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Sylvain Mimoun 《Andrologie》1994,4(2):234-240
Through the opening offered by the psychosomatic approach, we encounter patients with all kinds of andrologic complaints, even quite unspecific ones. But we do know this mode of contact is particulary useful and fruitful when the troubles lean towards chronicity, or are linked to anxiety and/or depression, be that condition cause or consequence. As far as functional symptoms are involved, there is a specific value to this approach. The key-time of that consultant, i.e; psychosomatic andrology, will be described, with the particularity of a ?conversation” instead of the mandatory anamnesis, meanwhile in his life, the possibly perturbing psychological events, as well as an attempt to evaluate the patient’s behaviour. The richness of the clinical examination within this doctor’s induced environment of ?words” coupled to some therapeutic means will be summarized: drugs, somatic and psychological methods (meaning all kind of psychotherapic techniques: support, behaviourist, couple, psychoanalytic or psychoanalysis…) When symptom(s) tend towards chronicity, an emotional subjective life grafts itself on the anatomical substratum, thus creating the opening for psychoemotional affects. This is the core we try to attain and assess through the psychosomatic approach.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to analyse the evolution of sperm characteristics according to age. To this end we analysed the spermogram of 2,126 men aged 20 to 64 who came for consultation for feminine indications for in vitro fertilization at the Clermont-Ferrand Human Reproduction Unit during the period 1980 to 1994. A search for a link between the age of the patient at the time of the spermogram and 10 sperm parameters, by studying a linear regression, did not reveal any evidence of a significant correlation between the age and the parameters studied. The mean values for volume, concentration of spermatozoa, percentage of mobile forms (normal, diminished), percentage of typical and mobile forms and percentage of abnormal forms were compared for age classes covering 5 years. These values showed no significant difference according to the age classes. Between 20 and 60 years the essential parameters of the spermogram seem generally to be independent of age, from which it can be deduced that ejaculate quality remains the same until 50 years of age. However a bias in the recruitment of the population studied and a very wide spread for the values for a given age mean that we may not have detected fluctuations in sperm characteristics linked with age.  相似文献   

M. Schneider 《PSN》2007,5(1):31-36
Psychoanalysis characterises subjectivity as a notion based on the “plurality of psychologically troubled persons”, revealed, for instance, in dreams. The author takes a closer look at a number of Freud’s dream analyses and argues that, in working with the dream, subjects often eject one of their psychologically troubled persons (often the “suffering child”) out of themselves, projecting the person into the Other. As a result, an intersubjective space is created, which is required to receive the divisions originating from the intrasubjective space. Freud’s 1895 Project, however, goes farther: the evacuation of the “disparate part” of the child to the Other grants access to logical and rational judgement, guaranteeing a child’s psychological life a fictional stability (the “Thing” or the “ego”). Freud adds that this process is possible if a Nebenmensch — or “fellow creature” — is present and has the quality of a “helping person” capable of receiving the child’s suffering cry. These two lines of thought, together, help clarify the intersubjective position underlying the analytical work: a tentative encounter between the patient’s distress and the analyst’s presence. Free-floating attention will enable the analyst to receive and hear this distress and ease the patient’s recovery of his or her intrasubjective space.  相似文献   

On estime que le marché global de l’externalisation des dispositifs médicaux et de l’instrumentation représente actuellement plus de 6 milliards d’euros. D’après les cadres dirigeants de l’industrie, cette tendance devrait non seulement se poursuivre, mais aussi s’amplifier dans les années à venir.  相似文献   

Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens is the most frequent abnormality of the male genital tract Diagnosis is clinical. Seminal patterns associate azoospermia, hypospermia, low PH, low seminal markers. Transrectal and renal ultrasonography search for abnormalities of the seminal vesicles and renal agenesis. Mutations of CFTR gene are found in more than 70% of all cases. Genetic council is necessary before ICSI. Results of ICSI with micro-epididymal sperm aspiration are the same as in the other cases of azoospermia.  相似文献   


Material and Methods

The patient is a 33 year old male, with a 47, XXY karyotype (cytogenetical investigation of 16 metaphases). Semen analysis revealed a severe oligozoospermia. (spermatozoa ?1×106/mL) and asthenozoospermia (60% of decreased motiliy), for an ejaculate volume of 1.8mL. Three-colourIn Situ Hybridization was performed on spermatozoa recovered from his cryopreserved semen, in order to simultaneously detect the chromosome X, Y and one with specific appropriate probes. Semen from two 23 year old men were also analyzed as controls.


502 spermatozoa were analyzed from the patient and about 10,000 from the controls. There was an increase of about ten times of the percentage of hyperhaploïd (24XY) spermatozoa in the semen of the Klinefelter patient compared to the controls.

Discussion and conlustion

In a general view of IVF-ICSI practice in Klinefelter patients, we also discuss here several practical points such as (i) is there any morphological criteria which may prevent from injecting an aneuploid spermatozoa, (ii) is the risk of aneuploidy higher when using testicular spermatozoa than when using ejaculated spermatozoa, (iii) what do we know about the offspring obtained by IVF-ICSI in Klinefelter patients and (iv) when should prenatal and/or preimplantatory genetical diagnosisbe proposed in this particular context.  相似文献   

The identification of ischemia-related coronary artery by stress myocardial perfusion SPECT (SPECT-MPS) is difficult, but it is likely that this identification could be easier by fusionning the SPECT images with images from coronary CT angiography (CTA).ObjectiveTo assess the usefulness of the fusion of SPECT-MPS images with CTA images in the identification of ischemia-related coronary arteries.MethodSPECT-MPS and CTA, which had been recorded in a delay ≤ 3 months, were reanalyzed blindly to identify the coronary arterial vessels with (1) stress ischemia at SPECT-MPS and (2) significant coronary stenosis (> 70 %) at CTA. In case of discordance between the two techniques, an analysis was performed while fusioning the SPECT-MPS and CTA images.ResultsThe population included 38 patients, of whom 22 (58 %) had an ischemia at SPECT-MPS. The identification of the ischemia-related vessels was initially discordant between SPECT-MPS and CTA for 17 patients (45 %). After the fusion's analysis, nine out of these 17 patients (53 %) became totally concordant because of modifications in the CTA analysis in six patients and in the SPECT-MPS analysis in only three. A low severity of ischemia was the main correlate of persisting discordances after fusion: 58 % (7/12) of such low severity ischemia were observed in coronary vessels with persisting discordance, but only 24 % (5/27) with concordant coronary vessels (p = 0.02).ConclusionThe identification with SPECT-MPS of the ischemia-related coronary artery is rarely modified by a fusion analysis with CTA images. Discordances between the two techniques remain frequent, even after fusion, but especially in case of low severity SPECT-MPS ischemias.  相似文献   

Some causes of infertility can be prevented, as is the case for infertility of infectious origin. Genital infections represent a major source of infertility. Prostato-epididymitis consecutive to an urinary infection can be prevented by identifying and treating prostatic localizations at an early stage of urinary infection. The prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), which cause male and female infertility, is, at the moment, accomplished by the prevention of the sexual transmission of the HIV. Teenagers represent a target of choice for the educational campaigns promoting condom use. The role of physicians, especially when teenagers are asking for a contraception, must be complementary to the public health campaign to decrease the spread of HIV and other STDs.  相似文献   

Several characteristics of spermatogenesis are heat-dependent in mammals. A similar process does exist in man in whom a qualitatively and quantitatively normal spermatozoa out put occurs for a mean testicular temperature ranging between 33 and 34.5°C. As in many animal species, an induced increase in the testis temperature results in a decreased spermatozoa out put and quality, decrease which is a function of both the intensity and the duration of the increase in temperature as well as the heated target (whole body, scrotum, testes). A daily increase of 1 to 2°C in the testis temperature for at least the waking hours induces on spermatogenesis an inhibitory effect strong enough to temporarily suppress the fecundity, i.e. to achieve a male contraception, withtout any major side-effects as reported for 37 couples during 411 cycles of exposure. Both spermatogenesis and fecundity recover initial values within one year after the heatng is stopped.  相似文献   

Philippe Huneman 《PSN》2004,2(2):47-60
The author analysesEncyclopédie’s articles devoted to nervous and mental functioning and disorders, showing that a new approach to lunacy as a mental illness, which is defined in some articles as a “general trouble of the animal economy”, progressively emerged. The term,animal economy, unified physical and moral aspects of the study of man. It was elaborated by XVIIIth century physiologists and was widely accepted by French physicians. This idea is based on the vitalistic thought of the Montpellier school, which equated life with sensibility, and on English medical conceptions of a nervous-centred organism. Later on Philippe Pinel’s work displayed the legacy of these conceptions. On one hand, the comprehensive view of physical and moral dimensions in theanimal economy neutralized the question of an organic or psychogenetic origin of madness. This enabled him to consider it as a determinate field of sensibility interactions and as a medical matter, and to legitimize the group of therapeutic practices that he namedtraitement moral. On the other hand, Pinel departed from the classical conception ofanimal economy by developing his concept of aprinciple of mania, which underlies the manifold symptoms and forms of madness, and which are only perceptible to a trained specialist (aliéniste). The historical development analysed in this article show how alienists were enabled to claim both the wholly medical nature of insanity as disease, and their specific competence as apart from the other medical disciplines. To this extent, Esquirol achieved Pinel’s scientific work.  相似文献   

Hervé Lejeune 《Andrologie》1992,2(3):100-103
Some causes of infertility can be prevented, as is the case for infertility of infectious origin. Genital infections represent a major source of infertility. Prostato-epididymitis consecutive to an urinary infection can be prevented by identifying and treating prostatic localizations at an early stage of urinary infection. The prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), which cause male and female infertility, is, at the moment, accomplished by the prevention of the sexual transmission of the HIV. Teenagers represent a target of choice for the educational campaigns promoting condom use. The role of physicians, especially when teenagers are asking for a contraception, must be complementary to the public health campaign to decrease the spread of HIV and other STDs.  相似文献   

This paper describes, from the current literature, the role of various imaging methods to assess the response to therapy in breast cancer. Two different clinical situations are considered: neoadjuvant chemotherapy of locally advanced breast cancer and the metastastic breast cancer. Significant clinical data are available for three criteria: the volume of the tumour, the uptake of fluorodeoxyglucose using PET and the perfusion of the tumor evaluated either by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) or by PET using 15O water. 18F FDG PET allows prediction of the response after one or two cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. New approaches will offer opportunities to refine the role of imaging in monitoring the response to chemotherapy. PET using thymidine as biomarker is promising in assessing the tissular proliferation. Estrogen analogs could be used to predict hormonally responsive breast cancer. Many other approaches, although less developed, might offer new insights in the response to therapy of breast cancer like magnetic resonance spectroscopy or optical imaging of hemoglobin oxygenation. Imaging also offers potential of monitoring the down-regulation of specialized receptors of the cell membrane in response to treatment: the most studied receptor in preclinical model has been the human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2). Integrin, a family of cell adhesion receptor, is also an important target for imaging. Apoptosis, multidrug resistance and hypoxia can also be studied using appropriate biomarkers. To allow reliable multicenter trials of new drugs, these different imaging approaches still require an improved standardization of image acquisition and processing.  相似文献   

C. G. Stief 《Andrologie》1992,2(1):28-29
The erectile phenomenon is scientifically described since the early 19 th century. During the last 10 years, new methodologies in experimental and clinical approaches added further details to our knowledge on the erectile process. Postaganglionic parasympathetic neurotransmitters as Acetyl-Choline, Vasoactive-Intestinal-Polypeptide or Calcitonine — Gene — Related — Peptide are identified; their information reaches the cavernous smooth muscle cells indirectly via the endothelium, mediated by Endothelium Derived Relaxing Factor. Sympathetic neurotransmitters as Norepinephrine seem to influence the smooth muscle cell directly, but recent studies suggest a role for endothelin, an endothelium derived contracting substance. The neurogenic information reaches the cavernous bodies probably via pace maker-cells that are connected with the other smooth muscle cells by gap junction. The balance between parasympathetic and sympathetic influences determines the state of erection.  相似文献   

Local mechanisms causing penile erection and detumescence result from variation in tone of vascular and trabecular smooth muscles and in a lesser part of striated muscles around the crura penis. All these events are neurally mediated. We reviewed human and animal data concerning the functional peripheral neuroanatorny of erection. General organization of peripheral nervous system is recalled. Somatic efferents of the pudendal nerve, originating in the sacral spinal cord, innervate the striated musculature of the perineum. Somatic afferents of the penis are conveyed by the dorsal penile nerve, a branch of the pudendal nerve. Afferent terminations project into the spinal cord, their role is discussed. Parasympathetic pathways are involved in the reflexogenic erections. Sympathetic pathways destinated to the erectile structures are more complex. They are issued from thoracolumbar spinal cord and travel through the hypogastric nerve or the lumbosacral sympathetic chain. Sympathetic fibers originating in the sacral sympathetic chain are present in both pelvic and pudendal nerves. Inhibitory role on the erection of the sympathetic nervous system is well-known, it could be also responsible for psychogenic erections. Parasympathetic and sympathetic fibees are mixed in the pelvic plexus and the cavernous nerves which are described. Relations between the four sets of peripheral nerves (somatic efferents, penile afferents, thoracolumbar sympathetic sacral parasympathetic and sympathetic) are discussed.  相似文献   

PSA is a tumor marker usually determined for prostate cancer at diagnosis for its pronostic value and at therapy follow-up. But lack of specificity of PSA for prostate cancer and variability between assays demonstrated by the quality program survey make this marker not valuable in mass screening program. Market control of Afssaps on analysis devices of PSA showed a correct harmonization for total PSA. Biological tools available and easy to perform could improve ability of PSA for early detection of prostate cancer at a curable stage without induction of unnecessary biopsies prescribed because elevated total PSA values.  相似文献   

L. Brunet 《Andrologie》2010,20(1):92-102
This study clarifies the lively debate surrounding the anonymity of gamete donors. This principle, which has not been challenged since 1994, is currently criticized by a number of people, who were conceived through medically assisted procreation technologies with donor and who now have reached adulthood. Their testimony has a very significant impact on French public opinion. Several official reports have already suggested that the anonymity of gamete donors may well be removed under certain circumstances. To understand why public opinion has evolved so dramatically, we must revisit the legal position of gamete donors in the specific context of less visible changes in the law. Indeed, the legal concepts of parenthood and identity have been reshuffled over time, and such changes have deeply affected the legal issues relating to the anonymity of gamete donors. Formerly, the law governing the identification of individuals was shaped by political and social objectives. Now it is more concerned with the sense of identity and personal fulfilment of people. This change, based on modern western notions of egalitarianism and individuality, has dramatically affected the outcome of parenthood trials. Moreover, biological tests have made the truth available like never before. The possibility of finding out the truth has shocked the practice of many areas of family law and has created a new set of challenges, especially when the secrecy of the genetic parents has been legally established. In France, women have traditionally been able to deliver their children anonymously. A deadlock has resulted, which may now be overcome by introducing a new concept of personal origins. Now the law is evolving to permit the children to demand their biological mothers’ identity under certain circumstances, but without affecting anyone’s rights. The concept of personal origins has been quite successful on the European scene and has also charged the debate. It is now recognized under French and European laws that individuals must have privileged access to their personal origins. Can the principle of anonymity of gamete donors remain immune from such a (r)evolution ?  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(2):125-132
Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the study of ancient DNA. The properties of ancient DNA (aDNA) make difficult the retrieval of DNA sequence. The advantage of Real-Time PCR was exploited, for the first time, in the study of aDNA. We determined the optimal condition to amplify, in one round of PCR, aDNA, which should be directly sequenced. Beside the verification of aDNA authenticity, we compared two cleaning bone methods: scalpel and ethanol. The ethanol specimens showed the best DNA yield. The aDNA was extracted and amplified (mitochondrial hypervariable region I) from five skeletons exhumed from the archaeological site of Notre-Dame-du-Bourg (France), dated from 3rd to 17th century. To cite this article: R. Kefi et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003) 125–132.  相似文献   

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