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The bioactivities of peptides encrypted in major milk proteins are latent until released and activated by enzymatic proteolysis, e.g. during gastrointestinal digestion or food processing. The proteolytic system of lactic acid bacteria can contribute to the liberation of bioactive peptides. In vitro, the purified cell wall proteinase of Lactococcus lactis was shown to liberate oligopeptides from - and -caseins which contain amino acid sequences present in casomorphins, casokinines, and immunopeptides. The further degradation of these peptides by endopeptidases and exopeptidases of lactic acid bacteria could lead to the liberation of bioactive peptides in fermented milk products. However, the sequences of practically all known biologically active peptides can also be cleaved by peptidases from lactic acid bacteria. Activated peptides are potential modulators of various regulatory processes in the body: Opioid peptides are opioid receptor ligands which can modulate ab sorption processes in the intestinal tract, angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory peptides are hemodynamic regulators and exert an antihypertensive effect, immunomodulating casein peptides stimulate the activities of cells of the immune system, antimicrobial peptides kill sensitive microorganisms, antithrombotic peptides inhibit aggregation of platelets and caseinophosphopeptides may function as carriers for different minerals, especially calcium. Bioactive peptides can interact with target sites at the luminal side of the intestinal tract. Furthermore, they can be absorbed and then reach peripheral organs. Food-derived bioactive peptides are claimed to be health enhancing components which can be used for functional food and pharmaceutical preparations.  相似文献   

BackgroundSome cationic and amphiphilic α-helical segments of proteins adsorb to prokaryotic membranes when synthesized as individual polypeptide sequences, resulting in broad and potent antimicrobial activity. However, amphiphilicity, a determinant physicochemical property for peptide-membrane interactions, can also be observed in some β-sheets.MethodsThe software Kamal was used to scan the human reference proteome for short (7–11 amino acid residues) cationic and amphiphilic protein segments with the characteristic periodicity of β-sheets. Some of the uncovered peptides were chemically synthesized, and antimicrobial assays were conducted. Biophysical techniques were used to probe the molecular interaction of one peptide with phospholipid vesicles, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and the bacterium Escherichia coli.ResultsThousands of compatible segments were found in human proteins, five were synthesized, and three presented antimicrobial activity in the micromolar range. Hs10, a nonapeptide fragment of the Complement C3 protein, could inhibit only the growth of tested Gram-negative microorganisms, presenting also little cytotoxicity to human fibroblasts. Hs10 interacted with LPS while transitioning from an unstructured segment to a β-sheet and increased the hydrodynamic radius of LPS particles. This peptide also promoted morphological alterations in E. coli cells. Conclusions: Data presented herein introduce yet another molecular template to probe proteins in search for encrypted membrane-active segments and demonstrates that, using this approach, short peptides with low cytotoxicity and high selectivity to prokaryotic cells might be obtained.General SignificanceThis work widens the biotechnological potential of the human proteome as a source of antimicrobial peptides with application in human health.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) of all tissues and organs is a highly organized and complex structure unique to the specific organ type. The ECM contains structural and functional proteins that define cellular function, organization, behavior and ultimately organ characteristics and function. The ECM was initially thought to contain only a specific set of secretory proteins. However, our group and several other groups have shown that the ECM contains functional proteins that have been previously defined as solely intracellular. In the present review, we have focused on the ECM of mineralized tissues namely bone and dentin. We provide here, a brief review of some non-classical ECM proteins that have been shown to possess both intra and extracellular roles in the formation of these mineralized matrices.  相似文献   

BackgroundHere we describe a new class of cryptides (peptides encrypted within a larger protein) with antimicrobial properties, named schistocins, derived from SmKI-1, a key protein in Shistosoma mansoni survival. This is a multi-functional protein with biotechnological potential usage as a therapeutic molecule in inflammatory diseases and to control schistosomiasis.MethodsWe used our algorithm enCrypted, to perform an in silico proteolysis of SmKI-1 and a screening for potential antimicrobial activity. The selected peptides were chemically synthesized, tested in vitro and evaluated by both structural (CD, NMR) and biophysical (ITC) studies to access their structure-function relationship.ResultsEnCrypted was capable of predicting AMPs in SmKI-1. Our biophysical analyses described a membrane-induced conformational change from random coil-to-α-helix and a peptide-membrane equilibrium for all schistocins. Our structural data allowed us to suggest a well-known mode of peptide-membrane interaction in which electrostatic attraction between the cationic peptides and anionic membranes results in the bilayer disordering. Moreover, the NMR H/D exchange data with the higher entropic contribution observed for the peptide-membrane interaction showed that schistocins have different orientations upon the membrane.ConclusionsThis work demonstrate the robustness for using the physicochemical features of predicted peptides in the identification of new bioactive cryptides. Besides, it demonstrates the relevance of combining these analyses with biophysical methods to understand the peptide-membrane affinity and improve further algorithms.General significanceBioprospecting cryptides can be conducted through data mining of protein databases demonstrating the success of our strategy. The peptides-based agents derived from SmKI-1 might have high impact for system-biology and biotechnology.  相似文献   

Milk is a source of bioactive molecules with wide-ranging functions. Among these, the immune properties have been the best characterised. In recent years, it has become apparent that besides the immunoglobulins, milk also contains a range of minor immune-related proteins that collectively form a significant first line of defence against pathogens, acting both within the mammary gland itself as well as in the digestive tract of the suckling neonate. We have used proteomics technologies to characterise the repertoire of host-defence-related milk proteins in detail, revealing more than 100 distinct gene products in milk, of which at least 15 are known host-defence-related proteins. Those having intrinsic antimicrobial activity likely function as effector proteins of the local mucosal immune defence (e.g. defensins, cathelicidins and the calgranulins). Here, we focus on the activities and biological roles of the cathelicidins and mammary serum amyloid A. The function of the immune-related milk proteins that do not have intrinsic antimicrobial activity is also discussed, notably lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, RNase4, RNase5/angiogenin and cartilage-glycoprotein 39 kDa. Evidence is shown that at least some of these facilitate recognition of microbes, resulting in the activation of innate immune signalling pathways in cells associated with the mammary and/or gut mucosal surface. Finally, the contribution of the bacteria in milk to its functionality is discussed. These investigations are elucidating how an effective first line of defence is achieved in the bovine mammary gland and how milk contributes to optimal digestive function in the suckling calf. This study will contribute to a better understanding of the health benefits of milk, as well as to the development of high-value ingredients from milk.  相似文献   

Proteins and peptides use their amino acids as medium for electron-transfer reactions that occur either in single-step superexchange or in multistep hopping processes. Whereas the rate of the single-step electron transfer dramatically decreases with the distance, a hopping process is less distance dependent. Electron hopping is possible if amino acids carry oxidizable side chains, like the phenol group in tyrosine. These side chains become intermediate charge carriers. Because of the weak distance dependency of hopping processes, fast electron transfer over very long distances occurs in multistep reactions, as in the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase.  相似文献   

Despite the availability of various classes of antimycotics, the treatment of patients with systemic fungal infections is challenging. Therefore the development of new antifungals is urgently required. Promising new antifungal candidates are antimicrobial peptides. In the present review, we provide an overview of antifungal peptides isolated from plants, insects, amphibians and mammals that induce apoptosis. Their antifungal spectrum, mode of action and toxicity are discussed in more detail.  相似文献   

Plants produce potent constitutive and induced antifungal compounds to complement the structural barriers to microbial infection. Approximately 250,000-500,000 plant species exist, but only a few of these have been investigated for antimicrobial activity. Nevertheless, a wide spectrum of compound classes have been purified and found to have antifungal properties. The commercial potential of effective plant-produced antifungal compounds remains largely unexplored. This review article presents examples of these compounds and discusses their properties.  相似文献   

A corticosteroid-binding protein was detected in the whey of human colostrum and milk which resembles serum corticosteroid-binding globulin in certain respects: the equilibrium association constants for cortisol and progesterone binding and the apparent molecular size, as determined by Sephadex G-200 chromatography, were similar, and cortisol andd progesterone competed strongly for binding to the same site in each instance. Dexamethasone-binding activity could not be detected. The concentration of corticosteroid-binding protein in the colostrum obtained before parturition is about 0.1 muM; the concentration declines rapidly after parturition to about 0.01 muM. A corticosteroid-binding protein was found, also, in the whey of mature rat milk at levels of about 0.3 muM. This protein resembles rat serum corticosteroid-binding globulin: the equilibrium association constants for cortisol, corticosterone, and progesterone binding, and the apparent molecular size, as determined by Sephadex G-200 chromatography, were similar; the elution behavior of the respective proteins on anion exchange chromatography with DEAE-Sephadex A-50 was similar, also. Identity of the corticosteroid-binding proteins in whey with corticosteroid-binding globulin in serum is not presumed, however. Rat and human whey exhibited very little testosterone- or 17 beta-estradiol-binding activity. It is suggested the corticosteroid-binding proteins may play a significant physiological role in regulating the concentration of the bound and unbound forms of progesterone and cortisol in the fluids bathing the epithelial cells lining the mammary ducts and acini.  相似文献   

With the advances in genomics, molecular biology including gene vector technologies today's molecular imaging modalities have strongly been improved. The major progress is based on peptide and antibody targeting vectors. When labeled with beta(-)-emitting radioisotopes these agents are applicable for endoradiotherapy and exploit the targeting potential for highly specific therapeutic applications. This novel class of pharmaceuticals offers the potential to develop patient specific therapies and might provide the means to go beyond the possibilities of current chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In this review the basic principles of endoradiotherapeutics based on peptides and proteins are presented. Several of these drugs such as (90)Y-rituximab (Zevalin), (131)I-tositumomab (Bexxar) and the somatostatin receptor binding (90)Y-DOTATOC that are nowadays successfully applied in oncological therapy are discussed. Future generations of endoradiopharmaceuticals will address yet unknown targets which might be identified by screening techniques such as ribosome and phage display peptide libraries.  相似文献   

Mitchell JB  Smith J 《Proteins》2003,50(4):563-571
We have investigated the D-amino acid residues present in Protein Data Bank (PDB) entries, categorizing them into "real" D-residues and artifacts. In polypeptide chains of more than 20 residues, only a single instance of a "real" D-residue, other than those deliberately designed or engineered, was found. This example was the result of a slow chemical epimerization process. Another 12 designed D-residues were found in these longer polypeptide chains. Smaller peptides of 20 or fewer residues contained 479 "real" D-residues, the majority in various gramicidin, actinomycin, or cyclosporin structures. We found 148 PDB entries with "real" D-residues and a further 186, in which all apparent D-residues are artifacts. Investigating the (phi, psi) preferences of the "real" D-residues, we found that the region around (-60 degrees, -45 degrees ) was almost completely unoccupied, even though it is not formally disallowed. We link the low propensity to occupy this region with the alpha-helix destabilizing properties of D-residues.  相似文献   

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