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The phosphate uptake rate of Neurospora crassa germlings growing exponentially in media containing phosphate at concentrations between 10 mM and 50 micronM was virtually constant. The uptake characteristics of these germlings were studied in detail assuming the simultaneous operation of two uptake systems, one of low affinity and one of high affinity. The Km of the low-affinity system was constant after growth at phosphate concentrations greater than 1 mM but became progressively lower as the concentration was reduced below 1 mM. In contrast, the Km of the high-affinity system was independent of the phosphate concentration of the growth medium. The Vmax of each system was highest after growth at low phosphate concentrations. As the phosphate concentration was increased to a maximum of 100 mM, the Vmax of the low-affinity system fell gradually, whereas that of the high-affinity system at first fell rapidly but then reached a constant minimum value at concentrations of 2.5 mM and higher. The differences in the kinetic parameters fully account for the constancy of uptake rate shown by the germlings.  相似文献   

Glucose is transported across the cell membrane of Neurospora crassa by two physiologically and kinetically distinct transport systems. System II is repressed by growth of the cells in 0.1 m glucose. System I is synthesized constitutively. The apparent K(m) for glucose uptake by system I and system II are 25 and 0.04 mm, respectively. Both uptake systems are temperature dependent, and are inhibited by NaN(3) and 2,4-dinitrophenol. Glucose uptake by system II was not inhibited by fructose, galactose, or lactose. However, glucose was shown to be a noncompetitive inhibitor of fructose and galactose uptake. The transport rate of [(14)C]3-0-methyl-d-glucose (3-0-MG) was higher in cells preloaded with unlabeled 3-0-MG than in control cells. The rate of entry of labeled 3-0-MG was only slightly inhibited by the presence of NaN(3) in the medium. Further, NaN(3) caused a rapid efflux of accumulated [(14)C]3-0-MG. These data imply that the energetic step in the transport process prevents efflux.  相似文献   

An enzymic activity, obtained from Neurospora crassa, catalyzing the incorporation of [14C]glucose from ADP-[14C]glucose into a glucan of the glycogen type, is described. The properties of the ADPglucose : glycogen glucosyltransferase as compared with those of the already known UDP glucose : glycogen glucosyltransferase were studied. The radioactive products obtained with UDP-14C]glucose or ADP-[14C]glucose released all the radioactivity as maltose after alpha or beta amylase treatment. Glucose 6-phosphate stimulated the synthetase when UDP-[14C]glucose was the substrate but the stimulation was much greater with ADP-[14C]glucose as glucosyl donor. Glucose 6-phosphate plus EGTA gave maximal stimulation. The system was completely dependent &on the presence of a 'primer' of the alpha 1 leads to 4 glucan type.  相似文献   

Vanadate, a potent inhibitor of plasma membrane ATPases, is taken up by Neurospora crassa only when cells are growing in alkaline medium and starving for phosphate. The appearance of a vanadate uptake system (Km = 8.2 microM; Vmax = 0.15 mmol/min per liter of cell water) occurs under the same conditions required for derepression of a high-affinity phosphate transport system. Phosphate is a competitive inhibitor of vanadate uptake, and vanadate is a competitive inhibitor of phosphate uptake. Furthermore, mutant strains which are either partially constitutive or non-derepressible for the high-affinity phosphate transport system are also partially constitutive or non-derepressible for vanadate uptake. These data indicate that vanadate enters the cell via phosphate transport system II.  相似文献   

The specificity of uracil uptake was investigated in germinating wild-type conidia of Neurospora crassa. From comparative inhibition studies, several generalizations concerning the specificity of uracil uptake can be made. (i) The tautomeric forms of uracil analogs is an important determinant of recognition by the uptake system. (ii) Substituents at the 5 position of the pyrimidine ring may impose steric constraints on binding. (iii) The presence of a negative charge results in the loss of recognition. (iv) The double bond between the 5 and 6 carbons appears to be important for recognition. (v) Purine bases do not inhibit uracil uptake. Crude extracts of the transport-deficient mutant strain uc-5 pyr-1 were shown to have uridine 5'-monophosphate pyrophosphorylase activity comparable to that of the wild-type strain, suggesting that uracil uptake in Neurospora does not occur by a group translocation mechanism involving phosphoribosylation. Specificity studies of uridine 5'-monophosphate pyrophosphorylase indicated that phosphoribosylation was not an important determinant of the specificity of uracil uptake.  相似文献   

Treatment of the trifunctional protein from Neurospora crassa with various proteases produced almost identical patterns of proteolytic fragments. To study the structural features of the protein in more detail limited proteolysis with trypsin was carried out. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against three different tryptic fragments. With the help of immunological methods and amino-terminal sequence analysis we were able to monitor the sequential cleavage steps during proteolysis. Two major fragments (an amino-terminal one of 51 kDa and a carboxyl-terminal one of 46 kDa) were identified at the first cleavage step, dividing the 93-kDa subunit of the trifunctional protein almost in half. Additional proteolysis products, deriving from either half, were formed in subsequent proteolytic steps. Combining these results with those obtained from enzyme analysis of the proteolyzed protein, a domain structure of the trifunctional protein is proposed. According to our model each subunit of the tetrameric protein consists of at least two large domains, the amino-terminal one possessing 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase and L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity and the carboxyl-terminal one bearing 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA epimerase activity.  相似文献   

Carbamyl phosphate synthetase A of Neurospora crassa.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase A of Neurospora crassa was partially purified from mitochondrial extracts. It is an extremely unstable enzyme (t 1/2 = 45 min at 25 detrees C) made up of two unequal subunits. The native enzyme has a molecular weight of approximately 175,000, and the large subunit has a molecular weight of about 125,000. Both the native enzyme and its large subunit are quite asymmetric, as revealed by slow sedimentation in sucrose gradents (7.3S and 6.6S, respectively). The small subunit has not been identified physically as a separate entity. The denaturation of the native, glutamine-dependent activity is correlated with dissociation of subunits, the larger of which retains a more stable, ammonia-dependent activity. Neither substrates nor any other agents except glycerol or polyethylene glycol appreciably stabilized the glutamine-dependent activity. Kinetic studies showed the native enzyme to have a Km for glutamine of about 0.16 mM, and a Km for NH4Cl of about 16 mM, at the optimal pH, 8.0. The enzyme, using either N donor, has a K+ requirement for activity, for which NH4+ can substitute. The glutamine leads to glutamate reaction, which requires the small subunit, also requires the large subunit and all reaction substrates for optimal activity. Other evidences of subunit interaction are the greater activity of the native enzyme, as opposed to the large subunit, with low concentrations of adenosine 5'-triphosphate-Mg2+, and in the stimulation of the ammonia-dependent activity of the native enzyme by glycine. Curiously, although the enzyme's role in biosynthesis is confined to the arginine pathway, it is completely indifferent to arginine or its precursors as feedback effectors or activators. The enzyme is compared with carbamyl phosphate synthetases of other organisms.  相似文献   

Addition of cycloheximide to Neurospora crassa germlings growing in liquid medium caused an exponential loss of phosphate uptake activity (half-life, ca. 2 h). No loss of activity resulted when germlings were resuspended, at the time of cycloheximide addition, in medium of a substantially lower phosphate concentration. It is concluded that the phosphate uptake systems are not subject to rapid turnover.  相似文献   

Two carbamyl phosphate synthetases, the first an arginine-synthetic enzyme (CPS(arg)) and the second a pyrimidine-synthetic enzyme (CPS(pyr)), are shown to be present in Neurospora. The two enzymes can be separated on the basis of size and are distinguished by several different properties. Both CPS(pyr) and CPS(arg) have substrate requirements of adenosine triphosphate, HCO(3) (-), and l-glutamine, although NH(4) (+) in high concentration will partially replace glutamine. CPS(pyr) activity can be completely inhibited by 5 x 10(-4) to 10 x 10(-4)m uridine triphosphate (UTP). CPS(pyr) is cold-labile and can be protected against cold inactivation by UTP. The synthesis of CPS(pyr) and aspartate transcarbamylase (ATC), the initial enzymatic steps of the pyrimidine pathway, are co-derepressed by pyrimidine starvation. Mutations affecting CPS(pyr) and ATC all map at the same locus, pyr-3. Three classes of mutants with respect to the two activities were found: CPS(+)ATC(-), CPS(-)ATC(+), and CPS(-)ATC(-). The distribution of these mutants on the genetic map, together with other data, indicate that the two activities are carried by a bifunctional protein.  相似文献   

Guanine uptake and metabolism in Neurospora crassa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Guanine is transported into germinated conidia of Neurospora crassa by the general purine base transport system. Guanine uptake is inhibited by adenine and hypoxanthine but not xanthine. Guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (GPRTase) activity was demonstrated in cell extracts of wild-type germinated conidia. The Km for guanine ranged from 29 to 69 micro M in GPRTase assays; the Ki for hypoxanthine was between 50 and 75 micro M. The kinetics of guanine transport differ considerably from the kinetics of GPRTase, strongly suggesting that the rate-limiting step in guanine accumulation in conidia is not that catalyzed by GPRTase. Efflux of guanine or its metabolites appears to have little importance in the regulation of pools of guanine or guanine nucleotides since very small amounts of 14C label were excreted from wild-type conidia preloaded with [8-14C]guanine. In contrast, excretion of purine bases, hypoxanthine, xanthine, and uric acid appears to be a mechanism for regulation of adenine nucleotide pools (Sabina et al., Mol. Gen. Genet. 173:31-38, 1979). No label from exogenous [8-14C]guanine was ever found in any adenine nucleotides, nucleosides, or the base, adenine, upon high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of acid extracts from germinated conidia of wild-type of xdh-l strains. The 14C label from exogenous [8-14C]guanine was found in GMP, GDP, GTP, and the GDP sugars as well as in XMP. Xanthine and uric acid were also labeled in wild-type extracts. Similar results were obtained with xdh-l extracts except that uric acid was not present. The labeled xanthine and XMP strongly suggest the presence of guanase and xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase in germinated conidia.  相似文献   

The uptake of 8-C14-adenine in N. crassa strain Lindegren (+) was studied. The ability of N. crassa cells to uptake adenine from the medium reaches maximum at the very beginning of the logarithmic stage of growth. Adenine enters the mycelium against the concentration gradient. The uptake of adenine is maximal at 25-30 degrees C, pH 4,6-4,8, and adenine concentration in the medium about 2-15X10(-6) M. The entry of adenine into the cells follows normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics, the apparent Km=0.83+/-0.02 micron. The uptake is inhibited at higher concentrations (10(-3)-10(-4) M) of adenine. 2,6-Diaminopurine, hypoxanthine, guanine, 8-azaadenine and 8-azaguanine inhibit the transport of adenine into the cell. Xanthine and cytosine do not affect the uptake of adenine. Adenine taken up into the cell is rapidly metabolized to AMP, ADP and ATP.  相似文献   

Depression of uracil uptake by ammonium in Neurospora crassa.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The mechanism of uracil uptake and one aspect of its regulation were studied in germinated conidia of Neurospora crassa. Uracil was found to be taken up by a transport mechanism that did not exhibit Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Rather, the kinetic patterns indicated two separate systems or a single transport mechanism with negative cooperativity. Cytosine and thymine inhibited uracil uptake, but uridine did not. The mutant strain uc-5-pyr-1, which failed to transport uracil, was used in reversion studies and to map the uc-5 locus. Spontaneous reversion rates at the uc-5 locus were found to be approximately 2 x 10(-8), indicating that the uc-5 lesion results from a single mutation. Loss of the uracil transport function through a single mutation favors the model of a single transport mechanism with negative cooperativity. Uracil uptake was significantly decreased in the presence of NH 4+, and evidence is presented for repression by NH4+ of a uracil transport system. Growth rates of pyrimidine-requiring and wild-type strains measured in the presence and absence of NH4+, with uracil as the pyrimidine supplement, showed that NH4+ decreased the growth rates of the pyrimidine-requiring strains significantly, while having no effect on wild-type growth rates.  相似文献   

The 3D-solution structure of Neurospora crassa Cu(6)-metallothionein (NcMT) polypeptide backbone was determined using homonuclear, multidimensional (1)H-NMR spectroscopy. It represents a new metallothionein (MT) fold with a protein chain where the N-terminal half is left-handed and the C-terminal half right-handedly folded around a copper(I)-sulfur cluster. As seen with other MTs, the protein lacks definable secondary structural elements; however, the polypeptide fold is unique. The metal coordination and the cysteine spacing defines this unique fold. NcMT is only the second MT in the copper-bound form to be structurally characterized and the first containing the -CxCxxxxxCxC- motif. This motif is found in a variety of mammalian MTs and metalloregulatory proteins. The in vitro formation of the Cu(6)NcMT identical to the native Cu(6)NcMT was dependent upon the prior formation of the Zn(3)NcMT and its titration with Cu(I). The enhanced sensitivity and resolution of the 800 MHz (1)H-NMR spectral data permitted the 3D structure determination of the polypeptide backbone without the substitution and utilization of the NMR active spin 1/2 metals such as (113)Cd and (109)Ag. These restraints have been necessary to establish specific metal to cysteine restraints in 3D structural studies on this family of proteins when using lower field, less sensitive (1)H-NMR spectral data. The accuracy of the structure calculated without these constraints is, however, supported by the similarities of the 800 MHz structures of the alpha-domain of mouse MT1 compared to the one recalculated without metal-cysteine connectivities.  相似文献   

It is challenging to apply the tenets of individuality to filamentous fungi: a fungal mycelium can contain millions of genetically diverse but totipotent nuclei, each capable of founding new mycelia. Moreover, a single mycelium can potentially stretch over kilometres, and it is unlikely that its distant parts share resources or have the same fitness. Here, we directly measure how a single mycelium of the model ascomycete Neurospora crassa is patterned into reproductive units (RUs), meaning subpopulations of nuclei that propagate together as spores, and function as reproductive individuals. The density of RUs is sensitive to the geometry of growth; we detected 50-fold smaller RUs when mycelia had expanding frontiers than when they were constrained to grow in one direction only. RUs fragmented further when the mycelial network was perturbed. In mycelia with expanding frontiers, RU composition was strongly influenced by the distribution of genotypes early in development. Our results provide a concept of fungal individuality that is directly connected to reproductive potential, and therefore to theories of how fungal individuals adapt and evolve over time. Our data show that the size of reproductive individuals is a dynamic and environment-dependent property, even within apparently totally connected fungal mycelia.  相似文献   

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