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Conserved domains in DNA repair proteins and evolution of repair systems.   总被引:28,自引:10,他引:28  
A detailed analysis of protein domains involved in DNA repair was performed by comparing the sequences of the repair proteins from two well-studied model organisms, the bacterium Escherichia coli and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to the entire sets of protein sequences encoded in completely sequenced genomes of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. Previously uncharacterized conserved domains involved in repair were identified, namely four families of nucleases and a family of eukaryotic repair proteins related to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. In addition, a number of previously undetected occurrences of known conserved domains were detected; for example, a modified helix-hairpin-helix nucleic acid-binding domain in archaeal and eukaryotic RecA homologs. There is a limited repertoire of conserved domains, primarily ATPases and nucleases, nucleic acid-binding domains and adaptor (protein-protein interaction) domains that comprise the repair machinery in all cells, but very few of the repair proteins are represented by orthologs with conserved domain architecture across the three superkingdoms of life. Both the external environment of an organism and the internal environment of the cell, such as the chromatin superstructure in eukaryotes, seem to have a profound effect on the layout of the repair systems. Another factor that apparently has made a major contribution to the composition of the repair machinery is horizontal gene transfer, particularly the invasion of eukaryotic genomes by organellar genes, but also a number of likely transfer events between bacteria and archaea. Several additional general trends in the evolution of repair proteins were noticed; in particular, multiple, independent fusions of helicase and nuclease domains, and independent inactivation of enzymatic domains that apparently retain adaptor or regulatory functions.  相似文献   

To ensure the accurate disjunction of homologous chromosomes during meiosis, most eukaryotes rely on physical connections called chiasmata, which form at sites of crossing over. In the absence of crossing over, homologs may segregate randomly, resulting in high frequencies of aneuploid gametes. The process of meiotic recombination poses unique problems for the cell that must be overcome to ensure normal disjunction of homologous chromosomes. How is it ensured that crossovers occur between homologous chromosomes, rather than between sister chromatids? What determines the number and location of crossovers? The functions of DNA repair proteins hold some of the answers to these questions. In this review, we discuss DNA repair proteins that function in meiotic recombination in Drosophila melanogaster. We emphasize the processes of strand invasion and Holliday junction resolution in order to shed light on the questions raised above. Also, we compare the variety of ways several eukaryotes perform these processes and the different proteins they require.  相似文献   

Summary The large, repetitive Balbiani ring (BR) genes, BR 1, 2, and 6, inChironomus tentans originated from a short ancestral sequence and have all evolved according to analogous amplification schemes. We analyzed the structures of the BR-encoded secretory proteins and defined the parts that have been conserved during the evolutionary process. The BR products show striking similarities, with the BR 1 and BR 2 products being more similar to each other than to the BR 6 product. In the constant (C) region of the repeat units, 7 of the 30 amino acid residues are strictly conserved; 4 of these are the cysteine residues. The subrepeat (SR) regions of all the BR products are dominated by repeated tripeptide elements rich in proline and charged amino acid residues. Most of the amino acid replacements in both regions are conservative. Secondary structure predictions suggested that the C regions of the BR 1 and BR2 products have several elements of secondary structure: an -helix, a -strand, and one or two reverse turns, as in globular structures. The prediction for the C region of the BR 6 product is similar but lacks a -strand. The predictions for the intervening SR regions appear less conclusive, but are clearly different from those for the C regions, and suggest regular structures not differing in their conformational elements. The SR regions evolved from an ancestor sequence similar to the C region; thus, the BR products seem to represent an example of evolution from one structure to two differently folded products. It is proposed that the alignment and polymerization of the long BR proteins could be promoted by the repetitive structure of the molecules, due to the possibility of forming disulfide bridges between half-cystine residues and electrostatic interactions between the charged residues of the SR regions. The divergence among the BR products is discussed in relation to possible functional differences among the members of the BR gene family.  相似文献   

During meiosis, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are formed at high frequency at special chromosomal sites, called DSB hotspots, to generate crossovers that aid proper chromosome segregation. Multiple chromosomal features affect hotspot formation. In the fission yeast S. pombe the linear element proteins Rec25, Rec27 and Mug20 are hotspot determinants – they bind hotspots with high specificity and are necessary for nearly all DSBs at hotspots. To assess whether they are also sufficient for hotspot determination, we localized each linear element protein to a novel chromosomal site (ade6 with lacO substitutions) by fusion to the Escherichia coli LacI repressor. The Mug20-LacI plus lacO combination, but not the two separate lac elements, produced a strong ade6 DSB hotspot, comparable to strong endogenous DSB hotspots. This hotspot had unexpectedly low ade6 recombinant frequency and negligible DSB hotspot competition, although like endogenous hotspots it manifested DSB interference. We infer that linear element proteins must be properly placed by endogenous functions to impose hotspot competition and proper partner choice for DSB repair. Our results support and expand our previously proposed DSB hotspot-clustering model for local control of meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

The mismatch repair (MMR) family complexes Msh4-Msh5 and Mlh1-Mlh3 act with Exo1 and Sgs1-Top3-Rmi1 in a meiotic double strand break repair pathway that results in the asymmetric cleavage of double Holliday junctions (dHJ) to form crossovers. This review discusses how meiotic roles for Msh4-Msh5 and Mlh1-Mlh3 do not fit paradigms established for post-replicative MMR. We also outline models used to explain how these factors promote the formation of meiotic crossovers required for the accurate segregation of chromosome homologs during the Meiosis I division.  相似文献   

Exo1 is a member of the Rad2 protein family and possesses both 5'-3' exonuclease and 5' flap endonuclease activities. In addition to performing a variety of functions during mitotic growth, Exo1 is also important for the production of crossovers during meiosis. However, its precise molecular role has remained ambiguous and several models have been proposed to account for the crossover deficit observed in its absence. Here, we present physical evidence that the nuclease activity of Exo1 is essential for normal 5'-3' resection at the Spo11-dependent HIS4 hotspot in otherwise wild-type cells. This same activity was also required for normal levels of gene conversion at the locus. However, gene conversions were frequently observed at a distance beyond that at which resection was readily detectable arguing that it is not the extent of the initial DNA end resection that limits heteroduplex formation. In addition to these nuclease-dependent functions, we found that an exo1-D173A mutant defective in nuclease activity is able to maintain crossing-over at wild-type levels in a number of genetic intervals, suggesting that Exo1 also plays a nuclease-independent role in crossover promotion.  相似文献   

During meiosis, self-inflicted DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are created by the protein Spo11 and repaired by homologous recombination leading to gene conversions and crossovers. Crossover formation is vital for the segregation of homologous chromosomes during the first meiotic division and requires the RecA orthologue, Dmc1.We analyzed repair during meiosis of site-specific DSBs created by another nuclease, VMA1-derived endonuclease (VDE), in cells lacking Dmc1 strand-exchange protein. Turnover and resection of the VDE-DSBs was assessed in two different reporter cassettes that can repair using flanking direct repeat sequences, thereby obviating the need for a Dmc1-dependent DNA strand invasion step. Access of the single-strand binding complex replication protein A, which is normally used in all modes of DSB repair, was checked in chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments, using antibody against Rfa1. Repair of the VDE-DSBs was severely inhibited in dmc1Δ cells, a defect that was associated with a reduction in the long tract resection required to initiate single-strand annealing between the flanking repeat sequences. Mutants that either reduce Spo11-DSB formation or abolish resection at Spo11-DSBs rescued the repair block. We also found that a replication protein A component, Rfa1, does not accumulate to expected levels at unrepaired single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in dmc1Δ cells. The requirement of Dmc1 for VDE-DSB repair using flanking repeats appears to be caused by the accumulation of large quantities of ssDNA that accumulate at Spo11-DSBs when Dmc1 is absent. We propose that these resected DSBs sequester both resection machinery and ssDNA binding proteins, which in wild-type cells would normally be recycled as Spo11-DSBs repair. The implication is that repair proteins are in limited supply, and this could reflect an underlying mechanism for regulating DSB repair in wild-type cells, providing protection from potentially harmful effects of overabundant repair proteins.  相似文献   

Human diploid fibroblast-like cells derived from four patients with the genetic disease ataxia telangiectasia and from two non-mutant donors were examined for the repair of X-ray induced strand breaks in DNA. The ataxia telangiectasia cultures showed no significant differences from the non-mutant cultures in the kinetics and extent of strand repair. This suggests that the increased spontaneous and X-ray induced chromatid aberrations observed in ataxia telangiectasia cells are not caused by a defect in the repair of single strand breaks as might be suspected from a general model of aberration production.  相似文献   

Glazer VM  Glazunov AV 《Genetika》1999,35(11):1449-1469
DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) are the most dangerous damage to genetic material caused by ionizing radiation and some chemical agents. Nonrestored DSB lead to chromosomal rearrangements, genetic instability, and cell death. On the other hand, DSB normally occur in cells in the course of normal gene functioning. DSB repair not only protects cells from adverse consequences and maintains stability of genetic material but is directly involved in the most important processes of cell life, such as meiosis and humoral immunity in vertebrates. The diverse mechanisms of homologous and nonhomologous recombination underlie DSB repair. In this respect, yeast are the best-studied object. In this review, genetic control and molecular models of the recombination DNA DSB repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are considered. Evidence has accumulated that indicates the higher eukaryotes retained the basic set of the repair pathways characteristic of bacteria and lower eukaryotes. However, different repair mechanisms predominate in yeast as compared to higher eukaryotes. Therefore, the results obtained in yeast experiments may be applicable to higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Heterozygous mutations in the tumor suppressor BRCA2 confer a high risk of breast and other cancers in humans. BRCA2 maintains genome stability in part through the regulation of Rad51-dependent homologous recombination. Much about its precise function in the DNA damage responses is, however, not yet known. We have made null mutations in the Drosophila homolog of BRCA2 and measured the levels of homologous recombination, non-homologous end-joining, and single-strand annealing in the pre-meiotic germline of Drosophila males. We show that repair by homologous recombination is dramatically decreased in Drosophila brca2 mutants. Instead, large flanking deletions are formed, and repair by the non-conservative single-strand annealing pathway predominates. We further show that during meiosis, Drosophila Brca2 has a dual role in the repair of meiotic double-stranded breaks and the efficient activation of the meiotic recombination checkpoint. The eggshell patterning defects that result from activation of the meiotic recombination checkpoint in other meiotic DNA repair mutants can be strongly suppressed by mutations in brca2. In addition, Brca2 co-immunoprecipitates with the checkpoint protein Rad9, suggesting a direct role for Brca2 in the transduction of the meiotic recombination checkpoint signal.  相似文献   

Somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes occurs at a frequency that is a million times greater than the mutation in other genes. Mutations occur in variable genes to increase antibody affinity, and in switch regions before constant genes to cause switching from IgM to IgG. Hypermutation is initiated in activated B cells when the activation-induced deaminase protein deaminates cytosine in DNA to uracil. Uracils can be processed by either a mutagenic pathway to produce mutations or a non-mutagenic pathway to remove mutations. In the mutagenic pathway, we first studied the role of mismatch repair proteins, MSH2, MSH3, MSH6, PMS2 and MLH1, since they would recognize mismatches. The MSH2–MSH6 heterodimer is involved in hypermutation by binding to U:G and other mismatches generated during repair synthesis, but the other proteins are not necessary. Second, we analysed the role of low-fidelity DNA polymerases η, ι and θ in synthesizing mutations, and conclude that polymerase η is the dominant participant by generating mutations at A:T base pairs. In the non-mutagenic pathway, we examined the role of the Cockayne syndrome B protein that interacts with other repair proteins. Mice deficient in this protein had normal hypermutation and class switch recombination, showing that it is not involved.  相似文献   

The alkaline elution technique has been adapted for use in the assessment of DNA damage induced in the livers and lungs of mice after administration of an alkylating agent, methylemthanesulfonat (MMS). At 4 h after administration of MMS, damage ot DNA was readily demonstrable; the damage was repaired in liver by 24 h. The lung, particularly of the A/J mouse, exhibited an increased alkaline elution rate when compared to C57BL/6J, and repair was not entirely complete (as judged from the rate of alkaline elution of DNA) by 24 h. The rate of elution was dependent upon temperature. It is believed that this adaptation should have great utility in examining DNA repair in vivo.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma (GBM), the most prevalent type of primary intrinsic brain cancer in adults, remains universally fatal despite maximal therapy, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Cytotoxic therapy generates double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs), most commonly repaired by homologous recombination (HR). We hypothesized that cancer cells coopt meiotic repair machinery as DSBs are generated during meiosis and repaired by molecular complexes distinct from genotoxic responses in somatic tissues. Indeed, we found that gliomas express meiotic repair genes and their expression informed poor prognosis. We interrogated the function of disrupted meiotic cDNA1 (DMC1), a homolog of RAD51, the primary recombinase used in mitotic cells to search and recombine with the homologous DNA template. DMC1, whose only known function is as an HR recombinase, was expressed by GBM cells and induced by radiation. Although targeting DMC1 in non-neoplastic cells minimally altered cell growth, DMC1 depletion in GBM cells decreased proliferation, induced activation of CHK1 and expression of p21CIP1/WAF1, and increased RPA foci, suggesting increased replication stress. Combining loss of DMC1 with ionizing radiation inhibited activation of DNA damage responses and increased radiosensitivity. Furthermore, loss of DMC1 reduced tumor growth and prolonged survival in vivo. Our results suggest that cancers coopt meiotic genes to augment survival under genotoxic stress, offering molecular targets with high therapeutic indices.Glioblastomas (GBMs) rank among the deadliest of all human cancers, with only modest improvement in patient survival over recent decades. More than 12 000 GBM patients are diagnosed annually in the United States.1, 2 Despite aggressive treatment consisting of maximal safe surgical resection, concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and adjuvant chemotherapy, median survival remains dismal at 12–15 months.3, 4 Although numerous molecular targets have been identified in GBM, no molecularly targeted therapy has demonstrated a survival benefit. Radiotherapy remains the cornerstone of post-surgical GBM therapy with modest additional benefit offered by concurrent administration of the oral methylator, temozolomide. However, radioresistance and tumor recurrence is universal in GBM.4, 5, 6 Radiation also damages non-neoplastic brain tissue, resulting in cognitive impairment and decreased quality-of-life.7 Focal high-dose radiation reduces toxicity to non-neoplastic tissue, but tumor invasion into normal brain regions limits the survival benefit of highly focused radiotherapy techniques, like gamma knife and proton beam, establishing a need for improved combinatorial treatments, such as radiosensitizers.8, 9 To date, no radiosensitizer has successfully increased survival with acceptable toxicity in a clinical trial. Based on this background, we sought novel molecular targets that mediate responses to genotoxic stress and have limited function in normal cells.During mitosis, cells inspect the integrity of their DNA and repair replication errors through cell-state and error-specific mechanisms.10 Unrepaired or large regions of DNA damage overwhelm replication mechanisms to induce cell death.10, 11 DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are detrimental as they cause large-scale chromosomal rearrangements.10 The homologous recombination (HR) pathway is primarily used to repair DSBs during S- and G2-phases, providing access to both sister and homologous chromosomes as repair templates.7, 12 RADiation sensitive 51 (RAD51) is a key recombinase important in HR and replication fork maintenance, functioning in both mitotic and meiotic cells.7, 12, 13, 14, 15 Phosphorylated RAD51 replaces replication protein A (RPA) upon DNA loading.16 Recombination mediated by RAD51 with the intact DNA template strand results in a relatively error-free repair.12In contrast to mitosis, germ cells undergoing meiosis actively generate genetic diversity through induction of programmed DSBs, which are repaired through HR.17, 18, 19 In meiotic HR, RAD51 functions in conjunction with the meiosis-specific recombinase, disrupted meiotic cDNA1 (DMC1). RAD51 and DMC1 are loaded onto DNA by a meiosis-specific accessory protein complex, homologous-pairing protein 2 (HOP2)–meiotic nuclear divisions 1 (MND1), to promote homologous strand invasion and dissociation-loop (D-loop) formation.20, 21 D-loops formed using the DMC1–RAD51 complex are more resistant to dissociation as opposed to D-loops formed by RAD51 alone, increasing the likelihood of DNA crossover events.20 In addition, DMC1-directed crossovers preferentially utilize the homologous chromosome further increasing genetic variation.22GBM cells commonly harbor genetic lesions that promote unrestrained proliferation but also stimulate genotoxic stress responses. Neoplastic cells do not require perfect fidelity of repair. In fact, dysfunctional repair accelerates genetic evolution of clones, but cancer cells must acquire mechanisms to bypass cell death or senescence in response to exogenous stressors.11, 23 Radiotherapy targets proliferating cancer cells by production of reactive oxygen species, leading to generation of DSBs and activation of the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway.11, 24 DSBs generated as a result of ionizing radiation (IR) are repaired through HR or non-homologous end joining (NHEJ).7, 12, 25, 26 Terminally differentiated neurons are post-mitotic and rely on NHEJ as a means to repair DNA DSBs. Therefore, inhibition of the NHEJ pathway may result in unfavorable normal neural cell toxicity.26The HR pathway is an attractive target as it is linked to increased genetic variation and loss of heterozygosity (LOH).12, 27 Multiple HR checkpoints have been proposed as potential therapeutic targets for GBM.28, 29, 30, 31 Although the prognostic value of RAD51 expression in GBM is unresolved,29, 32, 33 RAD51 is consistently elevated in GBM compared with normal brain.33 Reducing RAD51 expression radiosensitizes GBM cells,29 but may have a limited therapeutic index because of the potentially toxic effects on non-neoplastic cells. In this study, we investigated the aberrant activity of meiotic HR regulators in glioma, focusing on the meiosis-specific DMC1. Activation of meiotic repair genes in neoplastic cells selectively provides tumor cells with a repair mechanism to evade cell death caused by DNA damage, yet increase genetic diversity to drive clonal evolution.  相似文献   

Using an antibody against the phosphorylated form of His2Av (γ-His2Av), we have described the time course for the series of events leading from the formation of a double-strand break (DSB) to a crossover in Drosophila female meiotic prophase. MEI-P22 is required for DSB formation and localizes to chromosomes prior to γ-His2Av foci. Drosophila females, however, are among the group of organisms where synaptonemal complex (SC) formation is not dependent on DSBs. In the absence of two SC proteins, C(3)G and C(2)M, the number of DSBs in oocytes is significantly reduced. This is consistent with the appearance of SC protein staining prior to γ-His2Av foci. However, SC formation is incomplete or absent in the neighboring nurse cells, and γ-His2Av foci appear with the same kinetics as in oocytes and do not depend on SC proteins. Thus, competence for DSB formation in nurse cells occurs with a specific timing that is independent of the SC, whereas in the oocytes, some SC proteins may have a regulatory role to counteract the effects of a negative regulator of DSB formation. The SC is not sufficient for DSB formation, however, since DSBs were absent from the heterochromatin even though SC formation occurs in these regions. All γ-His2Av foci disappear before the end of prophase, presumably as repair is completed and crossovers are formed. However, oocytes in early prophase exhibit a slower response to X-ray–induced DSBs compared to those in the late pachytene stage. Assuming all DSBs appear as γ-His2Av foci, there is at least a 3:1 ratio of noncrossover to crossover products. From a comparison of the frequency of γ-His2Av foci and crossovers, it appears that Drosophila females have only a weak mechanism to ensure a crossover in the presence of a low number of DSBs.  相似文献   

MAD2 (mitotic arrest deficient 2) is a key regulator of mitosis. Recently, it had been suggested that MAD2-induced mitotic arrest mediates DNA damage response and that upregulation of MAD2 confers sensitivity to DNA-damaging anticancer drug-induced apoptosis. In this study, we report a potential novel role of MAD2 in mediating DNA nucleotide excision repair through physical interactions with two DNA repair proteins, XPD (xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group D) and ERCC1. First, overexpression of MAD2 resulted in decreased nuclear accumulation of XPD, a crucial step in the initiation of DNA repair. Second, immunoprecipitation experiments showed that MAD2 was able to bind to XPD, which led to competitive suppression of binding activity between XPD and XPA, resulting in the prevention of physical interactions between DNA repair proteins. Third, unlike its role in mitosis, the N-terminus domain seemed to be more important in the binding activity between MAD2 and XPD. Fourth, phosphorylation of H2AX, a process that is important for recruitment of DNA repair factors to DNA double-strand breaks, was suppressed in MAD2-overexpressing cells in response to DNA damage. These results suggest a negative role of MAD2 in DNA damage response, which may be accounted for its previously reported role in promoting sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents in cancer cells. However, the interaction between MAD2 and ERCC1 did not show any effect on the binding activity between ERCC1 and XPA in the presence or absence of DNA damage. Our results suggest a novel function of MAD2 by interfering with DNA repair proteins.  相似文献   

In response to DNA double-strand breaks(DSBs),DNA damage repair factors are recruited to DNA lesions and form nuclear foci.However,the underlying molecular mech...  相似文献   

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