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The relations between the scientific and the social domains in the particular case of malaria had developed at three levels. The first one operates around the transformation of malaria into an escapable disease and the combined efforts of parasitology and entomology are mixed with the growing development of the concept of social medicine. The second one deals with the rhythm and the content of the measures taken to fight the disease in each concerned country; in that case, very peculiar site-time coordinates ask precise questions. At the same level can be placed the differences in the campaigns led against malaria in colonies and in the mainland, differences that it would be misleading to approach on the sole side of social determinism. Finally the third level corresponds to the complexity of the relationships between the international and the local domains, as present from the birth of "Office International d'Hygiène de la Société des Nations" and the involvement of the Rockefeller Foundation where two strategic positions can be detected opposing people minoring problems and those seeking for eradication, who indeed were opponents at the level of the scientific direction, but also originate within the socio-professional boundary of the members of each group, respectively.  相似文献   

Pays JF  Saliou P 《Parassitologia》2005,47(3-4):361-368
Franco-Brazilian cooperation in the field of microbiology and tropical diseases dates back to the onset of those disciplines. Physicians were sent over by France, namely Marchoux, Simond and Salimbeni from 1901 to 1905 to study yellow fever, and Emile Brumpt from 1913 to 1914 to teach parasitology. These missions brought in some important results. After confirming that the yellow fever agent was a filterable virus and that Stegomya (Aedes) its only vector, Simond and Marchoux clarified the biology of the mosquito and showed that sexual transmission of the virus could occur. They also set up different measures for the control of yellow fever outbreaks which Oswaldo Cruz was inspired by for his campaign against yellow fever. Emile Brumpt implemented the teaching of parasitology at the Faculty of Medicine in S?o Paulo and contributed to human American trypanosomiasis by defining the transmission of the disease and the cycle of the parasite responsible for it. He also developed the technique known as xenodiagnosis. Simond and Marchoux's works on yellow fever found an immediate application in French colonies, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the fight against large African endemics such as sleeping sickness, the other human trypanosomiases, could not have been carried out successfully without the contribution of mobile teams following Eugène Jamot's initiative in addition to the permanent centres which characterized the French colonial system.  相似文献   

Verhave JP 《Parassitologia》2000,42(1-2):111-115
Sixty years ago Professor Nico Swellengrebel wrote his famous book 'Malaria in the Netherlands' (Swellengrebel and de Buck, 1938). At that time tertian malaria was still endemic, with its epidemic ups and downs. Malaria disappeared as recently as 1960 and the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) contributed substantially to this effect. The Rockefeller Archives proved a valuable source of anecdotal information, which puts the scientific publications of the Dutch malariologists in a more vivid perspective. Following the course of history, first the already existing links with the RF are explained along with some peculiarities of tertian malaria in the Dutch temperate climate. The emergence of a new epidemic during the war years and the implication of new tools and principles for control as advocated by the RF are described. The subsequent shriveling of the vector population and the disappearance of malaria are presented, along with some details about the reluctance of WHO to declare the Netherlands malaria-free. Finally, recent unrest about possible return of malaria is put into perspective.  相似文献   

Despite the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union in the early 1920's, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research found ways to assist I.P. Pavlov. In addition to providing scientific literature and financial aid, these institutions and their officers rendered important moral support to the scientific career of Pavlov during his later years. In 1923, as a guest of the Rockefeller Institute, Pavlov visited American scientific laboratories. In 1924, he requested and received a number of books on physiology, and during the 1930's the Foundation helped him to acquire equipment for his Leningrad laboratory.  相似文献   

Stapleton DH 《Parassitologia》2000,42(1-2):127-134
The Rockefeller Foundation's support of malaria control and public health in Italy over three decades, the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, was one of the foundation's most successful collaborations in its history. Nearly one-sixth of the funds the Rockefeller Foundation allocated for malaria programs was spent in Italy in those years. Outstanding research, a new and important institution, and decided improvements in public health were historically-significant results. The three most important episodes of this American-Italian relationship were the operations of the Stazione Sperimentale per la Lotta Antimalarica, the founding of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, and the campaign to eradicate mosquitoes in Sardinia. In each of these episodes there was a tension between the international aspects and national aspects of the partnership that to some degree limited its success.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine historically the alternative between control and eradication of the infectious diseases, starting with the idea of eradication itself, a result of the Pasteurian revolution. The eradication of malaria in Italy is taken as a case study. Through an extensive use of the archival sources, the alternative between control and eradication is analysed for the first years of the Sardinian Project, directed by the Rockefeller Foundation, that resulted in the eradication of malaria in Sardinia. This program is compared with the different program, grounded in the Italian malariological tradition, that in the same years carried out the eradication of malaria in the rest of Italy.  相似文献   

Paratype material of Echinococcus cruzi Brumpt and Joyeux, 1924, described from an agouti, Dasyprocta leporina (L.), in Brazil, was compared with Echinococcus oligarthrus (Diesing, 1863), of which the larval stage occurs also in agoutis and other rodents in South America and Central America. Comparisons of the larval cestodes (metacestodes) showed that the rostellar hooks from protoscolices of the two taxa corresponded in form, and their slightly greater lengths in E. cruzi were considered to be of no taxonomic significance. They agreed as well in other morphological characteristics. Echinococcus cruzi was compared also with the other neotropical species, E. vogeli Rausch and Bernstein, 1972, Based on these comparisons and in agreement with the earlier conclusion of Cameron (1926), E. cruzi Brumpt and Joyeux, 1924 is placed in synonymy with E. oligarthrus (Diesing, 1863).  相似文献   

Yip K 《Parassitologia》2000,42(1-2):117-126
In November 1965, the World Health Organization (WHO) certified Taiwan as an area where malaria had been eradicated. Malaria eradication in Taiwan resulted from government initiatives and involvement, careful planning and organization, the development of basic health structure and community support, as well as the cooperation and assistance of international agencies. The Japanese colonial government of Taiwan had contributed to the antimalarial efforts through the establishment of a rudimentary health infrastructure and introduction of measures to combat malaria and other diseases during their occupation of the island from 1895 to 1945. The Chinese government regained control of the island after Japan's surrender in 1945, and with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, established a research institute to investigate the malaria problem. Political instability in 1949, however, caused the Foundation to end its support. After the Nationalist government moved to Taiwan, it continued antimalarial efforts which received the support of WHO and other international agencies. While Taiwan followed closely WHO's guidelines and plan of attack, the development of the program illustrates the importance of local factors in shaping its actual implementation and eventual success. Malaria eradication in Taiwan went through the following phases: preparatory (1946-1951); attack (1952-1957); consolidation (1958-1964); and maintenance (after 1965).  相似文献   

F. D. Bennett 《BioControl》1971,16(1):111-124
A review of recent attempts of biological control of small moth borers of sugar caneDiatraea spp in the various contries in the West Indies, North and South America is given. In several areas where successful biological control has been achieved, the relative costs of the campaigns and the resultant added revenue are discussed.
Résumé Il est procédé à une revue des récents essais de lutte biologique contre les petits foreurs de la Canne à sucre,Diatraea spp., dans diverses régions des Antilles et de l'Amérique du Nord et du Sud. Dans plusierus cas où des succès ont été obtenus, le bilan économique de l'intervention biologique est établi: frais occasionnés et bénéfices dus aux augmentations de récolte.

Presented at the symposium O.I.L.B. on borer of graminaceous plants. Paris, 24th sept. 1970  相似文献   

This is the report of a meeting held in Ahungalla, Sri Lanka, 16-19 January 1994, under the sponsorship of the Rockefeller Foundation, Health Sciences Division. The meeting was initiated jointly by the Rockefeller Foundation and the TDR Special Programme of the World Health Organization in order to bring together scientists with a wide spectrum of experience relating to malarial disease and pathogenesis. The objective was to generate interdisciplinary discussion ranging from the clinical pictures of malarial infections and their impact in different parts of the world, to current investigations on mechanisms of pathogenesis and clinical immunity and the genetic determinants in human and parasite populations affecting the nature of the disease.  相似文献   

P. Cochereau 《BioControl》1976,21(2):151-156
Résumé Une opération de lutte biologique contre l'araignéc rouge des cultures mara?chères (Tetranychus urticae Koch) a été réalisée en Nouvelle-Calédonie au moyen de l'acarien prédateurPhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, importé de France. L'attention est attirée sur le r?le important joué par les plantes adventices de bordure dans le maintien dans le milieu naturel des populations du ravageur et de son prédateur.
Summary A biological control campaign against the red spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.) on vegetable crops has been performed in New Caledonia with a predator mite (Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot) imported from France. It is noticed the prominent part played by edge weeds in keeping the pest and predator populations in the field.

Nájera JA 《Parassitologia》2001,43(1-2):1-89
Even if history has not always been the Magistra vitae, Cicero expected it to be, it should provide, as Baas said, a mirror in which to observe and compare the past and present in order to draw therefrom well-grounded conclusions for the future. Based on this belief, this paper aims to provide an overview of the foundations and development of malaria control policies during the XX century. It presents an analysis of the conflicting tendencies which shaped the development of these policies and which appear to have oscillated between calls for frontal attack in an all-out campaign and calls for sustainable gains, even if slow. It discusses the various approaches to the control of malaria, their achievements and their limitations, not only to serve as a background to understand better the foundations of current policies, but also to prevent that simplistic generalisations may again lead to exaggerated expectations and disillusion. The first part of the paper is devoted to the development of malaria control during the first half of the century, characterised by the ups and downs in the reliance on mosquito control as the control measure applicable everywhere. The proliferation of "man-made-malaria", which accompanied the push for economic development in most of the endemic countries, spurred the need for control interventions and, while great successes were obtained in many specific projects, the general campaigns proposed by the enthusiasts of vector control faced increasing difficulties in their practical implementation in the field. Important events, which may be considered representative of this period are, on the campaign approach, the success of Gorgas in the Panama Canal, but also the failure of the Mian Mir project in India; while on the developmental approach, the Italian and Dutch schools of malariology, the Tennessee Valley and the development of malaria sanitation, included the so called species sanitation. The projection of these developments to a global scale was steered by the Malaria Commission of the League of Nations and greatly supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. Perhaps the most important contribution of this period was the development of malaria epidemiology, including the study of the genesis of epidemics and their possible forecasting and prevention. Although the great effectiveness of DDT was perhaps the main determinant for proposing the global eradication of the disease in the 1950s, it was the confidence in the epidemiological knowledge and the prestige of malariology, which gave credibility to the proposal at the political level. The second part deals with the global malaria eradication campaign of the 1950s and 1960s. It recognises the enormous impact of the eradication effort in the consolidation of the control successes of the first half of the century, as well as its influence in the development of planning of health programmes. Nevertheless, it also stresses the negative influence that the failure to achieve its utopian expectations had on the general disappointment and slow progress of malaria control, which characterised the last third of the century. The paper then analyses the evolution of malaria control funding, which often appears out of tune with political statements. The fourth part is devoted to the search for realistic approaches to malaria control, leading to the adoption of the global malaria control strategy in Amsterdam in 1992, and the challenge, at the end of the century, to rally forces commensurate with the magnitude of the problem, while aiming at realistic objectives. After discussing the conflicting views on the relations between malaria and socio-economic development and the desirable integration of malaria control into sustainable development, the paper ends with some considerations on the perspectives of malaria control, as seen by the author in early 1998, just before the launching of the current Roll Back Malaria initiative by WHO.  相似文献   

The development of in silico genomics has progressed slowly in France for a number of political reasons. Two administrative organizations, the Groupement de Recherche sur les Génomes (GREG) and the Groupement de Recherche 1029 (GDR 1029) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) have been established. These organizations have created the dynamics that hopefully will place France (which coordinated consortia that completed several of the first large microbial genomes) among the developed nations that support Large-Scale Biology.  相似文献   

The vaccine Bacillus of Calmette Guérin (BCG) was originally developed in France as an oral vaccine against tuberculosis. The oral use of this vaccine was replaced by the parenteral route in almost all countries after the Lubeck disaster. In contrast, Brazil retained the oral delivery of the vaccine until the mid-seventies when it was replaced by the intradermal route. This change in route of delivery was mainly secondary to pressure by medical practitioners based on the poor responses of oral immunized subjects to purified protein derivative (PPD) skin tests. Even after the change of route of delivery, Ataulpho de Paiva Foundation continued making the oral vaccine. Currently, BCG Moreau has been described as one of the most immunogenic and with fewer side effects than other BCGs. The genomics, proteomics and vaccine trials for oral BCG Moreau Rio de Janeiro are currently under investigation. In this review, we intend to describe the history of BCG Moreau Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.  相似文献   

Endemic malaria has been eradicated from France, but some falciparum malaria cases have been described in patients who have never travelled outside the country. Ms. V. 21 year-old and Mr. M. 23 year-old living together in Paris were on holiday in Saint Raphaël (French Riviera). They presented with fever, vertigo and nausea. A blood smear made to control thrombocytopaenia revealed intra-erythrocytic forms of Plasmodium falciparum. The parasitaemia level was 0.15% for Ms. V and 3.2% for Mr. M. This couple had no history of blood transfusion or intravenous drug use. They had never travelled outside metropolitan France, but had recently travelled around France: to Saint Mard (close to Paris Charles de Gaulle (CdG) airport), to Barneville plage (in Normandy) and finally to Saint Raphaël. The most probable hypothesis is an infection transmitted in Saint Mard by an imported anopheline mosquito at CdG airport. The DNA analysis of parasites from Ms. V.'s and Mr. M.'s blood revealed identical genotypes. Because it is unlikely that two different anopheline mosquitoes would be infected by exactly the same clones, the two infections must have been caused by the infective bites of the same infected mosquito.  相似文献   

Attempts at malaria eradication this century have been highly effective but early successes have not been sustained. This has been ascribed to the lack of community involvement in these campaigns. Colombia has put huge effort into malaria control on a number of fronts, from vaccine development to the evaluation of the integrated use of more traditional methods. William Rojas, Fernando Pe?aranda and Mouricio Echavarria describe a pilot programme for integrated malaria control in Colombia whose success they attribute to committed community participation.  相似文献   

A sample of seventy-twoAphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) clones was collected in south-eastern France. The efficiency of these clones to transmit a potyvirus (papaya ringspot virus T-strain) was assessed in controlled conditions. In a first screening, the virus was transmitted by all clones and a 3.5-fold difference between the most and least efficient clones was obtained. During subsequent trials, which were carried out to confirm the differences in the transmission efficiency of these clones, only one clone proved to be more efficient than the others. This difference appeared consistent over a 1-year period, and was also confirmed with 4 other related potyviruses.
Résumé Un échantillon de 72 clones deA. gossypii a été collecté dans le Sud-Est de la France. L'efficacité de transmission d'un potyvirus (PRSV-T) a été mesurée en conditions contr?lées pour chacun de ces clones. Un premier screening a permis de montrer que tous les clones transmettaient ce virus, et qu'un rapport de 3,5 existait entre l'efficacité de transmission du clone le plus efficace et celle du clone le moins efficace. Au cours des essais ultérieurs destinés à confirmer ces différences, un seul clone s'est montré significativement plus efficace que les autres. Cette différence s'est maintenue pendant la période d'essais (1 an). Elle s'est reproduite avec 4 autre potyvirus apparentés.

J. T. Huber 《BioControl》1981,26(3):265-273
Longitarsus albineus (Foudras) is a potential agent for the biological control ofHeliotropium europaeum L. in Australia. The adults feed on the leaves and the larvae on the rootlets of the weed. Large populations of the beetle reduce plant vigour but rarely cause death of well established plants in the Mediterranean region. There are 3 beetle generations per year in southern France. Third generation adults overwinter and, at the first appearance of the weed in spring, start to feed and reproduce. Feeding trials of adults and larvae against a range of economically important plants and severalBoraginaceae demonstrated specificity to the genusHeliotropium.
Résumé Longitarsus albineus Foudras est un auxiliaire possible de lutte biologique contre l'adventiceHeliotropium europaeum Linnaeus en Australie. Les adultes se nourrissent des feuilles et les larves des radicelles d'héliotrope. Par forte infestation, le longitarse affecte la vigueur de la mauvaise herbe, dont il détermine rarement le dépérissement en région méditerranéenne. Le longitarse a 3 générations annuelles dans le midi de la France. Les adultes de la 3e génération hivernent, s'attaquant aux premières pousses d'héliotrope et se reproduisant dès le printemps. Des essais d'alimentation portant sur une série de plantes cultivées et plusieurs boraginées ont montré que larves et adultes sont spécifiques au genreHeliotropium.

The results of using enzyme immunoassay and latex preparations for the diagnosis of rotavirus gastroenteritis are presented. High effectiveness of the enzyme immunoassay system developed in the USSR with latex diagnostic agents, such as Rotalex (Orion Diagnostica, Finland), Slidex Rota Kit (BioMérieux, France), The Wellcome Rotavirus Latex Kit (Wellcome Foundation Ltd., Great Britain), 48-63% and 21-41% respectively, has been noted. The results of the comparison of the system developed in the USSR with Wellcozyme Rotavirus, an enzyme immunoassay system manufactured by Wellcome Foundation Ltd. (Great Britain), are practically comparable. The results of the block test and the confirmation test used for control indicate that the Soviet preparation is specific. Materials on the practical evaluation of the assay system at health institutions are presented. Good prospects for the use of this system in the diagnosis of rotavirus gastroenteritis, as well as in the realization of epidemiological surveillance on this infection, are substantiated.  相似文献   

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