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Eyes move to gather visual information for the purpose of guiding behavior. This guidance takes the form of perceptual-motor interactions on short timescales for behaviors like locomotion and hand-eye coordination. More complex behaviors require perceptual-motor interactions on longer timescales mediated by memory, such as navigation, or designing and building artifacts. In the present study, the task of sketching images of natural scenes from memory was used to examine and compare perceptual-motor interactions on shorter and longer timescales. Eye and pen trajectories were found to be coordinated in time on shorter timescales during drawing, and also on longer timescales spanning study and drawing periods. The latter type of coordination was found by developing a purely spatial analysis that yielded measures of similarity between images, eye trajectories, and pen trajectories. These results challenge the notion that coordination only unfolds on short timescales. Rather, the task of drawing from memory evokes perceptual-motor encodings of visual images that preserve coarse-grained spatial information over relatively long timescales as well.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to ecotoxicology and ecological risk assessment frequently have ignored the complexities arising due to the spatial heterogeneity of natural systems. In recent years, however, ecologists have become increasingly aware of the influence of spatial organization on ecological processes. Landscape ecology provides a conceptual and theoretical framework for the analysis of spatial patterns, the characterization of spatial aspects of ecosystem function, and the understanding of landscape dynamics. Incorporating the insights of landscape ecology into ecotoxicology will enhance our ability to understand and ultimately predict the effects of toxic substances in ecological systems. Ecological risk assessments need to explicitly consider multiple spatial scales, accounting for heterogeneity within contaminated areas and for the larger landscape context. A simple simulation model is presented to illustrate the effects of spatial heterogeneity by linking an individual-based toxicokinetic model with a spatially distributed metapopulation model. Dispersal of organisms between contaminated and uncontaminated patches creates a situation where risk analysis must consider a spatial extent broader than the toxicant-contaminated area. In general, the addition of a toxicant to a source patch (i.e., a net exporter of individuals) will have a greater impact than the same toxicant addition to a sink patch (i.e., a net importer of individuals).  相似文献   

Abstract: Considering habitat selection at multiple scales is essential to fully understand habitat requirements and management needs for wildlife species of concern. We used a hierarchical information-theoretic approach and variance decomposition techniques to analyze habitat selection using local-scale habitat variables measured in the field and landscape-scale variables derived with a Geographic Information System (GIS) for nesting greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the Powder River Basin (PRB), Montana and Wyoming, USA, 2003–2007. We investigated relationships between habitat features that can and cannot be mapped in a GIS to provide insights into interpretation of landscape-scale—only GIS models. We produced models of habitat selection at both local and landscape scales and across scales, yet multiscale models had overwhelming statistical and biological support. Variance decomposition showed that local-scale measures explained the most pure variation (50%) in sage-grouse nesting-habitat selection. Landscape-scale features explained 20% of pure variation and shared 30% with local-scale features. Both local- and landscape-scale habitat features are important in sage-grouse nesting-habitat selection because each scale explained both pure and shared variation. Our landscape-scale model was accurate in predicting priority landscapes where sage-grouse nests would occur and is, therefore, useful in providing landscape context for management decisions. It accurately predicted locations of independent sage-grouse nests (validation R2 = 0.99) and showed good discriminatory ability with >90% of nests located within only 40% of the study area. Our landscape-scale model also accurately predicted independent lek locations. We estimated twice the amount of predicted nesting habitat within 3 km of leks compared to random locations in the PRB. Likewise we estimated 1.8 times more predicted nesting habitat within 10 km of leks compared to random locations. These results support predictions of the hotspot theory of lek placement. Local-scale habitat variables that cannot currently be mapped in a GIS strongly influence sage-grouse nest-site selection, but only within priority nesting habitats defined at the landscape scale. Our results indicate that habitat treatments for nesting sage-grouse applied in areas with an unsuitable landscape context are unlikely to achieve desired conservation results.  相似文献   

Intense urban and agricultural development alters habitats, increases fragmentation, and may decouple trophic interactions if plants or animals cannot disperse to needed resources. Specialist insects represent a substantial proportion of global biodiversity and their fidelity to discrete microhabitats provides a powerful framework for investigating organismal responses to human land use. We sampled site occupancy and densities for two plant-herbivore-parasitoid systems from 250 sites across a 360 km2 urban/agricultural landscape to ask whether and how human development decouples interactions between trophic levels. We compared patterns of site occupancy, host plant density, herbivory and parasitism rates of insects at two trophic levels with respect to landcover at multiple spatial scales. Geospatial analyses were used to identify landcover characters predictive of insect distributions. We found that herbivorous insect densities were decoupled from host tree densities in urban landcover types at several spatial scales. This effect was amplified for the third trophic level in one of the two insect systems: despite being abundant regionally, a parasitoid species was absent from all urban/suburban landcover even where its herbivore host was common. Our results indicate that human land use patterns limit distributions of specialist insects. Dispersal constraints associated with urban built development are specifically implicated as a limiting factor.  相似文献   

Conservation of bat species is one of the most daunting wildlife conservation challenges in North America, requiring detailed knowledge about their ecology to guide conservation efforts. Outside of the hibernating season, bats in temperate forest environments spend their diurnal time in day-roosts. In addition to simple shelter, summer roost availability is as critical as maternity sites and maintaining social group contact. To date, a major focus of bat conservation has concentrated on conserving individual roost sites, with comparatively less focus on the role that broader habitat conditions contribute towards roost-site selection. We evaluated roost-site selection by a northern population of federally-endangered Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis) at Fort Drum Military Installation in New York, USA at three different spatial scales: landscape, forest stand, and individual tree level. During 2007–2011, we radiotracked 33 Indiana bats (10 males, 23 females) and located 348 roosting events in 116 unique roost trees. At the landscape scale, bat roost-site selection was positively associated with northern mixed forest, increased slope, and greater distance from human development. At the stand scale, we observed subtle differences in roost site selection based on sex and season, but roost selection was generally positively associated with larger stands with a higher basal area, larger tree diameter, and a greater sugar maple (Acer saccharum) component. We observed no distinct trends of roosts being near high-quality foraging areas of water and forest edges. At the tree scale, roosts were typically in American elm (Ulmus americana) or sugar maple of large diameter (>30 cm) of moderate decay with loose bark. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of considering day roost needs simultaneously across multiple spatial scales. Size and decay class of individual roosts are key ecological attributes for the Indiana bat, however, larger-scale stand structural components that are products of past and current land use interacting with environmental aspects such as landform also are important factors influencing roost-tree selection patterns.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present two mathematical models related to different aspects and scales of cancer growth. The first model is a stochastic spatiotemporal model of both a synthetic gene regulatory network (the example of a three-gene repressilator is given) and an actual gene regulatory network, the NF-\(\upkappa \)B pathway. The second model is a force-based individual-based model of the development of a solid avascular tumour with specific application to tumour cords, i.e. a mass of cancer cells growing around a central blood vessel. In each case, we compare our computational simulation results with experimental data. In the final discussion section, we outline how to take the work forward through the development of a multiscale model focussed at the cell level. This would incorporate key intracellular signalling pathways associated with cancer within each cell (e.g. p53–Mdm2, NF-\(\upkappa \)B) and through the use of high-performance computing be capable of simulating up to \(10^9\) cells, i.e. the tissue scale. In this way, mathematical models at multiple scales would be combined to formulate a multiscale computational model.  相似文献   

空间环境具有多重尺度特性,具体分成可操作的近尺度空间、可导航的单视点空间和环境空间,以及大尺度的地理空间,有效表征不同尺度的空间环境对于人和动物的日常生活至关重要。空间尺度的表征与其对应的功能需求有关,近尺度空间表征由顶叶负责;可导航空间表征在海马和皮层都表现出从后往前的“由粗到细”的梯度性;抽象社会空间的尺度表征则表现出二分性。未来研究应关注空间尺度表征的时间动态性及其对认知地图存在形式的影响。  相似文献   

Habitat loss is the greatest contributor to the decline of species globally. To prioritize protection of imperiled species, it is important to examine habitat use at multiple spatial scales because the availability of different resources and habitat features is scale dependent. We conducted a radio-telemetry study in the Long Point region of Ontario, Canada, in 2009 and 2010 to examine habitat selection at multiple spatial scales by eastern hog-nosed snakes (Heterodon platirhinos), a species at risk in Canada. We documented the habitat composition of home ranges compared to the surrounding landscape, the selection of locations within home ranges based on classified satellite imagery, and the use of microhabitat features based on site characterization in the field. At the scale of the home ranges, hog-nosed snakes avoided areas of agriculture and selected sand barrens. Within home ranges, hog-nosed snakes selectively used areas altered by humans (e.g., residential sites, openings in tree plantations). Microhabitats used by hog-nosed snakes had more woody debris, logs, and lower vegetative coverage than adjoining random sites. Because hog-nosed snakes prefer open areas and require sandy soils for nesting, management efforts should focus on the conservation and maintenance of sand barrens and patches of early successional forest. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The abundance of greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons frontalis) on the Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) of northern Alaska, USA, has more than tripled since the late 1990s; however, recent rate of annual population growth has declined as population size increased, which may indicate white-fronted geese on the ACP are approaching carrying capacity. We examined rates of gosling growth in greater white-fronted geese at 3 sites on the ACP during 2012–2014 to assist with predictions of future population trends and assess evidence for density-dependent constraints on recruitment. We marked goslings at hatch with individually coded webtags and conducted brood drives during early August to capture, measure, and weigh goslings. Annual estimates of gosling mass at 32 days old (range = 1,190–1,685) indicate that goslings had obtained >60% of asymptotic size. This rate of growth corresponds with that of other goose species and populations with access to high-quality forage and no limitations on forage availability, and is consistent with the overall increase in abundance of white-fronted geese at the ACP scale. Contrary to most previous investigations, age-adjusted mass of goslings did not decline with hatch date. Goslings grew faster in coastal areas than at inland freshwater sites. Taken together, these findings suggest forage was not limiting gosling growth rates in either ecosystem, but forage was of greater quality in coastal areas where goose foraging habitat is expanding because of permafrost subsidence. Spatial patterns of gosling growth corresponded with local-scale patterns of population density and population change; the areas with greatest rates of gosling growth were those with the greatest population density and rates of population increase. We found little evidence to suggest forage during brood rearing was limiting population increase of white-fronted geese on the ACP. Factors responsible for the apparent slowing of ACP-wide population growth are likely those that occur in stages of the annual cycle outside of the breeding grounds. Published 2021. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Research on habitat use by bats typically occurs at a single fine spatial scale, despite recent work demonstrating the importance of considering multiple spatial scales when investigating vertebrate habitat selection. We assessed bat use of 118 stream reaches located throughout the Oregon Coast Range, USA, and measured vegetation characteristics at 3 spatial scales surrounding each of these locations. We used an information-theoretic approach to determine vegetation characteristics most closely related to bat activity and a multilevel modeling approach to evaluate variation in bat activity at different spatial scales. Characteristics of vegetation at the finest spatial scale explained more variation in bat activity than did characteristics of vegetation at broader spatial scales, suggesting that fine-scale anthropogenic or natural disturbance events that alter cover of shrubs or trees in riparian areas are likely to influence bat habitat use. The influence of vegetation on activity varied by species of bat and appeared to operate more strongly through constraints imposed by vegetation architecture than through influences on abundance of insect prey. This diversity of responses to vegetation characteristics among bat species suggests that the best strategy for biodiversity conservation over broad spatial scales is maintenance or creation of a diversity of riparian vegetation conditions. We recommend that land managers planning to manipulate riparian vegetation strive to create diversity in shrub coverage, canopy coverage, and open space above the stream channel to promote foraging habitat for all species.  相似文献   

Advances in high‐throughput nucleic acid sequencing have improved our understanding of microbial communities in a number of ways. Deeper sequence coverage provides the means to assess diversity at the resolution necessary to recover ecological and biogeographic patterns, and at the same time single‐cell genomics provides detailed information about the interactions between members of a microbial community. Given the vastness and complexity of microbial ecosystems, such analyses remain challenging for most environments, so greater insight can also be drawn from analysing less dynamic ecosystems. Here, we outline the advantages of one such environment, the wood‐digesting hindgut communities of termites and cockroaches, and how it is a model to examine and compare both protist and bacterial communities. Beyond the analysis of diversity, our understanding of protist community ecology will depend on using statistically sound sampling regimes at biologically relevant scales, transitioning from discovery‐based to experimental ecology, incorporating single‐cell microbiology and other data sources, and continued development of analytical tools.  相似文献   

Taxillus tomentosus is a mistletoe of significant management concern in southern India. This mistletoe affects the productivity of several nontimber forest products, most significantly Amla (Phyllanthus emblica and Phyllanthus indofischeri), whose fruits provide an important source of income for indigenous forest communities. Management interventions are required to secure the continued viability of Amla and thereby its role in livelihoods. To enhance the scientific basis for management, we characterized the distribution of T. tomentosus at three scales, examined potential mechanisms underlying this distribution, and compared both with those documented in other habitats. Mistletoes were aggregated at all three scales: on individual trees, within forest plots of 500 m2, and at scales of 3–4 km. Seed deposition patterns provide an initial distribution ‘template’ that largely determines patterns at tree and plot scales. This initial pattern is subsequently altered as variation in host suitability and mistletoe mortality from forest fires influence establishment success and postestablishment survival. Local prevalence of infection contributed most to infection spread, and areas of high infection prevalence are highlighted as appropriate foci for management intervention. Although novel underlying mechanisms and variation in the scale of aggregation have been identified, mistletoe distribution in a tropical forest appears to be shaped by similar forces as those documented previously in temperate systems.  相似文献   

Multiple Scales and the Maintenance of Biodiversity   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Simon A. Levin 《Ecosystems》2000,3(6):498-506
The problem of multiple scales permeates the study of ecological process and pattern, uniting aspects of space, time, and organizational complexity. In particular, it supports the maintenance of biological diversity, allowing for the magnification of underlying patterns of variation in the physical environment to create many resources from few, through the evolutionary diversification of species' niches and life histories. Specialization to particular stages of a successional gradient facilitates coexistence of multiple types in the presence of uncorrelated local disturbances, such as gap formation, which reinitiate successional sequences. Superimposed upon such successional dynamics are the effects of multiple stable states and multiple successional pathways (Levin 1976), which increase diversity even more. Multiple stable states more generally raise the possibility of sudden flips of systems from one stable configuration to another, and with such changes may come huge changes in the biotic composition. On larger spatial scales and longer time scales, these flips may become correlated, resulting in the transformation of the landscape, or may result in sustained spatiotemporal mosaics of states. Instability at the local level may lead to the maintenance of biodiversity on broader scales. Finally, the ultimate scale mismatch involves that between the dynamics of natural systems and the cultural dynamics of human societies. Our ability to live sustainably in a global commons is dependent upon adjusting normative behavior, and tightening feedback loops more generally, so that individual actions serve the common good. Received 11 November 1999; accepted 18 February 2000  相似文献   

Political Ecology across Spaces, Scales, and Social Groups. Susan Paulson and Lisa Gezon, eds. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2005. 289 pp.  相似文献   

Urbanisation modifies landscapes at multiple scales, impacting the local climate and changing the extent and quality of natural habitats. These habitat modifications significantly alter species distributions and can result in increased abundance of select species which are able to exploit novel ecosystems. We examined the effect of urbanisation at local and landscape scales on the body size, lipid reserves and ovary weight of Nephila plumipes, an orb weaving spider commonly found in both urban and natural landscapes. Habitat variables at landscape, local and microhabitat scales were integrated to create a series of indexes that quantified the degree of urbanisation at each site. Spider size was negatively associated with vegetation cover at a landscape scale, and positively associated with hard surfaces and anthropogenic disturbance on a local and microhabitat scale. Ovary weight increased in higher socioeconomic areas and was positively associated with hard surfaces and leaf litter at a local scale. The larger size and increased reproductive capacity of N.plumipes in urban areas show that some species benefit from the habitat changes associated with urbanisation. Our results also highlight the importance of incorporating environmental variables from multiple scales when quantifying species responses to landscape modification.  相似文献   

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