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One of the great evolutionary puzzles is why hosts of parasitic birds discriminate finely against alien eggs, but almost never discriminate against parasitic chicks. A theoretical model has shown that an adaptive host response to alien eggs can be based on learning. However, learned nestling discrimination is too costly to be favoured by selection in hosts of evicting parasites, such as the European cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Indeed, parasitic chick rejection has never been reported for any European cuckoo host species. As learned nestling discrimination is maladaptive, one can expect that a viable alternative for hosts would be to use discrimination mechanisms not involving learning and/or recognition. We suggest that hosts may starve and desert cuckoo chicks that require higher amounts of food than an average host brood at fledging (i.e. feeding rates to a parasite are outside the normal range of host behaviour in unparasitized nests). Our observations of the reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) at parasitized nests indicate that such behaviour could possibly work in this host species.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary interactions between avian brood parasites and their hosts often lead to the evolution of discrimination and rejection of parasite eggs or chicks by hosts based on visual cues, and the evolution of visual mimicry of host eggs or chicks by brood parasites. Hosts may also base rejection of brood parasite nestlings on vocal cues, which would in turn select for mimicry of host begging calls in brood parasite chicks. In cuckoos that exploit multiple hosts with different begging calls, call structure may be plastic, allowing nestlings to modify their calls to match those of their various hosts, or fixed, in which case we would predict either imperfect mimicry or divergence of the species into host-specific lineages. In our study of the little bronze-cuckoo (LBC) Chalcites minutillus and its primary host, the large-billed gerygone Gerygone magnirostris, we tested whether: (1) hosts use nestling vocalizations as a cue to discriminate cuckoo chicks; (2) cuckoo nestlings mimic the host begging calls throughout the nestling period; and (3) the cuckoo begging calls are plastic, thereby facilitating mimicry of the calls of different hosts. We found that the begging calls of LBCs are most similar to their gerygone hosts shortly after hatching (when rejection by hosts typically occurs) but become less similar as cuckoo chicks get older. Begging call structure may be used as a cue for rejection by hosts, and these results are consistent with gerygone defenses selecting for age-specific vocal mimicry in cuckoo chicks. We found no evidence that LBC begging calls were plastic.  相似文献   

We previously reported that the ocular lenses of the pontellid copepod Anomalocera ornata possess vertebrate-like β- and γ-crystallins. We cannot repeat our earlier data suggesting that the copepod lens crystallins belong to the β- and γ-crystallin family of proteins. Our new data are consistent with the copepod crystallins being novel proteins.  相似文献   

The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is an obligate brood parasite that mimics the eggs of its hosts. The host-specific egg pattern is thought to be inherited matrilinearly, creating female-only host-specific races. Males are thought not to be adapted to their host and they maintain the species by mating arbitrarily with respect to host specialization of females. However, recent results suggest that male cuckoos may also show host-specific adaptations and these may require assortative mating with respect to host. The calls males produce on the breeding grounds could provide a potential mechanism for assortative mating. We tested whether male cuckoo calls differ more between nearby populations that parasitize different hosts than between distant populations that parasitize the same host. We recorded the calls of geographically distant pairs of populations in Hungary, with each pair consisting of a forest population and a nearby reed bed population. Each habitat is characterized by one main host species for the common cuckoo. Our results show that calls of distant cuckoo populations from the same habitat type are more similar to each other than they are to those of nearby populations from a different habitat. These results suggest that cuckoo calls differ sufficiently to allow recognition of habitat-specific individuals.  相似文献   

Zooplankton tolerant to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) could beindirectly affected by UVR through interactions with UV-sensitivespecies in the same ecosystem. In Lake Giles, Pennsylvania,USA, the calanoid copepod Leptodiaptomus minutus is more UVRtolerant than the cohabiting species Daphnia catawba and Cyclopsscutifer. We asked whether L. minutus is affected by UV-inducedmortality of a food competitor (D. catawba) or a predator ofits nauplii (C. scutifer). We conducted two in situ enclosureexperiments with six treatments: L. minutus alone, L . minutus+ Daphnia and L. minutus + Cyclops in the presence and absenceof UVR. There were few differences in survival among treatmentsin Experiment 1, which had enhanced food and a cumulative UVR(320 nm) dose of 9.3 kJ m–2. In Experiment 2, which hadambient food and a UVR (320 nm) dose of 20.0 kJ m–2, L.minutus survival and reproduction were higher in the +UVR comparedto –UVR, regardless of competitors or predators. Chlorophylla (Chl a) in Experiment 2 was higher in the +UVR than –UVR.While interactions between zooplankton species of differingUVR tolerances are potentially important, these results insteaddemonstrate that the beneficial UVR effect on L. minutus isindependent of concurrent detrimental UVR effects on competitorsand predators. Further research on the phytoplankton communityis necessary to determine whether UVR alleviates bacterial competition,increases nutrient availability or affects phytoplankton byother mechanisms.  相似文献   

Comparative studies have established the necessity for biparental care as an important factor for monogamy in freshwater fish and birds. However, whether two parents are really needed for offspring care remains an open question in many cases. I experimentally studied female and male contributions to offspring care in the white-browed coucal (Centropus superciliosus), a monogamous and biparental cuckoo with a balanced adult sex ratio, and contrasted it with the sympatric black coucal (C. grillii), a classically polyandrous species with a male-biased adult sex ratio and male-only care. To study the necessity for biparental care, I temporarily removed one partner for 2 days to see whether the remaining parent compensated for the absence of its partner. Both female and male white-browed coucals approximately doubled their feeding rates when their partner was absent, thus fully compensating the number of feeding visits to the nest. However, nestlings maintained their growth only, when males were present and females were removed. When males were removed and only females were present, nestling growth declined. Hence, only male white-browed coucals fully compensated for the temporary loss of the partner, suggesting that females could benefit most from nesting with additional males—if these should become available. Removing female black coucals had no consequence for nestling feeding rates of male black coucals. But male black coucals had to be returned to their territories within a few hours to avoid harming the brood because female black coucals typically would not commence feeding their offspring. In conclusion, the breeding system of white-browed coucals seems quite flexible and the relatively balanced adult sex ratio may stabilize monogamy in this species. Should ecological factors ever favour a stronger bias in the adult sex ratio towards males, female white-browed coucals may easily become polyandrous and relinquish parental care entirely to males.  相似文献   

The diverse crystallins are water-soluble proteins that are responsible for the optical properties of cellular lenses of animal eyes. While all vertebrate lenses contain physiological stress-related - and -crystallins, some also contain taxon-specific, often enzyme-related crystallins. To date, the - and -crystallins have been found only in vertebrate lenses. Here we report lenses from an invertebrate, the pontellid copepod Anomalocera ornata, accumulate -crystallin family members as judged by immunocytochemistry, western immunoblotting and microsequencing. Our data provide the first example of -crystallin members in an invertebrate lens, establishing that the use of this protein family as lens crystallins is not confined to vertebrates.  相似文献   

We examined redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus populations over a period of fifteen years to study interactions between the cuckoo Cuculus canorus and its cavity-nesting host. Over 380 redstart nests were checked and more than 100 cuckoo eggs were found during the study period. The average parasitism rate was 20%. The cuckoos' breeding success was extremely low, only 18 chicks surviving to the fledgling stage. When redstarts were parasitized experimentally with artificial cuckoo eggs, they rejected eight percent of mimetic eggs and 44% of non-mimetic eggs. We were not able to record any rejection of the real cuckoo eggs. However, about 30% of the real cuckoo eggs were found outside the redstart's nest cup. This could be the result of laying failures by the cuckoo, rather than of a strong rejection behaviour by the redstart. We suggest that redstarts' cavity nesting itself was a factor that reduced the cost of the parasitism dramatically. Firstly, it makes it difficult for the female cuckoo to lay her egg correctly in the nest and secondly, it is more difficult for the cuckoo chick to evict the host's eggs or nestlings effectively from the nest. Only 54% of the cuckoo chicks were able to evict all the host eggs or chicks from the nest. When reared in mixed broods, cuckoo chicks survived only in every second case to fledgling age, while at least one redstart chick from every brood managed to leave the nest.  相似文献   

Why is mimicry in cuckoo eggs sometimes so poor?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I propose that the existence of imperfect adaptations (e.g. egg mimicry) in brood parasites and their hosts (e.g. discrimination abilities) could reflect age-dependent territory and nest-site selection patterns of the host. Studies of various passerines indicate that (1) older breeders tend to occupy nest sites of higher quality than do young birds (ideal despotic distribution resulting from interference competition), (2) nest-site selection affects the risk of parasitism in various habitats, (3) egg recognition in passerines has a strong learning component (therefore naive breeders tend to accept whereas older birds tend to reject parasitic eggs). Because young naive birds, who tend to accept parasitic eggs, usually breed in low-quality areas where they are frequently parasitised, while old experienced birds, who tend to reject parasitic eggs, breed in high-quality areas where they are rarely parasitised, the distribution of acceptors and rejecters with respect to the risk of parasitism is non-random, i.e. populations of some host species may consist of heavily parasitised acceptors and weakly parasitised rejecters. Therefore, the selection pressure exerted by the host on the parasite should be weaker than if brood parasitism was randomly distributed among naive and experienced breeders and affect adaptations such as egg mimicry. This could explain the existence of imperfect adaptations in some brood parasite-host systems.  相似文献   

Egg discrimination is well documented in many hosts of avianbrood parasites, but the proximate mechanisms of egg recognitionand rejection decisions are poorly understood. Relevant in thisrespect is the observation that rejectors of parasite eggs oftendelay their response. This delay has implications for understandingmechanisms important for egg recognition and is the main focusof the present study. We investigated experimentally the relativeeffects of egg mimicry and eggshell strength of common cuckooCuculus canorus eggs on the delay in rejection in marsh warblersAcrocephalus palustris. In addition, by video recording hostresponses, we elucidate the proximate mechanisms behind thedelayed rejections. Host nests were experimentally parasitizedwith 3 types of real eggs differing in mimicry and/or eggshellstrength. Both egg mimicry and eggshell strength significantlyaffected the time to rejection, but the effect of mimicry wasdominant. The delayed rejection of mimetic eggs was explainedby the existence of latency to the release of rejection behaviorbecause of recognition problems. Second, when rejection responsetowards mimetic eggs was initiated, it was less intense comparedwith hosts experiencing nonmimetic eggs. Our results are consistentwith the hypothesis that host motivation when confronted withmimetic eggs needs to increase above a certain threshold beforerejection behavior is released, which likely minimizes the riskof recognition errors. An additional component of the delayin rejection as shown by hosts facing nonmimetic eggs was theseemingly inefficient host rejection behavior, probably reflectinglack of previous experience.  相似文献   

Co‐evolutionary arms races have provided clear evidence for evolutionary change, especially in host–parasite systems. The evolution of host‐specific races in the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), however, is also an example where sexual conflict influences the outcome. Cuckoo females benefit from better adaptation to overcome host defences, whereas cuckoo males face a trade‐off between the benefits of better adaptation to a host and the benefits of multiple mating with females from other host‐races. The outcome of this trade‐off might be genetic differentiation or prevention of it by genetic swamping. We use a simulation model to test which outcome is more likely with three sympatric cuckoo host‐races. We assume a cost for cuckoo chicks that express a host adaptation allele not suited to their foster host species and that cuckoo males that switch to another host‐race experience either a fitness benefit or cost. Over most of the parameter space, cuckoo male host‐race fidelity increases significantly with time, and gene flow between host‐races ceases within a few thousand to a hundred thousand generations. Our results hence support the idea that common cuckoo host‐races might be in the incipient stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Runge  J. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,(1):61-71
It is frequently put forward that variability in fisheries productivity is related to interannual variation in physical processes affecting phytoplankton productivity. Here, alternative views of the role of copepods as an intermediary link in North Atlantic marine food chains are discussed. Following Bainbridge & McKay (1968) and Cushing (1982), a strong link between phytoplankton and fisheries variability is proposed for some fish stocks, like cod and redfish, that spawn in spring in regions where Calanus finmarchicus dominates the plankton. Otherwise, in regions where small copepods and other microzooplankton dominate the prey field productivity for larval fish, a weak link is proposed. Experimental studies, including laboratory observations of copepod reproductive response to food concentration and incubation techniques for measuring in situ reproductive rates, are important for understanding how copepod dynamics may filter year-to-year differences in phytoplankton production cycles.  相似文献   

Interest in cryptic species has increased significantly with current progress in genetic methods. The large number of cryptic species suggests that the resolution of traditional morphological techniques may be insufficient for taxonomical research. However, some species now considered to be cryptic may, in fact, be designated pseudocryptic after close morphological examination. Thus the “cryptic or pseudocryptic” dilemma speaks to the resolution of morphological analysis and its utility for identifying species. We address this dilemma first by systematically reviewing data published from 1980 to 2013 on cryptic species of Copepoda and then by performing an in‐depth morphological study of the former Eurytemora affinis complex of cryptic species. Analyzing the published data showed that, in 5 of 24 revisions eligible for systematic review, cryptic species assignment was based solely on the genetic variation of forms without detailed morphological analysis to confirm the assignment. Therefore, some newly described cryptic species might be designated pseudocryptic under more detailed morphological analysis as happened with Eurytemora affinis complex. Recent genetic analyses of the complex found high levels of heterogeneity without morphological differences; it is argued to be cryptic. However, next detailed morphological analyses allowed to describe a number of valid species. Our study, using deep statistical analyses usually not applied for new species describing, of this species complex confirmed considerable differences between former cryptic species. In particular, fluctuating asymmetry (FA), the random variation of left and right structures, was significantly different between forms and provided independent information about their status. Our work showed that multivariate statistical approaches, such as principal component analysis, can be powerful techniques for the morphological discrimination of cryptic taxons. Despite increasing cryptic species designations, morphological techniques have great potential in determining copepod taxonomy.  相似文献   

Is speech rhythmic? In the absence of evidence for a traditional view that languages strive to coordinate either syllables or stress-feet with regular time intervals, we consider the alternative that languages exhibit contrastive rhythm subsisting merely in the alternation of stronger and weaker elements. This is initially plausible, particularly for languages with a steep ‘prominence gradient’, i.e. a large disparity between stronger and weaker elements; but we point out that alternation is poorly achieved even by a ‘stress-timed’ language such as English, and, historically, languages have conspicuously failed to adopt simple phonological remedies that would ensure alternation. Languages seem more concerned to allow ‘syntagmatic contrast’ between successive units and to use durational effects to support linguistic functions than to facilitate rhythm. Furthermore, some languages (e.g. Tamil, Korean) lack the lexical prominence which would most straightforwardly underpin prominence of alternation. We conclude that speech is not incontestibly rhythmic, and may even be antirhythmic. However, its linguistic structure and patterning allow the metaphorical extension of rhythm in varying degrees and in different ways depending on the language, and it is this analogical process which allows speech to be matched to external rhythms.  相似文献   

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