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A series of works have described an important role of chemical signaling compounds in generation of the stress response of plants in both the wounded and distant undamaged plant tissues. However, pure chemical signals are often not considered in the fast (minutes) long-distance signaling (systemic response) because of their slow propagation speed. Physical signals (electrical and hydraulic) or a combination of the physical and chemical signals (hydraulic dispersal of solutes) have been proposed as possible linkers of the local wound and the rapid systemic response. We have recently demonstrated an evidence for involvement of chemical compounds (jasmonic and abscisic acids) in the rapid (within 1 hour) inhibition of photosynthetic rate and stomata conductance in distant undamaged tobacco leaves after local burning. The aim of this addendum is to discuss plausible mechanisms of a rapid long-distance chemical signaling and the putative interactions between the physical and chemical signals leading to the fast systemic response.Key Words: tobacco, local burning, systemic response, hydraulic surge, electrical signal, abscisic acid, jasmonic acidPlants have evolved an amazingly complex system of defence-related strategies to protect themselves upon local wounding.17 Important characteristics of self-defence responses of plants are their velocity and ubiquity. Indeed, fast (minutes to hours) responses to injurious factors have been detected in the site of injury and in distant regions (systemic response) in various plants.811 These findings suggest that a signal generated by an attack to one leaf is transmitted through a whole plant. Several kinds of chemical3,6 and physical12 signals induced by local wounding and even their combination13 have been implicated. However, a little is known about the interactions of these signals and about the mechanisms of initiation of the short-term systemic responses.We have used a model system—tobacco plants exposed to the local burning—to study the signals involved in rapid wound responses of photosynthetic apparatus.14 Local burning of an upper leaf of a tobacco plant induced rapid changes in surface electrical potential (within seconds) and a pronounced fast decline in the stomatal conductance, CO2 assimilation and transpiration (within minutes) in the basipetal direction (Fig. 1). Moreover, we have detected a fast (within minutes) transient increase in levels of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) followed by a huge rapid rise in endogenous jasmonic acid (JA) in the leaf below the burned one. ABA and jasmonates are known to be involved in signaling pathways leading to stomatal closure and downregulation of photosynthesis.15,16 Increases in ABA and/or JA levels have only previously been detected in remote untreated tissues several hours after local wounding8,9 suggesting that chemical signals are too slow to induce rapid systemic response. Previous works have reported that fast physical (electrical) signals play an essential role in short-term systemic photosynthetic responses.11,17 However, a several-minutes delayed stomata closing response after the initiation of electrical potential changes has been reported in Mimosa18 and in our case in tobacco14 plants. Therefore, the guard cell deflation is most likely triggered not only by the electrical signal, but also by indirect factors. Based on close correlations, our results now provide a new evidence for the idea that chemical signals (ABA and mainly JA) participate in mediating the short-term systemic photosynthetic responses to local burning in tobacco plants.Open in a separate windowFigure 1The model of putative signalling pathways leading to the rapid systemic responses of tobacco plants to local burning. Hypothetical (dashed lines) local responses, generation of signals and transport processes and detected (full line) systemic responses are demonstrated. For details see the text.The question is how do the physical (electrical and/or hydraulic) and chemical signals act? They may independently induce specific elements of systemic responses. However, they are more likely to act in a coordinated, interactive fashion. In this scenario (see Fig. 1), within first minutes after the local burning, hydraulic surge transmitted basipetally and acropetally through the xylem would transport chemicals released at the wound site (hydraulic dispersal19) and evoke changes in the ion fluxes in surrounding living cells leading to the local electrical activity.12,13 The hypothesis of hydraulic dispersal is supported by our preliminary experiments with the fluorescent dye Rhodamine B applied on cut petiole of the upper leaf of tobacco plants showing that solutes can be rapidly transported (within minutes) basipetally following wounding.The rapid kinetics and transient character of ABA accumulation14 suggest that the main transport mechanism is the hydraulic dispersal in xylem. The participation of ABA in the generation of systemic electrical activity and/or vice versa cannot be ruled out.8,20A rapid hydraulically driven transport of chemicals in the xylem of wounded plant in a reversed (basipetal) direction19,21 to transpiration stream is not generally accepted. Exposing of leaves of undamaged plants to radioactive labelled molecules to determine the speed of chemical signal transport could be misrepresent, because hydraulic signal is not generated in undamaged plants and then the detected transport speed is too slow. Moreover, previous work22 demonstrated that neither the mass flow itself, nor the associated pressure changes induce the systemic response (the proteinase inhibitor activity). Thus, the efficacy of chemical agents in rapid systemic signaling seems to depend on transport by the mass flows associated with hydraulic signals.19However, hydraulic dispersal acts only for minutes, until all water released at the wound site is exhausted.21 A requirement for hydraulic dispersal of any solute is its presence in the wounded tissue at the time of wounding.19 Detected slower kinetics of JA accumulation than in the case of ABA and the huge rise of JA levels14 indicate a systemic accumulation of JA also by some additional processes.Does additional JA accumulation result from de-novo synthesis in undamaged leaves as a response to physical signal or does it result from a JA transport from the wounded leaves? In the longer time-frame the phloem transport23 should also be considered. Experiments with tomato plants have shown that de novo JA synthesis in distant leaves is not required for the systemic response and that biosynthesis of JA at the wound site is necessary for the generation of a systemic signal.7 Indeed, a short-term increase in endogenous concentrations of JA has been detected in wounded tissue in Nicotiana sylvestris9 and rice.10However, a rapid burst in the systemic JA accumulation found in our experiments14 would implicate an ultra-rapid and extreme JA accumulation at the wound site before its transport. The systemic JA accumulation (within 1 hour14) preceded the generation of enzymes involved in the JA biosynthesis in the wounded leaf.Thus, several processes are suggested to play a role in the ultra-rapid and huge JA accumulation:
  1. initiation of JA accumulation by preexisting enzymes,24
  2. fast release of free JA from its storage pools in cells (e.g., JA-conjugates25),
  3. direct uptake of elicitors (JA) by the phloem of the wounded leaf and exchange between the xylem and phloem as a consequence of severe wounds,26
  4. the mass flow (containing remaining JA) driven mainly acropetally in the xylem by transpiration after damping the hydraulic surge,21
  5. JA accumulation evoked by the fast transmitting physical (electrical or hydraulic) signal that leads to imbalances in ion fluxes,8,12,27
  6. JA accumulation (and subsequent transport) directly in the phloem, where JA biosynthetic enzymes are located (at least in tomato24),
  7. volatile chemical compounds (methylester of JA) spreading in the surrounding air of wounded leaf could serve as signaling molecules and sources of JA.25,28
The relevance of the above mentioned mechanisms should be checked by further research. Complex quantitative and kinetic analysis of JA and ABA content, levels of its biosynthetic derivatives (also volatiles in the surrounding air) and simultaneous physical signal detection in wounded and distant unwounded tissues would fill the remaining void about their role and interactions in the wound signal transduction networks. In addition, a suppression of other signaling pathways with similar transport kinetics (e.g., volatile compounds transmission, systemin and oligosaccharides generation and/or transport, using mutant plants) would be useful.Substantial similarity between the rapid physical (electrical) signaling in animal nervous system compared with the physical (electrical) signaling in plants has already been reported.29,30 Interaction of chemical and electrical signals is the process well documented for post-synaptic events in animals. Our data now strengthen the role of chemical signals next to the role of physical signals in plants in the rapid systemic wound response; such a role of chemicals in plants was often underestimated up to now.  相似文献   

An important question in cell biology is whether cells are able to measure size, either whole cell size or organelle size. Perhaps cells have an internal chemical representation of size that can be used to precisely regulate growth, or perhaps size is just an accident that emerges due to constraint of nutrients. The eukaryotic flagellum is an ideal model for studying size sensing and control because its linear geometry makes it essentially one-dimensional, greatly simplifying mathematical modeling. The assembly of flagella is regulated by intraflagellar transport (IFT), in which kinesin motors carry cargo adaptors for flagellar proteins along the flagellum and then deposit them at the tip, lengthening the flagellum. The rate at which IFT motors are recruited to begin transport into the flagellum is anticorrelated with the flagellar length, implying some kind of communication between the base and the tip and possibly indicating that cells contain some mechanism for measuring flagellar length. Although it is possible to imagine many complex scenarios in which additional signaling molecules sense length and carry feedback signals to the cell body to control IFT, might the already-known components of the IFT system be sufficient to allow length dependence of IFT? Here we investigate a model in which the anterograde kinesin motors unbind after cargo delivery, diffuse back to the base, and are subsequently reused to power entry of new IFT trains into the flagellum. By mathematically modeling and simulating such a system, we are able to show that the diffusion time of the motors can in principle be sufficient to serve as a proxy for length measurement. We found that the diffusion model can not only achieve a stable steady-state length without the addition of any other signaling molecules or pathways, but also is able to produce the anticorrelation between length and IFT recruitment rate that has been observed in quantitative imaging studies.  相似文献   

Serum/plasma measurements do not reflect magnesium deficits in clinical situations, and magnesium load tests are used as a more accurate method to identify magnesium deficiency in a variety of disease states as well as in subclinical conditions. The objective of this study was to determine if people are indeed magnesium deficient or if the apparent magnesium deficiency is due to the composition of the infusate used in the load test. Magnesium load tests were performed on seven patients using three different Mg solution infusions-a Mg-EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid)-nutrient cocktail used in EDTA chelation therapy containing several components including vitamins and minerals, and the same cocktail without EDTA and an infusion of an identical amount of magnesium in normal saline solution. There was no significant difference in the amount of magnesium retained in the 24 h after infusion among the three infusates. All infusates resulted in very high magnesium retention compared to previous published magnesium load studies. Magnesium deficiency may be widespread, and the relationship of Mg deficiency to related diseases requires further study.  相似文献   

Trichoderma species are used commercially as biocontrol agents against a number of phytopathogenic fungi due to their mycoparasitic characterisitics. The mycoparasitic response is induced when Trichoderma specifically recognizes the presence of the host fungus and transduces the host-derived signals to their respective regulatory targets. We made deletion mutants of the tga3 gene of Trichoderma atroviride, which encodes a novel G protein α subunit that belongs to subgroup III of fungal Gα proteins. Δtga3 mutants had changes in vegetative growth, conidiation, and conidial germination and reduced intracellular cyclic AMP levels. These mutants were avirulent in direct confrontation assays with Rhizoctonia solani or Botrytis cinerea, and mycoparasitism-related infection structures were not formed. When induced with colloidal chitin or N-acetylglucosamine in liquid culture, the mutants had reduced extracellular chitinase activity even though the chitinase-encoding genes ech42 and nag1 were transcribed at a significantly higher rate than they were in the wild type. Addition of exogenous cyclic AMP did not suppress the altered phenotype or restore mycoparasitic overgrowth, although it did restore the ability to produce the infection structures. Thus, T. atroviride Tga3 has a general role in vegetative growth and can alter mycoparasitism-related characteristics, such as infection structure formation and chitinase gene expression.  相似文献   

One of the important signaling events following TCR engagement is activation of phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ). PLCγ has two isoforms, PLCγ1 and PLCγ2. It is known that PLCγ1 is important for TCR signaling and TCR-mediated T cell selection and functions, whereas PLCγ2 is critical for BCR signal transduction and BCR-mediated B cell maturation and functions. In this study, we report that PLCγ2 was expressed in primary T cells, and became associated with linker for activated T cells and Src homology 2-domain containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa and activated upon TCR stimulation. PLCγ1/PLCγ2 double-deficient T cells displayed further block from CD4 and CD8 double-positive to single-positive transition compared with PLCγ1 single-deficient T cells. TCR-mediated proliferation was further impaired in PLCγ1/PLCγ2 double-deficient T cells compared with PLCγ1 single-deficient T cells. TCR-mediated signal transduction, including Ca(2+) mobilization and Erk activation, was further impaired in PLCγ1/PLCγ2 double-deficient relative to PLCγ1 single-deficient T cells. In addition, in HY TCR transgenic mouse model, thymic positive and negative selections were reduced in PLCγ1 heterozygous- and PLCγ2 homozygous-deficient (PLCγ1(+/-)PLCγ2(-/-)) relative to wild-type, PLCγ2 single-deficient (PLCγ2(-/-)), or PLCγ1 heterozygous-deficient (PLCγ1(+/-)) mice. Taken together, these data demonstrate that PLCγ2 participates in TCR signal transduction and plays a role in T cell selection.  相似文献   

GABA is a non-protein amino acid that accumulates rapidly in plant tissues in response to biotic and abiotic stress. There have been a number of suggestions as to the role that GABA might play in plants, ranging from a straightforward involvement in N metabolism to a signal mediating plant-animal and plant-microbe interactions. It has also been several proposed that it might function as an intracellular signalling molecule in plants. Here, we discuss recent evidence that plant cells respond at the molecular level to the presence of applied GABA. We argue that these data might serve as the basis for investigating the possible signalling role for GABA in plant development and stress responses in more detail.Key Words: 14-3-3 proteins, GABA, signalling, gene expression, stress, senescenceGABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), which comprises a significant fraction of the free amino acid pool in plant cells, was first identified in potato tubers over half a century ago, but its functions remained obscure for many years. In animal systems, GABA is present at high levels in the brain where it acts as an important neurotransmitter. GABA is synthesised in a pathway known as the GABA shunt, which operates not only in the animals, but in bacteria, fungi and plants too.1,2 The function of GABA in plants has attracted renewed attention in the last decade following the discovery that intracellular and/or extracellular GABA concentrations increase rapidly in response to a range of stresses. Subsequently, a number of possible roles for GABA and the GABA shunt in plants have been suggested.1,2 These include acting as a buffering mechanism in C and N metabolism, cytosolic pH regulation, protection against oxidative stress and defence against herbivorous pests. It has been proposed recently that one common function of GABA might be to mediate interactions between plants and other organisms, including bacterial and fungal pathogens, nematodes and insect pests.3 On the other hand, because of the rapid increases in GABA concentration in response to stress, it has sometimes been inferred that GABA might act as an intracellular signalling molecule in plants. However, few studies have adopted molecular approaches to GABA function, and molecular responses are largely unknown.  相似文献   

Signal processing in the cerebral cortex is thought to involve a common multi-purpose algorithm embodied in a canonical cortical micro-circuit that is replicated many times over both within and across cortical regions. Operation of this algorithm produces widely distributed but coherent and relevant patterns of activity. The theory of Coherent Infomax provides a formal specification of the objectives of such an algorithm. It also formally derives specifications for both the short-term processing dynamics and for the learning rules whereby the connection strengths between units in the network can be adapted to the environment in which the system finds itself. A central assumption of the theory is that the local processors can combine reliable signal coding with flexible use of those codes because they have two classes of synaptic connection: driving connections which specify the information content of the neural signals, and contextual connections which modulate that signal processing. Here, we make the biological relevance of this theory more explicit by putting more emphasis upon the contextual guidance of ongoing processing, by showing that Coherent Infomax is consistent with a particular Bayesian interpretation for the contextual guidance of learning and processing, by explicitly specifying rules for on-line learning, and by suggesting approximations by which the learning rules can be made computationally feasible within systems composed of very many local processors.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of a nonparametric smooth function of some event time in a semiparametric mixed effects model from repeatedly measured data when the event time is subject to right censoring. The within-subject correlation is captured by both cross-sectional and time-dependent random effects, where the latter is modeled by a nonhomogeneous Ornstein–Uhlenbeck stochastic process. When the censoring probability depends on other variables in the model, which often happens in practice, the event time data are not missing completely at random. Hence, the complete case analysis by eliminating all the censored observations may yield biased estimates of the regression parameters including the smooth function of the event time, and is less efficient. To remedy, we derive the likelihood function for the observed data by modeling the event time distribution given other covariates. We propose a two-stage pseudo-likelihood approach for the estimation of model parameters by first plugging an estimator of the conditional event time distribution into the likelihood and then maximizing the resulting pseudo-likelihood function. Empirical evaluation shows that the proposed method yields negligible biases while significantly reduces the estimation variability. This research is motivated by the project of hormone profile estimation around age at the final menstrual period for the cohort of women in the Michigan Bone Health and Metabolism Study.  相似文献   

Infected airway epithelial cells up-regulate the expression of chemokines, chiefly IL-8, and antimicrobial molecules including β-defensins (BD). Acinetobacter baumannii is a cause of hospital-acquired pneumonia. We examined whether A. baumannii induced the expressions of IL-8 and BD2 by airway epithelial cells and the receptors implicated in bacterial detection. A549 and human primary airway cells released IL-8 upon infection. A. baumannii-infected cells also increased the expression of BD2 which killed A. baummannii strains. IL-8 induction was via NF-κB and mitogen-activated kinases p38 and p44/42-dependent pathways. A. baumannii engaged Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR4 pathways and A549 cells could use soluble CD14 as TLRs co-receptor. A. baumannii lipopolysaccharide stimulated IL-8 release by A549 cells and sCD14 facilitated the recognition of the lipopolysaccharide. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed that A. baumannii lipid A structure matches those with endotoxic potential. These results demonstrate that airway epithelial cells produce mediators important for A. baumannii clearance.  相似文献   

This review summarizes and analyzes data on structural and functional peculiarities of - and -subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins and their participation in -dimer in processes of hormonal signal transduction to the cell. The molecular mechanisms are discussed, which are responsible for formation of the -dimer complex and its interaction with the wide spectrum of signal and structural proteins, such as G protein -subunit, serpentine type receptors, kinases of G protein-coupled receptors, adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase C2, phosphatidyl-inositol-3-kinase, Raf-kinase, potassium and calcium channels, microtubular and RGS-proteins. The characteristics of - and -subunits are given for living organisms of different phylogenetic levels (lower eukaryotes, fungi, plants, vertebrates, and invertebrates). It is concluded that the -dimer is the most important regulatory link in various signal systems to carry out switch from one signal cascade to another and thereby to determine the final cellular response to the signal impulse.  相似文献   

We have previously found that a peptide corresponding to residues 35–47 of the ras-p21 protein, from its switch 1 effector domain region, strongly inhibits oocyte maturation induced by oncogenic p21, but not by insulin-activated cellular wild-type p21. Another ras–p21 peptide corresponding to residues 96–110 that blocks ras–jun and jun kinase (JNK) interactions exhibits a similar pattern of inhibition. We have also found that c-raf strongly induces oocyte maturation and that dominant negative c-raf strongly blocks oncogenic p21-induced oocyte maturation. We now find that the p21 35–47, but not the 96–110, peptide completely blocks c-raf-induced maturation. This finding suggests that the 35–47 peptide blocks oncogenic ras at the level of raf; that activated normal and oncogenic ras–p21 have differing requirements for raf-dependent signaling; and that the two oncogenic-ras-selective inhibitory peptides, 35–47 and 96–110, act at two different critical downstream sites, the former at raf, the latter at JNK/jun, both of which are required for oncogenic ras-p21 signaling.  相似文献   

The chimæric channel, 4N/1, generated from two outwardly rectifying K+ channels by linking the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of hKv1.4 with the transmembrane body of hKv1.1, functions as an inward rectifier. The operating range of the channel is shifted to hyperpolarizing potentials and it is inactivated at resting membrane potentials. Co-expression of a truncated form of hKv1.1 with the N-terminal domain of hKv1.4 results in the same physiology as the chimæra implying specific interactions between the two segments.  相似文献   

Compared to maize and temperate grasses, sorghum has received less attention in terms of improving cell wall components. The objectives of this study were to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) with main effects, epistatic and pleiotropic effects along with QTL × environment (QE) interactions controlling fibre-related traits in sorghum. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), cellulose, hemicellulose, fresh leaf mass, stripped stalk mass, dry stalk mass, fresh biomass and dry biomass were analysed from a population of 188 grain × sweet sorghum recombinant inbred lines. A genetic map consisting of 157 DNA markers was constructed, and QTL were detected using composite interval mapping (CIM). CIM detected more than 5 additive QTL per trait explaining 7.1–24.7% of the phenotypic variation. Abundant co-localization of these QTL was observed across all chromosomes, and the highest cluster was identified on chromosome 6. Searching for candidate genes using the confidence interval of our QTL clusters reveals that these clusters might comprise a set of genes that are tightly linked. Some QTL showed multiple effects; however, the allele for each trait was favouring the parent with the increasing effect. QE interactions were observed for QTL showing multiple effects. Additive × additive interaction was observed for 7 out of 10 traits, indicating the importance of epistatic analysis. However, the phenotypic variation explained by digenic interactions was lower compared to the individual QTL. Our results indicate that various genetic components contribute to fibre-related traits and should be considered during the enhancement of sorghum for lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

Maggot debridement therapy using live Lucilia sericata (Meigen) larvae is an efficient and cost-effective way to treat chronic wounds. The recent increase in studies to assess the antibacterial properties of L. sericata has created a need for a simple, low-cost, and comprehensible rearing and investigative method for researchers with little or no entomological experience. This paper describes and evaluates a reproducible protocol for sterilising and rearing blowfly larvae utilising two sterile artificial diets (blood–yeast agar and pre-prepared blood agar plates) that is suitable for directly investigating the effect of larvae on microbial growth. Using Lucilia sericata as a model, the results show that larval growth on the pre-prepared blood agar diet is detrimental to larval growth and survival, whereas larval growth and survival on the blood–yeast agar diet are comparable to those of larvae raised on porcine liver. This diet is proposed as a standard for blowfly and bacteria interaction studies investigating clinical microbial strains. Developmental data are provided for L. sericata larvae raised on both sterile and nonsterile diets so that researchers can determine the effect of treatment based on the length of time for larvae to reach the required life stage at 25 ± 2 °C. Information on larval ageing (instars at an average of 1, 2, 3 and 4 days), oviposition times (4–5 days after adult emergence) and adult longevity on the diets (102–116 days) is also given.  相似文献   

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