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研究了金龟子绿僵菌菌株Ma83液体培养最佳营养及环境条件,为无纺布培养提供良好的液体种子.以生物量为指标,通过液体摇瓶试验确定了绿僵菌Ma83菌株液体种子培养参数,对不同的氮源、碳源及其浓度和初始pH进行单因素分析.结果表明,绿僵菌Ma83菌株液体种子培养最佳营养条件为4%黄豆粉,2%白砂糖,0.5%MgSO4·7H2O,0.05g/LKCl,0.1g/L FeSO4·7H2O,1.0g/L KH2PO4,pH6.3~6.5.70L发酵罐培养,干生物量第三天可达35g/L,显著优于筛选前培养基(SDA,28g/L,a=0.05).  相似文献   

通过液体摇瓶培养,以自由基清除率为指标,对一株柱孢绿僵菌(Metarhizium cylindrosporae)在不同液体培养条件下的抗氧化活性进行了研究,确定了其产抗氧化活性物质的最佳培养条件。结果表明最佳培养条件为:碳源为葡萄糖和麦芽糖组成的组合碳源;氮源为蚕蛹粉;无机盐及生长因子为MgSO4.7H2O、柠檬酸铵和VB;起始pH值为6.5;装液量为40mL/100mL;接种量为5%~7.5%;摇床转速为160~180r/min;培养时间为8d。正交实验结果表明最佳培养基配方为麦芽糖10g/L、蚕蛹粉10g/L、MgSO4.7H2O0.1g/L、柠檬酸铵0.4g/L、VB0.3g/L时,其次生代谢产物的抗氧化活性最强,可达82.16%。  相似文献   

绿僵菌属的三个新种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作者从广东、贵州、北京等地收集的虫生真菌中,发现在我国具有绿僵菌属特征的真菌可分为四个种。根据菌落颜色、分生孢子团块大小、紧密和牢固程度、孢子链连接方式、分生孢子形状等,将我们收集的属于本属的菌株分为四个种。本文报道绿僵菌属三个新种的描述。金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae(Metsch.)Sorokin为最常见的甘蔗金龟子致病菌,是本属的模式种。平沙绿僵菌Metarhizium pingshaense Chen et Guo sp.nov.、柱孢绿僵菌Metarhizium cylindrosporae Chen et Guo sp.nov.和贵州绿僵菌Metarhizium guizhouense Chen et Guo sp.nov.是三个新种。  相似文献   

绿僵菌属的一个新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报导从贵州省贵阳罹病梨虎Rhynchites Coreanus Kono幼虫虫尸分离的一种绿僵菌新种的鉴定结果,该菌与绿僵菌属模式种金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch) s-orkin 有明显区别,根据菌落颜色、分生孢子团块大小、连接紧密和牢固程度、孢子链连接方式和分生孢子形态等,我们鉴定为新种——翠绿绿僵菌Metarhizium iadini chen、Guo et zhou sp.nov.  相似文献   

研究了金龟子绿僵菌IMI330189的液体发酵动力学。利用Sigmoid函数构建了该菌株液体发酵过程中的菌体生长和底物消耗的动力学模型,并运用Origin7.5软件拟合求解出各模型参数。结果表明,模型能够较好地拟合绿僵菌IMI330189液体发酵过程,其比生长速率在发酵第22.8h达到最大值,为0.084h-1;总糖比消耗速率在第9.6h达到最大值,为0.246h-1;总氮比消耗速率在第10.3h达到最大值,为0.007h-1;菌体对总糖的得率系数在39.8h达到最高,为0.861g/g。模型拟合和实验数据具有良好的适应性,基本反映了绿僵菌IMI330189液体发酵过程的动力学特征,为其液体发酵工艺的优化和发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

绿僵菌产海藻糖水解酶培养条件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丝状真菌绿僵菌能产生一系列二糖水解酶,其中包括海藻糖水解酶。这些酶在绿僵菌对昆虫的致病过程中起着重要的作用。本文研究了不同碳源、氮源对金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum菌株CQMa102产生与分解昆虫血淋巴中海藻糖等二糖相关的海藻糖水解酶活性的影响。结果表明:分别以葡萄糖、麦芽糖、蔗糖、山梨醇和可溶性淀粉为碳源,金龟子绿僵菌均可产生海藻糖水解酶,但最佳碳源是可溶性淀粉,因为由其诱导产生的海藻糖水解酶具有最高的总活性和比活性以及更多的同工酶,山梨醇次之。硝态氮(NaNO3)作为唯一氮源时,几乎检测不出海藻糖水解酶活性,而铵态氮((NH4)2SO4)或NaNO3和有机氮(蛋白胨和酵母浸膏)混合氮源作氮源时,海藻糖水解酶活性都很高。在绿僵菌菌丝提取液和滤液的海藻糖水解酶活性比较中发现:CQMa102在多数碳源的培养基中产生的海藻糖水解酶主要分泌到培养基中,仅有少数结合在细胞壁上。  相似文献   

本文报道绿僵菌属的修订和修订后本属区分种的主要标准。这对于自然界本属复杂类群的研究将起到新的推动和助益。  相似文献   

利用马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基,对一株绿僵菌进行了分离培养。对不同生长发育天数的菌落特征即颜色、大小、孢子堆的形成等特点进行了描述。在光学显微镜下观察了菌丝的形态,成熟孢子及分生孢子梗的形状、颜色及连接状况。利用扫描电镜观察了分生孢子和孢子梗的超微形态。经培养特征和形态学鉴定,确定该昆虫病原真菌是金龟子绿僵菌。  相似文献   

绿僵菌属血清学的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文采用凝集试验和免疫电泳的方法对不同来源的七株绿僵菌属真菌进行了免疫学对比研究。抗原是孢子悬液和菌丝体清液,通过对角兔接种抗原而获得抗血清。每一种抗原与其同源抗血清和异源抗血清进行交叉试验,并对凝集试验的结果以及免疫电泳反应产生的沉淀弧数目和免疫电泳图谱加以对比分析,试验结果表明:不同菌株间存在明显的抗原类似性,同时各菌株间也表现出一定的抗原专一性。根据试验数据对供试菌株进行血清学分型的结果与形  相似文献   

绿僵菌对昆虫的入侵机理   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
绿鹰菌[Metarhizium(Metsch.)Sorokin]是一种有效的杀虫真菌,利用它来防治害虫的研究与实践已愈百年l‘]。据不完全统计,全世界约有200多种昆虫能被这种真菌感染致死,它致病力强,效果好,对人,畜,作物无毒害,和白僵菌一样,是一种当前世界上研究和应用最多的虫生真菌之一,利用绿僵菌对害虫进行微生物防治具有广阔的前景。但是同其它真菌杀虫剂一样,绿鹰菌的致死时间比化学杀虫剂长,因而影响了它效果的发挥,为挖掘及有效地应用这种有潜力的微生物制剂,国外已有许多国家对绿僵菌人侵机理进行了…  相似文献   

Cultivation of Acinetobacter radioresistens on n-hexadecane for lipase production was investigated with repeated batch culture in the presence of a hydrophobic nonwoven fabric. Lipase production followed the growth-associated model, and the repeated batch culture could achieve both high enzyme yield and increased volumetric productivity. The fabric was shown to be able to disperse n-hexadecane, to adsorb the unused hydrocarbon, and to retain bioemulsifiers excreted from the cells; therefore, it enhanced cell growth and, in turn, lipase production. In the repeated batch culture in the absence of the fabric, lipase yield and volumetric productivity were found to be 21 U/mL and 875 U/L. h, respectively. However, if the fabric was equipped in the fermentor, lipase yield and volumetric productivity increased to 30 U/mL and 2500 U/L. h, respectively. The lipase production profile could be further improved by raising the amount of nitrogen source and, as a result, a lipase yield of 54 U/mL and a volumetric productivity of 2250 U/L. h were obtained. In this study we assess the beneficial effects of nonwoven fabric on lipase production.  相似文献   

Direct membrane separation using nonwoven fabric was applied to saline wastewater treatment by an activated sludge process. A nonwoven fabric module was immersed in an aeration tank. The part of treated was filtered through the module by suction and the rest of that was separated by a settlingtank. Various F/M ratios and salt concentrations were applied to investigate stable flux as well as pollutant removal. The pollutant removal efficiencies of nonwoven fabric separation was not affected by F/M ratios and salt concentrations and was higher than that of settling tank separation. The decline in flux was seemed to be caused by the biofilm on nonwoven fabricsurface  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the production of high numbers of M. anisopliae blastospores with enhanced germination efficiency under conditions of water-stress (ecological fitness). Different nitrogen sources and concentrations were screened for their ability to induce blastospore production while keeping pH and water activity (aw) at fixed levels (6.8, and 0.98 aw, respectively). After optimum nitrogen status was determined (cornsteep solid (CS) + yeast extract (YE); or cottonseed flour (CF) + YE), the effect of interaction of nitrogen source, pH (3.5, 5, 6.8, 8, 9 and 10) and solutes for aw adjustment (KCl, NaCl, PEG 200) on blastospore production, endogenous polyol content (glycerol, erythritol, arabitol and mannitol) and total protein, were determined. For both ionic (NaCl, KCl) and non-ionic solutes (PEG 200), optimum blastospore production (between 4×107 and 2×108 blastospores ml-1) and growth occurred in the pH range 6.8-8, with the CF + YE nitrogen profile giving higher yields than CS + YE. Optimum conditions for high erythritol and total protein endogenous concentrations (40.37-73.44 and 14.33-18.90 mg g-1 fresh weight, respectively) occurred between pH 6.8 and 8 by ionic aw modification (KCl, NaCl) and with the CF + YE nitrogen profile. Germination of blastospores produced under these cultural conditions was between 62 and 89% under conditions of water-stress (0.96 aw). On the other hand, blastospores with lower amounts of erythritol and total protein content had decreased germination (8-67%). These results could have significant implications for developing a liquid fermentation medium for the production of high numbers of fungal propagules with enhanced efficacy under non-optimum environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The ability of thrips and other minute insects to escape from conventional assay cups led to development of a successful assay chamber. In the present study, we evaluated three bioassay systems for thrips; Tashiro cage, microtube assay and leaf sandwich assay and introduced an improved thrips entomopathogenic bioassay system (TEBS). Our objective was to investigate the effect of Metarhizium anisopliae on Thrips tabaci using an easy-to-use and inexpensive holding chamber that would produce bioassay results with acceptable levels of accuracy and precision. In our assays, we found that escape of second-instar larvae from TEBS was significantly less than those of other methods which we tested. Our results indicated that our assay system was more suitable than the other conventional assays for the bioassay of entomopathogenic fungi on T. tabaci.  相似文献   

本文采用饵剂饲喂方法研究东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis(Meyen)营养生理参数变化,结果表明:绿僵菌(Metarhizium anisopliae)侵染后,5个温度梯度下蝻期总取食量分别为96.4、108.3、131.9、103.2、249.5mg;21、24、27、30℃4个温度...  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine whether conidia from non-woven fiber bands impregnated with Metarhizium anisopliae F 52 could be spread to other parts of the environment, and whether Anoplophora glabripennis could become infected with conidia dispersed from fungal bands. In the field, bands containing M. anisopliae were hung at 3 m height on 15 trees. Bark samples were taken 10, 20, and 30 cm above the bands and 10, 30, and 60 cm below the bands 2, 5, and 9 days after band placement to quantify conidial densities. There were more conidia in samples taken below bands compared with samples taken above bands. A significant positive correlation was found between rainfall and the occurrence of conidia on any of the bark samples. A laboratory study was conducted to determine whether conidia from M. anisopliae fungal bands could be spread to other parts of the environment by A. glabripennis adults and whether A. glabripennis could become infected by conidia dispersed from fungal bands. One or five adult A. glabripennis were used to contaminate artificial environments with conidia. All adults subsequently exposed to contaminated environments were killed by fungal infection. Beetles exposed to environments that had been contaminated by five beetles died in fewer days compared with environments contaminated by one beetle. Beetles in both density treatments died in fewer days than beetles exposed to environments without M. anisopliae conidia. Our results indicate that environmental contamination with conidia from fungal bands can occur, and that adult A. glabripennis can acquire infection from a contaminated environment.  相似文献   

Metarhizium isolates from soil (53) and insect hosts (10) were evaluated for extracellular production of cuticle degrading enzyme (CDE) activities such as chitinase, chitin deacetylase (CDA), chitosanase, protease and lipase. Regression analysis demonstrated the relation of CDE activities with Helicoverpa armigera mortality. On basis of this relation, ten isolates were selected for further evaluation. Subsequently, based on LT50 of the 10 isolates towards H. armigera, five isolates were selected. Out of these five isolates, three were selected on the basis of higher conidia production (60–75 g/kg rice), faster sedimentation time (ST50) (2.3–2.65 h in 0.1% (w/v) Tween 80) and lower LC50 (1.4–5.7×103 conidia/mL) against H. armigera. Finally, three Metarhizium isolates were selected for the molecular fingerprinting using ITS sequencing and RAPD patterning. All three isolates, M34412, M34311 and M81123, showed comparable RAPD patterns with a 935G primer. These were further evaluated for their field performance against H. armigera in a chickpea crop. The percent efficacies with the three Metarhizium isolates were from 65 to 72%, which was comparable to the chemical insecticide, endosulfan (74%).  相似文献   

A direct dropping method was developed to determine the best hydrophilic-lipophilic balance number of Metarhizium anisopliae conidia at different water content levels during dehydration. Results showed the best HLB number of the tested M. anisopliae conidia was 8; dehydration did not change the best HLB number but significantly increased wetting time.  相似文献   

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