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A minimal model proposed by the author [Zhdanov, V.P., 2004. Stochastic kinetics of reproduction of virions inside a cell. Biosystems 77, 143–150] to describe intracellular viral kinetics includes genome replication, mRNA and protein synthesis and degradation, capsid assembly, and virion release from a cell. Here, this model is complemented by the terms describing the balance of the amino acid determining the rate of the synthesis of viral capsid protein. If the effect of virions on this balance is negligible, the model predicts either a steady state or unlimited growth of the virion population. In the latter case, the cell eventually reaches the situation when the amino-acid concentration is reduced due to the synthesis of viral protein. For this stage, the viral-genome replication is asymptotically predicted to be unlimited while the virion population is limited. The unlimited viral-genome replication practically means that the cell will either die or the kinetics will be limited by additional feedbacks which were not taken into account in the model. All these findings, illustrating the use of the methods of integrative biology of biosystems, help to understand the role of the amino-acid supply in intracellular viral kinetics.  相似文献   

The author presents Monte Carlo simulations of the temporal kinetics of the formation of cancer metastases with emphasis on cancer stem cells. The model used implies the existence of premetastatic niches. The population of cancer stem cells located outside tumors and inducing the formation of new tumors in niches is considered to be heterogeneous. If the niches are equivalent with respect to the formation of metastases, the kinetics are predicted to exhibit an induction period and then rapid growth of the number of metastases. If the niches are heterogeneous, the kinetics are found to be more gradual.  相似文献   

Both RNA-binding proteins (RBP) and miRNA play important roles in the regulation of mRNA expression, often acting together to regulate a target mRNA. In some cases the RBP and miRNA have been reported to act competitively, but in other instances they function cooperatively. Here, we investigated HuR function as an enhancer of let-7-mediated translational repression of c-Myc despite the separation of their binding sites. Using an in vitro system, we determined that a let-7 mimic, consisting of single-stranded (ss)DNA complementary to the let-7 binding site, enhanced the affinity of HuR for a 122-nt MYC RNA encompassing both binding sites. This finding supports the biophysical principle of cooperative binding by an RBP and miRNA purely through interactions at distal mRNA binding sites.  相似文献   

Fractional rates (% · day–1) of synthesis and degradation were determined by measuring the output of N-methylhistidine (MeHis) in the excreta at 4 and 8 weeks of age in the chicken. At 4 weeks of age, the fractional rate of synthesis of the meat-type stock was twice that of the egg-type stock (White Leghorn), but the fractional rates of synthesis at 8 weeks of age were similar (4.1–5.1% · day–1) among stocks. The fractional rate of degradation (1.3–1.5% · day–1) of the meat-type stock at 8 weeks of age was less than half the rate of the egg-type stock (2.9% · day–1). The fractional rates of synthesis and degradation at 4 weeks of age in the Satsuma native fowl were relatively high compared with those in the other stocks. In particular, the rate of degradation (8.6% · day–1) at 4 weeks of age was approximately twice that of other stocks. These results show that fractional rates of synthesis and degradation of muscle protein in the chicken differ among genetically diverse groups. The effect of changes in rates of synthesis and degradation on the change in fractional growth rate also differed. From regression coefficients (bK s · FGR and bK d · FGR) of these rates in skeletal muscle protein on the fractional growth rate, it was recognized that the change in growth rate accompanies the changes in both synthesis and degradation in White Leghorn and commercial broilers but only the change in synthesis in White Plymouth Rock (dw) and Satsuma native fowl.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations and coarse‐grained modeling have been used to analyze Histatin 5, an unstructured short cationic salivary peptide known to have anticandidical properties. The calculated scattering functions have been compared with intensity curves and the distance distribution function P(r) obtained from small angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS), at both high and low salt concentrations. The aim was to achieve a molecular understanding and a physico‐chemical insight of the obtained SAXS results and to gain information of the conformational changes of Histatin 5 due to altering salt content, charge distribution, and net charge. From a modeling perspective, the accuracy of the electrostatic interactions are of special interest. The used coarse‐grained model was based on the primitive model in which charged hard spheres differing in charge and in size represent the ionic particles, and the solvent only enters the model through its relative permittivity. The Hamiltonian of the model comprises three different contributions: (i) excluded volumes, (ii) electrostatic, and (iii) van der Waals interactions. Even though the model can be considered as gross omitting all atomistic details, a great correspondence is obtained with the experimental results. Proteins 2016; 84:777–791. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Verkhivker GM 《Biopolymers》2004,75(5):420-433
Conformational transitions coupled to binding are studied for the p27(Kip1) protein which undergoes a functional disorder-to-order folding transition during tertiary complex formation with the phosphorylated cyclin A-cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) binary complex. Temperature-induced Monte Carlo simulations of p27(Kip1) unfolding-unbinding carried out from the crystal structure of the tertiary complex have revealed a systematic trend in the hierarchy of structural loss for p27(Kip1) and a considerable difference in mobility of p27(Kip1) secondary structure elements. The most persistent interactions of p27(Kip1) at the intermolecular interface during unfolding-unbinding simulations are formed by beta-hairpin and beta-strand that on average maintain their structural integrity considerably longer than other p27(Kip1) elements. We have found that the ensemble of unfolded p27(Kip1) conformations is characterized by transitions between mostly unbound, collapsed conformations and entropically favorable p27(Kip1) conformations, which are weakly bound to the cyclin A side of the binary complex. The results of this study are consistent with the experimental evidence pointing to this region of the intermolecular interface as a potential initiation docking site during binding reaction and may reconcile conflicting experimental hypotheses on the recognition of substrate recruitment motifs.  相似文献   

This report examines in detail the metabolism of the cyclin protein B1 during meiotic maturation and following the activation of mature mouse oocytes using immunoprecipitation of the radiolabelled protein. The net synthesis of cyclin B increases progressively during meiotic maturation, reaching its maximum levels at least 1 h before oocytes exit into metaphase of meiosis II (MII). This increase correlates with the rise in cdc2 kinase activity reported previously and suggests an association between the length of the first meiotic M phase (MI) and the net synthesis of cyclin B, that seems to regulate the time required for the cdc2 kinase to reach its maximum activity. Moreover, no marked degradation of cyclin B was observed before the MI to MII transition and that which occurs does so independently of the presence of microtubules, which are essential for cyclin degradation during metaphase II arrest and exit of oocytes into interphase of the first mitotic cell cycle. Cyclin B is degraded rapidly during the transitions MI to MII, MII to the first mitotic interphase and MII to an abortive third metaphase state (MIII). However, whilst its degradation was incomplete during the MI to MII transition, virtually no cyclin B protein was detected following both the MII to interphase and MII to MIII transitions. Thus, the decision of oocytes to exit into MIII, or interphase is not controlled at the level of cyclin B degradation. Lastly, in aging, non-activated oocytes, the net synthesis of cyclin B declines. Whereas, in activated eggs cultured in parallel although the rate of net synthesis declines initially, it is effectively ‘rescued’ being two-fold greater than in non-activated oocytes of an equivalent age. This gradual fall in the net synthesis of cyclin B observed in aging oocytes may contribute to the increasing ease with which they become activated, compared to recently ovulated oocytes.  相似文献   

microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs that deregulate and/or decrease the expression of target messenger RNAs (mRNAs), which specifically contribute to complex diseases. In our study, we reanalyzed an integrated data to promote classification performance by rebuilding miRNA–mRNA modules, in which a group of deregulated miRNAs cooperatively regulated a group of significant mRNAs. In five-fold cross validation, the multiple processes flow considered the biological and statistical significant correlations. First, of statistical significant miRNAs, 6 were identified as core miRNAs. Second, in the 13 significant pathways enriched by gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA), 705 deregulated mRNAs were found. Based on the union of predicted sets and correlation sets, 6 modules were built. Finally, after verified by test sets, three indexes, including area under the ROC curve (AUC), Accuracy and Matthews correlation coefficients (MCCs), indicated only 4 modules (miR-106b-CIT-KPNA2-miR-93, miR-106b-POLQ-miR-93, miR-107-BTRC-UBR3-miR-16 and miR-200c-miR-16-EIF2B5-miR-15b) had discriminated ability and their classification performance were prior to that of the single molecules. By applying this flow to different subtypes, Module 1 was the consistent module across subtypes, but some different modules were still specific to each subtype. Taken together, this method gives new insight to building modules related to complex diseases and simultaneously can give a supplement to explain the mechanism of breast cancer (BC).  相似文献   

Puralpha has been implicated in mRNA transport and translation in neurons. We previously reported that Puralpha is a component of mRNA/protein complexes (Puralpha-mRNPs) with several other proteins. Among them, we found the C9orf10 (Homo sapiens chromosome 9 open reading frame 10) protein, which was recently characterized as a component of RNA-containing structures. However, C9orf10 itself remains poorly understood. To characterize C9orf10 expression at the protein level, we raised an antibody against C9orf10 and compared the spatial and developmental expressions of this protein and Puralpha in the mouse brain. C9orf10 was expressed as early as embryo stage 12, whereas Puralpha was expressed from 5 days after birth. In adults, C9orf10 expression was most prominent in the hippocampus, caudate putamen, cerebral cortex, and cerebellum, unlike the uniform distribution of Puralpha. C9orf10-positive cells also showed immunoreactivity to Puralpha. C9orf10 expression was restricted to neurons, judging by the immunoreactivity to neuron-specific nuclear protein or CaM kinase II. These observations suggest an accessory role of C9orf10 for Puralpha in a limited brain region in addition to other possible functions that have not yet been determined.  相似文献   

The diversity of abundant mRNA sequences in various parts of 4-d etiolated pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. var. Rondo CB) was compared by a cell-free translation of the mRNAs in the presence of [35S]methionine and by an analysis of the products by two-dimensional electrofocussing/ electrophoresis (2D separation). The various parts of the seedlings were also examined for the pattern of protein synthesis in vivo. Proteins were labeled by injection of [35S]methionine into the cotyledons, followed by 2D separation of the products. Over 95% of the abundant mRNA sequences and newly synthesized abundant polypeptides were shared by all parts of etiolated seedlings, including the cotyledons. However, a few distinct differences were observed when comparing mRNAs of roots and shoots; the most prominent among these were a group of six abundant mRNA sequences found exclusively in shoots. Only about 30% of the polypeptides synthesized on isolated RNA could be traced in equivalent positions on the gels as the polypeptides synthesized in vivo. Analysis of total RNA from light-grown pea seedlings showed the appearance of some twenty-five translation products not found with total RNA from etiolated seedlings, while about nine other translation products disappeared. At least ten of the light-induced RNA sequences were also present after growth in low-intensity red light (>600 nm) and are therefore thought to be controlled by the phytochrome system. Comparison of 11-d light-grown pea plants with 4-d light-grown seedlings did not reveal additional translatable RNA sequences, indicating that the major morphogenetic changes that occur after 4 d are not accompanied by significant changes in the pattern of abundant RNA sequences.  相似文献   

An improved generalized comparative modeling method, GENECOMP, for the refinement of threading models is developed and validated on the Fischer database of 68 probe-template pairs, a standard benchmark used to evaluate threading approaches. The basic idea is to perform ab initio folding using a lattice protein model, SICHO, near the template provided by the new threading algorithm PROSPECTOR. PROSPECTOR also provides predicted contacts and secondary structure for the template-aligned regions, and possibly for the unaligned regions by garnering additional information from other top-scoring threaded structures. Since the lowest-energy structure generated by the simulations is not necessarily the best structure, we employed two structure-selection protocols: distance geometry and clustering. In general, clustering is found to generate somewhat better quality structures in 38 of 68 cases. When applied to the Fischer database, the protocol does no harm and in a significant number of cases improves upon the initial threading model, sometimes dramatically. The procedure is readily automated and can be implemented on a genomic scale.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that nc886 (pre-miR-886 or vtRNA2-1) is not a genuine microRNA precursor nor a vault RNA, but a novel type of non-coding RNA that represses PKR, a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) dependent kinase. Here we have characterized their direct physical association. PKR’s two RNA binding domains form a specific and stable complex with nc886’s central portion, without any preference to its 5′-end structure. By binding to PKR with a comparable affinity, nc886 competes with dsRNA and attenuates PKR activation by dsRNA. Our data suggest that nc886 sets a threshold for PKR activation so that it occurs only during genuine viral infection but not by a minute level of fortuitous cellular dsRNA.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) are the most diverse but also the most poorly known family of molecular chaperones, and they play essential roles in various biological processes. The striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), is one of the most serious pests of rice, causing extensive damage and yield loss. In this study, we isolated and characterized five members of the sHSPs family—Cshsp19.8, Cshsp21.4, Cshsp21.5, Cshsp21.7a, and Cshsp21.7b—from C. suppressalis. The cDNAs of these genes encoded proteins of 177, 187, 191, 191, and 191 amino acids with isoelectric points of 7.0, 5.6, 6.1, 6.3, and 6.3, respectively. While Cshsp19.8, Cshsp21.5, and Cshsp21.7b had no introns, Cshsp21.4 and Cshsp21.7a contained one and two introns, respectively. Structural analysis indicated that all five Cshsps possessed conserved arginine and a V/IXI/V motif, which is related to hydrophobic characteristics of sHSPs. The five heat shock proteins can be classified into two main groups: an orthologous type (Cshsp21.4 and Cshsp21.7a) and a species-specific type (Cshsp19.8, Cshsp21.5, and Cshsp21.7b). Real-time quantitative PCR analyses revealed that Cshsp19.8, Cshsp21.5, Cshsp21.7a, and Cshsp21.7b all exhibited their highest expression levels within Malpighian tubules or the hindgut, while such levels were found in the head for Cshsp21.4. The expression of Csshsps at different developmental stages revealed that the mRNA levels of Cshsp19.8, Cshsp21.4, Cshsp21.5, and Cshsp21.7b peaked in adults, whereas the highest level of Cshsp21.7a was observed in first instar larvae. Cshsp19.8 and Cshsp21.7b were both upregulated dramatically by heat and cold, and Cshsp21.5 could be induced by cold stress. Neither Cshsp21.4 nor Cshsp21.7a responded to heat or cold. These results demonstrated that different Csshsps play distinctive roles in the regulation of the physiological activities in C. suppressalis.  相似文献   

Primary leaves of intact bean plants ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were treated with benzyladenine (BA) at different stages of ageing, BA promoted the synthesis of RNA, and soluble and insoluble proteins. The effects of BA stimulation differed depending on the age at which the leaf received the hormone treatment. In leaves attached to the plant, BA appeared to stimulate the rate of synthesis more than the rate of decomposition of RNA and protein, resulting in a net increase in RNA and protein. Both chloroplast and cytoplasmic ribosomes were still observed in intact yellowish green leaves. Polysomes in the cytoplasm increased remarkably when BA treatment was begun at late stages.  相似文献   

Barbara van Cleve  Klaus Apel 《Planta》1993,189(1):157-160
The synthesis of storage proteins in trees of poplar (Populus x canadensis Moench) could not only be induced by a shift from long-day to short-day conditions but also by either a low-temperature treatment or by nitrogen feeding under continuous long-day conditions. The synthesis of the protein did not depend on the cessation of growth and the formation of a terminal bud. The accumulation of the storage protein was in all cases preceded by a drastic increase in the level of the corresponding mRNA.Abbreviations cDNA copy DNA - kDA kilodalton  相似文献   

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