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蛋白质翻译过程中,翻译的起始步骤是非常重要的.真核生物的翻译起始主要是通过依赖帽子结构的扫描机制进行的.近几年在翻译的研究工作中发现,在一些动物病毒中,蛋白质合成通过一种不同于扫描机制的内部起始机制起始翻译.用内部起始机制翻译的mRNA的5′端非翻译区有一个相对保守的结构,它在内部起始过程中具有重要作用,一些特异的蛋白质因子能够促进在特定位点起始翻译.  相似文献   

在真核生物中,mRNA翻译是一个复杂的多步骤过程,包括起始、延伸和终止3个阶段。其中,起始阶段的调控是影响mRNA翻译的关键。目前已经发现,mRNA翻译起始方式有多种,以最早发现的m 7G帽依赖性扫描机制最为经典,但当细胞处于逆境,经典起始机制受到抑制时,其他类型的起始机制会将其替代以保证翻译的顺利进行。本文对目前已发现的真核生物mRNA不同翻译起始机制特别是经典起始机制的替代机制进行了综述,旨在为深入认识真核生物基因在翻译水平上的表达调控提供参考。  相似文献   

真核生物起始因子5   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
真核生物起始因子5(eIF-5)是一种重要的翻译起始因子,过去人们认为它只是GTP酶活化因子,催化eIF-2上的GTP水解,促进80 S起始复合体的形成.近年来人们发现它不仅可以催化eIF-2上的GTP水解,还参与eIF-3功能的发挥,与eIF-2、eIF-3同时结合,促进起始因子复合体的形成.  相似文献   

真核生物蛋白质合成起始的研究进展于长春王庆华,王海仁(四平师范学院生物系,吉林四平136000)(山东大学生物系,济南250100)关键词蛋白质合成,起始由于翻译的起始、细胞生长和肿瘤发生之间的关系已建立起来,因此蛋白质合成起始的研究是目前的热点之一...  相似文献   

真核生物mRNA稳定性的分子机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

真核生物细胞具有不同的机制用于监视转录本的准确性以保证翻译产物的完整性与正确性.无义介导mRNA降解(NMD)的作用对象主要是由于编码氨基酸的密码子突变为终止密码子,而使翻译提前终止的无义mRNA,其降解方式是直接进行5′端脱帽和5′→3′方向的水解。  相似文献   

黎裕 《生物学通报》1992,(6):15-15,10

真核生物的增强子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Although recent biochemical and genetic investigations have produced some insights into the mechanism of initiation of translation in eukaryotic cells, two aspects of the initiation process remain controversial. One unsettled issue concerns a variety of functions that have been proposed for mRNA binding proteins, including some initiation factors. The need to distinguish between specific and nonspecific binding of proteins to mRNA is discussed herein. The possibility that certain initiation factors might act as RNA helicases is evaluated along with other ideas about the functions of mRNA- and ATP-binding factors. A second controversial issue concerns the universality of the scanning mechanism for initiation of translation. According to the conventional scanning model, the initial contact between eukaryotic ribosomes and mRNA occurs exclusively at the 5' terminus of the message, which is usually capped. The existence of uncapped mRNAs among a few plant and animal viruses has prompted a vigorous search for other modes of initiation. An “internal initiation” mechanism, first proposed for picornaviruses, has received considerable attention. Although a large body of evidence has been adduced in support of such a mechanism, many of the experiments appear flawed or inconclusive. Some suggestions are given for improving experiments designed to test the internal initiation hypothesis.  相似文献   

复制起始调控是真核生物复制调控机制的重要环节,也是细胞生长调控的核心问题.对SV40病毒和酵母体系的研究为阐明真核生物的复制起始机制及其与细胞周期的关系提供了线索.目前,与DNA复制起始有关的多种蛋白质因子(如核蛋白P1,DNA单链结合蛋白,DNA聚合酶α,增殖细胞核抗原等)的作用机理逐渐明朗,周期依赖的调控特点得到了证实文章着重介绍了DNA复制起始在细胞周期中的两个调控点及各种周期蛋白在该点的作用,文中还涉及复制起始异常与肿瘤发生的关系.  相似文献   

Translation initiation in eukaryotes is a highly regulated and complex stage of gene expression. It requires the action of at least 12 initiation factors, many of which are known to be the targets of regulatory pathways. Here we review our current understanding of the molecular mechanics of eukaryotic translation initiation, focusing on recent breakthroughs from in vitro and in vivo studies. We also identify important unanswered questions that will require new ideas and techniques to solve.This work aims to present the current state of our knowledge of the molecular mechanics of translation initiation in eukaryotes. We focus on advances that have taken place over the last few years and, because of space limitations, assume readers will be able to find references to the foundational literature for the field (published before 2000) in the more recent works that are cited here. As always, we apologize for not having the space to cite many important works. Please view this as merely an introduction to the field rather than a complete summary.  相似文献   

In this review, the problems concerning initiation of DNA replication in higher eukaryotes are discussed, with special emphasis on the methods of replication origin mapping and biological tests for the activity of DNA replication origins in higher eukaryotes. Protein factors interacting with replication origins are considered in detail. The main events of replication initiation in higher eukaryotes are briefly analyzed. New data on the control of replication timing of large genomic regions are discussed.  相似文献   

New Ways of Initiating Translation in Eukaryotes?   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Mechanism and Control of Initiation in the Translation of R17 RNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A general model of initiation of protein synthesis based on experiments with R17 RNA as messenger proposes a two-stage mechanism, the first stage requiring dissociation into subunits and initiation factors, the second involving direct attachment of ribosomes.  相似文献   

mRNA翻译起始区的结构改变对几个外源基因翻译的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为观察mRNA翻译起始区结构与基因表达的关系,利用密码子的简并性,在不改变表达产物氨基酸序列的前提下定点突变几个外源基因的5′端若干位点,使基佤表达载体重组后转录形成的mRNA翻译起始区结构发生改变。经SDS-PAGE等分析证实这些改变大大提高了外源基因的表达水平,RNAdotblot表明突变与非突变基因转录水平差别不大,表达水平的提高主要由于翻译效率的提高,mRNA翻译起始区二级结构预测提示其生  相似文献   

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