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Connexins, through gap junctional intercellular communication, are known to regulate many physiological functions involved in developmental processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis. Strikingly, alterations of connexin expression and trafficking are often, if not always, associated with human developmental diseases and carcinogenesis. In this respect, disrupted trafficking dynamics and aberrant intracytoplasmic localization of connexins are considered as typical features of functionality failure leading to the pathological state. Recent findings demonstrate that interactions of connexins with numerous protein partners, which take place throughout connexin trafficking, are essential for gap junction formation, membranous stabilization and degradation. In the present study, we give an overview of the physiological molecular machinery and of the specific interactions between connexins and their partners, which are involved in connexin trafficking, and we highlight their changes in pathological situations.  相似文献   

The adipose organ portrays adipocytes of diverse tones: white, brown and beige, each type with distinct functions. Adipocytes orchestrate their adaptation and expansion to provide storage to excess nutrients, the quick mobilisation of fuel to supply peripheral functional demands, insulation, and, in their thermogenic form, heat generation to maintain core body temperature. Thermogenic adipocytes could be targets for anti-obesity and anti-diabetic therapeutic approaches aiming to restore adipose tissue functionality and increase energy dissipation. However, for thermogenic adipose tissue to become therapeutically relevant, a better understanding of its development and origins, its progenitors and their characteristics and the composition of its niche, is essential. Also crucial is the identification of stimuli and molecules promoting its specific differentiation and activation. Here we highlight the structural/cellular differences between human and rodent brown adipose tissue and discuss how obesity and metabolic complication affects brown and beige cells as well as how they could be targeted to improve their activation and improve global metabolic homeostasis. Finally, we describe the limitations of current research models and the advantages of new emerging approaches.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin: potential in physiology and pathophysiology   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Adrenomedullin (ADM), a 52-amino acid ringed-structure peptide with C-terminal amidation, was originally isolated from human pheochromocytoma. ADM mediates vasodilatory and natriuretic properties through the second messenger cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP), nitric oxide and the renal prostaglandin system. ADM immunoreactivity and its gene are widely distributed in cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, gastrointestinal, cerebral and endocrine tissues. ADM is also synthesized and secreted from vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. When injected intravenously, ADM increases flow rates predominantly in organs in which the ADM gene is highly expressed, suggesting that ADM acts as a local autocrine and/or paracrine vasoactive hormone. In addition, ADM is a circulating hormone and its plasma concentration is increased in various cardiorenal diseases such as hypertension, chronic renal failure and congestive heart failure. Current evidence suggests that ADM plays an important role in fluid and electrolyte homeostasis and cardiorenal regulation, however further investigations are required to address the importance of ADM under various physiological and pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecules (CEACAMs) belong to a group of mammalian immunoglobulin-related glycoproteins. They are involved in cell-cell recognition and modulate cellular processes that range from the shaping of tissue architecture and neovascularization to the regulation of insulin homeostasis and T-cell proliferation. CEACAMs have also been identified as receptors for host-specific viruses and bacteria in mice and humans, respectively, making these proteins an interesting example of pathogen-host co-evolution. Forward and reverse genetics in the mouse now provide powerful novel models to elucidate the action of CEACAM family members in vivo.  相似文献   

Physiology studies the functions of different organs, systems and how they maintain the integrity of organisms. Nervous and endocrine systems react to stimulus, causality plays a key role in their activities. Physical and chemical conditions of fluids in the internal environment serve as a background and an active modulator for regulatory influences. Autacoid formation is in many respects based on probable events. It has been proved, that during the formation of regulatory systems in cell evolution the appearance of regulatory molecules was based on statistical probability of quantum events: sporadical appearance in cells during metabolism of peptides, lipids, hydrolysis of larger molecules on fragments, quanta, which received physiological activity in the form of function regulators. These processes in their adapted, according to Darwin's mechanism of natural selection, value were recorded into the genome since synthesis readings of the polypeptides were fixed. The formation of multicellular organisms was promoted by the arise of regulatory systems and their integration under the supervision of the nervous system.  相似文献   

  1. The future of the seed is partly predetermined by events (flower formation, flowering, nutrient flow from mother plant, etc.) preceding fertilization and the formation of the gametophyte.
  2. The environmental conditions under which the seed matures affect its final physiological constitution. This faet has mostly been neglected by seed physiologists.
  3. It is not known how far the triantic nature of the diaspore (seed coat, pulp, etc., 2n of mother plant, embryon of δ +n of Φ, endosperm 2n of Φ +n of δ) affects seed development and germination.
  4. The integuments of the ovules of some species have stomata. It is not known if they are functional in gas exchange or are constitutional non-functioning relics.
  5. The causes of the growth-degeneration pattern of the nucellus are unknown.
  6. During the development of the megaspore mother cell into the mature embryo sac dramatic cellular ultrastructural changes take place. This probably signifies a “change of guards” during which the gametophyte is freed from part of the controls by the ultrastructural units of the mother plant, preparing the ground after fertilization for a new, genetically independent sporophyte.
  7. Upon closer examination, the seemingly simple processes of fertilization and embryogenesis, as described in textbooks, turn out to be very complex and full of problems. Is the role each male nucleus plays preordained or is it left to chance which male nucleus goes where? What causes the degeneration of the synergids and of the vegetative nucleus, and what protects the other two male nuclei from a similar fate? Which ultrastructural organelles are carried by the generative nuclei into their respective receptor cells and what is their role in them? Why do zygotes in some species develop after fertilization immediately into an embryo whereas in other species the zygote remains dormant for some time? What causes the polarity of the egg cell which, after fertilization, divides into one developmentally most active apical cell (giving rise to the embryo) and into another “lazy” basal cell which develops into the suspensor of “unknown function?”
  8. In the source-sink relationship between photosynthesizing organs and the maturing seed there is one point at which the photosynthates pass from symplast to apoplast to symplast. The mechanism involved is largely unknown as well as the effect which environmental conditions have on this transport.

From parasitism to mutualism: partner control in asymmetric interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intraspecific cooperation and interspecific mutualism often feature a marked asymmetry in the scope for exploitation. Cooperation may nevertheless persist despite one‐sided opportunities for cheating, provided that the partner vulnerable to exploitation has sufficient control over the duration of interaction. Here we develop a simple, game theoretical model of this form of partner control. We show that as a victim's ability to terminate an encounter increases, selection can favour reduced exploitation, resulting in a switch from parasitism to mutualism. For a given level of control, exploitation is likely to be less intense and the interaction to last longer when there are greater mutualistic benefits to be gained, and when the benefits of cheating are lower relative to the costs inflicted on the victim. Observations of interactions between cleaner‐fish and non‐predatory species of client are shown to match these predictions.  相似文献   

The recent re-discovery of brown adipose tissue (BAT) and even more recent discovery of the browning of white adipose tissue (WAT) in humans have generated intense scientific interest in the role of adipose tissue as potential target against obesity and its metabolic complications. The purpose of this review is to: i) critically evaluate the current evidence on the physiological significance of BAT and the browning of WAT in metabolic function in humans and ii) discuss factors that have been reported to regulate BAT and/or the browning of WAT in humans. The current literature supports that BAT and the browning of WAT constitute promising emerging targets for interventions aiming to prevent and/or treat of obesity and its metabolic complications. Further research is needed to better understand the physiological significance of BAT and browning of WAT in health and disease along with the factors modulating their metabolic function in humans.  相似文献   

1. The enteric nervous system (10(8) neurones in man) consists of the myentric plexus, the submucosal plexus and other minor plexuses. Eighteen different chemicals are candidates for the role of neurotransmitters in the ENS. 2. The ENS together with the autonomic nervous system and the hormonal system controls gut epithelial transport systems.  相似文献   

The acidity of intracellular compartments and the extracellular environment is crucial to various cellular processes, including membrane trafficking, protein degradation, bone resorption and sperm maturation. At the heart of regulating acidity are the vacuolar (V-)ATPases--large, multisubunit complexes that function as ATP-driven proton pumps. Their activity is controlled by regulating the assembly of the V-ATPase complex or by the dynamic regulation of V-ATPase expression on membrane surfaces. The V-ATPases have been implicated in a number of diseases and, coupled with their complex isoform composition, represent attractive and potentially highly specific drug targets.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite (ONOO) is a potent oxidant and nitrating species, generated by the reaction of nitric oxide and superoxide in one of the most rapid reactions known in biology. It is widely accepted that an enhanced ONOO formation contributes to oxidative and nitrosative stress in various biological systems. However, an increasing number of studies have reported that ONOO cannot only be considered as a mediator of cellular dysfunction, but also behaves as a potent modulator of the redox regulation in various cell signal transduction pathways.Although the formation of ONOO has been demonstrated in vivo in plant cells, the relevance of this molecule during plant physiological responses is still far from being clarified. Admittedly, the detection of protein tyrosine nitration phenomena provides some justification to the speculations that ONOO is generated during various plant stress responses associated with pathophysiological mechanisms. On the other hand, it was found that ONOO itself is not as toxic for plant cells as it is for animal ones. Based on the concepts of the role played by ONOO in biological systems, this review is focused mainly on the search for potential functions of ONOO in plants. Moreover, it is also an attempt to stimulate a discussion on the significance of protein nitration as a paradigm in signal modulation, since the newest reports identified proteins associated with signal transduction cascades within the plant nitroproteome.  相似文献   

Sensory systems extract behaviorally relevant information from a continuous stream of complex high-dimensional input signals. Understanding the detailed dynamics and precise neural code, even of a single neuron, is therefore a non-trivial task. Automated closed-loop approaches that integrate data analysis in the experimental design ease the investigation of sensory systems in three directions: First, adaptive sampling speeds up the data acquisition and thus increases the yield of an experiment. Second, model-driven stimulus exploration improves the quality of experimental data needed to discriminate between alternative hypotheses. Third, information-theoretic data analyses open up novel ways to search for those stimuli that are most efficient in driving a given neuron in terms of its firing rate or coding quality. Examples from different sensory systems show that, in all three directions, substantial progress can be achieved once rapid online data analysis, adaptive sampling, and computational modeling are tightly integrated into experiments.  相似文献   

The implementation of mammographic screening programmes in many countries has been linked to a marked increase in early detection and improved prognosis for breast cancer patients. Breast tumours can be detected by assessing several features in mammographic images but one of the most common are the presence of small deposits of calcium known as microcalcifications, which in many cases may be the only detectable sign of a breast tumour. In addition to their efficacy in the detection of breast cancer, the presence of microcalcifications within a breast tumour may also convey useful prognostic information. Breast tumours with associated calcifications display an increased rate of HER2 overexpression as well as decreased survival, increased risk of recurrence, high tumour grade and increased likelihood of spread to the lymph nodes. Clearly, the presence of microcalcifications in a tumour is a clinically significant finding, suggesting that a detailed understanding of their formation may improve our knowledge of the early stages of breast tumourigenesis, yet there are no reports which attempt to bring together recent basic science research findings and current knowledge of the clinical significance of microcalcifications. This review will summarise the most current understanding of the formation of calcifications within breast tissue and explore their associated clinical features and prognostic value.  相似文献   

A inositide-dependent signaling exists in the nucleus. In this review we focused to the nuclear PI-PLC signaling activity, its downstream effects and its role in haematological malignancies. PI-PLC β1 is involved in the physiological control of the cell cycle and by acting on the Cylin D3 promoter plays a crucial role in the process of C2C12 myoblast differentiation. In hematological malignancies recent studies showed that PI-PLC β1 mono-allelic deletion correlates with a higher risk of AML evolution. Moreover it has been shown that PI-PLC β1 promoter is hypermethylated in high-risk MDS patients and that the amount of PI-PLC β1 mRNA could predict the clinical response to azacitidine, a well known demethylating drug.All in all the data reviewed here pave the way to a new prognostic and therapeutic strategy in some haematological malignancies.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Comparative physiology may help to improve the toxicologists' ability to assess and predict toxicological risks of chemicals.
  • 2.2. Three main lines of approach have been distinguished, A: comparative research concerning the toxicokinetics of chemicals in different species; B: research concerning ecophysiological characteristics and C: studies aimed at the identification of biological markers that can be used to signal toxic effects in both experimental and free living populations of organisms.
  • 3.3. Some remarks are made on limiting conditions to be fulfilled in order to make comparative physiology valuable from a toxicological point of view.

As it focuses on the integrated behavior of the entire cell, systems biology is a powerful extension of growth physiology. Here, I briefly trace some of the origins of modern-day bacterial growth physiology and its relevance to systems biology. I describe how growth physiology emerged from the foggy picture of the growth curve as a self-contained entity. For this insight, we can thank Henrici, Hershey, Monod, Maal?e, and others. As a result of their work, growth rate is understood to be the unitary manifestation of the response to nutritional conditions and to the control condition for studies on the effect of environmental stresses. For this response to be usefully reproducible, cultures must be in the steady state known as balanced growth. I point out that present-day experimenters are not always aware of this imperative and thus do not always use conditions that ensure the balanced growth of their control cultures.  相似文献   

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