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A new find of a fossil stalk-eyed fly (Diptera: Diopsidae, Diopsinae) possibly belonging to the generaProsphyracephala orSphyracephala, is described. The specimen has been found in the fossiliferous »oil-shale« sediments of lower oligocene age near Ceresté, Alpes de Haute-Provence, France.  相似文献   

Based on ecofaunistical indices (dominance, similarity indices:Jaccard-, Sørensen-, Renkonen-Index) Sciaridae and Ceratopogonidae of Baltic amber and Saxonian amber from Bitterfeld are compared. Despite of the age difference of the amber-bearing deposits of 13–18 Mio. years the included sciarids have a species identity of 34.2% (Jaccard-Index) and a dominance identity of 49.5% (Renkonen-Index). Because of the less carefully studied material from Saxonian amber the ceratopogonids have a species identity of only 9.5 % (Jaccard-Index) (Szadziewski 1993); remarkable is the dominance identity of 37 % (Renkonen-Index). Compared with the data from recent faunas the high degree of identity is the result of a pronounced similarity of the nematoceran faunas of Baltic and Saxonian amber. The ecofaunistic comparison of the sciarids and ceratopogonids provides evidence for two geographically separated amber producing forests. They are more closely related with respect to their age than indicated by the deposits.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of the Meropeidae (Mecoptera, Insecta) from the Middle Jurassic of Siberia (Russia) is described:Boreomerope antiqua gen. et sp. nov. It is the first known fossil of the family, and it shows some plesiomorphic characters as compared to the Recent meropeids. The systematic position ofBoreomerope is discussed.  相似文献   

The hexactinellid sponge fauna, which is described here for the first time, originates from the “Septarienton” (Rupelium, Oligocene) of the “Kirchenziegeleigrube” near Bad Freienwalde (NE Germany). This fauna includes lyssacinosan, as well as hexactinosan species, represented byAsconema oligocaena n. sp. (Hexasterophora, Lyssacinosa), the first occurrence of this genus from the fossil record,Aphrocallistes sp. (Hexasterophora, Hexactinosa), andHyalonema sp. (Amphidiscophora). The three-dimensional, pyritic body-preservation of these non-rigid sponges suggests fossiliyzation by rapid burial. Episodic mudflows are suggested to be responsible for this. The environment of deposition is suggested to have been a moderately shallow shelf, possibly in the distal range of a delta, characterised by relatively low sedimentation rates and no turbulence, except when disturbed by episodic mudflows. Low energy conditions are a precondition for the settlement of the described Hexactinellida.  相似文献   

Kurzfassung  Die Strahlenflosser-GattungEoeugnathus Brough, 1939 (Actinopterygii) (alpine Mitteltrias, Ladin) wird anhand neuer Funde aus der Prosanto-Formation Graubündens (Ost-Schweiz) detailliert beschrieben und ihre systematische Stellung innerhalb der Subdivision Halecomorphi neu bewertet. Die morphologischen Untersuchungen ergeben, dass die derzeitige Zuordnung vonEoeugnathus zu den Para-semionotidae unsicher ist, dass hingegen aber eine deutliche Beziehungen zu den Vertretern der Halecomorphi Section B (Grande & Bemis 1998) besteht.   相似文献   

The detailed depiction of the male postabdomen from the standpoint of the modern constructional anatomy of WEBER (1958) led to the finding of a postabdomen circumversum in connexion with the discovery of a duplicate chiastoneury.
Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen A Anus - Aph Acrophallus - Baph Basiphallus - Bm Basalmembran - Br Bogenrand des Hypandriums - Ce Cercus - Ch 1 Chiasma primum - Ch 2 Chiasma secundum - Chlig Chitinligament - D Darm (Rectum) - De 1,2 erster und zweiter Ductus-Abschnitt - Diph Distiphallus - ejAp ejaculator Apodem - Ep Epandrium - Eph Epiphallus - Ezf Epithelzellenfortsatz - Fz Fettzelle - Gf Gelenkfortsatz - Gh Gelenkhöcker - Gpf Gelenkpfanne - hEpa hinterer Epandrialarm - Ho Hoden - Hoep Hodenepithel - Holz Hodenfettzelle - Hy Hypandrium - Hya Hypandrialarm - Hyap Hypandrialapodem - Hyph Hypophallus - Im Intermedium - Ish Intersegmental haut - Mb Membrana basalis - Mhyph Mesohypophallus - Nabd 5 Nervus abdominis quintus - Nce Nervus cercalis - Nf Nervus fascicularis abdominis - Nsur Nervus surstylialis - Ntermd Nervus terminalis dexter - Nterms N. term. sinister - ocAp occlusorisches Apodem - Opa Opisthoparamer - Pa Paragonie - Paph Paraphallus - Pi Pigmentschicht - Phyph Pleurohypophallus - Piz Pigmentbildungszelle - Ph Phallus - Phap Phallapodem - Pl Processuslongus - Ppa Proparamer - Proc Proctiger - Ptr Peritrem - R distaler Rand der weichen Innenröhre des Phallus - Se Sekrettröpfchen - Sp Spermienpaket - Ssp Samenspritze - St5 Sternum 5 - Sti5 Stigma 5 - Sur Surstylus - Sy Syndese - T5 Tergum 5 - Te Terminalepithel - Tr Trachee - Vbg Verschlußbügel - Yd Vas deferens - vEpa vorderer Epandrialarm - WGh Wand der Genitalhöhle - wIr weiche Innenröhre des Phallus Inauguraldissertation der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Würzburg.  相似文献   

Austropanorpa Riek, 1952 cannot be placed within the Panorpidae (Mecoptera), which are restricted to Eurasia and North America, since similarities betweenAustropanorpa and the Panorpidae are based on symplesiomorphies. A new family Austropanorpidae is erected, either being the sister-group of the Panorpidae + Panorpodidae or — in case that the branches of the media in the forewing are reduced to 4 independently from these two families — not being closely related to these.  相似文献   

Jere Kahanp?? 《ZooKeys》2014,(441):213-223
A checklist of the Lonchopteridae and Phoridae recorded from Finland is presented.  相似文献   

In a collection of 2000 specimens of the echinoidEchinocorys sulcata from the Danian of Dalbyover, northern Jutland, Denmark, two percent of the coronae investigated show characteristic coronal plate anomalies which are largely missing in other echinoid species. These anomalies are formed by split coronal plates or mosaic-like plate arrangements instead of regularly grown plates. Plate anomalies occurring in ambulacral and interambulacral zones, classified into 14 different types, have been used for a statistical analysis. Data on the relative age of the echinoid animals with anormal coronal plates, and on the most abundant types of plate anomalies are given. Two specimens ofEchinocorys sulcata from the same locality show deviations from the regular pentameric pattern and comparable finds from other localities and of otherEchinocorys species were incorporated in the analysis. The anomalies described here are named forma aegrainconstans n.f. Literature data on echinoid coronal plate anomalies, which have been related to coronal deformations caused by evironmental parameters, are discussed.  相似文献   

A revised checklist of the Scathophagidae, Fanniidae and Muscidae recorded from Finland is presented. Phaonia amicula Villeneuve, 1922 is noted from Finland for the first time.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Limoniidae bilden mit etwa 8000 Arten eine der umfangreichsten Familien der Dipteren. Nur von rund 140 Arten (davon etwa 50 aus Europa) sind bisher die Larven bekannt. Für die vorliegende Arbeit, der ein Larvenmaterial von 4I Arten zugrunde liegt, wurden erstmals die Larven von 13 Arten ab ovo isoliert unter täglicher Kontrolle aufgezogen, zum Teil bis zur Imago, and dadurch neue morphologische und biologische Ergebnisse gewonnen.Geringfügig abgeänderter Hauptteil der Dissertation (TH Dresden 1957); ein weiterer Teil der Dissertation ist bereits veröffentlicht (Lindner 1958); der letzte Teil (mit Bestimmungstabelle) erscheint voraussichtlich 1960.  相似文献   

Für eine neue Strepsiptere aus Honduras, Bohartilla megalognatha, wird eine neue Familie, Bohartillidae, errichtet. Diese läßt sich mit den Myrmecolacidae, Elenchidae und Hylecthridae zu einer natürlichen Gruppe innerhalb der Überfamilie Stylopoidea zusammenfassen.  相似文献   

A revised checklist of the flies of superfamilies Tephritoidea and Sciomyzoidea of Finland is provided. The following families are covered: Eurygnathomyiidae, Lonchaeidae, Neottiophilidae, Pallopteridae, Piophilidae, Platystomatidae, Tephritidae, Ulidiidae (Tephritoidea); Coelopidae, Dryomyzidae, Heterocheilidae, Phaeomyiidae, Sciomyzidae, Sepsidae (Sciomyzoidea).  相似文献   

Summary The effect of temperature on the duration of embryogenesis, especially on the embryonic diapause of Ephemerella ignita, was investigated in the natural environment and in laboratory experiments. Morphogenesis is blocked by diapause in developmental stage 10 (embryo nearly fully developed, pigmented eye anlagen, no dorsal closure). Diapause is terminated within 12 months only at comparatively low temperatures (from 1° C to the range of 13.3 to 16.0° C). Comparatively high temperatures (7.2 and 13.3° C) in the days preceding developmental stage 10 cause an extension of diapause. Stage 4 (polar germ anlage) is less sensitive than later stages to the diapause terminating effects of low temperatures.Postdiapause development to hatching takes place at temperatures 4.9 to 24.1° C. The developmental time is shortest at temperatures between 19.2 and 24.1° C. The calculated lower temperature limit for development is 3.9° C.Diapause is obligatory with only few exceptions. In field studies egg hibernation was found in nearly all cases. There is a discussion on the importance of these findings for the explanation of the varying developmental cycles of Ephemerella ignita described by different authors.
Die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Embryogenese und der embryonalen Diapause von Ephemerella ignita (Poda) (Insecta, Ephemeroptera)
Zusammenfassung Die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Embryogenese, insbesondere der embryonalen Diapause von Ephemerella ignita wurde im Freiland und experimentell im Laboratorium untersucht.Die Diapause tritt im Entwicklungsstadium 10 (fast vollständig entwickelter Embryo mit pigmentierten Augenanlagen, jedoch ohne Rückenschluß) als Morphogeneseblockierung ein und kann nur bei relativ niedrigen Temperaturen (ca. +1 bis 13<16° C) innerhalb 12 Monaten beendet werden. Die Diapausedauer steigt mit der Temperatur. Die Diapauseintensität kann mit Annäherung an das Entwicklungsstadium 10 durch relativ hohe Temperaturen (7,2°, 13,3° C) verstärkt werden, die Sensibilität für die Diapause beendigende Wirkung der niedrigen Temperaturen ist im Entwicklungsstadium 4 noch geringer als später. Postdiapauseentwicklung bis zum Schlüpfen der Larven findet zwischen 4,9 und 24,1°C statt. Das Temperaturoptimum liegt zwischen 19,2 und 24,1° C. Die theoretische untere Grenztemperatur ist +3,9° C.Die Diapause war in fast allen Fällen obligat, die Freilanduntersuchungen ergaben allgemein Eiüberwinterung. Die Bedeutung dieser Ergebnisse für die Erklärung der von verschiedenen Autoren beschriebenen unterschiedlichen Entwicklungszyklen von Ephemerella ignita wird diskutiert.

Herrn Dr. H.-H. Bergmann danke ich für die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskripts.  相似文献   

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