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To better understand the genetic requirements for R gene-dependent defense activation in Arabidopsis, we tested the effect of several defense response mutants on resistance specified by eight RPP genes (for resistance to Peronospora parasitica) expressed in the Col-0 background. In most cases, resistance was not suppressed by a mutation in the SAR regulatory gene NPR1 or by expression of the NahG transgene. Thus, salicylic acid accumulation and NPR1 function are not necessary for resistance mediated by these RPP genes. In addition, resistance conferred by two of these genes, RPP7 and RPP8, was not significantly suppressed by mutations in either EDS1 or NDR1. RPP7 resistance was also not compromised by mutations in EIN2, JAR1 or COI1 which affect ethylene or jasmonic acid signaling. Double mutants were therefore tested. RPP7 and RPP8 were weakly suppressed in an eds1-2/ndr1-1 background, suggesting that these RPP genes operate additively through EDS1, NDR1 and as-yet-undefined signaling components. RPP7 was not compromised in coi1/npr1 or coi1/NahG backgrounds. These observations suggest that RPP7 initiates resistance through a novel signaling pathway that functions independently of salicylic acid accumulation or jasmonic acid response components.  相似文献   

The perception of downy mildew avirulence (Arabidopsis thaliana Recognized [ATR]) gene products by matching Arabidopsis thaliana resistance (Recognition of Peronospora parasitica [RPP]) gene products triggers localized cell death (a hypersensitive response) in the host plant, and this inhibits pathogen development. The oomycete pathogen, therefore, is under selection pressure to alter the form of these gene products to prevent detection. That the pathogen maintains these genes indicates that they play a positive role in pathogen survival. Despite significant progress in cloning plant RPP genes and characterizing essential plant components of resistance signaling pathways, little progress has been made in identifying the oomycete molecules that trigger them. Concluding a map-based cloning effort, we have identified an avirulence gene, ATR1NdWsB, that is detected by RPP1 from the Arabidopsis accession Niederzenz in the cytoplasm of host plant cells. We report the cloning of six highly divergent alleles of ATR1NdWsB from eight downy mildew isolates and demonstrate that the ATR1NdWsB alleles are differentially recognized by RPP1 genes from two Arabidopsis accessions (Niederzenz and Wassilewskija). RPP1-Nd recognizes a single allele of ATR1NdWsB; RPP1-WsB also detects this allele plus three additional alleles with divergent sequences. The Emco5 isolate expresses an allele of ATR1NdWsB that is recognized by RPP1-WsB, but the isolate evades detection in planta. Although the Cala2 isolate is recognized by RPP1-WsA, the ATR1NdWsB allele from Cala2 is not, demonstrating that RPP1-WsA detects a novel ATR gene product. Cloning of ATR1NdWsB has highlighted the presence of a highly conserved novel amino acid motif in avirulence proteins from three different oomycetes. The presence of the motif in additional secreted proteins from plant pathogenic oomycetes and its similarity to a host-targeting signal from malaria parasites suggest a conserved role in pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis Ler-RPP27 gene confers AtSgt1b-independent resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica) isolate Hiks1. The RPP27 locus was mapped to a four-bacterial artificial chromosome interval on chromosome 1 from genetic analysis of a cross between the enhanced susceptibility mutant Col-edm1 (Col-sgt1) and Landsberg erecta (Ler-0). A Cf-like candidate gene in this interval was PCR amplified from Ler-0 and transformed into mutant Col-rpp7.1 plants. Homozygous transgenic lines conferred resistance to Hiks1 and at least four Ler-0 avirulent/Columbia-0 (Col-0) virulent isolates of downy mildew pathogen. A full-length RPP27 cDNA was isolated, and analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences showed that the gene encodes a receptor-like protein (RLP) with a distinct domain structure, composed of a signal peptide followed by extracellular Leu-rich repeats, a membrane spanning region, and a short cytoplasmic carboxyl domain. RPP27 is the first RLP-encoding gene to be implicated in disease resistance in Arabidopsis, enabling the deployment of Arabidopsis techniques to investigate the mechanisms of RLP function. Homology searches of the Arabidopsis genome, using the RPP27, Cf-9, and Cf-2 protein sequences as a starting point, identify 59 RLPs, including the already known CLAVATA2 and TOO MANY MOUTHS genes. A combination of sequence and phylogenetic analysis of these predicted RLPs reveals conserved structural features of the family.  相似文献   

We have used the naturally occurring plant-parasite system of Arabidopsis thaliana and its common parasite Peronospora parasitica (downy mildew) to study the evolution of resistance specificity in the host population. DNA sequence of the resistance gene, RPP13, from 24 accessions, including 20 from the United Kingdom, revealed amino acid sequence diversity higher than that of any protein coding gene reported so far in A. thaliana. A significant excess of amino acid polymorphism segregating within this species is localized within the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain of RPP13. These results indicate that single alleles of the gene have not swept through the population, but instead, a diverse collection of alleles have been maintained. Transgenic complementation experiments demonstrate functional differences among alleles in their resistance to various pathogen isolates, suggesting that the extreme amino acid polymorphism in RPP13 is maintained through continual reciprocal selection between host and pathogen.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, RPP4 confers resistance to Peronospora parasitica (P.p.) races Emoy2 and Emwa1 (downy mildew). We identified RPP4 in Col-0 as a member of the clustered RPP5 multigene family encoding nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat proteins with Toll/interleukin-1 receptor domains. RPP4 is the orthologue of RPP5 which, in addition to recognizing P.p. race Noco2, also mediates resistance to Emoy2 and Emwa1. Most differences between RPP4 and RPP5 occur in residues that constitute the TIR domain and in LRR residues that are predicted to confer recognition specificity. RPP4 requires the action of at least 12 defence components, including DTH9, EDS1, PAD4, PAL, PBS2, PBS3, SID1, SID2 and salicylic acid. The ndr1, npr1 and rps5-1 mutations partially compromise RPP4 function in cotyledons but not in true leaves. The identification of RPP4 as a TIR-NB-LRR protein, coupled with its dependence on certain signalling components in true leaves, is consistent with the hypothesis that distinct NB-LRR protein classes differentially signal through EDS1 and NDR1. Our results suggest that RPP4-mediated resistance is developmentally regulated and that in cotyledons there is cross-talk between EDS1 and NDR1 signalling and processes regulating systemic acquired resistance.  相似文献   

Isolate WELA of the plant pathogenic oomycete fungus Peronospora parasitica causes downy mildew in the Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes Weiningen (Wei-0) and La-er, whereas ecotypes RLD and Col-0 are resistant. Genetic crosses between resistant RLD and susceptible Wei-0 showed that resistance was inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion as a monogenic dominant trait. The interactions between different isolates of P. parasitica and ecotypes of A. thaliana show race-specific variation and fit a gene-for-gene relationship. The RPP11 resistance gene was mapped by following the co-segregation of the resistance phenotype with RFLP markers in a mapping population of 254 F3 families derived from RLD x Wei-0 F2 individuals. Linkage analysis using version 1.9 of the MAPMAKER program placed the RPP11 resistance locus on chromosome III between marker m249 (two recombinants) and marker g2534 (six recombinants). Markers g2534 and g4117 are on YAC EG7H1. Marker g4117 and one end probe (N5) generated from YAC EG7H1 showed no recombinants. The YAC end probe N5, which was generated by plasmid rescue, was used to screen clones in the Eric Ward YAC library and a YAC was fished (EW19B12) which also hybridised with m249. Thus, a YAC contig has been established over the region where the resistance locus maps. Because the YACs were made with ecotype Columbia DNA it is necessary to isolate the equivalent region from RLD in order to clone the resistance locus. To this end a phage -DASH genomic library was prepared from RLD and a contig covering the relevant region of the YACs is currently under construction.  相似文献   

Fifteen isolates of the biotrophic oomycete Peronospora parasitica (downy mildew) were obtained from a population of Arabidopsis thaliana plants that established naturally in a garden the previous year. They exhibited phenotypic variation in a set of 12 Arabidopsis accessions that suggested that the parasite population consisted of at least six pathotypes. One isolate, Maks9, elicited an interaction phenotype of flecking necrosis and no sporulation (FN) in the Arabidopsis accession Nd-1, and more extensive pitting necrosis with no sporulation (PN) in the accession Ws-2. RPP13 was designated as the locus for a single dominant resistance gene associated with the resistance in Nd-1 and mapped to an interval of approximately 60 kb on a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig on the lower arm of chromosome 3. This locus is approximately 6 cM telomeric to RPP1, which was previously described as the locus for the PN interaction with five Peronospora isolates, including resistance to Maks9 in Ws-2. New Peronospora isolates were obtained from four other geographically distinct populations of P. parasitica. Four isolates were characterized that elicited an FN phenotype in Nd-1 and mapped resistance to the RPP13 locus. This suggests that the RPP13 locus contains either a single gene capable of multiple isolate recognition or a group of tightly linked genes. Further analysis suggests that the RPP11 gene in the accession Rld-0 may be allelic to RPP13 but results in a different recognition capability.  相似文献   

Sohn KH  Lei R  Nemri A  Jones JD 《The Plant cell》2007,19(12):4077-4090
The downy mildew (Hyaloperonospora parasitica) effector proteins ATR1 and ATR13 trigger RPP1-Nd/WsB- and RPP13-Nd-dependent resistance, respectively, in Arabidopsis thaliana. To better understand the functions of these effectors during compatible and incompatible interactions of H. parasitica isolates on Arabidopsis accessions, we developed a novel delivery system using Pseudomonas syringae type III secretion via fusions of ATRs to the N terminus of the P. syringae effector protein, AvrRPS4. ATR1 and ATR13 both triggered the hypersensitive response (HR) and resistance to bacterial pathogens in Arabidopsis carrying RPP1-Nd/WsB or RPP13-Nd, respectively, when delivered from P. syringae pv tomato (Pst) DC3000. In addition, multiple alleles of ATR1 and ATR13 confer enhanced virulence to Pst DC3000 on susceptible Arabidopsis accessions. We conclude that ATR1 and ATR13 positively contribute to pathogen virulence inside host cells. Two ATR13 alleles suppressed bacterial PAMP (for Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns)-triggered callose deposition in susceptible Arabidopsis when delivered by DC3000 DeltaCEL mutants. Furthermore, expression of another allele of ATR13 in plant cells suppressed PAMP-triggered reactive oxygen species production in addition to callose deposition. Intriguingly, although Wassilewskija (Ws-0) is highly susceptible to H. parasitica isolate Emco5, ATR13Emco5 when delivered by Pst DC3000 triggered localized immunity, including HR, on Ws-0. We suggest that an additional H. parasitica Emco5 effector might suppress ATR13-triggered immunity.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA) is an important regulator of plant defense responses, and a variety of Arabidopsis mutants impaired in resistance against bacterial and fungal pathogens show defects in SA accumulation, perception, or signal transduction. Nevertheless, the role of SA-dependent defense responses against necrotrophic fungi is currently unclear. We determined the susceptibility of a set of previously identified Arabidopsis mutants impaired in defense responses to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. The rate of development of B. cinerea disease symptoms on primary infected leaves was affected by responses mediated by the genes EIN2, JAR1, EDS4, PAD2, and PAD3, but was largely independent of EDS5, SID2/ICS1, and PAD4. Furthermore, plants expressing a nahG transgene or treated with a phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) inhibitor showed enhanced symptoms, suggesting that SA synthesized via PAL, and not via isochorismate synthase (ICS), mediates lesion development. In addition, the degree of lesion development did not correlate with defensin or PR1 expression, although it was partially dependent upon camalexin accumulation. Although npr1 mutant leaves were normally susceptible to B. cinerea infection, a double ein2 npr1 mutant was significantly more susceptible than ein2 plants, and exogenous application of SA decreased B. cinerea lesion size through an NPR1-dependent mechanism that could be mimicked by the cpr1 mutation. These data indicate that local resistance to B. cinerea requires ethylene-, jasmonate-, and SA-mediated signaling, that the SA affecting this resistance does not require ICS1 and is likely synthesized via PAL, and that camalexin limits lesion development.  相似文献   

The dominant locus, RCY1, in the Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype C24 confers resistance to the yellow strain of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-Y). The RCY1 locus was mapped to a 150-kb region on chromosome 5. Sequence comparison of this region from C24 and a CMV-Y-susceptible C24 mutant predicts that the RCY1 gene encodes a 104-kDa CC-NBS-LRR-type protein. The RCY1 gene from C24, when expressed in the susceptible ecotype Wassilewskija (Ws), restricted the systemic spread of virus. RCY1 is allelic to the resistance genes RPP8 from the ecotype Landsberg erecta and HRT from the ecotype Dijon-17, which confer resistance to Peronospora parasitica biotype Emco5 and turnip crinkle virus (TCV), respectively. Examination of RCY1 plants defective in salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene signaling revealed a requirement for SA and ethylene signaling in mounting a resistance response to CMV-Y. The RCY1 nahG etr1 double mutants exhibited an intermediate level of susceptibility to CMV-Y, compared to the resistant ecotype C24 and the susceptible ecotypes Columbia and Nossen. This suggests that in addition to SA and ethylene, a novel signaling mechanism is associated with the induction of resistance in CMV-Y-infected C24 plants. Moreover, our results suggest that the signaling pathways downstream of the RPP8, HRT, and RCY1 have evolved independently.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis FAD7 gene encodes a plastid omega-3 fatty acid desaturase that catalyzes the desaturation of dienoic fatty acids to trienoic fatty acids in chloroplast membrane lipids. The expression of FAD7 was rapidly and locally induced by ozone exposure, which causes oxidative responses equivalent to pathogen-induced hypersensitive responses and subsequently activates various defense-related genes. This induction was reduced in salicylic acid (SA)-deficient NahG plants expressing SA hydroxylase, but was unaffected in etr1 and jar1 mutants, which are insensitive to ethylene and jasmonic acid (JA), respectively. The SA dependence of the FAD7 induction was confirmed by the exogenous application of SA. SA-induced expression of FAD7 in the npr1 mutant which is defective in an SA signaling pathway occurred to the same extent as in the wild type. Furthermore, in the sid2 mutant which lacks an enzyme required for SA biosynthesis, the expression of FAD7 was induced by ozone exposure. These results suggest that the ozone-induced expression of FAD7 gene requires SA, but not ethylene, JA, NPR1 and SID2.  相似文献   

Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) constitute a large family of signal perception molecules in Arabidopsis. The largest group of RLKs is the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) class that has been described to function in development and defense. Of these, CLAVATA1 (CLV1) and ERECTA (ER) receptors function in maintaining shoot meristem homeostasis and organ growth, but LRR RLKs with similar function in the root remain unknown. For the interaction of Arabidopsis with the oomycete pathogen Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis the involvement of LRR RLKs has not been demonstrated. A set of homozygous T-DNA insertion lines mutated in LRR RLKs was investigated to assess the potential role of these receptors in root meristem maintenance and compatibility. One mutant line, rlk902, was discovered that showed both reduced root growth and resistance to downy mildew in a recessive manner. The phenotypes of this mutated line could not be rescued by complementation, but are nevertheless linked to the T-DNA insertion. Microarray studies showed that gene expression spanning a region of approximately 84 kb upstream of the mutated gene was downregulated. The results suggest T-DNA mediated trans-repression of multiple genes upstream of the RLK902 locus links both phenotypes.  相似文献   

An activation-tagged allele of activated disease resistance 1 (ADR1) has previously been shown to convey broad spectrum disease resistance. ADR1 was found to encode a coiled-coil (CC)-nucleotide-binding site (NBS)-leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein, which possessed domains of homology with serine/threonine protein kinases. Here, we show that either constitutive or conditional enhanced expression of ADR1 conferred significant drought tolerance. This was not a general feature of defence-related mutants because cir (constitutive induced resistance)1, cir2 and cpr (constitutive expressor of PR genes)1, which constitutively express systemic acquired resistance (SAR), failed to exhibit this phenotype. Cross-tolerance was not a characteristic of adr1 plants, rather they showed increased sensitivity to thermal and salinity stress. Hence, adr1-activated signalling may antagonise some stress responses. Northern analysis of abiotic marker genes revealed that dehydration-responsive element (DRE)B2A but not DREB1A, RD (response to dehydration)29A or RD22 was expressed in adr1 plant lines. Furthermore, DREB2A expression was salicylic acid (SA) dependent but NPR (non-expressor of PR genes)1 independent. In adr1/ADR1 nahG (naphthalene hydroxylase G), adr1/ADR1 eds (enhanced disease susceptibility)1 and adr1/ADR1 abi1 double mutants, drought tolerance was significantly reduced. Microarray analyses of plants containing a conditional adr1 allele demonstrated that a significant number of the upregulated genes had been previously implicated in responses to dehydration. Therefore, biotic and abiotic signalling pathways may share multiple nodes and their outputs may have significant functional overlap.  相似文献   

Harpin, the product of the hrpN gene of Erwinia amylovora, elicits the hypersensitive response and disease resistance in many plants. Harpin and known inducers of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) were tested on five genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana to assess the role of SAR in harpin-induced resistance. In wild-type plants, harpin elicited systemic resistance to Peronospora parasitica and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, accompanied by induction of the SAR genes PR-1 and PR-2. However, in experiments with transgenic Arabidopsis plants containing the nahG gene which prevents accumulation of salicylic acid (SA), harpin neither elicited resistance nor activated SAR gene expression. Harpin also failed to activate SAR when applied to nim1 (non-inducible immunity) mutants, which are defective in responding to SA and regulation of SAR. In contrast, mutants compromised in responsiveness to methyl jasmonate and ethylene developed the same resistance as did wild-type plants. Thus, harpin elicits disease resistance through the NIM1-mediated SAR signal transduction pathway in an SA-dependent fashion. The site of action of harpin in the SAR regulatory pathway is upstream of SA.  相似文献   

The inheritance of resistance to sunflower downy mildew (SDM) derived from HA-R5 conferring resistance to nine races of the pathogen has been determined and the new source has been designated as Pl 13 . The F2 individuals and F3 families of the cross HA-R5 (resistant) × HA 821 (susceptible) were screened against the four predominant SDM races 300, 700, 730, and 770 in separate tests which indicated dominant control by a single locus or a cluster of tightly linked genes. Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) was carried out on 116 F2 individuals with 500 SSR primer pairs that resulted in the identification of 10 SSR markers of linkage groups 1 (9 markers) and 10 (1 marker) of the genetic map (Tang et al. in Theor Appl Genet 105:1124–1136, 2002) that distinguished the bulks. Of these, the SSR marker ORS 1008 of linkage group 10 was tightly linked (0.9 cM) to the Pl 13 gene. Genotyping the F2 population and linkage analysis with 20 polymorphic primer pairs located on linkage group 10 failed to show linkage of the markers with downy mildew resistance and the ORS 1008 marker. Nevertheless, validation of polymorphic SSR markers of linkage group 1 along with six RFLP-based STS markers of linkage group 12 of the RFLP map of Jan et al. (Theor Appl Genet 96:15–22, 1998) corresponding to linkage group 1 of the SSR map, mapped seven SSR markers (ORS 965-1, ORS 965-2, ORS 959, ORS 371, ORS 716, and ORS 605) including ORS 1008 and one STS marker (STS10D6) to linkage group 1 covering a genetic distance of 65.0 cM. The Pl 13 gene, as a different source with its location on linkage group 1, was flanked by ORS 1008 on one side at a distance of 0.9 cM and ORS 965-1 on another side at a distance of 5.8 cM. These closely linked markers to the Pl 13 gene provide a valuable basis for marker-assisted selection in sunflower breeding programs.  相似文献   

R F Warren  A Henk  P Mowery  E Holub    R W Innes 《The Plant cell》1998,10(9):1439-1452
Recognition of pathogens by plants is mediated by several distinct families of functionally variable but structurally related disease resistance (R) genes. The largest family is defined by the presence of a putative nucleotide binding domain and 12 to 21 leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). The function of these LRRs has not been defined, but they are speculated to bind pathogen-derived ligands. We have isolated a mutation in the Arabidopsis RPS5 gene that indicates that the LRR region may interact with other plant proteins. The rps5-1 mutation causes a glutamate-to-lysine substitution in the third LRR and partially compromises the function of several R genes that confer bacterial and downy mildew resistance. The third LRR is relatively well conserved, and we speculate that it may interact with a signal transduction component shared by multiple R gene pathways.  相似文献   

Plant immunity against the majority of the microbial pathogens is conveyed by a phenomenon known as non-host resistance (NHR). This defence mechanism affords durable protection to plant species against given species of phytopathogens. We investigated the genetic basis of NHR in Arabidopsis against the wheat powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt). Both primary and appressorial germ tubes were produced from individual Bgt conidia on the surface of the Arabidopsis leaves. Attempted infection occasionally resulted in successful penetration, which led to the development of an abnormal unilateral haustorium. Inoculation of a series of Arabidopsis defence-related mutants with Bgt resulted in the attenuation of reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI) production and salicylic acid (SA)-dependent defence gene expression in eds1, pad4 and nahG plants, which are known to be defective in some aspects of host resistance. Furthermore, Bgt often developed bilateral haustoria in the mutant Arabidopsis lines that closely resembled those formed in wheat. A similar decrease in NHR was observed following treatment of the wild-type Arabidopsis plants with cytochalasin E, an inhibitor of actin microfilament polymerisation. In eds1 mutants, inhibition of actin polymerisation severely compromised NHR in Arabidopsis against Bgt. This permitted completion of the Bgt infection cycle on these plants. Therefore, actin cytoskeletal function and EDS1 activity, in combination, are major contributors to NHR in Arabidopsis against wheat powdery mildew.  相似文献   

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