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The present study investigates the electrophysiological actions of BmK M1, an alpha-like toxin purified from the venom of the scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch, on voltage-gated Na+ channels. Using the voltage clamp technique, we assessed the BmK M1 activity on the cardiac Na+ channel (hH1) functionally expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The main actions of the toxin are a concentration-dependent slowing of the inactivation process and a hyperpolarizing shift of the steady-state inactivation. This work is the first electrophysiological characterization of BmK M1 on a cloned Na+ channel, demonstrating that this toxin belongs to the class of scorpion alpha-toxins. Our results also show that BmK M1 can be considered as a cardiotoxin.  相似文献   

A novel short-chain scorpion toxin BmP08 was purified from the venom of the Chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch by a combination of gel-filtration, ion exchange, and reversed-phase chromatography. The primary sequence of BmP08 was determined using the tandem MS/MS technique and Edman degradation, as well as results of NMR sequential assignments. It is composed of 31 amino acid residues including six cysteine residues and shares less than 25% sequence identity with the known alpha-KTx toxins. BmP08 shows no inhibitory activity on all tested voltage-dependent and Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels. The 3D-structure of BmP08 has been determined by 2D-NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling techniques. This toxin adopts a common alpha/beta-motif, but shows a distinctive local conformation and features a 3(10)-helix and a shorter beta-sheet. The unique structure is closely related to the distinct primary sequence of the toxin, especially to the novel arrangement of S-S linkages in the molecule, in which two disulfide bridges (C(i)-C(j) and C(i+3)-C(j+3)) link covalently the 3(10)-helix with one strand of the beta-sheet structure. The electrostatic potential surface analysis of the toxin reveals salt bridges and hydrogen bonds between the basic residues and negatively charged residues nearby in BmP08, which may be unfavorable for its binding with the known voltage-dependent and Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels. Thus, finding the target for this toxin should be an interesting task in the future.  相似文献   

Scorpion venom contains many small polypeptide toxins, which can modulate Na(+), K(+), Cl(-), and Ca(2+) ion-channel conductance in the cell membrane. A full-length cDNA sequence encoding a novel type of K(+)-channel toxin (named BmTxKS4) was first isolated and identified from a venom gland cDNA library of Buthus martensii Karsch (BmK). The encoded precursor contains 78 amino acid residues including a putative signal peptide of 21 residues, propeptide of 11 residues, and a mature peptide of 43 residues with three disulfide bridges. BmTxKS4 shares the identical organization of disulfide bridges with all the other short-chain K(+)-channel scorpion toxins. By PCR amplification of the genomic region encoding BmTxKS4, it was shown that BmTxKS4 composed of two exons is disrupted by an intron of 87 bp inserted between the first and the second codes of Phe (F) in the encoding signal peptide region, which is completely identical with that of the characterized scorpion K(+)-channel ligands in the size, position, consensus junctions, putative branch point, and A+T content. The GST-BmTxKS4 fusion protein was successfully expressed in BL21 (DE3) and purified with affinity chromatography. About 2.5 mg purified recombinant BmTxKS4 (rBmTxKS4) protein was obtained by treating GST-BmTxKS4 with enterokinase and sephadex chromatography from 1 L bacterial culture. The electrophysiological activity of 1.0 microM rBmTxKS4 was measured and compared by whole cell patch-clamp technique. The results indicated that rBmTxKS4 reversibly inhibited the transient outward K(+) current (I(to)), delayed inward rectifier K(+) current (I(k1)), and prolonged the action potential duration of ventricular myocyte, but it has no effect on the action potential amplitude. Taken together, BmTxKS4 is a novel subfamily member of short-strain K(+)-channel scorpion toxin.  相似文献   

Chinese scorpion Buthus martensii Karsch (BmK) venom is a rich source of neurotoxins which bind to various ion channels with high affinity and specificity and thus widely used as compounds to modulate channel gating. An excitatory insect toxin, BmK IT, is not conserved with a glutamate residue at the preceding position of the third Cys residue, and is a toxin with a non-glutamate residue at the relevant position in the excitatory scorpion β-toxin subfamily. In this study, the mutants of recombinant BmK IT (BmK IT (I25E), BmK IT (E15G), BmK IT C-terminal (TKSYCDVQIN) truncated) were achieved by site-directed mutagenesis. Biological activity of BmK IT and its mutants confirmed these residues or peptides played key roles in BmK IT. BmK IT (I25E) could increase the sensitivity of BmK IT, but BmK IT(E15G) could decrease the sensitivity of BmK IT on Sf9 cells. BmK IT truncated C-terminal hydrophobic amino acids could cross the species boundaries and was effective on mammalian C6 cells. To date, several excitatory insect toxins have been isolated and identified from the venom of Buthus martensii Karsch. However, no functional data are available and therefore its classification in the family of excitatory insect toxins remains putative and is just based on its high similarity with the other toxins of this family. These results verified I25, E15 and C-terminal (TKSYCDVQIN) in BmK IT played key roles in the interaction of the BmK IT and its receptor- sodium channels on the surface of insect cells and laid a foundation for further structural and functional analysis of BmK IT.  相似文献   

The cDNA of BmK IT-AP, an excitatory insect toxin from the scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch that has an analgesic effect on mammalian cells, was expressed in E. coli in the form of an inclusion body. Following denaturation and reduction, the recombinant protein was renatured and purified by liquid chromatography. The authenticity of the recombinant product was confirmed by bioassay and its electrophysiological effect on insect sodium channel.  相似文献   

A new peptide named BmK dITAP3 from scorpion Buthus martensii Karsch (BmK) has been identified to possess a dual bioactivity, a depressant neurotoxicity on insects and an analgesic effect on mice. The bioassays also showed that the peptide was definitely devoid of the neurotoxicity on mammals, which indicated that the analgesic effect of BmK dITAP3 could not be ascribed to the syndromic effects of a mammalian neurotoxicity. BmK dITAP3 exhibited 43.0% inhibition efficiency of the analgesic effect on mice at a dose of 5 mg/kg and the FPU value of 0.5 microg/body (approximately 30 mg) on the fly larvae. The pI value and the molecular mass determined by MALDI-TOF MS for dITAP3 were 6.5 and 6722.7, respectively. Its first 15 N-terminal residues were determined by Edman degradation, based on which the full amino acid sequence was deduced from the cDNA sequence encoding the peptide with 3'-RACE. Circular dichroism and sequence based prediction analyses showed dITAP3 may have a similar molecular scaffold as the most scorpion toxins but with features of the more beta structures and much less of alpha helix. The details of the purification, characterization and sequencing as well as the sequence comparison with other depressant insect toxins and the correlation between the analgesic effect and the insect toxicity will be reported and discussed, respectively.  相似文献   

Zhang N  Wu G  Wu H  Chalmers MJ  Gaskell SJ 《Peptides》2004,25(6):951-957
The scorpion neurotoxin BmKK4 was purified from the venom of the Chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch by a combination of gel-filtration, ion exchange and reversed phase chromatography. The primary sequence of BmKK4 was determined using the tandem MS/MS technique and the cDNA database searching as followings: ZTQCQ SVRDC QQYCL TPDRC SYGTC YCKTT (NH(2)). BmKK4 is the first isolated member of a new subfamily alpha-KTx17 of scorpion K(+) toxins.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of the scorpion alpha-like toxin BmK M1 was investigated on isolated DUM neurons from Locusta migratoria and compared with the effect on para/tipE voltage-gated Na(+) channels (VGSC), cloned from Drosophila melanogaster. The two insects display different pharmacological properties regarding alpha-like toxins. Moreover, with the aid of the alpha-like toxin BmK M1 and 5 of its mutants, the importance of aromatic residues for the interaction of the toxin with the VGSC in L. migratoria and D. melanogaster, is shown.  相似文献   

BmBKTx1 is a novel short chain toxin purified from the venom of the Asian scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch. It is composed of 31 residues and is structurally related to SK toxins. However, when tested on the cloned rat SK2 channel, it only partially inhibited rSK2 currents, even at a concentration of 1 microm. To screen for other possible targets, BmBKTx1 was then tested on isolated metathoracic dorsal unpaired median neurons of Locusta migratoria, in which a wide variety of ion channels are expressed. The results suggested that BmBKTx1 could specifically block voltage-gated Ca(2+)-activated K(+) currents (BK-type). This was confirmed by testing the BmBKTx1 effect on the alpha subunits of BK channels of the cockroach (pSlo), fruit fly (dSlo), and human (hSlo), heterologously expressed in HEK293 cells. The IC(50) for channel blocking by BmBKTx1 was 82 nm for pSlo and 194 nm for dSlo. Interestingly, BmBKTx1 hardly affected hSlo currents, even at concentrations as high as 10 microm, suggesting that the toxin might be insect specific. In contrast to most other scorpion BK blockers that also act on the Kv1.3 channel, BmBKTx1 did not affect this channel as well as other Kv channels. These results show that BmBKTx1 is a novel kind of blocker of BK-type Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels. As the first reported toxin active on the Drosophila Slo channel dSlo, it will also greatly facilitate studying the physiological role of BK channels in this model organism.  相似文献   

Alpha-toxins from scorpion venoms prolong the action potential of excitable cells by blocking sodium channel inactivation. We have purified bukatoxin, an alpha-toxin from scorpion (Buthus martensi Karsch) venom, to homogeneity. Bukatoxin produced marked relaxant responses in the carbachol-precontracted rat anococcygeus muscle (ACM), which were mediated through the L-arginine-nitric oxide synthase-nitric oxide pathway, consequent to a neuronal release of nitric oxide. Based on the presence of proline residues in the flanking segments of protein-protein interaction sites, we predicted the site between (52)PP(56) to be the potential interaction site of bukatoxin. A homology model of bukatoxin indicated the presence of this site on the surface. Buka11, a synthetic peptide designed based on this predicted site, produced a concentration-dependent nitric oxide-mediated relaxant response in ACM. Using alanine-substituted peptides, we have shown the importance (53)DKV(55) flanked by proline residues in the functional site of bukatoxin.  相似文献   

蝎毒中枢镇痛机制的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究BmK蝎毒是能过何种受体实现其中枢镇痛作用的;外侧隔核是否是BmK蝎毒产生中枢镇痛作用的重要部位之一。方法:用辐射热一甩尾法测定痛阈,用玻璃微电极记录束旁核的单位放电;通过不锈钢套管向侧脑室和外侧隔核内微量注射0.01%BmK蝎毒。结果:向大鼠侧脑室2μl0.01%蝎毒可明显升高痛阂。该效应可被侧脑室注射2μl0.25%纳洛酮完全翻转,向隔核内注射0.5μl0.01%BmK蝎毒,分别对束帝核中的71%(15/21)痛兴奋单位和83%(5/6)痛抑制单位对痛刺激的反应减北,而对痛无关单位的电活动夫明显影响。结论:BmK蝎毒的中枢镇痛作用可能主要是通过吗啡受体实现的;隔核是BmK蝎毒产生中枢镇痛作用的重要部位之一。  相似文献   

Cai Z  Xu C  Xu Y  Lu W  Chi CW  Shi Y  Wu J 《Biochemistry》2004,43(13):3764-3771
BmBKTx1 is a 31-amino acid peptide identified from the venom of the Chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch, blocking high-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels. Sequence homology analysis indicates that BmBKTx1 is a new subfamily of short-chain alpha-KTx toxins of the potassium channel, which we term alpha-KTx19. Synthetic BmBKTx1 was prepared by using solid-phase peptide synthesis. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy techniques were used to determine the solution structure of BmBKTx1. The results show that the BmBKTx1 forms a typical cysteine-stabilized alpha/beta scaffold adopted by most short-chain scorpion toxins. The structure of BmBKTx1 consists of a two-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet (residues 20-29) and an alpha-helix (residues 5-15). The three-dimensional structure of BmBKTx1 was also compared with those of two function-related scorpion toxins, charybdotoxin (ChTx) and BmTx1, and their structural and functional implications are discussed.  相似文献   

BmK M4 is a neutral neurotoxin in the BmK toxin series.It is medially toxic and belongs to group III α-toxins.The purified sample was crystallized in rhombic space group P61.Using an X-ray diffraction technique,the crystal structure of BmK M4 was revealed by molecular replacement at 0.20 nm resolution.The model was refined.The final crystallographic R factor was 0.142 and the free R factor was 0.173.The root mean square deviation is 0.001 5 nm for the bond length and 1.753°for the bond angles.64 water molecules were added to the asymmetric unit.The refined structure showed an unusual non-prolyl cis peptide bond at residue 10.The structure was compared with group II α-toxin BmK M8 (an acidic,weak toxin).The potential structural implications of the cis peptide bond were discussed.  相似文献   

In this study an analgesic peptide was purified through five continuous chromatographic steps. The mouse twisting model test was used to identify the target peptides in every separation step. The purified BmK AGP-SYPU2 was further qualified by Reverse Phase-High Performance Liquid Chromatography and High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis. The molecular weight, isoelectric point, and N-terminal sequence of the purified peptide were determined. Based on the N-terminal sequence, the cDNA was cloned by rapid amplification of the cDNA ends from the cDNA pool of scorpion glands. Sequence determination showed that the mature BmK AGP-SYPU2 peptide is composed of 66 amino acid residues, and BmK AGP-SYPU2 is identical to BmK alpha2 (GenBank Acc. No. AF288608) and BmK alphaTX11 (GenBank Acc. No. AF155364). We report herein a purification procedure that yields substantial amounts of natural BmK AGP-SYPU2 with high analgesic activity.  相似文献   

东亚钳蝎毒素基因BmKIT3 编码是由 6 5个氨基酸残基组成的多肽物质。该类毒素为专一性作用于昆虫的抑制型神经毒素 ,它已被广泛用于研究离子通道作用机理[1 ] ;同时 ,它是研究蛋白质结构和功能的极好模型 ,是研究神经药理学的理想工具 ,将具有药理活性和昆虫毒性的基因导入细胞或动植物体内具有十分重要的应用价值。它对昆虫作用的专一性很高 ,对哺乳动物无害或毒性很小 ,可作为一种安全、有效的生物杀虫剂[2 ,3 ] 。我们的研究是对该基因密码子进行优化 ,采用化学合成的方法合成了适于在昆虫中表达的BmKIT3 的两条长的引物 ,通过…  相似文献   

Zhang N  Li M  Chen X  Wang Y  Wu G  Hu G  Wu H 《Proteins》2004,55(4):835-845
A natural K+ channel blocker, BmKK2 (a member of scorpion toxin subfamily alpha-KTx 14), which is composed of 31 amino acid residues and purified from the venom of the Chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch, was characterized using whole-cell patch-clamp recording in rat hippocampal neurons. The three dimensional structure of BmKK2 was determined with two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling techniques. In solution this toxin adopted a common alpha/beta-motif, but showed distinct local conformation in the loop between alpha-helix and beta-sheet in comparison with typical short-chain scorpion toxins (e.g., CTX and NTX). Also, the alpha helix is shorter and the beta-sheet element is smaller (each strand consisted only two residues). The unusual structural feature of BmKK2 was attributed to the shorter loop between the alpha-helix and beta-sheet and the presence of two consecutive Pro residues at position 21 and 22 in the loop. Moreover, two models of BmKK2/hKv1.3 channel and BmKK2/rSK2 channel complexes were simulated with docking calculations. The results demonstrated the existence of a alpha-mode binding between the toxin and the channels. The model of BmKK2/rSK2 channel complex exhibited favorable contacts both in electrostatic and hydrophobic, including a network of five hydrogen bonds and bigger interface containing seven pairs of inter-residue interactions. In contrast, the model of BmKK2/hKv1.3 channel complex, containing only three pairs of inter-residue interactions, exhibited poor contacts and smaller interface. The results well explained its lower activity towards Kv channel, and predicted that it may prefer a type of SK channel with a narrower entryway as its specific receptor.  相似文献   

Xu Y  Wu J  Pei J  Shi Y  Ji Y  Tong Q 《Biochemistry》2000,39(45):13669-13675
BmP02 is a 28-amino acid residue peptide purified from the venom of the Chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch, which had been demonstrated to be a weak blocker of apamin-sensitive calcium-activated potassium channels. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy techniques were used to determine the solution structure of BmP02. The results show that BmP02 formed a alpha/beta scorpion fold, the typical three-dimensional structure adopted by most short chain scorpion toxins whose structures have been determined. However, in BmP02 this alpha/beta fold was largely distorted. The alpha-helix was shortened to only one turn, and the loop connecting the helix to the first beta-strand exhibited conformational heterogeneity. The instability of BmP02 could be attributed to a proline at position 17, which is usually a glycine. Because the residue at this position makes intense contact with the alpha-helix, it was supposed that the bulky side chain of proline had pushed the helix away from the beta-sheet. This had a significant influence on the structure and function of BmP02. The alpha-helix rotated by about 40 degrees to avoid Pro17 while forming two disulfides with the second beta-strand. The rotation further caused both ends of the helix to be unwound due to covalent restrictions. According to its structure, BmP02 was supposed to interact with its target via the side chains of Lys11 and Lys13.  相似文献   

A new peptidyl inhibitor of the small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels (SKca) was purified to homogeneity from the venom of the Tunisian scorpion Buthus occitanus tunetanus. The molecular mass determined by SDS-PAGE, shows that it's a short peptide (3300 Da). The primary sequence of this toxin shows that it is a 31-residue polypeptide cross-linked by three disulfide bridges and structurally related to subfamily 5 of short scorpion toxins. This molecule shows similar pharmacological properties with this group of peptides inducing high toxicity in mice after intracerebro-ventricular injection, and competing with iodinated apamin for binding to its receptor site from rat brain synaptosomes (K0.5 = 4 nM).  相似文献   

Hao CJ  Xu CG  Wang W  Chai BF  Liang AH 《Biotechnology letters》2005,27(23-24):1929-1934
An insect excitatory toxin from Buthus martensii Karsch (BmK IT) was cloned into the expression vector, pTWIN1, and expressed into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) host cells. The soluble fusion expression of CBD-intein-BmK IT was obtained. The recombinant BmK IT was purified by two anion-exchange chromatography columns and one gel chromatography column. Bioassays were carried out to verify the toxicity of this recombinant toxin. At the end of a 96 h experimental period, 83% of cotton bollworm larvae were killed with an LT(50) value of 58-62 h. Furthermore, the average weight of larvae fed on BmK IT-containing media was approx 4% of that of the control groups. The results indicate that the expressed and purified recombinant BmK IT has biological activity.  相似文献   

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