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In this paper, support vector machines (SVMs) are applied to predict the nucleic-acid-binding proteins. We constructed two classifiers to differentiate DNA/RNA-binding proteins from non-nucleic-acid-binding proteins by using a conjoint triad feature which extract information directly from amino acids sequence of protein. Both self-consistency and jackknife tests show promising results on the protein datasets in which the sequences identity is less than 25%. In the self-consistency test, the predictive accuracy is 90.37% for DNA-binding proteins and 89.70% for RNA-binding proteins. In the jackknife test, the predictive accuracies are 78.93% and 76.75%, respectively. Comparison results show that our method is very competitive by outperforming other previously published sequence-based prediction methods.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that cold shock domain proteins (CSDPs) and glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins (GRPs) have been implicated to play a role during the cold adaptation process, their importance and function in eukaryotes, including plants, are largely unknown. To understand the functional role of plant CSDPs and GRPs in the cold response, two CSDPs (CSDP1 and CSDP2) and three GRPs (GRP2, GRP4 and GRP7) from Arabidopsis thaliana were investigated. Heterologous expression of CSDP1 or GRP7 complemented the cold sensitivity of BX04 mutant Escherichia coli that lack four cold shock proteins (CSPs) and is highly sensitive to cold stress, and resulted in better survival rate than control cells during incubation at low temperature. In contrast, CSDP2 and GRP4 had very little ability. Selective evolution of ligand by exponential enrichment (SELEX) revealed that GRP7 does not recognize specific RNAs but binds preferentially to G-rich RNA sequences. CSDP1 and GRP7 had DNA melting activity, and enhanced RNase activity. In contrast, CSDP2 and GRP4 had no DNA melting activity and did not enhance RNAase activity. Together, these results indicate that CSDPs and GRPs help E.coli grow and survive better during cold shock, and strongly imply that CSDP1 and GRP7 exhibit RNA chaperone activity during the cold adaptation process.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of support vector machine (SVM) for protein function prediction. Studies are conducted on several groups of proteins with different functions including DNA-binding proteins, RNA-binding proteins, G-protein coupled receptors, drug absorption proteins, drug metabolizing enzymes, drug distribution and excretion proteins. The computed accuracy for the prediction of these proteins is found to be in the range of 82.32% to 99.7%, which illustrates the potential of SVM in facilitating protein function prediction.  相似文献   

In a cell, peptidyl-tRNA molecules that have prematurely dissociated from ribosomes need to be recycled. This work is achieved by an enzyme called peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. To characterize the RNA-binding site of Escherichia coli peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase, minimalist substrates inspired from tRNA(His) have been designed and produced. Two minisubstrates consist of an N-blocked histidylated RNA minihelix or a small RNA duplex mimicking the acceptor and TψC stem regions of tRNA(His). Catalytic efficiency of the hydrolase toward these two substrates is reduced by factors of 2 and 6, respectively, if compared with N-acetyl-histidyl-tRNA(His). In contrast, with an N-blocked histidylated microhelix or a tetraloop missing the TψC arm, efficiency of the hydrolase is reduced 20-fold. NMR mapping of complex formation between the hydrolase and the small RNA duplex indicates amino acid residues sensitive to RNA binding in the following: (i) the enzyme active site region; (ii) the helix-loop covering the active site; (iii) the region including Leu-95 and the bordering residues 111-117, supposed to form the boundary between the tRNA core and the peptidyl-CCA moiety-binding sites; (iv) the region including Lys-105 and Arg-133, two residues that are considered able to clamp the 5'-phosphate of tRNA, and (v) the positively charged C-terminal helix (residues 180-193). Functional value of these interactions is assessed taking into account the catalytic properties of various engineered protein variants, including one in which the C-terminal helix was simply subtracted. A strong role of Lys-182 in helix binding to the substrate is indicated.  相似文献   

The polypeptides present in 35S-labelled chromatin prepared from Escherichia coli cells, and polypeptides present in the DNA and RNA complexes obtained by micrococcal nuclease digestion of the chromatin, were analysed by two-dimensional non-equilibrium polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three hundred and thirty-five 35S-labelled polypeptides were detected in the chromatin whereas the DNA- and RNA-containing fractions of the micrococcal nuclease digest contained 126 and 183 polypeptides respectively. The major basic low-molecular-weight polypeptides were found in the DNA-containing fractions.  相似文献   

Summary Of the molecular species of proteins associated with the nucleoids of Escherichia coli cells, those with relatively high affinity to bind to DNA were isolated and characterized. Seven classes of nucleoid proteins with molecular weights of 9,000, 17,000 (two molecular species), 22,000, 24,000, 27,000 and 28,000 were isolated at more than 90% purity or were partially purified. On the basis of its amino acid composition and other chemical properties, the 9,000 dalton protein was identified as HLP II (or HU protein or BH2) (Pettijohn 1982: Rouvière-Yaniv and Gros 1975; Varshavsky et al. 1978). The 17 K protein consisted of two molecular species and one of these, 17 K (a) protein, seemed to be identical with HLPI (or protein 1 or BH1) reported previously (Pettijohn 1982; Varshavsky et al. 1977; Varshavsky et al. 1978). The 26 K protein was identical to the 22 K protein (Kishi et al. 1982). The 27 K protein showed immunological cross-reactivity with the antibody for histone H2A and was thus identified as the H protein reported previously (Hübscher et al. 1980). Two basic proteins, 9 K and 17 K(a), showed relatively high binding affinities to DNA, while the 28 K protein showed moderate binding affinity. The biological significance of these nucleoid proteins, which constitute a family of proteins participating in formation of the nucleoid structure, is discussed.  相似文献   

A novel approach has been proposed to evaluate the steadiness of polar clusters containing RNA-binding sites on the protein surface. The degree of clusterization of RNA-binding polar residues can be a measure of the steadiness of corresponding polar clusters. Ribosomal protein L25 from E. coli forms a complex with a fragment of 5S rRNA by means of two binding sites S1 and S2. We have examined cluster distribution of RNA-contacting polar residues on the protein surface by using the data of two states: complex state (in crystal and solution) and free state (in solution). For the crystal, the extent of clusterization of binding sites S1 and S2 are estimated to be 74.1 and 100%, respectively. For the free state in solution, the degrees of clusterization of these two sites are 22.8 and 68.6%, respectively. Thus, we have obtained a steadiness quantitative measure of two different types of protein sites for binding to RNA: one for the already existing protein binding site, and the other for the RNA-induced protein binding site. It was shown that definite variations of the protein structure in crystal and in solution can be of significant functional meaning. The result could be applied to the structural behavior of numerous protein complexes with double-stranded RNA and DNA.  相似文献   

The view that autosomal gene expression is controlled exclusively by protein trans-acting factors has been challenged recently by the identification of RNA molecules that regulate chromatin. In the majority of cases where RNA molecules are implicated in DNA control, the molecular mechanisms are unknown, in large part because the RNA.protein complexes are uncharacterized. Here, we identify a novel set of RNA-binding proteins that are well known for their function in chromatin regulation. The RNA-interacting proteins are components of the mammalian DNA methylation system. Genomic methylation controls chromatin in the context of transposon silencing, imprinting, and X chromosome dosage compensation. DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) catalyze methylation of cytosines in CGs. The methyl-CGs are recognized by methyl-DNA-binding domain (MBD) proteins, which recruit histone deacetylases and chromatin remodeling proteins to effect silencing. We show that a subset of the DNMTs and MBD proteins can form RNA.protein complexes. We characterize the MBD protein RNA-binding activity and show that it is distinct from the methyl-CG-binding domain and mediates a high affinity interaction with RNA. The RNA and methyl-CG binding properties of the MBD proteins are mutually exclusive. We speculate that DNMTs and MBD proteins allow RNA molecules to participate in DNA methylation-mediated chromatin control.  相似文献   

We have analysed the complete sequence of the Escherichia coli K12 isolate MG1655 genome for chromatin-associated protein binding sites, and compared the predicted location of predicted sites with experimental expression data from 'DNA chip' experiments. Of the dozen proteins associated with chromatin in E. coli, only three have been shown to have significant binding preferences: integration host factor (IHF) has the strongest binding site preference, and FIS sites show a weak consensus, and there is no clear consensus site for binding of the H-NS protein. Using hidden Markov models (HMMs), we predict the location of 608 IHF sites, scattered throughout the genome. A subset of the IHF sites associated with repeats tends to be clustered around the origin of replication. We estimate there could be roughly 6000 FIS sites in E. coli, and the sites tend to be localised in two regions flanking the replication termini. We also show that the regions upstream of genes regulated by H-NS are more curved and have a higher AT content than regions upstream of other genes. These regions in general would also be localised near the replication terminus.  相似文献   

Crotonobetaine reductase from Escherichia coli consists of two proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crotonobetaine reductase from Escherichia coli is composed of two proteins (component I (CI) and component II (CII)). CI has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from a cell-free extract of E. coli O44 K74. The purified protein shows l(-)-carnitine dehydratase activity and its N-terminal amino acid sequence is identical to the caiB gene product from E. coli O44 K74. The relative molecular mass of CI has been determined to be 86100. It is composed of two identical subunits with a molecular mass of 42600. The isoelectric point of CI was found to be 4.3. CII was purified from an overexpression strain in one step by ion exchange chromatography on Fractogel EMD TMAE 650(S). The N-terminal amino acid sequence of CII shows absolute identity with the N-terminal sequence of the caiA gene product, i.e. of the postulated crotonobetaine reductase. The relative molecular mass of the protein is 164400 and it is composed of four identical subunits of molecular mass 41500. The isoelectric point of CII is 5.6. CII contains non-covalently bound FAD in a molar ratio of 1:1. In the crotonobetaine reductase reaction one dimer of CI associates with one tetramer of CII. A still unknown low-molecular-mass effector described for the l(-)-carnitine dehydratase is also necessary for crotonobetaine reductase activity. Monoclonal antibodies were raised against the two components of crotonobetaine reductase.  相似文献   

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