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The diurnal dynamics of the vertical distribution of zooplankton was studied in an oligotrophic lake with a high water transparency. Those sedentary species which occupy the upper water layers in waterbodies with low water transparency shift to a border between epy- and metalimnion and stay there during most of the day in Koskovskoye Lake, which has a high water transparency. Active diurnal vertical migrations are characteristic of large organisms. Increased water transparency weakly affects large zooplankters that occupy metalimnial layers in mesotrophic waterbodies. The relationship between the zooplankton’s vertical distribution and the distribution of phytoplankton and fish is analyzed.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton species in the North Pacific central environmentare known to be distributed into two vertically distinct assemblagesduring most of the year. Key species are defined for each assemblage.The vertical distributions of these key species indicate thatthe increase in abundance of deep species closely parallelsthe increase in chlorophyll a at the top of the chlorophyllmaximum layer. The chlorophyll maximum is comprised of speciescharacteristic of the deep assemblage, with only insignificantnumbers of shallow species.  相似文献   

为了较为系统地研究大亚湾水域叶绿素a和营养盐的垂直分层状况, 并为大亚湾海洋生态系统的数值模拟提供基础数据, 作者于大亚湾大辣甲和桑洲之间连线的中间点附近海域选点, 在2007年~2008年进行了4个季度的垂直采样监测。本次研究分析了大亚湾大辣甲水域叶绿素a及营养盐的垂直分布与季节变化, 并分析了叶绿素a与DIN、PO4-P和SiO3-Si的关系。结果表明:在整个监测时段内, 叶绿素a和DIN、PO4-P、SiO3-Si的浓度范围分别为0.50~5.80 mg·m-3、0.023~0.159 mg·L-1、1.606~19.69μg·L-1和0.065~1.13 mg·L-1, 营养盐和叶绿素a在4个季度里的垂直变化趋势各有不同;在季节变化上, SiO3-Si与DIN比较相似, 总体呈现夏、冬、秋季高, 春季较低的特征, PO4-P恰好相反, 夏季的浓度最低, 叶绿素a总体呈现夏、春、冬季高, 秋季较低的特征;在整个垂直水柱内, DIN和SiO3-Si对叶绿素a的影响相对较小, PO4-P和叶绿素a呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

When a population experiences temporal changes in the vital rates due to environmental or biotic variation, change is not only expected in the rate of population growth but also in the structure of the population. In this study we present a method for transforming observed patterns (notably how vital rates change with temperature) into functions that can be used in population growth models and analysis of population structure. The method is exemplified by applying it to cohort studies in different constant temperatures of four species of aphids, Lipaphis erysimi (K.), Metopolophium dirhodum (Wlk.), Rhopaliosiphum padi and Macrosiphum avenae (F.). We use piece-wise linear functions to transform the vital rates of the cohort studies. The lifespans are divided into phases, each phase having linear rates. A projection matrix is formulated, where the elements are temperature dependent fecundities, survivorships and developmental rates. The major result is, contrary to what theory predicts as reasonable (Caswell 1989), that population structure of these aphid species will become almost fixed although the temperature varies. This result is consistent with findings of earlier field studies (Wiktelius 1982). A fixed population structure implies that it is possible to calculate the population growth rate on the basis of intrinsic rates of increase. By simulating different temperature regimes we also show that initial oscillations in the population structure dampen out after a few days. After initial oscillations, calculations of population growth using intrinsic rates of increase are consistent with calculations made by a matrix model.  相似文献   

Seasonal and vertical variations of the main microbial communities (heterotrophic bacteria, autotrophic picoplankton, auto- and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliated protozoa and microalgae) and auto- and heterotrophic activities were estimated in a brown-colored humic and moderately acid lake in central France, the lake of Vassivière. The results demonstrated the dominant role of light in the vertical distribution of autotrophic and mixotrophic microorganisms which are confined to the 0–5 m layer during thermal stratification. The bacterial biomass was high throughout the water column probably because of the great availability of dissolved organic matter. Consequently, the predatory microzooplankton and particularly the various trophic groups of ciliated protozoa, were distributed in the water column according to the vertical distribution of the particular food resources (detritus, bacteria, algae). However, despite the great abundance of algae and bacteria, biomass of flagellated and ciliated protozoa was relatively weak. Most of the phytoplanktonic biomass was filamentous (Diatoms) or colonial (Cyanobacteria) and therefore almost probably difficult to ingest for algivorous microzooplankton. Regarding the low abundance of bacterivorous protozoa, the relation with the special physicochemical properties of this lake is discussed.
Résumé Les variabilités saisonnière et verticale de l'abondance et de la biomasse des principles communautés de la boucle microbienne (bactéries hétérotrophes, picoplancton autotrophe, protozoaires flagellés auto- et hétérotrophes, protozoaires ciliés, microalgues et microcyanobactéries), et des activités auto- et hétérotrophes, ont été étudiées dans un lac à caractère humique et modérément acide du Massif Central Français, le lac de Vassivière.Le dénombrement des communautés de microorganismes a été réalisé en microscopie inversée et à épifluorescence après mise en oeuvre des fixations et des colorations adéquates. Les activités photosynthétique, photo- et chemohétérotrophes ont été mesurées à partir de l'assimilation de NaH14CO3 et d'un mélange d'acides aminés tritiés grâce à une technique de double marquage. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence le rôle prépondérant du facteur lumineux dans la répartition verticale des microorganismes autotrophes et mixotrophes, dont l'essentiel de la biomasse est confiné dans la zone 0–5 m en période de stratification, alors que la biomasse bactérienne est élevée sur l'ensemble de la colonne d'eau en raison, sans doute, de la grande disponibilité en matiére organique dissoute. Consécutivement, le microzooplancton prédateur, et notamment les différents types trophiques de protozoaires ciliés, se répartit dans la colonne d'eau selon la distribution verticale des ressources nutritives particularies. Cependant, compte-tenu de l'abondance bactérienne et algae, la biomasse des protozoaires flagellés et ciliésest relativement peu importante. Concernant les espèces algivores, l'essentiel de la biomasse phytoplanctonique est de nature filamenteuse (Diatomées) ou coloniale (Cyanobactéries) est est donc sans doute difficilement ingérable pour le microzooplancton. Enfin, les relations entre les caractéristiques physico-chimiques spécifiques de ce lac et le faible développement des protozoaires bactérivores sont discutées.

The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the alternative quantitative sampling approach and if it was possible, by using this method, to elucidate temporal variations concerning the composition, vertical distribution, and abundance of the motile epifaunal community. The study was performed on a vertical rocky bottom in Gullmarsfjorden on the Swedish west coast. Quantitative sampling was performed at four depths (2, 6, 10 and 15 m) on three occasions (19 June, 23-24 July and 23 September 1996) by means of a water jet powered suction sampler (venturi principle). In total, 53 macrofaunal taxa were found, of which 29 taxa occurred on all sampling dates. Significant vertical zonation patterns were recorded in July and September, but not in June, with amphipods, polychaetes, and echinoderms (mainly Asterias rubens) as the most important contributors to these patterns. A temporal variation in the faunal assemblage also occurred. Species abundance was significantly different between the sampling dates at 2, 6 and 10 m, but not at 15 m. The abundance was higher in July and September than in June. Species with the highest observed differences in abundance were juvenile Asterias rubens, abundant in July, while juvenile shrimp, especially Thoralus cranchii, and some amphipods, especially Microdeutopus spp., increased in abundance in September. This sampling approach was highly effective, and the high abundance and diversity of the motile epifauna indicate that these species play an important role in hard-bottom communities.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of temperature, light and chlorophyll a concentration were examined in Lake Moreno Oeste, an oligotrophic South Andean lake (Argentina), during the warmest period of the year (November-April), when thermal stratification is characteristic. Concurrent samples for the enumeration of phytoplankton and green ciliates were taken, and the different contribution of these fractions to total chlorophyll a concentration was analysed. The development of a distinctive deep chlorophyll maximum was observed during summer months. The deep chlorophyll maximum was situated near the limit of the euphotic zone and just below the upper limit of the metalimnion. The results showed that the green ciliate Ophrydium naumanni with endosymbiotic Chlorella dominated the metalimnion causing the deep chlorophyll maximum. Additional laboratory experiments revealed a strong dependence of O.naumanni on light. Therefore, the symbiotic association appears to be an effective exploitation of the water column in poor-nutrient-high-light ecosystems like large Andean lakes.   相似文献   

The vertical distribution of common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) and koaro (Galaxias brevipinnis) larvae in the limnetic zone of Lake Coleridge were determined using a high-frequency (200 KHz) echosounder. Planktonic bully larvae first appeared in appreciable numbers in January. By February, they formed a scattering layer between depths of 12 to 24 m during the day, where they achieved a maximum density of 0.59 fish m-3. Larger (> 18mm) fish migrated to the littoral zone and densities declined to < 0.01 fish m-3 by July, when remaining larval fish occupied greater daytime depths. Their vertical distribution during the day appeared to be influenced mainly by light levels and water temperatures. Larvae grew more slowly (0.12 mm d-1) than in more productive North Island lakes, and were also present in lower densities for a more restricted period of time. Koaro larvae first appeared in November and December and were found in low numbers (< 0.01 fish m-3) in summer at depths of 10 to 26 m. Salmonid production in the limnetic zone is probably limited by the small size and relative scarcity of forage fish present.  相似文献   

Theoretical models suggest that environmental variability can promote biodiversity, both in terms of richness and evenness of species. These findings have been supported experimentally in simplified communities with simplified regimes of environmental variability. Here we test the importance of environmental variability in a more natural setting by comparing the composition of benthic algal communities along a natural gradient of environmental variability created by internal waves in an elongated lake basin. Algal communities were grown on tiles at five upwind and five downwind sites in the lower littoral zone of South Arm, in Lake Opeongo, Ontario, Canada. Upwind sites were 1°C colder, on average, than downwind sites and had more variable water temperatures. The ranges of mean water temperatures and of water temperature variability were greater among upwind sites than among downwind sites. We used water temperature variability as a proxy for environmental variability. Total algal biovolume was similar at all sites, but the composition of these communities varied systematically with temperature variability. An observed shift in the relative dominance between Achnanthidium minutissimum, Surirella sp. and Pinnularia spp. is consistent with what we know about these species. Diatom richness increased from 12 to 15 genera with increasing variability at upwind (p=0.10, r2=0.65) and downwind sites (p=0.11, r2=0.63). Community evenness also increased with increasing variability (p=0.03, r2=0.82 at upwind sites; p=0.0002, r2=0.99 at downwind sites). These relationships were observed despite low nutrient and light availability, as well as the presence of grazers. Furthermore, environmental variability affected diatom communities in the presence of several competing factors (temperature, light, nutrients and disturbance). Our results suggest that increased environmental variability can lead to higher biodiversity in a complex natural system.  相似文献   

寡营养细菌及其生态作用和应用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寡营养细菌是自然环境中特别是在寡营养环境中广泛分布的一种细菌,对寡营养生态环境起着至关重要的作用。近年来,随着分子生物学技术的飞速发展,寡营养细菌开始被广泛深入的研究。其分离培养技术,细菌形态特征,在生态中的作用和应用是目前微生物领域和环境科学领域的前沿课题,本文对这几个方面近年来的研究状况进行了综述,并展望了未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Girdner  Scott  Mack  Jeremy  Buktenica  Mark 《Hydrobiologia》2020,847(8):1817-1830
Hydrobiologia - Chlorophyll measurements are commonly used to estimate phytoplankton biomass. However, phytoplankton readily acclimate to variations in light through a range of phenotypic...  相似文献   

Compensatory growth responses of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were studied by examining food intake and growth of individual fish held within groups that were switched between regimes that involved full and restricted feeding. Restricted feeding led to marked interindividual variability in food intake, probably as a result of the establishment of feeding hierarchies. This disparity in food acquisition was reflected in highly heterogeneous growth amongst the fish fed low rations. When fish were transferred from restricted to full rations, they became hyperphagic and displayed high rates of growth. Growth compensation was most marked amongst those fish which had shown the poorest growth during the period of feed restriction. These results suggest that the feeding hierarchies established under feed restriction did not persist, but were rapidly broken down when food became increasingly available, enabling the previously suppressed fish to gain access to food and to display rapid growth.  相似文献   

Bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) is generally related to thetrophic status of marine systems, with values as low as 0.15or less associated with the most nutrient-depleted areas. Asimple steady-state model is used to examine whether the observedratio of bacterial to primary production (BP:PP) of 0.22 inthe eastern Mediterranean Sea, an ultra-oligotrophic system,can be sustained given a BGE of 0.15. There is no a priori reasonto believe that BGE should be higher in this area relative toother open ocean environments, although accurate measurementsare required to investigate this possibility. The model includesprimary production [both particulate and exudation of dissolvedmaterial expressed as a percentage of extracellular release(PER)] and terriginous dissolved organic carbon (DOC) as sources,cycling via zooplankton, viruses and bacteria, and bacterialand zooplanktonrespiration as sinks for carbon. Results indicatethat a BP:PP of 0.22 cannot be maintained if bacterial carbondemand is met solely with DOC of autochthonous origin, givena BGE of 0.15. Sufficient carbon is, however, supplied to maintainthis ratio if a high phytoplankton exudation of DOC (PER = 40%)is permitted, in conjunction with a BGE of 0.16. A BGE of 0.28is required if PER takes on a more typical value of 10%. Thepossibility of BP being significantly enhanced by DOC of terrestrialorigin is discounted, there being no major riverine sourcesnear the Cretan Sea. Our analysis emphasizes the need for accurateestimates of BGE, and an improved understanding of sources andsinks of organic carbon, in marine systems.  相似文献   

The age, growth and reproductive biology of Marcusenius pongolensis, Oreochromis mossambicus and Schilbe intermedius were investigated in the Mnjoli Dam, Swaziland. Otolith annulus formation occurred in winter for M. pongolensis, and in spring/summer for O. mossambicus and S. intermedius. Maximum ages of 8, 6 and 8 years were recorded for M. pongolensis, O. mossambicus and S. intermedius, respectively. Growth was described by the von Bertalanffy growth model as Lt = 238.73(1 − exp−0.27(t+2.27) mm fork length (FL) for M. pongolensis, Lt = 226.83(1 − exp−0.45(t+2.02)) mm total length (TL) for O. mossambicus, and Lt = 214.59(1 − exp−0.60(t+1.20)) mm FL for S. intermedius. Sexual maturity was estimated for male and female M. pongolensis at 134 mm FL and 119 mm FL, respectively. Marcusenius pongolensis matured within their first year. Female O. mossambicus and S. intermedius matured at 239 mm TL and 205 mm FL, corresponding to 2 and 4 years of age, respectively. Extended spawning periods, with two spawning peaks was observed for M. pongolensis, one in spring (September) and the second in autumn (March) and one peak over late‐summer for S. intermedius.  相似文献   

Allometric relationships of phytoplankton communities were studied on the basis of a five-year data-set in a deep oligotrophic alpine lake in Austria. The seasonal phytoplankton succession in Mondsee is characterised by diatoms during winter mixing and a distinct metalimnetic population of Planktothrix rubescens during stratification in summer. The variation of phytoplankton photosynthetic efficiency between seasons was assessed using in situ carbon-uptake rates (5 years data) and Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (FRRF) (2 years data). The light-saturated, chlorophyll-specific rate of photosynthesis (P*max), irradiance at the onset of saturation (E k) and maximum light-utilisation efficiency (α*) were determined for winter mixing and summer stratification. Fluorescence-based parameters as the functional absorption cross section of Photosystem II (σ PSII) and the photochemical quantum yield (F v/F m) were additionally analysed in 2003 and 2004 to study the underlying physiological mechanisms for the variability in photosynthetic performance. Beyond their sensitivity to changing environmental conditions like thermal stratification, phytoplankton populations differ in their photosynthetic behaviour according to their size structure. Therefore Photosynthesis vs. Irradiance (P/E)-relationships were analysed in detail within a 1-year period from size fractionated cell counts, chlorophyll-a and carbon-uptake.  相似文献   

Foraging in a variable environment presents a classic problem of decision making with incomplete information. Animals must track the changing environment, remember the best options and make choices accordingly. While several experimental studies have explored the idea that sampling behavior reflects the amount of environmental change, we take the next logical step in asking how change influences memory. We explore the hypothesis that memory length should be tied to the ecological relevance and the value of the information learned, and that environmental change is a key determinant of the value of memory. We use a dynamic programming model to confirm our predictions and then test memory length in a factorial experiment. In our experimental situation we manipulate rates of change in a simple foraging task for blue jays over a 36 h period. After jays experienced an experimentally determined change regime, we tested them at a range of retention intervals, from 1 to 72 h. Manipulated rates of change influenced learning and sampling rates: subjects sampled more and learned more quickly in the high change condition. Tests of retention revealed significant interactions between retention interval and the experienced rate of change. We observed a striking and surprising difference between the high and low change treatments at the 24 h retention interval. In agreement with earlier work we find that a circadian retention interval is special, but we find that the extent of this ‘specialness’ depends on the subject's prior experience of environmental change. Specifically, experienced rates of change seem to influence how subjects balance recent information against past experience in a way that interacts with the passage of time.  相似文献   

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