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Ethylene and gibberellins have a synergistic stimulatory effect on hypocotyl elongation of light-grown Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. seedlings. A screen for mutants with decreased response to these hormones led to the isolation of a novel allele (amp1-7) of the ALTERED MERISTEM PROGRAM (AMP) 1 locus. The amp1-7 allele contains a missense mutation causing a phenotype, which is weaker than that of the amp1-1 mutant that carries a nonsense mutation. The mutant phenotype prompted the hypothesis that AMP1 is involved in ethylene and GA signalling pathways or in a parallel pathway-controlling cell and hypocotyl elongation and cellular organization. Amp1 mutants contain higher zeatin concentrations causing enlargement of the apical meristem, which was confirmed by cytokinin application to wild type seedlings. Light grown amp1 seedlings have shorter hypocotyls than wild type; however, application of cytokinins promotes hypocotyl elongation of both Col-0 and amp1. We suggest that in amp1 mutants either zeatin overproduction or its action is strictly localized. Nelson J. M. Saibo and Wim H. Vriezen contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The foodborne pathogen Bacillus cereus can form biofilms on various food contact surfaces, leading to contamination of food products. To study the mechanisms of biofilm formation by B. cereus, a Tn5401 library was generated from strain UW101C. Eight thousand mutants were screened in EPS, a low nutrient medium. One mutant (M124), with a disruption in codY, developed fourfold less biofilm than the wild-type, and its defective biofilm phenotype was rescued by complementation. Addition of 0.1% casamino acids to EPS prolonged the duration of biofilms in the wild-type but not codY mutant. When decoyinine, a GTP synthesis inhibitor, was added to EPS, biofilm formation was decreased in the wild-type but not the mutant. The codY mutant produced three times higher protease activity than the wild-type. Zymogram and SDS-PAGE data showed that production of the protease (∼130 kDa) was repressed by CodY. Addition of proteinase K to EPS decreased biofilm formation by the wild-type. Using a dpp-lacZ fusion reporter system, it was shown that that the B. cereus CodY can sense amino acids and GTP levels. These data suggest that by responding to amino acids and intracellular GTP levels CodY represses production of an unknown protease and is involved in biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA) and its glucoside (SAG) were detected in xylem sap of Brassica napus by HPLC–MS. Concentrations of SA and SAG in xylem sap from the root and hypocotyl of the plant, and in extracts of shoots above the hypocotyl, increased after infection with the vascular pathogen Verticillium longisporum. Both concentrations were correlated with disease severity assessed as the reduction in shoot length. Furthermore, SAG levels in shoot extracts were correlated with the amount of V. longisporum DNA in the hypocotyls. Although the concentration of SAG (but not SA) in xylem sap of infected plants gradually declined from 14 to 35 days post infection, SAG levels remained significantly higher than in uninfected plants during the whole experiment. Jasmonic acid (JA) and abscisic acid (ABA) levels in xylem sap were not affected by infection with V. longisporum. SA and SAG extend the list of phytohormones potentially transported from root to shoot with the transpiration stream. The physiological relevance of this transport and its contribution to the distribution of SA in plants remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper describes the synthesis of (2S,4S)-4-(N-Ts)- and (2S,4S)-4-(N-Boc)-phenylamino-5-oxoprolines (pyroglutamic acid). These derivatives have been shown to be useful for synthesis of their amides and peptides in spite of steric hindrances caused by bulky groups adjacent to the reaction centre. Under the conditions applied no lactam ring opening and no loss of stereochemical integrity of any of the chiral centres were observed, which has been confirmed by NMR techniques. Received December 29, 2000 Accepted June 26, 2001  相似文献   

Two repeated DNA sequences isolated from a partial genomic DNA library of Helianthus annuus, p HaS13 and p HaS211, were shown to represent portions of the int gene of a Ty3 /gypsy retroelement and of the RNase-Hgene of a Ty1 /copia retroelement, respectively. Southern blotting patterns obtained by hybridizing the two probes to BglII- or DraI-digested genomic DNA from different Helianthus species showed p HaS13 and p HaS211 were parts of dispersed repeats at least 8 and 7 kb in length, respectively, that were conserved in all species studied. Comparable hybridization patterns were obtained in all species with p HaS13. By contrast, the patterns obtained by hybridizing p HaS211 clearly differentiated annual species from perennials. The frequencies of p HaS13- and p HaS211-related sequences in different species were 4.3x10(4)-1.3x10(5) copies and 9.9x10(2)-8.1x10(3) copies per picogram of DNA, respectively. The frequency of p HaS13-related sequences varied widely within annual species, while no significant difference was observed among perennial species. Conversely, the frequency variation of p HaS211-related sequences was as large within annual species as within perennials. Sequences of both families were found to be dispersed along the length of all chromosomes in all species studied. However, Ty3 /gypsy-like sequences were localized preferentially at the centromeric regions, whereas Ty1/ copia-like sequences were less represented or absent around the centromeres and plentiful at the chromosome ends. These findings suggest that the two sequence families played a role in Helianthusgenome evolution and species divergence, evolved independently in the same genomic backgrounds and in annual or perennial species, and acquired different possible functions in the host genomes.  相似文献   

Parasitism of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) megagametophytes by the seed chalcid, Megastigmus spermotrophus Wachtl, occurs naturally after pollination but before fertilization. In the absence of fertilization, the presence of insect larvae within the megagametophyte prevents abortion and the storage tissue continues to develop as if the seed had been fertilized. We investigated the effect of parasitism on the metabolism of abscisic acid (ABA), auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins during early development of Douglas fir seeds. Hormones and hormone metabolites of infested and uninfested megagametophytes with or without pollination were analyzed by HPLC–ESI/MS/MS. At 1 week after Megastigmus introduction, the insect’s presence stimulated ABA accumulation in unpollinated megagametophytes compared to unpollinated, unparasitized megagametophytes. In pollinated material, parasitism did not stimulate ABA accumulation compared to levels present in unparasitized megagametophytes. In all four treatments, the metabolism of ABA occurred primarily through conjugation to the ABA glucose ester (ABAGE), while the 7′-, 8′- and, 9′-hydroxylation pathways were only minor. ABAGE levels declined with time in all treatments and this occurred to a greater extent in pollinated, parasitized megagametophytes, suggesting that the insect’s presence induced the dramatic decrease in ABAGE. Although there were temporal variations in the auxin, cytokinin, and gibberellin profiles of parasitized megagametophytes, the profiles were generally similar to those of unparasitized megagametophytes. Our results suggest that failure of parasitized megagametophytes to abort may be due to the insect inducing similar hormone profiles to those present during normal development of Douglas fir seed.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes to calcareous grassland plots within protected sites, and whether Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. integrifolia can act as a useful indicator species for re-visitation studies within vegetation predicted to remain relatively stable. Twenty-two plots located across lowland England and all formerly containing T. integrifolia were re-surveyed following the methodology used in the original survey undertaken in the 1960s. Pseudo-turnover and between-observer bias were minimised by sampling replicate quadrats at each fixed plot using a single surveyor and at a similar time of year as the original survey. Qualitative details concerning grazing management were obtained for all sites. In contrast to other long-term re-visitation studies, all our study plots were intact and retained diverse, herb-rich vegetation, demonstrating the value of site protection. However, there were clear shifts in vegetation composition, most notably where T. integrifolia was absent, as shown by an increase in Ellenberg fertility and moisture signifying nutrient enrichment, and a decrease in the cover of low-growing, light-demanding specialists, with a change likely to be associated predominantly with grazing management. Whereas in the mid-20th century the greatest threat to calcareous grassland was habitat loss, undergrazing or temporary neglect now appears to pose the principal threat. Distinctive species such as T. integrifolia with marked sensitivity to habitat change provide a potentially useful tool for rapid assessment and monitoring of site quality. Focusing monitoring on such species allows non-expert observers to recognise the early stages of habitat degradation, providing, in effect, a “health check” on individual sites and groups of sites.  相似文献   

The acuB gene of Aspergillus niger is an ortholog of facB in Aspergillus nidulans. Under carbon-repression conditions, facB is repressed, thereby preventing acetate metabolism when the repressing carbon source is present. Even though facB is reported to be repressed directly by CreA, it is believed that a basal level of FacB activity exists under glucose-repressive conditions. In the present study, the effect of deletion of acuB on the physiology of A. niger was assessed. Differences in organic acid and acetate production, enzyme activities and extracellular amino and non-amino organic acid production were determined under glucose-repressing and -derepressing conditions. Furthermore, consumption of alternative carbon sources (e.g. xylose, citrate, lactate and succinate) was investigated. It was shown that AcuB has pleiotropic effects on the physiology of A. niger. The results indicate that metabolic pathways that are not directly involved in acetate metabolism are influenced by acuB deletion. Clear differences in organic acid consumption and production were detected between the ∆acuB and reference strain. However, the hypothesis that AcuB is responsible for basal AcuA activity necessary for activation of acetate metabolic pathways, even during growth on glucose, could not be confirmed. The experiments demonstrated that also when acuB was deleted, no acetate was formed. Therefore, AcuB cannot be the only activator of AcuA, and another control mechanism has to be available for activating AcuA.  相似文献   

In vitro culture of stemless carline thistle was established using immature zygotic embryos. A satisfactory bud multiplication was achieved on MS medium supplemented with BAP (1 mg L–1) and IAA (0.2 mg L–1). Maximum rooting of buds was induced upon short cultivation (4 or 8 days) on an auxin-supplemented medium. Highest number of roots was obtained with NAA in the medium while the longest roots developed on the IAA-supplemented medium. Plantlets that subsequently developed were in rosette form if grown in light (16/8 h light to darkness photoperiod) and with elongated stems if raised in darkness. Light grown plantlets treated with GA3 showed dose dependent stem increase in length, reaching maximum at the concentration of 10–4 M. This was correlated with the length and the average number of internodes. If cultivated in the presence of ancymidol, dark grown plantlets showed reduced stem length. However, the inhibitory effect of the growth retardant on stem elongation was completely overcome by the addition of GA3.  相似文献   

Seol E  Jung Y  Lee J  Cho C  Kim T  Rhee Y  Lee S 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(7):1197-1206
Notocactus scopa cv. Soonjung was subjected to in planta Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation with vacuum infiltration, pin-pricking, and a combination of the two methods. The pin-pricking combined with vacuum infiltration (20-30 cmHg for 15 min) resulted in a transformation efficiency of 67-100%, and the expression of the uidA and nptII genes was detected in transformed cactus. The established in planta transformation technique generated a transgenic cactus with higher transformation efficiency, shortened selection process, and stable gene expression via asexual reproduction. All of the results showed that the in planta transformation method utilized in the current study provided an efficient and time-saving procedure for the delivery of genes into the cactus genome, and that this technique can be applied to other asexually reproducing succulent plant species.  相似文献   

The growth and aroma contribution of Microbacterium foliorum, Proteus vulgaris and Psychrobacter sp., some common but rarely mentioned cheese bacteria, were investigated in a cheese model deacidified by Debaryomyces hansenii during the ripening process. Our results show that these bacteria had distinct growth and cheese flavour production patterns during the ripening process. P. vulgaris had the greatest capacity to produce not only the widest variety but also the highest quantities of volatile compounds with low olfactive thresholds, e.g. volatile sulphur compounds and branched-chain alcohols. Such compounds produced by P. vulgaris increased after 21 days of ripening and reached a maximum at 41 days. The three bacteria studied exhibited various degrees of caseinolytic, aminopeptidase and deaminase activities. Moreover, P. vulgaris had a greater capacity for hydrolysing casein and higher deaminase activity. Our results show that P. vulgaris, a Gram-negative bacterium naturally present on the surface of ripened cheeses, could produce high concentrations of flavour compounds from amino acid degradation during the ripening process. Its flavouring role in cheese cannot be neglected. Moreover, it could be a useful organism for producing natural flavours as dairy ingredients.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) has been implicated in determining the outcome of interactions between many plants and their pathogens. We had previously shown that increased concentrations of ABA within leaves of Arabidopsis induced susceptibility towards an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar (pv.) tomato. We now show that ABA induces susceptibility via suppression of the accumulation of components crucial for a resistance response. Lignin and salicylic acid concentrations in leaves were increased during a resistant interaction but reduced when plants were treated with ABA. The reduction in lignin and salicylic acid production was independent of the development of the hypersensitive response (HR), indicating that, in this host-pathogen system, HR is not required for resistance. Genome-wide gene expression analysis using microarrays showed that treatment with ABA suppressed the expression of many defence-related genes, including those important for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and those encoding resistance-related proteins. Together, these results show that resistance induction in Arabidopsis to an avirulent strain of P. syringae pv. tomato is regulated by ABA. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and Tc transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases, that the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae has several maT-like transposons, which we have designated as CbmaT elements, dispersed throughout its genome. We also describe two additional transposon sequences that probably share their evolutionary history with the CbmaT transposons. One resembles a fold back variant of a CbmaT element, with long (380-bp) inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) that show a high degree (71%) of identity to CbmaT1. The other, which shares only the 26-bp ITR sequences with one of the CbmaT variants, is present in eight nearly identical copies, but does not have a transposase gene and may therefore be cross mobilised by a CbmaT transposase. Using PCR-based mobility assays, we show that CbmaT1 transposons are capable of excising from the C. briggsae genome. CbmaT1 excised approximately 500 times less frequently than Tcb1 in the reference strain AF16, but both CbmaT1 and Tcb1 excised at extremely high frequencies in the HK105 strain. The HK105 strain also exhibited a high frequency of spontaneous induction of unc-22 mutants, suggesting that it may be a mutator strain of C. briggsae.  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying susceptibility of legumes to the root pathogen Aphanomyces euteiches (oomycota), comparative proteomic studies have been carried out. In a first approach, we have analysed two Medicago truncatula lines of the French CORE collection (F83.005-5 (R2002) and F83.005-9 (R2002)), which showed either increased or decreased susceptibility to A. euteiches as compared to the widely adopted line A17. Several proteins were identified to be differentially induced after pathogen challenge in the two M. truncatula accessions with altered disease susceptibility, whereof proteins with increased abundances in the more resistant line F83.005-9 could be involved in mechanisms that lead to an improved disease resistance. Among these proteins, we identified two proteasome alpha subunits, which might be involved in defense response. To broaden our studies on A. euteiches-tolerance of M. truncatula, we investigated two other phenomena that lead to an either increased A. euteiches-resistance or to an enhanced susceptibility. The topic of an enhanced plant resistance to A. euteiches was studied in plants showing a bioprotective effect of a pre-established arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) symbiosis. Evaluation of root fresh weights and pathogen spreading in the root system clearly indicate that mycorrhizal plants show increased A. euteiches-resistance as compared to non-mycorrhizal plants. Proteome analyses revealed the induction of similar protein patterns as in the M. truncatula accessions with comparatively high resistance level to A. euteiches. In a third approach, increased A. euteiches susceptibility was effected by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) application prior to root infection. Evaluation of the abundance levels of a group of pathogenesis related class 10 (PR10)-like proteins, which were previously identified to be regulated after A. euteiches infection, revealed a correlation between the abundance levels of these proteins and the A. euteiches infection level or severity. Requests concerning seeds from the Medicago truncatula lines F83.005-5 and F83.005-9 should be addressed to Jean-Marie Prospéri, INRA-SGAP Laboratory, Laboratoire de Ressources Génétiques et d’Amélioration des Luzernes méditerranéennes, Mauguio, France, jean-marie.prosperi@ensam.inra.fr.  相似文献   

Although the hormones, gibberellin and auxin, are known to play a role in the initiation of fruits, no such function has yet been demonstrated for abscisic acid (ABA). However, ABA signaling and ABA responses are high in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) ovaries before pollination and decrease thereafter (Vriezen et al. in New Phytol 177:60–76, 2008). As a first step to understanding the role of ABA in ovary development and fruit set in tomato, we analyzed ABA content and the expression of genes involved in its metabolism in relation to pollination. We show that ABA levels are relatively high in mature ovaries and decrease directly after pollination, while an increase in the ABA metabolite dihydrophaseic acid was measured. An important regulator of ABA biosynthesis in tomato is 9-cis-epoxy-carotenoid dioxygenase (LeNCED1), whose mRNA level in ovaries is reduced after pollination. The increased catabolism is likely caused by strong induction of one of four newly identified putative (+)ABA 8′-hydroxylase genes. This gene was named SlCYP707A1 and is expressed specifically in ovules and placenta. Transgenic plants, overexpressing SlCYP707A1, have reduced ABA levels and exhibit ABA-deficient phenotypes suggesting that this gene encodes a functional ABA 8′-hydroxylase. Gibberellin and auxin application have different effects on the LeNCED1 and SlCYP707A1 gene expression. The crosstalk between auxins, gibberellins and ABA during fruit set is discussed.  相似文献   

Peculiarities of the rat behavior were studied in a series of experimental stress models after a systemic administration of new N-uronoyl derivatives of amino acids. The psychotropic effect was shown to be determined by the nature of the amino acid fragment. N-(1,2:3,4-Di-O-isopropylidene-α-D-galactopyraneuronoyl)-glycylglycine exhibited an anxiolytic effect more pronounced than that of pyracetam, whereas N-(1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropilidene-α-D-galactopyranuronoyl)-glycylglutamic acid has antidepressant action stronger than that of amitriptyline. Mechanisms for the psychotropic effects of the examined derivatives are discussed.  相似文献   

Aggregatibacter (Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans P7–20 strain isolated from a periodontally diseased patient has produced a bacteriocin (named as actinomycetemcomitin) that is active against Peptostreptococcus anaerobius ATCC 27337. Actinomycetemcomitin was produced during exponential and stationary growth phases, and its amount decreased until it disappeared during the decline growth phase. It was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation (30–60% saturation), and further by FPLC (mono-Q ionic exchange and Phenyl Superose hydrophobic interaction) and HPLC (C-18 reversed-phase). This bacteriocin loses its activity after incubation at a pH below 7.0 or above 8.0, following heating for 30 min at 45°C, and after treatment with proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin, α-chymotrypsin, and papain. Actinomycetemcomitin has a molecular mass of 20.3 KDa and it represents a new bacteriocin from A. actinomycetemcomitans.  相似文献   

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