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Evolution of skull shape in carnivores 1. Representative modern carnivores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifteen variables, selected primarily to reflect functionally significant aspects of cranial morphology, were measured on one skull each of 62 species of modern carnivores, including viverrids, canids, mustelids and felids. To allow comparisons between species of different sizes without the potentially confounding effects of allometric shape changes, the measurements were transformed to dimensionless variables, based on the residuals from allometric equations. Fourteen out of 15 of the transformed variables distinguish one or more of the four family groups and the rotated first two axes of a principal components analysis distinguish all four families from each other. The following functional hypotheses are proposed: mustelids and felids have the most powerful bites and canids the weakest among the four family groups studied; mustelids and, to a lesser degree, felids have more powerful neck musculature than do canids and viverrids; and visual abilities are best developed among felids and least developed among mustelids. The first two functional hypotheses suggest possible differences in killing behaviour, which are supported by a preliminary survey of the literature on such behaviour. Allometric analysis of the 15 cranial measures shows that the neurocranial components scale with negative allometry, while most of the other measures scale approximately isometrically.  相似文献   

Fifteen functionally significant aspects of skull morphology were measured on skulls of 36 additional species of carnivores to complete a survey of skull shape in modern fissiped (land) carnivores that includes most of the living genera. The measurements were transformed to dimensionless variables based on the residuals from allometric equations, and were analysed singly and in a 10 variable principal components analysis. An initial study of 62 species of viverrids, canids, mustelids and felids had shown those families to be distinguished from each other by the functionally significant measurements. However, among the additional 36 species, some procyonids, ursids and mustelids display a range of diversity of skull morphology that overlaps that of the other families and diminishes the potential value of the measurements as taxonomic characters. Intraspecific variation is presented for 12 species, and is low enough to allow use of some features as species level diagnostic characters. The lack of correlation between diet and functionally significant aspects of skull morphology among omnivorous carnivores, and the absence of certain skull shapes among carnivores are discussed.  相似文献   

Many insectivorous passerines become frugivorous during migration. Because water may facilitate the digestion of dry fruits, some passerines may benefit from staging in stopover sites that offer access to drinking water. In autumn, water consumption by blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla staging in Israel was found to induce a shift from insectivory to frugivory. We tested two alternative hypotheses concerning the mechanism facilitating consumption of the relatively dry fruits which are common in this region: 1) water intake facilitates the passage of fruits within the digestive tract when these two resources are simultaneously ingested, and 2) improved body water balance allows the consumption and ingestion of large amounts of dry fruits. Blackcaps were subjected to five treatments that included temporal separation of water and fruit consumption, as well as subcutaneous water injection to maintain balanced body water in water‐deprived birds. Fruit consumption rate was measured daily. We found that only simultaneous provisioning of water and fruits significantly increased fruit consumption rate, implying that drinking water directly improves fruit digestion within the digestive system. Furthermore, the fuel deposition rate increased with increased fruit consumption rate. These results emphasize the importance of water availability for the ecology and conservation of migrating passerines.  相似文献   

The present study reports field data of ticks infesting wild carnivores captured from July 1998 to September 2004 in Brazil. Additional data were obtained from one tick collection and from previous published data of ticks on carnivores in Brazil. During field work, a total of 3437 ticks were collected from 89 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating-fox), 58 Chrysocyon brachyurus (maned-wolf), 30 Puma concolor (puma), 26 Panthera onca (jaguar), 12 Procyon cancrivorus (crab-eating-raccoon), 4 Speothos venaticus (bush-dog), 6 Pseudalopex vetulus (hoary-fox), 6 Nasua nasua (coati), 6 Leopardus pardalis (ocelot), 2 Leopardus tigrinus (oncilla), 1 Leopardus wiedii (margay), 1 Herpailurus yagouaroundi (jaguarundi), 1 Oncifelis colocolo (pampas-cat), 1 Eira barbara (tayara), 1 Galictis vittata (grison), 1 Lontra longicaudis (neotropical-otter), and 1 Potus flavus (kinkajou). Data obtained from the Acari Collection IBSP included a total of 381 tick specimens collected on 13 C. thous, 8 C. brachyurus, 3 P. concolor, 10 P. onca, 3 P. cancrivorus, 4 N. nasua, 1 L. pardalis, 1 L. wiedii, 4 H. yagouaroundi, 1 Galictis cuja (lesser grison), and 1 L. longicaudis. The only tick infested-carnivore species previously reported in Brazil, for which we do not present any field data are Pseudalopex gymnocercus (pampas fox), Conepatus chinga (Molina’s hog-nosed skunk), and Conepatus semistriatus (striped hog-nosed skunk). We report the first tick records in Brazil on two Felidae species (O. colocolo, H. yagouaroundi), two Canidae species (P. vetulus, S. venaticus), one Procyonidae species (P. flavus) and one Mustelidae (E. barbara). Tick infestation remains unreported for 5 of the 26 Carnivora species native in Brazil: Oncifelis geoffroyi (Geoffroy’s cat), Atelocynus microtis (short-eared dog), Pteronura brasiliensis (giant otter), Mustela africana (Amazon weasel), and Bassaricyon gabbii (olingo). Our field data comprise 16 tick species represented by the genera Amblyomma (12 species), Ixodes (1 species), Dermacentor (1 species), Rhipicephalus (1 species), and Boophilus (1 species). Additional 5 tick species (3 Amblyomma species and 1 species from each of the genera Ixodes and Ornithodoros) were reported in the literature. The most common ticks on Carnivora hosts were Amblyomma ovale (found on 14 host species), Amblyomma cajennense (10 species), Amblyomma aureolatum (10 species), Amblyomma tigrinum (7 species), Amblyomma parvum (7 species), and Boophilus microplus (7 species).This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrected page numbers.  相似文献   

A regression slope of –0.75 between log10 density and log10 body mass is thought to express equivalence of energy conversion among species' populations of similar taxonomic and trophic status. Using larger sample sizes than the usual 1–3 density estimates per species, we estimated a regression slope of –0.71 for terrestrial mammalian carnivores. We investigated the sampling variation in this estimate, and those derived from smaller intra-specific subsets, using 1000-iteration bootstrap analyses to obtain 90% confidence intervals. As expected, these widened as random subsets were reduced in size, but always contained the postulated –0.75. However, log10 density also declined as 3/4 of the log10 spatial extent of study area, and study area accounted for virtually all of the variation in density that was previously thought due to body mass. We removed the effect of study area by using the species-specific regression models between density and study area to predict density at a common scale of 400 km2. These common-scale densities regressed against body mass with a slope of –0.16, but separated into body mass classes less than and greater than 11 kg, they produced slopes that were not significantly different from zero. We show that the allometry of density could be a case of circular logic, whereby body mass has influenced the investigator's choice of study area, and the resulting scale-dependent densities are related back to body mass. To test the allometry hypothesis, the effect of study area on density estimates needs to be removed. This requires conducting larger-scale studies of the smaller-bodied species so that all species compared are represented by an average study area that is near the common scale. Furthermore, study sites need to be selected and designed to represent more than the local detail in species' density.  相似文献   

Several species of terrestrial carnivores (Mammalia: Carnivora) have bold contrasting color patterns that, in some species, apparently signal possession of noxious anal gland secretions, or even physical strength and great ferocity; yet the evolutionary drivers of both placement and patterning of these contrasting pelage colors on the body, and the ecological selection pressures underlying them, have yet to be systematically examined. Here we explore these issues and find not only that both boldly colored and dichromatic species do indeed often use anal gland secretions for defense, but also that such species are stockier, and live in more exposed habitats where other forms of antipredator defense are limited. We also show that white dorsa are found in sprayers that are primarily nocturnal; that horizontal stripes are found in species that have an ability to spray anal secretions accurately; and that facial stripes are found in burrowing species that typically leave only their heads exposed to attack. Our phylogenetic reconstructions suggest that aposematic coloration has evolved more than once in terrestrial carnivores. We finish by outlining five evolutionary routes for patterns of pelage coloration in this taxon.  相似文献   

A longstanding debate in evolutionary biology and paleontology is whether ecological interactions such as competition impose diversity dependence on speciation and extinction rates. Here, we analyze the fossil record of terrestrial mammalian carnivores in North America and Eurasia using a Bayesian framework to assess whether their diversity dynamics were affected by diversity dependence within and between families (12 in Eurasia, 10 in North America). We found eight instances of within‐clade diversity dependence suppressing speciation rates and detected between‐clade effects increasing extinction rates in six instances. Diversity dependence often involved lineages that migrated between continents and we found that speciation was more responsive to diversity changes within the clade, whereas extinction responded to diversity of taxa in other clades. The analysis of the fossil record of Carnivora suggests that interactions within and between clades are associated with different speciation and extinction regimes, opening room for a broader theory of diversity dependence.  相似文献   

Area, isolation and body size evolution in insular carnivores   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Body sizes of insular mammals often differ strikingly from those of their mainland conspecifics. Small islands have reduced numbers of competitor and predator species, and more limited resources. Such reductions are believed to select for predictable changes in body sizes, with large mammals growing progressively smaller as island area decreases, while small ones grow progressively larger. Medium-sized mammals are thought to be largest on intermediate-sized islands. Increased isolation is seen as promoting insular gigantism. We searched for such patterns using a large database of insular carnivore specimens. Neither small nor large carnivores show a consistent area/body size relationship. Medium-sized carnivores are no more likely to attain large size on medium-sized islands then they are to be small there. We found no consistent patterns of body size variation in relation to isolation.  相似文献   

A large part of ecological theory has been developed with the assumption that intra- and inter-specific patterns of density and spatial distribution can be consistently and reliably compared, and that these patterns have represented populations across nonstudied landscapes. These assumptions are erroneous. We found that log10 population density estimates consistently decreased linearly with log10 spatial extent of study areas for species of terrestrial Carnivora. The size of the study area accounted for most of the variation in population estimates, and study areas increased with the female body mass of the study species. But study sites consistently had higher densities than can be expected for nonstudy sites, regardless of the size of the study area, because study sites are typically chosen based on a priori knowledge of high density. Inter-specific comparisons of density and distribution might provide more insight into community organization after intra-specific density estimates have been scaled by the study areas, and related to the nonstudied landscapes within each species' geographic range.  相似文献   

Aim Extinction risk is non‐randomly distributed across phylogeny and space and is influenced by environmental conditions. We quantified the relative contribution of these factors to extinction risk to unveil the underlying macroecological processes and derive predictive models. Location Global. Methods Based on the IUCN global assessments, we divided 192 carnivore species into two dichotomous classes representing different levels of extinction risk. We used spatial proximity, phylogenetic relationship and environmental variables together with phylogenetic eigenvector regression and spatial eigenvector filters to model and predict threat status. Results Our full models explained between 57% and 96% of the variance in extinction risk. Phylogeny and spatial proximity roughly explained between 21% and 70% of the total variation in all analyses, while the explanatory power of environmental conditions was relatively weaker (up to 15%). Phylogeny and spatial proximity contributed equally to the explained variance in the lower threat level, while spatial proximity was the most important factor in the models of the higher threat level. Prediction of threat status achieved 97% correct assignments. Main conclusions Our approach differs fundamentally from current studies of extinction risk because it does not necessarily rely on life‐history information. We clearly show that instead of treating phylogenetic inertia and spatial signal as statistical nuisances, space and phylogeny should be viewed as very useful in explaining a wide range of phenomena in comparative studies.  相似文献   

Niche relations among three sympatric Mediterranean carnivores   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Previous studies carried out in the Doñana National Park reported that red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were killed by Iberian lynxes (Lynx pardinus), whereas similar-sized Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) were not. Therefore, we predicted that fox would avoid lynx predation risk by niche segregation whereas we did not expect such a segregation between badger and lynx. As an approach for evaluating our predictions, we compared their diet, activity patterns, and habitat use in an area of Doñana where the three carnivores are sympatric. Lynxes preyed almost uniquely on European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), and though badgers and foxes were omnivorous, rabbits also were a major prey, resulting in high overlaps throughout the year. However, badgers preyed largely on small rabbits, whereas lynxes and foxes preyed mainly on medium-sized rabbits. There were also interspecific differences in activity patterns. Maximum levels of activity among lynxes were during sunrise and dusk (49–67%). Foxes were most active during dusk and night (34–67%), and badgers were mainly nocturnal (53–87%). Though there were seasonal differences in the amount of activity of each species, specific activity patterns changed little throughout the year. There was a strong difference in annual habitat use by the three species (P?MAX) and the resting (PMIN) periods. During PMIN, foxes used the Mediterranean scrubland intensively (40% of locations on average), but during PMAX, they used the pastureland much more intensively despite this habitat being poorer in their main prey (rabbits). As a consequence, foxes and lynxes exhibited segregation in their habitat use during the active period. Badgers also used the Mediterranean scrubland intensively, especially during PMIN. There were no seasonal differences in habitat use for lynx and fox, but there was for badgers (P?相似文献   

Assessing fruit availability is a critical element in testing hypotheses concerning resource use by frugivores. One method to estimate fruit availability is to measure tree diameter at breast height (DBH) and assume a positive correlation with fruit tree productivity. Our first objective was to test the relationship between DBH and tree productivity. We used as our measures of tree productivity: volume of the fruit bearing region of the tree crown (FBRv) and fruit yield measured as grams of dry fruit matter per fruit bearing region (FBR). Our second objective was to determine if time spent feeding on fruits by golden lion tamarins was correlated with 3 measures of tree productivity within their territories. We define tree productivity within a territory as tree productivity × tree density (fruit tree productivity/ha). We used as our measures of tree productivity/ha: (1) DBH × tree density, (2) fruit yield × tree density, and (3) FBRv × tree density. We measured DBH and FBRv for 17 fruit species commonly eaten by golden lion tamarins in Poço das Antas Reserve, Brazil. We counted fruits in trees and collected fruits to calculate fruit yield. We used measures of tree densities to calculate tree productivity/ha. We found that DBH correlated with fruit yield. The time tamarins spent feeding did not correlate with DBH ( × tree density) or FBRv ( × tree density), but it correlated with fruit yield ( × tree density). Our results emphasize the importance of recording temporal and spatial measures of fruit productivity that are meaningful to the frugivore studied.  相似文献   

Plant‐eating behavior is one of the greatest mysteries in obligate carnivores. Despite unsuitable morphological and physiological traits for plant consumption, the presence of plants in scat or stomach contents has been reported in various carnivorous species. However, researchers’ interpretations of this subject are varied, and knowledge about it is scarce, without any multispecies studies. This study assessed the extent of variation in the frequency of plant occurrence in scat and stomach contents, as well as its relationship with various factors in 24 felid species using data from 213 published articles. Since the frequency of plant occurrence has not always been reported, we created two‐part models and estimated parameters in a Bayesian framework. We found a significant negative relationship between the frequency of plant occurrence and body mass. This may be because plant‐eating behavior reduces the energy loss caused by parasites and increases the efficiency of energy intake, which has a greater importance in smaller animals that have relatively high metabolic rates. This exploratory study highlights the importance of considering plant consumption in dietary studies on carnivorous species to understand the adaptive significance of this behavior and the relationship between obligate carnivores and plants.  相似文献   

S. E. Courts 《Mammal Review》1998,28(4):185-194
The complexity of dietary strategies evolved by megachiropterans (Pteropodidae) is gaining recognition, although there are relatively few reports of feeding habits other than frugivory, and even fewer of non-herbivorous ones. This paper reviews the information obtained so far on how the diets of Old World fruit bats may provide them with sufficient protein, as most fruits are known to be low in this vital nutrient. There is evidence to suggest that pollen, leaves or insects may provide wild pteropodids with the extra protein that studies in captivity have shown to be necessary.  相似文献   

Diet choice of large carnivores in northern Cameroon   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The diet of African wild dogs, lions and spotted hyenas was studied in the woodland savannah of Faro National Park and surrounding hunting zones in northern Cameroon during the dry season. Faecal analysis revealed that the diet of the three large carnivores overlaps considerably. Frequencies of prey remains of large and medium‐sized antelopes were highest, with Buffon's kob being by far the most common prey species. Carnivores seem to consume the most abundant prey species. No prey item of domestic livestock was found in the faeces. Faecal analysis has proved to be a useful method to reveal diet choice for large carnivores in northern Cameroon. Detailed information on the distribution and density of large carnivores and their prey is needed to give a better picture of the status of carnivores in northern Cameroon and to help resolve conflicts with livestock. Further investigations into the seasonal variation of predation and other factors structuring the large carnivore community in northern Cameroon are recommended.  相似文献   

The diet of African wild dogs, lions and spotted hyenas was studied in the woodland savannah of Faro National Park and surrounding hunting zones in northern Cameroon during the dry season. Faecal analysis revealed that the diet of the three large carnivores overlaps considerably. Frequencies of prey remains of large and medium‐sized antelopes were highest, with Buffon's kob being by far the most common prey species. Carnivores seem to consume most abundant prey species. No prey item of domestic livestock was found in the faeces. Faecal analysis has proved to be a useful method to reveal diet choice for large carnivores in northern Cameroon. Detailed information on the distribution and density of large carnivores and their prey is needed to give a better picture of the status of carnivores in northern Cameroon and to help resolve conflicts with livestock. Further investigations into the seasonal variation of predation and other factors structuring the large carnivore community in northern Cameroon are recommended.  相似文献   

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