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Abstract.Ether extracts of water samples taken from tyre sections in the field were shown to be active in electroantennogram studies with female Toxorhynchites moctezuma (Dyar & Knab) and Toxorhynchites amboinensis (Doleschall). In addition, electroantennograms were recorded from both Toxorhynchites species for seven compounds found commonly in water containing decaying leaves and known to be oviposition attractants for other mosquito species. The compounds were 4‐methylcyclohexanol, phenol, indole, 3‐methylindole, m‐ cresol, o‐ cresol and p‐ cresol. The response thresholds for these compounds ranged between 1 × 10–4μg and 1 μg for female antennae (100 μg for male antennae). These results provide a basis for behavioural studies of oviposition attractants for the Toxorhynchites species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Predatory larvae of the mosquito Toxorhynchites moctezuma were used experimentally to control a standing crop of larvae of the dengue vector mosquito Ae.aegypti. Each week, fifty Ae.aegypti first instar larvae were introduced to each of five water-filled drums (220 litres) of the type commonly used for domestic water storage in Caribbean dwellings. At the beginning of the fourth week, a certain number (0, 1, 2, 5 or 10) of first instar Tx.moctezuma larvae were introduced to each drum and the daily yield of Ae.aegypti adults from each drum was monitored thereafter. The experiment was repeated three times. With only one or two Tx.moctezuma larvae, predation on Ae.aegypti larvae stopped the output of Ae.aegypti adults for 1 week. Five or ten Tx. moctezuma prevented any Ae.aegypti emergence for up to 16 weeks. Cannibalism among Tx. moctezuma larvae was seldom observed and appeared not to be a hindrance in using this species against Ae.aegypti. Thus Tx.moctezuma is regarded as a good candidate for the biological control of Ae.aegypti by augmentative releases.  相似文献   

Larval populations of the mosquito Aedes aegypti were suppressed by predatory Toxorhynchites moctezuma mosquito larvae released systematically in a village on Union Island (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) during March-December 1988. Eggs and larvae of Tx.moctezuma were transported from Trinidad and introduced into all semi-permanent and permanent water-holding containers in the experimental village at Clifton. The semi-isolated village of Ashton served as control. Base-line Ae.aegypti indices (house, ovitrap, Breteau, cistern/tank, drum/barrel, small containers) were obtained for the two villages over a 4-month period prior to the introduction of the predatory Tx.moctezuma mosquito larvae. After sustained releases of predators for 5 months, all indices of Ae.aegypti were lower in the treated village than in the untreated village during the last 3 months of the year.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments tested the effects of p-cresol or 4-methylcyclohexanol at concentrations of 1, 10 and 50 ppm, on oviposition by the mosquitoes Toxorhynchites brevipalpis Theobald, Tx. amboinensis (Doleschall) and Tx. splendens (Wiedemann). A 5 + 5 ppm mixture of the two chemicals was also tested. All three species laid significantly more eggs in cups containing p-cresol, whereas only Tx. brevipalpis and Tx. amboinensis responded similarly to 4-methylcycohexonol and to the mixture of both chemicals. Tx. brevipalpis was, to a relatively limited degree, the most responsive of the three species. Ancillary experiments indicated that the chemicals were acting as attractants, causing more females to fly to treated cups. No stimulant effects were detected either in terms of the proportion of females that initiated oviposition flight (after flying to the cups) or in terms of the number of looping flights executed prior to ejection of an egg.  相似文献   

1. Functional responses of predatory Toxorhynchites moctezuma (Dyar & Knab) larvae feeding on Aedes aegypti (L.) larvae (Diptera: Culicidae) were found to be type II of Holling (1959) and Rogers (1972). 2. Estimates of searching rate were generally higher for later instar predators. The search rate of second instar predators declined as prey instar increased, but fourth instar Tx. moctezuma had the highest search rate for second instar Ae. aegypti. 3. Prey handling times were higher for early instar predators and late instar prey. 4. When presented with mixtures of two instars of Ae. aegypti, second instar Tx. moctezuma showed frequency independent selectivity for the early instars, whereas fourth instar predators showed frequency independent selectivity for the late instars of Ae. aegypti. There was no evidence of frequency dependent predation. Preferences appeared to be transitive. 5. Extended random predator equations, using parameters derived from the functional responses, did not adequately describe the outcome of predation in the prey mixture experiment, even when the possibility of optimal switching behaviour was accounted for.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments tested the effects of water quality and the presence of conspecific and heterospecific immatures on oviposition by Toxorhynchites amboinensis (Doleschall). The females showed a highly significant preference for oak leaf infusion water over distilled water. When twenty starved third and fourth instar Tx.amboinensis larvae were present in the water, substantially fewer eggs were counted from pots containing these conspecifics, than from controls in which no larvae were present. Numbers of eggs from pots containing starved second instar larvae did not differ significantly from controls. Observations of larval behaviour while oviposition was occurring suggested that egg numbers were reduced in containers because of egg cannibalism with third and fourth instar larvae, and not because the larvae caused a deterrent effect. Subsequent experiments confirming the occurrence of substantial egg cannibalism by third and especially fourth instar larvae are described. As with larvae, the presence of Tx.amboinensis pupae in the water had little effect on oviposition. If placed in the water 24 h prior to test, pupae very slightly enhanced its attractiveness, but if introduced immediately before test there appeared to be a slight deterrent effect. With heterospecific larvae, twenty fourth instar Ae.aegypti larvae introduced into infusion water 24 h before test rendered the water slightly attractive, while water in which Ae.aegypti larvae had been reared for 48 h proved highly repellent.  相似文献   

Biology of the mosquito Toxorhynchites splendens (Wiedemann) was studied in the laboratory to provide baseline data for using the predatory larvae of this species against those of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in a biological control programme. The mean incubation time of Tx.splendens eggs was 43.8 h and the time required for newly-hatched larvae to initiate predation was 2.5 h. Mean numbers of prey larvae consumed and killed by each Tx.splendens larva totalled 389 and 345 respectively. The larval period of Tx.splendens was not significantly different for rearing individually or in groups of nine, with equal prey density, and duration of larval development was proportional to prey density. In mass rearing, larval cannibalism was usually observed during days 1-3 post-eclosion. The incidence of cannibalism decreased sharply on the fourth day after hatching when some larvae became fourth-instar. Adult female Tx.splendens usually commenced oviposition on day 4 after emergence. The number of eggs laid daily increased on day 7 and the peak oviposition of 6.3 eggs/female/day occurred on day 11. When oviposition containers were provided only intermittently, gravid females of Tx.splendens scattered most of their eggs on the dry floor of the cage. Viability of eggs laid by females aged 4-14 days was high (60-90%) but decreased to less than 40% as the females aged.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Ovipositing females should choose egg-laying sites which maximize the growth and survivorship of their offspring. Accordingly, they should avoid habitats with high densities of competitors and predators and should choose sites with adequate food. We tested experimentally the oviposition response of the mosquito, Culiseta longiareolata Macquart, to extra food and two species which are both potential competitors and predators of its offspring: conspecific larvae and green toad ( Bufo viridis ) tadpoles.
2. We conducted the experiment in outdoor artificial pools where wild C. longiareolata females were presented with choices of all combinations of the presence or absence of: (1) C.longiareolata larvae, (2) B.viridis tadpoles, and (3) extra food (a mixture of ground fish food and mouse chow).
3. Oviposition rates averaged approximately 4 times greater in response to extra food.
4. The presence of the tadpoles, particularly later in the experiment when they were larger, caused a significant reduction (approximately 50%) in oviposition rate.
5. We did not detect a statistically significant effect of conspecific larvae on oviposition habitat selection.
6. Our results indicate that Culiseta females choose habitats for oviposition based on food availability. They also tend to avoid habitats containing Bufo tadpoles, presumably to avoid predation and/or competition.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Some species of mosquitoes can detect the presence of predatory notonectid bugs and avoid oviposition in predator pools. The oviposition response of two mosquito species, Culiseta longiareolata Macquart and Culex laticinctus Edwards (Diptera: Culicidae), to a range of densities of the predator, Notonecta maculata Fabricius (Heteroptera: Notonectidae), was tested here. Densities of 0, 1, 2 or 4 Notonecta were established in 30-L artificial pools. Both mosquito species oviposited less in predator pools, but the response was unrelated to predator density, whereas vulnerability of Culiseta immatures to predation was density-dependent. Thus, although mosquitoes can detect Notonecta at any density within the range tested, they may be unable to discriminate among predator densities. The avoidance of predator pools by Culiseta , as well as its vulnerability to predation, occurred to a lesser degree than in earlier studies. This may have been due to the mitigating effects of components of the biotic community.  相似文献   

To control container-breeding mosquitoes in the small island of Minnajima (0.56 km2), northern Okinawa, Japan, laboratory-reared adults (aged 7-10 days) of Toxorhynchites splendens (Palawan strain), a mosquito with predatory larvae, were released repeatedly during 1984, 1986 and 1987. Thirteen species of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) occurred in artificial containers, ground pools or crab-holes on the island, the predominant species being Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus and Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus. Predatory mosquito larvae of Culex (Lutzia) fuscanus and Cx (Lt.) halifaxii were found commonly in wet containers. In the first year of study, during a period of 54 days from 13 May to 5 July 1984, totals of 879 female and 806 male adults of Tx.splendens were released on six occasions. Similarly, between 29 April and 30 August 1986, totals of 2920 female and 2878 male adult Tx.splendens were released. In the third study year, totals of 2041 female and 1783 male Tx.splendens were released on eight occasions during 199 days from 23 April to 7 November 1987. After adult releases at two sites, the immature stages of Tx.splendens were found in 164 out of 502 traps in 1984, 421 out of 933 traps in 1986, and 151 out of 502 traps in 1987. The number of immatures of Tx.splendens present in each trap varied from 1 to 40 in 1984, 1 to 29 in 1986 and 1 to 9 in 1987. Numbers of immatures of the target species found in the traps during August-September averaged 71.9/trap/month in 1984, 114.7/trap/month in 1986 and 36.0/trap/month in 1987, significantly less in the traps with Tx.splendens than in those without them. The present field studies indicated that, in this small island, approximately 250 adult female and 200 male Tx.splendens per month should be released from April to November, and the releases should be carried out every year, in order to control effectively the target mosquitoes Ae.albopictus and Cx quinquefasciatus breeding in artificial containers in Minnajima.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Most female Culiseta longiareolata (Diptera: Culicidae) avoid ovipositing in pools that contain the predatory backswimmer Notonecta maculata . Such oviposition habitat selection has been suggested to reflect a trade-off between the risk of predation on larvae and potential density-dependent fitness costs. This putative trade-off was examined. In particular, evidence was sought in support of direct female response to local heterogeneity in habitat quality.
2. Three habitat types were established using artificial outdoor pools: predator pools, and non-predator pools with either low or high densities of Culiseta larvae. During each experimental night, females were offered one of the three possible pair-wise treatment combinations.
3. The majority (≈88%) of females oviposited in low-density pools rather than in the predator- or high-density pools. Furthermore, a substantially higher proportion of females oviposited in predator pools when faced with the high-density alternative, however this was due largely to fewer females ovipositing in high- vs low-density pools.
4. Females of a second mosquito species ( Culex laticinctus ), the larvae of which are at a lower risk of predation, were predicted to exhibit weaker aversion to N. maculata ; this prediction was supported only weakly.
5. Oviposition habitat selection by female C. longiareolata does not appear to involve a behavioural response that is based on individual assessment of local heterogeneity in relative pool quality, at least not at the spatial scale examined here; alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim Animal monitoring programmes have allowed analyses of population trends, most of which now comment on the possible effect of global climate change. However, the relationship between the interspecific variation in population trends and species traits, such as habitat preferences, niche breadth or distribution patterns, has received little attention, in spite of its usefulness in the construction of ecological generalizations. The objectives of this study were: (1) to determine whether there are characteristics shared among species with upwards or downwards trends, and (2) to assess whether population changes agree with what could be expected under global warming (a decrease in species typical of cooler environments). Location The Spanish part of the Iberian Peninsula (c. 500,000 km2) in the south‐western part of the Mediterranean Basin. Methods We modelled recent breeding population changes (1996–2004), in areas without apparent land use changes, for 57 common passerine birds with species‐specific ecological and distributional patterns as explanatory variables. Results One‐half of these species have shown a generalized pattern towards the increase of their populations, while only one‐tenth showed a significant decrease. One half (54%) of the interspecific variability in yearly population trends is explained considering species‐specific traits. Species showing more marked increases preferred wooded habitats, were habitat generalists and occupied warmer and wetter areas, while moderate decreases were found for open country habitats in drier areas. Main conclusions The coherent pattern in population trends we found disagrees with the proposed detrimental effect of global warming on bird populations of western Europe, which is expected to be more intense in bird species inhabiting cooler areas and habitats. Such a pattern suggests that factors other than the increase in temperature may be brought to discussions on global change as relevant components to explain recent changes in biodiversity.  相似文献   

1. Age composition, seasonal abundance and diel patterns of landing activity of the sylvan vector of yellow fever Haemagogus janthinomys Dyar were monitored weekly during 1981-82 by human collectors on the ground at Point Gourde in Chaguaramas Forest, 16 km west of Port of Spain, Trinidad. 2. Landing collections of Hg. janthinomys showed only diurnal activity, from 06.00 to 18.00 (sunrise to sunset, universal time), with a single peak of activity between 10.00 and 16.00 hours. 3. Densities of Hg. janthinomys were about 6 times greater during the wet season (May-November) than during the dry season (December-April); the annual Williams' mean landing rate on two collectors was 9.3 per day. 4. Monthly parous rates averaged 59% (range 0-86%) and some females were up to seven-pars. Retained eggs (range 1-21, mean 7.7/female) were found in the ovaries of 1.3% of landing females, all of which had stage I ovarian follicles for the next gonotrophic cycle. Hence blood-feeding is not inhibited by egg retention, which might promote transovarial transmission of virus. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to yellow fever epidemiology.  相似文献   

The diel biting periodicity of the arbovirus vector Culex (Melanoconion) caudelli Dyar and Knab (Diptera; Culicidae) in the Aripo-Wallerfield forest, Trinidad, was studied by collecting mosquitoes attracted to mouse-baited traps at 2-hourly intervals during eight 24 h periods. Biting females of Cx caudelli were collected during all night-time hours, 18.00-06.00 hours, with an overall unimodal pattern, i.e. one well-defined peak between 22.00 and 04.00 hours. This contrasts with previous reports that Cx caudelli is diurnally active. During the four moon phases, the period of peak biting activity varied from 22.00 to 24.00 hours at fullmoon, from 22.00 to 04.00 hours at first quarter, and from 24.00 to 02.00 hours at new moon and last quarter phases. The number of mosquitoes collected varied significantly with moon phases, the highest (152/24 h) being collected in the first lunar quarter and the lowest (71/24 h) in the last lunar quarter. Cloud cover and rainfall had no significant effect on the diel biting periodicity of Cx caudelli.  相似文献   

Abstract Fine‐scale habitat preferences of three co‐occurring mycophagous mammals were examined in a tropical wet sclerophyll forest community in north‐eastern Australia. Two of the three mammal species responded to fine‐scale variation in vegetation and landform around individual trap locations. At a broad scale, the northern bettong (Bettongia tropica), an endangered marsupial endemic to the Australian wet tropics region, showed a preference for ridges over mid‐slopes and gullies, irrespective of forest type. In contrast, the northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus), a widespread marsupial, displayed a preference for Eucalyptus woodland over adjacent Allocasuarina forest, irrespective of topographic category. The giant white‐tailed rat (Uromys caudimaculatus), a rodent endemic to the wet tropics, showed no particular preference for either forest type or topographic category. A multiple regression model of mammal capture success against three principal habitat gradients constructed from 21 habitat variables using principal component analysis indicated strong species‐specific preferences for fine‐scale vegetation assemblages. Bettongs preferred areas of Eucalyptus woodland with sparse ground cover, low densities of certain grass species, high density of tree stems and few pig diggings. Bandicoots, in contrast, favoured areas in both forest types with dense ground cover, fewer tree stems and greater numbers of pig diggings; that is, characteristics least favoured by bettongs. The striking differences in fine‐scale habitat preferences of these two mammals of similar body size and broad habitat requirements suggest a high degree of fine‐scale habitat partitioning. White‐tailed rats did not show preference for any of the habitat gradients examined.  相似文献   

Helical replicative forms, but not the persistent non-replicative forms, of Spiroplasma taiwanense Abalain-Colloc et al. (isolated from the mosquito Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann in Taiwan) were shown to reduce significantly the survival of Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquito larvae reared in 10 ml of water with 0.3 ml of S.taiwanense suspensions added on days 0 and 3. The suspensions contained, respectively, helical forms at a concentration of 10(9) Colour Change Units (CCU)/ml and persistent forms at 10(6) CCU/ml. It is suggested that S.taiwanense, or toxins produced from it, are potentially useful for use in integrated mosquito control programmes.  相似文献   

Lygodium microphyllum (Cavanilles) R Brown (Lygodiaceae), Old World climbing fern, invades wildlands in central and southern Florida, USA, and causes considerable habitat disturbance. Efforts to develop an effective biological control strategy have focused on several folivorous insects and a leaf‐galling mite from southeast Asia and Australia. Neomusotima conspurcatalis Warren (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is a foliage‐feeding moth that specializes on Lygodium species. First released in 2008, N. conspurcatalis successfully established in Florida and is dispersing throughout the L. microphyllum‐invaded range. We investigated whether N. conspurcatalis display any preference (oviposition or larval feeding) between two leaflet morphologies, i.e., fertile spore‐producing vs. sterile leaflets. Furthermore, we examined whether oviposition and no‐choice diets on either fern leaflet type conferred any possible selective advantages (e.g., weight, emergence success) to the offspring. Finally, we analyzed leaf nitrogen and carbon content and leaf volatiles to gauge differences between the leaflet types. In choice and no‐choice scenarios, larvae consume approximately the same amount of leaf area and display no preference between fertile and sterile leaflets. However, females deposited significantly more eggs on fertile than on sterile leaflets. Oviposition choice had no effect on larval development times, pupal weights, or successful eclosure. Nitrogen and carbon content did not differ between fertile and sterile samples, but sterile leaflets contain more 1‐octen‐3‐ol, which may act as an herbivory deterrent. The propagule attack imposed by N. conspurcatalis feeding on fertile leaflets is unlikely to provide adequate control, but could be beneficial as part of a suite of biological control agents and other control methods.  相似文献   

甘肃小陇山林区不同生境类型蝶类多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
于2006~2008年对甘肃小陇山林区不同生境类型中蝴蝶多样性进行了调查研究,研究中依据植被的不同将该林区的蝴蝶生境划分为6种类型:人工林、灌木丛和次生林、居民农田、针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林、针叶林。共获得蝴蝶标本5365只,隶属于11科116属210种。计算了6种生境类型中蝶类物种丰富度、相似性系数和多样性指数。不同生境中,灌木丛和次生林蝶类物种的多样性指数、丰富度和个体数量较高,人工林物种多样性指数、丰富度和个体数量较低;人工林与针叶林之间的相似性系数(0.4194)最高,针阔混交林与落叶阔叶林的相似性系数(0.2951)次之,人工林与灌木丛和次生林之间的相似性系数(0.0769)最低,表明各生境之间蝶类相似性系数很低。  相似文献   

Habitat preferences need to be understood if species are to be adequately managed or conserved. Habitat preferences are presumed to reflect requirements for food, shelter and breeding, as well as interactions with predators and competitors. However, one or more of these requirements may dominate. Tree‐cavity‐dependent wildlife species are one example where shelter or breeding site requirements may dominate. We installed 120 nest boxes across 40 sites to target the vulnerable Brush‐tailed Phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa) and the non‐threatened Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps). The provision of shelter sites where few of quality are available may enable better resolution of habitat preferences. Over three years, we observed the Brush‐tailed Phascogale at 17 sites, whereas the Sugar Glider was observed at 39 sites. We tested four broad hypotheses (H1–H4) relating to habitat that may influence occupancy by these species. There was no influence of hollow (cavity) abundance (H1) on either species suggesting our nest boxes had satisfied their shelter requirements. There was no influence of habitat structure (canopy and tree proximity) (H2) immediately around the nest box trees. We found no influence of distance to the forest edge (H3). Variables at and away from the nest box site that appear to reflect foraging substrates (H4) were influential on the Brush‐tailed Phascogale. Sugar Glider occupancy was only influenced by a single variable at the nest box site. The lack of influence of any other variables is consistent with the very high occupancy observed, suggesting most of the forest habitat is suitable when shelter sites are available. We found no evidence that the Sugar Glider reduced site use by the Brush‐tailed Phascogale.  相似文献   

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