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Si ricercano le cause determinanti la formazione di xilema nei vegetali. Sono messi in evidenza i fattori indispensabili per la produzione di legno normale, e si esamina la natura ed il modo di diffusione dello stimolo agente quale differenziante tale tipo di tessuto. Si distinguono, dal lengno normale, le tracheidi da ferita ed il legno da ferita. Viene esaminata la capacita neoproduttiva di vari tessuti, e si rileva la possibilita dello scorrere di alcune cellule in altre gia preesistenti. Si attribuisce al meristema primario la funzione di centro organizzatore vegetale.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Verfasser berichtet über die abnormale Entwicklung der Linse eines Hühnerembryos, bei dem im Stadium von 10 Urwirbeln Mittelhirn und Rautenhirnanlagen entfernt wurden. Infolge eines ausgedehnten Blutergusses wurde die Morphogenese des Augenbechers und des anliegenden lentogenen Ektoderms gestört. Die Einstülpung des präsumptiven lentogenen Ektoderms fiel aus und an Stelle der Linse bildete sich eine scheibenförmige Verdickung des präsumptiven lentogenen Ektoderms. In der Mitte bestand diese aus sehr hohen prismatischen Zellen, die sich unter allmählicher Abnahme der Zellhöhe in die niedrigen Zellen des Hautektoderms fortsetzten. Verfasser erblickt darin ein Beispiel von Aufhebung des Zusammenhanges zwischen Morphogenese der Linse und Differenzierung der sie bildenden Zellen. Infolge der besonderen örtlichen mechanischen Bedingungen verblieben die Zellelemente, die zur Umwandlung in Linsenzellen bestimmt waren, an der Oberfläche im Zusammenhang mit dem Deckepithel, die gleichen Bedingungen schufen einen allmählichen Formübergang zwischen den Zellen, die den Linsenfasern ähnliche Merkmale zeigten, und jenen, welche das vordere Linsenepithel bilden sollten.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In vorliegenden Untersuchungen wurden Vergleiche der Struktur des Nervengewebes hinsichtlich der Größe, der Anzahl und der Form der Neuronen zwei nahe verwandter Nagerarten der Familie der Subungulata (Hydrochoerus capybara und Cavia cobaya) durchgeführt. Diese Arten sind von sehr verschiedener Körpergröße (Verhältnis zwischen den Gewichten 106,61).Das Verhältnis der Mittelwerte der Volumina der Zellen des 7. zervikalen Spinalganglions von H. capybara und des 5. von Cavia beträgt 8,201. Das Verhältnis der Zahl der Zellen des 5. zervikalen Spinalganglions bei den beiden Arten beträgt 3,341. Da das Verhältnis der Oberfläche des Körpers bei den beiden Arten 27,41 beträgt, besteht augenscheinlich ein Mißverhältnis zwischen dem mäßigen Überwiegen der Zahl der Neuronen bei der größeren Art und der enormen Zunahme der Oberfläche des Körpers. Mit anderen Worten wäre die Gesamtmasse der sensiblen Neurone bei unveränderter Größe der einzelnen Neuronen ungenügend zur Innervation einer so ausgedehnten Fläche. Doch wird die ungenügende Zahl der Neuronen durch eine Zunahme der Größe der einzelnen Neuronen ausgeglichen.Die Bedingungen, welche in den einzelnen Fällen die Anzahl und die Größe der Neuronen im Verhältnis zur Körpergröße bei den verschiedenen Tieren, während der Entwicklung des Keimes und während des postnatalen Wachstums bestimmen, werden diskutiert.Die motorischen Vorderhornzellen des Rückenmarkes und die Pyramidenzellen der Hirnrinde beider Arten wurden an Chromsilberpräparaten untersucht. Aus dem Vergleich zwischen gut gelungenen Präparaten des Rückenmarkes und der Hirnrinde beider Arten ergibt sich, daß sehr große Unterschiede besonders hinsichtlich der Dicke, der Länge und der Anzahl der Dendriten bestehen. Bei H. capybara sind die Dendriten dicker, länger, zahlreicher als bei Cavia; auch sind die Dendriten reichlicher verzweigt. Dagegen sind die Größenunterschiede zwischen den Pyrenophoren der zentralen Neuronen bei den beiden Arten nicht so groß wie die zwischen Spinalganglienzellen.  相似文献   


After having summarily described the ecological conditions of the «Montagna della Duchessa» the author lists the plants collected in this area by him and earlier by Martelli and Anzalone. Notes on the geographical distribution of some species in the most important mountains of Central Italy and critical remarks on the taxonomy of some plants are added to the list. Some taxa must be regarded as having been found for the first time in the Abruzzi.

On the basis of the biological spectrum and of the percentage of the geographical elements, the author takes into account the ecological and phytogeographical features of this flora and points out its affinity with the flora of the lands with an arctic climate.

The author describes the commonest plant-communities, by means of statistical investigations, lists of plants with frequency of each taxa, and field notes. Finally he takes into consideration some peculiar features of the flora of this area.  相似文献   

Riassunto Allo scopo di studiare le ripercussioni di profondi mutamenti delle condizioni meccaniche ambientali sulla differenziazione e l'accrescimento della cartilagine della sclera, si determinÒ in una serie di embrioni di polio al 40 giorno di incubazione un collasso dell'abbozzo dell'occhio destro. In conseguenza del collasso, il bulbo oculare, i cui singoli costituenti si differenziano in modo tipico, si accresce in misura considerevolmente ridotta in confronto all'occhio dell'altro lato, il cui sviluppo non fu turbato. Già due giorni dopo il collasso del calice retinico, il mesenchima che lo circonda e che è destinato a differenziarsi in gran parte nella cartilagine della sclera, costituisce una massa più spessa che di norma ma assai meno estesa in superficie.A partire dalla fine del 60 giorno d'incubazione, tale mesenchima si differenzia in cartilagine; in quest'ultima le cellule sono più addensate dal lato leso che da quello indenne. La densità dei condrociti per unità di volume di cartilagine non muta in modo significativo durante tutto lo sviluppo embrionale. La percentuale di condrociti in mitosi nella sclera dell'occhio ridotto, decresce un po' più rapidamente che nella sclera normale a partire dal momento nel quale inizia la differenziazione dell'abbozzo della sclera in cartilagine; invece, la sintesi di solfato di condroitina nella sostanza intercellulare, saggiata con lo studio dell'incorporazione di radiosolfo per un periodo di 24 ore, non presenta differenze apprezzabili nella sclera dell'occhio ridotto in confronto a quello che si accresce normalmente.La quantità assoluta di cartilagine che costituisce la sclera dell'occhio ridotto è considerevolmente minore di quella dell'occhio normale. Risulta dalle presenti ricerche che la differenza nell'accrescimento fra le sclere dei due occhi dipende non da variazioni dell'accrescimento interno ma da una cospicua riduzione dell'accrescimento apposizionale della sclera dell'occhio ridotto, sopratutto in corrispondenza del margine laterale della sclera al limite con la cornea (limbo sclerocorneale). In altre parole, nell'occhio ridotto vengono a mancare le condizioni meccaniche indispensabili per la progressiva estensione in superficie della sclera, la quale è dovuta ad un intenso accrescimento apposizionale al margine sclero-corneale.
Zusammenfassung Ziel vorliegender Untersuchungen war es, die Folgen von starken Veränderungen der mechanischen Bedingungen des Milieus auf die Differenzierung und auf das Wachstum des Skleralknorpels festzustellen. Bei einer Serie von Hühnerembryonen wurde am 4. Bebrütungstage ein Kollaps der rechten Augenanlage veranla\t. Während die Differenzierung der einzelnen Bestandteile durch den Kollaps des Augapfels nicht beeinträchtigt wurde, war sein Wachstum erheblich reduziert, in Vergleich mit dem des gegenseitigen Augapfels, dessen Wachstum ungestört war. Schon 2 Tage nach dem Kollaps des Augenbechers kommt es zu starken Veränderungen in der Form des umgebenden Mesenchyms, welches sich grö\tenteils zum Skleralknorpel differenzieren soll; die Mesenchymmasse wird plumper; ihre Flächenausdehnung wird erheblich reduziert. Vom Ende des 6. Bebrütungstages ab differenziert sich das Skleramesenchym zu Knorpel, in dem die Zellen im Vergleich zur unversehrten Seite verdichtet erscheinen. Die Dichtigkeit der Knorpelzellen je Volumeneinheit von Knorpel bleibt während der ganzen Entwicklung des operierten Embryos unverändert. Der Prozentsatz der Mitosen der Knorpelzellen in der Sklera des reduzierten Auges sinkt in Vergleich mit der normalen Sklera von dem Moment etwas rascher ab, in dem die Differenzierung der Skleraanlage in Knorpel stattfindet. Dagegen wurden, wenn man die Einverleibung der Menge von Radioschwefel in die Grundsubstanz während einer Periode von 24 Std untersucht, keine nennenswerten Unterschiede im Skleralknorpel des operierten Auges in Vergleich zu dem des gegenseitigen Auges konstatiert; dadurch wird bewiesen, da\ die Synthese von Chondroitinschwefelsäure in der Knorpelgrundsubstanz durch die Reduktion der Sklera nicht beeinträchtigt wird.Es ergibt sich aus vorliegenden Untersuchungen, da\ die absolute Menge des Knorpels der Sklera in Vergleich mit dem normalen Auge erheblich reduziert wird; doch hängt die Reduktion nicht von einer Verminderung im inneren Wachstum ab, sondern von der Reduktion des appositionellen Wachstums in der Sklera des reduzierten Auges, besonders am lateralen Rande der Sklera, an der Grenze mit der Hornhaut (Limbus Corneae). Kurz, es fehlen im reduzierten Auge die mechanischen Bedingungen für die progressive Ausdehnung in der Fläche der Sklera, welche durch ein intensives appositionelles Wachstum am Limbus Corneae hervorgebracht wird.


Observations on vegetative growth and leghemoglobin contents of root nodules of pea and bean plants after flower bud removal. — These studies found their origin in the papers by MATTIROLO (1899) on the effect of the removal of flowers as they formed in bean plants; he observed that deflowering resulted in extraordinary plant growth, stem branching and flower buds formation as well as in a delayed root nodule senescence. In the light of modern knowledge of the leghemoglobin role in symbiotic nitrogen fixation, the aim of the present research was to ascertain any possible relation between flower bud removal and haeme pigment contents in the root nodules. The experiments were carried out during two growing seasons (1966 and 1970) using Vicia faba L. cv. Regina and Pisum sativum L. cv. Senatore during 1966 and cv. Vittoria in 1970. In both control and test plants the seasonal trends of average plant height, fresh and dry weight of vegetative portions, fresh and dry weight of root system, fresh weight of nodules, root nodule leghemoglobin concentration and total leghemoglobin content per plant, were determined. The data obtained are quoted in Table 2 and reported in Figures 1, 2, and 3. The removal of flower buds caused in both species: an increased plant growth, a marked stem branching, a longer blooming period, an increased flower number, an increased root nodule number and a certain delay in root nodule reabsorption. Deflowering did not significantly extend — at least in the species studied — life span (senescence was delayed only of one week). On the basis of these and of other Authors' results, we conclude that deflowering may actually delay senescence; the size of this delay, however, depends on the plant species considered and is fairly negligible both in pea and bean. The different effects of deflowering and of preventing floral induction on life span extension, are discussed, and these facts lead to consider floral induction as the onset of a chain of processes leading annual plants toward senescence in a more or less delayable, but definitive way. After having stressed the generally accepted importance of leghemoglobin concentration as an index of nodule nitrogen fixing ability, a correlation between biomass increase of test plants and number and total weight increase of root nodules, is put in evidence. No correlation between test plant biomass and the leghemoglobin concentration in root nodules, was however observed. Leghemoglobin concentration in root nodules is known to change in connection with various factors depending either on host plants and on Rhizobium strains and also in connection with several environmental conditions. Any prevented flower onset (ROPONEN and VIRTANEN, 1968) and deflowering (our data) however exerted no significant influence. The effects of flower bud removal were therefore the following: increased stem, leaf and root weights and increased root nodule number; no difference between control and test plants was however observed as regards size and leghemoglobin concentration of root nodules and hence probably no difference as regards their nitrogen fixing ability.  相似文献   


HISTOGENESIS AND ANATOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PORTIONS OF SOLANUM TUBEROSUM SPROUTS CULTIVATED IN VITRO. — Disks cut from sprouts of Solanum tuberosum L. have been cultured on White's basic or modified medium (White, 1943) with 20 mg/l KH22PO4 50 mg/l adenine, and 12 or 24 mg/l NAA.

Sections were prepared according to Morel's method (1948). Only on the disks cultured on White's modified medium with 12 mg/1/NAA growth glomerules and a normal meristematic layer were present, while there were no signs of cellular hypertrophy and organogenetic phenomena.

12 mg/l appears therefore to be the optimal dose of NAA for cultures of excised portions of potato sprouts. Adenine is however always necessary because it triplicates the growth activity of the tissues and because through its antagonism with regard to auxin it favours the genesis of the callus.  相似文献   


After having summarly described the ecological conditions of the area of the Roman Province which are studied by the author, he lists the plants collected and adds some critical remarks on the taxonomy. He gives a list of a few taxa, which must be regarded as having been found for the first time in Lazio, or are infrequent in this Province.

The author describes the vegetation of some pastures and woods by means of statistical investigations. Finaly he takes into consideration the reciprocal influence exerted by the various plant-communities.  相似文献   


Tests on disbudding and their effects on the histogenesis of the wood ring. In this work the effects of hormonic character which appear during the histogenesis of the wood ring have been studied testing disbudding effects on the peach tree.

Some observations on the consequences due to defoliation are also included.

By removal of the buds, the annual ring shows a greater depth and a more marked uniformity of structure, due to an increased frequency of the vascular elements.

By removal of the leaves, the cambial activity is completely inhibited. These results are attributed to the fact that the leaves, according to the more recent hypotheses, produce the substance which stimulates the formation of the wood elements and the differentiation of the newly formed elements.

This inactive substance, produced by the leaf, would exert its action only when the buds, towards which it is directed, transform it into its active form. The removal of the buds would eliminate the centres of diffusion of the inactive substance and also its centres of activation and concentration for the coming rest period, in view of a new vegetative cycle.

As a conseguence the circulation of the inactive substance is more marked, as it is probably activated by the cambium, and its activity lasts longer, producing in the annual ring those characters peculiar to the spring wood, that is of a season in which the circulation of this substance is at its utmost.  相似文献   

It is possible to detect and dose Psylocibine, a psychoneurotropic substance occurring inPsilocybe, Stropharia, Panaeolus etc., with a reaction already used to detect Tryptophane and indole-auxins (6) (7) (8) (9). This method is more sensitive than U.V. measurement and Keller's reaction (4) (see fig. 3). Optical density is proportional to concentration from 0,005 to 0,050µmoles per ml when measured in a 1 cm cell in the Beckman spectrophotometer. Tryptophane, indole-auxins and 2-deoxy-sugars could interfere (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). procedure: In a test tube are pipetted:
  1. 1 % solution of fructose in H2O : ml 0.1
  2. 5 % solution of cysteine hydrochloride : ml 0.2
  3. methanolic solution to be tested : ml 1.0
  4. conc. H2SO4/water 70/30 (v.v.) : ml 3.0 the mixture is allowed to cool off at room temperature, a pink color develops and reaches its maximum of intensity in about 90 minutes.
The absorption spectrum of the chromophore exhibits a maximum at 512 mµ (see fig. 2). The ratio E512 in the reaction mixture/E267 in U.V. is about 1,9 and differs from other indole-derivatives. (see Tab. II). The reaction can also be employed to detect and dose Psylocibine-spots in paper and thin-layer chromatography spraying with the following mixture prepared just before use: fructose g 1.0 cysteine hydrochloride g 1.0 3 N H2SO4 ml 100 Paper — chromatograms are dried in an oven (70°C) for 5 minutes, chromatoplates for 10–15 minutes. Psylocibine appears as a pink spot.  相似文献   

Arturo Ceruti 《Protoplasma》1956,46(1-4):116-122
Zusammenfassung Die Struktur der Mikrosomen und der kleinen Mitochondrien der Prothallien vonGinkgo biloba wurde mit Hilfe des Elektronenmikroskops untersucht. Sie werden mit H2O und dann mit 1 mol NaCl und 0,05 mol H2SO4 behandelt. Es wurde erwiesen, daß sie reich an Lipoiden und arm an wasserlöslichen Fraktionen von Proteinen (Albuminen) und an inn-NaCi-löslichen Proteinen (Nucleoproteinen) sind. Die kleinen Partikeln sind homogen; aber sie differenzieren sich nach und nach in Mitochondrien, versehen mit Membran, Lamellen, lipidischen Körnchen und einer zentralen lipidischen Masse (Kern).

Der Verfasser bringt die Hypothese vor, daß die Mitochondrien sich im allgemeinen aus einem Grund-Zellpartikel nach und nach differenzieren.  相似文献   


On the basis of recent researches the main outlines of the Lucania geology are briefly discussed. The more typical landscapes of this region are then delineated, from that of the calcareous dolomitic mountains to those of the flysch, of the marine pliocene sediments, of the volcanic area (Vulture) and the marine and fluviatile pleistocene terraces of the metapontian littoral. The principal evolution trends of the pedogenesis are finally illustrated with some reflection on the very difficult problems of the soil conservation in this area.  相似文献   

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