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目的克隆、体外真核表达载脂蛋白BmRNA编辑酶催化多肽样3F(APOBEC3F)基因并研究其抗病毒效应。方法应用RT—PCR的方法从人PBMC细胞中扩增APOBEC3F基因,构建HA—APOBEC3F融合蛋白真核表达载体pXFA3F,pXFA3F和具有复制能力的1.3倍HBV载体pHBVl.3共转染HepG2细胞,Western印迹检测APOBEC3F融合蛋白在HepG2细胞中的表达,ELISA方法检测细胞培养上清液中的HBsAg和HBeAg水平,实时定量PCR检测HBV相关mRNA水平变化。结果克隆了APOBEC3F基因,其经测序与GeneBank公布序列一致;构建的APOBEC3F真核表达载体pXFA3F经转染可在HepG2细胞中瞬时表达;APOBEC3F可抑制乙型肝炎表面抗原和e抗原的分泌,可使转染细胞内HBV相关mRNA水平下降。结论成功克隆并真核表达了APOBEC3F基因,其在体外具有抗HBV生物学效应。  相似文献   

随着对APOBEC3抗病毒功能的深入研究以及其在癌症中的表现,APOBEC3已成为当前的热点.小鼠只有一个APOBEC3基因,而人类有七个APOBEC3基因,人类APOBEC3G是其中研究最明确的抗病毒蛋白.利用生物信息学方法对两个蛋白进行序列比对、亲疏水性分析、亚细胞定位预测、二级结构及高级结构分析以及相互作用分析....  相似文献   

为了探讨APOBEC3基因缺失拷贝数变异的多态性与汉族女性乳腺癌易感性的关联性,本研究应用聚合酶链式反应-限制性多态性内切酶技术检测281例乳腺癌和292例正常对照组。我们发现APOBEC3基因拷贝数变异位点的等位基因、基因型频率分布在乳腺癌和对照组之间比较有显著性差异(p<0.05),校正混杂因素后基因型Del/Del,Del/Ins,显性模型和加性模型下对乳腺癌的风险预测值分别为2.753 (95%Cl:1.363~3.560; p=0.005)、1.462(95%Cl:1.021~2.094; p=0.038)、2.282(95%Cl:1.155~3.508; p=0.018)和1.596(95%Cl:1.129~2.256; p=0.008)。研究表明APOBEC3基因的缺失变异位点多态性与乳腺癌的发病风险存在关联,等位基因del是乳腺癌发病的危险因素。本研究的结果可以为本地区群体的乳腺癌易感基因的筛选以及评估易感基因对患病的风险程度提供参考数据,为乳腺癌的防治、诊断和个体化治疗研究提供了帮助。  相似文献   

目的:利用慢病毒载体建立稳定表达猪载脂蛋白B mRNA编辑酶催化多肽样蛋白3F(pAPOBEC3F,简称pA3F)的PK15细胞系。方法:以实验室前期构建的pBPLV-flag-pA3F质粒为模板,PCR扩增pA3F基因,克隆到pLenti-Puro-3Flag载体构建成pLenti-Puro-pA3F-3Flag质粒,Western印迹鉴定其在HEK293T细胞中的表达;将pLenti-Puro-pA3F-3Flag质粒与包装载体共转染HEK293T细胞,包装成Lenti-pA3F慢病毒并测定病毒滴度;将Lenti-pA3F慢病毒感染PK15细胞,通过嘌呤霉素压力筛选并结合有限稀释法,筛选稳定表达pA3F的细胞单克隆株,最终Western印迹检测细胞单克隆株中pA3F的表达。结果:菌落PCR和序列测定表明pLenti-Puro-pA3F-3Flag质粒构建正确,Western印迹显示该质粒可在HEK293T细胞中表达pA3F蛋白;包装了Lenti-pA3F慢病毒,滴度为1.32×10~8TU/mL,慢病毒感染PK15细胞后可检测到pA3F蛋白的表达;经Western印迹鉴定,筛选得到的单克隆细胞可稳定表达pA3F蛋白。结论:建立了稳定表达pA3F的PK15细胞单克隆株,为进一步深入研究猪内源性反转录病毒在pA3F作用下的免疫逃逸机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

猪POU1F1基因5’侧翼区克隆及序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
POU1F1基因是POU基因家族的成员之一,对哺乳动物的早期发育和相关基因启动表达起重要的调控作用。本文利用染色体步移技术,从长白猪基因组中首次克隆到了约1.5kb的POU1F1基因5’侧翼区序列,并利用相关软件对其进行了序列分析和物种间POU1F1基因5’侧翼区序列比对及进化树构建。结果表明所克隆的片段中含典型的TATA盒(-57)和类CAAT盒序列(-87)。TESS软件分析发现在启动子附近有一系列潜在的重要的转录因子结合位点。序列比对结果表明不同物种POU1F1基因的转录起始点上游-150bp区域保守性较强,可能是启动子的核心序列。其中猪与牛的同源性最高,其次是黑猩猩、人、狗,与大鼠、小鼠和鸡同源性较低,与斑马鱼序列同源性最低。同源序列主要集中在转录起始点上游-150bp至-1000bp区域。Vista中的MLAGAN程序构建的系统进化树真实反应了物种间进化关系。  相似文献   

[目的]对从江香猪TPM3基因进行扩增、克隆和序列分析。[方法]通过RT-PCR从猪背最长肌中扩增TPM3基因CDS区并进行克隆,利用DNAMAN和BioEdit等软件对克隆的序列进行分析。[结果]成功克隆了从江香猪TPM3基因并构建了pUCm-T-TPM3载体;获得了TPM3-1和TPM3-2两个序列,TPM3-1有两个碱基的差异,相似度达99.73%;TPM3-2有一个碱基的变化,同时插入了一段76 bp的片段,相似度达99.87%;密码子偏好性分析显示,UUG编码亮氨酸的频率为0.49%,而CUG编码亮氨酸的频率为2.89%,说明第49位碱基的转换可能提高蛋白的合成效率;RNA二级结构分析显示,碱基突变会影响TPM3基因RNA二级结构和最小自由能的变化;蛋白理化性质分析显示,氨基酸的改变对α螺旋、β折叠及转角等二级结构影响不明显。[结论]从江香猪TPM3基因的碱基突变可能影响原肌球蛋白的合成,为探究其对从江香猪肉质及种资源的开发利用提供试验依据。  相似文献   

目的:利用反转录病毒载体构建猪载脂蛋白B mRNA编辑酶催化多肽样蛋白(APOBEC)3F重组质粒,并实现其在猪肾细胞PK15中的表达。方法:用RT-PCR方法扩增五指山猪来源的外周血淋巴细胞APOBEC3F基因,将其定点插入反转录病毒载体pMSCV neo中,同时于插入位点两侧分别添加FLAG和GFP标签,构建重组质粒pMSCV-FLAG-A3F-GFP,并进行酶切、测序鉴定;将鉴定正确的重组质粒与pVSV-G、pGag-Pol共转染包装细胞HEK293T,分别于转染后48~72 h收集细胞的培养上清以获得假型病毒粒子;用该假型病毒感染猪源细胞PK15,通过PCR、Western印迹检测目的基因的整合及表达。结果:PCR扩增到1254 bp的猪APOBEC3F基因,重组质粒pMSCV-FLAG-A3F-GFP经酶切、测序,结果无误;3质粒共转染HEK293T细胞包装出的假型病毒感染PK15细胞后观察到GFP表达;从感染假型病毒的PK15细胞基因组中扩增到1254 bp的猪APOBEC3F基因,Western印迹检测到78.1×103的猪APOBEC3F蛋白的表达。结论:实现了反转录病毒载体介导的猪APOBEC3F在猪源细胞PK15中的整合与表达,为深入研究该分子对猪内源性反转录病毒(PERV)的抑制作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

载脂蛋白B mRNA编辑酶催化多肽样蛋白3F(apolipoprotin B mRNA-editing catalytic polypeptide 3protein F,APOBEC3F,简称A3F)是一种天然抗病毒活性的胞嘧啶脱氨基酶。在HIV病毒复制过程中,A3F蛋白能被整合进入病毒颗粒内部,诱导病毒c DNA胞嘧啶脱氨基化变为尿嘧啶,阻断病毒复制。近几年,科研工作者开展了一系列A3F蛋白的结构生物学和脱氨基化反应的研究,以及与单链DNA(single-stranded DNA,ss-DNA)的结合位点、病毒感染因子(viral infectivity factor,Vif)作用界面的探索。本文通过对这些工作进行总结,以期为艾滋病、乙肝的防治提供新的理论基础。  相似文献   

目的利用原核表达系统表达仙台病毒(Sendai Virus)F蛋白主要抗原片段FP(S),并对表达产物进行免疫学初步研究。方法根据GenBank公布的仙台病毒F蛋白(gi:9627219)的基因序列设计特异性引物,通过RT-PCR扩增出F基因的主要抗原片段FP(S),插入pMD-18-T载体中,鉴定正确后克隆入pQE31原核表达载体中,将鉴定正确的pQE31-FP(S)转化大肠埃希菌M15,IPTG诱导表达,对大肠埃希菌裂解物进行SDS-PAGE和Western-blot验证。结果大肠埃希菌表达的FP(S)相对分子质量约26×103,与预期相符;能与SeV阳性血清发生特异性反应,出现单一条带。结论原核表达的FP(S)蛋白有良好的抗原性,为检测仙台病毒抗体的ELISA检测方法的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用与人CDC16基因高度同源的猪的EST BP430622、AJ656153、CJ022837和BP161802成功电脑克隆了猪CDC16基因cD.NA全长,结果表明,该基因cDNA全长为2057b,5’-UTR长119bp,3’-UTR长75bp,猪CDC16蛋白由617个氨基酸组成,与人、鼠和酵母的同源性分别为97.6%,95.3%,38.5%,大鼠和小鼠的同源性最高,其次是猪,然后是人。  相似文献   

Cell-specific regulation of APOBEC3F by interferons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human cytidine deaminase APOBEC3F(A3F)has broad anti-viral activity against hepatitis Bvirus and retroviruses including human immunodeficiency virus type 1.However,its regulation in viralnatural target cells such CD4~ T lymphocytes,macrophages,and primary liver cells has not been wellstudied.Here we showed that A3F was up-regulated by interferon(IFN)-α in primary hepatocytes andmultiple liver cell lines as well as macrophages.Although the IFN-α signaling pathway was active in Tlymphoid cells and induction of other IFN stimulated genes such as PKR was detected,A3F and APOBEC3G(A3G)were not induced by IFN-α in these cells.Thus,additional factors other than known IFN-stimulatedgenes also regulated IFN-α-induced A3F expression distinctly.A3F and A3G expression levels in primaryhepatocytes,especially after IFN-α stimulation,were comparable to those in CD4~ T lymphocytes in someindividuals.Significant variations of A3F and A3G expression in primary hepatocytes from various subjectswere observed.Individual variations in A3F and/or A3G regulation and expression might influence the clinicaloutcomes of hepatitis B infection.  相似文献   

He Z  Zhang W  Chen G  Xu R  Yu XF 《Journal of molecular biology》2008,381(4):1000-1011
Apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing catalytic polypeptide-like 3G (APOBEC3G, or A3G) and related cytidine deaminases such as apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing catalytic polypeptide-like 3F (APOBEC3F, or A3F) are potent inhibitors of retroviruses. Formation of infectious human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 requires suppression of multiple cytidine deaminases by Vif. HIV-1 Vif suppresses various APOBEC3 proteins through a common mechanism by recruiting Cullin5, ElonginB, and ElonginC E3 ubiquitin ligase to induce target protein polyubiquitination and proteasome-mediated degradation. Domains in Vif that mediate APOBEC3 recognition have not been fully characterized. In the present study, we identified a VxIPLx4-5LxΦx2YWxL motif in HIV-1 Vif, which is required for efficient interaction between Vif and A3G, Vif-mediated A3G degradation and virion exclusion, and functional suppression of the A3G antiviral activity. Amino acids 52 to 72 of HIV-1 Vif (including the VxIPLx4-5LxΦx2YWxL motif) alone could mediate interaction with A3G, and this interaction was abolished by mutations of two hydrophobic amino acids in this region. We have also observed that a Vif mutant was ineffective against A3G, yet it retained the ability to interact with Cullin5-E3 ubiquitin complex and A3G, suggesting that interaction with A3G is necessary but not sufficient to inhibit its antiviral function. Unlike the previously identified motif of HIV-1 Vif amino acids 40 to 44, which is only important for A3G suppression, the VxIPLx4-5LxΦx2YWxL motif is also required for efficient A3F interaction and suppression. On the other hand, another motif, TGERxW, of HIV-1 Vif amino acids 74 to 79 was found to be mainly important for A3F interaction and inhibition. Both the VxIPLx4-5LxΦx2YWxL and TGERxW motifs are highly conserved among HIV-1, HIV-2, and various simian immunodeficiency virus Vif proteins. Our data suggest that primate lentiviral Vif molecules recognize their autologous APOBEC3 proteins through conserved structural features that represent attractive targets for the development of novel inhibitors.  相似文献   

Approximately half of all human genes undergo alternative mRNA splicing. This process often yields homologous gene products exhibiting diverse functions. Alternative splicing of APOBEC3G (A3G) and APOBEC3F (A3F), the major host resistance factors targeted by the HIV-1 protein Vif, has not been explored. We investigated the effects of alternative splicing on A3G/A3F gene expression and antiviral activity. Three alternatively spliced A3G mRNAs and two alternatively spliced A3F mRNAs were detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in each of 10 uninfected, healthy donors. Expression of these splice variants was altered in different cell subsets and in response to cellular stimulation. Alternatively spliced A3G variants were insensitive to degradation by Vif but displayed no antiviral activity against HIV-1. Conversely, alternative splicing of A3F produced a 37-kDa variant lacking exon 2 (A3FΔ2) that was prominently expressed in macrophages and monocytes and was resistant to Vif-mediated degradation. Alternative splicing also produced a 24-kDa variant of A3F lacking exons 2–4 (A3FΔ2–4) that was highly sensitive to Vif. Both A3FΔ2 and A3FΔ2–4 displayed reduced cytidine deaminase activity and moderate antiviral activity. These alternatively spliced A3F gene products, particularly A3FΔ2, were incorporated into HIV virions, albeit at levels less than wild-type A3F. Thus, alternative splicing of A3F mRNA generates truncated antiviral proteins that differ sharply in their sensitivity to Vif.  相似文献   

The APOBEC3 family of cytosine deaminases catalyzes the conversion of cytosines-to-uracils in single-stranded DNA. Traditionally, these enzymes are associated with antiviral immunity and restriction of DNA-based pathogens. However, a role for these enzymes in tumor evolution and metastatic disease has also become evident. The primary APOBEC3 candidate in cancer mutagenesis is APOBEC3B (A3B) for three reasons: (1) A3B mRNA is upregulated in several different cancers, (2) A3B expression and mutational loads correlate with poor clinical outcomes, and (3) A3B is the only family member known to be constitutively nuclear. Previous studies have mapped non-canonical A3B nuclear localization determinants to a single surface-exposed patch within the N-terminal domain (NTD). Here, we show that A3B has an additional, distinct, surface-exposed NTD region that contributes to nuclear localization. Disruption of residues within the first 30 amino acids of A3B (import surface 1) or loop 5/α-helix 3 (import surface 2) completely abolish nuclear localization. These import determinants also graft into NTDs of related family members and mediate re-localization from cell-wide-to-nucleus or cytoplasm-to-nucleus. These findings demonstrate that both sets of residues are required for non-canonical A3B nuclear localization and describe unique surfaces that may serve as novel therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

目的 建立艾滋病( AIDS) 患者载脂蛋白B mRNA 编辑酶催化多肽样蛋白3G( APOBEC3G) 的真核表达体系。方法 采用反转录-聚合酶链反应( RT-PCR) 技术从AIDS 患者外周血单个核细胞( PBMC) 中获取APOBEC3G 基因编码区, 将其克隆到pMD18-T载体上, 测序验证正确后再将其转接入真核表达载体pEGFP-N1 中, 然后将重组质粒pEGFP-N1-A3G 转染HEK293T细胞, 分别用RT-PCR 法和蛋白印迹法( Western 印迹法) 验证APOBEC3G 在mRNA 和蛋白水平的表达。结果 从AIDS 患者体内克隆的APOBEC3G 基因编码区长度为1 154 bp, 测序结果与GenBank 中APOBEC3G 参考序列( NM021822) 比对发现存在2 处差异, 分别位于mRNA 第588 位和746 位碱基处。重组质粒pEGFP-N1-A3G转染HEK293T 细胞, 在荧光显微镜下观察到融合蛋白A3G-EGFP的表达, RT-PCR 法和Western blot 法分别验证了蛋白在mRNA 和蛋白水平的表达。结论 成功构建了AIDS 患者APOBEC3G 蛋白的真核表达体系, 为进一步研究APOBEC3G 在HIV-1 感染中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Human cytidine deaminases APOBEC3F (A3F) and APOBEC3G (A3G) inhibit human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) replication. In the absence of HIV-1 Vif, A3F and/or A3G are incorporated into assembling virions and exert antiviral functions in subsequently infected target cells. Encapsidation of A3F or A3G within the protease-matured virion core following their incorporation into virions is hypothesized to be important for the antiviral function of these proteins. In this report, we demonstrated that A3F was quantitatively encapsidated in the mature virion core. In distinct contrast, A3G was distributed both within and outside of the virion core. Analysis of a series of A3F-A3G chimeras comprised of exchanged N- and C-terminal deaminase domains identified a 14 amino acid segment in the A3F C-terminal deaminase domain that contributed to preferential encapsidation and anti-HIV activity. Amino acid residue L306 in this C-terminal segment was determined to be necessary, but not sufficient, for these effects. Amino acid residue W126 in the N-terminal deaminase domain was determined also to contribute to preferential encapsidation and antiviral activity of A3F. Analysis of the A3F (W126A L306A) double mutant revealed that both residues are required for full anti-HIV function. The results reported here advance our understanding of the mechanisms of A3F virion encapsidation and antiviral function and may lead to innovative strategies to inhibit HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

Human APOBEC3F (huA3F) potently restricts the infectivity of HIV-1 in the absence of the viral accessory protein virion infectivity factor (Vif). Vif functions to preserve viral infectivity by triggering the degradation of huA3F but not rhesus macaque A3F (rhA3F). Here, we use a combination of deletions, chimeras, and systematic mutagenesis between huA3F and rhA3F to identify Glu(324) as a critical determinant of huA3F susceptibility to HIV-1 Vif-mediated degradation. A structural model of the C-terminal deaminase domain of huA3F indicates that Glu(324) is a surface residue within the α4 helix adjacent to residues corresponding to other known Vif susceptibility determinants in APOBEC3G and APOBEC3H. This structural clustering suggests that Vif may bind a conserved surface present in multiple APOBEC3 proteins.  相似文献   

The single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) cytidine deaminase APOBEC3F (A3F) deaminates cytosine (C) to uracil (U) and is a known restriction factor of HIV-1. Its C-terminal catalytic domain (CD2) alone is capable of binding single-stranded nucleic acids and is important for deamination. However, little is known about how the CD2 interacts with ssDNA. Here we report a crystal structure of A3F-CD2 in complex with a 10-nucleotide ssDNA composed of poly-thymine, which reveals a novel positively charged nucleic acid binding site distal to the active center that plays a key role in substrate DNA binding and catalytic activity. Lysine and tyrosine residues within this binding site interact with the ssDNA, and mutating these residues dramatically impairs both ssDNA binding and catalytic activity. This binding site is not conserved in APOBEC3G (A3G), which may explain differences in ssDNA-binding characteristics between A3F-CD2 and A3G-CD2. In addition, we observed an alternative Zn-coordination conformation around the active center. These findings reveal the structural relationships between nucleic acid interactions and catalytic activity of A3F.  相似文献   

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