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林带横断面几佑形状与阻力关系的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

林带阻力系数与透风系数关系的理论分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
根据冲量定理分析了林带对气流的阻力,首次得到了林带阻力系数的估算模式(Cd=(1.8+0.2α)(1-α)sin2ω,并利用有关文献发表的资料进行了验证.文章还对来流平行林带时林带对气流的阻力进行了讨论,指出来流平行林带时林带对气流的阻力仅为来流垂直林带时林带对气流阻力的0.7—1.1%,可以不予考虑.  相似文献   

林带空间配置与布局优化研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
农田防护林(林带)的空间配置与布局是影响防护林结构和防护效益发挥并持续的关键因素.为达到农田防护林防护效益最大并持续的经营目标。在保证林分多样性和稳定性的条件下.林带必须具有空间上布局的合理性和时间上的连续性.经过多年防护林营林研究实践.在对1992年于辽宁省昌图县双井子乡设计营造的试验示范林带调查的基础上.对农田防护林单条林带方向的设置、带内树木的空间搭配方式、树种组成形式,多条林带或林网的带间距离以及大面积或区域防护林体系的空间景观布局等进行了综合研究.结果表明,单条林带和林网走向都应以垂直主害风作为设计的原则;林带内树木的空间搭配以“品”字型为佳,在不同树种混交的同一条林带中,可利用“边行优势”将生长相对缓慢的树种配置于边行.生长相对迅速的树种配置于内行;多条林带或林网空间配置参数——带间距离的设计应以林带达到初始防护成熟龄时的树高作为成林高.以林带结构变化规律和降低害风比例作为林带设计关键参数;区域防护林体系的空间布局应以景观生态学原理为基础.对林网体系进行评价与调控.  相似文献   

林带的防护成熟与更新   总被引:22,自引:9,他引:22  
在详细探讨林带防护成熟概念的基础上,依据林带树木生长规律,建立了林带防护成熟龄与更新龄的确定方法,具体确定了北京杨、小钻杨等5个杨树品种林带的初始防护成熟龄、更新龄和更新期,并对林带不同更新方式进行了效益评价.  相似文献   

桐粮间作林带的配置方式与农作物产量关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
吴刚  杨修 《生态学报》1998,18(2):167-170
以桐粮间作为例,研究了林带的不同配置结构、林带冠覆盖率及小麦产量之间的关系。结果表明,林带距(Xd)、小麦相对产量(Y)及间作年(A)之间的关系为:Y=90.3290-1.9982A+1.1924Xd-0.3349A^2+0.2910AXd-0.0032AXd^2;林带冠覆盖率(Xc)与小麦相对产量(Y)之间的关系为:Y=-0.046Xc^2+1.1539Xc+98.173(Xc≤28%),Y=e  相似文献   

杨树林带生长阶段与林木分级的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据林带的特殊性,结合树木生长发育和林带结构变化规律,将林带生长阶段划分为幼龄期、中龄期(速生期)和防护成熟期3个时期;采用径级离散度、防护成熟龄、更新龄等量化指标,以杨树林带为例,将3个生长时期定量化;同时依据林带树木对防护效益的贡献和树木的生长状况,将林带树木划分为4级;并给出各生长发育时期的相应的经营措施.  相似文献   

林带横断面几何形状与阻力关系的实验研究关德新,王述礼,朱廷曜(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所110015)ExperimentalStudyontheRelationshipbetweenSectionFormorShelterbeltandItsWi...  相似文献   

农桐复合系统林带结构优化模式的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以麦桐复合经营为例,研究了林带的不同配置结构、林带覆盖率与小麦产量之间的关系,并通过一系列数学方法实现了林带结构的优化.结果表明,在一个轮伐期内,泡桐林带覆盖率累计均值为10.1%~10.9%时,小麦相对产量累计均值最大(105.4),为最优林带覆盖率累计均值.最优林带距(D)与轮伐期(T)之间的关系为:D=0.600+11.042T-0.787T2+0.0273T3(R2=99.9%).  相似文献   

以植物根系吸水的人工模拟试验测得资料为依据,运用水流的电模拟原理,定量分析了不同土壤水分水平处理下土壤-植物系统中水流阻力各分量的大小、变化规律及其相对重要性.结果表明,土壤阻力(Rs)、根内木质部传导阻力(Rc)随生任时间的推移而减小,随土层深度的加深而增大,土根接触组力(Rsr)、根系吸收阻力(Rr)、土壤-植物系统中水流总阻力(RA)随时间表现出先下降后上升阶段的动态变化特征,Rs、Rc、Rsr、Rr、RA均随土壤湿度减小而大幅度增大;在土壤-植物系统水流阻力各分量中,Rr占RA的比例为55~96%,Rsr约占RA的4-45%,而Rs、Pc相对可忽略不计,故Rr,是决定液态水流速率的重要因素.  相似文献   

林带和牧草地水量平衡的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从水量平衡观点对林带、牧草地和裸露地的水量平衡各分量的变化规律进行了探讨。林带、牧草地和裸露地水量平衡各分量的分配比例分别为:降水均为100%;蒸发散96.4%、95.7%和89.5%;坡地径流3.6%、4.3%和10.5%。由于林带有林冠和林地两个作用面组成,分别对它们的水量平衡各分量的组成及其变化规律作了分析。还论述了林带对河川径流的影响。  相似文献   

林网内蒸发水平分布规律的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过水面蒸发观测资料分析,提出林网内相对蒸发变化可用分段曲线拟合,分为对数区与二次曲线区两部分.对数区相对蒸发变化服从对数规律EA/E0=a1+b1lnh,二次曲线区相对蒸发变化服从二次曲线规律Eh/E0=a2h2十b2h+c.在蒸发水平分布特征研究基础上,对林网内平均相对蒸发强度进行了估算,并讨论了保水性能最佳防护林带距间题.  相似文献   

捕食者-猎物关系的理论和应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
捕食者和猎物相互关系的研究,长期以来一直是动物生态学研究的中心课题之一。这种研究可区分为3种类型:第一是理论研究,即组建各种数学模型以便模拟捕食者和猎物间的相互关系;第二是实验种群研究,通常是在实验室内选用原生动物和节肢动物实验种群对捕食一猎物间的动态关系进行观察,并将观察结果与理论模型进行比较;第三是在田间对自然种群中的捕食者-猎物关系进行研究,并利用从理论研究和实验种群研究中所总结出来的各种基本原理对观察资料进行分析。在应用生态学领域中,常常靠引进新的更加有效的天敌来控制各种害虫。这些实际工作有些已获得成功,也有不少未取得预期效果,不管成功与否,它们都可被看作是对捕食者-猎物关系所进行的田间实验.  相似文献   

黄淮海平原林网保护区夏玉米生长过程的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用改进了产量生态学模型SUCROS,对黄淮海平原林网保护区夏玉米的生长过程进行了数值模拟,并与田间监测资料做了比较,分析了影响夏玉米生长的各种生理、生态学因子,结果表明,改进后的模型能成功模拟夏玉米的生长过程,考虑病虫害、杂草影响后,模型输出的叶面积指数、器官生物量与生长监测资料十分一致。与单作农田比较,由于林网地区小气候条件的改善,夏玉米单产提高6.8%左右。播种密度、播种日期与籽粒产量关系的  相似文献   

A Tozeren  K L Sung    S Chien 《Biophysical journal》1989,55(3):479-487
A micromanipulation method is used to determine the adhesive energy density (gamma) between pairs of cytotoxic T cells (F1) and their target cells (JY: HLA-A2-B7-DR4,W6). gamma is defined as the energy per unit area that must be supplied to reduce the region of contact between a conjugated cell pair. Our analysis of the data indicates that the force applied by the micropipette on the cell is not uniformly distributed throughout the contact region as we had previously assumed (Sung, K. L. P., L. A. Sung, M. Crimmins, S. J. Burakoff, and S. Chien. 1986. Science (Wash. DC). 234: 1405-1408), but acts only at the edges of the contact region. We show that gamma is not constant during peeling but increases with decreasing contact area of the conjugated cell pairs F1-JY, F1-F1, and JY-JY in contrast to the constancy of gamma for typical engineering adhesives. This finding supports the notion that the cross-linking protein molecules slide towards the conjugated area across the leading edge of the separation while remaining attached to both cells. Our mathematical analysis shows that the elastic energy stored in the cross-links by the membrane tensions balances the diffusive forces that act against cross-bridge migration. The binding affinity between F1-JY is found to be approximately 15-20 times larger than the corresponding affinity for F1-F1. The number of binding sites of F1 for attachment to JY is approximately the same for binding F1 to another F1 and vary between 10(5) and 10(6).  相似文献   

The deformation of a portion of erythrocyte during aspirational entry into a micropipette has been analyzed on the basis of a constant area deformation of an infinite plane membrane into a cylindrical tube. Consideration of the equilibrium of the membrane at the tip of the pipette has generated the relation between the aspirated length and the dimensionless time during deformational entry as well as during relaxation after the removal of aspiration pressure. Experimental studies on deformation and relaxation of normal human erythrocytes were performed with the use of micropipettes and a video dimension analyzer which allowed the continuous recording of the time-courses. The deformation consisted of an initial rapid phase with a membrane viscosity (range 0.6 x 10(-4) to 4 x 10(-4) dyn.s/cm) varying inversely with the degree of deformation and a later slow phase with a high membrane viscosity (mean 2.06 x 10(-2) dyn.s/cm) which was not correlated with the degree of deformation. The membrane viscosity of the recovery phase after 20 s of deformation (mean 5.44 x 10(-4) dyn.s/cm) was also independent of the degree of deformation. When determined after a short period of deformation (e.g., 2 s), however, membrane viscosity of the recovery phase became lower and agreed with that of the deformation phase. These results suggest that the rheological properties of the membrane can undergo dynamic changes depending on the extent and duration of deformation, reflecting molecular rearrangement in response to membrane strain.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations on alpha-amylase and glucoamylase bound to porous polystyrene show that the activity of immobilized enzymes can be raised in the presence of an ultrasonic field. The maximum activity increase in a flow cuvette at 7.6 MHz and a sound intensity of 5 kW/m(2) amounts to more than 200% under the given experimental conditions. A mathematical model based on the differential equation for the interior and exterior substrate transport is set up and solved numerically. From the theoretical considerations and the experiments it is evident that the mechanism of the ultrasonic effect can be explained in terms of a reduction of the unstirred diffusion layer around the matrix particles.  相似文献   

Over 500 samples of soil from cropland, vineyards, orchards, pasture, and forest habitats throughout North Carolina were tested for the presence of steinernematid and heterorhabditid nematodes by baiting with Galleria mellonella larvae. Nematodes were isolated from 13 of 14 locations and from each habitat. Heterorhabditids (Heterohabditis heliothidis) were most commonly found (13 locations) with Steinernema (= Neoaplectana) glaseri, S. feltiae (= Neoaplectana carpocapsae), and an undescribed Steinernema species being found at one or two locations. The primary form of the bacterial symbiont of S. glaseri was isolated for the first time.  相似文献   

贵州省赤水县桫椤调查初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国家一级重点保护植物桫椤,目前世界上少数国家尚存,国内除华南、西南地区及台湾等少数省份外亦不多见。其中贵州省赤水县桫椤不仅面积广,且数量多,生长旺。据不完全统计,全县35个乡中,有20个乡有分布,面积  相似文献   

Summary Theoretical studies on the necessary numbers of components in mixtures (for example multiclonal varieties or mixtures of lines) have been performed according to risk considerations — using the binomial distribution and the Polya-distribution. The risk r of a mixture has been defined as the probability of catastrophic losses (catastrophe = decrease of productivity of q% or more by susceptibilities of the components). Using 1) the binomial distribution and 2) its generalization, the Polya-distribution, and several simplifying assumptions, the risks r = r (x, a, q, n) have been calculated numerically (n = number of components in the mixture, a = parameter for the intensity of contagion and dispersion of susceptibilities (for example: diseases and epidemics), x = probability of susceptibility). The Polya-model reduces to the binomial case if a = 0. The main results are: 1. For each number n of components the risk r decreases markedly with decreasing x (for each q and for each a). 2. For x < = q the risk r decreases with an increasing number n of components (for each a). 3. For each number n of components and x and q with x < q the risk r increases with increasing a. 4. For given q, x and a the functions r = r(n) are asymptotic for larger numbers n of components with n > n*. In spite of further increasing numbers of components in the mixture the risk remains almost constant. For all situations, where the risk decreases with increasing n these numbers n*, therefore, can be considered as necessary numbers of components in mixtures, n* depends on q, x and a. Nevertheless, a global and rough conclusion can be formulated: In many situations one obtains necessary numbers of 30–40 components for a0 and 20–30 components for a = 0.  相似文献   

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