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We describe here a synthetic red-shifted variant of GFP that can be introduced into tobacco plastid genomes and is highly expressed in regenerated plants that appear normal and fertile. The variant contains the S65G and S72A mutations which shift the absorption maximum from the 395 nm of wild-type GFP closer to 488 nm, a wavelength emitted by a laser commonly used in confocal microscopy. In addition to enhanced fluorescence, the removal of significant absorption below 450 nm will potentially facilitate double-labelling experiments. The variant GFP encoded by the synthetic gene can be expressed at a high level, forming approximately 5% of total leaf protein.  相似文献   

An on-line fluorescence sensor prototype was constructed to monitor the production of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) by 293S cells infected with a recombinant adenovirus vector (rAdV) containing the GFP gene. Fluorescence was correlated to GFP concentration and therefore to viral protein expression, but not to rAdV production. The sensor signal can also be used to compute the GFP production rate, which predicts well the occurrence of maximum viral titer.  相似文献   

This minireview makes an initial assessment of the progress made using anisotropy decay measurements for investigating the conformational changes and molecular dynamics in soluble systems. A critical analysis of available data is presented. The anisotropy decays of the tryptophan fluorescence of staphylococcal nuclease, adrenocorticotropin, melittin and of labeled transfer RNA were studied for investigating the functional conformational changes of these systems. The emissions of variously labeled immunoglobulins have been used to elucidate the conformations of these proteins before and after the binding of specific antibodies. Labeled myosin and its fragments have given information on the functional motions of the protein domains. The anisotropy decays of labeled and natural hemoglobin systems have been utilized for exploring the allosteric behavior of these molecules. The data suggest a wide applicability of this technique to the study of protein dynamics and conformational changes of macromolecules.  相似文献   

The Tat system mediates the transport of folded proteins across the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. To study the properties of the Escherichia coli Tat-system, we used green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the twin-arginine signal peptide of TMAO reductase (TorA). In the presence of arabinose, low levels of this protein rapidly saturate the translocase and cause the accumulation of inactive, membrane-bound TorA-GFP; fluorescence microscopy also showed active TorA-GFP to be distributed throughout the cytoplasm. However, the efficiency of export can be massively increased by alteration of the growth conditions, and further increased by overexpression of the tatABC genes. Under these conditions, the levels of GFP in the periplasm are raised over 20-fold and the export efficiency nears 100%. These results show that the Tat-system is relatively inactive under some growth conditions and the data suggest that the system may be applicable for the larger-scale export of heterologous proteins.  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (GFP) has emerged as a powerful reporter molecule for monitoring gene expression, protein localization, and protein-protein interaction. However, the detection of low concentrations of GFPs is limited by the weakness of the fluorescent signal and the low photostability. In this report, we observed the proximity of single GFPs to metallic silver nanoparticles increases its fluorescence intensity approximately 6-fold and decreases the decay time. Single protein molecules on the silvered surfaces emitted 10-fold more photons as compared to glass prior to photobleaching. The photostability of single GFP has increased to some extent. Accordingly, we observed longer duration time and suppressed blinking. The single-molecule lifetime histograms indicate the relatively heterogeneous distributions of protein mutants inside the structure.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been used widely as a powerful bioluminescent reporter, but its visualization by existing methods in tissues or whole plants and its utilization for high-throughput screening remains challenging in many species. Here, we report a fluorescence image analyzer-based method for GFP detection and its utility for high-throughput screening of transformed plants. Of three detection methods tested, the Typhoon fluorescence scanner was able to detect GFP fluorescence in all Arabidopsis thaliana tissues and apple leaves, while regular fluorescence microscopy detected it only in Arabidopsis flowers and siliques but barely in the leaves of either Arabidopsis or apple. The hand-held UV illumination method failed in all tissues of both species. Additionally, the Typhoon imager was able to detect GFP fluorescence in both green and non-green tissues of Arabidopsis seedlings as well as in imbibed seeds, qualifying it as a high-throughput screening tool, which was further demonstrated by screening the seedlings of primary transformed T0 seeds. Of the 30,000 germinating Arabidopsis seedlings screened, at least 69 GFP-positive lines were identified, accounting for an approximately 0.23% transformation efficiency. About 14,000 seedlings grown in 16 Petri plates could be screened within an hour, making the screening process significantly more efficient and robust than any other existing high-throughput screening method for transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Optimization of recombinant protein production using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) remains an important obstacle on the road to realizing LAB as oral vaccine delivery vehicles. Despite this, there have been few published investigations to explore the higher limits of LAB recombinant protein expression in fed-batch fermentations. In this study, results from response surface experiments suggested an optimal set of conditions for expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP), a model recombinant protein, in bench-scale, fed-batch Lactococcus lactis IL1403 fermentations. The 48 4-L fed-batch fermentations in this set of experiments, along with preliminary studies, investigated the effects of pH, temperature, hemin concentration, concentration of the nisin inducer per cell, and time of induction. Cell densities in this data set ranged from 2.9 to 7.4 g/L and maximum GFP expression per cell ranged from 0.1 to 4.4 relative fluorescence units (RFU)/g. The optimal 4-L, fed-batch fermentation process found here yields growth and protein expression values that dramatically improve upon results from traditional test tube and flask processes. Relative to the traditional process, the experimental optimum conditions yield 4.9 times the cell density, 1.6 times the protein per cell mass, and 8 times the total protein concentration. Unexpectedly, experiments also revealed that the compound hemin, known previously to improve growth and survival of Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis), negatively impacted recombinant protein production when added in concentrations from 5 to 20 microg/mL with this strain. The improvement in protein expression over traditional processes demonstrated here is an important step toward commercial development of LAB for oral delivery of recombinant vaccines and therapeutic proteins.  相似文献   

Transformation of plants is a popular tool for modifying various desirable traits. Marker genes, like those encoding for bacterial β-glucuronidase (GUS), firefly luciferase (LUC) or jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) have been shown to be very useful for establishing of efficient transformation protocols. Due to favourable properties such as no need of exogenous substrates and easy visualization, GFP has been found to be superior in to other markers in many cases. However, the use of GFP fluorescence is associated with some obstacles, mostly related to the diminishing of green fluorescence in older tissues, variation in fluorescence levels among different tissues and organs, and occasional interference with other fluorescing compounds in plants. This paper briefly summarizes basic GFP properties and applications, and describes in more detail the contribution of GFP to the establishment, evaluation and improvement of transformation procedures for plants. Moreover, features and possible obstacles associated with monitoring GFP fluorescence are discussed.  相似文献   

转基因植物表达药用蛋白的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因工程技术的进步使得转基因植物广泛应用于工业、农业各个领域,尤其在医药制造领域。研究成果表明,转基因植物作为生物反应器在制备药用蛋白,如重组疫苗、重组动物抗体、细胞因子等方面较其他表达系统,如微生物及动物表达系统具有成本低、应用安全等优势,但在工业化技术方面仍存在障碍。  相似文献   

Time-resolved femtosecond spectroscopy can improve the application of green fluorescent proteins (GFPs) as protein-folding reporters. The study of ultrafast excited-state dynamics (ESD) of GFP fused to single chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody fragments, allowed us to define and measure an empirical parameter that only depends on the folding quality (FQ) of the fusion. This method has been applied to the analysis of genetic fusions expressed in the bacterial cytoplasm and allowed us to distinguish folded and thus functional antibody fragments (high FQ) with respect to misfolded antibody fragments. Moreover, these findings were strongly correlated to the behavior of the same scFvs expressed in animal cells. This method is based on the sensitivity of the ESD to the modifications in the tertiary structure of the GFP induced by the aggregation state of the fusion partner. This approach may be applicable to the study of the FQ of polypeptides over-expressed under reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Somatic hybridization was performed via electrofusion between embryogenic suspension-derived protoplasts of transgenic green fluorescent protein (GFP) Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc. cv. Guoqing No. 1) (G1) callus and mesophyll protoplasts of calamondin (Citrus microcarpa Bunge), and three embryoids expressing GFP under UV light were obtained after 60 days of culture. The three embryoids were considered not as diploid cybrids but true allotetraploid somatic hybrids, as it was based on: (1) citrus heterokaryons are generally more vigorous and have higher capacity for embryogenesis as compared with unfused and homo-fused embryogenic callus protoplasts; (2) the callus line of G1 Satsuma mandarin has lost the embryogenesis capacity; and (3) citrus diploid cybrids produced by symmetric fusion always possess nuclear genome of mesophyll parent, and calamondin without GFP gene was used as leaf parent in this study. Subsequent flow cytometry, simple sequence repeat and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence analysis of one regenerated callus mass and three resulting plants validated this supposition, i.e., the callus was derived from transgenic G1 callus protoplasts, and the three plants were true allotetraploid somatic hybrids possessing nuclear genomic DNA of both parents and cytoplasmic DNA from callus parent. The potential of transgenic GFP citrus callus as suspension parent in citrus somatic fusion to study the mechanism of cybrid formation, create new citrus cybrids, and transfer organelle-encoded agronomic traits was also discussed.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein as a marker in transgenic mice   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) found in Aequorea victoria absorbs blue light and emits green fluorescence without exogenous substrates or co-factors. We studied the possibility of using the GFP as a marker in mammals. Transgenic mice were produced using the GFP coding sequence, ligated with the chicken beta-actin promoter. Green fluorescence was observed in muscle, pancreas, kidney, heart and other organs in all the three transgenic mouse lines. Detection of the transgenic mouse was possible by observing a tail or fingers of new born pups under a fluorescent microscope. The marker also enabled us to detect localized expression of the transgene in intact tissues without preliminary steps. It was also demonstrated that the GFP expression could be quantified by measuring the fluorescence in tissue extracts.  相似文献   

Domestic pigs possess a well‐developed sense of smell. However, the morphology of the porcine olfactory epithelium (OE) is poorly understood. Recently, several strains of transgenic cloned pigs that are presumed to ubiquitously express green fluorescent protein (GFP) have been created. Thus, the purpose of this study was to elucidate the features of porcine OE using the tissues of GFP transgenic cloned pigs. Based on observations of Hematoxylin and Eosin staining and measurements of thickness, porcine OE tissue portions were classified into three categories (thick, standard, and thin). Cryosections revealed that the prominent GFP signals were expressed in olfactory sensory neurons (OSN), Bowman's glands, and olfactory nerve. A few GFP‐expressing sustentacular cells were seen; however, the intensity of GFP fluorescence was slight. In the thick portion, numerous GFP‐expressing polygonal OSN that did not possess dendrites were found. In the standard portions, GFP‐expressing cells had longitudinal dendrites. A few GFP‐expressing cells were found in the thin portion. In the thick and standard portions, most of the prominent GFP‐expressing cells were positive for olfactory marker protein. Moreover, double immunofluorescence staining with boiled GFP and Sox2 antibody revealed that GFP expression patterns in OSN are synchronized with Sox2 immunoreactive patterns.  相似文献   

目的检测绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescenc eprotein,GFP)转基因裸鼠血液生理生化指标,为将来的研究提供基础参考值。方法实验选用6~8周GFP转基因裸鼠及对照组BABL/C裸鼠雌雄各30只,取血测定血生化和血常规指标。结果①GFP转基因裸鼠与对照组BABL/C裸鼠比较,白细胞总数(WBC)、尿素(URE)、平均血红蛋浓度(MCHC)、葡萄糖(GLU)差异极显著(P〈0.01);血红蛋白(HGB)、红细胞分布宽度(RDW)、血小板计数(PLT)、尿酸(uA)差异显著(P〈0.05),其它指标差异不显著。②GFP转基因裸鼠雌雄间比较,红细胞分布宽度(RDW)、平均血红蛋白含量(MCH)、平均血红蛋浓度(MCHC)、血小板计数(PLT)、球蛋白(G)、胆固醇(TC)、HDL-胆固醇(HDL—TC)差异极显著(P〈0.01),白蛋白(ALB)、葡萄糖(GLU)差异显著(P〈0.05),其它指标差异不显著。结论转基因GFP转基因裸鼠的生理生化指标值在雄雌间有一定的差异,为相关的生物医学研究提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

旨在通过原核表达纯化超正电荷绿色荧光蛋白+36GFP,研究其与核酸的结合作用及作为核酸载体的细胞转导功能。将pET+36GFP-HA2质粒转化到大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)菌株中,然后表达纯化+36GFP蛋白。将得到的目的蛋白在特定浓度下分别转导293细胞、HepG2细胞、A549细胞和B16细胞,流式细胞仪检测+36GFP的转导效率;+36GFP蛋白(100 nmol/L)转导A549细胞,激光共聚焦显微镜观察结果;将+36GFP蛋白与质粒DNA按不同比例孵育,凝胶阻滞实验检测+36GFP与DNA的结合能力;激光共聚焦显微镜和流式细胞仪检测+36GFP蛋白携带质粒DNA转导细胞后报告基因的表达。结果显示,+36GFP蛋白具有较高的细胞转导效率,且随浓度升高转导效率增加,呈浓度依赖性。凝胶阻滞实验显示,+36GFP能够与质粒DNA结合,阻滞DNA在凝胶中迁移,且呈现一定的浓度依赖性。+36GFP包裹质粒转导细胞后,可高效携带质粒DNA转导进入细胞,使质粒报告基因得到表达。本研究成功表达纯化了+36GFP蛋白,证实该蛋白具有较高的细胞转导效率,可将外源核酸携带入细胞使外源基因得到表达。  相似文献   

Summary During the study of the free amino acid spectrum of diseased rice, soybean, potato and tobacco leaves, an unknown compound was detected, the occurrence of which was correlated with an abnormal physiological condition of the plants or with some disturbance in amino acid or protein metabolism. On chromatograms this substance stains blue following fixation with cupric nitrate. After purification with the aid of bacteria, this blue substance was identified as pipecolic acid.Since pipecolic acid could be found in the leaves of rice sprayed with maleic hydrazide, but not in control plants, it would seem that it is a metabolic product of growth inhibition.  相似文献   

Adiponectin is a 30kDa protein exclusively produced and secreted from adipocytes and as a cytokine has been found to link obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. Production of biologically active adiponectin in large scale is desirable for pharmaceutical applications. Mouse adiponectin cDNA was used for developing transgenic sweet potato plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The presence of the transgene was verified by PCR and DNA gel blot analysis. Further investigated were five independent transgenic lines, all of which expressed high levels of adiponectin mRNA. Immuno blot analysis with a mouse adiponectin antiserum revealed that, in addition to a 29 kDa-protein which co-migrates with the adiponectin protein produced in Escherichia coli cells, a 31 kDa-protein was produced, indicative of a post-translational modification of the protein. The transgenic plants did not show obvious differences in growth rate and morphology in response to adiponectin production.  相似文献   

DP1B is a synthetic analogue of spider dragline silk protein. It can be spun to form silk fiber. Previously, it had been expressed in transgenic plants, showing the general feasibility of the plant-based DP1B production. However, success of such a plant-based platform requires a great increase of DP1B productivity in plant cells to reduce production cost. This report describes a protein targeting approach to accumulate DP1B in apoplast, ER lumen, and vacuole in Arabidopsis cells, by utilizing appropriate combinations of sporamin-targeting determinant peptides and ER retention peptide. The approach has dramatically enhanced DP1B accumulation, resulting in high production yield. The accumulation can be as high as 8.5 and 6.7% total soluble protein in leaf tissue by targeting to apoplast and ER lumen, respectively, or as high as 18 and 8.2% total soluble protein in seeds by targeting to ER lumen and vacuole, respectively. However, the vacuole targeting in leaves and the apoplast targeting in seeds have failed to accumulate full length DP1B molecules or any DP1B at all, respectively, suggesting that they may not be suitable for applications in leaf tissues and seeds. Data in this study recommend a combination of seed-specific expression and ER-targeting as one of the best strategies for yield enhancement of plant-based DP1B production.  相似文献   

本研究中 ,构建了含有编码绿色荧光蛋白的改进型基因质粒pJPM5。用基因枪法分别把pJPM5和另一带有绿色荧光蛋白基因的质粒pSBG70 0转入水稻TNG6 7愈伤组织。用South ern杂交法证实了转基因的存在 ,而且表明多数转基因植株含有 1到 8个拷贝的转基因。取 2个月的转基因植株上的叶片用于分析绿色荧光蛋白基因表达。用SLM - 80 0 0荧光分析仪定量测定绿色荧光蛋白。多数转基因植株具有很高的绿色荧光蛋白信号。虽然水稻植株有少量自发荧光 ,但是绿色荧光蛋白基因表达出的绿色荧光蛋白信号比植株的自发荧光强得多 ,其测定不会受自发荧光的太大影响。在荧光显微镜下观察到了绿色荧光蛋白基因的表达。借助观察分析绿色荧光蛋白基因的瞬时表达 ,本研究还发现基因枪法转化中 ,如果两枪的气压为90 0psi& 135 0psi,比两枪的气压都为 90 0psi或者 135 0psi更好 ,因其能使质粒进入更多的细胞。研究结果表明 ,绿色荧光蛋白基因可以作为水稻 (甚至小麦、玉米 )转基因研究中的报告基因。研究还显示 ,MAR序列能明显增强绿色荧光蛋白基因的表达能力 (这一结果在另文讨论 ) .  相似文献   

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