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Structure of the lac carrier protein of Escherichia coli   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
Circular dichroic measurements on the lac carrier protein purified from the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli indicate that 85 +/- 5% of the amino acid residues comprising this integral membrane protein are arranged in helical secondary structures. Analysis of the sequential hydropathic character of this protein by the method of Kyte and Doolittle (J. Mol. Biol. (1982) 157, 105-132) indicates that the protein is composed of at least 12 hydrophobic segments with a mean length of 24 +/- 4 residues/segment. Approximately 70% of the 417 amino acids in the lac carrier are found in these domains. The hydropathic profile, together with the circular dichroic measurements, suggest that the 12 hydrophobic segments are largely in a helical conformation. If the segments are assumed to be alpha-helical, the mean length of each domain approximates the thickness of the most hydrophobic portion of the lipid bilayer. Based on these considerations, it is proposed that the lac carrier protein consists of at least 12 alpha-helical segments that traverse the membrane in a perpendicular sense, i.e. in a fashion similar to bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

A fragment of Escherichia coli chromosome containing the intact threonine operon or its distinct genes has been cloned on the pBR322 plasmid. This fragment has been mapped using some restriction endonucleases. Cloning results in an increased level of appropriate enzyme activity in cells containing hybrid plasmids. Those carrying the complete threonine operon are capable of accumulating threonine up to 5 g/l in culture medium during 48 h. When multi-copy plasmids are used for gene cloning, interpretation of experiments aimed at transformation of auxotrophic bacterial strains, might be complicated. For example, transformation of appropriate threonine auxotrophs by a hybrid plasmid carrying mutation in the threonine gene, might result in prototrophic phenotype. It is possible that the great amount of mutant enzyme molecules compensated their low activity. On the contrary, the presence of a gene within the plasmid, as shown by restriction and biochemical analysis, did not always ensure the growth on a minimal medium of auxotrophs transformed by this plasmid.  相似文献   

The tyrT gene codes for one of the tyrosirie tRNA species. Using the Casadabatn (1976a) technique, strains of Escherichia coli were isolated in which the lac structural genes are fused to the promoter of the tyrT gene. This procedure involved obtaining a number of insertions of phage Mu DNA in the tyrT gene, lysogenizing the Mu insertion strains with a λplac-Mu hybrid phage, and selecting Lac+ derivatives of such lysogens. In a number of Lac+ strains thus obtained, the synthesis of β-galactosidase, the product of the lacZ gene, is regulated in a similar fashion to the synthesis of stable RNA. The fusion strains were shown directly to be tyrT-lac fusions by demonstrating that a Mu insertion in the tyrT gene when genetically recombined into the presumed fusion, inactivates the expression of the lac genes. This result shows that tyrT gene sequences are fused to and control the expression of the lac genes in these strains. This is the first report in which genes which code for proteins have been fused to a stable RNA gene in vivo.  相似文献   

Previously, we have developed a genetically structured mathematical model to describe the inhibition of Escherichia coli lac operon gene expression by antigene oligos. Our model predicted that antigene oligos targeted to the operator region of the lac operon would have a significant inhibitory effect on beta-galactosidase production. In this investigation, the E. coli lac operon gene expression in the presence of antigene oligos was studied experimentally. A 21-mer oligo, which was designed to form a triplex with the operator, was found to be able to specifically inhibit beta-galactosidase production in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast to the 21-mer triplex-forming oligonucleotide (TFO), several control oligos showed no inhibitory effect. The ineffectiveness of the various control oligos, along with the fact that the 21-mer oligo has no homology sequence with lacZYA, and no mRNA is transcribed from the operator, suggests that the 21-mer oligo inhibits target gene expression by an antigene mechanism. To simulate the kinetics of lac operon gene expression in the presence of antigene oligos, a genetically structured kinetic model, which includes transport of oligo into the cell, growth of bacteria cells, and lac operon gene expression, was developed. Predictions of the kinetic model fit the experimental data quite well after adjustment of the value of the oligonucleotide transport rate constant (9.0 x 10(-)(3) min(-)(1)) and oligo binding affinity constant (1.05 x 10(6) M(-)(1)). Our values for these two adjusted parameters are in the range of reported literature values.  相似文献   

Structure of the Escherichia coli S10 ribosomal protein operon.   总被引:27,自引:13,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
The complete structure of the Escherichia coli S10 ribosomal protein operon is presented. Based on the DNA sequence, the deduced order of the 11 genes in the operon is rpsJ, rplC, rplD, rplW, rplB, rpsS, rplV, rpsC, rplP, rpmC, rpsQ. The estimated transcribed length of the operon is 5181 base pairs. Putative sequences involved in ribosome binding are discussed. The DNA sequence data corrects several errors in previously determined protein sequence data.  相似文献   

The effects of various monoclonal antibodies against purified lac carrier protein on carrier-mediated lactose transport were studied in right-side-out membrane vesicles and in proteoliposomes reconstituted with purified lac carrier protein. Out of more than 60 monoclonal antibodies tested, only one antibody, designated 4B1, inhibits transport. Furthermore, the nature of the inhibition is highly specific in that the antibody inhibits only those transport reactions that involve net proton translocation (i.e., active transport, carrier-mediated influx and efflux under nonenergized conditions, and lactone-induced proton influx). In contrast, the antibody has little effect on equilibrium exchange and no effect on generation of the proton electrochemical gradient or on the ability of the carrier to bind a high-affinity ligand. Clearly, therefore, the antibody alters the relationship between lactose and proton translocation at the level of the lac carrier protein. When entrance counterflow is studied with external [1-14C]lactose at saturating and subsaturating concentrations, it is apparent that antibody 4B1 mimics the effects of deuterium oxide [Viitanen, P., Garcia, M.L., Foster, D.L., Kaczorowski, G. J., & Kaback, H.R. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 2531]. That is, the antibody has no effect on the rate or extent of counterflow when external lactose is saturating but stimulates the efficiency of counterflow when external lactose is below the apparent Km. It seems likely, therefore, that the antibody either inhibits the rate of deprotonation or alters the equilibrium between protonated and deprotonated forms of the carrier. Monovalent Fab fragments prepared from antibody 4B1 inhibit transport in a manner that is similar qualitatively to that of the intact antibody.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies 4B1 and 5F7 bind to distinct, nonoverlapping epitopes in the lac carrier protein. By use of immunofluorescence microscopy and radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies and Fab fragments, it is shown that both 4B1 and 5F7 bind to spheroplasts and to right-side-out vesicles, but only to a small extent to inside-out vesicles. Clearly, therefore, the lac carrier protein has an asymmetric orientation within the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli, and both epitopes are located on the periplasmic surface. In right-side-out vesicles, radiolabeled 4B1 binds with a stoichiometry of 1 mol of antibody per 2 mol of lac carrier protein, while radiolabeled 4B1 Fab fragments bind 1:1. Importantly, the intact antibody and its Fab fragments bind to proteoliposomes reconstituted with purified lac carrier protein with a stoichiometry very similar to that observed in right-side-out membrane vesicles. Thus, it seems highly likely that the orientation of the lac carrier protein in the reconstituted system is similar to that in the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, at least with respect to 4B1 epitope.  相似文献   

A family of hybrid plasmids carrying the entire gal operon of E. coli and designated pgal was constructed in vitro. In the case of pgal 1 (mol. wt. 16.4 Md), a fragment cut by Bam HI endonuclease from lambda gal phage DNA (lambda D-J-gal-att-int) was joined to pMB9 and cloned in the gal-strain of E. coli, which was grown on selective media with galactose as a sole source of carbon. Plasmid pgal2 was derived from pgal 1 by elimination of the 1.1 Md fragment located between the two EcoRI sites and carrying the lambda att-int region and part of pMB9. To obtain pgal3, the 10.7 Md fragment of lambda DNA located between the two SmaI sites (lambda D-J and part of pMB9) in pgal2 was cut out and the resulting flush-end fragments were sealed by the T4DNA ligase. The mol. wt. of pgal3 containing one SmaI site amounted to 4.6 Md, while several pgal3 variants that had lost their SmaI site were still smaller. Plasmid pgal1 inhibited the growth of the gal- host cells, which effect could be overcome by the accompanying helper pMB9. The presence of pgal2 and pgal3 supported the growth and multiplication of gal- cells on selective media even without the helper plasmid. The total amount of pgal plasmid DNA per cell was constant and equalled 60--70 Md (4 copies of pgal1 or 15--16 copies of pgal3, ColE1 or pMB9). This might explain why the co-presence of pMB9 helper does alleviate the "harmful" effects of the plasmid pgal1 (which carries att-int genes), by reducing the copy number of the latter from four to one.  相似文献   

Proteoliposomes reconstituted with purified lac carrier protein from Escherichia coli were ultra-rapidly frozen and examined by freeze-fracture-etch electron microscopy. The proteoliposomes are greater than 95% unilamellar, and the majority are 30-150 nm in diameter. Fracture faces of proteoliposomes (at a protein:lipid molecular ratio of about 1:2500) display 7.0-nm diameter globular intramembrane particles uniformly distributed on convex and concave surfaces. Calculations of particle composition suggest that each intramembrane particle probably contains one or two molecules of the 46.5-kDa transmembranous lac carrier protein, depending on the correction factor for the thickness of the metal deposited to form the platinum/carbon replicas. Etched surfaces of the proteoliposomes are smooth. Incubation of the proteoliposomes with monoclonal antibody 4B1, which binds to an epitope in the lac carrier on the exterior of the proteoliposomes, dramatically alters the intramembrane particle distribution. After incubation with antibody, the convex (inner monolayer) fracture faces are nearly devoid of intramembrane particles, and an overall 4-fold reduction in the total number of intramembrane particles is observed.  相似文献   

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