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Multiple attractors and boundary crises in a tri-trophic food chain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The asymptotic behaviour of a model of a tri-trophic food chain in the chemostat is analysed in detail. The Monod growth model is used for all trophic levels, yielding a non-linear dynamical system of four ordinary differential equations. Mass conservation makes it possible to reduce the dimension by 1 for the study of the asymptotic dynamic behaviour. The intersections of the orbits with a Poincaré plane, after the transient has died out, yield a two-dimensional Poincaré next-return map. When chaotic behaviour occurs, all image points of this next-return map appear to lie close to a single curve in the intersection plane. This motivated the study of a one-dimensional bi-modal, non-invertible map of which the graph resembles this curve. We will show that the bifurcation structure of the food chain model can be understood in terms of the local and global bifurcations of this one-dimensional map. Homoclinic and heteroclinic connecting orbits and their global bifurcations are discussed also by relating them to their counterparts for a two-dimensional map which is invertible like the next-return map. In the global bifurcations two homoclinic or two heteroclinic orbits collide and disappear. In the food chain model two attractors coexist; a stable limit cycle where the top-predator is absent and an interior attractor. In addition there is a saddle cycle. The stable manifold of this limit cycle forms the basin boundary of the interior attractor. We will show that this boundary has a complicated structure when there are heteroclinic orbits from a saddle equilibrium to this saddle limit cycle. A homoclinic bifurcation to a saddle limit cycle will be associated with a boundary crisis where the chaotic attractor disappears suddenly when a bifurcation parameter is varied. Thus, similar to a tangent local bifurcation for equilibria or limit cycles, this homoclinic global bifurcation marks a region in the parameter space where the top-predator goes extinct. The 'Paradox of Enrichment' says that increasing the concentration of nutrient input can cause destabilization of the otherwise stable interior equilibrium of a bi-trophic food chain. For a tri-trophic food chain enrichment of the environment can even lead to extinction of the highest trophic level.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the perturbation of a biological oscillator by single and periodic impulses is analyzed. In response to a single stimulus the phase of the oscillator is changed. If the new phase following a stimulus is plotted against the old phase the resulting curve is called the phase transition curve or PTC (Pavlidis, 1973). There are two qualitatively different types of phase resetting. Using the terminology of Winfree (1977, 1980), large perturbations give a type 0 PTC (average slope of the PTC equals zero), whereas small perturbations give a type 1 PTC. The effects of periodic inputs can be analyzed by using the PTC to construct the Poincaré or phase advance map. Over a limited range of stimulation frequency and amplitude, the Poincaré map can be reduced to an interval map possessing a single maximum. Over this range there are period doubling bifurcations as well as chaotic dynamics. Numerical and analytical studies of the Poincaré map show that both phase locked and non-phase locked dynamics occur. We propose that cardiac dysrhythmias may arise from desynchronization of two or more spontaneously oscillating regions of the heart. This hypothesis serves to account for the various forms of atrioventricular (AV) block clinically observed. In particular 22 and 42 AV block can arise by period doubling bifurcations, and intermittent or variable AV block may be due to the complex irregular behavior associated with chaotic dynamics.  相似文献   

实验性神经起步点的不规则节律中的非稳定周期轨道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大鼠坐骨神经结扎模型中,记录到放电节律以周期加方式相互转化,在确认了周期二与周期三之间的不规则节律具有混性质后,借助峰峰间期序列的回归映象方法,使用了一种测度增强算法,确认了此混沌放电中的非稳定周期轨道结构,提示出非稳定周期轨道在神经不规则放电节律的动力学之中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Bifurcation theory is one of the most widely used approaches for analysis of dynamical behaviour of chemical and biochemical reaction networks. Some of the interesting qualitative behaviour that are analyzed are oscillations and bistability (a situation where a system has at least two coexisting stable equilibria). Both phenomena have been identified as central features of many biological and biochemical systems. This paper, using the theory of stoichiometric network analysis (SNA) and notions from algebraic geometry, presents sufficient conditions for a reaction network to display bifurcations associated with these phenomena. The advantage of these conditions is that they impose fewer algebraic conditions on model parameters than conditions associated with standard bifurcation theorems. To derive the new conditions, a coordinate transformation will be made that will guarantee the existence of branches of positive equilibria in the system. This is particularly useful in mathematical biology, where only positive variable values are considered to be meaningful. The first part of the paper will be an extended introduction to SNA and algebraic geometry-related methods which are used in the coordinate transformation and set up of the theorems. In the second part of the paper we will focus on the derivation of bifurcation conditions using SNA and algebraic geometry. Conditions will be derived for three bifurcations: the saddle-node bifurcation, a simple branching point, both linked to bistability, and a simple Hopf bifurcation. The latter is linked to oscillatory behaviour. The conditions derived are sufficient and they extend earlier results from stoichiometric network analysis as can be found in (Aguda and Clarke in J Chem Phys 87:3461–3470, 1987; Clarke and Jiang in J Chem Phys 99:4464–4476, 1993; Gatermann et al. in J Symb Comput 40:1361–1382, 2005). In these papers some necessary conditions for two of these bifurcations were given. A set of examples will illustrate that algebraic conditions arising from given sufficient bifurcation conditions are not more difficult to interpret nor harder to calculate than those arising from necessary bifurcation conditions. Hence an increasing amount of information is gained at no extra computational cost. The theory can also be used in a second step for a systematic bifurcation analysis of larger reaction networks. We have added a dedication of the paper to K. Gatermann.  相似文献   

Episodic-like memory is thought to be supported by attractor dynamics in the hippocampus. A possible neural substrate for this memory mechanism is rate remapping, in which the spatial map of place cells encodes contextual information through firing rate variability. To test whether memories are stored as multimodal attractors in populations of place cells, recent experiments morphed one familiar context into another while observing the responses of CA3 cell ensembles. Average population activity in CA3 was reported to transition gradually rather than abruptly from one familiar context to the next, suggesting a lack of attractive forces associated with the two stored representations. On the other hand, individual CA3 cells showed a mix of gradual and abrupt transitions at different points along the morph sequence, and some displayed hysteresis which is a signature of attractor dynamics. To understand whether these seemingly conflicting results are commensurate with attractor network theory, we developed a neural network model of the CA3 with attractors for both position and discrete contexts. We found that for memories stored in overlapping neural ensembles within a single spatial map, position-dependent context attractors made transitions at different points along the morph sequence. Smooth transition curves arose from averaging across the population, while a heterogeneous set of responses was observed on the single unit level. In contrast, orthogonal memories led to abrupt and coherent transitions on both population and single unit levels as experimentally observed when remapping between two independent spatial maps. Strong recurrent feedback entailed a hysteretic effect on the network which diminished with the amount of overlap in the stored memories. These results suggest that context-dependent memory can be supported by overlapping local attractors within a spatial map of CA3 place cells. Similar mechanisms for context-dependent memory may also be found in other regions of the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

A biochemically structured model for the aerobic growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on glucose and ethanol is presented. The model focuses on the pyruvate and acetaldehyde branch points where overflow metabolism occurs when the growth changes from oxidative to oxido-reductive. The model is designed to describe the onset of aerobic alcoholic fermentation during steady-state as well as under dynamical conditions, by triggering an increase in the glycolytic flux using a key signalling component which is assumed to be closely related to acetaldehyde. An investigation of the modelled process dynamics in a continuous cultivation revealed multiple steady states in a region of dilution rates around the transition between oxidative and oxido-reductive growth. A bifurcation analysis using the two external variables, the dilution rate, D, and the inlet concentration of glucose, S(f), as parameters, showed that a fold bifurcation occurs close to the critical dilution rate resulting in multiple steady-states. The region of dilution rates within which multiple steady states may occur depends strongly on the substrate feed concentration. Consequently a single steady state may prevail at low feed concentrations, whereas multiple steady states may occur over a relatively wide range of dilution rates at higher feed concentrations.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is mediated by an intracellular biochemical system that mainly includes proteins (procaspases, caspases, inhibitors, Bcl-2 protein family as well as substances released from mitochondrial intermembrane space). The dynamics of caspase activation and target cleavage in apoptosis induced by granzyme B in a single K562 cell was studied using a mathematical model of the dynamics of granzyme B-induced apoptosis developed in this work. Also the first application of optimization approach to determination of unknown kinetic constants of biochemical apoptotic reactions was presented. The optimization approach involves solving of two problems: direct and inverse. Solving the direct optimization problem, we obtain the initial (baseline) concentrations of procaspases for known kinetic constants through conditional minimization of a cost function based on the principle of minimum protein consumption by the apoptosis system. The inverse optimization problem is aimed at determination of unknown kinetic constants of apoptotic biochemical reactions proceeding from the condition that the optimal concentrations of procaspases resulting from the solution of the direct optimization problem coincide with the observed ones, that is, those determined by biochemical methods. The Multidimensional Index Method was used to perform numerical solution of the inverse optimization problem.  相似文献   

We analyze the transition from simple to complex oscillatory behaviour in a three-variable biochemical system that consists of the coupling in series of two autocatalytic enzyme reactions. Complex periodic behaviour occurs in the form of bursting in which clusters of spikes are separated by phases of relative quiescence. The generation of such temporal patterns is investigated by a series of complementary approaches. The dynamics of the system is first cast into two different time-scales, and one of the variables is taken as a slowly-varying parameter influencing the behaviour of the two remaining variables. This analysis shows how complex oscillations develop from simple periodic behaviour and accounts for the existence of various modes of bursting as well as for the dependence of the number of spikes per period on key parameters of the model. We further reduce the number of variables by analyzing bursting by means of one-dimensional return maps obtained from the time evolution of the three-dimensional system. The analysis of a related piecewise linear map allows for a detailed understanding of the complex sequence leading from a bursting pattern with p spikes to a pattern with p + 1 spikes per period. We show that this transition possesses properties of self-similarity associated with the occurrence of more and more complex patterns of bursting. In addition to bursting, period-doubling bifurcations leading to chaos are observed, as in the differential system, when the piecewise-linear map becomes nonlinear.  相似文献   

A heterarchy is a dynamical hierarchical system inheriting logical inconsistencies between levels. Because of these inconsistencies, it is very difficult to formalize a heterarchy as a dynamical system. Here, the essence of a heterarchy is proposed as a pair of the property of self-reference and the property of a frame problem interacting with each other. The coupling of them embodies a one-ity inheriting logical inconsistency. The property of self-reference and a frame problem are defined in terms of logical operations, and are replaced by two kinds of dynamical system, temporal dynamics and state-scale dynamics derived from the same "liar statement". A modified tent map serving as the temporal dynamics is twisted and coupled with a tent map serving as the state-scale dynamics, and this results in a discontinuous self-similar map as a dynamical system. This reveals that the state-scale and temporal dynamics attribute to the system, and shows both robust and emergent behaviors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a technique to evaluate the evolutionary dynamics of the timing of spawning for iteroparous species. The life cycle of the species consists of three life stages, embryonic, juvenile and adult whereby the transitions of life stages (gametogenesis, birth and maturation) occur at species-specific sizes. The dynamics of the population is studied in a semi-chemostat environment where the inflowing food concentration is periodic (annual). A dynamic energy budget-based continuous-time model is used to describe the uptake of the food, storage in reserves and allocation of the energy to growth, maintenance, development (embryos, juveniles) and reproduction (adults). A discrete-event process is used for modelling reproduction. At a fixed spawning date of the year, the reproduction buffer is emptied and a new cohort is formed by eggs with a fixed size and energy content. The population consists of cohorts: for each year one consisting of individuals with the same age which die after their last reproduction event. The resulting mathematical model is a finite-dimensional set of ordinary differential equations with fixed 1-year periodic boundary conditions yielding a stroboscopic map. We will study the evolutionary development of the population using the adaptive dynamics approach. The trait is the timing of spawning. Pairwise and mutual invasibility plots are calculated using bifurcation analysis of the stroboscopic map. The evolutionary singular strategy value belonging to the evolutionary endpoint for the trait allows for an interpretation of the reproduction strategy of the population. In a case study, parameter values from the literature for the bivalve Macoma balthica are used.  相似文献   

A deterministic model for the transmission dynamics of a strain of dengue disease, which allows transmission by exposed humans and mosquitoes, is developed and rigorously analysed. The model, consisting of seven mutually-exclusive compartments representing the human and vector dynamics, has a locally-asymptotically stable disease-free equilibrium (DFE) whenever a certain epidemiological threshold, known as the basic reproduction number(R(0)) is less than unity. Further, the model exhibits the phenomenon of backward bifurcation, where the stable DFE coexists with a stable endemic equilibrium. The epidemiological consequence of this phenomenon is that the classical epidemiological requirement of making R(0) less than unity is no longer sufficient, although necessary, for effectively controlling the spread of dengue in a community. The model is extended to incorporate an imperfect vaccine against the strain of dengue. Using the theory of centre manifold, the extended model is also shown to undergo backward bifurcation. In both the original and the extended models, it is shown, using Lyapunov function theory and LaSalle Invariance Principle, that the backward bifurcation phenomenon can be removed by substituting the associated standard incidence function with a mass action incidence. In other words, in addition to establishing the presence of backward bifurcation in models of dengue transmission, this study shows that the use of standard incidence in modelling dengue disease causes the backward bifurcation phenomenon of dengue disease.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to study cell deformation and cell movement by considering both the mechanical and biochemical properties of the cortical network of actin filaments and its concentration. Actin is a polymer that can exist either in filamentous form (F-actin) or in monometric form (G-actin) (Chen et al. in Trends Biochem Sci 25:19–23, 2000) and the filamentous form is arranged in a paired helix of two protofilaments (Ananthakrishnan et al. in Recent Res Devel Biophys 5:39–69, 2006). By assuming that cell deformations are a result of the cortical actin dynamics in the cell cytoskeleton, we consider a continuum mathematical model that couples the mechanics of the network of actin filaments with its bio-chemical dynamics. Numerical treatment of the model is carried out using the moving grid finite element method (Madzvamuse et al. in J Comput Phys 190:478–500, 2003). Furthermore, by assuming slow deformations of the cell, we use linear stability theory to validate the numerical simulation results close to bifurcation points. Far from bifurcation points, we show that the mathematical model is able to describe the complex cell deformations typically observed in experimental results. Our numerical results illustrate cell expansion, cell contraction, cell translation and cell relocation as well as cell protrusions. In all these results, the contractile tonicity formed by the association of actin filaments to the myosin II motor proteins is identified as a key bifurcation parameter.  相似文献   

It is not yet fully understood what causes cerebral aneurysms to rupture. Although no definitive conclusion has been reached, it is considered that there are haemodynamic, biochemical and physiological factors contributing to rupture. Numerical techniques seem promising for investigation of this multi-physical phenomenon. In fact, recent intensive numerical studies with computational fluid dynamics have revealed detailed haemodynamic features of the flow in cerebral aneurysms such as velocity, pressure and wall shear stress distributions. It is, therefore, expected that biochemical and physiological aspects of aneurysmal rupture will also be actively investigated using numerical approaches. Considering this background, the authors have been working on modelling of thrombus formation in cerebral aneurysms caused by stagnant blood flow, because many studies have suggested that slow blood flow and resulting low wall shear stress are connected with rupture. Firstly, in this review paper, slowness of the intra-aneurysmal flow is reviewed with an energy balance theory, and secondly, thrombus formation in cerebral bifurcation aneurysms is discussed from the viewpoint of numerical modelling. A computational result obtained by application of the authors’ platelet aggregation–adhesion model is also provided.  相似文献   

In this paper we completely study bifurcations of an epidemic model with five parameters introduced by Hilker et al. (Am Nat 173:72–88, 2009), which describes the joint interplay of a strong Allee effect and infectious diseases in a single population. Existence of multiple positive equilibria and all kinds of bifurcation are examined as well as related dynamical behavior. It is shown that the model undergoes a series of bifurcations such as saddle-node bifurcation, pitchfork bifurcation, Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation, degenerate Hopf bifurcation of codimension two and degenerate elliptic type Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation of codimension three. Respective bifurcation surfaces in five-dimensional parameter spaces and related dynamical behavior are obtained. These theoretical conclusions confirm their numerical simulations and conjectures by Hilker et al., and reveal some new bifurcation phenomena which are not observed in Hilker et al. (Am Nat 173:72–88, 2009). The rich and complicated dynamics exhibit that the model is very sensitive to parameter perturbations, which has important implications for disease control of endangered species.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dynamical behavior of an SIRS epidemic model with birth pulse, pulse vaccination, and saturation incidence is studied. By using a discrete map, the existence and stability of the infection-free periodic solution and the endemic periodic solution are investigated. The conditions required for the existence of supercritical bifurcation are derived. A threshold for a disease to be extinct or endemic is established. The Poincaré map and center manifold theorem are used to discuss flip bifurcation of the endemic periodic solution. Moreover, numerical simulations for bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits and periodic solutions, which are illustrated with an example, are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

A model of phytoplankton dynamics within a water column was analyzed with special consideration on the existence of a bifurcation set in the parameter space. We considered two resources, light and a limiting nutrient, for phytoplankton growth and assumed that the water column is separated into two layers by thermal and/or density stratification. It was shown that there exists a bifurcation set in the parameter space when the growth function meets several conditions that are general for growth functions of two essential resources. Specifically, these conditions include that a less abundant of the two resources limits the growth while the effect of the other is sufficiently small. Folded structure with two stable states separated by one unstable state appears in the catastrophe manifold when parameters move to a certain direction with a certain curvature from a point in the bifurcation set. These results suggest that occurrence of discontinuous transition between two alternative vertical patterns is possible nature of phytoplankton dynamics within a stratified water column.  相似文献   

We will elaborate the evolutionary course of an ecosystem consisting of a population in a chemostat environment with periodically fluctuating nutrient supply. The organisms that make up the population consist of structural biomass and energy storage compartments. In a constant chemostat environment a species without energy storage always out-competes a species with energy reserves. This hinders evolution of species with storage from those without storage. Using the adaptive dynamics approach for non-equilibrium ecological systems we will show that in a fluctuating environment there are multiple stable evolutionary singular strategies (ss's): one for a species without, and one for a species with energy storage. The evolutionary end-point depends on the initial evolutionary state. We will formulate the invasion fitness in terms of Floquet multipliers for the oscillating non-autonomous system. Bifurcation theory is used to study points where due to evolutionary development by mutational steps, the long-term dynamics of the ecological system changes qualitatively. To that end, at the ecological time scale, the trait value at which invasion of a mutant into a resident population becomes possible can be calculated using numerical bifurcation analysis where the trait is used as the free parameter, because it is just a bifurcation point. In a constant environment there is a unique stable equilibrium for one species following the “competitive exclusion” principle. In contrast, due to the oscillatory dynamics on the ecological time scale two species may coexist. That is, non-equilibrium dynamics enhances biodiversity. However, we will show that this coexistence is not stable on the evolutionary time scale and always one single species survives.  相似文献   

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