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Shoot branching   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The mature form of a plant shoot system is an expression of several genetically controlled traits, many of which are also environmentally regulated. A major component of this architectural variation is the degree of shoot branching. Recent results indicate conserved mechanisms for shoot branch development across the monocots and eudicots. The existence of a novel long-range branch-inhibiting signal has been inferred from studies of branching mutants in pea and Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Regeneration of de novo shoots, roots and flowers has been obtained on inflorescence explants of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) were added in a 3×3×3 factorial combination with kinetin, each at 0.001, 0.1 and 10 M concentrations. Direct shoot formation occurred on media with 10 M kinetin and 0.001 M IAA or NAA. Root formation was observed on media with 0.1–10 M IAA, IBA or NAA. Flower formation occurred on elongated shoots with several leaves on media with 10 M IAA and 0.1 M kinetin. Shoot organogenesis was increased by substituting 10 M zeatin or N6-benzyladenine (BA) for kinetin. Eleven tomato cultivars were tested for their ability to undergo de novo shoot regeneration on the improved medium. All tomato cultivars were capable of shoot morphogenesis with a mean number of shoots per explant that ranged from 1.3 (Red Alert) to 5.3 (Large Red Cherry). Histological studies revealed that active cell divisions occurred in subepidermal and cambial tisue during the first week of culture. Meristematic centers of dividing cells were evident by day 14, and well-developed shoot apices and leaf structures were observed on 50% of the explants 28 days after culture initiation.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - IAA Indole-3-acetic acid - IBA Indole-3-butyric acid - 2iP N6-[2-isopentyl]adenine - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - PGR plant growth regulator  相似文献   

In vitro grown inflorescences of Bambusa edulis were used to investigate the process of vegetative shoot growth in detail. The findings revealed that auxins and ACC could be significant growth regulators in this process. Overall, auxins [NAA, indolebutyric acid (IBA), and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)] induced inflorescences to grow vegetative shoots. However, the efficiency of shoot regeneration varied. A greater percentage (27.3–34.5) of inflorescences in the 5 mg l−1 NAA, 10 mg l−1 NAA, and 1 mg l−1 2,4-D treatments formed more vegetative shoots than those exposed to other treatments. IBA promoted shoot regeneration less effectively than NAA and 2,4-D. Fifty percent of regenerated vegetative shoots flowered after 2 months when the medium was supplemented with 5 mg l−1 NAA. All shoots that received 1 mg l−1 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) flowered in 5 mg l−1 NAA medium. Rooted plantlets were used to examine their survival following in vitro flowering. All plantlets with vegetative shoots, even those with inflorescences, survived and grew.  相似文献   

Aerial plant architecture is predominantly determined by shoot branching and leaf morphology, which are governed by apparently unrelated developmental processes, axillary meristem formation, and leaf dissection. Here, we show that in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), these processes share essential functions in boundary establishment. Potato leaf (C), a key regulator of leaf dissection, was identified to be the closest paralog of the shoot branching regulator Blind (Bl). Comparative genomics revealed that these two R2R3 MYB genes are orthologs of the Arabidopsis thaliana branching regulator REGULATOR OF AXILLARY MERISTEMS1 (RAX1). Expression studies and complementation analyses indicate that these genes have undergone sub- or neofunctionalization due to promoter differentiation. C acts in a pathway independent of other identified leaf dissection regulators. Furthermore, the known leaf complexity regulator Goblet (Gob) is crucial for axillary meristem initiation and acts in parallel to C and Bl. Finally, RNA in situ hybridization revealed that the branching regulator Lateral suppressor (Ls) is also expressed in leaves. All four boundary genes, C, Bl, Gob, and Ls, may act by suppressing growth, as indicated by gain-of-function plants. Thus, leaf architecture and shoot architecture rely on a conserved mechanism of boundary formation preceding the initiation of leaflets and axillary meristems.  相似文献   

A study of the branching of the inflorescence and the vegetative shoot of the genusKummerowia, consisting ofK. stipulacea (Maxim.) Makino andK. striata (Thunb.) Schindler, has led to the following conclusions: (1) the inflorescences of both species are reduced compound cymes, (2) the branching system of the inflorescence ofKummerowia is not clearly different from that of the vegetative shoot and there are some transitional forms between both systems, and (3) the inflorescence ofKummerowia is different from the racemose inflorescences ofLespedeza andCampylotropis. Based on the differences found in the branching system of the inflorescence,Kummerowia is distinctly separated fromLespedeza andCampylotropis and is more correctly treated as a distinct genus from the latter two.  相似文献   

The phylogenetically ambivalent monotypic genus Lactoris presents sympodial (determinate) branching, as a terminal flower is present on each main branch. The synflorescence is thyrsoid. Partial inflorescences are rhipidia with up to three flowers. The ochrealike stipule is formed by the fusion of two lateral stipules, which forms an adaxial ligule-like structure and a two-flanked leaf sheath that encircles the parental axis. The leaf sheath elongates with the growth of the preceding internode. Although sympodial growth and a sheathing leaf base are present in all Piperales (Aristolochiaceae, Lactoridaceae, Piperaceae, and Saururaceae), the presence of stipules is confined to Lactoris, Saururaceae, and some Piperaceae. These characters are consistent with the placement of Lactoris within Piperales, although its phylogenetic position within the order remains equivocal, except for the possible sister group relationship suggested by the presence of cymose inflorescences in both Lactoris and Aristolochiaceae.  相似文献   

Organogenesis in plants is controlled by meristems. Shoot apical meristems form at the apex of the plant and produce leaf primordia on their flanks. Axillary meristems, which form in the axils of leaf primordia, give rise to branches and flowers and therefore play a critical role in plant architecture and reproduction. To understand how axillary meristems are initiated and maintained, we characterized the barren inflorescence2 mutant, which affects axillary meristems in the maize inflorescence. Scanning electron microscopy, histology and RNA in situ hybridization using knotted1 as a marker for meristematic tissue show that barren inflorescence2 mutants make fewer branches owing to a defect in branch meristem initiation. The construction of the double mutant between barren inflorescence2 and tasselsheath reveals that the function of barren inflorescence2 is specific to the formation of branch meristems rather than bract leaf primordia. Normal maize inflorescences sequentially produce three types of axillary meristem: branch meristem, spikelet meristem and floral meristem. Introgression of the barren inflorescence2 mutant into genetic backgrounds in which the phenotype was weaker illustrates additional roles of barren inflorescence2 in these axillary meristems. Branch, spikelet and floral meristems that form in these lines are defective, resulting in the production of fewer floral structures. Because the defects involve the number of organs produced at each stage of development, we conclude that barren inflorescence2 is required for maintenance of all types of axillary meristem in the inflorescence. This defect allows us to infer the sequence of events that takes place during maize inflorescence development. Furthermore, the defect in branch meristem formation provides insight into the role of knotted1 and barren inflorescence2 in axillary meristem initiation.  相似文献   

During their life cycle, higher plants pass through a series of growth phases that are characterized by the production of morphologically distinct vegetative and reproductive organs and by different growth patterns. Three major phases have been described in Arabidopsis: juvenile vegetative, adult vegetative, and reproductive. In this report we describe a novel, phase-specific mutant in Arabidopsis, compact inflorescence (cif). The most apparent aspect of the cif phenotype is a strong reduction in the elongation of internodes in the inflorescence, resulting in the formation of a floral cluster at the apical end of all reproductive shoots. Elongation and expansion of adult vegetative rosette leaves are also compromised in mutant plants. The onset of the cif trait correlates closely with morphological changes marking the phase transition from juvenile to adult, and mutant plants produce normal flowers and are fully fertile. Hence the cif phenotype appears to be adult vegetative phase-specific. Histological sections of mutant inflorescence internodes indicate normal tissue specification, but reduced cell elongation compared to wild-type. compact inflorescence is inherited as a two-gene trait involving the action of a recessive and a dominant locus. These two cif genes appear to be key components of a growth regulatory pathway that is closely linked to phase change, and specifies critical aspects of plant growth and architecture including inflorescence internode length.  相似文献   

The structure of the synflorescence and the flowering unit (inflorescence) in Commelinaceae are characterized. The synflorescence is polytelic and the basic inflorescence type is a terminal pedunculate thyrse with an indeterminate central axis to which several to many cincinni are attached. Each thyrse is a florescence, and each cincinnus is a partial florescence. Variations mainly in the number of cincinni and in the number of flowers on each cincinnus determine the main differences found in the inflorescences of the different genera. Hypothesized developmental processes are described, with a view to finding relationships among different models characterized in the family as well as defining characters for cladistic studies, which may be useful to depict all the variations observed and serve as a guide for future phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Endogenous Shoot Growth Rhythms and Indeterminate Shoot Growth in Oak   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Wide variations of shoot growth patterns in saplings of pin oak (Quercus palustris Muenchh.) have been observed as a consequence of varying environmental conditions, experimental manipulations, and vigor of trees. Shoot growth patterns range from a series of recurrent, determinate flushes, constituting a genuine endogenous rhythm, to continuous, indeterminate growth. Observed growth patterns agree well with those predicted by a model of rhythmic growth which assumes the dependence of shoot growth on the functional equilibrium between shoot and root system. Indirect evidence suggests that cessation of shoot growth under favorable environmental conditions might be a consequence of internal water deficits. Observed differences in shoot growth patterns between young and mature trees are discussed as logical consequences of the model.  相似文献   

A yield of 2–4×106 protoplasts/g F.W. could be obtained when fresh cauliflower inflorescence segments were digested with 2% cellulase Onozuka R-10, 1% cellulase RS and 0.4% Macerozyme R-10 in CPW18S for 7 to 10 h. Purified protoplasts were cultured in K8p liquid and agarose medium. Although protoplasts in liquid medium divided earlier than in agarose, protoplast-derived cells in liquid culture could not avoid browning. With agarose culture, sustained division and callus formation could be achieved. After 20 days, calli were transferred onto B5 agar medium with ZT 1.5 mg l-1, BA 0.5 mg l-1 and IAA 0.1 mg l-1 for shoot formation. The frequency of bud formation varied from 56.7% for calli of 1mm in size to 5.6% for 5mm calli. The shoots formed were rooted in B5 medium containing 0.5 mg l-1 IBA, and the regenerated plants were transplanted to pots and grew normally. It took about two months from protoplasts to the regenerated plants.Abbreviations Ade adenine - BA 6-benzyl aminopurine - CH casein hydrolysate - CM coconut milk - 2,4-D 2,4,-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - Gln glutamine - NAA -naphthylacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - ZT zeatin  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Shoot architecture variability in grapevine (Vitis vinifera) was analysed using a generic modelling approach based on thermal time developed for annual herbaceous species. The analysis of shoot architecture was based on various levels of shoot organization, including pre-existing and newly formed parts of the stem, and on the modular structure of the stem, which consists of a repeated succession of three phytomers (P0-P1-P2). METHODS: Four experiments were carried out using the cultivar 'Grenache N': two on potted vines (one of which was carried out in a glasshouse) and two on mature vines in a vineyard. These experiments resulted in a broad diversity of environmental conditions, but none of the plants experienced soil water deficit. KEY RESULTS: Development of the main axis was highly dependent on air temperature, being linearly related to thermal time for all stages of leaf development from budbreak to veraison. The stable progression of developmental stages along the main stem resulted in a thermal-time based programme of leaf development. Leaf expansion rate varied with trophic competition (shoot and cluster loads) and environmental conditions (solar radiation, VPD), accounting for differences in final leaf area. Branching pattern was highly variable. Classification of the branches according to ternary modular structure increased the accuracy of the quantitative analysis of branch development. The rate and duration of leaf production were higher for branches derived from P0 phytomers than for branches derived from P1 or P2 phytomers. Rates of leaf production, expressed as a -function of thermal time, were not stable and depended on trophic competition and environmental conditions such as solar radiation or VPD. CONCLUSIONS: The application to grapevine of a generic model developed in annual plants made it possible to identify constants in main stem development and to determine the hierarchical structure of branches with respect to the modular structure of the stem in response to intra- and inter-shoot trophic competition.  相似文献   

Inflorescence structure in the familyAsclepiadaceae, particularly in the subfamilyAsclepiadoideae, is elucidated using the methodology and terminology of the school ofW. Troll. Asclepiadaceae inflorescences are principally thyrsoid systems, with variability resulting from different degrees of reduction of dichasial paracladia to bostryces, sciadioids, and, finally, to single flowers.  相似文献   

Inflorescence forms can be described by different combinatorial patterns of meristem fates (indeterminate versus determinate). In theory, the model predicts that any combination is possible. Whether this is true for grasses is unknown. In this paper, the subfamily Panicoideae s.s. (panicoid grasses) was chosen as the model group to investigate this aspect of grass inflorescence evolution. We have studied the inflorescence morphology of 201 species to complement information available in the literature. We have identified the most recurrent inflorescence types and character states among panicoids. Using multivariate approaches, we have indentified correlations among different inflorescence character states. By phylogenetic reconstruction methods we have inferred the patterns of panicoid inflorescence evolution. Our results demonstrate that not all theoretical combinatorial patterns of variation are found in panicoids. The fact that each panicoid lineage has a unique pattern of inflorescence evolution adds an evolutionary component to combinatorial model.  相似文献   

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