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Certain indigenous estuarine bacteria, such as Vibrio vulnificus, may cause opportunistic human infections after consumption of raw oysters or exposure of tissues to seawater. V. vulnificus is known to be closely associated with oyster (Crassostrea virginica) tissues and is not removed by controlled purification methods, such as UV light-assisted depuration. In fact, when live shellfish are subjected to controlled purification, the number of V. vulnificus cells can markedly increase. A review of previous studies showed that few workers have examined mechanisms in oysters which may influence the persistence of V. vulnificus in shellfish, such as the fate of V. vulnificus following phagocytosis by molluscan hemocytes. The objectives of this study were to define the intracellular viability and extracellular viability of V. vulnificus during the phagocytic process and to study the release of specific lysosomal enzymes. The viability of a virulent estuarine V. vulnificus isolate with opaque morphology was compared with the viability of a translucent, nonvirulent form, the viability of Vibrio cholerae, and the viability of Escherichia coli in phagocytosis experiments. Our results showed that the levels of phagocytosis and bactericidal degradation of the opaque V. vulnificus isolate were less than the levels of phagocytosis and bactericial degradation of the translucent morphotype. These findings indicate that encapsulation may contribute to resistance to ingestion and degradation by hemocytes. The rates of intracellular death of V. cholerae and E. coli exceeded the rate of intracellular death of the opaque V. vulnificus isolate, even though the ingestion or uptake rates did not differ significantly. The levels of lysozyme activity and acid phosphatase activity were not significantly different in hemocyte monolayers inoculated with V. vulnificus.  相似文献   

The in vitro effects of the Perkinsus marinus serine protease on the intracellular survival of Vibrio vulnificus in oyster hemocytes were examined by using a time-course gentamicin internalization assay. Results showed that protease-treated hemocytes were initially slower to internalize V. vulnificus than untreated hemocytes. After 1 h, the elimination of V. vulnificus by treated hemocytes was significantly suppressed compared with hemocytes infected with invasive and noninvasive controls. Our data suggest that the serine protease produced by P. marinus suppresses the vibriocidal activity of oyster hemocytes to effectively eliminate V. vulnificus, potentially leading to conditions favoring higher numbers of vibrios in oyster tissues.  相似文献   

The human bacterial pathogen, Vibrio vulnificus, is found in brackish waters and is concentrated by filter-feeding molluscan shellfish, especially oysters, which inhabit those waters. Ingestion of raw or undercooked oysters containing virulent strains of V. vulnificus can result in rapid septicemia and death in 50 % of victims. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the environmental interactions between these two organisms, including the effects of salinity and temperature on colonization, uptake, and depuration rates of various phenotypes and genotypes of the bacterium, and host–microbe immunological interactions.  相似文献   

Oysters collected in late winter, when they were free of Vibrio vulnificus, were exposed in the organism in the laboratory. The oysters effectively concentrated the bacteria from seawater, but when the inoculum was removed, the bacteria were rapidly cleared from the oyster tissues. These results suggest that V. vulnificus may be found in oysters as a result of filtration of the bacteria from seawater rather than active multiplication of the bacteria in the oysters.  相似文献   

Oysters collected in late winter, when they were free of Vibrio vulnificus, were exposed in the organism in the laboratory. The oysters effectively concentrated the bacteria from seawater, but when the inoculum was removed, the bacteria were rapidly cleared from the oyster tissues. These results suggest that V. vulnificus may be found in oysters as a result of filtration of the bacteria from seawater rather than active multiplication of the bacteria in the oysters.  相似文献   

A procedure for enumerating and identifying Vibrio vulnificus in oysters was developed and evaluated. This method consists of growth on a direct plating medium (VVE medium) for isolating the organism from shellfish tissues, followed by biochemical tests for differentiating and identifying presumptively positive isolates. Densities of V. vulnificus are reliably obtained in 2 to 4 days, and as few as 10 culturable cells per 100 g can be identified. The procedure was evaluated by using a DNA probe technique specific for the cytotoxin-hemolysin gene of V. vulnificus and gas chromatographic analysis of the fatty acid contents of positive isolates. Only 3.2 and 0.4% of the isolates gave false-positive and false-negative results, respectively. The average level of recovery on VVE medium for 33 strains, including both clinical and environmental isolates, was 92% of the level of recovery obtained with brain heart infusion agar supplemented with 1% NaCl. The densities of V. vulnificus in oyster homogenates and individual oysters harvested from gulf and Atlantic coastal waters revealed that seasonally high levels occurred. The VVE medium procedure facilitated enumeration of this pathogen in molluscan shellfish and had a distinct advantage over the widely used most-probable-number procedure for V. vulnificus enumeration, which requires 5 to 7 days and often gives improbable and imprecise results.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is part of the natural estuarine microflora and accumulates in shellfish through filter feeding. It is responsible for the majority of seafood-associated fatalities in the United States mainly through consumption of raw oysters. Previously we have shown that a V. vulnificus mutant unable to express PilD, the type IV prepilin peptidase, does not express pili on the surface of the bacterium and is defective in adherence to human epithelial cells (R. N. Paranjpye, J. C. Lara, J. C. Pepe, C. M. Pepe, and M. S. Strom, Infect. Immun. 66:5659-5668, 1998). A mutant unable to express one of the type IV pilins, PilA, is also defective in adherence to epithelial cells as well as biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces (R. N. Paranjpye and M. S. Strom, Infect. Immun. 73:1411-1422, 2005). In this study we report that the loss of PilD or PilA significantly reduces the ability of V. vulnificus to persist in Crassostrea virginica over a 66-h interval, strongly suggesting that pili expressed by this bacterium play a role in colonization or persistence in oysters.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is part of the natural estuarine microflora and accumulates in shellfish through filter feeding. It is responsible for the majority of seafood-associated fatalities in the United States mainly through consumption of raw oysters. Previously we have shown that a V. vulnificus mutant unable to express PilD, the type IV prepilin peptidase, does not express pili on the surface of the bacterium and is defective in adherence to human epithelial cells (R. N. Paranjpye, J. C. Lara, J. C. Pepe, C. M. Pepe, and M. S. Strom, Infect. Immun. 66:5659-5668, 1998). A mutant unable to express one of the type IV pilins, PilA, is also defective in adherence to epithelial cells as well as biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces (R. N. Paranjpye and M. S. Strom, Infect. Immun. 73:1411-1422, 2005). In this study we report that the loss of PilD or PilA significantly reduces the ability of V. vulnificus to persist in Crassostrea virginica over a 66-h interval, strongly suggesting that pili expressed by this bacterium play a role in colonization or persistence in oysters.  相似文献   

Marine aggregates are naturally forming conglomerations of larvacean houses, phytoplankton, microbes, and inorganics adhered together by exocellular polymers. In this study, we show in vitro that the bacterial pathogen Vibrio vulnificus can be concentrated into laboratory-generated aggregates from surrounding water. We further show that environmental (E-genotype) strains exhibit significantly more integration into these aggregates than clinical (C-genotype) strains. Experiments where marine aggregates with attached V. vulnificus cells were fed to oysters (Crassostrea virginica) resulted in greater uptake of both C and E types than nonaggregated controls. When C- and E-genotype strains were cocultured in competitive experiments, the aggregated E-genotype strains exhibited significantly greater uptake by oyster than the C-genotype strains.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus biotype 1 strains can be classified into two genotypes based on the PCR analysis of variations in the virulence-correlated gene (vcg). Genotype has been correlated with human infection for 90% of isolates from human cases having the vcgC sequence type and 87% of environmental strains having the vcgE variant. In this study we examined the dynamics of V. vulnificus populations and the distribution of the two genotypes recovered from oysters and surrounding estuarine wasters. Analysis of 880 isolates recovered from oysters showed a disparity in the ratio of the two genotypes, with those of the vcgE (E) genotype accounting for 84.4% of the population. In contrast, 292 isolates recovered from the waters surrounding the oyster sites revealed an almost equal distribution of the two genotypes. The levels of vcgC (C genotype) strains from both sources increased as a percentage of the population as water temperatures increased, while no culturable V. vulnificus cells were recovered from December through February. Our results suggest that there is a selective advantage for strains of the E genotype within oysters while survival of the C genotype strains may be favored by increased water column temperatures. These data suggest that the low incidence of infections may be due to the comparatively rare consumption of an oyster that contains a greater number of V. vulnificus vcgC genotype strains than of vcgE genotype strains. Levels of the two genotypes as well as seasonal dynamics within both oyster tissue and the surrounding waters may aid in identifying risk factors associated with human infection.  相似文献   

Oysters naturally contaminated with 10(3) to 10(4) most probable numbers (MPN) of Vibrio vulnificus per g were relayed to offshore waters (salinity, 30 to 34 ppt), where they were suspended in racks at a depth of 7.6 m. V. vulnificus counts in oysters were reduced to < 10 MPN/g within 7 to 17 days in five of the six studies. At the end of the studies (17 to 49 days), V. vulnificus levels were reduced further and ranged from a mean of 0.23 to 2.6 MPN/g. Oyster mortalities during relaying were < 6%. The reduction of V. vulnificus in relayed oysters is associated with exposure to high-salinity environments essentially devoid of V. vulnificus. Offshore suspension relaying may be a method that industry can employ to reduce V. vulnificus levels in raw Gulf Coast oysters.  相似文献   

When two species of shellstock oysters were artificially contaminated with Vibrio vulnificus, the bacterium survived when the oysters were stored at 10 degrees C and below. Large numbers of endogenous V. vulnificus cells were found after 7 days at both 0.5 and 10 degrees C in uninoculated control oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Oysters allowed to take up V. vulnificus from seawater retained the bacterium for 14 days at 2 degrees C. The presence of V. vulnificus in the drip exuded from the shellstock presented a possibility of contamination of other shellstock in storage. V. vulnificus injected into shucked Pacific (Crassostrea gigas) and Eastern (C. virginica) oysters survived at 4 degrees C for at least 6 days. An 18-h most-probable-number enrichment step in alkaline peptone water gave higher recovery levels of V. vulnificus than did direct plating to selective agars. The survival of this pathogen in both shellstock and shucked oysters suggests a potential for human illness, even though the product is refrigerated.  相似文献   

When two species of shellstock oysters were artificially contaminated with Vibrio vulnificus, the bacterium survived when the oysters were stored at 10 degrees C and below. Large numbers of endogenous V. vulnificus cells were found after 7 days at both 0.5 and 10 degrees C in uninoculated control oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Oysters allowed to take up V. vulnificus from seawater retained the bacterium for 14 days at 2 degrees C. The presence of V. vulnificus in the drip exuded from the shellstock presented a possibility of contamination of other shellstock in storage. V. vulnificus injected into shucked Pacific (Crassostrea gigas) and Eastern (C. virginica) oysters survived at 4 degrees C for at least 6 days. An 18-h most-probable-number enrichment step in alkaline peptone water gave higher recovery levels of V. vulnificus than did direct plating to selective agars. The survival of this pathogen in both shellstock and shucked oysters suggests a potential for human illness, even though the product is refrigerated.  相似文献   

This study investigated the temperature and salinity parameters associated with waters and oysters linked to food-borne Vibrio vulnificus infections. V. vulnificus was enumerated in oysters collected at three northern Gulf Coast sites and two Atlantic Coast sites from July 1994 through September 1995. Two of these sites, Black Bay, La., and Apalachicola Bay, Fla., are the source of the majority of the oysters implicated in V. vulnificus cases. Oysters in all Gulf Coast sites exhibited a similar seasonal distribution of V. vulnificus: a consistently large number (median concentration, 2,300 organisms [most probable number] per g of oyster meat) from May through October followed by a gradual reduction during November and December to ≤10 per g, where it remained from January through mid-March, and a sharp increase in late March and April to summer levels. V. vulnificus was undetectable (<3 per g) in oysters from the North and South Carolina sites for most of the year. An exception occurred when a late-summer flood caused a drop in salinity in the North Carolina estuary, apparently causing V. vulnificus numbers to increase briefly to Gulf Coast levels. At Gulf Coast sites, V. vulnificus numbers increased with water temperatures up to 26°C and were constant at higher temperatures. High V. vulnificus levels (>103 per g) were typically found in oysters from intermediate salinities (5 to 25 ppt). Smaller V. vulnificus numbers (<102 per g) were found at salinities above 28 ppt, typical of Atlantic Coast sites. On 11 occasions oysters were sampled at times and locations near the source of oysters implicated in 13 V. vulnificus cases; the V. vulnificus levels and environmental parameters associated with these samples were consistent with those of other study samples collected from the Gulf Coast from April through November. These findings suggest that the hazard of V. vulnificus infection is not limited to brief periods of unusual abundance of V. vulnificus in Gulf Coast oysters or to environmental conditions that are unusual to Gulf Coast estuaries.  相似文献   

A tetrazolium dye reduction assay was used to study factors governing the killing of bacteria by oyster hemocytes. In vitro tests were performed on bacterial strains by using hemocytes from oysters collected from the same location in winter and summer. Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains, altered in motility or colonial morphology (opaque and translucent), and Listeria monocytogenes mutants lacking catalase, superoxide dismutase, hemolysin, and phospholipase activities were examined in winter and summer. Vibrio vulnificus strains, opaque and translucent (with and without capsules), were examined only in summer. Among V. parahaemolyticus and L. monocytogenes, significantly (P < 0.05) higher levels of killing by hemocytes were observed in summer than in winter. L. monocytogenes was more resistant than V. parahaemolyticus or V. vulnificus to the bactericidal activity of hemocytes. In winter, both translucent strains of V. parahaemolyticus showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher susceptibility to killing by hemocytes than did the wild-type opaque strain. In summer, only one of the V. parahaemolyticus translucent strains showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher susceptibility to killing by hemocytes than did the wild-type opaque strain. No significant differences (P > 0.05) in killing by hemocytes were observed between opaque (encapsulated) and translucent (nonencapsulated) pairs of V. vulnificus. Activities of 19 hydrolytic enzymes were measured in oyster hemolymph collected in winter and summer. Only one enzyme, esterase (C4), showed a seasonal difference in activity (higher in winter than in summer). These results suggest that differences existed between bacterial genera in their ability to evade killing by oyster hemocytes, that a trait(s) associated with the opaque phenotype may have enabled V. parahaemolyticus to evade killing by the oyster’s cellular defense, and that bactericidal activity of hemocytes was greater in summer than in winter.  相似文献   

Phages infecting Vibrio vulnificus were abundant (>104 phages g of oyster tissue−1) throughout the year in oysters (Crassostrea virginica) collected from estuaries adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico (Apalachicola Bay, Fla.; Mobile Bay, Ala.; and Black Bay, La.). Estimates of abundance ranged from 101 to 105 phages g of oyster tissue−1 and were dependent on the bacterial strain used to assay the sample. V. vulnificus was near or below detection limits (<0.3 cell g−1) from January through March and was most abundant (103 to 104 cells g−1) during the summer and fall, when phage abundances also tended to be greatest. The phages isolated were specific to strains of V. vulnificus, except for one isolate that caused lysis in a few strains of V. parahaemolyticus. Based on morphological evidence obtained by transmission electron microscopy, the isolates belonged to the Podoviridae, Styloviridae, and Myoviridae, three families of double-stranded DNA phages. One newly described morphotype belonging to the Podoviridae appears to be ubiquitous in Gulf Coast oysters. Isolates of this morphotype have an elongated capsid (mean, 258 nm; standard deviation, 4 nm; n = 35), with some isolates having a relatively broad host range among strains of V. vulnificus. Results from this study indicate that a morphologically diverse group of phages which infect V. vulnificus is abundant and widely distributed in oysters from estuaries bordering the northeastern Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is an estuarine bacterium which can cause opportunistic infections in humans consuming raw Gulf Coast oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Although V. vulnificus is known as a ubiquitous organism in the Gulf of Mexico, its ecological relationship with C. virginica has not been adequately defined. The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that V. vulnificus is a persistent microbial flora of oysters and unamenable to traditional methods of controlled purification, such as UV light depuration. Experimental depuration systems consisted of aquaria containing temperature-controlled seawater treated with UV light and 0.2-microns-pore-size filtration. V. vulnificus was enumerated in seawater, oyster shell biofilms, homogenates of whole oyster meats, and tissues including the hemolymph, digestive region, gills, mantle, and adductor muscle. Results showed that depuration systems conducted at temperatures greater than 23 degrees C caused V. vulnificus counts to increase in oysters, especially in the hemolymph, adductor muscle, and mantle. Throughout the process, depuration water contained high concentrations of V. vulnificus, indicating that the disinfection properties of UV radiation and 0.2-microns-pore-size filtration were less than the rate at which V. vulnificus was released into seawater. Approximately 10(5) to 10(6) V. vulnificus organisms were released from each oyster per hour, with 0.05 to 35% originating from shell surfaces. These surfaces contained greater than 10(3) V. vulnificus organisms per cm2. In contrast, when depuration seawater was maintained at 15 degrees C, V. vulnificus was not detected in seawater and multiplication in oyster tissues was inhibited.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is an estuarine bacterium which can cause opportunistic infections in humans consuming raw Gulf Coast oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Although V. vulnificus is known as a ubiquitous organism in the Gulf of Mexico, its ecological relationship with C. virginica has not been adequately defined. The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that V. vulnificus is a persistent microbial flora of oysters and unamenable to traditional methods of controlled purification, such as UV light depuration. Experimental depuration systems consisted of aquaria containing temperature-controlled seawater treated with UV light and 0.2-microns-pore-size filtration. V. vulnificus was enumerated in seawater, oyster shell biofilms, homogenates of whole oyster meats, and tissues including the hemolymph, digestive region, gills, mantle, and adductor muscle. Results showed that depuration systems conducted at temperatures greater than 23 degrees C caused V. vulnificus counts to increase in oysters, especially in the hemolymph, adductor muscle, and mantle. Throughout the process, depuration water contained high concentrations of V. vulnificus, indicating that the disinfection properties of UV radiation and 0.2-microns-pore-size filtration were less than the rate at which V. vulnificus was released into seawater. Approximately 10(5) to 10(6) V. vulnificus organisms were released from each oyster per hour, with 0.05 to 35% originating from shell surfaces. These surfaces contained greater than 10(3) V. vulnificus organisms per cm2. In contrast, when depuration seawater was maintained at 15 degrees C, V. vulnificus was not detected in seawater and multiplication in oyster tissues was inhibited.  相似文献   

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