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Retrotestosterone (17beta-hydroxy 9beta 10alpha androst 4-en 3 one) (RT), testosterone propionate (TP), and a combination of TP and RT were administered to adult male rats in order to study the effects of such treatment on male sex organs and spermatogenesis. Although TP treatment did not produce significant reduction in testis weight, RT and RT+TP did. Seminal vesicle (SV) weight was increased by TP treatment and TP+RT treatment, but it was decreased with the RT treatment. Ventral prostate (VP) weight was increased significantly by TP and TP+RT treatment, whereas RT did not alter VP weight. The The pituitary weight of RT- and RT+TP-treated rats was significantly reduced but that of the TP rats was unaltered. Resting spermatocytes, pachytene spermatocytes, Stage 7 spermatids, and spermatogonia were increased in all treatment groups. In castrated rats, the increase in VP and SV weight was significant in the group treated with TP, but in the RT-treated group, S V and VP weights were significantly reduced. Simultaneous administration of TP and RT in 1:1, 1:4, and 1:8 ratios failed to produce statistically significant increases in SV and VP weight. The group treated with 1:20 ratio of RT:TP produced highly significant incre ases in SV and VP weights. In the spermatodynamic study, results showed that RT is comparatively more potent than TP in stimulating spermatogenesis. RT+TP treatment produced maximum increase in the count of resting and pachytene spermatocytes, whereas spermatogonia and Stage 7 spermatids were more than in the TP-treated group but less than in the RT-treated group. The findings indicate that RT is weakly androgenic and unable to stimulate accessory organs but that it is able to block the effect of endogenous androgen on the target tissue.  相似文献   

In adult male lizards, body weight was unchanged after thyroidectomy. The cell height of the sexual segment of the kidneys was decreased significantly (p .001). Weights of testes, vas deferens, hemipenis, and kidneys of thyroidectomized animals were less than those of controls (p .001). At autopsy of thyroidectomized lizards, the testes and the sexual segment of the kidneys were found to be degenerate and inactive at a time when intact animals were at their peak of development.  相似文献   

The in vitro studies on the effect of hypophysial gonadotropins (PRL, FSH, LH) on the maturation events of accessory sex organs in prepuberal male rats revealed that prolactin (PRL) alone has both direct as well as androgen mediated effect on the maturation activities. The effect of PRL is age dependent and it had higher activation on the gland system than the duct system.  相似文献   

The effect of Hibiscus rosa sinensis Linn. on the estrous cycle and reproductive organs was studied in female albino rats. Depending on the dose and duration of treatment, the benzene extract of the flowers disrupted the estrous cycle. Treatment for 30 days resulted in a significant (p less than .05) reduction in the weight of the ovaries, uterus, and pituitary gland. Ovarian follicular atresia and uterine atrophy were observed. Treatment resulted in degranulated gonadotrophs in the pituitary, with the extent of damage being dose-dependent.  相似文献   

The effects of gonadectomy and gonadal hormones on singly-established H. diminuta in rats on “complete” and “deficient” diets have been studied by means of estimations of the number of eggs eliminated by the parasite per 24-hour periods over varying intervals of time.  相似文献   

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