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Chen H  Geng Z  Zhou XH 《Biometrics》2009,65(3):675-682
Summary .  In this article, we first study parameter identifiability in randomized clinical trials with noncompliance and missing outcomes. We show that under certain conditions the parameters of interest are identifiable even under different types of completely nonignorable missing data: that is, the missing mechanism depends on the outcome. We then derive their maximum likelihood and moment estimators and evaluate their finite-sample properties in simulation studies in terms of bias, efficiency, and robustness. Our sensitivity analysis shows that the assumed nonignorable missing-data model has an important impact on the estimated complier average causal effect (CACE) parameter. Our new method provides some new and useful alternative nonignorable missing-data models over the existing latent ignorable model, which guarantees parameter identifiability, for estimating the CACE in a randomized clinical trial with noncompliance and missing data.  相似文献   

Using data from 145,007 adults in the Disability Supplement to the National Health Interview Survey, we investigated the effect of balance difficulties on frequent depression after controlling for age, gender, race, and other baseline health status information. There were two major complications: (i) 80% of subjects were missing data on depression and the missing-data mechanism was likely related to depression, and (ii) the data arose from a complex sample survey. To adjust for (i) we investigated three classes of models: missingness in depression, missingness in depression and balance, and missingness in depression with an auxiliary variable. To adjust for (ii) we developed the first linearization variance formula for nonignorable missing-data models. Our sensitivity analysis was based on fitting a range of ignorable missing-data models along with nonignorable missing-data models that added one or two parameters. All nonignorable missing-data models that we considered fit the data substantially better than their ignorable missing-data counterparts. Under an ignorable missing-data mechanism, the odds ratio for the association between balance and depression was 2.0 with a 95% CI of (1.8, 2.2). Under 29 of the 30 selected nonignorable missing-data models, the odds ratios ranged from 2.7 with 95% CI of (2.3, 3.1) to 4.2 with 95% CI of (3.9, 4.6). Under one nonignorable missing-data model, the odds ratio was 7.4 with 95% CI of (6.3, 8.6). This is the first analysis to find a strong association between balance difficulties and frequent depression.  相似文献   

Summary Randomized experiments are the gold standard for evaluating proposed treatments. The intent to treat estimand measures the effect of treatment assignment, but not the effect of treatment if subjects take treatments to which they are not assigned. The desire to estimate the efficacy of the treatment in this case has been the impetus for a substantial literature on compliance over the last 15 years. In papers dealing with this issue, it is typically assumed there are different types of subjects, for example, those who will follow treatment assignment (compliers), and those who will always take a particular treatment irrespective of treatment assignment. The estimands of primary interest are the complier proportion and the complier average treatment effect (CACE). To estimate CACE, researchers have used various methods, for example, instrumental variables and parametric mixture models, treating compliers as a single class. However, it is often unreasonable to believe all compliers will be affected. This article therefore treats compliers as a mixture of two types, those belonging to a zero‐effect class, others to an effect class. Second, in most experiments, some subjects drop out or simply do not report the value of the outcome variable, and the failure to take into account missing data can lead to biased estimates of treatment effects. Recent work on compliance in randomized experiments has addressed this issue by assuming missing data are missing at random or latently ignorable. We extend this work to the case where compliers are a mixture of types and also examine alternative types of nonignorable missing data assumptions.  相似文献   

Yuan Y  Little RJ 《Biometrics》2009,65(2):487-496
Summary .  Consider a meta-analysis of studies with varying proportions of patient-level missing data, and assume that each primary study has made certain missing data adjustments so that the reported estimates of treatment effect size and variance are valid. These estimates of treatment effects can be combined across studies by standard meta-analytic methods, employing a random-effects model to account for heterogeneity across studies. However, we note that a meta-analysis based on the standard random-effects model will lead to biased estimates when the attrition rates of primary studies depend on the size of the underlying study-level treatment effect. Perhaps ignorable within each study, these types of missing data are in fact not ignorable in a meta-analysis. We propose three methods to correct the bias resulting from such missing data in a meta-analysis: reweighting the DerSimonian–Laird estimate by the completion rate; incorporating the completion rate into a Bayesian random-effects model; and inference based on a Bayesian shared-parameter model that includes the completion rate. We illustrate these methods through a meta-analysis of 16 published randomized trials that examined combined pharmacotherapy and psychological treatment for depression.  相似文献   

In problems with missing or latent data, a standard approach is to first impute the unobserved data, then perform all statistical analyses on the completed dataset--corresponding to the observed data and imputed unobserved data--using standard procedures for complete-data inference. Here, we extend this approach to model checking by demonstrating the advantages of the use of completed-data model diagnostics on imputed completed datasets. The approach is set in the theoretical framework of Bayesian posterior predictive checks (but, as with missing-data imputation, our methods of missing-data model checking can also be interpreted as "predictive inference" in a non-Bayesian context). We consider the graphical diagnostics within this framework. Advantages of the completed-data approach include: (1) One can often check model fit in terms of quantities that are of key substantive interest in a natural way, which is not always possible using observed data alone. (2) In problems with missing data, checks may be devised that do not require to model the missingness or inclusion mechanism; the latter is useful for the analysis of ignorable but unknown data collection mechanisms, such as are often assumed in the analysis of sample surveys and observational studies. (3) In many problems with latent data, it is possible to check qualitative features of the model (for example, independence of two variables) that can be naturally formalized with the help of the latent data. We illustrate with several applied examples.  相似文献   

The coarse data model of Heitjan and Rubin (1991) generalizes the missing data model of Rubin (1976) to cover other forms of incompleteness such as censoring and grouping. The model has 2 components: an ideal data model describing the distribution of the quantity of interest and a coarsening mechanism that describes a distribution over degrees of coarsening given the ideal data. The coarsening mechanism is said to be nonignorable when the degree of coarsening depends on an incompletely observed ideal outcome, in which case failure to properly account for it can spoil inferences. A theme in recent research is to measure sensitivity to nonignorability by evaluating the effect of a small departure from ignorability on the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of a parameter of the ideal data model. One such construct is the "index of local sensitivity to nonignorability" (ISNI) (Troxel and others, 2004), which is the derivative of the MLE with respect to a nonignorability parameter evaluated at the ignorable model. In this paper, we adapt ISNI to Bayesian modeling by instead defining it as the derivative of the posterior expectation. We propose the application of ISNI as a first step in judging the robustness of a Bayesian analysis to nonignorable coarsening. We derive formulas for a range of models and apply the method to evaluate sensitivity to nonignorable coarsening in 2 real data examples, one involving missing CD4 counts in an HIV trial and the other involving potentially informatively censored relapse times in a leukemia trial.  相似文献   

Recently, instrumental variables methods have been used to address non-compliance in randomized experiments. Complicating such analyses is often the presence of missing data. The standard model for missing data, missing at random (MAR), has some unattractive features in this context. In this paper we compare MAR-based estimates of the complier average causal effect (CACE) with an estimator based on an alternative, nonignorable model for the missing data process, developed by Frangakis and Rubin (1999, Biometrika, 86, 365-379). We also introduce a new missing data model that, like the Frangakis-Rubin model, is specially suited for models with instrumental variables, but makes different substantive assumptions. We analyze these issues in the context of a randomized trial of breast self-examination (BSE). In the study two methods of teaching BSE, consisting of either mailed information about BSE (the standard treatment) or the attendance of a course involving theoretical and practical sessions (the new treatment), were compared with the aim of assessing whether teaching programs could increase BSE practice and improve examination skills. The study was affected by the two sources of bias mentioned above: only 55% of women assigned to receive the new treatment complied with their assignment and 35% of the women did not respond to the post-test questionnaire. Comparing the causal estimand of the new treatment using the MAR, Frangakis-Rubin, and our new approach, the results suggest that for these data the MAR assumption appears least plausible, and that the new model appears most plausible among the three choices.  相似文献   

Daniels MJ  Hogan JW 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):1241-1248
Pattern mixture models are frequently used to analyze longitudinal data where missingness is induced by dropout. For measured responses, it is typical to model the complete data as a mixture of multivariate normal distributions, where mixing is done over the dropout distribution. Fully parameterized pattern mixture models are not identified by incomplete data; Little (1993, Journal of the American Statistical Association 88, 125-134) has characterized several identifying restrictions that can be used for model fitting. We propose a reparameterization of the pattern mixture model that allows investigation of sensitivity to assumptions about nonidentified parameters in both the mean and variance, allows consideration of a wide range of nonignorable missing-data mechanisms, and has intuitive appeal for eliciting plausible missing-data mechanisms. The parameterization makes clear an advantage of pattern mixture models over parametric selection models, namely that the missing-data mechanism can be varied without affecting the marginal distribution of the observed data. To illustrate the utility of the new parameterization, we analyze data from a recent clinical trial of growth hormone for maintaining muscle strength in the elderly. Dropout occurs at a high rate and is potentially informative. We undertake a detailed sensitivity analysis to understand the impact of missing-data assumptions on the inference about the effects of growth hormone on muscle strength.  相似文献   

Mattei A  Mealli F 《Biometrics》2007,63(2):437-446
In this article we present an extended framework based on the principal stratification approach (Frangakis and Rubin, 2002, Biometrics 58, 21-29), for the analysis of data from randomized experiments which suffer from treatment noncompliance, missing outcomes following treatment noncompliance, and "truncation by death." We are not aware of any previous work that addresses all these complications jointly. This framework is illustrated in the context of a randomized trial of breast self-examination.  相似文献   

Taylor L  Zhou XH 《Biometrics》2009,65(1):88-95
Summary .  Randomized clinical trials are a powerful tool for investigating causal treatment effects, but in human trials there are oftentimes problems of noncompliance which standard analyses, such as the intention-to-treat or as-treated analysis, either ignore or incorporate in such a way that the resulting estimand is no longer a causal effect. One alternative to these analyses is the complier average causal effect (CACE) which estimates the average causal treatment effect among a subpopulation that would comply under any treatment assigned. We focus on the setting of a randomized clinical trial with crossover treatment noncompliance (e.g., control subjects could receive the intervention and intervention subjects could receive the control) and outcome nonresponse. In this article, we develop estimators for the CACE using multiple imputation methods, which have been successfully applied to a wide variety of missing data problems, but have not yet been applied to the potential outcomes setting of causal inference. Using simulated data we investigate the finite sample properties of these estimators as well as of competing procedures in a simple setting. Finally we illustrate our methods using a real randomized encouragement design study on the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine.  相似文献   

Zhang N  Little RJ 《Biometrics》2012,68(3):933-942
Summary We consider the linear regression of outcome Y on regressors W and Z with some values of W missing, when our main interest is the effect of Z on Y, controlling for W. Three common approaches to regression with missing covariates are (i) complete‐case analysis (CC), which discards the incomplete cases, and (ii) ignorable likelihood methods, which base inference on the likelihood based on the observed data, assuming the missing data are missing at random ( Rubin, 1976b ), and (iii) nonignorable modeling, which posits a joint distribution of the variables and missing data indicators. Another simple practical approach that has not received much theoretical attention is to drop the regressor variables containing missing values from the regression modeling (DV, for drop variables). DV does not lead to bias when either (i) the regression coefficient of W is zero or (ii) W and Z are uncorrelated. We propose a pseudo‐Bayesian approach for regression with missing covariates that compromises between the CC and DV estimates, exploiting information in the incomplete cases when the data support DV assumptions. We illustrate favorable properties of the method by simulation, and apply the proposed method to a liver cancer study. Extension of the method to more than one missing covariate is also discussed.  相似文献   

We consider longitudinal studies in which the outcome observed over time is binary and the covariates of interest are categorical. With no missing responses or covariates, one specifies a multinomial model for the responses given the covariates and uses maximum likelihood to estimate the parameters. Unfortunately, incomplete data in the responses and covariates are a common occurrence in longitudinal studies. Here we assume the missing data are missing at random (Rubin, 1976, Biometrika 63, 581-592). Since all of the missing data (responses and covariates) are categorical, a useful technique for obtaining maximum likelihood parameter estimates is the EM algorithm by the method of weights proposed in Ibrahim (1990, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85, 765-769). In using the EM algorithm with missing responses and covariates, one specifies the joint distribution of the responses and covariates. Here we consider the parameters of the covariate distribution as a nuisance. In data sets where the percentage of missing data is high, the estimates of the nuisance parameters can lead to highly unstable estimates of the parameters of interest. We propose a conditional model for the covariate distribution that has several modeling advantages for the EM algorithm and provides a reduction in the number of nuisance parameters, thus providing more stable estimates in finite samples.  相似文献   

When the transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT) is applied to multilocus haplotypes, a bias may be introduced in some families for which both parents have the same heterozygous genotype at some locus. The bias occurs because haplotypes can only be deduced from certain offspring, with the result that the transmissions of the two parental haplotypes are not independent. We obtain an unbiased TDT for individual haplotypes by calculating the correct variance for the transmission count within a family, using information from multiple siblings if they are available. An existing correction for dependence between siblings in the presence of linkage is retained. To obtain an unbiased multihaplotype TDT, we must either count transmissions from one randomly chosen parent or count all transmissions and estimate the significance level empirically. Alternatively, we may use missing-data techniques to estimate uncertain haplotypes, but these methods are not robust to population stratification. An illustration using data from the insulin-gene region in type 1 diabetes shows that the validity and power of the TDT may vary by an order of magnitude, depending on the method of analysis.  相似文献   

Targeted minimum loss based estimation (TMLE) provides a template for the construction of semiparametric locally efficient double robust substitution estimators of the target parameter of the data generating distribution in a semiparametric censored data or causal inference model (van der Laan and Rubin (2006), van der Laan (2008), van der Laan and Rose (2011)). In this article we demonstrate how to construct a TMLE that also satisfies the property that it is at least as efficient as a user supplied asymptotically linear estimator. In particular it is shown that this type of TMLE can incorporate empirical efficiency maximization as in Rubin and van der Laan (2008), Tan (2008, 2010), Rotnitzky et al. (2012), and retain double robustness. For the sake of illustration we focus on estimation of the additive average causal effect of a point treatment on an outcome, adjusting for baseline covariates.  相似文献   

Cho M  Schenker N 《Biometrics》1999,55(3):826-833
Data obtained from studies in the health sciences often have incompletely observed covariates as well as censored outcomes. In this paper, we present methods for fitting the log-F accelerated failure time model with incomplete continuous and/or categorical time-independent covariates using the Gibbs sampler. A general location model that allows different covariance structures across cells is specified for the covariates, and ignorable missingness of the covariates is assumed. Techniques that accommodate standard assumptions of ignorable censoring as well as certain types of nonignorable censoring are developed. We compare our approach to traditional complete-case analysis in an application to data obtained from a study of melanoma. The comparison indicates that substantial gains in efficiency are possible with our approach.  相似文献   

O'Malley AJ  Normand SL 《Biometrics》2005,61(2):325-334
While several new methods that account for noncompliance or missing data in randomized trials have been proposed, the dual effects of noncompliance and nonresponse are rarely dealt with simultaneously. We construct a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the causal effect of treatment assignment for a two-armed randomized trial assuming all-or-none treatment noncompliance and allowing for subsequent nonresponse. The EM algorithm is used for parameter estimation. Our likelihood procedure relies on a latent compliance state covariate that describes the behavior of a subject under all possible treatment assignments and characterizes the missing data mechanism as in Frangakis and Rubin (1999, Biometrika 86, 365-379). Using simulated data, we show that the MLE for normal outcomes compares favorably to the method-of-moments (MOM) and the standard intention-to-treat (ITT) estimators under (1) both normal and non-normal data, and (2) departures from the latent ignorability and compound exclusion restriction assumptions. We illustrate methods using data from a trial to compare the efficacy of two antipsychotics for adults with refractory schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Growth competition assays have been developed to quantify the relative fitness of HIV-1 mutants. In this article, we develop mathematical models to describe viral/cellular dynamic interactions in the assay system from which the competitive fitness indices or parameters are defined. In our previous HIV-viral fitness experiments, the concentration of uninfected target cells was assumed to be constant (Wu et al. 2006). But this may not be true in some experiments. In addition, dual infection may frequently occur in viral fitness experiments and may not be ignorable. Here, we relax these two assumptions and extend our earlier viral fitness model (Wu et al. 2006). The resulting models then become nonlinear ODE systems for which closed-form solutions are not achievable. In the new model, the viral relative fitness is a function of time since it depends on the target cell concentration. First, we studied the structure identifiability of the nonlinear ODE models. The identifiability analysis showed that all parameters in the proposed models are identifiable from the flow-cytometry-based experimental data that we collected. We then employed a global optimization approach (the differential evolution algorithm) to directly estimate the kinetic parameters as well as the relative fitness index in the nonlinear ODE models using nonlinear least square regression based on the experimental data. Practical identifiability was investigated via Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

To test for association between a disease and a set of linked markers, or to estimate relative risks of disease, several different methods have been developed. Many methods for family data require that individuals be genotyped at the full set of markers and that phase can be reconstructed. Individuals with missing data are excluded from the analysis. This can result in an important decrease in sample size and a loss of information. A possible solution to this problem is to use missing-data likelihood methods. We propose an alternative approach, namely the use of multiple imputation. Briefly, this method consists in estimating from the available data all possible phased genotypes and their respective posterior probabilities. These posterior probabilities are then used to generate replicate imputed data sets via a data augmentation algorithm. We performed simulations to test the efficiency of this approach for case/parent trio data and we found that the multiple imputation procedure generally gave unbiased parameter estimates with correct type 1 error and confidence interval coverage. Multiple imputation had some advantages over missing data likelihood methods with regards to ease of use and model flexibility. Multiple imputation methods represent promising tools in the search for disease susceptibility variants.  相似文献   

Geometric morphometric methods constitute a powerful and precise tool for the quantification of morphological differences. The use of geometric morphometrics in palaeontology is very often limited by missing data. Shape analysis methods based on landmarks are very sensible but until now have not been adapted to this kind of dataset. To analyze the prospective utility of this method for fossil taxa, we propose a model based on prosimian cranial morphology in which we test two methods of missing data reconstruction. These consist of generating missing-data in a dataset (by increments of five percent) and estimating missing data using two multivariate methods. Estimates were found to constitute a useful tool for the analysis of partial datasets (to a certain extent). These results are promising for future studies of morphological variation in fossil taxa.  相似文献   

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