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Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea: Argasidae, Ixodidae) of Chile   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tick species recorded from Chile can be listed under the following headings: (1) endemic or established: Argas keiransi Estrada-Peña, Venzal and Gonzalez-Acuña, A. neghmei Kohls and Hoogstraal; Ornithodoros amblus Chamberlin; Otobius megnini (Dugès); Amblyomma parvitarsum Neumann; A. tigrinum Koch; Ixodes auritulus Neumann; I. chilensis Kohls; I. cornuae Arthur, I. sigelos Keirans, Clifford and Corwin; I. stilesi Neumann; I. uriae White; Rhipicephalus sanguineus Koch. (2) Probably established or endemic: Argas miniatus Koch; Ornithodoros spheniscus Hoogstraal, Wassef, Hays and Keirans; Ixodes abrocomae Lahille; I. neuquenensis Ringuelet; I. pararicinus Keirans and Clifford. (3) Doubtfully established: Argas reflexus Fabricius; Ornithodoros talaje (Guérin-Méneville). (4) Exotic: Amblyomma argentinae Neumann; A. latum Koch, Rhipicephalus (=Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini). (5) Erroneously identified as present in Chile: Amblyomma americanum (Linnaeus); A. maculatum Koch; A. varium Koch; Ixodes conepati Cooley and Kohls; I. frontalis (Panzer); I. ricinus (Linnaeus); Margaropus winthemi Karsch. (6) Nomina nuda: Argas reticulatus Gervais; Amblyomma inflatum Neumann; Ixodes lagotis Gervais. Hosts and localities (including new records) are presented. Argas neghmei, O. amblus, O. megnini, I. uriae and R. sanguineus may cause severe injury to their hosts, including humans. The Chilean Ixodes fauna is unique to the Neotropical Zoogeographic Region, and additional research is needed in order to understand the biological importance of these species.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

There are numerous discrepancies in recent published lists of the ticks of the world. Here we review the controversial names, presenting evidence for or against their validity and excluding some altogether. We also address spelling errors and present a list of 17 species described or resurrected during the years 2003–2008. We consider the following 35 tick species names to be invalid: Argas fischeri Audouin, 1826, Ornithodoros boliviensis Kohls and Clifford, 1964, Ornithodoros steini (Schulze, 1935), Amblyomma acutangulatum Neumann, 1899, Amblyomma arianae Keirans and Garris, 1986, Amblyomma bibroni (Gervais, 1842), Amblyomma colasbelcouri (Santos Dias, 1958), Amblyomma concolor Neumann, 1899, Amblyomma cooperi Nuttall and Warburton, 1908, Amblyomma curruca Schulze, 1936, Amblyomma cyprium Neumann, 1899, Amblyomma decorosum (Koch, 1867), Amblyomma nocens Robinson, 1912, Amblyomma perpunctatum (Packard, 1869), Amblyomma striatum Koch, 1844, Amblyomma superbum Santos Dias, 1953, Amblyomma testudinis (Conil, 1877), Amblyomma trinitatis Turk, 1948, Dermacentor confractus (Schulze 1933), Dermacentor daghestanicus Olenev, 1928, Haemaphysalis himalaya Hoogstraal, 1966, Haemaphysalis vietnamensis Hoogstraal and Wilson, 1966, Hyalomma detritum Schulze, 1919, Ixodes apteridis Maskell, 1897, Ixodes donarthuri Santos Dias, 1980, Ixodes kempi Nuttall, 1913, Ixodes neotomae Cooley, 1944, Ixodes rangtangensis Teng, 1973, Ixodes robertsi Camicas, Hervy, Adam and Morel, 1998, Ixodes serrafreirei Amorim, Gazetta, Bossi and Linhares, 2003, Ixodes tertiarius Scudder, 1885, Ixodes uruguayensis Kohls and Clifford, 1967, Ixodes zealandicus Dumbleton, 1961, Ixodes zumpti Arthur, 1960 and Rhipicephalus camelopardalis Walker and Wiley, 1959. We consider the following 40 names valid: Argas delicatus Neumann, 1910, Argas vulgaris Filippova, 1961, Ornithodoros aragaoi Fonseca, 1960, Ornithodoros dugesi Mazzoti, 1943, Ornithodoros knoxjonesi Jones and Clifford, 1972, Ornithodoros marocanus Velu, 1919, Ornithodoros nattereri Warburton, 1927, Amblyomma beaurepairei Vogelsang and Santos Dias, 1953, Amblyomma crassipes (Neumann, 1901), Amblyomma echidnae Roberts, 1953, Amblyomma fuscum Neumann, 1907, Amblyomma orlovi (Kolonin, 1995), Amblyomma parkeri Fonseca and Arag?o, 1952, Amblyomma pseudoconcolor Arag?o, 1908, Bothriocroton oudemansi (Neumann, 1910), Bothriocroton tachyglossi (Roberts, 1953), Dermacentor abaensis Teng, 1963, Dermacentor confragus (Schulze 1933), Dermacentor ushakovae Filippova and Panova, 1987, Haemaphysalis anomaloceraea Teng, 1984, Haemaphysalis filippovae Bolotin, 1979, Haemaphysalis pavlovskyi Pospelova-Shtrom, 1935, Hyalomma excavatum Koch, 1844, Hyalomma isaaci Sharif, 1928, Hyalomma rufipes Koch, 1844, Hyalomma turanicum Pomerantzev, 1946, Ixodes arabukiensis Arthur, 1959, Ixodes boliviensis Neumann, 1904, Ixodes columnae Takada and Fujita, 1992, Ixodes maslovi Emel′yanova and Kozlovskaya, 1967, Ixodes sachalinensis Filippova, 1971, Ixodes siamensis Kitaoka and Suzuki, 1983, Ixodes sigelos Keirans, Clifford and Corwin, 1976, Ixodes succineus Weidner, 1964, Rhipicephalus aurantiacus Neumann, 1907, Rhipicephalus cliffordi Morel, 1965, Rhipicephalus pilans Schulze, 1935, Rhipicephalus pseudolongus Santos Dias, 1953, Rhipicephalus serranoi Santos Dias, 1950 and Rhipicephalus tetracornus Kitaoka and Suzuki, 1983.  相似文献   

We present a review of our own and literature data on reparative regeneration in ixodoid ticks (chelicerate arthropods). Ticks have a high potential for reparative regeneration and a close relationship between regeneration and development determined by similar hormonal regulatory mechanisms. These mechanisms depend on ecdysteroid hormones, which participate in the initiation of both processes, and juvenile hormones, which direct these processes either to the maintenance of larval features or to the development of nymphal and adult features. We present a detailed analysis of the regeneration of Haller's sensory organs in ixodid ticks and propose an hypothesis about the role of juvenile hormones in the modification of morphogenetic processes in this group. Furthermore, we present data on the effects of insect juvenile hormone analogs (methoprene and fenoxycarb) on the regeneration of Haller's organ, which support this hypothesis. Studies on reparative regeneration in arthropods provide a broader view of the problem of repair morphogenesis in animals.  相似文献   

Twenty two species of ectoparasites (Family Nycteribiidae: Nycteribia (Listropoda) schmidlii schmidlii, Nycteribia (Nycteribia) latreillii, Nycteribia (Nycteribia) pedicularia, Penicillidia (Penicillidia) dufourii, and Phthiridium biarticulatum; Family Streblidae: Brachytarsina (Brachytarsina) flavipennis and Raymondia huberi; Order Siphonaptera: Rhinolophopsylla unipectinata arabs, Nycteridopsylla longiceps, Araeopsylla gestroi, Ischnopsyllus intermedius, and Ischnopsyllus octactenus; Order Heteroptera: Cimex pipistrelli, Cimex lectularius, and Cacodmus vicinus; Class Arachnida: Order Mesostigmata: Spinturnix myoti and Eyndhovenia euryalis; Order Ixodida: Family Argasidae: Argas transgariepinus and Argas vespertilionis; Family Ixodidae: Hyalomma dromedarii, Ixodes ricinus, and Ixodes vespertilionis) were recovered from 19 bat species in Algeria. New host records for bats are recorded for the first time: N. schmidlii from Rh. clivosus and R. cystops; N. latreillii from Rh. blasii and P. gaisleri; R. huberi from Rh. clivosus; C. pipistrelli from E. isabellinus and H. savii; C. vicinus from E. isabellinus; S. myoti from P. gaisleri; E. euryalis from P. gaisleri and Rh. blasii; A. vespertilionis from P. gaisleri; I. ricinus from T. teniotis and Rh. hipposideros and H. dromedarii from P. kuhlii. Raymondia huberi is recorded for the first time from Algeria.  相似文献   

Stjepan Kr?mar 《ZooKeys》2012,(234):19-57
The present paper is based on original and literature data. In Croatia the first studies on the occurrence of ixodid species were made about 80 years ago. The number of tick species recorded in Croatia considerably increased during the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s of the past century. A total of 21 species of hard tick belonging to 5 genera have been recorded in Croatia. Ixodes is the best represented genus, with seven species recorded. Haemaphysalis is represented by six species, followed by Rhipicephalus with four species. Dermacentor and Hyalomma are represented by two species each. The ticks were collected on 47 different host species. Eleven tick species were collected on Bos taurus and Ovis aries, followed by Capra hircus and Equus caballus with 8 species and Canis lupus familiaris with 6 species. On the remaining 42 host species one, two or three tick species were collected. The most widespread tick is Ixodes ricinus which was found on 25 different host species.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an investigation and listing of tick species found in China during a survey in all 28 provinces. This will be a step towards a definitive list of tick species and their distribution. To date, the tick fauna of this area consists of 117 species in the following families: Argasidae-Argas (7 species), Carios (4 species) and Ornithodoros (2 species); Ixodidae-Amblyomma (8 species), Anomalohimalaya (2 species), Dermacentor (12 species), Haemaphysalis (44 species), Hyalomma (6 species), Ixodes (24 species) and Rhipicephalus (8 species). Some well known ticks carrying and transmitting many infectious agents to man and domestic animals are also found in China. These include Ixodes persulcatus, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, R. (Boophilus) microplus and Hyalomma asiaticum. It is worth mentioning that Ixodes rangtangensis Teng and Haemaphysalis xinjiangensis Teng should be relegated to a synonym of I. moschiferi and Hae. danieli, respectively. The distribution of ticks over the provinces of China is also discussed. The information on ticks in some areas such as Henan is not exhaustive.  相似文献   

The effects of different temperatures and relative humidities (RHs) were tested on various reproductive parameters of Ornithodoros turicata, an argasid tick that inhabits gopher tortoise burrows in Florida, USA. The pre-oviposition, oviposition and incubation periods of the ticks decreased as temperature increased. These periods were also affected by the RH. The number of eggs oviposited was affected significantly by the combined effect of temperature and RH. Fewer eggs were laid by ticks in the 24°C regimes and the 27°C/95%RH regime compared to those in the other temperature/RH groups. There was an inverse relationship between the number of eggs oviposited and the percentage of hatched larvae that was correlated with the temperature and RH. Ticks reared at 27°C/90%RH and 30°C/90%RH laid more eggs than those reared in the other combinations of temperature and humidity but fewer larvae hatched from these eggs. The reproductive fitness index (RFI) values were highest in females held in the 24°C groups and the 30°C/95%RH group, although significantly more larvae hatched at the lower temperatures. The optimum reproductive conditions for O. turicata under laboratory conditions appear to be 24°C and 90–95%RH. While mating occurred at all temperatures, none of the females laid eggs at 22°C. The ticks may move preferentially to low temperatures when not feeding to remain above the critical equilibrium humidity and/or below the critical metabolic level necessary for prolonged survival. However, most female ticks oviposited after 45 days when moved to 27°C/95%RH. Ornithodoros turicata females may have a limited capability to delay oviposition until an optimal microenvironment for egg deposition can be located in the burrow.  相似文献   

Twenty-six species of ticks are reported from the island of Sulawesi (Celebes), Indonesia. These include two species of soft ticks (Argasidae), Carios batuensis and C. vespertilionis, and the following 24 species of hard ticks (Ixodidae): Amblyomma babirussae, A. breviscutatum, A. cordiferum, A. fimbriatum, A. helvolum, A. testudinarium, A. trimaculatum, A. varanense, Dermacentor atrosignatus, D. steini, Haemaphysalis celebensis, H. hystricis, H. kadarsani, H. papuana, H. psalistos, H. renschi, H. toxopei, H. wellingtoni, Ixodes cordifer, I. granulatus, Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides, R. (Boophilus) microplus, R. pilans and R. sanguineus. This represents an almost three-fold increase in the number of tick species recorded (9) from Sulawesi since the last available list in 1950. The tick records reported herein represent a culmination of data from specimens in the U.S. National Tick Collection, new records of ticks from endemic tarsiers and associated vertebrates, and literature reviews. Collectively, the tick fauna of Sulawesi shows most affinities with the fauna of southeast Asia but there are distinct faunal elements that show relationships with other Indonesian islands, the Philippines or Australasia, as well as a few tick species with widespread geographical distributions. Some ticks known from Sulawesi have known or potential medical-veterinary significance. These include R. (B.) microplus which is a significant pest of cattle and a vector of the agents of bovine anaplasmosis, I. granulatus which is a vector of Langat virus and Lyme disease spirochetes and has been shown to harbor pathogenic rickettsiae in other parts of its range, and R. sanguineus which is a globally widespread ectoparasite of canines and a vector of canine pathogens and parasites.  相似文献   

The diversity of hard tick fauna was studied in different forest communities in 48 localities of eastern Croatia using the dragging‐flagging method and by hand from ten different vertebrate hosts. A total of 2,225 specimens comprising seven species in three genera were identified. Ixodes ricinus, the most abundant species (72.8% of all collected specimens) was recorded in 44 localities, followed by Dermacentor reticulatus in 19 localities, while the other five species (D. marginatus, H. concinna, H. inermis, I. canisuga, and I. hexagonus) were recorded in fewer localities. The highest ratio (67% of collected ticks) was in the adult stage with the predominance of females. The numbers of collected females, males, and nymphs of I. ricinus and H. concinna differed significantly. Ten new tick‐host associations in Croatia were recorded. Fifty‐three animals were infested with one tick species. Single species infestation with I. ricinus was found in 45.8% of animals, followed by D. reticulatus with 25.4%, D. marginatus with 10.2%, H. inermis and I. hexagonus with 3.4%, and I. canisuga with 1.7%. Coinfestation with two species of ticks were recorded in six animals. Ixodes ricinus, H. inermis, and D. reticulatus showed bimodal seasonal activity; for other species unimodal activity patterns were recorded.  相似文献   

Aims To show how logistic regression models for individual species can be used to produce improved estimates of species richness at a continental scale; to present these data for African ticks (Acari: Ixodida); and to address the question of whether there is a latitudinal gradient in tick species richness. Location Africa. Methods A database of 34,060 collection records for African ticks is used to produce a pan‐African map of known tick species richness at 0.25 × 0.25‐degree resolution. The likely distributions of seventy‐three species are then estimated from environmental factors using logistic regression, and localities where there is a suitably high probability of occurrence for a given species are added to the original data for that species. These augmented data are combined to produce a map of the predicted pan‐African distribution of tick species richness. The relationship of species richness to latitude is considered along a transect placed across some of the more extensively collected areas. Results Maps of known and predicted pan‐African tick species richness are presented, and deficiencies in the available data are highlighted. Correlations using both known and predicted estimates of tick species richness suggest that ticks follow similar species richness patterns to those described for African mammals and birds, with a latitudinal gradient and highest species richness in east equatorial Africa. Tick species ranges are log‐normally distributed. Main conclusions Carefully constructed probability surfaces offer a more powerful approach to mapping species ranges than simple presence‐absence maps. Such models are a useful extension to current biogeographical methods and have a wide range of potential applications in ecology, epidemiology and conservation. Tick species richness at a continental scale follows similar trends to those reported for mammals and birds.  相似文献   

A hard tick larva in Cretaceous Burmese amber is described as Cornupalpatum burmanicum n. g., n. sp. Diagnostic characters include a subcircular body with a marginal groove, 11 festoons, elongate four-segmented palpi with the fourth segment distinct and apical, the absence of an anal groove and eyes, and the presence of claws on palpal segment 3. The last character is unique for all members of the Ixodida, both fossil and extant. Aside from the palpal claws and marginal groove, features of the tick larva closely resemble those of members of the genus Aponomma Neumann 1899, considered one of the most primitive tick lineages today, whose hosts are primarily reptiles.  相似文献   


The earliest concerns New Zealand farmers had about ticks are chronicled here, together with the eventual invasion and establishment of Haemaphysalis longicornis, which, still today, remains the only livestock tick parasite in this country. Early attempts, legislative and practical, to restrict the spread of the tick, and later attempts to manage a permanent problem are presented and discussed. Brief biographies of many of the main persons mentioned in this history are presented in an Appendix, as is a reconsideration of how the tick may have arrived.  相似文献   


A first compilation of georeferenced tick locations in Austria and South Tyrol, Italy, is presented here. This allows the tick fauna to be examined in the various climatic regions of the European Alps. The dataset comprises 424 tick locations of Austria and 48 tick locations of South Tyrol, which were digitized from literature and visualized in the form of geographical maps. The tick fauna of Austria includes two species of Argasidae in the genera Argas and Carios and 15 species of Ixodidae in the genera Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis, and Ixodes, altogether 17 tick species. In addition, two species of Ixodidae in the genera Hyalomma (each spring imported by migratory birds) and Rhipicephalus (occasionally imported by dogs returning from abroad with their owners) are included in the tick atlas. Of these, the georeferenced locations of 18 tick species are depicted in maps. The occurrence of the one remaining tick species, Ixodes inopinatus, is given at the level of the federal states. The first Austrian distribution map of the long-legged bat tick Ixodes vespertilionis, which was reported from 21 caves, deserves special mention. The most common and widespread tick species is Ixodes ricinus, with records in all nine federal states of Austria, followed by Ixodes canisuga, Ixodes hexagonus, and I. vespertilionis in six federal states each. Haemaphysalis concinna and Dermacentor reticulatus are only endemic in the eastern plains, while Dermacentor marginatus only occurs in the west, in the Tyrolean Alpine valleys. Eight tick species were reported from South Tyrol, Italy. There, the most frequently flagged tick from the vegetation is also I. ricinus, while D. marginatus and Haemaphysalis punctata are often collected from sheep. The locations are shown together with those from North and East Tyrol on a separate Tyrol map. The tick atlas in Austria and South Tyrol as well as the underlying digital dataset in the supplement contribute to the closing of data gaps in global distribution maps of ticks and improve the data basis for new species distribution models.


This brief communication reports the identification of microsatellite loci in the economically important tick species Boophilus microplus. The data are potentially useful in distinguishing different strains of B. microplus. Eight polymorphic loci were isolated in larvae, male and female adults analysed individually from 12 field isolates and laboratory strains from Australia (n = 8), Brazil, Mexico, Papua New Guinea and Zimbabwe. Nucleotide sequencing of alleles at these microsatellite loci revealed that non-repeat bases interrupted dinucleotide and tetranucleotide repeats in some loci. Loci with non-repeat bases interrupting them were shorter compared with loci that were not interrupted. Thus the presence of non-repeat bases in a repeated sequence seems to constrain the evolution of additional repeats by slip-strand misparing at these loci.  相似文献   

Biological data of three generations of Amblyomma tigrinum in the laboratory are reported and the suitability of different host species for immature ticks are compared. Grouping the three generations, infestations by both the larval and nymphal stages were performed on chickens (Gallus gallus), wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus),wild mice (Calomys callosus), dogs (Canis familiaris) and opossums (Didelphis albiventris). Only dogs were used for infestations by adult ticks. Tick developmental periods were observed in an incubator at 27°C and RH 90%. The proportion of engorged larvae recovered from chickens (21.7% of the exposed larvae) was significantly larger (p<0.001) than those from the five mammal species used in the infestations (maximum of 3.1%). A significant larger (p<0.01) proportion of engorged larvae successfully molted after being fed on chickens than on mammal hosts. The proportion of engorged nymphs recovered from chickens (28.8% of the exposed nymphs) was significantly larger (p<0.001) than those from mammal hosts (range: 0–2.1%). Larvae showed similar feeding periods on exposure to different host species, except for those larvae fed on C. callosus, which showed significantly longer (p<0.001) feeding periods. Engorged larvae detachment peaked on the 5th feeding day, followed by the 6th day, on all hosts except for C. callosus. Larval premolt periods were similar for engorged ticks exposed to different host species, except for larvae fed on dogs, which showed significantly longer (p<0.001) premolt periods. Host detachment of engorged nymphs peaked on the 6th feeding day on chickens. Although nymphal detachment on rats peaked on the 8th day, only 15 nymphs were recovered from this host species. In a sample of 144 F3 nymphs fed on chickens no significant difference (p>0.10) was found between the feeding or premolt periods of 82 males and 62 females, but female nymphs were significantly heavier (p<0.005) than male nymphs. Sixteen engorged females (61.5% of the exposed ticks) were recovered after being fed on dogs, and all these females laid viable eggs. Chickens, the only avian host, were the most suitable host when compared with the five mammal species. Dogs were demonstrated to be a suitable host for adults of A. tigrinum, which is consistent with, several reports of adult A. tigrinum ticks parasitizing dogs in different areas of South America. Our results reinforce that in these same areas avian species are the major hosts for immature stages of this tick species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The 65th Medical Brigade and Public Health Command District-Korea, in collaboration with the Migratory Bird Research Center, National Park Research Institute, conducted migratory bird tick surveillance at Sogugul and Gaerin Islands (small rocky bird nesting sites), Jeollanam-do (Province), Republic of Korea (ROK), on 30 July and 1 August 2009. Breeding seabirds captured by hands in their nesting burrows were banded, identified to species, and carefully examined for ticks during the nesting season. A total of 9 Ornithodoros sawaii larvae were removed from 4 adult Hydrobates monorhis (Swinhoe’s storm petrel). The identification of the larvae of O. sawaii collected from migratory seabirds were molecularly confirmed using mitochondrial 16S rDNA primer sets.  相似文献   

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