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The three-dimensional solution structure of apo-neocarzinostatin has been resolved from nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. Up to 1034 constraints were used to generate an initial set of 45 structures using a distance geometry algorithm (DSPACE). From this set, ten structures were subjected to refinement by restrained energy minimization and molecular dynamics. The average atomic root mean square deviations between the final ten structures and the mean structure obtained by averaging their coordinates run from 0.085 nm for the best defined beta-sheet regions of the protein to 0.227 nm for the side chains of the most flexible loops. The solution structure of apo-neocarzinostatin is closely similar to that of the related proteins, macromomycin and actinoxanthin. It contains a seven-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel which forms, together with two external loops, a deep cavity that is the chromophore binding site. It is noteworthy that aromatic side chains extend into the binding cleft. They may be responsible for the stabilization of the holo-protein complex and for the chromophore specificity within the antitumoral family.  相似文献   

Assembly of the cellulosome, a large, extracellular cellulase complex, depends upon docking of a myriad of enzymatic subunits to homologous receptors, or cohesin domains, arranged in tandem along a noncatalytic scaffolding protein. Docking to the cohesin domains is mediated by a highly conserved domain, dockerin (DS), borne by each enzymatic subunit. DS consists of two 22-amino-acid duplicated sequences, each bearing homology to the EF-hand calcium-binding loop. To compare the DS structure with that of the EF-hand helix-loop-helix motif, we analyzed the solution secondary structure of the DS from the cellobiohydrolase CelS subunit of the Clostridium thermocellum cellulosome using multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. The effect of Ca(2+)-binding on the DS structure was first investigated by using 2D (15)N-(1)H HSQC NMR spectroscopy. Changes in the spectra during Ca(2+) titration revealed that Ca(2+) induces folding of DS into its tertiary structure. This Ca(2+)-induced protein folding distinguishes DS from typical EF-hand-containing proteins. Sequential backbone assignments were determined for 63 of 69 residues. Analysis of the NOE connectivities and H(alpha) chemical shifts revealed that each half of the dockerin contains just one alpha-helix, comparable to the F-helix of the EF-hand motif. Thus, the structure of the DS Ca(2+)-binding subdomain deviates from that of the canonical EF-hand motif.  相似文献   

Domains homologous to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) are important building blocks for extracellular proteins. Proteins containing these domains have been shown to function in such diverse biological processes as blood coagulation, complement activation, and the developmental determination of embryonic cell fates. Many of these proteins require calcium for their biological function. In the case of coagulation factors IX and X and anticoagulants proteins C and S, calcium has been found to bind to the EGF-like domains. We have now determined the three-dimensional structure of the calcium-bound form of the NH2-terminal EGF-like domain in coagulation factor X by two-dimensional NMR and simulated folding. Ligands to the calcium ion are the two backbone carbonyls in Gly-47 and Gly-64, as well as the side chains in Gln-49, erythro-beta-hydroxyaspartic acid (Hya) 63, and possibly Asp-46. The conserved Asp-48 is not a ligand in our present structures. The remaining ligands are assumed to be solvent molecules or, in the intact protein, ligands from neighboring domains. Other proteins interacting in a calcium-dependent manner may also contribute ligands. A comparison with the calcium-free form shows that calcium binding induces strictly local structural changes in the domain. Residues corresponding to the side chain ligands in factor X are conserved in many other proteins, such as the integral membrane protein TAN-1 of human lymphocytes and its developmentally important homolog, Notch, in Drosophila. Calcium binding to EGF-like domains may be crucial for numerous protein-protein interactions involving EGF-like domains in coagulation factors, plasma proteins, and membrane proteins. Therefore, there is reason to believe that this novel calcium site plays an important role in the biochemistry of extracellular proteins.  相似文献   

S100A1, a member of the S100 protein family, is an EF-hand containing Ca(2+)-binding protein (93 residues per subunit) with noncovalent interactions at its dimer interface. Each subunit of S100A1 has four alpha-helices and a small antiparallel beta-sheet consistent with two helix-loop-helix calcium-binding domains [Baldiserri et al. (1999) J. Biomol. NMR 14, 87-88]. In this study, the three-dimensional structure of reduced apo-S100A1 was determined by NMR spectroscopy using a total of 2220 NOE distance constraints, 258 dihedral angle constraints, and 168 backbone hydrogen bond constraints derived from a series of 2D, 3D, and 4D NMR experiments. The final structure was found to be globular and compact with the four helices in each subunit aligning to form a unicornate-type four-helix bundle. Intermolecular NOE correlations were observed between residues in helices 1 and 4 from one subunit to residues in helices 1' and 4' of the other subunit, respectively, consistent with the antiparallel alignment of the two subunits to form a symmetric X-type four-helix bundle as found for other members of the S100 protein family. Because of the similarity of the S100A1 dimer interface to that found for S100B, it was possible to calculate a model of the S100A1/B heterodimer. This model is consistent with a number of NMR chemical shift changes observed when S100A1 is titrated into a sample of (15)N-labeled S100B. Helix 3 (and 3') of S100A1 was found to have an interhelical angle of -150 degrees with helix 4 (and 4') in the apo state. This crossing angle is quite different (>50 degrees ) from that typically found in other EF-hand containing proteins such as apocalmodulin and apotroponin C but more similar to apo-S100B, which has an interhelical angle of -166 degrees. As with S100B, it is likely that the second EF-hand of apo-S100A1 reorients dramatically upon the addition of Ca(2+), which can explain the Ca(2+) dependence that S100A1 has for binding several of its biological targets.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of alpha-conotoxin ImI, a potent antagonist targeting the neuronal alpha7 subtype of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), has been investigated by NMR spectroscopy. On the basis of 181 experimental constraints, a total of 25 converged structures were obtained. The average pairwise atomic root mean square difference is 0.40+/-0.11 A for the backbone atoms. The resulting structure indicates the presence of two successive type I beta-turns and a 310 helix for residues Cys2-Cys8 and Ala9-Arg11, respectively, and shows a significant structural similarity to that of alpha-conotoxin PnIA, which is also selective for the neuronal nAChR.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of reduced (dithiol) thioredoxin from Escherichia coli has been determined with distance and dihedral angle constraints obtained from 1H NMR spectroscopy. Reduced thioredoxin has a well-defined global fold consisting of a central five-strand beta-sheet and three long helices. The beta-strands are packed in the sheet in the order beta 1 beta 3 beta 2 beta 4 beta 5, with beta 1, beta 3, and beta 2 parallel and beta 2, beta 4, and beta 5 arranged in an antiparallel fashion. Two of the helices connect strands of the beta-sheet: alpha 1 between beta 1 and beta 2 and alpha 2 between beta 2 and beta 3. Strands beta 4 and beta 5 are connected by a short loop that contains a beta-bulge. Strands beta 3 and beta 4 are connected by a long loop that contains a series of turn-like or 3(10) helical structures. The active site Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys sequence forms a protruding loop between strand beta 2 and helix alpha 2. The structure is very similar overall to that of oxidized (disulfide) thioredoxin obtained from X-ray crystal structure analysis but differs in the local conformation of the active site loop. The distance between the sulfurs of Cys 32 and Cys 35 increases from 2.05 A in the disulfide bridge to 6.8 +/- 0.6 A in the dithiol of reduced thioredoxin, as a result of a rotation of the side chain of Cys 35 and a significant change in the position of Pro 34. This conformational change has important implications for the mechanism of thioredoxin as a protein disulfide oxidoreductase.  相似文献   

CRAMP was identified from a cDNA clone derived from mouse femoral marrow cells as a member of cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptides. This peptide shows potent antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria but no hemolytic activity against human erythrocytes. CRAMP was known to cause rapid permeabilization of the inner membrane of Escherichia coli. In this study, the structure of CRAMP in TFE/H2O (1 : 1, v/v) solution was determined by CD and NMR spectroscopy. CD spectra showed that CRAMP adopts a mainly alpha-helical conformation in TFE/H2O solution, DPC micelles, SDS micelles and liposomes, whereas it has a random structure in aqueous solution. The tertiary structure of CRAMP in TFE/H2O (1 : 1, v/v), as determined by NMR spectroscopy, consists of two amphipathic alpha-helices from Leu4 to Lys10 and from Gly16 to Leu33. These two helices are connected by a flexible region from Gly11 to Gly16. Previous analysis of series of fragments composed of various portion of CRAMP revealed that an 18-residue fragment with the sequence from Gly16 to Leu33 was found to retain antibacterial activity. Therefore, the amphipathic alpha-helical region from Gly16 to Leu33 of CRAMP plays important roles in spanning the lipid bilayers as well as its antibiotic activity. Based on this structure, novel antibiotic peptides having strong antibiotic activity, with no hemolytic effect will be developed.  相似文献   

The solution structure of murine epidermal growth factor (mEGF) at pH 3.1 and a temperature of 28 degrees C has been determined from NMR data, using distance geometry calculations and restrained energy minimization. The structure determination is based on 730 conformational constraints derived from NMR data, including 644 NOE-derived upper bound distance constraints, constraints on the ranges of 32 dihedral angles based on measurements of vicinal coupling constants, and 54 upper and lower bound constraints associated with nine hydrogen bonds and the three disulfide bonds. The distance geometry interpretation of the NMR data is based on previously published sequence-specific 1H resonance assignments [Montelione et al. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 2235-2243], supplemented here with individual assignments for some side-chain amide, methylene, and isopropyl methyl protons. The molecular architecture of mEGF is the same as that described previously [Montelione et al. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 5226-5230], but the structure is overall more precisely determined by a more extensive set of NMR constraints. Analysis of proton NMR line widths, amide proton exchange rates, and side-chain 3J(H alpha-H beta) coupling constants provides evidence for internal motion in several regions of the mEGF molecule. Because mEGF is one member of a large family of homologous growth factors and protein domains for which X-ray crystal structures are not yet available, the atomic coordinates resulting from the present structure refinement (which we have deposited in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank) are important data for understanding the structures of EGF-like proteins and for further detailed comparisons of these structures with mEGF.  相似文献   

The aqueous solution structure of the 21-residue vasoactive peptide hormone endothelin-3 has been determined using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy. A total of 177 proton-proton distance measurements and 5 chi 1 dihedral angle constraints derived from NMR spectra were used to calculate the structure using a combination of distance geometry and dynamical simulated annealing calculations. The calculations reveal a highly ordered, compact conformation in which a helical region extending from K9 to C15 lies in close apposition with the C-terminal hexapeptide; this interaction seems to be largely driven by hydrophobic interactions. Structure-activity studies are interpreted in terms of the conformational features of the calculated endothelin-3 structure.  相似文献   

Blood coagulation factor X is composed of discrete domains, two of which are homologous to the epidermal growth factor (EGF). The N-terminal EGF like domain in factor X (fX-EGFN), residues 45-86 of the intact protein, contains a beta-hydroxylated aspartic acid and has one Ca2(+)-binding site. Using 2D NMR techniques, we have made a full assignment of the 500-MHz 1H NMR spectrum of Ca2(+)-free fX-EGFN. On the basis of this assignment and complementary NOESY experiments, we have also determined the secondary structure of Ca2(+)-free fX-EGFN in water solution. Residues 45-49 are comparatively mobile, whereas residues 50-56 are constrained by two disulfide bonds to one side of an antiparallel beta-sheet involving residues 59-64 and 67-72. Another antiparallel beta-sheet involves residues 76-77 and 83-84. A small, parallel beta-sheet connects residues 80-81 and 55-56 and thereby orients the two antiparallel beta-sheets relative to each other. Four beta-turns are identified, involving residues 50-53, 56-59, 64-67, and 73-76. Residues 78-82 adopt an extended bend structure. On the basis of secondary structure and the location of the three disulfide bonds, we find that Asp 46, Asp 48, and Hya 63 are sufficiently close to each other to form a Ca2(+)-binding site. However, the amino terminus of the Ca2(+)-free form of fX-EGFN is not part of a triple-stranded beta-sheet as in other EGF like peptides. Differences and similarities between fX-EFGN and murine EGF with respect to secondary structure and conformational shifts are discussed.  相似文献   

The first epidermal growth factor-like domain (EGF-1) from blood coagulation factor VII (FVII) contains two unusual O-linked glycosylation sites at Ser-52 and Ser-60. We report here a detailed study of the effect of O-fucosylation at Ser-60 on the structure of FVII EGF-1, its Ca2+-binding affinity, and its interaction with tissue factor (TF). The in vitro fucosylation of the nonglycosylated FVII EGF-1 was achieved by using O-fucosyltransferase purified from Chinese hamster ovary cells. Distance and dihedral constraints derived from NMR data were used to determine the solution structures of both nonglycosylated and fucosylated FVII EGF-1 in the presence of CaCl2. The overall structure of fucosylated FVII EGF-1 is very similar to the nonfucosylated form even for the residues near the fucosylation site. The Ca2+ dissociation constants (Kd) for the nonfucosylated and fucosylated FVII EGF-1 were found to be 16.4 +/- 1.8 and 8.6 +/- 1.4 mM, respectively. The FVII EGF-1 domain binds to the extracellular part of TF with a low affinity (Kd approximately 0. 6 mM), and the addition of fucose appears to have no effect on this affinity. These results indicate that the FVII EGF-1 alone cannot form a tight complex with TF and suggest that the high binding affinity of FVIIa for TF requires cooperative interaction among the four domains in FVII with TF. Although the fucose has no significant effect on the interaction between TF and the individual FVII EGF-1 domain, it may affect the interaction of full-length FVIIa with TF by influencing its Ca2+-binding affinity.  相似文献   

The Lewis x (Lex) determinant is a trisaccharide fragment that has been implicated as a specific differentiation antigen, as a tumor antigen, and as a key component of the ligand for the endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule, ELAM-1. High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy shows it to have a relatively rigid structure. Only a small range of glycosidic dihedral angles in the trisaccharide produce simulated nuclear Overhauser effect spectra agreeing with data measured for the human milk pentasaccharide, lacto-N-fucopentaose-3, which contains the Lex determinant. Independently, the same average structure for the Lex determinant arises from in vacuo molecular dynamics simulations. The proposed conformation of the Lex trisaccharide is very similar to that recently determined for the closely related Lea trisaccharide. In agreement with the recent finding that both sialylated Lea and Lex react with ELAM-1, the results presented here show that the Lea and Lex determinants contain very similar carbohydrate domains.  相似文献   

Calcium-binding epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like modules are found in numerous extracellular and membrane proteins involved in such diverse processes as blood coagulation, lipoprotein metabolism, determination of cell fate, and cell adhesion. Vitamin K-dependent protein S, a cofactor of the anticoagulant enzyme activated protein C, has four EGF-like modules in tandem with the three C-terminal modules each harbouring a Ca(2+)-binding consensus sequence. Recombinant fragments containing EGF modules 1-4 and 2-4 have two Ca(2+)-binding sites with dissociation constants ranging from 10(-8) to 10(-5) M. Module-module interactions that greatly influence the Ca(2+) affinity of individual modules have been identified. As a step towards an analysis of the structural basis of the high Ca(2+) affinity, we expressed the Ca(2+)-binding EGF pair 3-4 from human protein S. Correct folding was shown by (1)H NMR spectroscopy. Calcium-binding properties of the C-terminal module were determined by titration with chromophoric chelators; binding to the low-affinity N-terminal site was monitored by (1)H-(15)N NMR spectroscopy. At physiological pH and ionic strength, the dissociation constants for Ca(2+) binding were 1.0x10(-6) M and 4. 8x10(-3) M for modules 4 and 3, respectively, i.e. the calcium affinity of the C-terminal site was about 5000-fold higher than that of the N-terminal site. Moreover, the Ca(2+) affinity of EGF 4, in the pair 3-4, was about 9000-fold higher than that of synthetic EGF 4. The EGF modules in protein S are known to mediate the interaction with factor Xa. We have now found modules 3-4 to be involved in this interaction. However, the individual modules 3 and 4 manifested no measurable activity.  相似文献   

Hodsdon ME  Frieden C 《Biochemistry》2001,40(3):732-742
The intestinal fatty acid binding protein is composed of two beta-sheets surrounding a large interior cavity. There is a small helical domain associated with the portal for entry of the ligand into the cavity. Denaturation of the protein has been monitored in a residue-specific manner by collecting a series of two-dimensional (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear single-quantum coherence (HSQC) NMR spectra from 0 to 6.5 M urea under equilibrium conditions. In addition, rates for hydrogen-deuterium exchange have been measured as a function of denaturant concentration. Residual, native-like structure persists around hydrophobic clusters at very high urea concentrations. This residual structure (reflecting only about 2-7% persistence of native-like structure) involves the turns between beta-strands and between the two short helices. If this persistence is assumed to reflect transient native-like structure in these regions of the polypeptide chain, these sites may serve as nucleation sites for folding. The data obtained at different urea concentrations are then analyzed on the basis of peak intensities relative to the intensities in the absence of urea reflecting the extent of secondary structure formation. At urea concentrations somewhat below 6.5 M, specific hydrophobic residues in the C-terminal beta-sheet interact and two strands, the D and E strands in the N-terminal beta-sheet, are stabilized. These latter strands surround one of the turns showing residual structure. With decreasing urea concentrations, the remaining strands are stabilized in a specific order. The early strand stabilization appears to trigger the formation of the remainder of the C-terminal beta-sheet. At low urea concentrations, hydrogen bonds are formed. A pathway is proposed on the basis of the data describing the early, intermediate, and late folding steps for this almost all beta-sheet protein. The data also show that there are regions of the protein which appear to act in a concerted manner at intermediate steps in refolding.  相似文献   

Distance constraints from two-dimensional NMR cross-relaxation data are used to derive a three-dimensional structure for acyl carrier protein from Escherichia coli. Several approaches to structure determination are explored. The most successful proves to be an approach that combines the early stages of a distance geometry program with energy minimization in the presence of NMR constraints represented as pseudopotentials. Approximately 450 proton to proton distance constraints including 50 long-range constraints were included in these programs. Starting structures were generated at random by the distance geometry program and energies minimized by a molecular mechanics module to give final structures. Seven of the structures were deemed acceptable on the basis of agreement with experimentally determined distances. Root-mean-square deviations from the mean of these structures for backbone atoms range from 2 to 3 A. All structures show three roughly parallel helices with hydrophobic residues facing inward and hydrophilic residues facing outward. A hydrophobic cleft is recognizable and is identified as a likely site for acyl chain binding.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the first epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like module from human factor IX has been determined in solution using two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (in the absence of calcium and at pH 4.5). The structure was found to resemble closely that of EGF and the homologous transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha). Residues 60-65 form an antiparallel beta-sheet with residues 68-73. In the C-terminal subdomain a type II beta-turn is found between residues 74 and 77 and a five-residue turn is found between residues 79 and 83. Glu 78 and Leu 84 pair in an antiparallel beta-sheet conformation. In the N-terminal region a loop is found between residues 50 and 55 such that the side chains of both are positioned above the face of the beta-sheet. Residues 56-60 form a turn that leads into the first strand of the beta-sheet. Whereas the global fold closely resembles that of EGF, the N-terminal residues of the module (46-49) do not form a beta-strand but are ill-defined in the structure, probably due to the local flexibility of this region. The structure is discussed with reference to recent site-directed mutagenesis data, which have identified certain conserved residues as ligands for calcium.  相似文献   

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