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Studies were made of the growth of populations of Lemna minor,L. polyrrhiza, L. gibba, and Salvinia natans under controlledlaboratory conditions. The intrinsic exponential growth-ratesof the clones were determined in un-crowded cultures, and thechanges in growth-rate of self-crowding cultures were measuredand interpreted in terms of an initial exponential growth-ratefollowed by a phase of arithmetic increase in weight and followedin turn by a phase in which the death of submerged and shadedfronds caused a decline from the arithmetic rate of growth.Mean frond weight declined in self-crowding cultures (exceptof L. gibba). Mixed cultures of two species were examined under self-crowdingconditions and changes in the proportions of the species werefollowed. Whereas the total weight of mixed cultures remainedvery constant between replicates, there was wide variation inthe proportions of components. The variation in the two componentswas most closely correlated (negatively) when the struggle forexistence was most evenly balanced. The mean frond weight ofthe losing component declined during the experiments. The order of decreasing vigour of species measured by variousparameters was as follows: Relative (intrinsic) growth-rate: L. minor > S. natans > L. gibba > L. polyrrhiza Arithmetic growth-rate when crowded: S. natans > L. polyrrhiza > L. gibba > L. minor Asymptotic yield per culture: L. polyrrhiza > L. minor > S. natans > L. gibba Success in mixed cultures: The success of a species in mixture could not be predicted fromthe parameters of growth in pure culture. Morphologic featuressuch as the gibbosity of L. gibba  相似文献   

Fuller , Melvin S. (Brown U., Providence, R. I.) Growth and development of the water mold Rhizidiomyces in pure culture. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(1): 64–71. Illus. 1962.—A method for growing pure cultures of many of the single or few-celled phycomycetous fungi such as Rhizidiomyces is described. This method facilitates both qualitative and quantitative study of such fungi during their growth and development. Zoospores of Rhizidiomyces start to grow within 3 hr after being placed in a liquid medium, and are ready to discharge new zoospores after about 40 hr growth at 25 C. The single nucleus of the zoospore goes through many synchronous mitotic divisions during the development of the mature multinucleate cell. Under carefully controlled environmental conditions, sporangium discharge occurs in a definite and predictable manner. Observations suggesting a possible mechanism of sporangium discharge are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

1. It is shown that when plant tissues are ground with water the growth substance contained therein is inactivated by the oxidizing enzymes. 2. A simple method of extraction is described which enables the quantitative determination of growth substance in such tissues. 3. The amount and distribution of growth substance in the Avena coleoptile is determined by this method, and it is shown that while the substance does not diffuse out from the lower parts of the coleoptile, it is nevertheless present in considerable amounts, the concentration decreasing steadily with the distance from the tip. 4. Growth substance is also present in considerable amounts in Avena roots, and here also its concentration decreases steadily with distance from the tip. 5. The amount of growth substance diffusing out of root tips into dextrose agar, even during long periods of time, is not greater than the amount obtainable by direct extraction. Actual production in the root tip therefore either does not take place at all, or else takes place under quite different conditions from the production in the tip of the coleoptile.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1920,19(7-8):200-207

本文以矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸中草质优良,并在畜牧业生产中有重要作用的7种禾草为对象,研究了它们的生长发育节律、干重季节变化以及与环境因子之间的相互关系。其结果表明:7种禾草在矮嵩草草甸中的分布格局属非随机性的集中分布(Aggregated dispersal)。它们的生长发育节律和干重季节变化具明显的差异。单株分蘖数自返青开始随降水量、日照和≥3℃积温的增加而增加,到孕穗初期为最大。禾草种群生长发育的低温临界值为3℃。地上部分干重的积累与生长发育节律、≥5℃、≥10℃的积温,降水量和土壤含水量密切相关,生殖枝株高与≥10℃的积温密切相关。相关分析表明,温度是影响矮嵩草草甸禾草种群生长发育的主导因子(P<0.01),其次是降水量和土壤含水量(P<0.01) 。  相似文献   

Hybridogenetic Rana esculenta tadpoles display tolerance to extreme environmental conditions and fit criteria of the “general-purpose” genotype. A trade-off between generality and competitive ability is assumed to occur in asexual species, but the evidence remains unclear. The purpose of my experiment was to test the competitive ability of hemiclonal hybrid Rana esculenta tadpoles relative to the parental species Rana lessonae. Mixed and single genotype populations of R. esculenta and R. lessonae tadpoles were reared at three densities in artificial ponds. Survival of R. esculenta was higher than for R. lessonae tadpoles, but did not differ among densities. Body size at metamorphosis was the same between genotypes, but decreased with increasing density. Larval period was not affected by density, but R. esculenta tended to metamorphose earlier than R. lessonae. Percentage of individuals metamorphosing was higher for R. esculenta at both medium and high densities, but the same as R. lessonae at the low density. The difference in survival, body size, and larval period between tadpoles reared in single and mixed genotype populations was unaffected by genotype or density. The difference in the percentage of metamorphs, however, was strongly affected. The percentage of hybrids metamorphosing was 9% above the responses of single genotype populations at the highest density. Conversely, the percentage of R. lessonae metamorphosing was 12% below the responses of single genotype populations at the same density. Hybrid success in this experiment further supports the criterion of a “general-purpose” genotype without assumptions of reduced competitive ability.  相似文献   

我国23个群体体质的聚类分析与主成分分析   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
作者选取13项指标(头长、头宽、额最小宽、面宽、形态面高、鼻宽、鼻高、口裂宽、两眼内宽、身高、坐高、肩宽、骨盆宽)对我国23个群体体质特征进行了聚类分析与主成分分析。研究结果显示:23个群体可分为南方组、北方组(含两个小组)和中间类群组。南方组与北方组的体质区别主要为体部的长度、宽度的差异。北方组各群体之间头面部指标值差异较大,南方组各群体之间头面部指标值则较为接近。  相似文献   

The growth and demography of the freshwater snail Biomphalariapfeifferi, an intermediate host of the parasitic worm Schistosomamansoni in Eastern Zaire, were investigated in the laboratoryunder two conditions of crowding. Both individual and populationgrowth were depressed by crowding. Crowding reduced growth rateand all the variables and parameters related to reproduction(fecundity, instantaneous birth rate, net reproduction rate),but did not affect maximum size, survivorship, instantaneousdeath rate and life expectancy. The mechanism involved in theseeffects is likely to be exploitation competition for especiallyprofitable food items such as diatoms. (Received 10 November 1986;  相似文献   

用土钻法研究了杉木(Cunninghamialanceolata)、火力楠(Micheliamaclurei)纯林和混交林的细根分布,用分解袋法研究了杉木和火力楠细根的分解,计算了3个林分中细根分解的N,P,K,Ca,Mg的归还量。活细根的垂直分布以火力楠纯林层次性最强,混交林次之,杉木纯林最差。火力楠细根的养分含量比杉木细根高,而C/N比低。火力楠细根年分解率比杉木快,火力楠为57.7%,而杉木为32.78%。细根分解的养分归还量多少顺序依次为:火力楠纯林、杉木火力楠混交林和杉木纯林。混交林中,细根分解的N,P,K,Ca和Mg归还量分别为枯枝落叶的33.38%,5.82%,269.33%,34.12%和376.08%。细根在3个林分的物质循环和周转中起着不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

在江苏省高淳县和安徽省绩溪县两地同时进行中华绒螯蟹长江种群和辽河种群二龄成蟹生长比较试验。①在同一饲养环境里 ,4— 9月 ,两种群间差异不显著 (P >0 0 5 )。②长江蟹比辽河蟹生长期长一个月 ,长江蟹 1 0月底出池 ,故其商品蟹体重大于 9月底出池时辽河蟹体重 (P <0 0 5 )。③长江蟹成活率高于辽河蟹 (P <0 0 1 )。④两种群的雄性个体都大于雌性个体 (P <0 0 1 ) ;但雌、雄差异明显增大的时间是 ,辽河蟹始于 7、8月份 ,长江蟹始于 8、9月份。⑤在绩溪山区池塘低温和饵料贫乏的生态环境中 ,两种群的生长、成活率都比在高淳平原池塘的较好生态环境下低 (P <0 0 1 )。种群与环境、性别与环境的交互作用都极显著 (P <0 0 1 )。在优良环境中 ,长江种群的生长优势和两种群内雄性的生长优势才能得到发挥  相似文献   

 本文用灰色系统理论的关联度分析对缙云山森林群落次生演替系列优势种群的生长、分布、显著度及其生态因子的相关性进行了尝试性研究。基本方法采取空间差异代替时间变化,利用相邻格子法每木实测取样。结果表明缙云山森林群落次生演替系列8个优势种群对应9个生态因子的关系。马尾松受限于较差的环境条件,如土层薄、坡度大等;亚热带演替顶极群落常绿阔叶林第一层树种,如大头茶、小叶栲等受控于土壤条件最大。9个生态因子对优势种群作用由强到弱的潜在序列为土壤有机质>土壤厚度>种丰富度>土壤pH>土壤水分>干扰度>海拔高度>坡度>群落透光度。8个优势种群受9个因子综合作用的反应由强到弱的可能序列是栲树>银木荷>大头茶>小叶栲>马尾松>白毛新木姜子>川山矾>光叶山矾。  相似文献   

The mathematical and statistical problem of estimating the mean and variance of cell cycle times from cinemicrographically observed durations until mitosis (cytokinesis at late anaphase), disintegration, collision (cells superimposing each other) or emigration (moving out of the field of vision) of randomly chosen individual cells in a population in balanced exponential growth is treated. The resulting formulae are simple and considerably reduce the average cell observation time. They are applied to two normal human foetal cell lines and their SV40-transformed counterparts. One result is that the latter seem to have longer cycle times in spite of their shorter doubling times. Another result is that the cell mobility seems somewhat increased in the transformed populations. This corroborates earlier findings, indicating that the extent of cell loss, rather than the length of cycle times, may play a decisive role for the (net) doubling time of cultivated cell populations.  相似文献   

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