single-stranded DNA or blunt-ended duplexes. In contrast to the Werner exonuclease, AtWRNexo-p is also able to digest 3'-protruding strands. DNA with recessed 3'-PO4 and 3'-OH termini is degraded to a similar extent. AtWRNexo-p hydrolyzes the 3'-recessed strand termini of duplexes containing mismatched bases. AtWRNexo-p needs the divalent cation Mg2+ for activity, which can be replaced by Mn2+. Apurinic sites, cholesterol adducts, and oxidative DNA damage (such as 8-oxoadenine and 8-oxoguanine) inhibit or block the enzyme. Other DNA modifications, including uracil, hypoxanthine and ethenoadenine, did not inhibit AtWRNexo-p. A mutation of a conserved residue within the exonuclease domain (E135A) completely abolished the exonucleolytic activity. Our results indicate that a type of WRN-like exonuclease activity seems to be a common feature of the DNA metabolism of animals and plants.  相似文献   

The I-SceI homing endonuclease enhances gene targeting by introducing double-strand breaks at specific chromosomal loci, thereby increasing the recombination frequency. Here, we report the crystal structure of the enzyme complexed to its DNA substrate and Ca(2+) determined at 2.25A resolution. The structure shows the prototypical beta-saddle of LAGLIDADG homing endonucleases that is contributed by two pseudo-symmetric domains. The high specificity of I-SceI is explained by the large number of protein-DNA contacts, many that are made by a long beta-hairpin loop that reaches into the major groove of the DNA. The DNA minor groove is compressed at the catalytic center, bringing the two scissile phosphodiester bonds into close proximity. The protein-Ca(2+)-DNA structure shows the protein bound to its DNA substrate in a pre-reactive state that is defined by the presence of two asymmetric active sites, one of which appears poised to first cleave the DNA bottom strand.  相似文献   

Beck BD  Lee SS  Williamson E  Hromas RA  Lee SH 《Biochemistry》2011,50(20):4360-4370
Metnase (SETMAR) is a SET-transposase fusion protein that promotes nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) repair in humans. Although both SET and the transposase domains were necessary for its function in DSB repair, it is not clear what specific role Metnase plays in the NHEJ. In this study, we show that Metnase possesses a unique endonuclease activity that preferentially acts on ssDNA and ssDNA-overhang of a partial duplex DNA. Cell extracts lacking Metnase poorly supported DNA end joining, and addition of wt-Metnase to cell extracts lacking Metnase markedly stimulated DNA end joining, while a mutant (D483A) lacking endonuclease activity did not. Given that Metnase overexpression enhanced DNA end processing in vitro, our finding suggests a role for Metnase's endonuclease activity in promoting the joining of noncompatible ends.  相似文献   

Adhesion molecule on glia (AMOG) is a novel neural cell adhesion molecule that mediates neuron-astrocyte interaction in vitro. In situ AMOG is expressed in the cerebellum by glial cells at the critical developmental stages of granule neuron migration. Granule neuron migration that is guided by surface contacts between migrating neurons and astroglial processes is inhibited by monoclonal AMOG antibody, probably by disturbing neuron-glia adhesion. AMOG is an integral cell surface glycoprotein of 45-50-kD molecular weight with a carbohydrate content of at least 30%. It does not belong to the L2/HNK-1 family of neural cell adhesion molecules but expresses another carbohydrate epitope that is shared with the adhesion molecules L1 and myelin-associated glycoprotein, but is not present on N-CAM or J1.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The hemocyanin (Hc) of the marine gastropod mollusc Rapana thomasiana was collected from animals living on the west coast of the Black Sea and characterized for its biochemical and functional properties.
  • 2.2. This Hc is very similar to other gastropod Hcs as far as amino acid composition, general structure and reactivity of the binuclear copper active site are concerned.
  • 3.3. Some peculiarities in the dissociation-reassociation pattern are observed in comparison to other gastropod Hcs, in particular with respect to the ability to form sopramolecular aggregates.
  • 4.4. Changes in pH disclose a strong reverse Bohr effect. Different R and T states are required to describe the oxygen binding curves at the different pHs.

Brosh RM  Driscoll HC  Dianov GL  Sommers JA 《Biochemistry》2002,41(40):12204-12216
Werner Syndrome is a premature aging disorder characterized by chromosomal instability. Recently we reported a novel interaction of the WRN gene product with human 5' flap endonuclease/5'-3' exonuclease (FEN-1), a DNA structure-specific nuclease implicated in pathways of DNA metabolism that are important for genomic stability. To characterize the mechanism for WRN stimulation of FEN-1 cleavage, we have determined the effect of WRN on the kinetic parameters of the FEN-1 cleavage reaction. WRN enhanced the efficiency of FEN-1 cleavage rather than DNA substrate binding. WRN effectively stimulated FEN-1 cleavage on a flap DNA substrate with streptavidin bound to the terminal 3' nucleotide at the end of the upstream duplex, indicating that WRN does not require a free upstream end to stimulate FEN-1 cleavage of the 5' flap substrate. These results indicate that the mechanism whereby WRN stimulates FEN-1 cleavage is distinct from that proposed for the functional interaction between proliferating cell nuclear antigen and FEN-1. To understand the potential importance of the WRN-FEN-1(1) interaction in DNA replication, we have tested the effect of WRN on FEN-1 cleavage of several DNA substrate intermediates that may arise during Okazaki fragment processing. WRN stimulated FEN-1 cleavage of flap substrates with a terminal monoribonucleotide, a long 5' ssDNA tract, and a pseudo-Y structure. The ability of WRN to facilitate FEN-1 cleavage of DNA replication/repair intermediates may be important for the role of WRN in the maintenance of genomic stability.  相似文献   

Homing endonucleases are sequence-tolerant DNA endonucleases that act as mobile genetic elements. The ability of homing endonucleases to cleave substrates with multiple nucleotide substitutions suggests a high degree of adaptability in that changing or modulating cleavage preference would require relatively few amino acid substitutions. Here, using directed evolution experiments with the GIY-YIG homing endonuclease I-TevI that targets the thymidylate synthase gene of phage T4, we readily isolated variants that dramatically broadened I-TevI cleavage preference, as well as variants that fine-tuned cleavage preference. By combining substitutions, we observed an ∼10 000-fold improvement in cleavage on some substrates not cleaved by the wild-type enzyme, correlating with a decrease in readout of information content at the cleavage site. Strikingly, we were able to change the cleavage preference of I-TevI to that of the isoschizomer I-BmoI which targets a different cleavage site in the thymidylate synthase gene, recapitulating the evolution of cleavage preference in this family of homing endonucleases. Our results define a strategy to isolate GIY-YIG nuclease domains with distinct cleavage preferences, and provide insight into how homing endonucleases may escape a dead-end life cycle in a population of saturated target sites by promoting transposition to different target sites.  相似文献   

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