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The mating system of the viviparous rockfish, Sebastiscus marmoratus was studied using aquarium mating experiments and paternity testing by DNA fingerprinting. Individually specific DNA fingerprints were produced and the paternal relationships determined with the use of the restriction enzyme HinfI and the DNA probe (CAC)5. Two types of mating experiments, multiple-male and single-male, were set up to investigate the effect of male sizes on their mating success, as determined by number of females fertilized. Male size was positively and significantly related to mating success in the multiple-male situation in which male–male interaction was present, but not in the single-male situation in which no male–male interaction was involved. Females produced one to seven batches of larvae, and all batches from individual females had identical paternity. Most females were fertilized by a single male but one case of multiple paternity was detected. The laboratory study suggested the principal mating system of S. marmoratus to be promiscuity, although multiple mating by females was uncommon.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and population structure of 88 Chinese Lentinula edodes strains belonging to four geographic populations were inferred from 68 Insertion-Deletion (InDel) and two simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The overall values of Shannon’s information index and gene diversity were 0.836 and 0.435, respectively, demonstrating a high genetic diversity in Chinese L. edodes strains. Among the four geographic populations, the Central China population displayed a lower genetic diversity. Multiple analyses resolved two unambiguous genetic groups that corresponded to two regions from which the samples were collected—one was a high-altitude region (region 1) and the other was a low-altitude region (region 2). Results from analysis of molecular variance suggested that the majority of genetic variation was contained within populations (74.8 %). Although there was a strong genetic differentiation between populations (F ST ?=?0.252), the variability of ITS sequences from representative strains of the two regions (<3 %) could not support the existence of cryptic species. Pairwise F ST values and Nei’s genetic distances showed that there were relatively lower genetic differentiations and genetic distances between populations from the same region. Geographic distribution could play a vital role in the formation of the observed population structure. Mycelium growth rate and precocity of L. edodes strains displayed significant differences between the two regions. Strains from region 2 grew faster and fructified earlier, which could be a result of adaptation to local environmental factors. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first study on the genetic structure and differentiation between populations, as well as the relationship between genetic structure and phenotypic traits in L. edodes.  相似文献   

Considering the homogeneity of marine environment, temperature might be a main environmental factor responsible for local adaptation across a wide latitudinal range. We reconstructed population structure and performed selection tests on a fragment of 1821 bp of the mitochondrial ATPase 6 (ATP6) and cytochrome b (CYTB) genes of Sebastiscus marmoratus sampled from five populations throughout the northwest Pacific Ocean across a large latitudinal range. In line with the results of F st statistics, significant population structure was detected by applying PCoA and STRUCTURE analysis, which showed discrepant genetic patterns compared to previous studies using neutral markers. Selection tests showed that purifying selection was the predominant evolutionary force acting on the analyzed sequences. Valine substitution by Alanine in a single codon 372 in CYTB gene was detected predominantly (93%) in FA population and temperature was a potentially relevant environmental feature. These findings suggest that local adaptation might be shaping the population structure of marbled rockfish. Further, discrepant patterns of population structure suggested that discerning contributions of different mechanisms in shaping and maintaining patterns of population structure is essential to better understand complex population structure and dynamics of marine organisms.  相似文献   

The Ashe magnolia (Magnolia ashei) is a deciduous small tree most noted for its large 1–2 foot long leaves and fragrant creamy white flowers. Although the species is adapted to and used in landscapes in many parts of the U.S., it is endemic only to Northwest Florida where it is limited to ten counties growing on undisturbed bluffs and ravine banks. The populations are highly fragmented and are threatened by degradation of habitat, leading the species to be listed as endangered in the state of Florida. SSR markers were developed to determine the genetic diversity of wild populations of M. ashei in order to guide long-term conservation strategies. 18 marker loci identified a total of 82 alleles that were used to characterize allelic diversity of M. ashei from 11 wild populations, 14 cultivated sources, five accessions of M. macrophylla, and three interspecific hybrids. Results indicated a higher than expected level of heterozygosity within populations, and a clear distinction between Eastern and Western populations; conservation efforts should therefore focus on maintaining these distinct groups in corresponding ex situ seed orchards to counteract pressures due to overcollection, pollution, and loss of habitat due to development. Clustering of individuals was similar using several analytical methods, indicating that despite relatively small sample sizes, our analysis is a valid reflection of the diversity among and relationships between these populations.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the marbled rockfish Sebastiscus marmoratus (Scorpaeniformes, Scorpaenidae) was determined and phylogenetic analysis was conducted to elucidate the evolutionary relationship of the marbled rockfish with other Sebastinae species. This mitochondrial genome, consisting of 17301 bp, is highly similar to that of most other vertebrates, containing the same gene order and an identical number of genes or regions, including 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs, and one putative control region. Most of the genes are encoded on the H-strand, while the ND6 and seven tRNA genes (for Gln, Ala, Asn, Tyr, Ser (UCA), Glu, and Pro) are encoded on the L-strand. The reading frame of two pairs of genes overlapped on the same strand (the ATPase 8 and 6 genes overlapped by ten nucleotides; ND4L and ND4 genes overlapped by seven nucleotides). The possibly nonfunctional light-strand replication origin folded into a typical stem-loop secondary structure and a conserved motif (5′-GCCGG-3′) was found at the base of the stem within the tRNACys gene. An extent termination-associated sequence (ETAS) and conserved sequence blocks (CSB) were identified in the control region, except for CSB-1; unusual long tandem repeats were found at the 3′ end of the control region. Phylogenetic analyses supported the view that Sebastinae comprises four genera (Sebastes, Hozukius, Helicolenus, and Sebastiscus).  相似文献   

Marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) are coastal seabirds that nest from California to the Aleutian Islands. They are declining and considered threatened in several regions. We compared variation in the mitochondrial control region, four nuclear introns and three microsatellite loci among194 murrelets from throughout their range except Washington and Oregon. Significant population genetic structure was found: nine private control region haplotypes and three private intron alleles occurred at high frequency in the Aleutians and California; global estimates of F ST or ΦST and most pairwise estimates involving the Aleutians and/or California were significant; and marked isolation-by-distance was found. Given the available samples, murrelets appear to comprise five genetic management units: (1) western Aleutian Islands, (2) central Aleutian Islands, (3) mainland Alaska and British Columbia, (4) northern California, and (5) central California.  相似文献   

A set of 30 accessions of five Curcuma species-C. latifolia, C. malabarica, C. manga and C. raktakanta and 13 morphotypes (identified on the basis of morphological markers) of C. longa conserved in the In Vitro Genebank at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, were subjected to RAPD analysis. Of the 200 RAPD primers screened, 21 polymorphic primers were selected for further study. Mean genetic similarities based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient ranged from 0.18 to 0.86 in accessions of cultivated species, i.e., C. longa and from 0.25 to 0.86 in wild species. The dendrogram derived from the RAPD data corroborated the morphological classification of the morphotypes. The efficiency of individual RAPD primers was also compared; primers OPC-20, OPO-06, OPC-01 and OPL-03 were adjudged highly informative in discriminating the germplasm of Curcuma.  相似文献   

Zanthoxylum is an economically and ecologically important genus of the Rutaceae family, of which Z. bungeanum and Z. armatum have a long history of cultivation in China. However, how the natural processes such as selection and drift and agriculture practices have influenced the genetic variation of cultivated Zanthoxylum species during long-term domestication remains elusive. Herein, we determined the population genetic structure of current widely cultivated Zanthoxylum species, Z. bungeanum and Z. armatum. Microsatellite markers revealed a high level of genetic variation and significant genetic differentiation for both species despite Z. bungeanum showed higher genetic diversity than Z. armatum. AMOVA indicated that most of the genetic variation exists within individuals rather than among provenances for both species. Population structure analyses generated three distinct groups within the entire accessions. All Z. bungeanum accessions were distinguished into two major geographic groups, north and south groups, with Qinling Mountains as the main geographic barrier to gene flow while a significant genetic differentiation was observed between cultivated and wild Z. armatum accessions. Mantel test of Z. bungeanum displayed a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances within each inferred group but no correlation between genetic and geographic distance was observed when comparing genetic and geographic distances focusing only on pairwise of north vs. south provenances, ruling out the hypothesis that gene flow between north and south provenances followed an isolation-by-distance model. Our research provided a fundamental genetic profile that will improve the conservation and responsible exploitation of the extant germplasm of Zanthoxylum.  相似文献   

Sun Y  Wen X  Huang H 《Genetica》2011,139(4):497-503
Seven polymorphic and transferable nuclear microsatellites were used to investigate the population structure of genetic diversity of Schisandra chinensis and Schisandra sphenanthera for facilitating their conservation and sustainable utilization. High levels of gene diversity were revealed in these two medicinal species, the majority of genetic diversity was harbored within populations, and population structure was might due to restricted gene flow among populations. Isolation by distance was close to significance in S. chinensis but not in S. sphenanthera. In S. chinensis, null alleles were identified as a cause for excess of homozygotes at loci G24 and WGA60, but inbreeding might also be partly responsible for the positive F IS values in this species. In contrast, null allele frequencies were high at all the seven loci in S. sphenanthera and resulted in overestimation of fixation index. The strategy for ex situ conservation of these two medicinal species is discussed based on the genetic results.  相似文献   

Almond and its related wild species, which are widely distributed in Central and West Asia, have high genetic variation. This is an important source of genetic diversity for crop improvement. In this study a set of 32 SSR and 12 EST-SSR primer pairs were used to determine genetic diversity in 89 accessions of almond and other Prunus species. Most of the accessions (68) were collected from natural habitats of Iran. SSR primers amplified higher numbers of alleles than EST-SSR markers and discriminated genotypes more effectively. Results indicated high diversity among accessions. Observed heterozygosity (Ho) was 0.581. Nei’s index of diversity (He) and average number of alleles per locus (na) were 0.885 and 34, respectively. The mean value of polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.874. The average Fst (F-statistics index) was 0.271 and the fixation index (Fis) was 0.151. Estimated variance among putative populations (AP) and individuals (AI) and within individuals (WI) were 5, 35, and 60%, respectively, which revealed that most of the variation was distributed among individuals rather than groups. Cultivated almonds were highly similar to P. fenzeliana, which is native to West Asia, supporting the importance of these regions in almond domestication. In the dendrogram of groups, minimum genetic distance was observed between Amygdalus and Orientalis groups from the Euamygdalus section. The Leptopus and Chameamygdalus sections were more distant from almonds than plums. The results also showed Dodecandra (Lycioides) series should be taxonomically classified closer to the section Euamygdalus.  相似文献   

To estimate genetic diversity of the residual northern populations of Oryza rufipogon, a total of 232 individuals from six populations were analyzed using microsatellites (SSRs). The O. rufipogon populations with different status included three from Dongxiang (Jiangxi Province) and three from Chaling (Hunan Province) in China. The 23 rice SSR primer pairs selected from the RiceGenes Database detected a total of 115 alleles, indicating that all the SSR loci were polymorphic in this study. The total gene diversity was 0.919 in the six O. rufipogon populations, and the Donxiang populations showed higher diversity than the Chaling populations. More significant genetic differentiation and less gene flow were found among the Dongxiang populations than those from Chaling. The two putative introgressed populations showed relatively high genetic variation. One in situ conserved population from Dongxiang had the lowest level of genetic diversity. The re-introduced population from Chaling restored about 90% of the genetic variation, compared with the original source population. It is concluded from these results that a relatively high level of genetic variation resided in the northern O. rufipogon populations and continued efforts of conservation of these populations are needed; and that the conservation of some Chaling and Dongxiang populations has been effective in preventing gene flow from cultivated rice. Introgression of cultivated rice demonstrated significant impacts on genetic variability of the O. rufipogon populations, and should be carefully considered in conserving this wild rice. This study also suggested that re-introduction to its original habitats is an effective approach to restore O. rufipogon populations.Communicated by J.S. Heslop-Harrison  相似文献   

Given the impact of climate change on the availability of water resources, it becomes necessary the use of plant species well suited to planting on dryland sites. Eucalyptus cladocalyx, a native tree of South Australia, is capable of growing under relatively dry environments and saline soils. Two hundred twenty simple sequence repeat (microsatellites) markers, from a consensus linkage map of Eucalyptus, were selected to examine genetic diversity and population structure in a collection of E. cladocalyx introduced to southern Atacama Desert, Chile. A total of 130 microsatellites were successfully amplified, some of which are associated with quantitative traits of interest in Eucalyptus. Genetic analysis revealed a total of 457 alleles, ranging from 2 to 8 alleles per locus. A moderate level of genetic diversity (He = 0.492) and differentiation (FST = 0.086) was found among the populations. Mount Remarkable and Marble Range showed the highest and lowest level of genetic diversity, respectively. The Bayesian clustering analysis revealed three homogeneous genetic groups confirming that the individuals of E. cladocalyx from natural forest are highly and significantly structured. These results provide a novel information for the development of breeding strategies in E. cladocalyx by using marker-assisted selection in regions with low rainfall patterns.  相似文献   

Capparis spinosa L. (caper bush) is an economically and ecologically important perennial shrub that grows across different regions of Iran. In this study, the genetic diversity and population structure of Iranian genepool of C. spinosa is evaluated using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. Using 10 ISSR primers, 387 DNA fragments (bands) were amplified from the genomic DNA of 92 individuals belonging to twenty-one populations of C. spinosa, of which 378 (97.7%) were polymorphic. High level of genetic diversity (percentage of polymorphic loci = 98.2%, h = 0.1382, I = 0.243), high genetic differentiation (Gst = 0.5234) and low gene flow (Nm = 0.4553) among populations were observed. Caper bush populations were divided into 4 groups in the dendrogram, PCoA plot and Bayesian clustering results, mostly corresponded to their geographic regions. The results showed that there are value in sampling Iranian caper bush populations to look for valuable alleles for use in plant breeding programs.  相似文献   

Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb used as an important drug to cure cardiovascular diseases. In this work, inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers, were applied to assess the level and pattern of genetic diversity in five important cultivated populations of S. miltiorrhiza. Among these populations, 120 bands were amplified by 5 ISSR primers, of which all were polymorphic, and 110 polymorphic bands (90.16%) were observed in 122 bands amplified by 6 SRAP primers. A high levels of genetic diversity at the species level was detected with Hs = 0.1951, 0.1927 respectively. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that a greater proportion of total genetic variation existed within populations (86.64 and 84.83% respectively) rather than among populations (13.36 and 15.17% respectively). Cluster analysis divided the five populations into two groups. The genetic relationships among populations have low correlation with their geographical distribution (Mantel test; r = 0.4870 and 0.5740 respectively). The study indicated that both ISSR and SRAP markers were effective and reliable for assessing the degree of genetic variation of S. miltiorrhiza. Our results suggested that random collecting, preserving and planting seeds without deliberate selection might be an efficient way to conserve genetic resources of medicinal plants. Their effective use was also discussed on the further breeding.  相似文献   

Seventy genotypes belonging to 7 wild and cultivated Vigna species were genetically differentiated using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), universal rice primer (URP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. We identified RAPD marker, OPG13 which produced a species-specific fingerprint profile. This primer characterized all the Vigna species uniquely suggesting an insight for their co-evolution, domestication and interspecific relationship. The cluster analysis of combined data set of all the markers resulted in five major groups. Most of the genotypes belonging to cultivated species formed a specific group whereas all the wild species formed a separate cluster using unweighted paired group method with arithmetic averages and principle component analysis. The Mantel matrix correspondence test resulted in a high matrix correlation with best fit (r = 0.95) from combined marker data. Comparison of three-marker systems showed that SSR marker was more efficient in detecting genetic variability among all the Vigna species. The narrow genetic base of the V. radiata cultivars obtained in the present study emphasized that large germplasm collection should be used in Vigna improvement programme.  相似文献   

The gastropod Hexaplex trunculus is widely distributed in a relatively large range of habitats, but has no dispersal stage. We investigated its genetic structure across its distribution range, from Mediterranean Sea to adjacent Atlantic coasts, by sequencing mitochondrial DNA portions of the NADH dehydrogenase gene ND2 (420 pb) and the internal transcribed spacer ITS2 (450 pb). Our results suggested a significant genetic variability of ND2 (π = 0.009 and Hd = 0.629) and low variability of the ITS2 sequences. A strong phylogeographic break, separated the Aegean populations from those of Western/Eastern Mediterranean and the Atlantic ones, was founded. The tow lineages may have been separated by vicariance events due to the Peloponnese break that separates the Aegean populations from other populations and was maintained until now by the quasi-circular anticyclonic front associated to the straits of Cretan Arc of the Peloponnesian Peninsula. Tunisian coasts appear particularly diverse since the two divergent lineages co-occured. These results may have management consequences since H. trunculus is a high commercial value harvested species.  相似文献   

Rheophilous Osmunda lancea often hybridizes with a dryland ally, Osmunda japonica, to produce O. × intermedia, forming zonation in riverbanks and the adjacent dryland along flooding frequency clines. This study examined the genetic structure of populations consisting of O. × intermedia and the two parental species by analyzing ten nuclear DNA markers [six cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers and three simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed from an expressed sequence tag (EST) library, and the sequence of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene GapCp] and chloroplast DNA sequences. The results suggest that the nuclear genes of O. japonica and O. lancea are genetically differentiated despite shared polymorphism in their chloroplast DNA sequences. This discrepancy may be attributable to natural selection and recent introgression, although it is not evident if introgression occurs between O. japonica and O. lancea in the examined populations. Our findings of putative F2 hybrids in O. × intermedia support its partial reproducibility, and also suggest that formation of later-generation hybrids generates morphological variation in O. × intermedia. O. lancea plants collected from geographically distant localities were genetically very similar, and it is suggested that O. lancea originated monotopically.  相似文献   

Two repeated DNA sequences isolated from a partial genomic DNA library of Helianthus annuus, p HaS13 and p HaS211, were shown to represent portions of the int gene of a Ty3 /gypsy retroelement and of the RNase-Hgene of a Ty1 /copia retroelement, respectively. Southern blotting patterns obtained by hybridizing the two probes to BglII- or DraI-digested genomic DNA from different Helianthus species showed p HaS13 and p HaS211 were parts of dispersed repeats at least 8 and 7 kb in length, respectively, that were conserved in all species studied. Comparable hybridization patterns were obtained in all species with p HaS13. By contrast, the patterns obtained by hybridizing p HaS211 clearly differentiated annual species from perennials. The frequencies of p HaS13- and p HaS211-related sequences in different species were 4.3x10(4)-1.3x10(5) copies and 9.9x10(2)-8.1x10(3) copies per picogram of DNA, respectively. The frequency of p HaS13-related sequences varied widely within annual species, while no significant difference was observed among perennial species. Conversely, the frequency variation of p HaS211-related sequences was as large within annual species as within perennials. Sequences of both families were found to be dispersed along the length of all chromosomes in all species studied. However, Ty3 /gypsy-like sequences were localized preferentially at the centromeric regions, whereas Ty1/ copia-like sequences were less represented or absent around the centromeres and plentiful at the chromosome ends. These findings suggest that the two sequence families played a role in Helianthusgenome evolution and species divergence, evolved independently in the same genomic backgrounds and in annual or perennial species, and acquired different possible functions in the host genomes.  相似文献   

The wild flowering cherry Prunus lannesiana var. speciosa is highly geographically restricted, being confined to the Izu Islands and neighboring peninsulas in Japan. In an attempt to elucidate how populations of this species have established we investigated the genetic diversity and differentiation in seven populations (sampling 408 individuals in total), using three kinds of genetic markers: chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), and 11 nuclear SSR polymorphic loci. Eight haplotypes were identified based on the cpDNA sequence variations, 64 polymorphic fragments were scored for the AFLP markers, and a total of 154 alleles were detected at the 11 nuclear SSR loci. Analysis of molecular variance showed that among-population variation accounted for 16.55, 15.04 and 7.45% of the total detected variation at the cpDNA, AFLPs, and SSR loci, respectively. Thus, variation within populations accounted for most of the genetic variance for all types of markers, although the genetic differentiation among populations was also highly significant. For cpDNA variation, no clear structure was found among the populations, except that of the most distant island, although an “isolation by distance” pattern was found for each marker. Both neighbor-joining trees and structure analysis indicate that the genetic relationships between populations reflect geological variations between the peninsula and the islands and among the islands. Furthermore, hybridization with related species may have affected the genetic structure, and some genetic introgression is likely to have occurred.  相似文献   

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