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V gamma 9V delta 2 T cell response to colon carcinoma cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During analysis of CD8 T cells derived from ascites of a colon cancer patient, we isolated a Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cell clone showing strong reactivity against autologous tumor cell lines. This clone killed a large fraction of allogeneic colon carcinoma and melanoma cell lines, but did not affect a normal colon cell line, colon fibroblasts, or melanocytes. Tumor cell recognition was TCR and NKG2D dependent and induced TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma secretion by the clone; accordingly, tumor targets expressed several NKG2D ligands, such as MHC class I chain-related gene A and UL16-binding protein molecules. Colon tumor recognition by Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells was highly dependent on isopentenyl pyrophosphate production and ICAM-1 expression by target cells. Finally, similar reactivity patterns against colon carcinoma cell lines were observed using polyclonal Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells of various origins, and Vgamma9Vdelta2 lymphocytes were present in the majority of colon tumor samples studied. Together, these results suggest that Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells contribute to the natural immune surveillance against colon cancers. Therefore, this study provides a strong rationale for the use of Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cell agonists in immunotherapies targeting colon tumors.  相似文献   

Activation of V gamma 9V delta 2 T cells by NKG2D   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Human Vgamma9 Vdelta2 T cells recognize phosphorylated nonpeptide Ags (so called phosphoantigens), certain tumor cells, and cells treated with aminobisphosphonates. NKG2D, an activating receptor for NK cells, has been described as a potent costimulatory receptor in the Ag-specific activation of gammadelta and CD8 T cells. This study provides evidence that Vgamma9 Vdelta2 T cells may also be directly activated by NKG2D. Culture of PBMC with immobilized NKG2D-specific mAb or NKG2D ligand MHC class I related protein A (MICA) induces the up-regulation of CD69 and CD25 in NK and Vgamma9 Vdelta2 but not in CD8 T cells. Furthermore, NKG2D triggers the production of TNF-alpha but not of IFN-gamma, as well as the release of cytolytic granules by Vgamma9 Vdelta2 T cells. Purified Vgamma9 Vdelta2 T cells kill MICA-transfected RMA mouse cells but not control cells. Finally, DAP10, which mediates NKG2D signaling in human NK cells, was detected in resting and activated Vgamma9 Vdelta2 T cells. These remarkable similarities in NKG2D function in NK and Vgamma9 Vdelta2 T cells may open new perspectives for Vgamma9 Vdelta2 T cell-based immunotherapy, e.g., by Ag-independent killing of NKG2D ligand-expressing tumors.  相似文献   

Regulation of T cell cytokine production by dendritic cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Previous work has established that the dendritic cells (DC) of mouse spleen regulate the IL-2 production, and hence the extent of proliferation, of the CD8 T cells they activate. It is now reported here that interaction of primary CD8 T cells with splenic CD8alpha- DC induced much higher production of IL-3, IFN-gamma and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), as well as IL-2, than did interaction with CD8alpha+ splenic DC. Furthermore, the CD8alpha- DC also induced higher levels of IL-2, IL-3 and IL-10 production in primary CD4 T cells, compared with that induced by CD8alpha+ DC. These quantitative differences did not involve qualitative shifts in the type of cytokine produced. Interleukin-4 production remained low in all the primary T cell cultures and restimulation experiments in secondary cultures did not reveal any bias in the cytokine production profile. When exogenous IL-2 was added to the primary cultures to ensure equal proliferation in response to CD8alpha- or CD8alpha+ DC, the higher level of production of IL-3, IFN-gamma and GM-CSF induced by CD8alpha- DC was maintained. Thus, this general control of T cell cytokine production by splenic DC involves factors additional to those that govern activation of T cells into cell cycle.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood TCR-gamma delta cells with different functional V gamma or V delta gene rearrangements represent two nonoverlapping subsets. The major subset uses the V gamma 9 and the V delta 2 gene segments and the minor subset the V delta 1 gene segments in its functional TCR rearrangement. Upon in vitro activation, these TCR-gamma delta lymphocytes display MHC-unrestricted lytic activity, against a wide variety of tumor cells of distinct histologic origin. Here we show that fresh TCR-gamma delta lymphocytes that express a V gamma 9-V delta 2 encoded TCR display a specific proliferative response to Daudi, Burkitt's lymphoma cells. Moreover, cloned V gamma 9-V delta 2 lymphocytes show the capacity to lyse Daudi cells, whereas none of the cloned V gamma 1 TCR-gamma delta lymphocytes shows such specificity. Nucleotide diversity at the V-D-J junction of the TCR-V delta 2 gene did not contribute to this Daudi cell specificity. Comparison of the MHC-unrestricted cytolytic capacities of the V gamma 9-V delta 2 and the V delta 1 clones using a panel of distinct types of tumor target cells showed that on average, the level of MHC unrestricted lysis of V gamma 9-V delta 2 clones against these tumor cells exceeded that of V delta 1 clones. However, in contrast to all these tumor cell lines, only the Daudi cells showed such an absolute distinction in susceptibility to lysis by V gamma 9-V delta 2 and V delta 1 clones. V gamma 9-V delta 2 clones that were generated with a stimulator cell other than Daudi did not lyse their stimulator cells but nevertheless showed specific cytolysis of Daudi cells. The specific proliferation to and cytolysis of Daudi cells of the entire V gamma 9-V delta 2 subpopulation of TCR-gamma delta lymphocytes is reminiscent of a superantigen response.  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DV) infection is a major problem in public health. It can cause fatal diseases such as Dengue hemorrhagic fever and Dengue shock syndrome. Dendritic cells (DC) are professional APCs required for establishing a primary immune response. Here, we investigated the role of human PBMC-derived DC in DV infection. Using different techniques, including plaque assay, flow cytometry analysis, nested RT-PCR, and confocal microscope and electron microscope examinations, we show that DV can enter cultured human DC and produce virus particles. After entrance, DV could be visualized in cystic vesicles, vacuoles, and the endoplasmic reticulum. The DV-infected DC also showed proliferation and hypertrophy of the endoplasmic reticulum as well as the swollen mitochondria. In addition, the DV-stimulated DC could express maturation markers such as B7-1, B7-2, HLA-DR, CD11b, and CD83. Furthermore, the infection of DC by DV induced production of TNF-alpha and IFN-alpha, but not IL-6 and IL-12. Although DC underwent spontaneous apoptosis in the absence of feeding cytokines, this process appeared to be delayed after DV infection. Our observations provide important information in understanding the pathogenesis of DV infection.  相似文献   

Human Vgamma9Vdelta2 gammadelta T cells are selectively activated by bacterial phosphoantigens and aminobisphosphonates and exert potent cytotoxicity toward various tumor cells. In this study we have characterized the cytotoxic reactivity of gammadelta T cell lines established from healthy donors by stimulation with aminobisphosphonate alendronate toward melanoma MeWo and pancreatic adenocarcinomas Colo357 and PancTu1 lines in vitro and in vivo upon adoptive transfer into SCID mice. Lysis of all tumor cells was enhanced when gammadelta effector cells were preactivated with phosphoantigens. Recognition of MeWo was TCR dependent, as shown by anti-TCR Ab blockade, whereas only the phosphoantigen-mediated increased, but not the basal, lysis of Colo357 and PancTu1 was inhibited by anti-TCR Ab. Furthermore, lysis of Colo357, but not that of MeWo or PancTu1, was completely inhibited by the pan-caspase inhibitor zVAD, indicating different recognition and effector mechanisms involved in the gammadelta T cell/tumor cell interactions. Upon transfer into SCID mice, alendronate-activated gammadelta T cells given together with IL-2 and alendronate significantly prolonged the survival of SCID mice inoculated with human tumor cells. The best results were thus obtained when gammadelta T cells were repetitively given five times over a period of 30 days. With this protocol, human gammadelta T cells prolonged the mean survival of mice inoculated with MeWo melanoma from 28.5 to 87.3 days (p < 0.0001) and in the case of PancTu1 adenocarcinoma from 23.0 to 48.4 days (p < 0.0001). We conclude that an effective gammadelta T cell-based immunotherapy might require activation of endogenous gammadelta T cells with aminobisphosphonate (or phosphoantigen) and IL-2, followed by adoptive transfer of in vitro expanded gammadelta T cells.  相似文献   

Gammadelta T lymphocytes play an important role in the immune defense against infection, based on the unique reactivity of human Vdelta2Vgamma9 gammadelta T cells toward bacterial phosphoantigens. Chemokines and their corresponding receptors orchestrate numerous cellular reactions, including leukocyte migration, activation, and degranulation. In this study we investigated the expression of various receptors for inflammatory and homeostatic chemokines on peripheral blood gammadelta T cells and compared their expression patterns with those on alphabeta T cells. Although several of the analyzed receptors (including CCR6, CCR7, CXCR4, and CXCR5) were not differentially expressed on gammadelta vs alphabeta T cells, gammadelta T cells expressed strongly increased levels of the RANTES/macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha/-1beta receptor CCR5 and also enhanced levels of CCR1-3 and CXCR1-3. CCR5 expression was restricted to Vdelta2 gammadelta T cells, while the minor subset of Vdelta1 gammadelta T cells preferentially expressed CXCR1. Stimulation with heat-killed extracts of Mycobacterium tuberculosis down-modulated cell surface expression of CCR5 on gammadelta T cells in a macrophage-dependent manner, while synthetic phosphoantigen isopentenyl pyrophosphate and CCR5 ligands directly triggered CCR5 down-modulation on gammadelta T cells. The functionality of chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR3 on gammadelta T cells was demonstrated by Ca(2+) mobilization and chemotactic response to the respective chemokines. Our results identify high level expression of CCR5 as a characteristic and selective feature of circulating Vdelta2 gammadelta T cells, which is in line with their suspected function as Th1 effector T cells.  相似文献   

The global immune response can be simplified into two components: the innate and the acquired systems. The innate immune response comprises primarily macrophages and NK cells, while B and T cells orchestrate the acquired response. Human Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells represent a minor T cell subpopulation in blood (1-5%) that is activated via the TCR by small nonpeptidic molecules. Their percentage dramatically increases during the early phase of infection by intracellular pathogens, and they display many characteristics of NK cells, which places them at a unique position within the immune system. Our aim was to explore the behavior of these cells when they are activated by a receptor that is common to NK and alphabeta T cells, and to determine signaling pathways and biological responses induced in these cells through this receptor. Thus, we investigated whether Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells behave as NK cells or as alphabeta T cells. We demonstrated that IL-2 activates not only STAT3, STAT5, the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase-2 pathway, but also STAT4 as in NK cells, and the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway as in alphabeta T cells. Moreover, IL-2 induces the production of IFN-gamma in Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells as observed in NK cells. Due to their double profiles, Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells are at the interface of the innate and the acquired immune response and may therefore not only modulate the activity of innate cells, but also influence Th1/Th2 differentiation.  相似文献   

We have previously found that monkey Vgamma2Vdelta2(+) T cells mount adaptive immune responses in response to Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin infections. We have now analyzed rhesus monkey gammadelta T cell responses to nonpeptide Ags and superantigens. Like human Vgamma2Vdelta2(+) T cells, rhesus monkey gammadelta T cells are stimulated when exposed to prenyl pyrophosphate, bisphosphonate, and alkylamine Ags. Responsiveness was limited to gammadelta T cells expressing Vgamma2Vdelta2 TCRs. Rhesus monkey Vgamma2Vdelta2(+) T cells also responded to the superantigen, staphyloccocal enterotoxin A. Sequencing of the rhesus monkey Vgamma2Vdelta2 TCR revealed a strong sequence homology to human Vgamma2Vdelta2 TCR that preserves important sequence motifs. Moreover, chimeric TCRs that pair human Vgamma2 with monkey Vdelta2 and monkey Vgamma2 with human Vdelta2 retain reactivity to nonpeptide Ags and B cell lymphomas. A molecular model of the rhesus monkey Vgamma2Vdelta2 TCR has a basic region in the complementarity-determining region 3 binding groove that is similar to that seen in the human Vgamma2Vdelta2 TCR and preserves the topology of the complementarity-determining region loops. Thus, recognition of nonpeptide prenyl pyrophosphate, bisphosphonate, and alkylamine Ags is conserved in primates suggesting that primates can provide an animal model for human gammadelta T cell Ag responses.  相似文献   

In immune cells, proinflammatory cytokine gene expression is regulated by glucocorticoids, whereas migration-inhibitory factor (MIF), a pleiotropic cytokine, has the unique property of counteracting the inhibitory effect of glucocorticoids on TNF-alpha and IL-1beta secretion. A few lines of evidence suggest that gammadelta T cells play an important role in immunoregulation. However, it is unknown whether human gammadelta T cells participate in regulating MIF secretion, and how gammadelta T cells, glucocorticoids, and cytokines converge to give a unified physiological response. In this study, we demonstrate that human Vgamma2Vdelta2 T cells augment MIF secretion. Remarkably, these Vgamma2Vdelta2 T cells, functioning similarly to MIF in part, counteracted inhibition of dexamethasone on production of IL-1beta and TNF-alpha. SCID mice reconstituted with human PBMC that were mock depleted of Vdelta2 T cells and repeatedly infected with lethal dose of Escherichia coli had shorter survival time than those reconstituted with PBMC that were depleted of Vdelta2 T cells. Thus, human Vgamma2Vdelta2 T cells are likely to play broad-spectrum roles in immunoregulation and immunopathology by influencing MIF secretion and the immunomodulatory function of glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

Human Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells recognize nonpeptidic Ags generated by the 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate (many eubacteria, algae, plants, and Apicomplexa) and mevalonate (eukaryotes, archaebacteria, and certain eubacteria) pathways of isoprenoid synthesis. The potent Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cell reactivity 1) against certain cancer cells or 2) induced by infectious agents indicates that therapeutic augmentations of Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cell activities may be clinically beneficial. The functional characteristics of Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells from Macaca fascicularis (cynomolgus monkey) are very similar to those from Homo sapiens. We have found that the i.v. administration of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate or pyrophosphomonoester drugs into cynomolgus monkeys combined with s.c. low-dose (6 x 10(5) U/animal) IL-2 induces a large pool of CD27+ and CD27- effector/memory T cells in the peripheral blood of treated animals. The administration of these drugs in the absence of IL-2 is substantially less effective, indicating the importance of additional exogenous costimuli. Shortly after the costimulatory IL-2 treatment, only gammadelta (but not alphabeta) T cells expressed the CD69 activation marker, indicating that Vgamma9Vdelta2 T lymphocytes are more responsive to low-dose IL-2 than alphabeta T cells. Up to 100-fold increases in the numbers of peripheral blood Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells were observed in animals receiving the gammadelta stimulatory drug plus IL-2. Moreover, the expanded Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells were potent Th1 effectors capable of releasing large amounts of IFN-gamma. These results may be relevant for designing novel (or modifying current) immunotherapeutic trials with nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate or pyrophosphomonoester drugs.  相似文献   

Signaling through the PGI(2) receptor (IP) has been shown to inhibit inflammatory responses in mouse models of respiratory syncytial viral infection and OVA-induced allergic responses. However, little is known about the cell types that mediate the anti-inflammatory function of PGI(2.) In this study, we determined that PGI(2) analogs modulate dendritic cell (DC) cytokine production, maturation, and function. We report that PGI(2) analogs (iloprost, cicaprost, treprostinil) differentially modulate the response of murine bone marrow-derived DC (BMDC) to LPS in an IP-dependent manner. The PGI(2) analogs decreased BMDC production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-12, TNF-alpha, IL-1alpha, IL-6) and chemokines (MIP-1alpha, MCP-1) and increased the production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 by BMDCs. The modulatory effect was associated with IP-dependent up-regulation of intracellular cAMP and down-regulation of NF-kappaB activity. Iloprost and cicaprost also suppressed LPS-induced expression of CD86, CD40, and MHC class II molecules by BMDCs and inhibited the ability of BMDCs to stimulate Ag-specific CD4 T cell proliferation and production of IL-5 and IL-13. These findings suggest that PGI(2) signaling through the IP may exert anti-inflammatory effects by acting on DC.  相似文献   

Human Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells are considered to play an important role in brucellosis, as this population is dramatically increased in peripheral blood of patients during the acute phase of the infection. This T lymphocyte population has been largely demonstrated to be activated by small m.w. nonpeptidic molecules from natural or synthetic origin. We recently identified a nonpeptidic fraction of Brucella suis that specifically activates human Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells. Using a two-separate-chambers system, we showed that Brucella fraction, as well as isopentenyl pyrophosphate-activated Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells, impaired the multiplication of B. suis in differentiated THP-1 cells through TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma release. In the present study, using circulating Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells and autologous monocytes infected with B. suis, we provide evidence that 1) intramonocytic multiplication of B. suis is impaired by supernatants of activated Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells in part via TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, this impairment occurring without host cell lysis; 2) unstimulated Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells can impair intracellular bacterial multiplication after their activation by soluble factors released by infected monocytes; and 3) activated Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells lyse Brucella-infected monocytes in a contact-dependent manner. Taken together, these results provide evidence that Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells, in addition to being directly activated by soluble nonpeptidic molecules, can be stimulated to become highly cytotoxic in the specific presence of infected monocytes; moreover, they suggest how Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells could be triggered and respond as antibacterial effector cells in the early stages of Brucella infection.  相似文献   

Wesa AK  Galy A 《Cellular immunology》2001,208(2):115-124
When dendritic cells (DC) present antigens to T cells, reciprocal cellular interactions occur that lead to cytokine production. This cytokine response is regulated by specific properties of DC, notably their maturation/activation status and perhaps their origin. The latter possibility prompted us to determine if DC produced along distinct developmental pathways induced distinct T cell responses. Hematopoietic progenitor cells with the potential to differentiate into multiple lineages of cells were induced to differentiate into DC along two pathways. One leads to the formation of lymphoid-related DC but not of monocyte-derived DC and is induced by culture of CD34(+) cells with flt-3 ligand (F), c-kit ligand (K), GM-CSF (Gm), IL-1beta ("1"), and IL-7 ("7") (FKGm17). Another pathway with distinct molecular requirements supports in part monocyte-derived DC and is induced by the cytokines F, K, Gm, TNF-alpha (T), and IL-4 ("4") (FKGmT4). DC produced along these two pathways were isolated by flow cytometry and compared. They differed only slightly in phenotype and morphology and both induced Th1-type cytokine production in MLR (mixed lymphocyte reactions). However, on a cell-per-cell basis, FKGm17-DC produced more IL-18 or IL-12 and induced more IFN-gamma by T cells in MLR. Such superior properties were not intrinsically determined by the origin of the DC but were induced by FKGm17 cytokines. We conclude that lymphoid-related DC have the potential to induce Th1 T cell responses but that environmental signals strongly influence T-cell-stimulating properties of DC.  相似文献   

We recently reported that the number of gamma delta T cells was increased after infection with Escherichia coli in C3H/HeN mice. We here showed that an i.p. injection with native lipid A derived from E. coli induced an increase of gamma delta T cells in the peritoneal cavity of LPS-responsive C3H/HeN mice and, albeit to a lesser degree, also in LPS-hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mice. The purified gamma delta T cells from C3H/HeN and C3H/HeJ mice expressed a canonical TCR repertoire encoded by V gamma 6-J gamma 1/V delta 1-D delta 2-J delta 2 gene segments and proliferated in response to the native lipid A derived from E. coli in a TCR-independent manner. The lipid A-reactive gamma delta T cells bearing canonical V gamma 6/V delta 1 expressed Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 mRNA, while TLR4 mRNA was undetectable. Treatment with a TLR2 anti-sense oligonucleotide resulted in hyporesponsiveness of the gamma delta T cells to the native lipid A. TLR2-deficient mice showed an impaired increase of the gamma delta T cells following injection of native lipid A. These results suggest that TLR2 is involved in the activation of canonical V gamma 6/V delta 1 T cells by native E. coli lipid A.  相似文献   

Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that, in addition to its well-characterized role in calcium/phosphate metabolism, has been found to have regulatory properties for immune system function. The nuclear vitamin D receptor is widely expressed in tissues, but has also been shown to be regulated by hormones, growth factors, and cytokines. In this study we show that activation of human Vdelta2Vgamma9 T cells by nonpeptidic monoalkyl phosphates such as isopentenyl pyrophosphate leads to the up-regulation of the vitamin D receptor via a pathway that involves the classical isoforms of protein kinase C. We further show that this receptor is active by demonstrating that the ligand 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (vitD3) significantly inhibits in a dose-dependent fashion phospholigand-induced gammadelta T cell expansion, IFN-gamma production, and CD25 expression. We also show that vitD3 negatively regulates signaling via Akt and ERK and, at high concentrations, potentiates Ag-induced cell death. As such, these data provide further support for the immunoregulatory properties of vitamin D, and suggest that the ability of vitD3 to negatively regulate the proinflammatory activity of gammadelta T cells may contribute to the protection this vitamin affords against inflammatory and autoimmune disorders dependent upon Th1-type responses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human V gamma 9/V delta 2 T lymphocytes recognize nonpeptidic antigens in a manner distinct from the classical antigen recognition by alpha beta T cells. The apparent lack of major histocompatibility (MHC) restriction and antigen processing allows very fast responses against pathogenic insults. To address the potential functional requirement for accessory molecules, we investigated the roles of the CD2 and lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-1 T-cell co-receptors in antigen-induced activities of human V gamma 9/V delta 2 T-cell clones. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human peripheral blood V gamma 9/V delta 2 T lymphocytes were cloned and their cytotoxicity against Daudi lymphoma was measured by a standard 51Cr-release assay. The responses of V gamma 9/V delta 2 T lymphocytes to nonpeptidic antigens were assessed using DNA synthesis and cytokine ELISA assays. Monoclonal antibodies specific for various molecules with potential T-cell accessory functions were utilized in blocking assays. RESULTS: All of our V gamma 9/V delta 2 T-cell clones displayed the Th1 phenotype. The anti-LFA-1 antibody strongly inhibited the cytotoxicity of V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells against Daudi B-cell lymphoma; whereas, it had no influence on the antigen-induced cytokine release or proliferation. In contrast, antibodies against CD2 and LFA-3 had no effect on the lytic activity of V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells, but strongly inhibited the cytokine release and proliferation. However, the CD2-LFA-3 interaction was not an absolute requirement for the cytokine release and the DNA synthetic activity of antigen-stimulated V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells, since the inhibitory effect could be reversed by addition of exogenous interleukin 2 (IL-2). CONCLUSIONS: These novel observations indicate that the signals generated by different accessory molecules and IL-2 can contribute in an integrated fashion to the regulation of V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells. These interactions may be important for the effectiveness of V gamma 9/V delta 2 T-cell responses.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing features of gammadelta T cells that reside in murine epithelia is the association of a specific Vgamma/Vdelta usage with each epithelial tissue. Dendritic epidermal T cells (DETCs) in the murine epidermis, are predominantly derived from the "first wave" Vgamma5+ fetal thymocytes and overwhelmingly express the canonical Vgamma5/Vdelta1-TCRs lacking junctional diversity. Targeted disruption of the Vdelta1 gene resulted in a markedly impaired development of Vgamma5+ fetal thymocytes as precursors of DETCs; however, gammadeltaTCR+ DETCs with a typical dendritic morphology were observed in Vdelta1-/- mice and their cell densities in the epidermis were slightly lower than those in Vdelta1+/- epidermis. Moreover, the Vdelta1-deficient DETCs were functionally competent in their ability to up-regulate cytokines and keratinocyte growth factor-expression in response to keratinocytes. Vgamma5+ DETCs were predominant in the Vdelta1-/- epidermis, though Vgamma5- gammadeltaTCR+ DETCs were also detected. The Vgamma5+ DETCs showed a typical dendritic shape, gammadeltaTCR(high), and age-associated expansion in epidermis as observed in conventional DETCs of normal mice, whereas the Vgamma5- gammadeltaTCR+ DETCs showed a less dendritic shape, gammadeltaTCR(low), and no expansion in the epidermis, consistent with their immaturity. These results suggest that optimal DETC development does not require a particular Vgamma/Vdelta-chain usage but requires expression of a limited diversity of gammadeltaTCRs, which allow DETC precursors to mature and expand within the epidermal microenvironment.  相似文献   

Upon encounter with bacterial products, immature dendritic cells (iDCs) release proinflammatory cytokines and develop into highly stimulatory mature DCs. In the present study, we show that human monocyte-derived DCs functionally express the CD47 Ag, a thrombospondin receptor. Intact or F(ab')2 of CD47 mAb suppress bacteria-induced production of IL-12, TNF-alpha, GM-CSF, and IL-6 by iDCs. 4N1K, a peptide derived from the CD47-binding site of thrombospondin, also inhibits cytokine release. The inhibition of IL-12 and TNF-alpha is IL-10-independent inasmuch as IL-10 production is down-modulated by CD47 mAb and blocking IL-10 mAb fails to restore cytokine levels. CD47 ligation counteracts the phenotypic and functional maturation of iDCs in that it prevents the up-regulation of costimulatory molecules, the loss of endocytic activity, and the acquisition of an increased capacity to stimulate T cell proliferation and IFN-gamma production. Interestingly, regardless of CD47 mAb treatment during DC maturation, mature DC restimulated by soluble CD40 ligand and IFN-gamma, to mimic DC/T interaction, produce less IL-12 and more IL-18 than iDCs. Finally, CD47 ligation on iDCs does not impair their capacity to phagocytose apoptotic cells. We conclude that following exposure to microorganisms, CD47 ligation may limit the intensity and duration of the inflammatory response by preventing inflammatory cytokine production by iDCs and favoring their maintenance in an immature state.  相似文献   

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